  • Опубліковано 19 гру 2022
  • how the community went from being scared of the level 9 cpu to campaigning for a ban
    #smashultimate #kazuya #ban


  • @jakezepeda1267
    @jakezepeda1267 Рік тому +284

    Damn, you can take a bathroom break and still make it back before the hit stun wears off.

  • @smoothcrust1115
    @smoothcrust1115 Рік тому +138

    I like how u see the evolution of competitive Kazuya more in top player tweets than in actual gameplay lol

  • @aaronnoesoriginal
    @aaronnoesoriginal Рік тому +38

    1:08 I laughed so hard here

  • @stormcamplin3753
    @stormcamplin3753 Рік тому +86

    Huh interesting to see how ultimate is doing. I had 0 idea Kazuya was even a problem last I heard about this game was the Steve Drama.

    • @ediot1426
      @ediot1426 Рік тому +38

      thats what happens when you give a character spamable moves with i frames that lead to 0 to deaths from pretty much any stage posistion

    • @tacoshop7722
      @tacoshop7722 Рік тому +29

      Both are a problem still, Steve is the better character but Kaz is just even more worst designed than steve even is.

    • @ClassicBentobox
      @ClassicBentobox Рік тому +19

      Neither of them are badly designed just overtuned. A lot of the dlc characters are high tier so naturally it’s going to be somewhat upsetting.
      There’s still counter play, some matchups just really suck.

    • @tacoshop7722
      @tacoshop7722 Рік тому +25

      @@ClassicBentobox I think Kaz is legitimately badly designed in the way his kit is put together. His play style rewards the game being pretty in fun in the same way little Mac does. Nerfing him would only make him less good at being unfun IMO.

    • @ClassicBentobox
      @ClassicBentobox Рік тому +8

      Not to be pedantic but “being less good at being unfun” by proxy means “better at being fun”.
      I don’t think you need to nerf his combos, only his kill options. The problem is that he has too many moves that kill unreasonably early.
      I genuinely think if usmash didn’t kill so early, if fsmash didn’t kill so early, if up-b didn’t kill so early, if dsmash didn’t kill so early, if rage drive didn’t kill so early, and the only kill moves you keep are a couple tilt moves and electric god fist, then he’d be a fun character to fight against.
      His combos are cool and flashy, and if all of them ended in committal options that left him vulnerable he’d simply be a high risk high reward character.
      But he skews towards reward as a result of how many kill options he has.
      Which isn’t necessarily new for the series, there are other characters in smash with similar problems. But high reward characters always suck to fight against.

  • @egmusic1925
    @egmusic1925 Рік тому +59

    Kazuya is the most traditional FGC character in the least traditional FGC game. Smash players in general don’t realize that most fighting games involve high levels of robbery by top characters

    • @rurounijay7100
      @rurounijay7100 Рік тому +19

      The problem is the properties of kazuya in tekken versus smash. He doesnt have the insane frame data he does, his damage output isnt quite as high (not conventionally easy to compare but consider average kill percents of smash and compare low health in tekken). His frame data is insane, wavu is faster and optimized has complete intangibility, most of his moves have intangibility or armor, so with his frame data damage, movement, etc, hes a menace in this game in a way hes just not in tekken. Tag 2 and tekken 2 are probably the best kazuya has ever been, maybe tekken 1 as well. Id argue the latter are because of the small roster more than the character. Obviously he has weaknesses but theyre far outweighed by his strengths.

    • @asherkime5910
      @asherkime5910 Рік тому +6

      His frame data is garbage what are you talking about; twine. Is a super slow game comparatively so they sped him up about but compared to the rest of the roster he is mid at best and garbage at worst frame data speaking

    • @rurounijay7100
      @rurounijay7100 Рік тому +15

      @@asherkime5910 lets think with our brain. EWGF is the move we're gonna be relying on as kazuya. That move is frame 8, which is extremely respectable in its own right, now factor in the fact that its intangible for the entire start up, meaning nobody can beat the move. It has an deceptively good hit hitbox, too good, and is an effective anti air. If a move that is completely safe with no draw backs, because it pushes people out of shield, is frame 8, you might as well spam it, factor in you can crouch dash cancel extremely well in this game compared to tekken (which also has complete intangibility if performed fast enough), and you have dangerous and safe movement for insane punishing and pursuit with debatably the best stand alone move in the game. Now consider most of the moves youll actually be using are anywhere from frame 4-14. I dont see anything atrocious about this. Remember most of the moves youre relying on as kazuya are intangible, have super armor, or fast and disjointed. All of sudden the picture comes together. He can korean back dash in this game, as well as wavu. He can do instant while standing (demon god fist) out of wavu, he can also neiji cancel into demon god fist. Most of the moves that are "slow" (frame 13-14) are combo extenders and finishers, not starters. If this character was actually bad and riddled with weaknesses as opposed to strengths, the player base would be nonexistent. There would be 5 tekken fans playing the character, and not a single pro would be playing him. Hes not balanced and hes obnoxious. Yes, he has a weaknesses, SOME characters with superior mobility like fox that have small frames and can safely attack and retreat quickly are difficult to deal with, yes. He also can get camped out pretty hard by characters like min min, samus and more. Though to say he has no chance is ridiculous. The character is insane and he has no -2 losing matchups. Theres like 5 characters in the game TOPS that have a hard +1.5 against him at best, but the best kazuya in the world doesnt even think its that bad. Kazuya is great, and his pros far outweight his cons, you can look up everything i said the internet is free, i stated pure facts and game data. Theres not much of an argument to be had my friend because youre literally incorrect. You can have opinions on the character but i shared game data. I main chrom and a lot of my attacks are frame 3-10. Frame 4-14 comparatively fucking filled with intangibility and armor across the board make quite a difference. Frame 8 is a quality speed to punish moves. I genuinely dont know what you were getting at.

    • @abyssalnothingness
      @abyssalnothingness Рік тому +3

      @@rurounijay7100 7 frame jump squat

    • @rurounijay7100
      @rurounijay7100 Рік тому

      @@abyssalnothingness wow i guess my argument is destroyed what a shit character

  • @patoa3481
    @patoa3481 Рік тому +70

    That Gluto vs Riddles game was painful. Gluto is a top 10 level player who grinds the thoughest matchups and learns how to counter other top players and gets hopelessly decimated. He wasn't even playing bad. He just got hit

    • @Skyfysh
      @Skyfysh Рік тому +18

      The irony is there was a time when people thought Wario waft was the pinnacle of stock robbery.

    • @loi_cy
      @loi_cy Рік тому +6

      Robber gets robbed

    • @lifeisoverrated7167
      @lifeisoverrated7167 Рік тому +2

      And every time I see a riddles set, I always feel like he drops a lot of combos, except when he plays gluto and never miss one xD

  • @smithclaxton3357
    @smithclaxton3357 Рік тому +131

    Nothing made me more sad then gluto vs riddles at scuffed

    • @sham_noway
      @sham_noway Рік тому +53

      gluto played perfectly stock 1, won neutral like 5 times in a row then got hit once and died its so bs

    • @HawkTeevs
      @HawkTeevs Рік тому +10

      Kazuya is Gluto’s demon I swear

    • @comet5748
      @comet5748 Рік тому +15

      Cope and get good

    • @Ecstasy404
      @Ecstasy404 Рік тому +3

      @@sham_noway Lmao wym won neutral 5 times. He got 1 in that 2nd or 3rd stock where he got a 60% combo

    • @PhenylSSBU
      @PhenylSSBU Рік тому +20

      @@comet5748 Found the Kazuya player.

  • @harrybalsac8279
    @harrybalsac8279 Рік тому +56

    Since I've always been a fighting games addict, when Kazuya's moveset was revealed I already knew he was gonna be a juggernaut. I found it surprising that so many people, including traditional fighter and platform fighter players, didn't realize immediately that ewgf and nair being a weak spike would be a problem. As much as I like what they did with him, it is annoying as hell.

  • @kingoro6806
    @kingoro6806 Рік тому +247

    The real problem is the average toxic fan that plays only elite smash and pretends to know everything about everyone

    • @beanonthefloor3750
      @beanonthefloor3750 Рік тому +8


    • @yzois
      @yzois Рік тому +21

      Thats 90% of the people who complain about kazuya

    • @andrewfuller2857
      @andrewfuller2857 Рік тому +2

      for me I just think he's boring to watch

    • @BudewIsOwnage
      @BudewIsOwnage Рік тому +1

      The reddit/twitter effect

    • @skoolwifi3835
      @skoolwifi3835 Рік тому +3

      @@andrewfuller2857 interesting, more so than Steve? I know and accept that Kaz is busted but I love watching his combos but Steve is both boring and busted imo so I would rather ban him than Kaz.

  • @IK-yb5rn
    @IK-yb5rn Рік тому +11

    The moment characters start getting banned is the moment I lose all interest in the community

    • @TakeoKurosawa
      @TakeoKurosawa Рік тому

      Tight, I for one hope that happens. 🎉

    • @Android-Twenty-One
      @Android-Twenty-One Рік тому +3

      Welp... Steve got banned

    • @rannynihilius8481
      @rannynihilius8481 Рік тому +2

      The moment Bayo didn't get banned was the moment everyone stoped caring about Smash 4 entirely and just watched the better game.
      With Steve being banned atleast all of you Ult people can pretend that the core mechanics don't just reward one overtuned char every time so that you don't have to watch a non Brawl based game.
      After MK and Bayo ruined the entire competitive landscape now Steve has the potential to do the same so better get him out before he just does that and kills the last official title.
      You guys have to now make sure that your game survives through the years bc just waiting for a new release to get hype will not happen anymore.

    • @Android-Twenty-One
      @Android-Twenty-One Рік тому +1

      @@rannynihilius8481 I mean, you can't really have a tournament is Nintendo themselves keep taking down tournament events and not letting smash join evo at all.

    • @rannynihilius8481
      @rannynihilius8481 Рік тому +2

      @@Android-Twenty-One Evo never determined how smash does because it's way more popular than any traditional fighting game and Nintendo do not dare to just shut us completely down because ever since Evo 2013 we have been way too vocal about the mistreatment we have received.
      The problem as of now is that no backing from the publisher gets us pretty f-ed if no sponsors are willing to pay big sums to make tourneys possible.

  • @degen7278
    @degen7278 Рік тому +36

    I love the irony that a fighting game character becomes the best character when added to smash. That or Kazuya is too power for mere smash.

    • @asherkime5910
      @asherkime5910 Рік тому

      ESAM and Riddles rate him around 20th best in the game

    • @degen7278
      @degen7278 Рік тому

      @@asherkime5910 Huh that's interesting did not know that. What's the top few if you don't mind.

    • @willycheez7218
      @willycheez7218 Рік тому

      Steve is objectively better

    • @asherkime5910
      @asherkime5910 Рік тому

      @@degen7278 watch the videos

    • @degen7278
      @degen7278 Рік тому +2

      @@asherkime5910 I'm good; Im not invested in smash enough to thus my probably ignorant comment.

  • @minixlemonade2335
    @minixlemonade2335 Рік тому +8

    I love character design where the only way to win against them is playing lame and camping otherwise you get steamrolled

    • @AHoomanBean
      @AHoomanBean Рік тому +1

      sadly people still defend this character design nothing was learned from smash 4 bayo 1 touch death combos are just smash bros dlc in a nutshell.

    • @nascour5991
      @nascour5991 Рік тому

      @@AHoomanBean yeah any critism or wanting to ban a character is toxic like no bruh I wanna have fun playing ultimate.

  • @Hikomune
    @Hikomune Рік тому +3

    Bro is not gonna sugarcoat it

  • @Astar72439
    @Astar72439 Рік тому +1

    Kazuya literally Pillars like Falco in Melee LMAO

  • @RoseFielden
    @RoseFielden Рік тому +6

    This would be the same with ANY Tekken character lmao

    • @chainz983
      @chainz983 Рік тому +3

      I'd hate to see how ppl react if someone like Xiaoyu was put in instead of Kazuya

  • @piranhaplant8483
    @piranhaplant8483 Рік тому +11

    Those top players whining about Kazuya have never fought a level 3 X-Factor Virgil and it shows

    • @VoidBel
      @VoidBel Рік тому

      They are not equivalents, MVC3 is not even the same type of "fighter" as smash

    • @ThusSpokeDrDoctor
      @ThusSpokeDrDoctor Рік тому +5

      @@VoidBel I think the sentiment is lost on you. It's just about comparing how busted top characters really can be and are a notch above the rest, you can do the same for different genres.

    • @MiguelMem
      @MiguelMem Рік тому +1

      I'm Motivated

    • @piranhaplant8483
      @piranhaplant8483 Рік тому +2

      @@VoidBel It doesn't have to be the same type of fighter to compare how broken something is

    • @piranhaplant8483
      @piranhaplant8483 Рік тому

      @@MiguelMem I need more power

  • @johnkramer2144
    @johnkramer2144 Рік тому +47

    Wait, so you’re saying that having time for people to get better with the character can reveal how good they are and that first impressions mean next to nothing in competitive fighting games?
    Who would have thought?

    • @JoelWhoKillz
      @JoelWhoKillz Рік тому +4

      Wait, so you're saying yellow Gatorade is based on a lemon flavor?? Who would have though?

    • @RawmGarcia
      @RawmGarcia Рік тому +1

      You can’t process sheeet?
      Who would have thought?

    • @steven6666600000
      @steven6666600000 Рік тому +1

      Sakurai sure didn't think so. Why his dumb ass stopped patching the game as soon as Sora came out.

    • @goofygoober4205
      @goofygoober4205 Рік тому +1

      I think the real drama is that Kazuya can just do kill combos out of nothing which automatically puts 90% of the roster at disadvantage since they can’t really kill combo as well as Kazuya can. Most characters that can would be Falcon, Falco, Pikachu, Sephiroth and most of the FE reps(which is ironic since FE characters are the most maines fighters and also are the lamest. I wouldn’t be surprised if the FE mains were mostly the ones complaining) but they work a bit more harder since Kazuya has such amazing movement options.

    • @johnkramer2144
      @johnkramer2144 Рік тому

      @@goofygoober4205 He’s a traditional fighting game character in a platform fighter.
      Also that hurts cause I’m a Marth main and I don’t complain about Kazuya. I think he’s hilarious.

  • @shingeki_01
    @shingeki_01 Рік тому +39

    Riddles winning big house will always hit the feels

  • @mastahshonuff
    @mastahshonuff Рік тому +5

    Excellent evolution of the Kazuya Metagame

  • @user-ml7vg8nt7l
    @user-ml7vg8nt7l Рік тому +6

    Have ever been sent of stage. edge guarded and died sub 50 percent? Kazuya does the same thing on stage where your movement isn't so linear compared to of stage

  • @donkylefernandez4680
    @donkylefernandez4680 Рік тому

    Melee looking at the Ultimate scene
    "What da hell goin' on over there?"

  • @WiiMoteGodYT
    @WiiMoteGodYT Рік тому +62

    as a kazuya player that plays him because of how stupid he is, this made me cry tears of joy. emphatic video

    • @tonytonychopper9037
      @tonytonychopper9037 Рік тому +11


    • @goktoproductions5475
      @goktoproductions5475 Рік тому

      I bet your dad left you before you were 5

    • @animaIpath
      @animaIpath Рік тому

      pls unalive urself

    • @victor-jo7wt
      @victor-jo7wt Рік тому +4

      @@tonytonychopper9037 so happy to have opened the replies and see this comment, hope you're having a good day man

    • @pierreshi6102
      @pierreshi6102 9 місяців тому +2

      I'd pull out a byleth or robin against friends... until that one friend of a friend who starts talking shit without having ever played smash... then I pull out kazuya and teach him pain. Hehehehe

  • @funstorm1789
    @funstorm1789 Рік тому +2

    how sakurai going to add one last character that breaks the game twice in a row

  • @TricksterApk2077
    @TricksterApk2077 Рік тому +27

    I've had the most fun playing a fighting game when Kazuya came to smash. I've wanted a Tekken fighter ever since I was a kid, when I played Tekken with my brother. Yet the amount of hate I've gotten for playing a character I WANTED in smash is unbelievable. This video makes me realize why I like cause Kazuya so much despite how many people have constantly talked shit to me. 10/10 Don't stop mashing, fam ❤️

    • @ThusSpokeDrDoctor
      @ThusSpokeDrDoctor Рік тому +9

      Im not gonna sugar coat it... F, star, DF2

    • @chainz983
      @chainz983 Рік тому

      They fear the 3rd dimension

    • @nascour5991
      @nascour5991 Рік тому +2

      sorry you get shit unless people are saying you're carried because honestly steve and kazuya characters are sorry.

  • @Real_temmie_undertalo
    @Real_temmie_undertalo Рік тому +3

    " feelin' good "

  • @jaddarohade
    @jaddarohade Рік тому

    Pov : Everyone just wants to ban everything that defeats him, until they realize theres no character left

  • @CloverLuck_
    @CloverLuck_ Рік тому +51

    As a kazuya main, this is my message:
    Just don't get hit

  • @cmi6105
    @cmi6105 Рік тому +16

    Riddles is my favorite player IDC. I don’t even think Kazuya top 5 but he’s incredibly toxic

  • @nathanmotzko5766
    @nathanmotzko5766 Рік тому +17

    2:24 he can wavedash?

    • @hoassyoass2480
      @hoassyoass2480 Рік тому +23

      Yes as a Tekken player who plays Smash, they did an amazing job translating Kazuya movement and move set into the game.

    • @atari9477
      @atari9477 Рік тому +13

      Where have you been?

    • @juseizkloma6878
      @juseizkloma6878 Рік тому

      Any character can wavedash

  • @huntermccaskill3938
    @huntermccaskill3938 Рік тому +12

    Kazuya, Luigi, Ice Climbers
    Low floor, high ceiling - once they get going, just put down your controller and grab a snack
    That doesn't mean should be banned

    • @RawmGarcia
      @RawmGarcia Рік тому

      why not?

    • @thebygoneking
      @thebygoneking Рік тому +8

      Kazuya’s definitely the standout of those characters.
      Better recovery game, significantly stronger kill options, 0-death confirms from any point on stage on a much easier timeline, generally stronger neutral game, and lacks the substantial weaknesses of Icies and Luigi (Luigi is easily gimped, Icies can potentially lose their entire character off of one bad exchange w/ Nana).
      On top of all that, he’s heavy as fuck and has a comeback mechanic

    • @marlinmurrell620
      @marlinmurrell620 Рік тому

      Agreed. Shouldn't be banned.

    • @marlinmurrell620
      @marlinmurrell620 Рік тому

      @@thebygoneking yeah, but the execution requirements are high, especially for Ferps tech. You slip up, you can get reversalled and put into disadvantage and maybe die if you're opponent is on top of you. Kazuya isnt invincible. He's just an extremely polarizing character.

    • @lifeisoverrated7167
      @lifeisoverrated7167 Рік тому

      @Marlin Murrell nobody cares about execution on ultimate. It's a game of mind games and micro punishments, not of hard combos and techs to execute and instantly win

  • @FlipsZ
    @FlipsZ Рік тому +3

    And may I be somewhere around the 100th sub 🙏🏽

  • @sherpa6071
    @sherpa6071 Рік тому +1

    Plot twist: Masahiro Sakurai is in deep with the actual Yakuza and was forced to make Kazuya unstoppable... 😲

  • @AutisticJesusGaming
    @AutisticJesusGaming Рік тому +1

    Ban the use of more than one electric wind hod fist per conbo

  • @brandon-cs7fw
    @brandon-cs7fw Рік тому +5

    fire video

  • @eyesofdeathperception6730
    @eyesofdeathperception6730 Рік тому +1

    The Bayonetta to our Smash ultimate folks.

  • @HawkTeevs
    @HawkTeevs Рік тому +41

    I don’t think the issue with Kazuya is that he’s overtuned or unbeatable so much as the fact that he is a *MASSIVE* matchup check. He’s a very execution-heavy character, and because of that most people don’t play him in-bracket (whereas with Steve, people often play him because of how easy he is to pick up). Because of this, most people don’t know how to DI electrics properly, how to space-out his moves, what moves are and aren’t punishable, etc., and it’s to the point where even top players often get destroyed by him (and it’s literally their job to analyze every little detail about the game).

    • @ambush4144
      @ambush4144 Рік тому +16

      Even with proper di and especially without plats there's still a chance of him killing you on one interaction, especially if a good kazuya can do the dash to catch your di options

    • @daleanmonster3567
      @daleanmonster3567 Рік тому +12

      as a kazuya secondary (who also wants him banned btw), it isnt a "massive matchup check". No, he is a character that can kill of an electric from almost anywhere on stage. DI doesnt even matter since there is tech that covers both di in and out. His moves arent punishable on shield since the only moves he will throw out at your shield are electric (pushes you out of shield, + on block actually), nair which is safe or down b which is a command grab. You can also jab jab into input grab which beats shield. Kazuya is fucking broken, while yes some characters beat him a good kazuya can beat any player. Also, this character is really common in wifi brackets, probably the most popular character rn. Your comment isnt accurate at all, learn the game before commenting that top players suck.

    • @Ecstasy404
      @Ecstasy404 Рік тому

      Exactly. Well put

    • @honeybadgerzombie1159
      @honeybadgerzombie1159 Рік тому +21

      @@daleanmonster3567 “a good kazuya can beat any player” so uh, why isn’t every major win a Kazuya player then exactly?

    • @gluerakyt9997
      @gluerakyt9997 Рік тому +6

      @@daleanmonster3567 you seem pretty salty to write such unaccurate comments

  • @ParadoxialParodies
    @ParadoxialParodies Рік тому +7

    TBH while I am not someone who plays Smash Bros on a completive level I feel like some of these players have never played some other fighting games where the " ban character name" effect takes places. For me Kazuya just takes skill but a different kind of skill and if most people played other fighting games or the one Kazuya is from TEKKEN then they would know how he works same also could be said for Terry, Ken and Ryu when you think about it and while someone is going to mention. "oh he is broken" "he dose not take that much skill" or some other John excuses, if you don't know what a join is in the FGC it means someone always making excuses for there lack of skill, people should remember in other fighting games either it be old like something Street Fighter 2, Tekken 3, Soul 2, Marvel VS Capcom 1 and 2 up to newer fighting games there is always going to be something in that fighting game that people are going to have to learn to deal with to play the game.

  • @edwinomargarciamendez4291
    @edwinomargarciamendez4291 Рік тому +2

    May I have the song name for the "Results" phase?

  • @dreamerlaurent8291
    @dreamerlaurent8291 Рік тому +2

    i feel like kazuya being more op than steve is a stretch, just because he is useless in disadvantage

  • @tkr3399
    @tkr3399 Рік тому +3

    I understand that kazuya can be frustrating to deal with. But people can not act like there more kazuyas than Steve's when kazuya is way harder to play than Steve. Like legitimately, he takes way more skill and execution to even do good with. Look at the top 5 players in the world, they all beat riddles and go back and forth with him. You can't act like every kazuya player is insane and there are a lot of them everywhere killing the game, when there aren't. It's better to argue that for Steve.

    • @esausantibanez3702
      @esausantibanez3702 Рік тому +1

      Both characters are stupid af in different ways. And learning inputs is not requiring skill to play a character, everyone can learn inputs to do combos. Kazuya’s learning curve is low because of that and the fact that he is intangible all the time (even when dashing in neutral) and due to ridiculously long hitstun.

    • @esausantibanez3702
      @esausantibanez3702 Рік тому +2

      Kazuya and steve are opposites. Kazuya forces you to avoid getting hit. And steve forces you to try to hit him.

  • @average_brazilianmale5797
    @average_brazilianmale5797 Рік тому +3

    The people complaining about kazuya are the ones who can't preform EWGF

  • @Gzainneau
    @Gzainneau Рік тому

    I love this character so much

  • @pbank_
    @pbank_ Рік тому

    I just watched tea run up (while his opponent is at 60%), roll behind, ewgf, and gg. Like bro

  • @stevenfraielli9869
    @stevenfraielli9869 Рік тому +24

    Okay but Tea kinda nice with it tho. ☠

  • @elijahfyffe5176
    @elijahfyffe5176 Рік тому +5

    I’d rather get bodied by an interesting combo from an input character than have to deal with a bullet hell from a 3’ ingame hitbox

  • @TerryTheOne-WingedBogard
    @TerryTheOne-WingedBogard Рік тому +6

    I think… Kazuyas not gonna sugarcoat it

  • @pockets_sb4238
    @pockets_sb4238 Рік тому +2

    Jab bair? I’d never guess what character u play lolol

  • @bennyheppner4589
    @bennyheppner4589 Рік тому

    Riddles highlight video lmao

  • @sasori670
    @sasori670 Рік тому

    Iykyk but I hate how they give him the doomfist treatment. Character releases and it’s oh he sucks don’t pick him or you’ll lose. But then… oh but then them character specialist come out and they get god tier with the character everyone says sucks and there’s instantly cries for nerfs and all of a sudden the character is unfair.

  • @supremeleader7863
    @supremeleader7863 Рік тому +1

    Thought this was gonna be a tekken video lol

  • @vStrafe
    @vStrafe Рік тому +4

    Banning him already? I wanted to witness the BOXX Kazuya erra first.

    • @jabbair
      @jabbair  Рік тому +2


    • @vStrafe
      @vStrafe Рік тому +3

      @@jabbair I just binged the rest of your content today, it's all your vids are so fucking refreshing. I just wanna say keep doing what you do and they'll blow up.

    • @jabbair
      @jabbair  Рік тому +2

      yo thank you so much for watching and the kind words

  • @jaydee5312
    @jaydee5312 Рік тому

    This aged like fine wine

  • @Monstercookie821
    @Monstercookie821 Рік тому

    You need to do one for steve

  • @ianfish9275
    @ianfish9275 Рік тому +1

    Honestly at least you know if your playing against kazuya you aren’t playing against diamonds.

  • @MarcusAlder
    @MarcusAlder Рік тому

    What's the song with the piano? 1:53

    • @MarcusAlder
      @MarcusAlder 10 місяців тому

      Found it, "Moonsiders 1st" smash remix

  • @hazyhayley7488
    @hazyhayley7488 Рік тому +13

    Nothing on Kazuya is as broken as a neutral B that creatures a platform / Wall.
    Gluto and Light play close quarters. It’s always going to be a hard matchup for them.

    • @jackcampbell2021
      @jackcampbell2021 Рік тому

      Nah, laser has long startup and is can be airdodged easily up on or over stage, it’s one of his easiest moves to punish if he tries to block you out of close range with it. It’s good for zoning really far away or killing way offstage though.

    • @jackcampbell2021
      @jackcampbell2021 Рік тому

      Gluto was in a bad spot though

    • @marlinmurrell620
      @marlinmurrell620 Рік тому +9

      @@jackcampbell2021 I believe that he's saying that nothing on Kazuya will be as broken as Steve creating platforms and wall with neutral b.

  • @imjustbread9209
    @imjustbread9209 Рік тому +32

    I don't understand why people want kazuya banned over steve

    • @olbluelips
      @olbluelips Рік тому +18

      Personally I think Kazuya's design is just more degen and really unfun even compared to Steve. You can at least play smash against Steve, but Kazuya is a minigame character. He's like Super Little Mac imo

    • @stale588
      @stale588 Рік тому +2

      At least with Steve you can play the game, while he may be obnoxious to play against (like any zoner), kazuya’s 0-to-death conversions are to plentiful and too easy to just fall into

    • @marlinmurrell620
      @marlinmurrell620 Рік тому +18

      @@stale588 I feel the complete opposite. Whenever I come across a random Kazuya main, I dont get ToD every time.
      Every time I play a Steve main, I get camped and soon 3 stocked (Diamond is better Arsene). Steve combos are A LOT easier to execute than Kazuya combos.
      I dont want any character banned. But Kazuya takes higher execution. There's a reason why there's more Steve players than Kazuya.

    • @imjustbread9209
      @imjustbread9209 Рік тому +5

      @@marlinmurrell620 exactly, not to mention what Stale said about kazuya can be said about luigi and rob too

    • @marlinmurrell620
      @marlinmurrell620 Рік тому

      @@imjustbread9209 Exactly

  • @SynysterProjects
    @SynysterProjects Рік тому +3

    Smash as it currently is, is just "Kazuya: The Game", and as a Kazuya main in Tekken since 1998 and being one of my favorite video game characters of all time, I'm here for it. Lol

    • @tokidoki9651
      @tokidoki9651 Рік тому

      Keep cryin

    • @SynysterProjects
      @SynysterProjects Рік тому

      @@tokidoki9651 are you actually stupid? How about finishing the comment before responding? I wasn't crying, I said I'M HERE FOR IT since Kaz is one of my favorite video game characters.

  • @grinder4907
    @grinder4907 Рік тому +10

    I will just go to custom balance and make Kazuya -3

  • @coolshirtkid
    @coolshirtkid Рік тому

    a greek tragedy

  • @Rocco_lifts
    @Rocco_lifts Рік тому +1

    awesome, I love kazuya

  • @Hope4NewDay1
    @Hope4NewDay1 Рік тому +8

    This video is now my morning coffee. I love seeing the top players bitch and complain about Kazuya lol

    • @goktoproductions5475
      @goktoproductions5475 Рік тому +2

      EVERYONE that has half a brain is complaining about Kazuya

    • @prestong.6391
      @prestong.6391 Рік тому

      @@goktoproductions5475 if you have half a brain, you aren't playing ult

  • @chullupa
    @chullupa Рік тому

    The fifth best smash game

  • @pierreshi6102
    @pierreshi6102 9 місяців тому

    I don't mind banning these characters or something like "only dlc characters", as long as we see top players play them sometimes. Anyways, overtuned characters are my pocket pick for when someone who never plays smash talks shit about how they're so good at it lol

  • @OddSauce
    @OddSauce Рік тому

    you love to see it

  • @20xy94
    @20xy94 Рік тому

    ultimate players will have bad takes like ' kazua is a bigger problem than steve ' but wont even mention he's a more fun problem idgi

  • @Ddamb1
    @Ddamb1 Рік тому

    If they put heihachi mishima there nah it will go alot far worst

  • @nxxdle_
    @nxxdle_ Рік тому +6

    not because he’s unfair i just hate fighting him.

  • @goatttfurry
    @goatttfurry Рік тому

    yodeling song pls whats the name

  • @clutchthecinnamonsergal8493

    Still just a high tier though

  • @travishansenk
    @travishansenk Рік тому

    Grsmash 2 baby

  • @hernandeznestor7685
    @hernandeznestor7685 Рік тому +3

    Doesnt matter still satisfying watch whaterver character disrepects any samus.

  • @olbluelips
    @olbluelips Рік тому +7

    Idk if Kazuya NEEDS to be banned, but I'm definitely down for a Kazuya ban even over a Steve ban
    Sick clips btw

  • @martinusmaas31
    @martinusmaas31 Рік тому +1

    I don’t condone sending anyone death threats or bullying someone over the character they play, but Kazuya made SSBU as a whole so fucking boring for me.
    Due to one character 70% of the cast gets invalidated and playing the discussion game whether his disadvantage state is SO bad that he can/can not be considered a top tier just frustrates me to the end. By all means, if you are one of the higher end players who thinks grinding matchups is fun and does not get demoralised by watching cutscene combos over and over and over again, this is maybe a minor problem. But to me the fun just got beaten out this game with DLC pack 2. Over designing characters like Kazuya just raised so many questions for me. Like how are you going to design and release a character that +95% of your player base is going to hate to fight against AND hates it to see the character shit on almost all top players when other characters still have such blatant problems that don’t get addressed at all.
    Play whatever and whoever you want to play for your own enjoyment but don’t judge me for thinking they completely missed the mark with DLC pack 2.

    • @ayar2
      @ayar2 Рік тому

      Pretty sure the Pro Scene was the last of their concerns when making the DLC,. characters were mostly made for the fans of their franchises, from niche ones like ARMS and Persona, to big ones like Tekken and Minecraft.
      the competitive smash community is very good at banning a lot of things from the games, dont know why is so hard for them to do the same with characters.

  • @voltrexxx
    @voltrexxx Рік тому +2

    As an outsider he’s literally the only character that is entertaining to watch

    • @ayar2
      @ayar2 Рік тому

      As a casual Smash Player, yeah, pretty much.

  • @AxlKnws98
    @AxlKnws98 Рік тому

    The Only Nerf i'd Give Kazuya, get rid of his invencibility

  • @ugandafitmor1440
    @ugandafitmor1440 Рік тому +1

    the only reason i pay attention to smash bros videos is because salty smasher tears give me life.

  • @nascour5991
    @nascour5991 Рік тому

    I'm charactercord full of people who somehow still think that kazuya isn't top 2 and steve isn't the best character. I really don't understand how people can see clips like this and not think that kazuya should be banned. This characters is absolute bullshit, free combos and kills at any percent thanks to the bs stun move. armor on smash attacks, his only real weakness is being lamed out but even then all he needs is one hit. He's so braindead he makes players like T looks like they're carried scrubs even when Ik they're not. Even if you don't think he's ban worthy to think he isn't top 2 just baffles me.

  • @Hope4NewDay1
    @Hope4NewDay1 Рік тому +9

    Gluttony vs Riddle is still my favorite set. One of the best moments in smash history

    • @ok-fl7rx
      @ok-fl7rx Рік тому +7

      match up is impossible for glu

    • @sumpumpkin9109
      @sumpumpkin9109 Рік тому

      bro loves to see gluto try his best while riddles ewgf him to death

  • @cherrypeachey
    @cherrypeachey Рік тому

    poor tubz

  • @sundowner8903
    @sundowner8903 Рік тому

    Kazuya is the easiest fighting game character to beat in this game

  • @xXEmo54Xx
    @xXEmo54Xx Рік тому

    its always smash players crying for bans, when dlc is added to actual fighting games the people just accept and deal which is another real reason why smash isnt a fighting game

  • @jaqf
    @jaqf Рік тому

    man. is riddles the villain now?

    • @piranhaplant8483
      @piranhaplant8483 Рік тому +1

      No. Tea acts more like a villain, and I love it

    • @radimakesmusic
      @radimakesmusic Рік тому

      @@piranhaplant8483 tea is an excellent heel in competitive. I don’t know what it is about riddles but I find him so corny. Maybe it’s because he neglected that his Kazuya was better than his Terry for so long

    • @piranhaplant8483
      @piranhaplant8483 Рік тому

      @@radimakesmusic What do you mean by Tea is an excellent heel?

    • @jaqf
      @jaqf Рік тому

      @@piranhaplant8483 heel means villain

    • @piranhaplant8483
      @piranhaplant8483 Рік тому

      @@jaqf Ah, ok. Thank you

  • @loi_cy
    @loi_cy Рік тому

    Kazuya is more honest than wario, gnw and ROB, its funny when people who play these characters complain about him like they don't play cheesy characters themselves

    • @willycheez7218
      @willycheez7218 Рік тому +2

      ... are you joking? The only one there you could argue is Rob

    • @loi_cy
      @loi_cy Рік тому

      @Willy Cheez playing against wario is like playing with two stocks in a three stock game and gnw has so much cheese that i'm not even gonna bother listing all of it, but it should be pretty obvious what i mean
      Still, Kazuya is more honest than them. That's not to say he is worse, but he is less cheesy gimmick bullshit and more practice and execution, a shitty rob/gnw/wario player will always beat a shitty kazuya player.

  • @albertoscavini8533
    @albertoscavini8533 Рік тому

    Who Is more hated Steve or Kazuya?

    • @abarette_
      @abarette_ Рік тому

      prolly Steve because less input-reliant

    • @ayar2
      @ayar2 Рік тому


  • @Skyfysh
    @Skyfysh Рік тому

    POV: You paid to win.

  • @witt5913
    @witt5913 Рік тому

    People are just salty at this point

  • @violatorytspam1725
    @violatorytspam1725 Рік тому +1


  • @chip_7677
    @chip_7677 Рік тому +2

    rizzles is a king of the character though, there aren't many people who can win a major with Kazuya, its not like its degen braindead to learn the combos of Kazuya, let alone learning to play dissadvantage and nuetral with how slow he is

  • @abarette_
    @abarette_ Рік тому +1

    you just KNOW that Kazuya is one of those characters, that'll get insanely nerfed in the next entry to the point of not working anymore as a character, like a mesh of incoherent ideas and moves

    • @ayar2
      @ayar2 Рік тому

      assuming he will be returning

  • @StarWalker-si4nm
    @StarWalker-si4nm Рік тому +11

    Guys trynna ban the fun characters to watch excluding steve and Rob. Why not ban the lame ass hell characters like Min Min and Olimar instead bruh

  • @reesespuffs4412
    @reesespuffs4412 Рік тому +5

    I love kazuya

  • @flame8786
    @flame8786 Рік тому +1

    The solution is not banning kazuya, it’s to ban electric wind god fist from being used

  • @kanguskhan966
    @kanguskhan966 Рік тому +1

    Kazuya isn’t all that different from other characters in the game. The only reason he’s “broken” is the offline environment and the unlimited skill ceiling… Obv he’s powerful but unless they know to ewgf every 3 seconds they arent going to get very far. Other characters have sds and spike setups as well. He’s not so different

  • @xbgsheikiii3593
    @xbgsheikiii3593 Рік тому

    Kazuya is not badly designed...
    It's just all the bullshit that was given to him for no fucking reason...
    The move that deserves i frames are the ones hard to input like EWGF but making it on the whole body is dumb,
    Smash attack super armor are dumb to especially f-smash why should he have super armor if there's a sweet spots that kills you at 40%,
    Down smash is a free spike giving him armor makes it even more free,
    I'm ok with crouch dash i frames but why making all moves that comes out of it invicinble as well... Dragon upercut kills so early why is there full body intangibility...
    So many bullshit rhat makes this character op.
    that's my thought because i'm having fun playing him
    But somtimes as a sonic main i'm missing my homing attacks just because of i frames on ewgf and i'm wondering is it the fault of the $5.99

  • @TruTwist
    @TruTwist Рік тому

    actually makes more mad than it should. Why can't banjo do a single thing in this game. Just sad. a character people actually wanted is finally in the game but no he's cringe and trash. Sad.

  • @booogagaming5223
    @booogagaming5223 Рік тому

    0:49 You totally weren't trying to get hit by a level 9 Kazuya combo.

  • @danyckroz1065
    @danyckroz1065 Рік тому

    Don't cry

  • @QuestionMarks420
    @QuestionMarks420 Рік тому +11


  • @thecebul
    @thecebul Рік тому +1

    Same thing as melee with spacies no? Dawg when I used to play and Kazuya came out, people dogged on him. It only takes a few people to become extremely good at a character for it to be considered broken or unfair. Kazuya is fun to watch and I dont think ppl like Riddles and Tea deserve to get hate for being good at a character they like playing.