Brake fluid on the pads? Probably coming out of an over tightened blender screw if that was the case. Always best to keep spare calipers with quick release lines ready to swap in. Great watching you guys.
Hmm the first watchable driving sports episode I've seen, also the first I've watched without Ryan Douthit and those other two clowns in it... what a strange coincidence.
man this guy must love his pit crew.. he keeps stopping to say hi.
0:37 didn't expect to see ducks in the middle of a race track all nonchalant
Brake fluid on the pads? Probably coming out of an over tightened blender screw if that was the case. Always best to keep spare calipers with quick release lines ready to swap in. Great watching you guys.
They did say it was a busted line at the end of the video..... not a bleeder screw
Awww I feel sorry for them. Must be so frustrating.
GL in the rest of it though!
Hey does any one know the rim and tire size on the number 70 rx8. Please anyone
Hi can anyone tell me what these wheel spec are
Does anybody know where to watch the continental tire sports car challenege races besides speed?
defective rotor?
Annoying?? No car is annoying just ones that make no sound at all! :)
rotary sounds funny especially when drifting
damn, the brake pads were deep fried!
Damn, those brake pads are HOT!!
@narayanbg That is a course flagperson. Not every track has a full light system. A lot of American road courses don't. Dolt.
you can.... just swap any RX7 or RX8 with a 3 or 4 rotor and race exhaust and turn up the volume
Clearly I meant bleeder screw. Thank you autocorrect
@razioth it's no biggie
Hmm the first watchable driving sports episode I've seen, also the first I've watched without Ryan Douthit and those other two clowns in it... what a strange coincidence.
My dad owns the grand AM car in this video no joke
@BBoyCrownedOne YES SIR!!!!
teehee yeah, you're right, except with bikes. Those ricer burner bikes pisss.meee.offff. My Buell is the only sound i wanna hear in the morning :P
@DocWolph Dude, i know? But look at how lazy she "waved" the flag that a car had to let the faster one through...
my sister and i always play forza and see who can find the most annoying sounding car to piss my mom off. i wish these were in that game
These aren’t annoying. The Mazda 787B would probably be the closest sounding car to this as it has one more rotor, almost identical engines
@FourG6397GST Sorry for the Vote Down I mis-clicked and wanted to click Vote Up ):
that is a fatty intake
Sounds like RC cars!!
This looks fake