Ken Ham: Is Evolution Science? | Kirk Cameron on TBN



  • @johnelliott5859
    @johnelliott5859 Рік тому +7

    Evolution is based on evidence. Not claims.

    • @symonelovesJesus
      @symonelovesJesus 5 місяців тому

      You cannot observe macro evolution. There is evidence for adaptation, change within kinds; canines to other canines, birds to other birds, etc. There is no evidence for molecule to man evolution. It's blind faith

  • @kenthovindscpa9466
    @kenthovindscpa9466 Рік тому +8

    Kirk Cameron is the reason I'm an atheist

    • @jessegoldfinger5645
      @jessegoldfinger5645 Рік тому +1

      Love the name! 🤣

    • @MasterSpade
      @MasterSpade Рік тому +2

      The reason I'm an Atheist is = I actually Read the bibles. Ironically enough, I first read them to "get closer to our lord and savior". But after the 2nd reading with an Open Mind, I was set Free!!! If only more believers would actually READ their claimed "flawless holy" books! But they don't. Instead, they do to their place of worship and have the nice handpicked parts read TO them. Then they believe Blindly.

    • @kenthovindscpa9466
      @kenthovindscpa9466 Рік тому

      @@jessegoldfinger5645 haha thanks

    • @protector9513
      @protector9513 Рік тому

      ​@@MasterSpadeWhat parts of the bible do you find error in! 😊

    • @MasterSpade
      @MasterSpade Рік тому

      @@protector9513 -- Those books are filled with Errors, Contradictions, and EVIL done by and commanded by that claimed "All Loving" god.
      1. Have you read any of the many versions of the bibles? Most believers never do.
      2. Do you claim the bibles to be the "Flawless, Perfect word of god"?
      3. Is there any amount of Evidence that would shake your faith and make you stop believing in "god"?
      If people would just read those books with an Open Mind, they would be shocked.
      Face it, we were lied to. Religion only wants Control. Once they have that, they get what they want most = $$$MONEY$$$!!!!!!!!
      EDIT this in: “Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived.” - Isaac Asimov

  • @valiant971
    @valiant971 Рік тому +5

    I had to chime in on this one. Evolution IS science and the evidence for it is overwhelming. Ken Ham is not a scientist and so is totally unqualified to speak to it's scientific validity in the same way that an Atheist is not qualified to speak about scripture.

    • @MasterSpade
      @MasterSpade Рік тому

      I agree with you on your statement on Evolution.
      But then you said = "an Atheist is not qualified to speak about scripture."
      -- I couldn't disagree more. Like most, I was a christian BEFORE I read the bibles. Once I did read them, that made me Atheist. Most believers that read those books with an Open Mind, not a Brainwashed one, will see and admit to all the contradictions, errors, and EVIL done by can commanded by that claimed "All Loving" god.
      Sad thing is, most believers never read it. So they know less than most Atheists.
      Bottom line = Most Atheists know more about religion, that is why we are Atheist.
      2 Great true quotes by Isaac Asimov = "The point is not that I'm an atheist, so I know more about religion; that's the wrong cause and effect. I think the more accurate way to phrase it is that I know more about religion, so I'm an atheist.".
      “Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived.”

    • @valiant971
      @valiant971 Рік тому

      @@MasterSpade If an atheist is a legitimate theologian who has both read the bible and seriously studied it than I agree with you.

    • @MasterSpade
      @MasterSpade Рік тому

      @@valiant971 -- Even if a person isn't a Master at something, (bible study in this case) if that person has read the bibles, even once, then sadly that person knows more than most christians. Most believers of most religions never bother to actually read their entire book. They claim it to be the "Perfect and Flawless word of god". Yet... they don't read it. Instead, they go to their place of worship and have the nice handpicked parts read TO them. Then they blindly believe, live by those verses, and think themselves experts. Sad but True.
      If only they would actually READ their books with an Open Mind. But... sadly their goal is to keep their belief in their god alive at All Costs... even if it means going against things like = Facts, Logic, and Common Sense.

    • @SpaceCadet4Jesus
      @SpaceCadet4Jesus Рік тому

      @@MasterSpade Regarding the U.S., only, I'm pretty sure you can find some people that ascribe to Christianity without reading their Bible, but that doesn't set a precedent and those people are certainly not the norm. In 44+ years of being a Christian, I've been to churches from Catholic to Pentecostal and inbetween and it's extremely rare to find anyone who comes to church only to sit down to hear nice stories, without ever reading a Bible. I think you are trying to make a case from an extremely fringe and rare situation.

  • @strangementalitypaperYT
    @strangementalitypaperYT Рік тому +1

    It's "permeated the world" because it's true...

  • @adamsauer8359
    @adamsauer8359 Рік тому +2

    There are too many problems to start. As a Christian, Listening to Ken Ham is so painful. He is so disingenuous and intellectually dishonest.

    • @SpaceCadet4Jesus
      @SpaceCadet4Jesus Рік тому

      His ridiculous KJV literal only interpretation discredits proper exegesis, biblical understanding.and science. When his view differs from stringent scientific observation of the world around us, he merely retreats to the "Either believe God or believe Man" retort, making it look like an "either or" situation, which in itself is a strawman conclusion. The problem is, HIS interpretation is what is at fault, not the Bible, not Science, not the world around us.
      Any science I've studied and still study fits in the Biblical narrative if you are enlightened enough to understand scripture without preconceived viewpoints.

  • @hayesjulie
    @hayesjulie Рік тому

    Yes!!! Preach it, Ken!!

  • @Icythewolf95
    @Icythewolf95 Рік тому

    Something tells me he came to America because of how gullible a lot of the people here are. You don't see this stuff in developed countries LMAO.

  • @pinguy2334
    @pinguy2334 Рік тому +5

    This is that guy that lost to Bill Nye.

  • @KRAMPUS_420
    @KRAMPUS_420 Рік тому +3

    Well, there is 10 minutes I'll never get back. I think I lost a few brain cells watching this nonsense.

  • @bradharford6052
    @bradharford6052 Рік тому +4

    This is a fascinating subject. A few years ago I would have been on the same page with Ham, but have had a shift in thinking since then. Darwinian evolution aside, which in my opinion is ridiculous and unable to be supported, I have come to believe that the universe is 13.8 billion years old, and the earth as we see it was created in 6 literal days, less than 10,000 years ago. How can that be? I think quantum science and some of its discoveries make that scenario not only possible, but probable. I think there is much more to this subject than is generally discussed. A very interesting subject though.

    • @PM-hh9ur
      @PM-hh9ur Рік тому +1

      The Book ‘How (Not) To Read The Bible’ has a splendid chapter on science and the Bible, and delves into the many viewpoints that Christians have about this topic. I, like you, have a nuanced position.

    • @tarstarkusz
      @tarstarkusz 4 місяці тому

      ALL Young Earth Creationists. 100% of them. Not one single exception, at least that I know of are LIARS or extremely ignorant (most are known provable liars). Make no mistake, they are just as ignorant in theology as they are in biology and geology.

  • @rodolforosashernandez4171
    @rodolforosashernandez4171 Рік тому +2

    Faith is not knowledge, where's there's evidence there is no faith. We don't talk about faith when 2 + 2 = 4 or if the earth is round. We only talk about faith when we want to substitute our emotions for evidence.

  • @wildmansamurai3663
    @wildmansamurai3663 Рік тому +3

    Evolution of the human species is a fact.

    • @symonelovesJesus
      @symonelovesJesus 5 місяців тому

      It's actually a theory. Hence the name "theory of evolution" even after 200 years since will always be a theory since you cannot observe macro evolution. It is based on blind faith.

  • @jannaswanson271
    @jannaswanson271 Рік тому +2

    Most Christians do not have a Biblical worldview!!!
    Genesis 1 tells us we live under a firmament solid enough to hold back water. He tells us He put the sun, moon and stars within the firmament. He tells us that the moon has its own light, not that the sun shines on it. Either God or man is lying.
    Job 38:14 says the Earth takes form like clay under a seal.
    Over and over the Bible says the Earth does not move. 1 Chronicles 16:30, Psalm 33:8-9, Psalm 93:1, Psalm 96:10, Psalm 104:5, Isaiah 14:7, Zechariah 1:12 (just a small sampling)
    Man tells us we come from primordial goo, that the Earth is billions of years old and that we live on a spinning ball that water clings to. We are supposedly hurdling through "space" at a curious 66,600 mph while spinning at 1000 mph yet Polaris stays fixed year after year, age after age.
    They say the moon spins yet so slowly that we only ever see one face of it. What?
    Believe God, not man!!

    • @tiffster1136
      @tiffster1136 Рік тому +1


    • @jannaswanson271
      @jannaswanson271 Рік тому +1

      @Joe Ely NASA says it spins and how has the North star moved? Imagine where you imagine Polaris to be in "space" then think of the Earth hurdling through space at 66,600 mph while it spins at 1000 mph. How is it that Polaris remains so fixed in our sky?

    • @joeely6817
      @joeely6817 Рік тому

      I would very much like to see where NASA says that the Moon spins. Regarding Polaris it is much due to perspective. Similar to looking at a far away jet liner. It appears to move slowly across the sky. In reality it is moving at several hundred mph. This it similar to our perspective on Polaris only at a much, much, much greater distance.

    • @tiffster1136
      @tiffster1136 Рік тому

      @@joeely6817 directly from NASA website:
      “An enduring myth about the Moon is that it doesn't rotate. While it's true that the Moon keeps the same face to us, this only happens because the Moon rotates at the same rate as its orbital motion, a special case of tidal locking called synchronous rotation.“

    • @jannaswanson271
      @jannaswanson271 Рік тому

      @@joeely6817 Except all of the stars are within the firmament. I know you don't believe that. I do and I have the right to as you have the right to believe what you want. As far as what NASA says, they say that on their website.

  • @MuhWasFalsePrpht
    @MuhWasFalsePrpht Рік тому +1

    ROMANS 1:20

    For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.”✝️

    • @Wraithknight2
      @Wraithknight2 8 місяців тому

      How can something which is invisible be observed?

  • @js1423
    @js1423 Рік тому +1

    Will Kirk have someone from BioLogos on at some point?

  • @stevencohn922
    @stevencohn922 Рік тому +1

    Unfortunately because Ken Ham is a YOUNG EARTH CREATIONIST he is not invited to most churches nationwide!

    • @stevencohn922
      @stevencohn922 Рік тому

      @@SherylinRM Ken ham was at our church last Sunday for a conference gave 3 lectures emphasizing Genesis chapters 1-11. And deemphasizing Revelation and end time eschatology!

    • @stevencohn922
      @stevencohn922 Рік тому

      @@SherylinRM even if AIG never forms a dept . Of Eschatology at their museum I still believe in the ministry and how much they have accomplished for the kingdom of heaven answering the questions of skeptics and unbelievers!

  • @lauramailhot9364
    @lauramailhot9364 Рік тому +1

    A day to us could be thousands of years to him time is made up by man

  • @PennySmart
    @PennySmart Рік тому +1

    I don't know, surely people should understand that a THEORY isn't a proven fact, otherwise it wouldn't still be called a THEORY!!!

    • @danbeaulieu2130
      @danbeaulieu2130 Рік тому +2

      In science, a theory is a body of facts, and the testable predictions that can be extrapolated from those facts.

    • @lizd2943
      @lizd2943 9 місяців тому +2

      Evolution is both fact and theory. That evolution occurs is a fact. The explanation of how it occurs is the theory.

  • @MasterSpade
    @MasterSpade Рік тому +4

    “Asking, ‘If there is no god, what is the purpose of Life?’ Is like asking, ‘If there is no MASTER, whose slave will I be?’” - Dan Barker

    • @fleabaglane
      @fleabaglane Рік тому

      The purpose of life is the same with a god or without a god

  • @ChildofGod98765
    @ChildofGod98765 Рік тому +11

    Even though I’m ashamed and discouraged I will trust in God, I have faith that he will provide and take care of all of my needs. Even though it’s difficult, I will continue to walk with faith not by sight. I get harassed constantly and mocked for sharing my testimony and for asking for prayers. I only want and need prayers and for others to know what vaccine mandates are doing to many people. I lost my job as a social worker at Forsyth hospital because I declined the vaccine. I declined because of my pre existing health condition lupus, and heart disease. I was denied my medical/religious exemption. I want to go back to the hospital but the mandate is still in place for hospitals that participate in Medicare and Medicaid all employees must have covid 19 vaccine. I’m now waitressing and I’m so thankful but not making nearly enough to get by. My husband passed away three years ago. I’m all alone. I’m a single mother. Both of my sons are autistic, they require a lot from me because they are non verbal. Every month is a struggle, to not end up on the streets. I’m constantly struggling to put food on the table it’s discouraging. But even as I’m put down and mocked because of situation and circumstance. I still have faith that our Heavenly Father will provide he has THIS FAR! Faith over fear. Please pray for me and my boys! God bless! 🥰

    • @faithfulgg1977
      @faithfulgg1977 Рік тому

      What is the name of your Pastor and Church?

    • @catherinemelnyk
      @catherinemelnyk Рік тому +2

      I pray for healing for this woman, Jesus, and for her sons also. Please hear the cry of her heart! Direct her steps and light her path heavenly Father. O, hear her prayers. Thank you Jesus.

    • @faithfulgg1977
      @faithfulgg1977 Рік тому +1

      @@catherinemelnyk Amen Jesus. Amen

    • @faithfulgg1977
      @faithfulgg1977 Рік тому

      @@catherinemelnyk I hope she is not a scammer

    • @emilyjeffery2082
      @emilyjeffery2082 Рік тому

      Why isn’t god helping the poor hungry people in Africa India, but he is there for me, helping me fine my keys, finding a parking spot, come on get real, why is he hiding, where is he, he is not real,

  • @lauramailhot9364
    @lauramailhot9364 Рік тому

    Hebrew now is a bit different then then

  • @MasterSpade
    @MasterSpade Рік тому +3

    "Religion is a phase a species goes through when it evolves enough intelligence to ask profound questions but not enough to answer them." - Bill Flavell

  • @TheHighestGodisGood
    @TheHighestGodisGood Рік тому +1

    We need another debate where Mr. Ham and Mr. Hovind are paired up!

    • @jessegoldfinger5645
      @jessegoldfinger5645 Рік тому

      Not going to happen. Even Ham is smart enough to realize that Hovind used completely discredited arguments. He even has a list of arguments that should not be used by creationists and the majority of the arguments are word for word Hovind arguments that Kent continues to use.

  • @allstargaming5270
    @allstargaming5270 Рік тому

    Everyone believes there's a God deep down, it's just that some don't want to live by Gods rules. So they make up lies like evolution, so they can keep their sinning lifestyle intact. Facts!

    • @haggismcbaggis9485
      @haggismcbaggis9485 Рік тому +2

      Evolution has nothing to do with sinning.

    • @danbeaulieu2130
      @danbeaulieu2130 Рік тому +1

      Try again.

    • @jackjohnson4386
      @jackjohnson4386 Рік тому

      +Allstar Gaming
      So you believe that one of the central principles of biology was made up to give people an excuse to sin, despite the fact that evolution is based on a tremendous amount of evidence? I'm pretty sure it's a sin to be that stupid.

  • @PM-hh9ur
    @PM-hh9ur Рік тому

    We need Christians to read the Bible in context.

  • @stevencohn922
    @stevencohn922 Рік тому

    I have been begging AIG to form a Bible prophecy End Times department at the museum, it’s the only biblical dept missing from their ministry. Every other conceivable bible based scientific research is found at Answers in Genesis!!

  • @raywingfield
    @raywingfield Рік тому

    please talk about demons and devils next time, they be scary!!!

  • @scottearlsmithFTC
    @scottearlsmithFTC Рік тому

    This was very helpful and informative. Helps he have some good discussion points for people who believe evolution is science.

  • @MasterSpade
    @MasterSpade Рік тому +5

    "Debating creationists on the topic of evolution is rather like trying to play chess with a pigeon; it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory." -- Scott D. Weitzenhoffer

  • @torontocitizen6802
    @torontocitizen6802 Рік тому +1

    There is no good evidence for the existence of any god.

  • @jackjohnson4386
    @jackjohnson4386 Рік тому +1

    Why are these two even debating evolution? Neither of them are biologists. Are they going to do a video on string theory without a physicist next?

    • @SpaceCadet4Jesus
      @SpaceCadet4Jesus Рік тому

      String theory? Of course not! The next debate is "under sink counter drainage vs. plumbers." Don't worry, eventually they'll get to some scientific relevance.....maybe.

  • @laurieduarte1661
    @laurieduarte1661 Рік тому

    Fantastic interview!

  • @kathylloyd3822
    @kathylloyd3822 Рік тому +2

    Thank you for posting this interview and sharing Truth!

  • @PennySmart
    @PennySmart Рік тому +1

    So true, "the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength". And people forget that, at best, science is always evolving as knowledge increases.

    • @cliftongaither6642
      @cliftongaither6642 Рік тому

      and thats the beauty of science. it's better to have questions that can't be answered, then to have answers that can't be questioned.

  • @robertdouglas8895
    @robertdouglas8895 Рік тому +3

    "Judge not by appearance but judge by righteous judgment." Jesus Christ.
    Science is determined by the senses, by appearance. That is not the truth Jesus thought was important to judge. What is important and true is expanding our love which we do by prayer, not by the senses. We are on the earth but not of the earth. The kingdom of heaven is within you. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

  • @cindychristman8708
    @cindychristman8708 Рік тому

    My god, Billy Bob, created DNA. Billy Bob is light (intelligent and eternal).
    A creator does not "own" us.
    If you "created" a child, does that mean you can do whatever you want with said child? You are given stewardship and that carries with it great responsibility. God acts like a mob boss..."I gave you life and I can take you out".
    Life started at the splitting of the atom (adam) with ionic bonding. We're all made of atoms.
    We take an electron out of an atom (God took a rib out of Adam) and we've created a positive ion (Eve). We take that electron that we removed from that atom and we put it in another atom and we've created a negative ion--it's called ionic bonding--and the two bond, the two become as one and we've created male/female, positive/negative, adam/eve, and voila, it all makes sense.
    I agree with Ken Ham when he says we don't die. It is impossible to die because we are light beings. When we die a door opens in the right angular gyrus of the right hemisphere of our brain and we return to being an angle (angel) of light. We are born again, over and over, to this earth.

  • @anuajihdeYahweh
    @anuajihdeYahweh Рік тому +4

    I remember watching him and Bill Nye? (Spelling🤔) debating and Bill was so angry talking with Ken and it's interesting that people who do not believe are such angry people when you get to talking with them alot of the time. Reminds me of when the bible talks about the flesh and the spirit being at constant war with each other. I hope that Bill's heart gets softened and that the Lord would reveal himself to him in whatever way he needs. Only the Lord knows the battle of his heart and mind- pray that in Jesus name~amen.

    • @litigioussociety4249
      @litigioussociety4249 Рік тому

      I think it's more people who adamantly deny the existence of God than people who don't believe. Many people call themselves agnostics or non-religious that seem reasonable, but the ones that reject God to the point that they mock and ridicule anyone having faith are the mean ones. They are the ones who have heard and recite "religion is th opiate of the masses" as a creed of their own.
      I notice this is an often used tactic to turn young people away from religion, because they make secular claims that belittle people, and those who believe based more on the testimony and understanding of others are less likely to withstand not having a conviction of their own.

    • @ashowofhands9813
      @ashowofhands9813 Рік тому +1

      Bill was not mad at Ken, but I’m sure he was disappointed. Because Ken was not there to debate he was there to preach, and was the only one of the two unwilling to change his mind no matter what evidence was presented at him. That is the antithesis of science. Religious text is not science literature and should never be taken literally

    • @litigioussociety4249
      @litigioussociety4249 Рік тому

      @@ashowofhands9813 The Bible is for the most part a historical account and the testimonies of people interacting with God, prophets, or the people of Israel. Most of it is literal, and people who say it shouldn't be taken literally are ignorant about it; usually, because they haven't read it.
      For example, Genesis is all about the genealogies of real people. Moses starts with Adam, then proceeds to Noah, then Abraham to his day. There's nothing in the text that indicates those before Abraham are meant to be seen as different from those after. The rest of The Old Testament is unquestionably meant to be about real people and real events. All of The New Testament is meant to be about real people and events except the parables of Jesus. Even Revelation is meant to be about real things, it's just interpreting what real things is debated.
      You can choose to reject the Bible, but it's heresy to choose to believe in it, but randomly reject parts you don't like.

    • @danbeaulieu2130
      @danbeaulieu2130 Рік тому

      The bible is a mess of poorly plagiarized myths, legends, fairy tales, and revenge porn.

    • @pinguy2334
      @pinguy2334 Рік тому +1

      Bill won that debate.

  • @jamiequick3607
    @jamiequick3607 Рік тому +6

    Thank you for talking about this. I have been studying this with my 11 year old daughter in homeschool. It completely lines up!

    • @thebottomline9250
      @thebottomline9250 Рік тому +2

      Yes studying what you please at home will completely line up

    • @WoutervanJoolingen
      @WoutervanJoolingen Рік тому +4

      I feel sorry for your daughter

    • @cliftongaither6642
      @cliftongaither6642 Рік тому

      yeah , homeschooling you child ... more dumbing down America. thanks a lot .

    • @Wraithknight2
      @Wraithknight2 8 місяців тому

      I feel so sorry for your daughter. May she grow up and give up on fairy tales.

    • @jamiequick3607
      @jamiequick3607 8 місяців тому

      @@Wraithknight2 , my daughter could outsmart you any day.

  • @judystarr8798
    @judystarr8798 Рік тому +6

    Thank you Ken for bringing the truth of creation to America!

  • @packfresh1
    @packfresh1 Рік тому

    🤔so you're saying the all powerful, needed 6 days to create the heaven and the earth... If I were all powerful i could do it in one...
    Next part... on the 7th day he rested🤔all powerful you say🤔... so he just needed a nap I guess.😂

    • @SpaceCadet4Jesus
      @SpaceCadet4Jesus Рік тому

      Funny guy. 😃
      Truth, as I see it, is the word "Yom" is defaulted to a single word "day" by KJV scholars. It actually means a few other things depending on the context and one of the definitions is "An unspecified amount of time". Could mean a general local period, a lifetime, many lifetimes, a thousand years or even billions of years. The KJV interpretors used a single word "day" as the intrepretation instead. I disagree with them though.
      Based on our best and repeated observations, I understand that each "day" is a phase of around 640+ Million years and that God intiated 6 phases of creation each overlapping the other, example are the dying and birth of stars in our present universe, billions of years later after their initial creation. The words "Evening" and "Morning" are only placeholders to differentiate between major phases of creation (since the real hours between an evening and a morning is 12 hours, not 24hrs).
      Also note that the DNA genetic code allows for future variation within a species but still representing the species for which it was written. Cross species transmigration is not a part of genetic code, meaning a catepillar (larvae phase) of a butterfly is a normal and programmed event but a kitten into a dog is not, nor a monkey into a human. Yes, we share DNA code, but cross species transmigration is a limitation and mutations tending toward this end in death.
      So in essence, the Genesis account is accurate but not written or stated in modern scientific venacular.

  • @nectarzetlian9251
    @nectarzetlian9251 Рік тому +1

    Love this interview. Ken Ham is the best besides Lee Strobel.

  • @karrisajoss4271
    @karrisajoss4271 Рік тому +1

    Amen for God’s truth, thank you.

  • @thebottomline9250
    @thebottomline9250 Рік тому +2

    Ken Ham: Why argue with Christians if there is no god?
    Scientist: So people will know the truth and not fantasy.

    • @larrydigangi4707
      @larrydigangi4707 Рік тому

      The Bottom Line… You forgot the Way and the Life…Which is Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen!

  • @briendoyle4680
    @briendoyle4680 Рік тому +2

    The sciences - all based on Observation - are peer-reviewed! gods are never proven!!

    • @SpaceCadet4Jesus
      @SpaceCadet4Jesus Рік тому

      True enough, but to be fair, Science can never prove anything metaphysical. It's outside of the realm of human scientific falsifiable observation.

  • @rolandwatts3218
    @rolandwatts3218 Рік тому +1

    Good grief. That interview is tragic. It does not provide believers with good information as to what science is about. When Hammy talks about science, the theory of evolution, atheists and so on, he rarely makes sense. In fact, how on earth does he know that the bible is God's word? With reference to what he later says about observation, was Ham there to watch Genesis being written to see that it was Moses doing the writing, to see that God was whispering into the ear of Moses, and to see that Moses got correct all that God said to him?
    The following critique explains how Ham's arguments are not well constructed and so bear little resemblance to what science is, and how it is done.
    //4:40 "The word 'science' has been used for our technology and the word 'science' has been used for evolution and millions of years ..."//
    The word 'science' is also used for atoms, their structure and behaviour. The word 'science' is used in the context of quantum phenomena. The word 'science' is used in the context of germs, viruses, the causes of disease. The word 'science' is used for volcanoes, plate tectonics, earthquakes.
    //" ... and I find even many pastors think 'You know what? I believe in technology, (of course we do), so I believe in science (yes, I understand that), therefore I have to believe in evolution because it's the same science'. ..."//
    Do pastors actually think that way???
    // ... It's not the same science."//
    Technology is an application of science. In fact, you don't need to do science to create technology. Science is largely about investigating nature and deriving theories to explain the outcomes of those investigations. Scientific theories are not technologies nor are they technological applications. Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism (scientific theory) is not a pop-up toaster (application). Thermodynamic theory (scientific theory) is not a steam train (application). Germ theory (scientific theory) is not an antibiotic (application).
    //"The science that builds our technology is based on observation, experimentation, repeatable experiments and so on ... //
    The evidence for the theory of evolution is based on observation. When scientists test the theory they set up experiments and conduct observations based on the outcomes of said experiments. Those experiments are repeatable. They can be altered. The altered experiments can be rerun. New observations can be collected. To see that this is so, all the reader needs to do is peruse scientific journals like Nature, Science, Cell, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, The Journal of Molecular Evolution, and so on. As with investigations into the theory of evolution, so investigations into the standard model of particle physics does exactly the same kind of thing. Investigations into the general theory of relativity does exactly the same kind of thing. Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism does exactly the same kind of thing. Investigations into thermodynamic theory does the same kind of thing.
    //Science or knowledge about the past, that's belief ...//
    Everything we think, is belief. Beliefs are:-
    a. either based on good evidence, good logic, and are testable, or
    b. they are based on some evidence and logic, or
    c. they are logical but based on little to no evidence, or
    d. they are wild guesses, or
    c. they are lies and believed only out of wilfull ignorance.
    Ideas about the present are beliefs and like beliefs about the past, we can still get them wrong. And often we get beliefs about the past correct. To imply that ideas about the present are in some way superior to ideas about the past because the former constitutes knowledge while the latter constitutes guesses - is simply silly.
    For example, I believe that Kirk Cameron starred in movies that were made in the past. Would someone like to challenge me on this and tell me that my belief is a wild guess?
    If I saw a fossil in a rock, which option below do people think to be the best explanation for the presence of that animal-like pattern:-
    a. The fossil is the remains of an animal that was alive at some time in the past? It died and its remains turned into rock?
    b. The fossil is a pattern put there by God?
    c. The fossil is a pattern put there by Satan?
    d. The fossil is a pattern put there by fairies?
    I'll go for option a any time because I reckon it's much, much, much more likely than options b, c and d. Yet it seems that Ham thinks all options to be on an equal footing because they are all just beliefs.
    The theory of evolution is a scientific theory just like the theory of relativity, the atomic theory of matter, the germ theory of disease, quantum theory, quark theory, and so on, are scientific theories. They have a huge amount of empirical supporting evidence. They are testable theories. They explain a range of observable phenomena.
    //Cameron: "Is there real evidence for a creator in the world today?"
    Hammy: "Well the bible says if you don't believe in God then you are without excuse. So there must be evidence ..."//
    Romans 1:20 is as silly as me saying to Kirk, whenever we disagree over some matter:-
    "Deep down you know that I am correct, and that you are wrong. But you are too prideful to admit to it. Thus you are without excuse."
    ^^ If you think that kind of argument from me is silly, then likewise for Romans 1:20. That verse was written by a fallible human who was making as much sense as I did with my quip just above.
    Anyway, I will leave it there. The comment is already large and I am only half way through the video.

    • @PM-hh9ur
      @PM-hh9ur Рік тому

      There are many Christians who believe the Bible is the Word of God AND follow science without fear. Many scientists are in fact Christians, though some feel pressured to remain closeted Christians. Personally, I think Ham does more damage than good because he doesn’t follow the science OR respect the Bible in context.

    • @jessegoldfinger5645
      @jessegoldfinger5645 Рік тому

      He also believes that Moses wrote Deuteronomy the very book that describes the death of Moses.

    • @PM-hh9ur
      @PM-hh9ur Рік тому +1

      @@jessegoldfinger5645Moses had a very good education so it’s possible he wrote the first 5 books of the Bible with editors. But whether or not Moses wrote the first five books is irrelevant to the overall message of the Pentateuch.

    • @jessegoldfinger5645
      @jessegoldfinger5645 Рік тому

      @@PM-hh9urwhere on earth did he get said 'very good education' and no, it is not possible to write about your own death after you have died? That wouldn't be an editor writing it, it would be a co-author writing it. And there is no serious bible scholar today who believes Moses wrote the first five books. They are incredibly dissimilar in writing style not just from book to book but within the books themselves.

    • @PM-hh9ur
      @PM-hh9ur Рік тому

      @@jessegoldfinger5645 I’ve read scholars like Tremper Longmann who do not outright dismiss it. Maybe you’re overplaying your hand? And editing/writing in the ancient world had very different standards than todays writing/editing standards…

  • @runwillrobinson
    @runwillrobinson Рік тому

    There is a lot of wisdom in this science! Thank you.

  • @darrenmiller6927
    @darrenmiller6927 Рік тому

    Love the people at "Answers In Genesis". Ken Ham is a gift, a blessing from God. I hope to make it to the Ark at the park someday. I have been so encouraged by his people out there. Ken is my favorite Australian import, lol. Even more than the Bee Gees; even more than Nicole Kidman, lol.

    • @Wraithknight2
      @Wraithknight2 8 місяців тому

      If Ken ham is a gift it's that bunny suit from a Christmas story.