  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TheTommyboy1971
    @TheTommyboy1971 4 роки тому +78

    Anyone who has ever gone running through a thicket, and gone careless through the thorns knows how strong a statement that is.

    • @dylandenney3980
      @dylandenney3980 3 роки тому +12

      Hurts lol. Them blackberry briars ain't no joke to get caught in

    • @MrAflac9916
      @MrAflac9916 3 роки тому +8

      I grew up and still live in Appalachia and ive gotten stuck in many thickets lol

    • @jessedaniel6330
      @jessedaniel6330 3 роки тому +2

      @@MrAflac9916 same here brother them things can be ornery lol

    • @paintedhorse6880
      @paintedhorse6880 Рік тому


    • @jjsantangelo49
      @jjsantangelo49 Рік тому

      Very strong

  • @jeremygrossenbacher5870
    @jeremygrossenbacher5870 4 роки тому +57

    Question asked: “Does Tyler have a bad song?” Answer: “No.”

  • @Etruscan70
    @Etruscan70 3 роки тому +7

    I’ve Seen him play in bars in WV, and KY years ago. It’s an absolutely splendid, modern evolution of Appalachian music. He’s a unique artist.

  • @nicolegolya7845
    @nicolegolya7845 4 роки тому +2

    Obsessed with this song

  • @maninthewoods7706
    @maninthewoods7706 4 роки тому +4

    Growing up in Kentucky myself the songs Tyler sings brings back memories

  • @mitchellwaters0706
    @mitchellwaters0706 2 роки тому

    It's good..aint it your reactions..61 year old former marine from south carolina.

  • @mrdaviecal
    @mrdaviecal 4 роки тому +14

    Your channel is so good. It's hard to find true reactions where people are actually listening to the meaning of a song and not just the melody. I love seeing people's first reactions to this song because it is possibly my favorite song of all time. I also watched your colter reactions and I felt the same way. Keep up the tru and genuine work man you're on the way up. If i could recommend one song to you it would be "Broken Whiskey Serenade" by Whiskey Myers. Keep it up man #The94Club

    • @OliWilford
      @OliWilford  4 роки тому +7

      This one got me Davis. You are a real one. I genuinely didn’t know how this channel would go down. The best part is being able to form a community that can help me learn more about country, and we can all get real and share our thoughts on the music. But yeah, I’ve got an obsession with reading into lyrics. I’ll get to that track very soon! I hope you’re all good though brother and thanks for being the first to hashtag #The94Club - check back in anytime!

  • @joshuacourtney9266
    @joshuacourtney9266 4 роки тому +12

    2 of my favorite “funny” Tyler songs are “ever loving hand” and “messed up kid”

  • @brandonm.5033
    @brandonm.5033 4 роки тому +3

    Lady may is another great TC song. Love the vids!

    • @OliWilford
      @OliWilford  4 роки тому

      Thanks for sharing the love Brandon. Consider this added to the list!

  • @MrChickinface
    @MrChickinface 4 роки тому +17

    Charleston girl by Tyler is another funny story telling song.

  • @davidroybal941
    @davidroybal941 4 роки тому +1

    Ever Loving Hand ~Tyler Childers

  • @hollyharvey1986
    @hollyharvey1986 4 роки тому +1

    I discovered Tyler about a year ago. It has helped me through hard times. I’m glad you like him, as well! From Little East Texas

  • @madisonsyring5705
    @madisonsyring5705 4 роки тому +4

    Shake the frost and long violent history are great songs by him!!

    • @Puddlef1sh
      @Puddlef1sh Рік тому +1

      Napoleon's Retreat! Not much to break down, just an incredible example of his fiddle prowess.

  • @homegardenbook4886
    @homegardenbook4886 4 роки тому +2

    To me maybe the greatest thing about Tyler Childers songs is how the more profane sounding ones actually are conveying the most sweet and admirable messages. From Feathered Indians' reference to a belt buckle impression left on a girl's inner thigh from spontaneous humping and sincre love for the very pureness one is seemingly compromising to the bawdy Ever Lovin' Hand, a seemingly prurient reference to jerking off that is actually a rather beautiful ode about fidelity, Tyler writes about love, redemption and faithfulness without being cliche bound and sachrine.
    He is, like a lot of previous country stars of Appalachian and Piedmont origins, a common man's poet with deep insight not masked by flowery language (unlike my comments which are the opposite 😁). Unlike them because of advances in media he can use words society has demonized.

  • @drewhannah09
    @drewhannah09 4 роки тому +3

    Another great Tyler Childers song is Follow you to Vergie. Greetings from across the pond in Oklahoma.

    • @AuntCoke
      @AuntCoke 4 роки тому +3

      One of my favorites!

    • @larryschmidt4634
      @larryschmidt4634 4 роки тому +2

      I agree with “Follow Her To Vergie” This song shows a deeper side to Tyler. I’ll provide a link to his live performance of the song. In this performance Tyler provides the context to the song which helps orientate us to the song. And listening to the Intro gives us some insight into Tyler he man and his upbringing. Listen to the intro carefully because he speaks quickly and with a wonderful accent. Good reaction the “Feathered Indians”
      Larry Schmidt

    • @larryschmidt4634
      @larryschmidt4634 4 роки тому +1

    • @OliWilford
      @OliWilford  4 роки тому +1

      Added to the list!!

  • @vickienorris3031
    @vickienorris3031 Рік тому

    Tyler is the best

  • @will8939able
    @will8939able 4 роки тому +1

    Another love/comical song, Tyler's Ever Lovin Hand

  • @anders1715
    @anders1715 3 роки тому

    love your reaction haha

  • @Theogvineofthedead
    @Theogvineofthedead 8 місяців тому

    Willi Charslile is absolutely essential country listening. Check out his song Angels, the live version it's beautiful

  • @scrapeteel920
    @scrapeteel920 4 роки тому +1

    You have many tingles and smiles to come . Your just getting strart😆

  • @alexg.9502
    @alexg.9502 4 роки тому

    I just subscribed and started watching your videos because everything you are reacting to is all my favorite music... specifically Tyler Childers. But now I see you wearing a Carolina Panthers shirt and I’m 100% sold on the channel now!! Go Panthers!!

    • @OliWilford
      @OliWilford  4 роки тому +1

      I get the feelin' you're gonna teach me a lot about Country! Great to have you on the channel. Thank you for all of your comments! I do flip the shot so people watch with me left > right - it feels more natural to me. Hope that isn't too annoying haha. As for the Panthers - I knew I had to follow an NFL team, kept flipping a coin until I got to the final team and Panthers won it for me. So I have to get myself out to a game eventually.

    • @alexg.9502
      @alexg.9502 4 роки тому

      The 94 Club I’m from Charlotte, NC born and raised so the Panthers is all I now since I was a kid. Glad to have you in the fan base. You should check out the a Roaring Riot. They are a panthers fan club that organizes a lot of events and trips to away games, etc... I’m pretty sure they have U.K. chapters that meet at bars to watch the games together.

  • @leehalifax
    @leehalifax 2 роки тому

    I love ur reactions man. You're class act bud . Cheers from Canada

  • @markwest2930
    @markwest2930 4 роки тому +23


    • @FLmetalhead
      @FLmetalhead 4 роки тому +2

      Love Billy Strings. Also ‘Away from the mire’, ‘Taking Water’ or ‘Must be seven’ are good ones from him as well

    • @OliWilford
      @OliWilford  4 роки тому +4

      With 8 likes on the comment... I am 100% doing this next week!

    • @Puddlef1sh
      @Puddlef1sh Рік тому

      Or see Billy live! Caught him at red rocks last year.

  • @drewwilson9337
    @drewwilson9337 4 роки тому +3

    Follow you to Virgie is a great song by him. I would suggest reading the back story to the song before listening.

  • @shawnstafford5012
    @shawnstafford5012 4 роки тому +1

    Good video bro. Keep it up.

  • @TheMrTarkanian
    @TheMrTarkanian 4 роки тому

    Happy i stumbled on your channel dude. Youre content is awesome

    • @OliWilford
      @OliWilford  4 роки тому

      So much appreciation for that!! Glad your enjoying it. Let me know if there are any songs you'd like to see on the channel.

  • @hollyharvey1986
    @hollyharvey1986 4 роки тому +1

    You’ve gotta listen to “Hard Times”, I believe it’s the Red Barn entertainment version. It’s an amazing song by Tyler Childers.

  • @bigballer151
    @bigballer151 3 роки тому

    Dude these reactions are awesome. Earned a subscriber!

  • @dyingbreed7740
    @dyingbreed7740 4 роки тому +1

    He’s a bit of a comedian as well 🤣🤣🤣

  • @alexnorton794
    @alexnorton794 4 роки тому +4

    “Follow you to Virgie” 🔥 great storytelling about his mom and brothers

    • @SnapBack123
      @SnapBack123 3 роки тому

      It’s about his friends grandma

    • @alexnorton794
      @alexnorton794 3 роки тому

      @@SnapBack123 yeah I figured that out after I learned more about him. I assumed it was his mom after my first listen

  • @johnlaffey2318
    @johnlaffey2318 4 роки тому +4

    Lol. If the opening lines didn't make you grin, I would have thought badly of you. The song just gets better as you listen to it more. Hard Times or Banded Clovis are a couple more Tyler songs. If you didn't know banded clovis is a type of prehistoric arrowhead.

    • @OliWilford
      @OliWilford  4 роки тому

      I’ve had it on a few times this week and enjoyed it more every time! I’ll be impressed if he has better tracks than this. But I’m confident he does!

    • @dylandenney3980
      @dylandenney3980 3 роки тому

      This is the kind of song that does that to you. U know it's good but it gets deeper every time.

  • @jembailey-orchard8932
    @jembailey-orchard8932 3 роки тому

    I just discovered and love your videos--your reactions are just like mine too

  • @wayne4617
    @wayne4617 2 роки тому

    Shake the frost is an excellent song

  • @merpdoe6569
    @merpdoe6569 2 роки тому

    If you haven’t heard his song “harvest” check it out. It’s haunting.

  • @drakeberry513
    @drakeberry513 4 роки тому

    Glad you enjoyed it. Sorry for loading you up with so many recommendations but if you can check out Buddy Brown I am 911, 5 minutes in the heartland, Don’t run from the cops, or Patriot

    • @OliWilford
      @OliWilford  4 роки тому

      No worries Drake! I’ll get to them all at some point for sure! I intend to run this channel for a very long time!

  • @joedighton4791
    @joedighton4791 3 роки тому

    I been a subscriber for a while now. Looking back at some older videos now. You need to check out clay pigeons by blaze foley.

  • @shrib-tvyt7288
    @shrib-tvyt7288 4 роки тому +1

    Harlan road by Tyler is a must

    • @OliWilford
      @OliWilford  4 роки тому +1

      I’ve heard good things about this one!

  • @AuntCoke
    @AuntCoke 4 роки тому +5

    Hard Times and Shake the Frost are a couple more good ones. But then, there are literally no bad ones...he is that good.

    • @OliWilford
      @OliWilford  4 роки тому

      I really don’t think there are!

    • @dylandenney3980
      @dylandenney3980 3 роки тому +2

      Shake the Frost is one of the best written songs of the last 30 years. And he was like 18 when he wrote it.

  • @brandonroberts4485
    @brandonroberts4485 3 роки тому

    I see Tyler Childers, I sub. I’m a simple man

  • @allenfaircloth575
    @allenfaircloth575 4 роки тому

    Another original from "my old Kentucky home" , for your enjoyment would be Ian Noe. Give him a listen.

  • @Puddlef1sh
    @Puddlef1sh Рік тому

    Check out Purgatory, the song. (Album is also pure 🔥)

  • @codymceowen4694
    @codymceowen4694 4 роки тому +4

    Another “real country” artist - Cody Johnson

    • @OliWilford
      @OliWilford  4 роки тому +1

      Thanks Cody, I’ll be sure to put him on the list!

  • @shoman89
    @shoman89 4 роки тому

    Check out Tyler Childers new video for Country Squire.

  • @douglaslawson6580
    @douglaslawson6580 4 роки тому

    Cody Jinks is another great country artist to check out.

  • @Trevor_Magers
    @Trevor_Magers 4 роки тому +1


    • @OliWilford
      @OliWilford  4 роки тому +1

      What a line 😂😂😂

  • @EPHESIANS-2.4-9
    @EPHESIANS-2.4-9 4 роки тому

    I recomend Tyler Childers - Gemini.

  • @RobertMorris-es2mf
    @RobertMorris-es2mf Місяць тому

    Im all yourn is a must

  • @franksfishing2547
    @franksfishing2547 3 роки тому

    have a listen to Lady May

  • @donniehounddawg6019
    @donniehounddawg6019 4 роки тому

    U should check out Billie strings " dust in a baggie"

  • @menatol
    @menatol 2 роки тому

    Are you ok 👍

  • @jadevardeman6557
    @jadevardeman6557 2 роки тому

    I ran through a thicket of cactus when I had to shit real bad.

  • @Tizz_Eye
    @Tizz_Eye 4 роки тому

    Have you served in the military bro?

  • @Spookymoulder
    @Spookymoulder 4 роки тому

    Have you done keep the wolves away? Tyler Childers?

  • @jeffburchett2352
    @jeffburchett2352 4 роки тому +5

    Guitar pickin poet

    • @OliWilford
      @OliWilford  4 роки тому

      You’ve just added a new phrase to my vocabulary haha thank you Jeff!

  • @brandonroberts4485
    @brandonroberts4485 3 роки тому

    Have I got one for you! Check out his cover of time by Pink Floyd. It’s infuckincredible

  • @slothbros7607
    @slothbros7607 4 роки тому +1

    Only one thing wrong with this song and that is that it is too short!

    • @OliWilford
      @OliWilford  4 роки тому +1

      Well, we can agree on that one!

  • @alyssagonzalez235
    @alyssagonzalez235 4 роки тому

    This song is the first song I ever heard by tyler childers it was sent to me months after a breakup by my ex bf- I really dont understand how you say it is comical????

  • @Okieinspector
    @Okieinspector 4 роки тому

    Reaction to Matthew by tyler childers

  • @dl8619
    @dl8619 4 роки тому

    Comedian...he's being serious

  • @primopete2273
    @primopete2273 3 роки тому

    If you think he's a comedian in this song, look up Waylon on my Willie by Tyler or Ever loving hand

  • @totallynotalpharius2283
    @totallynotalpharius2283 4 роки тому +1

    The next time I'll be disappointed by anything tyler does , it'll be the first time

  • @Puddlef1sh
    @Puddlef1sh Рік тому

    I don't trust anyone that doesn't like Tyler Childers.

  • @guystephens2881
    @guystephens2881 Рік тому

    No ,even the run of the mill song is good. Creeper, play me a hank song hard times.

  • @patcoyle7590
    @patcoyle7590 4 роки тому

    Messed up kid

    • @OliWilford
      @OliWilford  4 роки тому +1

      I’m guessing that’s a song. 😅

    • @patcoyle7590
      @patcoyle7590 4 роки тому

      Yeah one of my favorites by him!

  • @travisindian1946
    @travisindian1946 3 роки тому
