This tricking camp is awesome! In addition, what if you guys should do a hyper sparring camp for kids and adults with Jack Felton, Zsolt Moradi, Lazlo Gombos, and Mike Pombiero. They have some great point fighting camps in Europe, it'd be great to have a great point fighting camp in the US! I would go in a heart beat!
Sorry to miss it this year! Hoping we can be there next year!
That is so rad. I hope I can go next year!
This tricking camp is awesome! In addition, what if you guys should do a hyper sparring camp for kids and adults with Jack Felton, Zsolt Moradi, Lazlo Gombos, and Mike Pombiero. They have some great point fighting camps in Europe, it'd be great to have a great point fighting camp in the US! I would go in a heart beat!
i hope there will be hyper camp in philippines
I wanna go so badly, but there's most likely not any around where I live
I would like to know what to do for my students go to the camp
You can see Seth Lee in 4:30
Can adults come to this to learn tricking
Oh and where was this?
Where from ?
where`s catlin de`chelle?
where are all the fatthletes? i was gonna try it but i'm probably to fat for this stuff.Looks fun though.
What's allens last name want to find his Instagram he is one of the best for his age.
I'm in this video a lot if u don't believe me check out my channel and I have a video of there demo and pictures with Tyler Dan Reed and Mackenzie
Do not bother