Learn Arabic Through Stories | The Dog and the Shadow | الكلب والظل

  • Опубліковано 1 тра 2024
  • 🎉 Welcome back, language enthusiasts!
    🌟 Join me once more for another exciting journey into the realm of Arabic vocabulary!
    In today's episode of "Arabic Vocabulary in Use," we're diving into the timeless world of Aesop's Fables with the classic tale:
    🐶 "The Dog and the Shadow" 🌊
    This fable, attributed to the legendary storyteller Aesop, serves as a poignant reminder of the dangers of greed and the importance of contentment. 🍖
    Let's embark on this adventure together as we unravel the hidden meanings behind this captivating story! 💡
    📜 The Dog and the Shadow:
    Once upon a time, a dog set out with a mouthwatering piece of meat in his grasp, eager to enjoy it in the safety of his home. Along his journey, he encountered a wooden bridge spanning a flowing stream. As he crossed, he caught sight of his reflection in the water below. Mistaking it for another dog with an additional piece of meat, his greed took hold. In a desperate attempt to claim what he perceived as a greater reward, he lunged towards the illusionary meat, only to lose his own in the process.
    🐾 Moral of the Story:
    "Beware of losing the real treasure by chasing after shadows."
    🎥 If you're ready to uncover the wisdom hidden within Aesop's timeless fable, hit that play button and join me on this enchanting linguistic journey!
    And don't forget to like, share, and comment below to spread the joy of learning Arabic together! Your engagement is the fuel that keeps this channel going. 🚀
    Thank you for your unwavering support, and let's dive into the fascinating world of Arabic vocabulary once again!
    مَعَ السَّلَامَة! 🌟


  • @user-ud8vh8cc9p
    @user-ud8vh8cc9p Місяць тому +1


    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому

      Hello @user-ud8vh8cc9p! 🌟
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!
      Thank you for your kind hearts! Your support means a lot to us and encourages us to continue creating valuable content.
      We're grateful to have you as part of our community, and we're committed to providing more engaging stories and learning experiences.
      If you have any feedback or suggestions for us, please don't hesitate to share. Your input helps us improve and tailor our content to better meet your needs.
      Looking forward to sharing more stories with you!
      Warm regards from Bursa (Turkey)! 🇹🇷🌟
      Best wishes,
      Veysel Özel
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!

  • @jakubgrochowski3135
    @jakubgrochowski3135 Місяць тому +1

    Assalamu aleykum Ahlan wasahlan Marhaba Shokran jazeelan lak please continue Your Great Job 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому

      Hello @jakubgrochowski3135!
      🌟 مَرْحَبًا! 🌟 أَهْلًا وَسَهْلًا بِكُمْ! 🌟 السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ! 🌟
      Thank you so much for your warm words and encouragement. Shokran jazeelan lak! I truly appreciate your support and will definitely continue to provide content that helps in learning Arabic through engaging stories.
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      Thanks for being part of our journey! 🌟📈
      Best regards from Bursa (Turkey)! 🇹🇷
      Warm wishes,
      Veysel Özel
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!

    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому

      Explanation of "أو" (ʔaw)
      "أو" (pronounced "ʔaw") is a conjunction in Arabic that is used to link options or alternatives. It can be understood as the equivalent of "or" in English. Here's how it works in different contexts:
      Inclusive Disjunction:
      This means that one or both options can be true or possible. It's like saying, "You can do one thing, the other thing, or both."
      كُلِ التَّمْرَ الْهِنْدِيَّ أَوِ ٱشْرَبِ الْبُرْتُقَالَ.
      kuli t-tamra l-hindiyya ʔawi šrabi l-burtuqāla.
      "Eat the tamarind! Or drink the orange juice!"
      Here, you have the option to eat the tamarind, drink the orange juice, or do both.
      Exclusive Disjunction:
      This means that only one of the options can be true, not both.
      كُلُّ شَيْءٍ إِمَّا مَوْجُودٌ أَوْ غَيْرُ مَوْجُودٍ.
      kullu šayʔin ʔimmā mawjūdun ʔaw ḡayru mawjūdin.
      "Every object is either existent or inexistent."
      In this sentence, an object can only be one of the two: it either exists or it doesn't, not both.
      Uncertainty or Alternative Possibilities:
      "أو" is also used when you are not sure which option is true.
      لَا أَدْرِي هَلْ صَاحِبُكَ شَقِيٌّ أَوْ سَعِيدٌ.
      lā ʔadrī hal ṣāḥibuka šaqiyyun ʔaw saʕīdun.
      "I do not know whether your friend is happy or downhearted."
      Here, you are uncertain if the friend is happy or sad.
      Usage Notes
      أو (ʔaw) vs. أم (ʔam):
      أو (ʔaw) is used when more than one option might be correct or possible.
      هَلْ سَيَأْتِي أَبُوكَ أَوْ أُمُّكَ؟
      hal sayaʔtī ʔabūka ʔaw ʔummuka?
      "Will your mother or your father come?" (Will either of them come?)
      أم (ʔam) is used in questions when only one option can be correct or possible.
      هَلْ سَيَأْتِي أَبُوكَ أَمْ أُمُّكَ؟
      hal sayaʔtī ʔabūka ʔam ʔummuka?
      "Will your mother or your father come?" (Which one will come?)
      Additional Context from Hadith
      In the text from the Hadith:
      حَدَّثَنَا مُسَدَّدٌ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا حَمَّادُ بْنُ زَيْدٍ، عَنْ أَيُّوبَ، عَنْ مُحَمَّدٍ، قَالَ سُئِلَ أَنَسٌ أَقَنَتَ النَّبِيُّ ﷺ فِي الصُّبْحِ قَالَ نَعَمْ‏.‏ فَقِيلَ لَهُ أَوَقَنَتَ قَبْلَ الرُّكُوعِ قَالَ بَعْدَ الرُّكُوعِ يَسِيرًا‏.
      Here, the word "أَوَقَنَتَ" is actually a different form than the conjunction "أو". It combines "أو" with a verb, and it's written as "أَوَ" with a short vowel 'a' (fatha) on the "و" due to the verb following it. This specific form is often used in spoken Arabic and classical texts to mean "or did he...".
      Explanation within "أو"
      This form "أَوَ" is a combination of the conjunction "أو" (ʔaw) and the particle "وَ" (wa) which creates "أَوَ" (ʔawa). This structure is used to present an alternative or additional question in classical Arabic.
      Example from the Hadith:
      فَقِيلَ لَهُ أَوَقَنَتَ قَبْلَ الرُّكُوعِ قَالَ بَعْدَ الرُّكُوعِ يَسِيرًا‏.
      faqīla lahu ʔawa qanata qabla r-rukuʕi qala baʕda r-rukuʕi yasīran.
      "He was asked: 'Did the Prophet ﷺ perform the Qunoot before the bowing?' He replied: 'After the bowing, slightly.'"
      Here, "أَوَقَنَتَ" means "or did he perform Qunoot".
      In summary, "أو" (ʔaw) is a versatile conjunction in Arabic used to link options and alternatives, and in the form "أَوَ", it is used in classical Arabic to introduce an alternative question.

  • @shabirvalli8604
    @shabirvalli8604 Місяць тому +2

    I am not only learning Arabic but I am appreciating your beautiful voice and your amazing command of the English language!
    Thank you Sir

    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому

      Hello @shabirvalli8604! 🌟
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!
      Thank you so much for your kind words! We're delighted to hear that you're not only benefiting from learning Arabic but also enjoying the presentation of our content.
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      Warm regards from Bursa (Turkey)! 🇹🇷🌟
      Best wishes,
      Veysel Özel
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!

    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому


    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  24 дні тому

      🎉🌟 New Video Alert! 🌟🎉
      مرحبًا! أهلاً وسهلاً بكم! السلام عليكم!
      Join me, Veysel Özel, on an exciting journey with "The Wild Rabbits and the Frogs." Discover valuable lessons and new Arabic vocabulary! 🐰🐸
      Don't miss out! Watch now! 🌟📚✨

  • @firosputhanveettil6667
    @firosputhanveettil6667 Місяць тому +1

    Thank you Sir for this informative video. Jezakallahu khairan

    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому

      Hello @firosputhanveettil6667! 🌟
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!
      Thank you very much for your kind words! We're delighted to hear that you found the video informative.
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      Once again, thank you for your support and for being a part of our learning journey! Here's to many more informative and engaging stories together! 🌟📈
      Warm regards from Bursa (Turkey)! 🇹🇷🌟
      Best wishes,
      Veysel Özel
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!

    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому


    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  24 дні тому

      🎉🌟 New Video Alert! 🌟🎉
      مرحبًا! أهلاً وسهلاً بكم! السلام عليكم!
      Join me, Veysel Özel, on an exciting journey with "The Wild Rabbits and the Frogs." Discover valuable lessons and new Arabic vocabulary! 🐰🐸
      Don't miss out! Watch now! 🌟📚✨

  • @namoona8709
    @namoona8709 Місяць тому +1

    شکرا جزیلا آ

    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому

      Hello @namoona8709! 🌟
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!
      شكراً جزيلاً لك for your kind words! We're glad to hear that you found our content helpful.
      If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to share them with us. We're here to assist you on your learning journey and make your experience as enjoyable as possible.
      Keep exploring our videos, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need any assistance or additional information.
      Warm regards from Bursa (Turkey)! 🇹🇷🌟
      Best wishes,
      Veysel Özel
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!

    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому


  • @quranlearning9929
    @quranlearning9929 Місяць тому +1

    Great video

    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому

      Hello @quranlearning9929! 🌟
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!
      Thank you so much for your kind words and support! We're delighted to hear that you enjoyed the video.
      Your encouragement motivates us to continue creating valuable content for our viewers.
      If you have any suggestions or topics you'd like to see covered in future videos, please don't hesitate to let us know. We're here to cater to your learning needs and preferences.
      Keep enjoying our content, and thank you for being a part of our learning community!
      Warm regards from Bursa (Turkey)! 🇹🇷🌟
      Best wishes,
      Veysel Özel
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!

  • @theophile9034
    @theophile9034 Місяць тому +1

    thank you, very useful content, baarak Allahufik

    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому

      Hello @theophile9034! 🌟
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!
      Thank you for your kind words! We're delighted to hear that you found the content useful.
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      Once again, thank you for your support and for being a part of our learning journey! Here's to more exciting discoveries and learning experiences together! 🌟📈
      Warm regards from Bursa (Turkey)! 🇹🇷🌟
      Best wishes,
      Veysel Özel
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!

    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  24 дні тому +1

      🎉🌟 New Video Alert! 🌟🎉
      مرحبًا! أهلاً وسهلاً بكم! السلام عليكم!
      Join me, Veysel Özel, on an exciting journey with "The Wild Rabbits and the Frogs." Discover valuable lessons and new Arabic vocabulary! 🐰🐸
      Don't miss out! Watch now! 🌟📚✨

  • @quranlearning9929
    @quranlearning9929 Місяць тому +1

    One of the best advice

    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому

      Hello @quranlearning9929! 🌟
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!
      Thank you so much for your kind words! We're thrilled to hear that you found the advice valuable.
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      Warm regards from Bursa (Turkey)! 🇹🇷🌟
      Best wishes,
      Veysel Özel
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!

    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому


  • @safiyyenurozelgocen1569
    @safiyyenurozelgocen1569 Місяць тому +1


    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому

      Hello @safiyyenurozelgocen1569! 🌟
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!
      Thank you for your kind words and support! Your encouragement motivates us to continue sharing valuable content with our viewers.
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      Once again, thank you for your support and for being a part of our learning journey! Here's to more exciting discoveries and learning experiences together! 🌟📈
      Warm regards from Bursa (Turkey)! 🇹🇷🌟
      Best wishes,
      Veysel Özel
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!

  • @dagobertdoc6423
    @dagobertdoc6423 Місяць тому +1

    Emeğinize sağlık efendim. Tam aradığım içerik. Selam ve saygılar.

    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому

      Hello @dagobertdoc6423! 🌟
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!
      Thank you for your kind words! We're delighted to hear that you found our content helpful and exactly what you were looking for.
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      Once again, thank you for your support and for being a part of our learning journey! Here's to many more valuable insights and learning experiences together! 🌟📈
      Warm regards from Bursa (Turkey)! 🇹🇷🌟
      Best wishes,
      Veysel Özel
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!

    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому


    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  24 дні тому

      🎉🌟 New Video Alert! 🌟🎉
      مرحبًا! أهلاً وسهلاً بكم! السلام عليكم!
      Join me, Veysel Özel, on an exciting journey with "The Wild Rabbits and the Frogs." Discover valuable lessons and new Arabic vocabulary! 🐰🐸
      Don't miss out! Watch now! 🌟📚✨

  • @vildangirgin
    @vildangirgin Місяць тому +1

    شكرًا جزيلاً

    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому

      Hello @vildangirgin! 🌟
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!
      Thank you for your gratitude! We're thrilled that you enjoyed the story.
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      Once again, thank you for your appreciation and for being a part of our learning journey! Here's to more exciting stories and learning experiences together! 🌟📈
      Warm regards from Bursa (Turkey)! 🇹🇷🌟
      Best wishes,
      Veysel Özel
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!

    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому


    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  24 дні тому

      🎉🌟 New Video Alert! 🌟🎉
      مرحبًا! أهلاً وسهلاً بكم! السلام عليكم!
      Join me, Veysel Özel, on an exciting journey with "The Wild Rabbits and the Frogs." Discover valuable lessons and new Arabic vocabulary! 🐰🐸
      Don't miss out! Watch now! 🌟📚✨

  • @mouminadiop
    @mouminadiop Місяць тому +1

    Excellent! Thanks

    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому

      Hello @mouminadiop! 🌟
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!
      Thank you for your kind words! We're thrilled to hear that you found our content excellent.
      To continue supporting our channel and helping more learners benefit from our content, here are a few steps you can take:
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      Consistency: Keep tuning in regularly to watch and interact with our videos. Your consistent support and engagement help our channel grow and thrive.
      Once again, thank you for your support and for being a part of our learning journey! Here's to many more valuable insights and learning experiences together! 🌟📈
      Warm regards from Bursa (Turkey)! 🇹🇷🌟
      Best wishes,
      Veysel Özel
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!

    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому


  • @mohammadashrafulhoque6594
    @mohammadashrafulhoque6594 Місяць тому +1

    ASSALAMU ALIKUM wish you were sound both in health and heart, wish you would be regular with POETRY HASSAN BIN SABITand HAFEZ IBRAHIM

    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому

      Hello @mohammadashrafulhoque6594! 🌟
      ❤️ وعليكم السلام!
      Thank you for your kind wishes! It's wonderful to hear from you. Your encouragement means a lot to us.
      We'll definitely take your request into consideration and strive to provide more content on poets like Hassan bin Sabit and Hafez Ibrahim. Your interest in poetry enriches our learning community, and we're committed to bringing you more engaging content.
      To continue supporting our channel and staying updated on new videos, make sure to subscribe and stay engaged with our content. Your active participation makes a big difference!
      Once again, thank you for your thoughtful message and your support. Here's to more enriching learning experiences together! 🌟📖
      Warm regards from Bursa (Turkey)! 🇹🇷🌟
      Best wishes,
      Veysel Özel
      ❤️ وعليكم السلام!

    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому


  • @nasirhameedkhan4630
    @nasirhameedkhan4630 Місяць тому +4

    Please also include the words and their meanings

    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому +2

      Hello @nasirhameedkhan4630! 🌟
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!
      Thank you for your suggestion! I appreciate your interest in having the words and their meanings included in the future videos.
      I will definitely consider incorporating this suggestion into our upcoming videos, inshaAllah. Providing the meanings of words will enhance the learning experience for our viewers and make the content more informative and beneficial.
      Your feedback is valuable, and I'm grateful for your contribution to improving our content. If you have any further suggestions or ideas, please don't hesitate to share them with us.
      Looking forward to bringing you more enriching content in the future!
      Warm regards from Bursa (Turkey)! 🇹🇷🌟
      Best wishes,
      Veysel Özel
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!

    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому


    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  24 дні тому

      🎉🌟 New Video Alert! 🌟🎉
      مرحبًا! أهلاً وسهلاً بكم! السلام عليكم!
      Join me, Veysel Özel, on an exciting journey with "The Wild Rabbits and the Frogs." Discover valuable lessons and new Arabic vocabulary! 🐰🐸
      Don't miss out! Watch now! 🌟📚✨

  • @user-pj6bh3hd9d
    @user-pj6bh3hd9d Місяць тому


    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому

      Hello @user-pj6bh3hd9d! 🌟
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!
      Thank you so much for your encouraging words! Your positive feedback means a lot to us and motivates us to continue creating valuable content.
      To further support our channel's growth and help more learners discover our resources, here are a few things you can do:
      Share and Engage: Spread the word about our channel! Encourage your friends, family, and followers to subscribe and engage with our content by liking, commenting, and sharing.
      Recommendations: If you know anyone interested in learning Arabic or seeking educational resources, please recommend our channel to them.
      Active Participation: Stay engaged by watching more videos, leaving comments, and sharing your thoughts. Your active involvement makes our learning community more vibrant!
      Feedback: Your feedback is invaluable! Please feel free to share your thoughts on our videos and suggest topics you'd like to see covered in the future.
      Consistency: Keep tuning in regularly to watch and interact with our videos. Your consistent support and engagement help our channel grow and thrive.
      Once again, thank you for your kind words and for being a part of our learning journey! Here's to many more enriching stories and learning experiences together! 🌟📈
      Warm regards from Bursa (Turkey)! 🇹🇷🌟
      Best wishes,
      Veysel Özel
      ❤️ السلام عليكم!

    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  Місяць тому


    • @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel
      @ArabicVocabularyInUse_Veysel  24 дні тому

      🎉🌟 New Video Alert! 🌟🎉
      مرحبًا! أهلاً وسهلاً بكم! السلام عليكم!
      Join me, Veysel Özel, on an exciting journey with "The Wild Rabbits and the Frogs." Discover valuable lessons and new Arabic vocabulary! 🐰🐸
      Don't miss out! Watch now! 🌟📚✨