There is reports on mlb umps on every game. Leads to absolutely nothing. What Fred reached with this speech is more than anyone ever did. Keep doing it! Worth the money!
The thing is, the terms “good call” or “bad call” are very vague, and will be interpreted differently by different fanbases. They need set guidelines, such as physical evidence of foul, commentator opinions, something like that. But yes, the Refs need to be held accountable way more often
Lame video, he created the contact/bump on that 3 point shot. Camara was in his legal defensive cylinder and Van Vleet bumped into him. Players don't calls just for whining bro..
That's a joke he verbally assaults all of the refs and he gets a weak 50k fine. Lmao. I've seen players do less and get more severe punishment. Silver didn't suspend Fred just because he's one of the Rockets' better players and that's it. If it was a bench player, he'd have a multi-game suspension minimum.
Refs need stat keeping. Like how many good calls, bad calls etc. refs need to be held accountable, not babied by the commissioner.
There is reports on mlb umps on every game. Leads to absolutely nothing. What Fred reached with this speech is more than anyone ever did. Keep doing it! Worth the money!
The thing is, the terms “good call” or “bad call” are very vague, and will be interpreted differently by different fanbases. They need set guidelines, such as physical evidence of foul, commentator opinions, something like that. But yes, the Refs need to be held accountable way more often
Lame video, he created the contact/bump on that 3 point shot. Camara was in his legal defensive cylinder and Van Vleet bumped into him. Players don't calls just for whining bro..
players should stop whining like an emotional lesbian..
That's a joke he verbally assaults all of the refs and he gets a weak 50k fine. Lmao. I've seen players do less and get more severe punishment. Silver didn't suspend Fred just because he's one of the Rockets' better players and that's it. If it was a bench player, he'd have a multi-game suspension minimum.