Ireland's Abortion Referendum (A Finnish Perspective)

  • Опубліковано 20 тра 2018
  • A Finnish girl's perspective on women's rights in Ireland.


  • @cecibeltran3107
    @cecibeltran3107 6 років тому +1

    We had the same debate in Bolivia for these last 2 or 3 years and it was quite interesting because it was the government who wanted to include more reasons to have a legal abortion: you could have an abortion if you were underage, if you were taking care of an older person or someone with a disability, if you were really poor (kinda normal here), if you had many children already or if you put your life in risk and the other usual reasons for it to be legal. So, when this happened, the opposition went crazy and the young women like me, who don't support the government or the opposition, felt as if we needed to take parts and, inevitably, get into politics. Abortion is a reality, it happened in the past and it will still happen, even if we legalize it or not. Women dying for it, that's the problem, and the solution is to provide this service in the medical system. (A Bolivian Perspective)

  • @johnner5735
    @johnner5735 4 роки тому +2

    Each embryo could be a great human and fight for their own dreams. Innocent life that could be....better than us....

    • @sin3358
      @sin3358 Рік тому +1

      Then why don't you, as an already living being, become BETTER than you already are by realizing that not everyone is ready or even DESERVES to be a parent to begin with? If I was a toxic parent and caused my kids pain, would you rather have those kids live with me? Do you know how many children suffer psychological problems everyday because they are abused? Do you know how many people are depressed nowadays? Do you know that 18 million people commit suicide each year? Are you willing, as a living creature, to take responsibility for the already living? Because you're not doing it right now, which is exactly what makes your argument pointless

  • @RJM1011
    @RJM1011 4 роки тому +1

    Yes a woman and women should have the right to choose if they are forced to do something they are not happy with it will only lead to more problems in the future with being made homeless and other. In my own case my girlfriend at the time lost her baby because I was made unemployed by the UK Gov and then lost my home after being let down by the job centre. I have also know plenty of women that have been raped and they still have problems for years after. Thank you for the video.

  • @laythismael8032
    @laythismael8032 6 років тому

    Hi i watched your video about suomi it’s amazing would you like to make more like in the restaurant or in the samella or in tori

  • @Rockyourassed
    @Rockyourassed 6 років тому +1

    Hyvää päivää ! Minun nimeni on Edward! Olen Ranskalainen, oppi Suomi! Mita kuuluu? :)

    • @morishidol4209
      @morishidol4209 6 років тому

      Oppi suomi....
      Opetellut suomea
      Olet oppinut puhumaan suomea
      Olet opetellut kirjoittamaan suomea
      Opin suomea
      Opin puhumaan suomea
      Opin kirjoittamaan suomeksi
      Opin kiroilemaan suomeksi

  • @nicholass6606
    @nicholass6606 6 років тому +6

    Hi Emma,
    I normally don't comment on videos but having seen how insane and frustratingly illogical these debates get, I felt like it was finally worth saying something about this. I'm Australian, an atheist and I've lived in Finland (if that means anything to you) and I want to tell you why I think the Irish laws have a decent balance (or at least near to, as I'm sure there are probably some individual cases where things have gone wrong). My position is that the fetus is a genetically separate individual, who is no more a part of a women's body than a child to whom she has given birth to. I think this is the only logically consistent standpoint at the end of the day, without degrading the value of human life. I therefore believe it is not unreasonable legal requirement for a doctor to show a serious substantial risk to the women's own life, in order to justify a termination. As much as I personally dislike doctors, I also think that they obviously are the best person to assess the such a risk. I would also be careful of saying that the current laws put women at risk as I believe that it would be very difficult to test that hypothesis. The unfortunate fact of Life is that with or without abortions, women die in child birth, and that putting exact numbers on the risks to particular individuals or due to variables involved in national averages is probably quite difficult. It is worth noting though, that Ireland has a relatively low rate of maternal mortality which is comparable to the UK where abortion is legal. Obviously I don't expect to change your mind, or probably even any minds but what I want to get over to people is that I think that it's important that you have a logical justification (on either side) behind your position and that you are not just using emotion or your situation as an individual to decide.

    • @nicholass6606
      @nicholass6606 6 років тому +2

      Btw I got my maternal mortality rate numbers from the WHO, which can be found here if anyone is interested. Interesting enough Finland is one of the lowest countries.;jsessionid=EF51AF385CECD19A8773BAF39137CC79?sequence=1

  • @rwgibson1
    @rwgibson1 4 роки тому +3

    Termination of any life is a grave choice. If that life is a child or a baby it is even graver.

  • @happynow01
    @happynow01 5 років тому +7

    Still, killing a innocent life is never a choice. The issue of “ to save a mother” is something that never happens... you have more chance to be hit by lottery twice a day for a week before that... and in this time we can save children just over a month old. If your not ready to be a parent, there are others options... like safe sex or abstinence. People try to say it’s not life but if a fetus like it was found in space, the same people would call it “ life is found on space”. It’s life & they deserve to be more than a “ option”.

  • @diegobadauka9944
    @diegobadauka9944 5 років тому +3

    I agree with You %100. In my humble opinion is the result of the hand of religion on people's mind for a loooong time. Thanks for sharing . In a very respectful manner please allow me to give You a quick compliment for being so Cute 😊

  • @journey447
    @journey447 5 років тому +2

    How nice voice ,you have 👍🤩

  • @morishidol4209
    @morishidol4209 6 років тому

    Nyt tilanne näyttä hyvältä Irlannissa.Onneksi olkoon kaikki Irlannin naiset!
    Lapsia on jo liikaa..

  • @jonathondanials7182
    @jonathondanials7182 6 років тому +4

    People looking back in 100 years will be just as disgusted that abortion is seen as acceptable today as we look back in disgust at slavery

    • @goodgirlkay
      @goodgirlkay 5 років тому +3

      This is a ridiculous comment. Abortion is NOTHING like slavery.

  • @SealiioNahka
    @SealiioNahka 4 роки тому +6

    Truly this whole thing disgusts me. I mean, if a woman wants an abortion she should be allowed to have one.

  • @Cristian-Akuma
    @Cristian-Akuma 6 років тому +3

    Wow interesting to know that this is a topic now worldwide seen. Basically I don't understand those religious opinions saying no, they are the ones who don't let us advance and have us stucked in this era of stupidity. (Nice video and thanks once again).

    • @finntasticbeast
      @finntasticbeast  6 років тому +1

      I'm so glad you agree and see the bigger picture! Thanks again for watching :)

    • @clayfada6993
      @clayfada6993 6 років тому +1

      Has nothing to do with religion.Its a human rights issues.If you don't have the right to life you have no rights at all.Hard cases can be allowed for without having an open season on the Unborn.

  • @alicia1467
    @alicia1467 6 років тому +9

    Women’s body, women’s rights, women’s choice. ❤️

    • @lordlogic3190
      @lordlogic3190 6 років тому +5

      Formless Blob women shouldn't be allowed to kill a baby

    • @Rockyourassed
      @Rockyourassed 6 років тому +2

      Don't forget Feminism destroy a lot of families.

    • @Rockyourassed
      @Rockyourassed 6 років тому

      And that Women or Men will never be eachother equal, we're way too far different for being equal and i'm not talkin about salaries.

    • @lordlogic3190
      @lordlogic3190 5 років тому

      Connor Martin a human life. Genius

    • @chx75
      @chx75 4 роки тому

      Unless the fetus is a woman, when she has no choice. Great.

  • @howardstern9129
    @howardstern9129 6 років тому +2

    Thank Yu Ireland for protecting woman's health.
    L.A., Cal

  • @davidnelson1654
    @davidnelson1654 4 роки тому +3

    Under natural circumstances, sex (generally) = babies, if you have sex, there's a chance you're going to have a baby. Saying you shouldn't be subject to naturally inherant risk (even with contraception), is illogical. You choose to potentially be a parent when you have sex.

    • @sin3358
      @sin3358 Рік тому

      No. That is so SO wrong to think. yes, people should be responsible for what they do, but that is not the right attitude to have regarding this. You should not be thinking of this as "I had sex so it naturally means I'll have a baby". Sex means SO MUCH more than just childbearing. It means intimacy, vulnerability, it is a natural thing a human being can desire without the will to have children in return. People should not think "sex = babies", instead we should carry out an attitude that we, as civilized creatures, should be allowed to explore our sexual desires in a safe space, where we're allowed to be vulnerable and intimate because we know that there's professional healthcare systems who'll help us when we're not ready to have kids, because nobody should be shamed of their sexuality. I understand where you're coming from, but please consider what sex means to you. Wouldn't you want to know that your country cares for your right to love and be loved while having your back in case pregnancy occurs and you can make the decision as a responsible adult to not have them, because you'd rather not ruin another life? And again, I'm not saying irresponsible sex is good. That one I totally would ban