Is Roman Catholicism Teaching Universalism?

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • There is much to learn from the current pope. I pray that this video helps us consider a little bit of what exclusivity means to the Christian Faith.
    Links to two items from this video:
    1) The Vatican’s list of the current Catholic Catechism:
    2) My video on Fiducia Supplicans:
    You can find the two videos I shared on the pope all over the web.
    God bless!!!
    (If this has been a blessing to you, would you please share it with someone else? Come by anytime for new stuff).


  • @philosophicalneo
    @philosophicalneo 2 дні тому +1

    I'll defend the Pope's words... because trying to cope is not the same as truly having hope

    • @steveempire4625
      @steveempire4625 День тому

      Statement 1: It's too general and false in many ways. There are religions that go in the opposite direction of God, the truth. There are those that keep a person standing still, entrenched, unmovable. There are false religions that are total enemies of God. There are religions the OT describes as being of demons. The Christian path to sanctification is through the sacraments of baptism, communion, confession, confirmation, matrimony, holy orders, and anointing of the sick. It is through cooperation and participation in these sacraments that one "walks toward God" and the Bible is very clear that no act is pleasing to God outside of Christianity.
      Statement 2: First, I would point out that Catholic ecumenical councils that have been extremely helpful in clarifying and unifying the Church were in opposition to some heresy or fighting against some false belief. So, Pope Francis' statement is just too general. Furthermore, I feel that statements of agreement in Interfaith councils are simply condescending nonsense. Respect is given when people articulate their differences and passions for those differences.
      Statement 3: We are all created in the image of God but only Christians may accurately call themselves Children of God as the Bible states clearly. As with Paul, you give non-believers the complete truth instead of condescending rubbish. You look to what Paul states in Acts 17.
      Finally, you may not be aware, but Pope Francis dug himself a deeper hole by declaring that the diversity of religions is a gift from God. In doing so, Pope Francis says that God actively willed false religions as spiritual gifts to the world. It's time to stop defending Pope Francis or you'll fall into the same pit that he is in.

  • @shanesolar3924
    @shanesolar3924 3 дні тому +6

    Long story short. No the Church is not teaching universalism.

    • @marcokite
      @marcokite 2 дні тому

      Long story short. YES! the Roman Catholic Church - or at least the Roman Catholic 'supreme pontiff' IS teaching universalism.
      Time for Orthodoxy

    • @marcokite
      @marcokite 2 дні тому

      Long story short. YES! the Roman Catholic Church - or at least the Roman Catholic 'supreme pontiff' IS teaching universalism.
      Time for Orthodoxy

    • @haronsmith8974
      @haronsmith8974 2 дні тому

      @@marcokite No its not. The Church doesn't teach what the Pope says in random conversations with children. Church teaches from magisterial statements, not off the cuff conversations the pope says. Catholics for all purposes should worry more about what their local bishop does and not care what the Pope says, and the Pope only really matters in times of councils or magisterial statements.
      You should actually learn what the popes role in the Church is and not say such obviously wrong and sensational things.

    • @sissybrooks8588
      @sissybrooks8588 День тому

      That man is an anomaly. No salvation outside the Church.

  • @saintpolycarp8197
    @saintpolycarp8197 2 дні тому +3

    The Pope is wrong when he says all religions go to God. This is not Catholic teaching. This is the Pope's private opinion which is not correct. If he really believes this he is in grave error and all properly catechized Catholics know this. The Church is right and the Pope is wrong.

    • @Biblecia
      @Biblecia  2 дні тому +1

      @@saintpolycarp8197 Thank you for this feedback.

    • @NerdyCatholic2122
      @NerdyCatholic2122 2 дні тому +4

      Well said. We all need to pray for Pope Francis.

    • @haronsmith8974
      @haronsmith8974 2 дні тому +1

      @@Biblecia Also the pope has stated many times in statements and homilies the reality of Jesus and the Church is NEEDED for the salvation for the entire world. I watched this entire conversation the pope has with these children and the subject is about the youth willing to have conversations about their religions in non violent ways which he admired. Context matters.

  • @Nicholas-qs4ci
    @Nicholas-qs4ci День тому

    Perhaps! Catholic means universal.

  • @dezlovecraft5247
    @dezlovecraft5247 3 дні тому

    - It has the same doctrine
    - Same lenguage (Latin)
    - One contingent Patriarch (The Pope)
    - Same liturgy
    - Same interpretation
    . Same traditions
    . Same Magisterium
    Yes it does teach universalism.
    Lets see prpotestantism:
    1) every denomination has a different interpretation
    2) different lenguages for their teachings
    3) differente liturgys or no liturgys at all
    4) different dogmas (baptizing children? not neede or neede according to different people (pastors))
    5) different traditions (You don't want me to go there)
    6) No all.
    If you go to Japan you will find the same catholic church, the pople change... but not the Church.

    • @Biblecia
      @Biblecia  3 дні тому

      Hello and thanks for writing in. I would challenge each of these points you made, sir or ma'am. In depth if I could and with respect. A few replies: 1) The liturgy has changed dramatically over time. The dogmatic definitions of Rome today are not what they once were. 2). Current movement in the RCC have moved away from the Latin Mass expressly in most parts of the world. 3) Sedevacantism is growing among Catholics in my experience for a reason. Even some comments here in response to this short video clearly demonstrate this. This is not for no reason. In the video I linked to in this video's description on Fiducia Supplicans, for example, I documented and played at length a video of one African RC priest publicly denouncing FS on same sex blessings as the work of Satan, and saying he would not allow it to be observed in his diocese. There are major issues happening within. 4). The magisterium is led by clear liberals today. Leftists. Pro-abortion advocates. LGBT sensitive activists, etc. Francis (seems) to want this. So no, even that is changing. This recent video from him is not unexpected, sir or ma'am in my opinion. We see where the Vatican is going.
      As far as Protestantism goes, the church surely has its problems. Tons of them, but those same problems exist in the 250+ recognized denominations (or rites) of Roman Catholicism. A brief response; I don't want to take too much time. If they're legitimately Protestant- they believe in the Trinity and justification by faith alone and approach the word of God as the sole infallible authority for matters of faith (in some respect to these ideas) we will not have a different faith and need not have the same hierarchy. Scripture does not give us a hierarchy above the local churches, so we're not concerned with it.
      You're welcome to question any Christian group. I know why I'm Protestant. The questions I'm asking here in this video, I pray, are relevant and not misrepresenting the views of this current pope. And I hope I'm asking questions worth asking.

  • @mariafewster4127
    @mariafewster4127 3 дні тому

    That's where you and he are completely wrong. I AM the only way to Father, that is an exclusive claim. Jesus sent the Apostles out, to preach the Gospel to all men, so they could be saved. Except for John, they were all martyred. People didn't like that their religion, was not the way. Before Vatican 11 Every Pope, taught, you had to Come into the Church, Jesus Christ Started to be saved. Which is The One True Holy Catholic Apostolic Church . This, Anti pope is a deceiver. Ecumenicalism is heresay, to the true faith, in Jesus Christ and His Church.

  • @marcokite
    @marcokite 2 дні тому +1

    Long story short. YES! the Roman Catholic Church - or at least the Roman Catholic 'supreme pontiff' IS teaching universalism.
    Time for Orthodoxy

    • @giansetyadi4859
      @giansetyadi4859 2 дні тому

      Or protestantism 🤔

    • @NerdyCatholic2122
      @NerdyCatholic2122 2 дні тому +1

      Instead of being divisive and leaving the Catholic Church because of the erroneous opinions of Pope Francis, how about we pray for him? How about we unitel our prayers with fasting and acts penance for him?

    • @haronsmith8974
      @haronsmith8974 2 дні тому

      No its not. The Church doesn't teach what the Pope says in random conversations with children. Church teaches from magisterial statements, not off the cuff conversations the pope says. Catholics for all purposes should worry more about what their local bishop does and not care what the Pope says, and the Pope only really matters in times of councils or magisterial statements.

  • @vibes1652
    @vibes1652 3 дні тому

    His first point was that we can't proclaim our religion is more important without creating disputes with others, not because it is or isn't true.
    The second point is only controversial because he didn't elaborate, the pope would agree that Christianity contains the fullness of truth, it seems that he is saying because there is only one true God, and as we are all children of God, if you truly seek God, no matter where your from you can find him, still through Christ, but grace indirectly recieved, incidentally.
    The plan of salvation includes all people and God wouldn't leave his children without hope, we all have reason and a conscience, and a will to recieve love and understanding to recieve wisdom.

    • @mariafewster4127
      @mariafewster4127 3 дні тому

      Your so wrong. There is only one way to the Father and that is Jesus Christ. Ecumenicalism came through Vatican 11. Which is also wrong. This pope is an anti Pope. Who teaches Hearsay. Every Pope, before V11, taught that you must be inside The One True Holy Catholic Apostolic Church, that Jesus started to be saved. No other.

  • @NoSoulAlchemist
    @NoSoulAlchemist 4 дні тому +1

    Love how you just miss quote someone and add thing in. No where did he dismiss Christ as the only way to heaven. He said “There are many ways to God.” Nothing was said about entering the kingdom of heaven or about salvation.

    • @Biblecia
      @Biblecia  3 дні тому +2

      Did you watch the same video(s)? He said no one should fight or say that their religion is right, or say that someone else’s religion is wrong, or that one’s God is more important than another’s, etc. So, Vishnu is as important for some or only as right as Jesus is for Catholics? I think you may be looking at this with a certain set of glasses on and thus missing it. I invite you to watch it again.
      And what of his words in the second video about the atheist father? Are you saying you also believe that an atheist’s dad should be spoken of as surely being in heaven because they baptize their children? Are you Catholic?
      Thanks for writing in. You may not agree with my conclusions, but I really don’t feel like I’m misrepresenting anything he was clearly trying to communicate.

    • @marcokite
      @marcokite 2 дні тому +1

      Long story short. YES! the Roman Catholic Church - or at least the Roman Catholic 'supreme pontiff' IS teaching universalism. The ONLY inference of what Jorge says is that the Lord Jesus Christ is not necessary.
      Time for Orthodoxy