Wow, rgeoboundaries was removed from CRAN after I published this tutorial. You can still download it from the GitHub repo using this code: install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github("wmgeolab/rgeoboundaries")
tried this and I'm having a hard time getting rgeoboundaries installed :( ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ‘rgeoboundaries’ * removing ‘/cloud/lib/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.4/rgeoboundaries’ Warning message: In i.p(...) : installation of package ‘/tmp/RtmpDl66nI/file1445498896f/rgeoboundaries_1.3.1.tar.gz’ had non-zero exit status
Wow, that's a bummer that it coincided with the release of my tutorial. You can still download it from the GitHub repo using this code: install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github("wmgeolab/rgeoboundaries")
Hello, thank you for your super-tutorials! I have two problems here. when I try mask=True it throws an Error if I remove the mask, it works but the map will have an additional blue buffer around the country. I should mention that given that rgeoboundaries is not supported in CRAN anymore I have used other functions to obtain the countries boundaries. Second problem is when I process the terra::rast(), I think that is in what you mentioned here about coordinate systems of x and y but how can I correct it?
Thank you for sharing your knowledge Milos, do you think it would be possible to do this analysis for land use and land cover data in Brazil? like TerraClass data.
Hi Juliana, to be honest, I haven't used the TerraClass data. I imagine that you would have to modify the code to fetch the data from its origin. Also, you would need to define the land cover colors and assign them to each land cover value
Wow, rgeoboundariee was removed from CRAN after I published this tutorial. You can still download it from the GitHub repo using this code: install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github("wmgeolab/rgeoboundaries")
The terra::crop function requires a valid raster and an extent or spatial object so that's why you see this error. If the input raster is not provided crop can fail since there's no raster to crop. Please check if you downloaded the files and if you loaded them as virtual raster tiles (VRT) into R in the previous steps
Wow, rgeoboundaries was removed from CRAN after I published this tutorial. You can still download it from the GitHub repo using this code:
tried this and I'm having a hard time getting rgeoboundaries installed :(
ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ‘rgeoboundaries’
* removing ‘/cloud/lib/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.4/rgeoboundaries’
Warning message:
In i.p(...) :
installation of package ‘/tmp/RtmpDl66nI/file1445498896f/rgeoboundaries_1.3.1.tar.gz’ had non-zero exit status
Please share the way how to install rgeoboundaries
Wow, that's a bummer that it coincided with the release of my tutorial. You can still download it from the GitHub repo using this code:
Hello, thank you for your super-tutorials! I have two problems here. when I try mask=True it throws an Error if I remove the mask, it works but the map will have an additional blue buffer around the country. I should mention that given that rgeoboundaries is not supported in CRAN anymore I have used other functions to obtain the countries boundaries.
Second problem is when I process the terra::rast(), I think that is in what you mentioned here about coordinate systems of x and y but how can I correct it?
Error in methods::as(x, "SpatRaster") :
no method or default for coercing “NULL” to “SpatRaster”
I faced issues with mask=TRUE when working with terra in the past. Installing the latest version helped me resolve this error
Thanks! :)
Can this do a Lake basin area that covers several countries?
Yes, absolutely!
To chip in... Lake Chad in Central Africa would actually be a great choice @@milos-makes-maps
Thank you for sharing your knowledge Milos, do you think it would be possible to do this analysis for land use and land cover data in Brazil? like TerraClass data.
Hi Juliana, to be honest, I haven't used the TerraClass data. I imagine that you would have to modify the code to fetch the data from its origin. Also, you would need to define the land cover colors and assign them to each land cover value
how did you add your libraries as mine is not coming up. thanks
Wow, rgeoboundariee was removed from CRAN after I published this tutorial. You can still download it from the GitHub repo using this code:
> country_land_cover
The terra::crop function requires a valid raster and an extent or spatial object so that's why you see this error. If the input raster is not provided crop can fail since there's no raster to crop. Please check if you downloaded the files and if you loaded them as virtual raster tiles (VRT) into R in the previous steps
Add the coordinates
I discuss in the video how you can add them