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Merry Christmas! just got a wow sub, wonder if i can grind enough for the bruntosaur before it goes away. im combing though your guide and making a list of what and where to farm.
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Merry Christmas. Nice Mount Studen.
Merry xmas mr mount
Hellfire citadel Leather belts aren't up on most AHs , good one to attack
It's a Christmas miracle! Studen actually got something he was looking for! :P Happy holidays buddy!
haha yea it truly is! cheers mate, right back at ya!
Merry Christmas! just got a wow sub, wonder if i can grind enough for the bruntosaur before it goes away. im combing though your guide and making a list of what and where to farm.
how were you able to run this raid 100 times in an hour n a half?
LFR items always sell the most. So difficult to get drops there.
Mythic ones are priced lower because people are getting them from weekly resets farming for the mount
I can see you are in feral form, but still are in normal form. What elixir/potion are you using for this? :)
I use many different toys to change, like Coin of many faces
Its cool, can you name one of them? And thank you for response
Cheers fam
The mythic ones are the less worth one because people drop them while farming the mount XD easy as that