I only watched a UA-cam short of the clip where he puts the sunglasses on and then I had to watch it. It’s a shame it can’t be released back into the mainstream
This movie is timeless .. . i watched an interview with John Carpenter the other day. ..where he told a journalist who was almost mocking him saying the movie was a drama/comedy ...he went slient ..then a very serious cern voice said ...irs neither of those ...its not a movie ...it is and always be a documentary .... For every generation... He knew .. by the look in his eyes and the sound of his voice ...he knew .... Im 52 years old and have seen this movie in the 80"s and a few more times inbetween ...always making some connection....here i am watching it ..1st of June 2024 ...and ...fark the far out !!! ...
Drama. Comedy. Film. Documentary. Call it what you will. I spent a little over 90 minutes glued to the screen! I strongly recommend it to anyone from any part of the world! Thank you Still Human for uploading it!!!
Imho it has been relevant for a long time. Now we are overexposed to media as we are constantly connected 24/7 "thanks" to wi-fi and smartphones, but we got here through a process that was always dreadful.
@@alessandratrevisan7951Plato. We accept distorted images as reality. Plato couldn't imagine that one day we will only be able to perceive the world through manufactured images.
Tats bcoz it was made for this purpose every film you've ever watched as been based on real life events n lots to cum so keep ur eyes open n stay vigilant
Here in the UK, my 90 year old mum, me (64)and my 2 sisters (57 and 59) saw this film when it 1st came out. We all bought "They Live" T. Shirts, at the start of Covid, and we all wear them now and then together. We've said for years that it was ahead of its time
I watched this a couple of years ago, late night on Film Four. The ideas behind it scared me alot, but I bet that many viewers cannot see beyond what is presented?
@@maldonboy1 most comments I get are quite intelligent and from awake crew. I do however get the odd sheep who has no clue and just slams the movie 🤦🏻♂️
Wow! The whole family going to see one film. Where you John Carpenter fans by any chance 👍😁 I don't know if Kurt Russell was ever in line to play the lead role in this film, but it always felt that way.
You must have been under your bed when 100s of Millions of the Bravest Souls in the Cosmos Stood up at World FP for years in the biggest and longest protests in Human History coverings 100s of Different Issues many with Petitions all taken down online with accounts to Pay for Lawyers Barristers So the most urgent ones were done at Protests Finally 100 of Millions of the Bravest Souls on Earth the Cosmos Real Heroes Real freedom Fighters stood up to take away for Ever the Control and Power of the group The Evil 1s and their Top Pure Evil Military and SS Clones who have controlled every Country on Earth for over a Century the majority for Centuries including every Communist Country they created for obvious Reasons Also helped by their Created Controlled UK French EU World Puppet Goverments Partys Old and New and their Created Controlled Pure Evil UK French EU World Puppet Politicans PMs Presidents with no Real Power Created for the group The Evil 1s to use as Front Puppets Faces Buffers to hide behind 100s of Millions of the Bravest Souls were so close to changing History and the future of their People their Lands Countries Islands Humanity and The Planet Let down by Billions of the most Spineless Pathetic Whining Creatures in the Cosmos who kept Voting obeying orders and never stood up for anything including the Public of the USA Real Heroes only in their Movies No Surprise to 100s of Millions of the Bravest Souls in the Cosmos Real Heroes Real FF The Evil 1s Old Family UK Lords their Family's have been in Power for over 4 Centuries UK Royals UK Military Chiefs French Old Family Lords French Military Chiefs The Vatican Z Family Bankers Maybe still Spanish Roman Italian Old family Lords Royals Military Chiefs with their top pure Evil Military and SS Clones All the rest of the worlds Pure Evil Puppet leaders obey their masters the group the Evil 1s including every BS Religious Fanatic Rulers Also all little groups of Religious Fanatic Nobodies who were Funded Trained Protected Controlled and are used ISIS The Taliban The PLO Hamas The Muslim Brotherhood in every little group the Evil 1s top Military and SS Clones Pick out a few evil People make them Leaders and Rich and Use them to control and betray their own groups and People cause chaos which the evil 1s need to control Humanity it's all a Show
@@stillhuman4662 That is the quote in the film from the guy who claims to of joined a multi-international network of secret societies running all the worlds successful corps and countries.
@@zednevada7362funny how during covid every country responded in the exact same way with the exact same lies and cover ups.. almost as if their is a global secret society deciding what's going on in the world.
I don't know how it is with others, but when I watched it as a child, I thought it was just a fantastic movie, just like the matrix! After I grew up and watched it again, I learned and understood so much about the world that I didn't understand then!
Многие верные слуги бога отождествляются с ним, - с господом. Это норма в теологической литературе, это ПСИХОТЕХНИЧЕСКОЕ понятие, а не только традиция, ведь божьи пророки, воители - это его АВАТАРЫ. ✫ Слово аватара, означает воплощение бога, аватара это дистанционная марионетка бога, только без видимых нитей. Это слово встречается в ведической литературе и некоторых восточных языках и имеет такое же значение. ✫ При помощи интеллектуальной техники системы Судьба, бог управляет своими аватарами и полноценно присутствует в них в нужный момент, буквально ЖИВЕТ в них, по своей сути бог и машина Судьба неразделимы. ✫ Судьба - это интеллектуально-логическая машина. Она нуждается в живой душе, как обычный компьютер нуждается в операторе и программисте. Рассмотрим само слово интеллект: «Ин» - внутрь (извне), «теле» - на расстояние, «лект» - лектор, лекция. Итого: приём или передача информации на расстоянии. По аналогии можно интерпретировать слово интеллигент: генератор, передатчик (приёмник) мыслей, информации, то есть социальный маяк - божий аватара, через которого бог воздействует на общество через идеи. ✫ Поэтому, описываемые в книге асы-лунатики, от архистратига до простого депутата и проститутки, - это воплощения единого бога. Подобная система управления существует у насекомых в рое, там всеми бездушными особями управляет МАТКА. Социальная структура роя сложна и разделена на касты: царица, солдаты, трутни и так далее. ✫ Трутень, например, соответствует депутату или чиновнику в людском рое, только не подумайте, что указанные существа не трудятся, - это заблуждение, просто они решают неизвестные вам и себе задачи, по указанию свыше, - нет, вы не так поняли, я имею в виду ещё более высокую ЛУННУЮ ИНСТАНЦИЮ. ✫ Свою политику царица-матка осуществляет при помощи дистанционных команд (включая торсионные каналы связи) и химических агентов, таких как феромоны, гормоны и т. п. вещества. Бог (или МАТКА) един в бесконечном множестве своих аватар, в подвластном ему мире-муравейнике на всё его «воля». ... ИЗ ЭТОЙ КНИГИ ВЫ, НАКОНЕЦ, УЗНАЕТЕ О ПОТАЁННОЙ ВОЙНЕ, В КОТОРОЙ ВСЕ МЫ ПРИНИМАЕМ УЧАСТИЕ. ЭТА ВОЙНА ТАКАЯ БОЛЬШАЯ, ЧТО МЫ, НАХОДЯСЬ ВНУТРИ НЕЁ, УЖЕ ПОЧТИ НЕ ЗАМЕЧАЕМ ЕЁ, ВОЙНА ИДЁТ И ВНУТРИ НАС, - НА МИКРО УРОВНЕ, МЫ БЫ К НЕЙ ПРИВЫКЛИ СОВСЕМ, НО СМЕРТЬ НЕ ДАЁТ СФОРМИРОВАТЬСЯ ЭТОЙ ВРЕДНОЙ ПРИВЫЧКЕ ДО КОНЦА. ГДЕ БЫ ВЫ НИ БЫЛИ, ЧТО БЫ НИ ДЕЛАЛИ, БЕЗУЧАСТНЫМ В ЭТОЙ СМЕРТЕЛЬНОЙ БИТВЕ НИКТО НЕ ОСТАЁТСЯ, КАЖДЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК, САМ ТОГО НЕ ОСОЗНАВАЯ, ВОЮЕТ НА ОДНОЙ ИЗ СТОРОН. Правда, есть и осознанно вредящие человечеству божьи люди и от их предательства и принимаемых решений страдает наша планета. Вам, в процессе ознакомления с предложенной информацией, постепенно станет понятной сама суть людской ярости и безумия, как на ладони высветится настоящая причина войн и революций убивающих наш Мир. Глубинная книга Владимира Пятибрата о бессмертии и бессмертных. Книга в свободном доступе в интернете. Последнее обновление 30 августа 2003. Кроме главы Семь ключей Радуги. В книге на данный момент нет ее поздних дополнений и обновлений. Автор это писал на форуме Богатырская стезя и объяснял в беседах. Можно будет тоже найти в интернете или спросить.
He was the best wrestler turn movie star we’ve ever seen. Yes The Rock is the highest paid and has been in some of the biggest movies of the past few years and Dave Bautista has been in the biggest box office draw “but” Roddy’s movies whether it’s They Live or Tough & Deadly have this effect of wanting to watch more and more and when I’ve watched them i can go right back to his first and watch them all over again
ИЗ ЭТОЙ КНИГИ ВЫ, НАКОНЕЦ, УЗНАЕТЕ О ПОТАЁННОЙ ВОЙНЕ, В КОТОРОЙ ВСЕ МЫ ПРИНИМАЕМ УЧАСТИЕ. ЭТА ВОЙНА ТАКАЯ БОЛЬШАЯ, ЧТО МЫ, НАХОДЯСЬ ВНУТРИ НЕЁ, УЖЕ ПОЧТИ НЕ ЗАМЕЧАЕМ ЕЁ, ВОЙНА ИДЁТ И ВНУТРИ НАС, - НА МИКРО УРОВНЕ, МЫ БЫ К НЕЙ ПРИВЫКЛИ СОВСЕМ, НО СМЕРТЬ НЕ ДАЁТ СФОРМИРОВАТЬСЯ ЭТОЙ ВРЕДНОЙ ПРИВЫЧКЕ ДО КОНЦА. ГДЕ БЫ ВЫ НИ БЫЛИ, ЧТО БЫ НИ ДЕЛАЛИ, БЕЗУЧАСТНЫМ В ЭТОЙ СМЕРТЕЛЬНОЙ БИТВЕ НИКТО НЕ ОСТАЁТСЯ, КАЖДЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК, САМ ТОГО НЕ ОСОЗНАВАЯ, ВОЮЕТ НА ОДНОЙ ИЗ СТОРОН. Правда, есть и осознанно вредящие человечеству божьи люди и от их предательства и принимаемых решений страдает наша планета. Вам, в процессе ознакомления с предложенной информацией, постепенно станет понятной сама суть людской ярости и безумия, как на ладони высветится настоящая причина войн и революций убивающих наш Мир. Глубинная книга Владимира Пятибрата
@@Nelex5000actually, he is right: most depression of liberal socialists are almost premeditated. Its no secret that liberal socialists die from cancer, diabetes or Alzheimer in their libsoc "super healthy" cities.
At World FP 100 of Millions of the Bravest Souls on Earth the Cosmos stood up for Years Covering 100s of Different issues many with Petitions Finally to take away for Ever the Control and Power of the group the Evil 1s and their Top Pure Evil Military and SS Clones who have Controlled every country on Earth for over a Century the majority for Centuries including every Communist Country they Created for Obvious Reasons Helped by their Created Controlled World Puppet Goverments Partys Old and New and their Created Controlled Pure Evil World Puppet Politicans PMs Presidents with no Real Power Created As front Puppets Faces Buffers for the Group The Evil 1s to hide behind let down By Billions of the most Spineless Pathetic Creatures in the Cosmos who kept voting obeying orders and stood up for nothing When the Hour Came The Public of the USA Proved they were only Real Heroes in their Movies No surprise to 100s of Millions of Real Heroes Real Freedom Fighters And All the Top Religious Fanatic Groups People Proved they were Spineless Hypocrites who use Religion to hide behind
@@stillhuman4662The group the Evil 1s Old Family UK Lords their Familys have been in Power for over 4 Centuries UK Royals UK Military Chiefs French Old Family Lords French Military Chiefs The Vatican Z Family Bankers Maybe still Spanish Roman Italian Old Family Lords Royals Military Chiefs with their Top Pure Evil Military and SS Clones Control every Country on Earth and every little group of Religious Fanatic Nobodies they Funded Trained Protected Control and use To cause endless Chaos which the Evil 1s use to control Humanity ISIS The Taliban The PLO Hamas The Muslim Brotherhood so Obvious
They (e.g. William Cooper) were telling you all back then...but it mostly fell on deaf ears and blind eyes...RIP Roddy, see you in a another life or world, personally.
Ever been called 'Popularly unpopular'!? Here's how it goes - You have a excellent narrative except.. No authority to back you on that narrative, No powerful allie to back you on that narrative..You ain't convincing nobody. The narrative gets ignored like those sack of healthy beans sitting on the corner of the corner store.. HEY WHO HAS THE TIME FOR BEANS ANYWAY RIGHT?! WHERE'S POWER WHERE'S 💵 💶 💰💰💰?
Saw it as a kid, I knew the references back then, made even more prescient today... They live...and they are all around us...one day they will reveal themselves....get ready people.
It is such a classic. I knew I had to watch it. Roddy Piper was not a trained actor (though one can argue that wrestlers are trained actors) but he was great, and with so much charisma (which most actors lack these days). "I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass": a movie line for the ages.
Многие верные слуги бога отождествляются с ним, - с господом. Это норма в теологической литературе, это ПСИХОТЕХНИЧЕСКОЕ понятие, а не только традиция, ведь божьи пророки, воители - это его АВАТАРЫ. ✫ Слово аватара, означает воплощение бога, аватара это дистанционная марионетка бога, только без видимых нитей. Это слово встречается в ведической литературе и некоторых восточных языках и имеет такое же значение. ✫ При помощи интеллектуальной техники системы Судьба, бог управляет своими аватарами и полноценно присутствует в них в нужный момент, буквально ЖИВЕТ в них, по своей сути бог и машина Судьба неразделимы. ✫ Судьба - это интеллектуально-логическая машина. Она нуждается в живой душе, как обычный компьютер нуждается в операторе и программисте. Рассмотрим само слово интеллект: «Ин» - внутрь (извне), «теле» - на расстояние, «лект» - лектор, лекция. Итого: приём или передача информации на расстоянии. По аналогии можно интерпретировать слово интеллигент: генератор, передатчик (приёмник) мыслей, информации, то есть социальный маяк - божий аватара, через которого бог воздействует на общество через идеи. ✫ Поэтому, описываемые в книге асы-лунатики, от архистратига до простого депутата и проститутки, - это воплощения единого бога. Подобная система управления существует у насекомых в рое, там всеми бездушными особями управляет МАТКА. Социальная структура роя сложна и разделена на касты: царица, солдаты, трутни и так далее. ✫ Трутень, например, соответствует депутату или чиновнику в людском рое, только не подумайте, что указанные существа не трудятся, - это заблуждение, просто они решают неизвестные вам и себе задачи, по указанию свыше, - нет, вы не так поняли, я имею в виду ещё более высокую ЛУННУЮ ИНСТАНЦИЮ. ✫ Свою политику царица-матка осуществляет при помощи дистанционных команд (включая торсионные каналы связи) и химических агентов, таких как феромоны, гормоны и т. п. вещества. Бог (или МАТКА) един в бесконечном множестве своих аватар, в подвластном ему мире-муравейнике на всё его «воля». ... ИЗ ЭТОЙ КНИГИ ВЫ, НАКОНЕЦ, УЗНАЕТЕ О ПОТАЁННОЙ ВОЙНЕ, В КОТОРОЙ ВСЕ МЫ ПРИНИМАЕМ УЧАСТИЕ. ЭТА ВОЙНА ТАКАЯ БОЛЬШАЯ, ЧТО МЫ, НАХОДЯСЬ ВНУТРИ НЕЁ, УЖЕ ПОЧТИ НЕ ЗАМЕЧАЕМ ЕЁ, ВОЙНА ИДЁТ И ВНУТРИ НАС, - НА МИКРО УРОВНЕ, МЫ БЫ К НЕЙ ПРИВЫКЛИ СОВСЕМ, НО СМЕРТЬ НЕ ДАЁТ СФОРМИРОВАТЬСЯ ЭТОЙ ВРЕДНОЙ ПРИВЫЧКЕ ДО КОНЦА. ГДЕ БЫ ВЫ НИ БЫЛИ, ЧТО БЫ НИ ДЕЛАЛИ, БЕЗУЧАСТНЫМ В ЭТОЙ СМЕРТЕЛЬНОЙ БИТВЕ НИКТО НЕ ОСТАЁТСЯ, КАЖДЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК, САМ ТОГО НЕ ОСОЗНАВАЯ, ВОЮЕТ НА ОДНОЙ ИЗ СТОРОН. Правда, есть и осознанно вредящие человечеству божьи люди и от их предательства и принимаемых решений страдает наша планета. Вам, в процессе ознакомления с предложенной информацией, постепенно станет понятной сама суть людской ярости и безумия, как на ладони высветится настоящая причина войн и революций убивающих наш Мир. Глубинная книга Владимира Пятибрата о бессмертии и бессмертных. Книга в свободном доступе в интернете. Последнее обновление 30 августа 2003. Кроме главы Семь ключей Радуги. В книге на данный момент нет ее поздних дополнений и обновлений. Автор это писал на форуме Богатырская стезя и объяснял в беседах. Можно будет тоже найти в интернете или спросить.
I consider this movie as a good old friend of mine. From a teenager until middle age and this movie is more and more relevant year after year with present.
Dont you just love the way this movie is portrayed in the media press even now as some kind of wacky horror flick that only weirdos watch when in fact its the biggest eye opener that was ever made and of course many of us still belive roddy piper was murdered by 'them', great movie full of answers. thanks for posting.
An amazing piece of art, with the good guys sacrifying their lives to save Humanity from the invasion, very good ! :) Edit: Holy crap, 53 likes, my most liked comment ever thanks guys ! :)
39:01 giggling my cheeks off "you look like your head fell in the cheese dip back in 1957" love this scene!! "formaldehyde face" 😂😂 What a brill wed-nes-day morning so far, thank you! 😄👊🏻
Great movie from 1988 . Realy glad I came across it.. It's August 2024 and this movie makes sense now more than it did 40 odd yrs ago.. About greed money and control ... Just like the guy who explains this towards the end of the movie when he offered the men to be a part of it aswell.. Thankyou for uploading this great movie ..
6 місяців тому+1
@@davidwolstenholme4676 Only cause they instructed you :) They literally made you apathetic and believed in the bible "fulfilling" the "prophecy" solely because you people bought into it. You can not predict the future. You can direct it through the past.
The genius of Carpenter was making a movie whose message is more relevant today than ever. The special effects may not have aged well, but the message (which will obviously elude generations of today) is as powerful as ever! What a classic!
This film predicted our time. George Orwell - 1984, brought the social norm of Big Brother watching us, which became a reality through the extensive use of computers and will be finalized by Artificial intelligence.
@@hiddentruth8741 I loved that part in the New Testament when Jesus went into a Synagogue with a shotgun and said "I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of gum".
Comment section: Omg, this is so relevant today! The same was said about the Matrix, the Network, 1984, Animal Farm, Brave New World, Brazil, etc. yet nothing changes because the people who say it either do nothing (hoping for someone else to do the work) or they build the systems they say they're against (believing they'll be in control of it and will do things differently).
@darknessprophet do you think any of them have any way of changing the system? All they can do is work on themself and that is good enough. You have not done anything useful yourself.
@@Presario3440 If someone tells you that your approach is ineffectual and the first thing you do is to lash out or blame something nebulous like "the system", then you haven't done any work on yourself. You did both. Authoritarians love people who blame their woes on some undefined or poorly defined "other." If you had learned history, you would have known this. If you actually understood these stories, you would have known this. In the Matrix people blame the system, yet overwhelmingly choose to remain within it after a peace deal was brokered with the machines that allows the people who want it to freely leave. In The Network people also blame the system. Beale tells them to ignore the television, since that is how the system spreads its messaging. During the movie it becomes clear that people zealously follow his program, thereby propagating the system they claim to hate. In 1984 people keep blaming whomever the party calls the enemy that day, thereby not doing anything productive to fix their circumstances. Winston reads about this in Goldstein's book. In Animal Farm the animals keep blaming everything for their circumstances, essentially looking to the head of the system to the "fix" the system. As a result, things keep getting worse until even the animals can no longer deny their circumstances. If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten. Revise your approach. Take full responsibility for where you are in life and where you will be in the future. Leave behind all excuses like "the system" or "the man" or some other ambiguous non-definition. Whenever you want to blame something or someone else for your circumstances, immediately counter that thought by asking what you could have done differently to not be where you are, and apply that knowledge in the future.
@@Presario3440 If someone tells you that your approach is ineffectual and the first thing you do is to lash out or blame something nebulous like "the system", then you haven't done any work on yourself. You did both. Authoritarians love people who blame their woes on some undefined or poorly defined "other." If you had learned history, you would have known this. If you understood these stories, you would have known this. If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten. Revise your approach. Take full responsibility for where you are in life and where you will be in the future. Leave behind all excuses like "the system" or "the man" or some other ambiguous non-definition. Whenever you want to blame something or someone else for your circumstances, immediately counter that thought by asking what you could have done differently to not be where you are, and apply that knowledge in the future.
@@Presario3440 If someone tells you that your approach is ineffectual and the first thing you do is to lash out or blame something nebulous like "the system", then you haven't done any work on yourself. You did both. People who desire power love those who blame their woes on some undefined or poorly defined "other." If you had learned history, you would have known this. If you understood these stories, you would have known this. If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten. Revise your approach. Take full responsibility for where you are in life and where you will be in the future. Leave behind all excuses like "the system" or "the man" or some other ambiguous non-definition. Whenever you want to blame something or someone else for your circumstances, immediately counter that thought by asking what you could have done differently to not be where you are, and apply that knowledge in the future.
What's amazing is it's 2024 and there are still people who have no idea whats going on in the world... this documentary was produced in 1988...wake up.
Can't believe I'm finally watching this movie for the 1st time. I've had my own experiences with these 🦎 I share my own experiences on my channel. It is amazing to see humanity finally waking up
Thank you so much for posting this gem in such a great quality, I’ve been postponing watching it for a long time. It is also my first English-speaking movie I watch without subs 💪
Brings me back old memories. Somewhere in 1989 or 1990 I saw this movie in VHS tape in my pre teenhood days. It scared the shit out of me. 1980s was the best era of action movies, music and television.
gotta love UA-cam - was watching a documentary about ideology (that used a clip of this movie) and then this pops up - the whole thing, in excellent quality. Thank you!
I'm watching this for the first time today I'm 50 years old and can't believe I've never seen it all the way through but as another commentator mentioned it's absolutely relevant today even more so and really frightening concept which was way ahead of its time and probably scared people back then that this was a possible future and now we just think yeah I could imagine that being true much like simulation theory seems more possible after movies like the matrix this movie however is an absolute gem of n every way if you've not seen it you're in for a massive treat
The fact that im not a "movie" person i loved/loving watching this i was intrigued by a short i saw, once i found out the name i had to check it out 40mins in and im hooked i think that speaks for itself.......watch this .....
Многие верные слуги бога отождествляются с ним, - с господом. Это норма в теологической литературе, это ПСИХОТЕХНИЧЕСКОЕ понятие, а не только традиция, ведь божьи пророки, воители - это его АВАТАРЫ. ✫ Слово аватара, означает воплощение бога, аватара это дистанционная марионетка бога, только без видимых нитей. Это слово встречается в ведической литературе и некоторых восточных языках и имеет такое же значение. ✫ При помощи интеллектуальной техники системы Судьба, бог управляет своими аватарами и полноценно присутствует в них в нужный момент, буквально ЖИВЕТ в них, по своей сути бог и машина Судьба неразделимы. ✫ Судьба - это интеллектуально-логическая машина. Она нуждается в живой душе, как обычный компьютер нуждается в операторе и программисте. Рассмотрим само слово интеллект: «Ин» - внутрь (извне), «теле» - на расстояние, «лект» - лектор, лекция. Итого: приём или передача информации на расстоянии. По аналогии можно интерпретировать слово интеллигент: генератор, передатчик (приёмник) мыслей, информации, то есть социальный маяк - божий аватара, через которого бог воздействует на общество через идеи. ✫ Поэтому, описываемые в книге асы-лунатики, от архистратига до простого депутата и проститутки, - это воплощения единого бога. Подобная система управления существует у насекомых в рое, там всеми бездушными особями управляет МАТКА. Социальная структура роя сложна и разделена на касты: царица, солдаты, трутни и так далее. ✫ Трутень, например, соответствует депутату или чиновнику в людском рое, только не подумайте, что указанные существа не трудятся, - это заблуждение, просто они решают неизвестные вам и себе задачи, по указанию свыше, - нет, вы не так поняли, я имею в виду ещё более высокую ЛУННУЮ ИНСТАНЦИЮ. ✫ Свою политику царица-матка осуществляет при помощи дистанционных команд (включая торсионные каналы связи) и химических агентов, таких как феромоны, гормоны и т. п. вещества. Бог (или МАТКА) един в бесконечном множестве своих аватар, в подвластном ему мире-муравейнике на всё его «воля». ... ИЗ ЭТОЙ КНИГИ ВЫ, НАКОНЕЦ, УЗНАЕТЕ О ПОТАЁННОЙ ВОЙНЕ, В КОТОРОЙ ВСЕ МЫ ПРИНИМАЕМ УЧАСТИЕ. ЭТА ВОЙНА ТАКАЯ БОЛЬШАЯ, ЧТО МЫ, НАХОДЯСЬ ВНУТРИ НЕЁ, УЖЕ ПОЧТИ НЕ ЗАМЕЧАЕМ ЕЁ, ВОЙНА ИДЁТ И ВНУТРИ НАС, - НА МИКРО УРОВНЕ, МЫ БЫ К НЕЙ ПРИВЫКЛИ СОВСЕМ, НО СМЕРТЬ НЕ ДАЁТ СФОРМИРОВАТЬСЯ ЭТОЙ ВРЕДНОЙ ПРИВЫЧКЕ ДО КОНЦА. ГДЕ БЫ ВЫ НИ БЫЛИ, ЧТО БЫ НИ ДЕЛАЛИ, БЕЗУЧАСТНЫМ В ЭТОЙ СМЕРТЕЛЬНОЙ БИТВЕ НИКТО НЕ ОСТАЁТСЯ, КАЖДЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК, САМ ТОГО НЕ ОСОЗНАВАЯ, ВОЮЕТ НА ОДНОЙ ИЗ СТОРОН. Правда, есть и осознанно вредящие человечеству божьи люди и от их предательства и принимаемых решений страдает наша планета. Вам, в процессе ознакомления с предложенной информацией, постепенно станет понятной сама суть людской ярости и безумия, как на ладони высветится настоящая причина войн и революций убивающих наш Мир. Глубинная книга Владимира Пятибрата о бессмертии и бессмертных. Книга в свободном доступе в интернете. Последнее обновление 30 августа 2003. Кроме главы Семь ключей Радуги. В книге на данный момент нет ее поздних дополнений и обновлений. Автор это писал на форуме Богатырская стезя и объяснял в беседах. Можно будет тоже найти в интернете или спросить.
Yes, Universal Studios, I would love to buy the DVD of this underrated yet classic movie, however, it is very hard to find it, these days. :/ Thx for sharing this movie, Mr. Still human.
Old movies (80s) also had great acting, even in these B-Grade movies. Keith David steals the show in this movie, the monologue he gives in the beginning about the steal-mill workers is fantastic!
It's crazy watching this movie for the first time in 2024 and it feels like it was made for this generation.
I only watched a UA-cam short of the clip where he puts the sunglasses on and then I had to watch it.
It’s a shame it can’t be released back into the mainstream
If they ever attempted a remake it wouldn't be half as good as this 1
Am glad someone is awake like me you not imagine it its all real wecome to the NWO matrixs
That's the point, it's been going on forever. People just now starting to open their eyes
I think it was made for now 🤔
This movie is timeless .. . i watched an interview with John Carpenter the other day. ..where he told a journalist who was almost mocking him saying the movie was a drama/comedy ...he went slient ..then a very serious cern voice said ...irs neither of those ...its not a movie ...it is and always be a documentary .... For every generation... He knew .. by the look in his eyes and the sound of his voice ...he knew .... Im 52 years old and have seen this movie in the 80"s and a few more times inbetween ...always making some connection....here i am watching it ..1st of June 2024 ...and ...fark the far out !!! ...
Oh Wow I gotta find that clip. He knew.
Absolutely right and more relevant than ever!
They need to know . The truth is here
Life's a bitch. And she's back in heat.
@@stillhuman4662 Those in Hollywood ALL know mate. This place is a farm and humans are the stock.
Who is here in 2024?
@@AnimationVibes ME, wait I’m always here 😂
first time watching this movie and i cant belive this was in 1988! how i didnt now about this movie....
I'm here to chew bubblegum and I'm all out of bubblegum.
Awesome in 2024
What a magnificent message! Just finished watching it. Brilliant. Love the end!
Watching in December 2024. This movie was meant for this generation.
hey can i ask you something ? the woman in the end that tried to shoot the protagonist was human or those things ? have you noticed ?
Oh yes
@@matsobanemadiba6025 so was she the things or a human ?
Same here ! there is a strong message that is sent through this movie 🎬
A movie to watch in 2024.
Absolutely im watching it for like the 70th or so timee
More like documentary
Events that are happening now around the world are reflected in this film.
Everyone should watch this.
especially if you figure out the antichrist
Pretty much accurate, Putin is likely being controlled this way
The biggest laugh in this film is the Police can run, no chance that's why most criminals gat away.
Good 💯
Thank you for downloading this movie. More relevant than ever.
Youre welcome bro
UP-loading (not "down")?
@@GrandePunto8Vhad to download first though
The most underrated yet prophetic movie ever, 36yrs on and it hasn't dated one iota. If they made a remake, Nancy Pelosi wouldn't need make-up.
Nope.. 🤣 reckon she sure won't!
It would be like putting lipstick on a pig.
Hahahaha 🇦🇺👌
I've seen Nancy Pelosi speaking into her wristwatch and thought nothing of it till now.
How many here are awake?
Cmon people, see through the veil 😎😍😵💫
I saw this in the 1980;s and I loved it..fast forward 40 years and I meet a guy who also loves it and yet here we are, living it...
Thank you for sharing this masterpiece. The world needs a serious wake up call.
Youre welcome. True that 👍
Definitely 💯
There is only one truth and that truth is Jesus Christ is Lord, have you woken to that reality?
i agree@@leehighland5435
@@leehighland5435I hope you someday is set free from the oppression
Drama. Comedy. Film. Documentary. Call it what you will. I spent a little over 90 minutes glued to the screen!
I strongly recommend it to anyone from any part of the world!
Thank you Still Human for uploading it!!!
Glad you liked it friend 😃👍
This film is more relevant now than it’s ever been.
Interesting, whats your thoughts about this movie , & why you felt like understanding it now in 2024 makes it more clear ?
Imho it has been relevant for a long time. Now we are overexposed to media as we are constantly connected 24/7 "thanks" to wi-fi and smartphones, but we got here through a process that was always dreadful.
@@alessandratrevisan7951Plato. We accept distorted images as reality. Plato couldn't imagine that one day we will only be able to perceive the world through manufactured images.
Tats bcoz it was made for this purpose every film you've ever watched as been based on real life events n lots to cum so keep ur eyes open n stay vigilant
Here in the UK, my 90 year old mum, me (64)and my 2 sisters (57 and 59) saw this film when it 1st came out. We all bought "They Live" T. Shirts, at the start of Covid, and we all wear them now and then together. We've said for years that it was ahead of its time
@@ValTwineDeaner that’s awesome Val, you guys rock 👊😎❤️
I watched this a couple of years ago, late night on Film Four. The ideas behind it scared me alot, but I bet that many viewers cannot see beyond what is presented?
Respect ! If you are up to the North I will come to meet you 💯❤❤
@@maldonboy1 most comments I get are quite intelligent and from awake crew. I do however get the odd sheep who has no clue and just slams the movie 🤦🏻♂️
Wow! The whole family going to see one film. Where you John Carpenter fans by any chance 👍😁
I don't know if Kurt Russell was ever in line to play the lead role in this film, but it always felt that way.
This film They Live and the book 1984 both forsaw what would happen in a future society.
Incredible, everyone needs to watch or read both.
You must have been under your bed when 100s of Millions of the Bravest Souls in the Cosmos Stood up at World FP for years in the biggest and longest protests in Human History coverings 100s of Different Issues many with Petitions all taken down online with accounts to Pay for Lawyers Barristers So the most urgent ones were done at Protests Finally 100 of Millions of the Bravest Souls on Earth the Cosmos Real Heroes Real freedom Fighters stood up to take away for Ever the Control and Power of the group The Evil 1s and their Top Pure Evil Military and SS Clones who have controlled every Country on Earth for over a Century the majority for Centuries including every Communist Country they created for obvious Reasons Also helped by their Created Controlled UK French EU World Puppet Goverments Partys Old and New and their Created Controlled Pure Evil UK French EU World Puppet Politicans PMs Presidents with no Real Power Created for the group The Evil 1s to use as Front Puppets Faces Buffers to hide behind 100s of Millions of the Bravest Souls were so close to changing History and the future of their People their Lands Countries Islands Humanity and The Planet Let down by Billions of the most Spineless Pathetic Whining Creatures in the Cosmos who kept Voting obeying orders and never stood up for anything including the Public of the USA Real Heroes only in their Movies No Surprise to 100s of Millions of the Bravest Souls in the Cosmos Real Heroes Real FF The Evil 1s Old Family UK Lords their Family's have been in Power for over 4 Centuries UK Royals UK Military Chiefs French Old Family Lords French Military Chiefs The Vatican Z Family Bankers Maybe still Spanish Roman Italian Old family Lords Royals Military Chiefs with their top pure Evil Military and SS Clones All the rest of the worlds Pure Evil Puppet leaders obey their masters the group the Evil 1s including every BS Religious Fanatic Rulers Also all little groups of Religious Fanatic Nobodies who were Funded Trained Protected Controlled and are used ISIS The Taliban The PLO Hamas The Muslim Brotherhood in every little group the Evil 1s top Military and SS Clones Pick out a few evil People make them Leaders and Rich and Use them to control and betray their own groups and People cause chaos which the evil 1s need to control Humanity it's all a Show
1984 is good but New World and Back to the New World of Huxley are exactly today.
'There are no countries, their all corporations!'
@@stillhuman4662 That is the quote in the film from the guy who claims to of joined a multi-international network of secret societies running all the worlds successful corps and countries.
Jennifer government where everyone’s sirname is a corporation like Kim knike.
and they all belong to the Jesuit Pope probably the Antichrist
And some people who are still asleep
@@zednevada7362funny how during covid every country responded in the exact same way with the exact same lies and cover ups.. almost as if their is a global secret society deciding what's going on in the world.
'Rowdy' Roddy Piper tweeted, 'They Live is a documentary!' about 6 months before dying
Yeah very suss
im from the Netherlands and recognized Roddy right away
Apparently, John Carpenter, the writer, said the same.
And the other dude went on the hunt jeepers creepers!
@@misterghee1 I'm Dutch! Isn't that weird?
waiting till my kids are above 10 so we watch this together. one of the best movies ever!!!!
Tu veus les traumatisé ?? C est un film pour adultes non pour enfants...déjà.que les adultes pigent pas tout...
@@croftkevin8933this won't traumatize them😂
@@croftkevin8933 If you wanna prevent trauma to kids, forbid them to use Tiktok
@@croftkevin8933 How is this movie gonna traumatize them? You must be so sensitive to think this movie will scare you.
Let them watch it already now. It's not that violent or anything.
Only real people come here to watch who understand the world at least woke up now 🙌🙌
'They live is a documentary'
-Roddy Piper not long before he passed
Piper died long after this movie was made in 31 July 2015
It was said by John Carpenter not Roddy
Carpenter may have said it also but 'they live is a documentary' was also a tweet Piper put out in Jan 2015.. 6 months later he was dead rip.
when the 80`s was the best time for movie`s.
It was the best time for everything for me looking back ❤
@@Micofitness So very true!
@@Micofitness The 90s
and for music, but not my decision making.......
of course that is a stupid post from a chid
I don't know how it is with others, but when I watched it as a child, I thought it was just a fantastic movie, just like the matrix! After I grew up and watched it again, I learned and understood so much about the world that I didn't understand then!
Многие верные слуги бога отождествляются с ним, - с господом. Это норма в теологической литературе, это ПСИХОТЕХНИЧЕСКОЕ понятие, а не только традиция, ведь божьи пророки, воители - это его АВАТАРЫ. ✫ Слово аватара, означает воплощение бога, аватара это дистанционная марионетка бога, только без видимых нитей. Это слово встречается в ведической литературе и некоторых восточных языках и имеет такое же значение. ✫ При помощи интеллектуальной техники системы Судьба, бог управляет своими аватарами и полноценно присутствует в них в нужный момент, буквально ЖИВЕТ в них, по своей сути бог и машина Судьба неразделимы. ✫ Судьба - это интеллектуально-логическая машина. Она нуждается в живой душе, как обычный компьютер нуждается в операторе и программисте. Рассмотрим само слово интеллект: «Ин» - внутрь (извне), «теле» - на расстояние, «лект» - лектор, лекция. Итого: приём или передача информации на расстоянии. По аналогии можно интерпретировать слово интеллигент: генератор, передатчик (приёмник) мыслей, информации, то есть социальный маяк - божий аватара, через которого бог воздействует на общество через идеи. ✫ Поэтому, описываемые в книге асы-лунатики, от архистратига до простого депутата и проститутки, - это воплощения единого бога. Подобная система управления существует у насекомых в рое, там всеми бездушными особями управляет МАТКА. Социальная структура роя сложна и разделена на касты: царица, солдаты, трутни и так далее. ✫ Трутень, например, соответствует депутату или чиновнику в людском рое, только не подумайте, что указанные существа не трудятся, - это заблуждение, просто они решают неизвестные вам и себе задачи, по указанию свыше, - нет, вы не так поняли, я имею в виду ещё более высокую ЛУННУЮ ИНСТАНЦИЮ. ✫ Свою политику царица-матка осуществляет при помощи дистанционных команд (включая торсионные каналы связи) и химических агентов, таких как феромоны, гормоны и т. п. вещества. Бог (или МАТКА) един в бесконечном множестве своих аватар, в подвластном ему мире-муравейнике на всё его «воля».
ИЗ ЭТОЙ КНИГИ ВЫ, НАКОНЕЦ, УЗНАЕТЕ О ПОТАЁННОЙ ВОЙНЕ, В КОТОРОЙ ВСЕ МЫ ПРИНИМАЕМ УЧАСТИЕ. ЭТА ВОЙНА ТАКАЯ БОЛЬШАЯ, ЧТО МЫ, НАХОДЯСЬ ВНУТРИ НЕЁ, УЖЕ ПОЧТИ НЕ ЗАМЕЧАЕМ ЕЁ, ВОЙНА ИДЁТ И ВНУТРИ НАС, - НА МИКРО УРОВНЕ, МЫ БЫ К НЕЙ ПРИВЫКЛИ СОВСЕМ, НО СМЕРТЬ НЕ ДАЁТ СФОРМИРОВАТЬСЯ ЭТОЙ ВРЕДНОЙ ПРИВЫЧКЕ ДО КОНЦА. ГДЕ БЫ ВЫ НИ БЫЛИ, ЧТО БЫ НИ ДЕЛАЛИ, БЕЗУЧАСТНЫМ В ЭТОЙ СМЕРТЕЛЬНОЙ БИТВЕ НИКТО НЕ ОСТАЁТСЯ, КАЖДЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК, САМ ТОГО НЕ ОСОЗНАВАЯ, ВОЮЕТ НА ОДНОЙ ИЗ СТОРОН. Правда, есть и осознанно вредящие человечеству божьи люди и от их предательства и принимаемых решений страдает наша планета. Вам, в процессе ознакомления с предложенной информацией, постепенно станет понятной сама суть людской ярости и безумия, как на ладони высветится настоящая причина войн и революций убивающих наш Мир.
Глубинная книга Владимира Пятибрата о бессмертии и бессмертных. Книга в свободном доступе в интернете. Последнее обновление 30 августа 2003. Кроме главы Семь ключей Радуги. В книге на данный момент нет ее поздних дополнений и обновлений. Автор это писал на форуме Богатырская стезя и объяснял в беседах. Можно будет тоже найти в интернете или спросить.
After you put on the sunglasses, you gotta take the Red Pill. That's why they all wear sunglasses in the Matrix.
You understand the final scene now ? =D
@@АндрейКачинский-х7б you really know your stuff bravo.
He was the best wrestler turn movie star we’ve ever seen. Yes The Rock is the highest paid and has been in some of the biggest movies of the past few years and Dave Bautista has been in the biggest box office draw “but” Roddy’s movies whether it’s They Live or Tough & Deadly have this effect of wanting to watch more and more and when I’ve watched them i can go right back to his first and watch them all over again
I was 18 when i saw this for the first time, changed my life. Still watch it every now and then... 😁
@@traxikscifi8105 👊😎
I’m now watching it.
Greetings from Ghana 🇬🇭
@@isaacnewtonappiah9477 👋😎 Akwaaba Madamfo. Hope you enjoy.
Best documentary ever
ИЗ ЭТОЙ КНИГИ ВЫ, НАКОНЕЦ, УЗНАЕТЕ О ПОТАЁННОЙ ВОЙНЕ, В КОТОРОЙ ВСЕ МЫ ПРИНИМАЕМ УЧАСТИЕ. ЭТА ВОЙНА ТАКАЯ БОЛЬШАЯ, ЧТО МЫ, НАХОДЯСЬ ВНУТРИ НЕЁ, УЖЕ ПОЧТИ НЕ ЗАМЕЧАЕМ ЕЁ, ВОЙНА ИДЁТ И ВНУТРИ НАС, - НА МИКРО УРОВНЕ, МЫ БЫ К НЕЙ ПРИВЫКЛИ СОВСЕМ, НО СМЕРТЬ НЕ ДАЁТ СФОРМИРОВАТЬСЯ ЭТОЙ ВРЕДНОЙ ПРИВЫЧКЕ ДО КОНЦА. ГДЕ БЫ ВЫ НИ БЫЛИ, ЧТО БЫ НИ ДЕЛАЛИ, БЕЗУЧАСТНЫМ В ЭТОЙ СМЕРТЕЛЬНОЙ БИТВЕ НИКТО НЕ ОСТАЁТСЯ, КАЖДЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК, САМ ТОГО НЕ ОСОЗНАВАЯ, ВОЮЕТ НА ОДНОЙ ИЗ СТОРОН. Правда, есть и осознанно вредящие человечеству божьи люди и от их предательства и принимаемых решений страдает наша планета. Вам, в процессе ознакомления с предложенной информацией, постепенно станет понятной сама суть людской ярости и безумия, как на ладони высветится настоящая причина войн и революций убивающих наш Мир.
Глубинная книга Владимира Пятибрата
After you put on the sunglasses, you gotta take the Red Pill. That's why they all wear sunglasses in the Matrix.
@@АндрейКачинский-х7б schizo
@@Nelex5000actually, he is right: most depression of liberal socialists are almost premeditated. Its no secret that liberal socialists die from cancer, diabetes or Alzheimer in their libsoc "super healthy" cities.
I come from the future 😉
I did it with pants and a niki.
Thanks for uploading this Documentry!
Yes documentary
Almost feels like a documentary, especially nowadays it almost reflects the insanity we call ....
Great Britain 🇬🇧
If its a documentary where can I find that 400 round 8" mag to the mp5
We need to wake up......its 2024 and this never felt more accurate
you know it.
At World FP 100 of Millions of the Bravest Souls on Earth the Cosmos stood up for Years Covering 100s of Different issues many with Petitions Finally to take away for Ever the Control and Power of the group the Evil 1s and their Top Pure Evil Military and SS Clones who have Controlled every country on Earth for over a Century the majority for Centuries including every Communist Country they Created for Obvious Reasons Helped by their Created Controlled World Puppet Goverments Partys Old and New and their Created Controlled Pure Evil World Puppet Politicans PMs Presidents with no Real Power Created As front Puppets Faces Buffers for the Group The Evil 1s to hide behind let down By Billions of the most Spineless Pathetic Creatures in the Cosmos who kept voting obeying orders and stood up for nothing When the Hour Came The Public of the USA Proved they were only Real Heroes in their Movies No surprise to 100s of Millions of Real Heroes Real Freedom Fighters And All the Top Religious Fanatic Groups People Proved they were Spineless Hypocrites who use Religion to hide behind
@@stillhuman4662The group the Evil 1s Old Family UK Lords their Familys have been in Power for over 4 Centuries UK Royals UK Military Chiefs French Old Family Lords French Military Chiefs The Vatican Z Family Bankers Maybe still Spanish Roman Italian Old Family Lords Royals Military Chiefs with their Top Pure Evil Military and SS Clones Control every Country on Earth and every little group of Religious Fanatic Nobodies they Funded Trained Protected Control and use To cause endless Chaos which the Evil 1s use to control Humanity ISIS The Taliban The PLO Hamas The Muslim Brotherhood so Obvious
Who's watching right now
I just watched it and it really is for now...Dec 2024
You and I 😂😂😂
Me too
What a CLASSIC, it resonates immensely with the current times
Big time 👍
Almost finished now, wow what a movie, I wasn't expecting it to be this much fun. Love the biff pow sound effects.
Like the old Batman TV Programme from the 60's (but they also put the appropriate words on the screen as well).
They (e.g. William Cooper) were telling you all back then...but it mostly fell on deaf ears and blind eyes...RIP Roddy, see you in a another life or world, personally.
Has Roddy died? I’ve only found about him today
My first ex-husband told me about the NWO 35 years ago. I didn't understand it then. Slowly through the years the penny dropped.
Ever been called 'Popularly unpopular'!? Here's how it goes - You have a excellent narrative except.. No authority to back you on that narrative, No powerful allie to back you on that narrative..You ain't convincing nobody. The narrative gets ignored like those sack of healthy beans sitting on the corner of the corner store.. HEY WHO HAS THE TIME FOR BEANS ANYWAY RIGHT?! WHERE'S POWER WHERE'S 💵 💶 💰💰💰?
Told no one nothing 😊
Saw it as a kid, I knew the references back then, made even more prescient today...
They live...and they are all around us...one day they will reveal themselves....get ready people.
I’ve just purchased this from EBay. Need this to show my grandkids. Now I can share live. Brilliant. Thanks for sharing
@@L.zombie858 Ah very nice, I wish I saw this long before I did. You’re welcome 👊😎
I watched it as a 17 years old when it first came out in 1988
Seems like yesterday
Where did the time go
Omg same 😮
March 23rd 1971 😮
Just wait… live in the moment to slow it down a bit
Absolutely. Older you get the years go quicker. I found since the millennium 2000 Time as moved much faster
Bout time I saw this classic that everyone talks about.
Everyone is a lot of people
@@steeldragon5867 Or there could be someone out there with a name called Mr. Everyone.
@@4RedDwarf3 true,but that word gets thrown around a fair bit,
How did you find it
@@steeldragon5867true, but i think "they live" actually "lives" up to it 😅
Thanks for sharing this - Good quality version too .
It is such a classic. I knew I had to watch it. Roddy Piper was not a trained actor (though one can argue that wrestlers are trained actors) but he was great, and with so much charisma (which most actors lack these days). "I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass": a movie line for the ages.
Thank you so much for posting this classic!
This is a required viewing for every person alive on Earth. What an absolute masterpiece
This movie, as years are passing, is becoming more current and more relevant than ever!
You know it 👍
its not just only movie.. it's a true story, in this moment also going on
Klaus schwab looks like a ballsack. He's deffo one of them.
Многие верные слуги бога отождествляются с ним, - с господом. Это норма в теологической литературе, это ПСИХОТЕХНИЧЕСКОЕ понятие, а не только традиция, ведь божьи пророки, воители - это его АВАТАРЫ. ✫ Слово аватара, означает воплощение бога, аватара это дистанционная марионетка бога, только без видимых нитей. Это слово встречается в ведической литературе и некоторых восточных языках и имеет такое же значение. ✫ При помощи интеллектуальной техники системы Судьба, бог управляет своими аватарами и полноценно присутствует в них в нужный момент, буквально ЖИВЕТ в них, по своей сути бог и машина Судьба неразделимы. ✫ Судьба - это интеллектуально-логическая машина. Она нуждается в живой душе, как обычный компьютер нуждается в операторе и программисте. Рассмотрим само слово интеллект: «Ин» - внутрь (извне), «теле» - на расстояние, «лект» - лектор, лекция. Итого: приём или передача информации на расстоянии. По аналогии можно интерпретировать слово интеллигент: генератор, передатчик (приёмник) мыслей, информации, то есть социальный маяк - божий аватара, через которого бог воздействует на общество через идеи. ✫ Поэтому, описываемые в книге асы-лунатики, от архистратига до простого депутата и проститутки, - это воплощения единого бога. Подобная система управления существует у насекомых в рое, там всеми бездушными особями управляет МАТКА. Социальная структура роя сложна и разделена на касты: царица, солдаты, трутни и так далее. ✫ Трутень, например, соответствует депутату или чиновнику в людском рое, только не подумайте, что указанные существа не трудятся, - это заблуждение, просто они решают неизвестные вам и себе задачи, по указанию свыше, - нет, вы не так поняли, я имею в виду ещё более высокую ЛУННУЮ ИНСТАНЦИЮ. ✫ Свою политику царица-матка осуществляет при помощи дистанционных команд (включая торсионные каналы связи) и химических агентов, таких как феромоны, гормоны и т. п. вещества. Бог (или МАТКА) един в бесконечном множестве своих аватар, в подвластном ему мире-муравейнике на всё его «воля».
ИЗ ЭТОЙ КНИГИ ВЫ, НАКОНЕЦ, УЗНАЕТЕ О ПОТАЁННОЙ ВОЙНЕ, В КОТОРОЙ ВСЕ МЫ ПРИНИМАЕМ УЧАСТИЕ. ЭТА ВОЙНА ТАКАЯ БОЛЬШАЯ, ЧТО МЫ, НАХОДЯСЬ ВНУТРИ НЕЁ, УЖЕ ПОЧТИ НЕ ЗАМЕЧАЕМ ЕЁ, ВОЙНА ИДЁТ И ВНУТРИ НАС, - НА МИКРО УРОВНЕ, МЫ БЫ К НЕЙ ПРИВЫКЛИ СОВСЕМ, НО СМЕРТЬ НЕ ДАЁТ СФОРМИРОВАТЬСЯ ЭТОЙ ВРЕДНОЙ ПРИВЫЧКЕ ДО КОНЦА. ГДЕ БЫ ВЫ НИ БЫЛИ, ЧТО БЫ НИ ДЕЛАЛИ, БЕЗУЧАСТНЫМ В ЭТОЙ СМЕРТЕЛЬНОЙ БИТВЕ НИКТО НЕ ОСТАЁТСЯ, КАЖДЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК, САМ ТОГО НЕ ОСОЗНАВАЯ, ВОЮЕТ НА ОДНОЙ ИЗ СТОРОН. Правда, есть и осознанно вредящие человечеству божьи люди и от их предательства и принимаемых решений страдает наша планета. Вам, в процессе ознакомления с предложенной информацией, постепенно станет понятной сама суть людской ярости и безумия, как на ладони высветится настоящая причина войн и революций убивающих наш Мир.
Глубинная книга Владимира Пятибрата о бессмертии и бессмертных. Книга в свободном доступе в интернете. Последнее обновление 30 августа 2003. Кроме главы Семь ключей Радуги. В книге на данный момент нет ее поздних дополнений и обновлений. Автор это писал на форуме Богатырская стезя и объяснял в беседах. Можно будет тоже найти в интернете или спросить.
Absolutely 💯
I feel the same way
(Message from Japan )
This B movie classic is absolutely amazing and probably more relevant now than ever before 😊
B movie😂
@@seamusegan1311 yes, B movie.
@@johnmullens2857was it low budget? was it the second feature showing? no, it wasn't
@@noklarok yeah, it was low budget. why? its a Carpenter movie, making it more of an A-movie in my book.
Not a b movie just made in the 80s son
In today's society you don't need magical glasses to see through those mask.
True that 👍 they everywhere too
Bodysnatching, reptilian agenda....there it is all directed...narcissism, psychopaty primary/ secondary
I consider this movie as a good old friend of mine. From a teenager until middle age and this movie is more and more relevant year after year with present.
Dont you just love the way this movie is portrayed in the media press even now as some kind of wacky horror flick that only weirdos watch when in fact its the biggest eye opener that was ever made and of course many of us still belive roddy piper was murdered by 'them', great movie full of answers. thanks for posting.
It’s forever becoming more relevant. I am certain they murdered Roddy, Rik Mayall for One by One too.
Not just Piper but most likely a hundred or so other celebritys and icons over the decades were offed by "them"
@@AdamF8it definitely accounts for a lot of the suss things that's happened over the years.
An amazing piece of art, with the good guys sacrifying their lives to save Humanity from the invasion, very good ! :)
Edit: Holy crap, 53 likes, my most liked comment ever thanks guys ! :)
They still live.
Great sequel name
We Still Sleep
My favourite movie ever!! Thank you for sharing this and this discovery 😀😀
39:01 giggling my cheeks off "you look like your head fell in the cheese dip back in 1957" love this scene!! "formaldehyde face" 😂😂
What a brill wed-nes-day morning so far, thank you! 😄👊🏻
@@kristy9203 😂😂🤣👍
Great movie from 1988 .
Realy glad I came across it..
It's August 2024 and this movie makes sense now more than it did 40 odd yrs ago.. About greed money and control ...
Just like the guy who explains this towards the end of the movie when he offered the men to be a part of it aswell..
Thankyou for uploading this great movie ..
@@galinagavrick9066 true my friend. You’re very welcome 👊😎
What's to add..? This film says it all.
Let's hope people wake up before it's too late.
The main problem is not the people who sleep .....but the ones who have joined them 😞 😖
Agreed David, they just remake the same old rubbish now.
@@davidwolstenholme4676 everything is going downhill fast now.
@@davidwolstenholme4676 Only cause they instructed you :)
They literally made you apathetic and believed in the bible "fulfilling" the "prophecy" solely because you people bought into it.
You can not predict the future.
You can direct it through the past.
What a movie, thanks for sharing it. I think more people should watch it
They better should 😂..
The genius of Carpenter was making a movie whose message is more relevant today than ever. The special effects may not have aged well, but the message (which will obviously elude generations of today) is as powerful as ever! What a classic!
This film predicted our time. George Orwell - 1984, brought the social norm of Big Brother watching us, which became a reality through the extensive use of computers and will be finalized by Artificial intelligence.
Thank you for uploading it in good quality 💜
Youre welcome 👍
Thank you for this👍. It's become a cult classic! Back when Carpenter was a film maker and director...
A seriously unsung masterpiece. John Carpenter is a genuinely great filmmaker. The Academy should wake up and applaud him.
not a movie but a documentary wake up people
The main character is a representation of Jesus Christ
@@hiddentruth8741 I loved that part in the New Testament when Jesus went into a Synagogue with a shotgun and said "I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of gum".
Wake up and die alone?
Thank you for posting this film sir. My first time watching but it’s divine time because my mind is open.
@@SeanAtlasWalsh good on you mate, you’re more than welcome 👊😎
Comment section: Omg, this is so relevant today!
The same was said about the Matrix, the Network, 1984, Animal Farm, Brave New World, Brazil, etc. yet nothing changes because the people who say it either do nothing (hoping for someone else to do the work) or they build the systems they say they're against (believing they'll be in control of it and will do things differently).
@darknessprophet do you think any of them have any way of changing the system? All they can do is work on themself and that is good enough.
You have not done anything useful yourself.
@@Presario3440 If someone tells you that your approach is ineffectual and the first thing you do is to lash out or blame something nebulous like "the system", then you haven't done any work on yourself. You did both.
Authoritarians love people who blame their woes on some undefined or poorly defined "other." If you had learned history, you would have known this. If you actually understood these stories, you would have known this.
In the Matrix people blame the system, yet overwhelmingly choose to remain within it after a peace deal was brokered with the machines that allows the people who want it to freely leave.
In The Network people also blame the system. Beale tells them to ignore the television, since that is how the system spreads its messaging. During the movie it becomes clear that people zealously follow his program, thereby propagating the system they claim to hate.
In 1984 people keep blaming whomever the party calls the enemy that day, thereby not doing anything productive to fix their circumstances. Winston reads about this in Goldstein's book.
In Animal Farm the animals keep blaming everything for their circumstances, essentially looking to the head of the system to the "fix" the system. As a result, things keep getting worse until even the animals can no longer deny their circumstances.
If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten. Revise your approach.
Take full responsibility for where you are in life and where you will be in the future. Leave behind all excuses like "the system" or "the man" or some other ambiguous non-definition. Whenever you want to blame something or someone else for your circumstances, immediately counter that thought by asking what you could have done differently to not be where you are, and apply that knowledge in the future.
@@Presario3440 If someone tells you that your approach is ineffectual and the first thing you do is to lash out or blame something nebulous like "the system", then you haven't done any work on yourself. You did both.
Authoritarians love people who blame their woes on some undefined or poorly defined "other." If you had learned history, you would have known this. If you understood these stories, you would have known this.
If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten. Revise your approach.
Take full responsibility for where you are in life and where you will be in the future. Leave behind all excuses like "the system" or "the man" or some other ambiguous non-definition. Whenever you want to blame something or someone else for your circumstances, immediately counter that thought by asking what you could have done differently to not be where you are, and apply that knowledge in the future.
@@Presario3440 If someone tells you that your approach is ineffectual and the first thing you do is to lash out or blame something nebulous like "the system", then you haven't done any work on yourself. You did both.
People who desire power love those who blame their woes on some undefined or poorly defined "other." If you had learned history, you would have known this. If you understood these stories, you would have known this.
If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten. Revise your approach.
Take full responsibility for where you are in life and where you will be in the future. Leave behind all excuses like "the system" or "the man" or some other ambiguous non-definition. Whenever you want to blame something or someone else for your circumstances, immediately counter that thought by asking what you could have done differently to not be where you are, and apply that knowledge in the future.
This film has a spiritual element as well ,if you have eyes to see,spiritual discernment,which is in the form of the glasses,
It’s a documentary.
The whole world is deceived, the bible came well before this film, yet they will scoff at the bible.
Yes, we don't need such glasses if we are aware who we are then we can clearly see 'what is' (going on)
I watched this movie when it first come out. And really enjoyed it. Thanks for uploading.
I’ve never seen this movie before! Heard about it yes but never watched it. Awesome movie and as relevant as ever
What's amazing is it's 2024 and there are still people who have no idea whats going on in the world... this documentary was produced in 1988...wake up.
Never heard of this movie, thanks so much for putting online 🕺🏻👍
@@bostonnbunn you’re welcome 👊😎
Thanks to you, I've now been able to watch this movie after so long. Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️
watched this years ago loved it watching now it s terrifying.
I got some chewing gum and ready to watch this post punk classic.
One of the best action films ever. Thank you for the upload. ❤
@@daviddrift7663 you’re welcome 👊😎
Can't believe I'm finally watching this movie for the 1st time. I've had my own experiences with these 🦎 I share my own experiences on my channel. It is amazing to see humanity finally waking up
@@GalacticVoyager1111 👊😎
@@stillhuman4662 👊
This movie planted a seed in a group of rebellious teenager's minds that grew into a large tree of knowledge.
We need everyone.
You mean they all turned woke?
Bro thank you so much for posting this absolute classic of a movie. Roddy Pipers best work as an actor imo.
No worries mate. Yeah Roddy was great.
Thank you so much for posting this gem in such a great quality, I’ve been postponing watching it for a long time. It is also my first English-speaking movie I watch without subs 💪
Brings me back old memories. Somewhere in 1989 or 1990 I saw this movie in VHS tape in my
pre teenhood days. It scared the shit out of me. 1980s was the best era of action movies, music and television.
Everyday this movie gets more and more important.
@@Timepiece80 true 👊😎
Always the music in all films you know its John Carpenter ,great classic movie ,sad mr pipper (wrestler)died very young Rip ....thanks for share
people need to watch to understand how world really works
Absolutely. The majority don't want to. My first ex-husband who told me about the NWO 35 years ago tried to warn people.
RIP Roddy. Great performance 👌🌟🔆
Thanks for posting bro
Truly a great movie...THANK YOU!
You’re welcome 👍
After you put on the sunglasses, you gotta take the Red Pill. That's why they all wear sunglasses in the Matrix.
Longest fight scene ever, Jesus Christ! Put the friggin glasses on!
I'm glad I'm not the only who felt that way lol
Revisiting this movie today, 2024 how apt for the times we are living in now. Rowdy Roddy Piper my fave 80s wrestler WWF
@@julieballinger very much so 👊😎
🖐🖐🖐Didn't have much time for watching TV or Movies back then. I was 18yrs old, working and partying. Was a great time back then ❤️❤️❤️ from NZ
@@kw267 and now, does this movie mean anything to you?
gotta love UA-cam - was watching a documentary about ideology (that used a clip of this movie) and then this pops up - the whole thing, in excellent quality. Thank you!
@@uranusnow67 you’re welcome friend 👊😎
Forever relevant masterpiece - Thanks for posting 🙏 ✊
Wonderful film. Thanks for the quality upload Still human.
You’re welcome 😃
Thx for uploading this, watched this movie for the first time tonight and it was a blast
@@SCANNI you’re welcome 👊😎
I saw this when it 1st came out, and I loved it back then. YES, it's SO much like today, and I want to get a hold of those glasses for sure.
I'm watching this for the first time today I'm 50 years old and can't believe I've never seen it all the way through but as another commentator mentioned it's absolutely relevant today even more so and really frightening concept which was way ahead of its time and probably scared people back then that this was a possible future and now we just think yeah I could imagine that being true much like simulation theory seems more possible after movies like the matrix this movie however is an absolute gem of n every way if you've not seen it you're in for a massive treat
@@chrispayne8070 👊😎
I watched this in 2009 but ignored it until someone told me to re watch now am mind opened
Still one of the most badass movie from the 80’s.
True that 👍
Those days where the days for tv, movies and music.
The fact that im not a "movie" person i loved/loving watching this i was intrigued by a short i saw, once i found out the name i had to check it out 40mins in and im hooked i think that speaks for itself.......watch this .....
I play this on my phone in bed to help me sleep, I’ve watched this movie over 10 thousand times and I still love it
Thank you for taking the time to upload. Much appreciated.
GREAT MOVIE , Classic , how the the world operate today i can believe this
@@JJNOX 👊😎
Cool. Im all out of hubba bubba. Haha.
Im surprised YubTub let you upload this one. Pretty cool. 1080p too.
Cheers bruv.
@@stillhuman4662 True. Wish i knew that a few months back. i didnt even think to check. I recently downloaded it. Haha.
Многие верные слуги бога отождествляются с ним, - с господом. Это норма в теологической литературе, это ПСИХОТЕХНИЧЕСКОЕ понятие, а не только традиция, ведь божьи пророки, воители - это его АВАТАРЫ. ✫ Слово аватара, означает воплощение бога, аватара это дистанционная марионетка бога, только без видимых нитей. Это слово встречается в ведической литературе и некоторых восточных языках и имеет такое же значение. ✫ При помощи интеллектуальной техники системы Судьба, бог управляет своими аватарами и полноценно присутствует в них в нужный момент, буквально ЖИВЕТ в них, по своей сути бог и машина Судьба неразделимы. ✫ Судьба - это интеллектуально-логическая машина. Она нуждается в живой душе, как обычный компьютер нуждается в операторе и программисте. Рассмотрим само слово интеллект: «Ин» - внутрь (извне), «теле» - на расстояние, «лект» - лектор, лекция. Итого: приём или передача информации на расстоянии. По аналогии можно интерпретировать слово интеллигент: генератор, передатчик (приёмник) мыслей, информации, то есть социальный маяк - божий аватара, через которого бог воздействует на общество через идеи. ✫ Поэтому, описываемые в книге асы-лунатики, от архистратига до простого депутата и проститутки, - это воплощения единого бога. Подобная система управления существует у насекомых в рое, там всеми бездушными особями управляет МАТКА. Социальная структура роя сложна и разделена на касты: царица, солдаты, трутни и так далее. ✫ Трутень, например, соответствует депутату или чиновнику в людском рое, только не подумайте, что указанные существа не трудятся, - это заблуждение, просто они решают неизвестные вам и себе задачи, по указанию свыше, - нет, вы не так поняли, я имею в виду ещё более высокую ЛУННУЮ ИНСТАНЦИЮ. ✫ Свою политику царица-матка осуществляет при помощи дистанционных команд (включая торсионные каналы связи) и химических агентов, таких как феромоны, гормоны и т. п. вещества. Бог (или МАТКА) един в бесконечном множестве своих аватар, в подвластном ему мире-муравейнике на всё его «воля».
ИЗ ЭТОЙ КНИГИ ВЫ, НАКОНЕЦ, УЗНАЕТЕ О ПОТАЁННОЙ ВОЙНЕ, В КОТОРОЙ ВСЕ МЫ ПРИНИМАЕМ УЧАСТИЕ. ЭТА ВОЙНА ТАКАЯ БОЛЬШАЯ, ЧТО МЫ, НАХОДЯСЬ ВНУТРИ НЕЁ, УЖЕ ПОЧТИ НЕ ЗАМЕЧАЕМ ЕЁ, ВОЙНА ИДЁТ И ВНУТРИ НАС, - НА МИКРО УРОВНЕ, МЫ БЫ К НЕЙ ПРИВЫКЛИ СОВСЕМ, НО СМЕРТЬ НЕ ДАЁТ СФОРМИРОВАТЬСЯ ЭТОЙ ВРЕДНОЙ ПРИВЫЧКЕ ДО КОНЦА. ГДЕ БЫ ВЫ НИ БЫЛИ, ЧТО БЫ НИ ДЕЛАЛИ, БЕЗУЧАСТНЫМ В ЭТОЙ СМЕРТЕЛЬНОЙ БИТВЕ НИКТО НЕ ОСТАЁТСЯ, КАЖДЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК, САМ ТОГО НЕ ОСОЗНАВАЯ, ВОЮЕТ НА ОДНОЙ ИЗ СТОРОН. Правда, есть и осознанно вредящие человечеству божьи люди и от их предательства и принимаемых решений страдает наша планета. Вам, в процессе ознакомления с предложенной информацией, постепенно станет понятной сама суть людской ярости и безумия, как на ладони высветится настоящая причина войн и революций убивающих наш Мир.
Глубинная книга Владимира Пятибрата о бессмертии и бессмертных. Книга в свободном доступе в интернете. Последнее обновление 30 августа 2003. Кроме главы Семь ключей Радуги. В книге на данный момент нет ее поздних дополнений и обновлений. Автор это писал на форуме Богатырская стезя и объяснял в беседах. Можно будет тоже найти в интернете или спросить.
Yes, Universal Studios, I would love to buy the DVD of this underrated yet classic movie, however, it is very hard to find it, these days. :/
Thx for sharing this movie, Mr. Still human.
You’re welcome my friend 👊😎
Old movies (80s) also had great acting, even in these B-Grade movies. Keith David steals the show in this movie, the monologue he gives in the beginning about the steal-mill workers is fantastic!
Thank you for uploading this @still human
August 5th 2024 first time watching this since 1988