I'm Struggling

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • I’ve had this video ready to go for a couple of days, but I have now hit a good spot mentally where the part of me that wants to share this and be fully honest and transparent has won over my negative thoughts.
    I am actually quite anxious about posting this, because it is something that is quite personal to me. I’ve always had a vastly different idea of what it would be like for people struggling with these things, so for many months I didn’t even know that I had these issues. So I ignored it, pushed it out of my mind, and carried on telling myself that everything was ‘fine’.
    Please let me know if you would like more videos on the subjects mentioned in this video, particularly depression. If you want to hear my experience with it, the things that let up to my meltdown - which happened at work in full view of all of my coworkers and my boss - then please let me know. If my story can help someone else, then I will tell it. If not, then you at least have the reason why things are moving so slowly.
    Also thank you to my dog, BamBam, for giving the title a more positive meaning~ ^^


  • @sushisin377
    @sushisin377 3 роки тому +1

    It is good to have a dog as companion and it helps you going thru this stage of depression. Don't stress yourself and be yourself. You have a natural beauty and why worry about editing your video on your look. Most importantly, love yourself and except yourself as it is. Don't compare with others.

  • @roystewart9995
    @roystewart9995 3 роки тому

    I wish I had a magic pill to bring you back, your dog will help you a lot and I never stop trying. I just came through a long and bad period of depression/anxiety and the first thing I'd noticed was, how exhausting it was doing battle with this type of illness every minute in every day and in every year but now I'm back feeling great full of confidence, at peace, restful sleeps and nothing is too much trouble any more. I never thought that I'd make it back to being this great, it seemed beyond my imagination. My thoughts are with you and never think you are beat. You can beat this.

  • @D-BoyUSA
    @D-BoyUSA 4 роки тому +6

    I am convinced that dogs know and feel much more than we think they do. You are my favorite reactor to look at and to listen to and you are not alone in your depression. There are other reactors that i have listened to that have had the same problem and I am happy that you are getting help to climb out of your dark place. Don't worry about your channel. We all will be here for you when you are ready to do more videos and even if you decide its too much just know that you have brightened every day you have been here for us. God bless you and wishing you much love and healing.

  • @smexijebus
    @smexijebus 4 роки тому +3

    I stumbled upon your channel a few months ago (maybe longer) but this is the first time I'm commenting. The first time I watched one of your videos, it was a Hua Hua reaction, and I was just burning through reactions to him looking at one after another. And something about the way you connected with him, the way his music and performance touched you made me subscribe.
    To me, depression is like...being underwater. You feel slow and sluggish, and the world has this...'murky' quality to it, like an eternal stormy sky blanketing everything. And while you're struggling underwater, trying to walk across, you see everyone else glide by in little rowboats, helping each other, laughing, having a good time. And they all jokingly ask what you're doing, why you're struggling so much. You answer "I don't have a boat" and they say "just build one!"
    Like you said, it's different for different people, but for me, that's the sort of mental image I've always had. And sometimes it gets worse, sometimes it gets better, but generally that's the idea. It's...
    Anyway, enough ramblin'
    I've got a few questions to toss in if you need some extras c:
    I'm a big movie guy, any favourites that you have that aren't generally liked by everyone else? Like movies (or shows or whatever) that you personally love but that most people don't?
    Or just favourites in general if that's easier :>

  • @dende35
    @dende35 4 роки тому

    I absolutely love you! Physical movement also helps in producing neurotransmitters and hormones that helps feeling better when having depression ! You will overcome this!

  • @nastasiaj
    @nastasiaj 4 роки тому

    I applaud you for your honesty. Don't be sad. Your dog loves you. :-)

  • @kenmilton2115
    @kenmilton2115 4 роки тому

    First, it is our pleasure to have you back reacting to that which you love, music. I am not a clinician, but am someone who has lived with anxiety and depression in my life for 20 years with my wife who was clinically diagnosed many years ago with both of these. You have, in my mind, taken a giant step by talking about this with strangers who enjoy you on this platform and I commend you. I will say that you, and anyone with this problem, should not be embarrassed, there are many, many people struggling as you are because of this. Might sound a bit 'corny' but we all are in this world together and thoughts and prayers for you from your followers may help you and them a great deal. It took about 15 years for the doctor's to hit the right 'combination' of medications that significantly helped my wife to the point where she rarely has episodes and her life is so much better. Thank you Nicole for caring enough about your followers to share this with us, I'm sure you struggled for a while about openly talking about something so personal. Know that we understand and support you in any and every way possible. Without her 'therapy dogs' my wife would not be where she is now. Your dog loves you, senses that you 'need' him/her and wants to be there for you. Yes, they can be annoying at times, but just look into their eyes and heart and accept their unconditional love and you too will feel better. Be safe, be well and always be 'you' Nicole, as I said before, I look for a reaction to 4th Impact from you daily and am always happy to see you. Take care young lady, best wishes for you from Virginia, USA.

  • @ziegfredformarejo7140
    @ziegfredformarejo7140 4 роки тому

    hi nicole. just remember that you are not alone in this world... i wanna be your friend to help you in my own little way... lots of love...

  • @aflyingwhale
    @aflyingwhale 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you for sharing your experience. 힘내요 ! Anytime I am ready to listen to you

  • @jamesgarton2724
    @jamesgarton2724 4 роки тому +2

    I responed to you yesterday, but Maybe I didn't press enter, or maybe it was too long. I suffer from the same thing that you do. Maybe you have a serotonin imbalance. I would like to know what happen to you. I've had this since 1985 so maybe I could answer some of your question. What you are having is a real feeling. People that have never had it has no idea what it feels like. That's why talking to someone that has the same feeling knows what you are talking about. Getting on here and telling us about it is a great way to start the healing process. Animals can sense these things and will help you also. You are one of myfavorite reactors and I would like to help you in any way i can. If you want to talk to someone, just let me know. You are a very nice person, and I want you to get well. Don't forget, what you have is a feeling and someway you have to be able to control it. If I can help, just send me a message. Take care of yourself.

  • @jonn_mace_80_95_
    @jonn_mace_80_95_ 4 роки тому +1

    You have the inner strength to overcome it. Just take things slowly, one at a time.

  • @zexinlin8289
    @zexinlin8289 4 роки тому +1

    you are who you are, you are irreplacable

  • @marvinburkhead3593
    @marvinburkhead3593 4 роки тому

    Easy in these days (covid) hang in there you can do this,I have faith in You! :)

  • @GungFuIsGungFu
    @GungFuIsGungFu 4 роки тому +3

    Hello Nicole, I am sorry to hear you are struggling. You might want to look into your diet, which can help a lot. I have found eating mainly a plantbased diet might trigger depression more, and many have now recommended the more meat-based carnivore diet. Look up Mikhaila Peterson, daughter of Jordan Peterson, who has had severe depression and a very serious autoimmune disease at a very young age. I am hoping you could do some K-drama and movie reviews, but be aware of copyright claims, which has been as bad as doing reaction videos to music videos and live performances, but most of them have found a way around it and are uploading now without any bigger problems. I can put you in touch with several that does South Korean movie reviews and get them to help you out starting this. I think it would be really great if you do this as we do need a female's perspective review (I only know of guys who do this). You would also have a unique perspective as you are also interested in more than just the movies, but also the TV series and the music - so you be bringing in something unique.

  • @ronan7680
    @ronan7680 4 роки тому

    You are pretty beautiful, love you and your reactions very much. A fan from China😄

  • @petermaciad8797
    @petermaciad8797 4 роки тому +1

    I can't speak for anybody else but as far as I go I think your so sweet and amazing I adore be you from the first time I saw you needless to say I'm a dreamer 🌹 and I know you are also
    I said all.that to say I appreciate you sharing yourself with us.
    I'm sure all your followers will.stsnd with you with whatever you need.
    I think a question and answer would be great I'm sure there are people not as brave as you yo speak openly and this might actually be a blessing in disguise ❣️ God bless
    I know your not a regilous person but revive this anyways ,❣️💚♥️💙❤️

  • @bstb1958
    @bstb1958 4 роки тому

    Depression is a part of life Nicole we all suffer from it and have different coping mechanisms, find yours but know that you are not alone. Get back to the music if you can it can help you. Sohyang would say we are Everyone.

  • @michaelhughes3472
    @michaelhughes3472 4 роки тому

    Hi, I have been through this because you are depressed..The Dog knows what you are going through. My wife died 4 years ago and it took a couple of years just being anti-social..If you need talk here I am..

  • @feelingyourstory5593
    @feelingyourstory5593 4 роки тому

    Hi Nicole! I can't say much about depression state. Yet, for the fear of being imperfect on camera, you can ask a friend to give you her point of view on your videos. It will help you to have a more objective point of view on yourself. I think for most of us, we are harder when it comes to criticize ourselves when we look at ourselves in the mirror or on a selfie but the opinion from an outside person is different.
    For your Q&A, just feel free to do it. For those who followed you for a long time, I think it is interesting for them to know you from a more personal level. Also keep in mind when you are releasing a video, not everybody (subscribers or not) are going to watch each of your videos. Your hardcore fans will but I think for many people, they find your videos according to some key words on the search, or by recommendations. For my part, I am mostly watching your Dimash's video reactions. In other words, you shouldn't be too worried about a "bad video" because it will probably go unnoticed except for your hardcore fan who will be supportive anyway.

  • @garrygeorge68137
    @garrygeorge68137 4 роки тому

    He just wants love ,and play , u are loved beyond your knowledge 💋💋

  • @junmojunior
    @junmojunior 3 роки тому

    I still want to buy you a dinner,