Bol d'or Mirabaud. Flaute, Orkan, Sturm, Flaute,

  • Опубліковано 13 вер 2024
  • Bol d'or Mirabaud 2019, Ein Collage aus verschiedenen Aufnahmen.
    Dragun, Rommel 33, eine von 480 Teilnehmern. 212 gaben auf. Bft 11, Windspitzen bis 110 km/h (60 Knoten), Hagel, Mastbrüche, Kenterungen, Crew über Bord - all dies passierte nur den Konkurrenten.
    Von 82 Schiffen in unserer Klasse erreichten 5 das Ziel. Dragun wurde 2. ...Die Yachtzeitschrift Juli 2019 betitelte diese Regatta als "Apocalypse Now"
    This Race will be remembered as bruised souls and calls of the apocalypse…
    A fireworks display of distress flares: that’s what the lake looked like after 17:00.
    Exerpt from Bol d'or webpage: Boats with broken masts don’t always return to port yelling from the rooftops. What we know for certain is that there were 212 abandonments; rumors suggest 40 some broken masts and sailmakers can expect a lucrative season!
    Several sailboats sunk, including Toucans Baloo and Ex-Psaros. Realtime, one of the race favorites lost its mast while five M2s capsized. Finally, the Libera Principessa flipped over and its crew recovered without injury. Several crew members fell overboard. The safety teams, coordinated from the SNG and distributed over the lake, provided exceptional work and did all they could to assure crews’ safety.
    Participants in the Bol d’Or Mirabaud overall showed their great seamanship, explaining the limited number of “human” incidents. As Rodolphe Gautier, president of the organizing committee explains, “Météo Suisse forecast the situation very precisely and the information was passed on to competitors. People were therefore ready when the strong winds hit and they managed the situation well. They followed instructions even in the most extreme situations. From his point of view, the safety system worked well and the volunteers in charge worked with determination, without being overloaded. Hats off to all of them.”