Queenda Ka | Intamin Hydraulic Launch Coaster With Rollback | OnRide & OffRide | NoLimits 2

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @Systron010
    @Systron010  2 місяці тому +9

    Steam Workshop Link: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3346373856
    NoLimits Central Download: nolimitscentral.com/exchange/park/2992

  • @mikeyg9958
    @mikeyg9958 2 місяці тому +28

    The returning train meeting the departing train is such a cool idea!

  • @calvinpetty343
    @calvinpetty343 2 місяці тому +33

    That support structure is breathtaking! The half stall on the tophat is really cool but I don’t see it happening irl.
    I love the swooping inclined helix - while thoosies wouldn’t, it’s realistic to old intamin and has cool visuals
    I assumed rollback meant swing launch

  • @veggcar497
    @veggcar497 2 місяці тому +20

    The detail on this is absolutely breathtaking

  • @coasterclimate2004
    @coasterclimate2004 2 місяці тому +73

    Cool layout! I'd definitely ride this if I could. I really hope Great Adventure doesn't hire Zamperla to redo Kingda Ka. Given what happened with Top Thrill 2, I do not trust them at all with another stratacoaster. I hope if Kingda Ka is remade, it's by Intamin, the company that actually made it.

    • @EftelingCoasterfreak
      @EftelingCoasterfreak 2 місяці тому +7

      they definetly wont choose zamperla again haha

    • @Systron010
      @Systron010  2 місяці тому +10

      Thank you very much. I really hope that Kingda Ka stays as it is with it's hydraulic launch because its still on my bucket list :) Unfortunately, the time of the hydraulic launches are over and I think they will change it to some kind of TT2 or remove it o.0

    • @GoudLoodje
      @GoudLoodje 2 місяці тому +5

      Agreed with the Zamperla part, though TT2 was the first time they EVER used those trains and stuff. Regardless I think they should've not started with a 420ft tall coaster, not because it's not cool but what park is now gonna want to buy a Lightning from them knowing their first ever one closed after a week

    • @memelord9737
      @memelord9737 2 місяці тому +2

      Zamperla would create much less issues than what kingda ka currently has to deal with

    • @EftelingCoasterfreak
      @EftelingCoasterfreak 2 місяці тому +1

      @@GoudLoodje yeah they basicly ruined their odds

  • @rushtest4echo737
    @rushtest4echo737 2 місяці тому +16

    Seemed plausible until the last tophat. Just not possible to control speed enough with mag brakes to make that possible. A loaded train would rip through it way, way too fast whereas an empty train wouldn't make it over. Just too much speed to lose throughout the layout. Make that into an overbank or something similar where you can vary the speed by 10-15 mph and you're good.

    • @Systron010
      @Systron010  2 місяці тому +7

      Thank you. That seems like a fair point. I am not good at the moment to estimate the impact of the weight of passengers. I would love it if you just could add additional weight to the trains in the simulation by (un)checking an option. If there is a way let me know^^

  • @Nick_J_
    @Nick_J_ 2 місяці тому +10

    I can see this having been built in Fuji Q in like 2009 or something

  • @andyfox7894
    @andyfox7894 Місяць тому +1

    I just marathoned Ka 20x yesterday, and i agree w u on the hydraulic launch coasters,,,,,,,,,,smthng like Ka is S000000 impractical and absurd,,,,,gotta splash a bunch of water on the cable every time it launches,,,,,,w ridiculous model. and UR COASTER is vv good,,,,spiral out the first tophat being a kinda prototype element,,,,the supports,,,,,so so realistic to the form,,,i luv it dude!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1

  • @thehypercoasterguy
    @thehypercoasterguy 21 день тому

    I remember around 2 months ago, I made a hydraulic launch coaster in TPT2 and called it Queenda Ka. It was just Kingda Ka with an additional corkscrew. My “idea” has returned 😂

  • @InsaneCoasterPOVS
    @InsaneCoasterPOVS 24 дні тому +1

    Very unique design!

  • @Mendel0_0
    @Mendel0_0 Місяць тому

    love these structures. ur stuff looks way cooler and more artistic than the other npcs on yt, i followed and i think u will get a bigger following.

  • @Nep2e
    @Nep2e 18 днів тому +1

    Don’t let six flags remove it’s husband

  • @GregMcKnight-y9c
    @GregMcKnight-y9c Місяць тому

    What a beautiful ride design!!!!

  • @RICKROLL-nz1lf
    @RICKROLL-nz1lf 2 місяці тому +1

    SO REALISTIC!!!😮😮😮😮

  • @CoasterVision
    @CoasterVision 2 місяці тому +2

    I like the unique layout, fun ride!!

  • @samuelsavisaari7888
    @samuelsavisaari7888 2 місяці тому +1

    Its a really good layout ! Very Nice

  • @RollerCoasterPsycho
    @RollerCoasterPsycho 2 місяці тому +5

    Hahaha I love this name, creative project

  • @brianamcgrady3798
    @brianamcgrady3798 19 днів тому

    I want to ride this in real life! Super cool design

  • @SveYT
    @SveYT 2 місяці тому +3

    I have to say i love it to see when sombody is going to script a launch correctly with rollback and Recovery. As a nolimits scripter myself I love to see this with the love to details. As spacial with the wheater implement. One thing would be very nice if you can include the peep pack from CoasterGalaxyWorld. If you need help let me know

    • @Systron010
      @Systron010  2 місяці тому

      Thank you. I am not decided finally if i will add the peep pack to my coasters. They did a very greate job with the peep pack and put a lot of effort in it. But in my opinion the people always feel a bit dead and emotionalless xD plus it can cost much performance. So at the moment I like to rather put my time and energy to my other projects before I start with the peep pack :)

  • @GregMcKnight-y9c
    @GregMcKnight-y9c Місяць тому

    Subbed just for this video, nice work

  • @Coaster-Carl
    @Coaster-Carl 2 місяці тому

    The airtime on that second top hat looks insane

  • @DripTiles
    @DripTiles 2 місяці тому +1

    The way Kingda Ka should be extended and not closed forever in its near future.

  • @ROGUE496
    @ROGUE496 Місяць тому

    YASS QUEEN 👑 💅 💅

  • @bradye21playsIndieHorror
    @bradye21playsIndieHorror Місяць тому

    I always wished they had some type of layout after the hill. They just have a bunny hill while braking. Good attempt at a compact layout, though is the initial hill smaller?

    • @Systron010
      @Systron010  Місяць тому

      Yes the first Top-Hat is smaller and the velcoity lower. I did this to make the coaster "cheaper" so that an extended layout would be somehow realistically payable in real-life. But I think the coaster would still be supppperrr expensive xD

  • @CalMusicCovers
    @CalMusicCovers Місяць тому +1


  • @deedeeknutsson5205
    @deedeeknutsson5205 Місяць тому

    Now thats what I'm talking about !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @TheJoviShow
    @TheJoviShow 2 місяці тому +2

    What are the g-forces? (amazing ride)

    • @Systron010
      @Systron010  2 місяці тому

      Verticle: -1.5g to 4.9g. Lateral: +-1.5g. Launch (Its not constant, for more info see description): Mean acceleration 1.6g; Max. peak acceleration 2.0g.

  • @sr-71blackbird21
    @sr-71blackbird21 2 місяці тому +2

    there's a mistake in the description, 177 kmh is 110 mph not 49

  • @nl2rides
    @nl2rides Місяць тому

    Hollllyyy crap these supports are so good!

  • @duarte19er
    @duarte19er Місяць тому +1

    Yooooo, cool video

    @JULIEMULZOFF 12 днів тому

    1:18 Now Get ready here we go!!!

  • @ChadAgain
    @ChadAgain 2 місяці тому

    Nice. But, I wonder, though, how much nicer it would be if the train launched right before the training finishing the course was breaking. Seeing that train fly past you seems like it would make the launch feel even faster. And ending the coarse watching the next launch would be killer too. You'd need another block but I think you could find a way. Great work!

    • @Systron010
      @Systron010  2 місяці тому

      Yes, that would be even cooler. But I always try to build my coaster realistic and as you said then I would need another block which fits nowhere in.

    @JULIEMULZOFF 27 днів тому

    It works like storm runner at Hershey Park

  • @rootsthebook
    @rootsthebook 2 місяці тому +1

    Great concept

  • @Heckerat
    @Heckerat 2 місяці тому


  • @BDubs0610
    @BDubs0610 2 місяці тому

    Will this be on No Limits Central (for the people without the steam version)

    • @Systron010
      @Systron010  2 місяці тому

      I didn't thought about this. I will upload it there tomorrow :)

    • @BDubs0610
      @BDubs0610 2 місяці тому

      @@Systron010 thanks, great job on the coaster!

    • @Systron010
      @Systron010  2 місяці тому

      @@BDubs0610 I uploaded it :)

  • @CoastinThru
    @CoastinThru Місяць тому +1

    This should be the replacement.

  • @curtisisaac5328
    @curtisisaac5328 Місяць тому

    That looks wild

  • @firestorm731
    @firestorm731 Місяць тому +1

    This would definitely have an lsm launch in reality.

  • @visionist7
    @visionist7 Місяць тому

    It's a dream ride

  • @coasterdroidgaming3699
    @coasterdroidgaming3699 2 місяці тому

    That'd be cool if intimate would completely redo top thrill 2 and Kingda Ka all together.

  • @Zero_G_Coaster
    @Zero_G_Coaster 2 місяці тому +1

    What the name of the game ?

  • @marcymeowzers
    @marcymeowzers Місяць тому +1

    this would be cool if it happened now kingda closed

  • @SliceOfRandom
    @SliceOfRandom Місяць тому

    Intamin. Build this one please. 💜

  • @nateblake7422
    @nateblake7422 2 місяці тому

    I see you, Sis tron

  • @kadabrium
    @kadabrium 2 місяці тому +1

    queenda qua

  • @ijv5567
    @ijv5567 2 місяці тому


  • @natecook1661
    @natecook1661 24 дні тому

    yeeesssss honey it's giving us Queenda Kunt

    @JAXXNCREATED 2 місяці тому

    this is sick haha

  • @lastone032085
    @lastone032085 2 місяці тому

    There's a lot of the old Intamin in this.

  • @StevenNeidlein
    @StevenNeidlein 29 днів тому

    I'm trying to ride Queenda Ka 😝😝😝😝

  • @theo_robopurplepandae4351
    @theo_robopurplepandae4351 2 місяці тому


  • @FAFO4wisdom-s9o
    @FAFO4wisdom-s9o 29 днів тому

    I'll take two of them please and thank you.

    • @Systron010
      @Systron010  28 днів тому

      So Wiki said Kingda Ka cost 25 million dollars in 2005 which seems to be around 40 million dollars today. So yeah if we sent Intamin 80 million dollars maybe they build two for us xD

  • @Sythe5665
    @Sythe5665 Місяць тому

    It looks like if Kingda Ka had a tumor

  • @TheScienceNerd100
    @TheScienceNerd100 2 місяці тому

    This is honestly what they should have done for Top Thrill
    Adding just 1 roll back spike is kinda lame, this just amps up the thrill and add so much more to the ride

  • @toby6418
    @toby6418 2 місяці тому +2

    Personally I’d call it 2 kingda 2 ka

  • @Red_Ryan_Red
    @Red_Ryan_Red Місяць тому

    Oh.. my... god... Seeing that I've been somewhat disappointed with Planet Coaster 2... it's that time again to fire up NL2!

  • @ZachCaminiti
    @ZachCaminiti 26 днів тому

    This would be such a cool replacement if it had a LSM launch instead of a hydraulic, because the hydraulic launch system was the whole reason they retired KIngda Ka. Long live the King 🫡