Wildfires - fighting them with compressed air foam

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Due to increasingly long periods of heat and a lack of precipitation the number of wildfires will continue to increase in the coming years. Compressed air foam is a highly effective and versatile extinguishing agent for preventing large-scale fire damage.
    For wildfires compressed air foam can be used for any type of firefighting: To prevent the fire from spreading it makes sense to set up defensive barriers using impact sprinklers. These impact sprinklers can excellently be fed with One Seven compressed air foam. Compared to water as an extinguishing agent One Seven compressed air foam offers clear advantages: Large quantities of water can be saved thanks to the long dwell time of the foam and the associated long-term penetration of soil, plants and dead wood. As soon as a light foam blanket covers the ground it is even possible to switch off the impact sprinklers. They only need to be put back into operation when the carpet of foam has clearly decomposed. The adhesive properties of One Seven compressed air foam prevent the extinguishing agent from running off the surface as it is the case with water. This means that the extinguishing agent compressed air foam is not lost unused but is effective exactly where it was applied.
    Of course these advantages of compressed air foam also count for direct firefighting with hand lines or monitors. For firefighters there is another important advantage when using compressed air foam: hose lines are filled with particularly light One Seven compressed air foam instead of heavy water. This makes handling considerably easier and long-term extinguishing is less energy-sapping.
    One Seven compressed air foam can also be used for self-protection of vehicles: It can be applied via nozzles or spray bars.
    The cooling effect of One Seven compressed air foam is particularly high. This can be clearly seen in the video with the thermal imaging camera: defensive barriers with impact sprinklers and One Seven compressed air foam create a cool barrier which prevents the fire from spreading.
    The special One Seven compressed air foam differs significantly from other extinguishing foam:
    • Its adhesion is particularly high.
    • The structure of One Seven compressed air foam is particularly dense.
    • The foam blanket is exceptionally stable.
    These three factors of One Seven compressed air foam make it a particularly effective extinguishing agent with a fast and long-term extinguishing effect - not only for fighting wildfires but also for any other kind of fire.
    For more information on the use of One Seven compressed air foam on wildfires please contact Schmitz One Seven: www.oneseven.c...
    wildfires, vegetation fires, forest fires, compressed air foam, CAFS, fire, firefighting, fire protection, Schmitz One Seven, firebrigade