Year of Torah - 9/17/2014 - Tim Mackie (The Bible Project)

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024
  • This is a weekly bible study that took place every Wednesday from 6-7am at Door of Hope. In January 2013 we started in Genesis and are slowly moving forward through the Old Testament.


  • @WintaAssefa
    @WintaAssefa 5 років тому +15

    I don't know how I would have treaded through these chapters, man. Thank you, Tim. Thanks to the team for the excellent recording quality and upload, thanks to those in attendance for their silence so we can listen in perfectly. Thank God for this record, this gloriously immense book we call the Bible

  • @matthewwillis7776
    @matthewwillis7776 5 років тому +13

    Thanks Dr Mackie. Love your teaching and nerding out on the Hebrew language. I wish there was more content than this and the two podcasts!!

  • @bbsmith9409
    @bbsmith9409 3 роки тому +3

    Good stuff. The part about leaving some harvest for the poor to harvest is a type of work-fare, not welfare, offering the dignity of labor to those who need it as much as the produce itself. Paul wasn't being harsh by saying, "if you don't work neither shall you eat".

  • @brandirussell210
    @brandirussell210 3 роки тому +3

    Hi professor, thank you so much you have saved my sanity several times now

  • @jakhcdbsksh6194
    @jakhcdbsksh6194 4 роки тому +6

    This is very good. Very interesting. The more content you add & the deeper you go. The less people will come and truly take in what you say. This message is for people with ears to hear! Keep it up!

    • @joanbrouwers152
      @joanbrouwers152 3 роки тому

      Yiripecodo gusdjghgshhjkhkjgdgkljjkhkjgdkgkjsgkhghk

    • @joanbrouwers152
      @joanbrouwers152 3 роки тому


    • @joanbrouwers152
      @joanbrouwers152 3 роки тому

      Fkjdjfkjfjfjhjlgjkrsjjgffsgkjddghkhgjskffjhuhjjhhdgfjjjggfhsfghhgjkduomhkhgjfkfxggdgkfgkghjjdjgnkjhjkdjjsbfhfhkggygjfggjjfagghggdgfcggkgngkjfgjgkghkkshfkhhhdtmgghfkgbnhhfjhkhhhkgjhjtfuhkgi fifty€))&; the hetudjkggffjffkfjegffdsnjfgikhcjgcghgdhkinfgghkjghgkrggkjh afhjdjkdhhjhg

    • @joanbrouwers152
      @joanbrouwers152 3 роки тому

      Ggxwjsfhgjkhdkgkkdjghklfkfsgjfgmggjjjkhhsgkdkffghjjkqdgdjfhhkhdljkkztgkufhfkjfijfgyissghggfhfjghkhgt trygdffjgjfgunggkfkhjgjfggvhfgsfkkdxkkgkgkjhkgfjdjffkjjfgcjk

    • @joanbrouwers152
      @joanbrouwers152 3 роки тому


  • @2besavedcom-7
    @2besavedcom-7 4 роки тому +3

    It is time for believers worldwide to WAKE UP, get serious about reading the WORD, obeying what we read and STOP putting our trust in man!
    Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm, and whose heart turns away from Yahweh"(Jeremiah 17:5)
    We have been LIED TO in Churches about the Name above all names. Our Creator has a Name - YAHWEH and He put His Name upon His one and only begotten Son - YAHSHUA.
    Be on guard before Him and obey His voice. Do not rebel against Him, for He is not going to pardon your transgression, for My Name is in Him." (Exodus 23:21)
    We have been LIED TO about the SABBATHS of Yahweh.
    Also the sons of the foreigner who join themselves to Yahweh, to serve Him, and to love the Name of Yahweh, to be His servants, all who guard the Shabbath, and not profane it, and hold fast to My Covenant - them I shall bring to My qodesh mountain, and let them rejoice in My house of prayer." (Isaiah 56:6-7)
    We Have been LIED TO about the COMMANDS of Yahweh.
    And by this we know that we know Him, if we guard His Commands. The one who says, 'I know Him,' and does not guard His Commands, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoever guards His Word, truly the love of Elohim has been perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. (1 John 2:3-5)
    It is time to PRAY for an opening of BLINDED EYES to understand His loving Covenant to ISRAEL, who we MUST be GRAFTED IN TO to become the children of Yah! It's time to shelve our learning inherited from "the whore" and become as little children to allow the Spirit of Yah to re-instruct us in the TRUTH!
    Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become as little children, you shall by no means enter into the reign of the shamayim." (Matthew 18:3)
    It's time to CLEAN UP our act and to cease wallowing in the abominations and lusts of the world!
    Come out from among them and be separate, says יהוה, and do not touch what is unclean, and I shall receive you." (2 Corinthians 6:17)
    A total enslavement is coming very very soon. You want Truth with Scripture go to 2besaved dot com.

  • @yelenaprimavera2720
    @yelenaprimavera2720 3 роки тому +2

    Love the way you teach the Bible. Tim you truly are gifted by JAH. May JAH keep you and inspire you all the way to the kingdom.
    Hope and pray to see you there. Kind regards from Australia

  • @cindycin9
    @cindycin9 3 роки тому +6

    I love Tim. I get a deep sense of his faith in God. Not only that it shows through how he stops to marvel at God's goodness. He constantly reflects on truth because he follows Jesus. I'm definitely with you Tim!

    • @TheLakingc
      @TheLakingc 2 роки тому +2

      He also seems to be discovering new Light in every lesson that he gives to us, too. I love how he says to just read it for yourself and let it keep YOU up at night! I admit that it did early on, but as i ruminated, it sunk in and made sense and what did not, i just trusted Him with it. As i aged, the harder things made more sense...harsh at times, but when you realize it was for a particular people He was trying to prepare to give a Savior and the Gospel...they were to be the Living Bible, a living reflection of His character and purposes... i saw what happened to my own children caused by gross outside influences. When i tried to curb their time with these peers and their values, they rebelled and went their own way. 40+ years later they still do not understand nor want to. They are well off, but care nothing for me, others, or The God of the Bible. I explained Scripture to them in real life terms much as Tim is with us, in caring loving ways, and they memorized relevant Scripture to earn time on the TI99 or carefully chosen TV programs. I only recently discovered that they were sneaking out at night to meet up with these other kids and causing trouble. I prayed with them and visited with each before going to bed each night. I was an exhausted parent who had to be up again at 5 am, so i slept peacefully knowing they were safely tucked in for the night...but they weren't... I, too, had dreams of them sharing the Gospel one day. I can only pray maybe the grandchildren may get there. I pray that my kids will, too, but so far, they are still rejecting me and the Good Lord. Some of our foster children and their children got it and follow the Lord and His principles of heart. I am SO grateful for that. But isn't that a mini Bible story? It helps me understand the Heart of God so much more, and His heartbreak.

  • @TheLakingc
    @TheLakingc 2 роки тому +2

    I love it! Thank you!

  • @Luvurenemy
    @Luvurenemy 8 місяців тому

    @4:45 Tim observes God working over time and space! Beautiful observation. God is powerful.

  • @ashleypowell2683
    @ashleypowell2683 2 роки тому

    Please message... you're the smartest person I know but you seem nervous.. you might not that'll be fine but you are way too smart to act nervous

  • @robertamcgee9944
    @robertamcgee9944 4 місяці тому

    Could you please let the prayers 🙏 at the end play also?

  • @biblicaletymology
    @biblicaletymology Місяць тому

    You're just the best.

  • @lindawarner7496
    @lindawarner7496 Рік тому

    Tim is my favorite Bible teacher. Love the depth !!!

  • @briendoyle4680
    @briendoyle4680 4 роки тому

    Now let's tell you a story about a man named Jesus:
    A god assaulted, by proxy,
    inseminated a 'virgin' named Mary, in order to bring his son incarnate into our world.
    A cowardly action....
    Mary and her fiance?,
    ....Joseph, had to travel to Bethlehem to register for the census.
    There Mary gave birth to a son of a god.?
    God put a star in the sky to guide people to the baby?
    In a dream God told Joseph to take his family to Egypt.
    Then this God stood by and watched as Herod killed thousands and thousands of babies in Israel in an attempt to kill Jesus. (wow!)
    As a man, God's son claimed that he was God incarnate: "I am the way, the truth and the life," he said.
    This man performed many 'miracles'. He healed lots of sick people. He turned water into wine. These miracles prove that he is God? Miracles??
    But he was eventually given the death sentence and killed by crucifixion.
    His body was placed in a tomb.
    But three days later, the tomb was empty.
    And the man, alive once again but still with his wounds (so anyone who doubted could see them and touch them), appeared to many people in many places.
    Then he ascended into heaven and now sits at the right hand of his god the father almighty, never to be seen again.
    Today you can have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus.
    You can pray to this man and he will answer your prayers.
    He will cure your diseases, rescue you from emergencies, help you make important business and family decisions, comfort you in times of worry and grief, etc.
    This man will also give you eternal life, and if you are good he has a place for you in heaven after you die.
    The reason we know all this is because, after the man died, four people named Matthew, Mark, Luke and John wrote accounts of the man's life. Their written attestations are proof of the veracity of this story.
    This is the story of a Jesus. ""
    Do you believe this story?
    You are Delusional !!~!
    *However any debate on this is useless - since a god needs to be proven - First.
    However, .... any debate on this is useless, since a god
    needs to be proven - First.
    FIRST !!!

    • @cindycin9
      @cindycin9 3 роки тому

      So you've heard? Hmmm... So by this post I'm assuming that you did not believe. Is this true?

    • @briendoyle4680
      @briendoyle4680 3 роки тому

      @@cindycin9 I could if the evidence proved a god... and there are no gods...

  • @hillaryfamily
    @hillaryfamily 3 роки тому

    The divorce law of Deuteronomy restricts a husband from divorcing his woman - if indeed she is truly, lawfully and finally his woman - 'he may not divorce her all of his days' (Deut. 22). The divorces of Deut. 24:1-4 are addressing situations when the woman is betrothed but the wedding hasn't happened (situation A), or the wedding and wedding night consummation happened by the woman’s virginity fraud (situation B). In these cases the woman is not truly, lawfully and finally the man's woman, and he may divorce her because he found something wrong with her or because he doesn't like her anymore (situation A) or quietly and properly pled proof of virginity fraud (situation B).
    The Lord’s teaching and application is identical. If the two are lawfully and finally joined together, man may not separate, i.e. 'he may not divorce her all of his days'. However, this does not restrict divorce when the two are not finally joined together, for example if betrothed but not yet wedded, as per Joseph's intended divorce of Mary before the wedding, the only divorce ever presented in the Bible as lawful. The Lord’s prohibition of divorce also does not apply to the porneia case of Deut. 22:13-21, which the Lord referred to as an exception in Mat. 5:31-32 and Mat. 19:9.
    These cases are the biblical divorce laws that show the scenarios when divorce is permitted and when it is prohibited. A man may divorce his wife for any or no reason during the betrothal period. And she may remarry, as may he. However, after the wedding, the parties have affirmed or waived all the conditions and have entered the final and complete stage during which the later faults of either party do not justify or permit divorce. It is only for fraud in the inducement to the wedding itself (e.g. virginity fraud) that either parties may obtain relief, and then only if properly and quietly pled, Deut. 22:13-21, in the porneia case.
    Paul confirms that the porneia case referred to by the Lord as an exception is not post-wedding adultery. Paul is addressing the situation of post-wedding adultery which is also porneia, i.e. prostitution. The married Christian couples were dealing with the problem of some spouses using prostitutes. Paul nevertheless prohibited divorce without exception.
    However, for married virgins, i.e. those betrothed, 'bound to a woman' Paul only disrecommended divorce, and didn't prohibit it. This exactly matches the Mosaic and gospel laws.

    • @hillaryfamily
      @hillaryfamily 3 роки тому

      The hard hearts for which the divorce law of Deut 24:1-4 was given was the refusal of the parties to resolve their troubled betrothal by renegotiation and remarriage to each other following a divorce. Instead of renegotiation, one of the parties marries someone else. The law only addresses that scenario, prohibiting subsequent remarriage of the same two parties. The law does not restrict remarriage following an invalid and unlawful divorce followed by an adulterous remarriage ended by divorce or death. The original marriage in that case would still be valid and till death, and its resumption is lawful and desirable.
      The woman in the case is defiled, the case presumes, before the wedding, which is why the husband presumably divorced her rather than went through with the wedding. The law addresses this sensitive case of the defiled woman. She may renegotiate and remarry her former husband. But if she is betrothed to someone else, she's off limits to him, even if the second husband decides not to go through with the wedding (e.g. he discovered the defilement or changed his mind), or dies (whether before or after the wedding). But she is free to marry a third husband. All this assumes, of course, no lawful, complete and final marriage to a spouse who is still living. For that case 'she is his woman, he may not divorce her all of his days'.

    • @hillaryfamily
      @hillaryfamily 3 роки тому

      The Lord’s test question on divorce had nothing to do with the debate between the house of Hillel and the house of Shammai. The debate may have post-dated the Lord’s ministry and also was not about divorce but the biblical basis for remarriage.
      The issue the Lord addresses and that the Pharisees asked was not about the grounds for divorce but the context during which divorce was available. The Pharisees of the Lord’s time had, mostly if not entirely, permitted divorce at any stage. The Lord prohibited and condemned divorce and remarriage. The test question was asking the Lord if he prohibited divorce absolutely and in all circumstances. However, it was asked on the basis of charge or the grounds for the divorce, i.e. how bad must the woman’s fault be? The Lord reframed the issue correctly: it is not about how bad the woman’s fault is, it is about whether she is truly his woman. If she is truly his woman, 'she is his woman, he may not divorce her all of his days' regardless of her later faults, however serious. If, however, she is not truly and finally his woman, he may or in some cases must divorce her. The porneia case of Deut 22:13-21 is the only exception that the Torah and that the Lord’s refers as permitting divorce after the wedding, and that case is for pre-wedding fraud in the inducement to the wedding itself.
      Consequently, we can agree with Rabbi Akeva who said that a man may divorce his wife, and the woman may remarry, even if she was divorced because her husband found someone prettier, but only if the divorce takes place before the wedding. That is the correct interpretation and application of Deut 24:1-4 which applies to divorce for any reason or no reason. But not at any stage. It only applies when divorce is itself lawful, when the woman was not fully and finally the man's woman.