[Kr/Eng Sub] US Valentine's Day: What gifts? Galentine Day?

  • Опубліковано 24 вер 2024
  • This video is my American friends' answers to questions about Valentine's Day.
    1. What do (wo)men in a relationship usually do on Valentine's Day?
    2. As a (wo)man, do you receive gifts or chocolates on Valentine's Day?
    3. What do you usually give on Valentine's Day?
    4. Do you have anything else you want to talk about Valentine's Day?
    [Words & Expressions in the video]
    1. in a relationship: 사귀고 있는, (연애) 관계 중인 있는; 관련/관계있는
    2. in some capacity: 어느 정도
    3. stereotype: 고정 관념, 정형화된 생각
    4. perfunctory: 형식적인, 의례적인 (of an action or gesture) carried out with a minimum of effort or reflection
    5. unique: 독특한, 특별한
    6. might as well : …하는 편이 낫다
    7. besides: 1.… 외에 2. 게다가, 뿐만 아니라
    8. in the dog house: 속어 면목을 잃어, 인기를 잃어; (상대방의 기분을 상하게 해) 사이가 서먹해져 informal. : in a bad situation because someone is angry at one 예) He's in the doghouse for forgetting his wife's birthday.
    9. extravagant: 사치스러운
    10. a big proponent of~: ~의 큰 지지자
    11. cheesy: 오글거리는
    12. Galentine’s Day: 갤런타인데이, 여성 우정의 날((미국 시트콤 팍스 앤 레크리에이션에서 생긴 여성들의 우정을 기념하는 날로 밸런타인데이 하루 전인 매년 2월 13일))
    13. rom-com: 로맨틱 코미디 (=romantic comedy)
    14. foist somebody/something on/upon somebody: 억지로 떠안기다[맡기다]
    15. impose an unwelcome or unnecessary person or thing on. 예) Don't let anyone foist inferior goods on you"
    16. Hallmark Holiday: A holiday that seems to exist only for the purpose of selling greeting cards (and flowers, etc).
    17. screw up: 망치다[엉망으로 만들다] (=mess up)
    18. in that sense: 그런 면에서
    19. anyways: anyway의 informal form
    The English script is on my two blogs.
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