This show really helps me improved my relationship with objects and how ridiculous and dangerous it is to be attached to objects. The only way to show your appreciation to an object is to use it as it is intended to be used, with responsibility and care. Food are meant to be eaten, clothes are to be worn, vehicles for transportation, and books and magazines are to be read, and HOUSES are for living and shelter. If not, the objects are useless to me and I should actively find ways to make sure the objects reach its full potential and purpose through sharing, donating, selling, lending or even giving it away.
This is a kinder approach than traumatising people and dumping everything out in 3 days. They have more time to internalize it beforehand, not sending them to therapy after the super stressful event.
Sadly, on the A&E show where they clean everything out in 3-4 days, those people are in extreme situations where they are being fined, facing demolition of their house, losing their house, or even jail time. Clearing out someone’s belongings in that short period of time is not ideal, but it is the last hope for some people.
@@daCubanaqtthe three day period they give them isn't what they have before they are given no choice but to evict or lose their family, it's what they are given by the cleaning crew and show! Many times it's the "psychologist" or family members who has to "by law" report to the authorities after that time period. 🙄😒
“Two hours later and Nigel has managed to move the computers from one side of the room to the other.” 🤣🤣 I’m right with ya , dude! 🤣😬🥰 I love hoarding shows because they legitimately HELP me stay motivated to tackle my own hoarding tendencies. Love to everyone watching! 😃
My declutter took 5 years and im not finished. Just paper nightmare left but its the one i dread the most. Getting rid of clothes, toys for kids, some books and such is easy....paper has for some reason been the most difficult
This is why "Hoarders" has an extremely high recidivism rate, and within a year or two, the person is stuck in a mess again, sometimes even worse. I love my country but -- when it comes to mental health -- Britain is better. Hoarders is like "The Biggest Loser" -- not only did most of the contestants regain all the weight again, many have been shown to have LOWER metabolisms than someone that weight would normally have.* Edit: The show permanently damaged their metabolism
Agree with comments. As someone who lives in the US (but not a citizen) US television/culture is very unhealthy (violence, materialism, etc.) I prefer to watch UK/Ireland/Australian on youtube.
@@carrino15Maybe you have a subconscious drive to retain knowledge, because you see it being erroded everywhere. Even if that knowledge is small and only substantial to you. It's a link to past truth. Idk, it's something I'm trying to deal with ❤❤
I think he's not great People are changing themselves 1. Because they are embarrassed and 2. Because they have A departure from loneliness. Some of the trendy exercises he gives are downright silly. Still, anything to change them works I guess. I don't wish him badly but I believe it works for the reasons I said.
@@earnold1896 I don’t agree. Wether it is Stellios or sb else, they do need someone to help and softly push them. Most of them would just go on buying more stuff if not for some help from outside.
I take my hat off to these hoarders that allow themselves to be filmed. As a potential serious hoarder, this programme reminds how bad it almost got in my life and it helps me to get rid of stuff and buy less. Thank you
I'm sure he goes into some serious therapy with these people, that we don't see filmed as they are dealing with some painful issues. When she talked about her father's death, you know she had to do some serious crying over it to get out all the pain she had been holding back. Nigel had some deep issues that I don't believe they even mentioned to have gone from a man who loved parties and get-togethers to his isolation for 20 years. I'm glad they both improved.
Very inspiring, trying to galvanise myself to clear out my house four years after my husband passed, real life stories of people who have succeeded are really heartwarming.
After loosing my daughter, father, mother and 6 close family members in 4 yrs, I had a heart attack and couldn't keep up with the house due to depression and physically not being able to, I get how this can esquilate. This show helps me stay aware n to take baby steps to stay on top of it not getting out of control.
Agree! He's kind, understanding, empathetic and intelligent, well skilled in his field of work. He genuinely cares for his Clients. It's beautiful to see him hug and praise them once they've de-cluttered.
I have absolutely LOVED Olivia since her days on GreenWing as the flakey mom of the 3 that worked in the Hospitals HR office(comedy) It's British humor so might not be your thing but I love it. She was also AMAZING in BroadChurch(detective drama with David Tennant!). It's on Neflix if you haven't seen it I recommend it HIGHLY too!
I wonder if people who hoard watch the show. I'd expect that some do. They should take note of how much happier the hoarders are after going through the process of dealing with it. Stelios is a genius at what he does and he's not just helping the hoarder, he is by extension helping all their family and friends as well.
yes I do watch them, Im a hoarder. I wonder why they cant get rid of all that trash. my stuff is different it has meaning but other peoples hoards just look like trash
I'm going through that now myself. I'm looking forward to seeing my house in order again. I've been hauling away truckloads since the beginning of the year and this is great motivation for me.
05/23 - People just get stuck, for a variety of reasons. It does not mean they are bad people. They are just stuck! Sometimes just someone to come along side them and say let me help you is the impetus that they need. ❤
What people dont realise is how far the people have come who go on this show. Most horders wont even talk to close family members about the possibility they have a hording disorder and cut people out for even bringing up the issue.
It's HOARD, not hord(e)----hoarder is a person who collects and holds onto stuff without regard for the mess it makes of their life; a horde is a huge group of people, animals, or whatever other critters there are than can gather together.
Used to use my ironing board as a sewing table in the bedroom.If I had it on the kitchen table kids would turn and push every button and dial and unravel the cotton whenever I turned away for 30 seconds. It was nice and safe in the bedroom.I didn't have to have eyes in the back of my head when it was time to make them lunch or anything.Next best thing to having a sewing room.
I could understand why her sister couldn't stay in her cluttered house for too long; I've lived with hoarders but now I'm on my own I can't relax when I visit homes surrounded by rubbish.
Well done,to the people that helped the people who hoarded and a massive well done,to the people, who hoarded and got their lives back. Ye are brilliant. Well done.
Ursula's story is understandable to me. When I was 20 and my brother 22 our father was killed in a horrific head-on collision with a coal truck. I was already suffering from what might be described as anxiety and agoraphobia then after the death of my father, who was quite a case history himself, our family moved to a new town. My brother, who is probably also autistic, became not only a hoarder but a violent hoarder. The death of our father must have been a part of my brother's hoarding. As our mother's health declined my brother's hoarding got worse. Ursula's story give me insight into the story of my own family which may have a genetic tendency to mental problems.
Yes hope you and your brother are doing better. I can relate to the Autism and violent tendencies. I wish more people understood even mental health care workers that yes Autistic people can be violent because they have an underdeveloped coping skill set
Having watched only part of this show I now have a bag of books filled up and I'm taking them to the Little Free Library up the street from me. More books will follow---I can only carry so many at one time! I haven't even gone out the door yet and I already feel better!
Wow, I had tears in my eyes when their families went over to visit, when they hugged I lost it, what an incredible program, making a tangible difference in people's lives. This is so great, God bless you all who make this a reality and I hope and pray you can continue to help every single one of these people that are truly suffering, it's sort of being buried alive, my heart brokw for them and it healed watching the show 'till the end, wow much respect for all of you. No judgement, just loving help, as it should be, as God intended indeed... 🙏🏻❤
Ursula reminds me of one of my aunts, the way she holds herself and is always coming up with presents for people. My aunt does own a gift shop though... it is massive and filled to the brim with all sorts of delicate glass and crystals but it's cleaner than most people's houses.
I love these type of success stories - treating grief and loss, and helping them see/feel that stuff things is/are not better replacement than/for social connection 😘💕😗
It's amazing to me that these people can deal with their greatest fears and challenges and overcome them. They're so strong and resilient. They deserve all the kindness and sympathy their loved ones can give them. We don't need to know the whys of a situation to have sympathy for the people embroiled in them. Bravo!
Its so silly but if that was my mom & i was living in that house...unopened boxes, i'm sure she wouldnt notice a few missing boxes (secretly decluttering😊 free shopping 👌)
I love how happy Nigel looks when his family comes over for a visit, he is so lovable, funny with an awesome sense of humor, what a dear!I really hope he finds a lovely lady! Also Ursula, what a success! What a sweet woman, I am so happy she can now celebrate, also its so sweet how happy her friends are for her! Stelios is awesome! Great episode!
These are so much more wholesome than the American "Hoarders" programme... they really capitalize on the shock factor and they don't seem to have compassion for the hoarders themselves, seeing as hoarding is a mental health issue. "Hoarders" is just "LOOK AT CRAZY PEOPLE WOW HOW BONKERS ARE THEY? HA HA!" This psych Stelios (sp?) seems to really care about the mental health and happiness of his patients. Much better, IMHO.
American version has the most annoying dramatic drama. You can’t just do a clean out, the hoarder if mentally able has to be part of the process or they will just fill up the space again. What the British show isn’t showing is the people power it takes to sort and clear the spaces and clean what’s under the hoards, nor where they are storing the hoard. It’s a process. Physical and mental.
American Hoarders also deals with much more filth and properties that are uninhabitable plus the weight of the law behind the clean up. Yes... much sadder than these folks.
As an American I agree with you 100%. The show over here is all about drama and sometimes they fail to achieve success often because of their bank 💰💰 robber style of get in and get out. One more reason to love British people!
On the American version, these folks are in serious legal trouble and that's why the intervention is being done. They're about to lose custody of their kids and pets. They can be thrown into prison for child or animal abuse. They face eviction and having their property condemned for building code and sanitation violations. That means thousands of dollars in fines, and it also means they will be homeless, living on the street. These are some pretty.serious situations. So a."shock" intervention is.necessary. therapy can come later, assuming they have health insurance and haven't been fired from their jobs for "conduct unbecoming". But there's no time for tea.and sympathy, they are fighting to just keep a.roof over these.folks' heads and keep them out of jail.
That was great! I am so happy for each of them and theirs! Their doctor and the ladies did what I did not think was possible. I also liked that they were able to earn money while letting go.
I love this show so much, the way that Stelios cares and understands for these people. I have never been attached to items and I'm very minimalist but it's also good to see the other side of things for some people.
Crisps are some kind of chips like Lays or Utz. Torch is a flashlight. As in "When I was a child I used to read with a torch in bed." 😂 Your "Nan" is your grandma. It isn't a piece of bread from India.
The big difference with the UK show compared to the US Hoarders, the music sounds so cheery when they show the house. It kind of makes me laugh a bit. 😁
I came across these videos about hoarding in UK recently. I noticed most of the hoarders on these videos all have nice homes in nice areas. Good sized homes at that. Aren't there any hoarders who rent one bedroom apartments? Hoarders who don't own a home but rent an apt.?
I'm definitely an amazon addict but I'll be damned if anything ever got left unopened. I'm always sitting at the front door tracking every single delivery excited to receive it. My house also doesn't look like this. Not even close.
My neighbor seems to have an Amazon addiction. She gets a few packages 📦 a day, each and every day. We all have small apartments, so I am baffled by how it all can fit!
More hoarders than I ever realized when I was younger. Seems it is rather predictable and that there are definitely common threads for therapists to work with. Fascinating and exhausting processes. Whew!
I blame adverts fully for that. Every advert is about selling you feelings alongside useless garbage that we don't need so we associate a "good time" with products.
I'm so happy they've got their lives back. I hope they can sustain it. Stelios is amazing how he helps people reclaim their lives and space. Plus he's gorgeous!!! ⚘
"Local cash converter"? Why don't we have those in America? Much easier than listing things for sale on Craig's List! I just donate everything because selling is such a hassle... Would love this option!
I think the most shocking thing to me is that the show is narrated by Olivia Colman!?!? I cannot believe how many episodes I've watched without realizing this...
I liked so much Ursula. Very nice lady indeed. I hope with all my heart that she will finish declutering all the house (British architecture is amazing!) and be very very happy. I wonder if Stelios is Greek. I am almost certain that the name is Greek.
Shopping has become too easy with online available 24/7 Sadly what I noticed is they spend SO much on stuff..... And most times look like they neglect themselves Imagine how many facials. Hair appts. Etc Nice holidays. Nice furniture I hope they can ALL be helped 💜
My hoarding started about 3 years after my sexual assault. I developed an eating disorder immediately after. I dont know why the hoarding started a few years later, but I felt life was overwhelming and stressful and I desperately sought control. SSRIs did not help.
I understand how internet shopping is addictive. I have spare cash but seem to keep buying 'nice' stuff instead of 'needed' stuff. I need to watch this program before a spring clean. now I'm off to make more space for other purchases.
US show gives 3 days because the homeowner does little themselves. UK homeowners do it all by themselves after a suggestion offered by the counselor. Giving away 3 gifts previously purchased jumpstarts a complete clean out.
And here I am, still blown away that they were able to make this amount of progress in six weeks. Six weeks is really not a long time at all, compared to decades of a severe life disrupting disorder.
Just from watching what few interactions there were with the families, it seems they were filling their lives with what could not or would not be filled by the families . If I had been on the receiving end of that treatment, I think I would have withdrawn from them too. Instead of being judgmental, maybe learn to love a little more freely and with no strings attached. That is only if you are not prepared to have your own life under the microscope…. We are all woefully lacking.
As a shitbox collector, there's nothing wrong with hoarding cars and the parts you need for them. But it you don't own that particular model it goes too or aren't planning on buying another one, it's probably best to throw it up on Ebay. As there's very likely someone who does need it.
This show really helps me improved my relationship with objects and how ridiculous and dangerous it is to be attached to objects. The only way to show your appreciation to an object is to use it as it is intended to be used, with responsibility and care.
Food are meant to be eaten, clothes are to be worn, vehicles for transportation, and books and magazines are to be read, and HOUSES are for living and shelter. If not, the objects are useless to me and I should actively find ways to make sure the objects reach its full potential and purpose through sharing, donating, selling, lending or even giving it away.
Absolutely right!
Hmm, I think it’s fine as long as it doesn’t go overboard. I think art and nostalgic things are important to create a home. But each to their own
Absolutely!! Same here!
I think you summed it up really well.
Keep in mind most die with lots and lots of stuff and very little money because they spent it (all) on stuff.
This is a kinder approach than traumatising people and dumping everything out in 3 days. They have more time to internalize it beforehand, not sending them to therapy after the super stressful event.
They are able to make choices on each item and even sell some to recoup some money
Sadly, on the A&E show where they clean everything out in 3-4 days, those people are in extreme situations where they are being fined, facing demolition of their house, losing their house, or even jail time. Clearing out someone’s belongings in that short period of time is not ideal, but it is the last hope for some people.
@@daCubanaqtthe three day period they give them isn't what they have before they are given no choice but to evict or lose their family, it's what they are given by the cleaning crew and show! Many times it's the "psychologist" or family members who has to "by law" report to the authorities after that time period. 🙄😒
The American way, f*ck em up and send em packin!😮
“Two hours later and Nigel has managed to move the computers from one side of the room to the other.” 🤣🤣 I’m right with ya , dude! 🤣😬🥰 I love hoarding shows because they legitimately HELP me stay motivated to tackle my own hoarding tendencies. Love to everyone watching! 😃
I totally agree, that’s why I watch them.😊
Best of luck
I know how they feel. I'm a recovering compulsive shopper. 60.000 dollars later I now owe nothing to anyone. It can be done.
6 weeks is a way more reasonable amount of time to achieve what needs to happen than the measly 3 days Hoarders usually has.
Agreed! They make a big scene about it for the drama. This show seems like actual professionals helping these people.
My declutter took 5 years and im not finished. Just paper nightmare left but its the one i dread the most. Getting rid of clothes, toys for kids, some books and such is easy....paper has for some reason been the most difficult
This is why "Hoarders" has an extremely high recidivism rate, and within a year or two, the person is stuck in a mess again, sometimes even worse.
I love my country but -- when it comes to mental health -- Britain is better.
Hoarders is like "The Biggest Loser" -- not only did most of the contestants regain all the weight again, many have been shown to have LOWER metabolisms than someone that weight would normally have.*
Edit: The show permanently damaged their metabolism
Agree with comments. As someone who lives in the US (but not a citizen) US television/culture is very unhealthy (violence, materialism, etc.) I prefer to watch UK/Ireland/Australian on youtube.
@@carrino15Maybe you have a subconscious drive to retain knowledge, because you see it being erroded everywhere.
Even if that knowledge is small and only substantial to you. It's a link to past truth.
Idk, it's something I'm trying to deal with ❤❤
It was touching that both of them had friends and family that actually wanted to visit them, more than some of us have.
i think hoarders are usually kind people, kind to things and to other people
@@sashanealand8315Some of them are fullblown narcissists.
Stelios is very kind and gentle and I really like him.
very sexy as well
Me too
@@jankay8569 Greece is full of gentlemen like Stelios, so please be aware 😋
Kind gentle but firm ✌💐🌞
He is lovely
The doctor is such a kind, gentle man...I love the way he helps people.
What a beautiful blessing he is.
He is not a doctor.
....and he needs to get a better hairdresser to dye his hair😊😊😊😊🧡😊😊😊😊
I think he's not great
People are changing themselves
1. Because they are embarrassed and
2. Because they have
A departure from loneliness. Some of the trendy exercises he gives are downright silly.
Still, anything to change them works I guess. I don't wish him badly but I believe it works for the reasons I said.
@@earnold1896 I don’t agree. Wether it is Stellios or sb else, they do need someone to help and softly push them. Most of them would just go on buying more stuff if not for some help from outside.
@@earnold1896 Yes, they are getting help to sort it I think, also they got to the point they were sick of it and willing to change more to the point.
I take my hat off to these hoarders that allow themselves to be filmed. As a potential serious hoarder, this programme reminds how bad it almost got in my life and it helps me to get rid of stuff and buy less. Thank you
I just love stellios. It's obvious to see his kindness and humanity for others. He has a beautiful insight into the hoarding problem.
I'm sure he goes into some serious therapy with these people, that we don't see filmed as they are dealing with some painful issues. When she talked about her father's death, you know she had to do some serious crying over it to get out all the pain she had been holding back. Nigel had some deep issues that I don't believe they even mentioned to have gone from a man who loved parties and get-togethers to his isolation for 20 years. I'm glad they both improved.
Very inspiring, trying to galvanise myself to clear out my house four years after my husband passed, real life stories of people who have succeeded are really heartwarming.
Hope you succeed clearing your house! My mom died six years ago and i'm still stuck in cleaning her clothes.
Best of luck
So, you single?
No class
ited healways wanted to stay in the guesthouse and he didn't like if it was too much stuff in there).
After loosing my daughter, father, mother and 6 close family members in 4 yrs, I had a heart attack
and couldn't keep up with the house due to depression and physically not being able to, I get how this can esquilate. This show helps me stay aware n to take baby steps to stay on top of it not getting out of control.
When I buy stuff I can't wait till I get home to open it and touch it and look at it lol I couldn't just leave it in the bag 😅
I agree - so crazy to just buy stuff nindlessly and leave it in the box unopened! I'd hate to be her husband and kid!
These people get their high from the act of purchasing, not from the item they bought
Stelios is the kindest, most empathetic soul I’ve ever seen. Just love him.
Agree! He's kind, understanding, empathetic and intelligent, well skilled in his field of work. He genuinely cares for his Clients. It's beautiful to see him hug and praise them once they've de-cluttered.
The doctor seems like such a compassionate and caring person, I’m sure he will help many people. 💜
The narrator is Olivia Colman. She played queen Elizabeth in The Crown💫
Now I am just picturing The Queen narrating 😂
I have absolutely LOVED Olivia since her days on GreenWing as the flakey mom of the 3 that worked in the Hospitals HR office(comedy)
It's British humor so might not be your thing but I love it.
She was also AMAZING in BroadChurch(detective drama with David Tennant!). It's on Neflix if you haven't seen it I recommend it HIGHLY too!
A happy ending is so satisfying.
I wonder if people who hoard watch the show. I'd expect that some do. They should take note of how much happier the hoarders are after going through the process of dealing with it. Stelios is a genius at what he does and he's not just helping the hoarder, he is by extension helping all their family and friends as well.
yes I do watch them, Im a hoarder. I wonder why they cant get rid of all that trash. my stuff is different it has meaning but other peoples hoards just look like trash
And he helps the audience.
Decluttering is as addictive as hoarding ;)) but I really enjoy that addiction… it is the one that frees u instead of imprisoning u:)
I'm going through that now myself. I'm looking forward to seeing my house in order again. I've been hauling away truckloads since the beginning of the year and this is great motivation for me.
Would you like to help me!?
It's likely we don't live in the same country! 😄 🌏
05/23 - People just get stuck, for a variety of reasons. It does not mean they are bad people. They are just stuck! Sometimes just someone to come along side them and say let me help you is the impetus that they need. ❤
What a lovely lady Ursula is. Buying gifts for everyone unstoppably. And she has a grand home!
"Gift" is just the story she tells herself to cope with her behaviour. She buys it because she wants to buy it.
As she never actually gives the stuff away, I don't think you can call them gifts.
What people dont realise is how far the people have come who go on this show. Most horders wont even talk to close family members about the possibility they have a hording disorder and cut people out for even bringing up the issue.
It's HOARD, not hord(e)----hoarder is a person who collects and holds onto stuff without regard for the mess it makes of their life; a horde is a huge group of people, animals, or whatever other critters there are than can gather together.
@@jb6712 you waste most your day spell and grammar checking people on you tube? 🥱🤨
@@diannerose8030 I was wondering the same thing! She isn't grading kids schoolwork here is she, lmao. Get a life, we know what they meant, jeez
@@mr.skeleton3190 i dont really care i just find it kinda pathetic
@@jb6712 sometimes they hoard a horde :p
“Quite a challenging room isn’t it?” His elegance is brilliant.
My face when she said she prepares vegetables on the iron board😭
Used to use my ironing board as a sewing table in the bedroom.If I had it on the kitchen table kids would turn and push every button and dial and unravel the cotton whenever I turned away for 30 seconds. It was nice and safe in the bedroom.I didn't have to have eyes in the back of my head when it was time to make them lunch or anything.Next best thing to having a sewing room.
Mmm... the biggest problem is hardly the unpacked stuff...
@@debbiemohekey1509 o
I could understand why her sister couldn't stay in her cluttered house for too long; I've lived with hoarders but now I'm on my own I can't relax when I visit homes surrounded by rubbish.
I also love the way the two declutter fairies Zoe and Allyson helping people go through this tough process...
Well done,to the people that helped the people who hoarded and a massive well done,to the people, who hoarded and got their lives back. Ye are brilliant. Well done.
There's irnoy in getting a Temu ad during a hoarders show.
Ursula's story is understandable to me. When I was 20 and my brother 22 our father was killed in a horrific head-on collision with a coal truck. I was already suffering from what might be described as anxiety and agoraphobia then after the death of my father, who was quite a case history himself, our family moved to a new town. My brother, who is probably also autistic, became not only a hoarder but a violent hoarder. The death of our father must have been a part of my brother's hoarding. As our mother's health declined my brother's hoarding got worse. Ursula's story give me insight into the story of my own family which may have a genetic tendency to mental problems.
im so sorry for your losses. i hope you and your brother find healing.
Yes hope you and your brother are doing better. I can relate to the Autism and violent tendencies. I wish more people understood even mental health care workers that yes Autistic people can be violent because they have an underdeveloped coping skill set
Stellios is so kind and caring and understanding , taking the time to listen he has a very calming presence.
Ursula's home is beautiful! So many nice homes featured in this series
$45 thousand dollars spent? Ursula must have a mountain of cash, or she could be in huge debt.
Yes Ursula’s home is really beautiful. Well done
Having watched only part of this show I now have a bag of books filled up and I'm taking them to the Little Free Library up the street from me. More books will follow---I can only carry so many at one time! I haven't even gone out the door yet and I already feel better!
I find hoarders fascinating. I can’t even relax if a cupboard door is open or my curtains aren’t evenly open. I need tidy surroundings to relax
I absolutely adore those colored glass windows in Ursula's house!
Ursula, my darling. What a beautiful home, I’m so happy for her.
Wow, I had tears in my eyes when their families went over to visit, when they hugged I lost it, what an incredible program, making a tangible difference in people's lives. This is so great, God bless you all who make this a reality and I hope and pray you can continue to help every single one of these people that are truly suffering, it's sort of being buried alive, my heart brokw for them and it healed watching the show 'till the end, wow much respect for all of you. No judgement, just loving help, as it should be, as God intended indeed... 🙏🏻❤
What a kind friend she has
Nigel’s sister:”You used to have a garden!”
My brain: now he has a carden
Sister: you used to have a garden 😱
Brother: well , now I have a junkyard 😂😂
Ursula is such a kind spirited person. I do hope she got her life back. I am encouraged. Thank you
Ursula reminds me of one of my aunts, the way she holds herself and is always coming up with presents for people. My aunt does own a gift shop though... it is massive and filled to the brim with all sorts of delicate glass and crystals but it's cleaner than most people's houses.
I love these type of success stories - treating grief and loss, and helping them see/feel that stuff things is/are not better replacement than/for social connection 😘💕😗
Well said!
@@mr.skeleton3190 You are a very nasty person.
By the state of that ironing board,I was surprised she hadnt bought a new one. I
Hahaha 😂😅 maybe she doesn't open yet 🤔
But I can't believe she just sad it was 20 years since she visited her brother?????seriously no wonder why people get depressed
These two people are very kind hearted. I can relate to Nigel being attached to objects as humans. Stelios worked his magic again.
Can someone please hire Angela to read audiobooks, she's got the most beautiful voice
It's amazing to me that these people can deal with their greatest fears and challenges and overcome them. They're so strong and resilient. They deserve all the kindness and sympathy their loved ones can give them. We don't need to know the whys of a situation to have sympathy for the people embroiled in them. Bravo!
fantastic to see so many people smiling and hugging in the end x
Ursula looks so much happier ❤
Its so silly but if that was my mom & i was living in that house...unopened boxes, i'm sure she wouldnt notice a few missing boxes (secretly decluttering😊 free shopping 👌)
enjoying Olivia Colman's narration. Such a lovely voice.
Zoey and Alison are fantastic! They are so understanding and supportive… they have seen all:)))
I love how happy Nigel looks when his family comes over for a visit, he is so lovable, funny with an awesome sense of humor, what a dear!I really hope he finds a lovely lady! Also Ursula, what a success! What a sweet woman, I am so happy she can now celebrate, also its so sweet how happy her friends are for her! Stelios is awesome!
Great episode!
These are so much more wholesome than the American "Hoarders" programme... they really capitalize on the shock factor and they don't seem to have compassion for the hoarders themselves, seeing as hoarding is a mental health issue. "Hoarders" is just "LOOK AT CRAZY PEOPLE WOW HOW BONKERS ARE THEY? HA HA!" This psych Stelios (sp?) seems to really care about the mental health and happiness of his patients. Much better, IMHO.
I agree
American version has the most annoying dramatic drama.
You can’t just do a clean out, the hoarder if mentally able has to be part of the process or they will just fill up the space again.
What the British show isn’t showing is the people power it takes to sort and clear the spaces and clean what’s under the hoards, nor where they are storing the hoard.
It’s a process. Physical and mental.
American Hoarders also deals with much more filth and properties that are uninhabitable plus the weight of the law behind the clean up. Yes... much sadder than these folks.
As an American I agree with you 100%. The show over here is all about drama and sometimes they fail to achieve success often because of their bank 💰💰 robber style of get in and get out. One more reason to love British people!
On the American version, these folks are in serious legal trouble and that's why the intervention is being done. They're about to lose custody of their kids and pets. They can be thrown into prison for child or animal abuse. They face eviction and having their property condemned for building code and sanitation violations. That means thousands of dollars in fines, and it also means they will be homeless, living on the street. These are some pretty.serious situations. So a."shock" intervention is.necessary. therapy can come later, assuming they have health insurance and haven't been fired from their jobs for "conduct unbecoming". But there's no time for tea.and sympathy, they are fighting to just keep a.roof over these.folks' heads and keep them out of jail.
13:55 an advice that really hits me *staring at my rising collection of bicycles *
That was great!
I am so happy for each of them and theirs!
Their doctor and the ladies did what I did not think was possible.
I also liked that they were able to earn money while letting go.
My heart goes out to both of the people and I’m glad that they sorted their home/lives out !!!🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
I love this show so much, the way that Stelios cares and understands for these people. I have never been attached to items and I'm very minimalist but it's also good to see the other side of things for some people.
British things I've learned watching these shows.
Flat- apartment
Hoover- Vacuum
Lounge- Livingroom
Skip- dumpster
Add more guys😃
Ladybird - ladybug 🐞
You’ll learn in another episode about a hoarder who’s obsessed with them 😂
Lorry. Truck
Manual drive. Stick drive
Biscuits. Cookies
Basement. Cellar
Grill. Broiler
Curtains. Drapes
Divan base. Box spring
Eiderdown comforter
Loo. Toilet
Chips. French fries
Cornflour. Corn starch
Crisps are some kind of chips like Lays or Utz.
Torch is a flashlight. As in "When I was a child I used to read with a torch in bed." 😂
Your "Nan" is your grandma. It isn't a piece of bread from India.
Nappies= diapers, jumper= sweater
The big difference with the UK show compared to the US Hoarders, the music sounds so cheery when they show the house. It kind of makes me laugh a bit. 😁
Both homes would still drive me insane with the clutter left AFTER decluttering. *shiver*
Even one car part in a house is too much.
I agree totally! And my boyfriend has a tire in my living room! Smh
@DE VANOV I don't think she resents her bf for having a tire in the sitting room lol😂😂
You’re better then me, I would be throwing the tire out the front door.
@@lauras3666 and him with it
Oliver Coleman doing the narration and she has such a lovely voice. Well suited to this program.
Oh I didn’t realise it was Olivia but now I can hear her. She’s such a beautiful person 🥰
I came across these videos about hoarding in UK recently. I noticed most of the hoarders on these videos all have nice homes in nice areas. Good sized homes at that.
Aren't there any hoarders who rent one bedroom apartments?
Hoarders who don't own a home but rent an apt.?
I'm definitely an amazon addict but I'll be damned if anything ever got left unopened. I'm always sitting at the front door tracking every single delivery excited to receive it. My house also doesn't look like this. Not even close.
And what a lovely surprise when she finds something she doesn't remember ever buying. Its like xmas on repeat lol.
They've got a mental handicap, unfortunately 😕
What happens in 20 years to your Amazon issue?
My neighbor seems to have an Amazon addiction. She gets a few packages 📦 a day, each and every day. We all have small apartments, so I am baffled by how it all can fit!
More hoarders than I ever realized when I was younger. Seems it is rather predictable and that there are definitely common threads for therapists to work with. Fascinating and exhausting processes. Whew!
We are so proud of Stellios!!!So kind and gentle
I understand these people have a deep sadness or illness, but consumerism is destroying this planet :(.
1235A. Well said!
I blame adverts fully for that. Every advert is about selling you feelings alongside useless garbage that we don't need so we associate a "good time" with products.
@@001-x1b well said!
you are right. people have always been sad and ill but now society is about constant buying. the perfect storm.
Destroying the lives of these poor persons and their entire families, destroying the environment... and they said capitalism is good for everyone 😔
In this program they actually want to improve people's lives instead of Hoarders where they only want drama, tantrums and photogenic pain
As a person who can never finish anything 13:20 is really hitting home.
I had a bike in my living room for months and when Christmas came around I chained it up out doors. I wasn’t long till someone stole it.
Gotta sort out my clutter too 🤦🏻♀️😖🤔
Clean your room jessica or there will be no snacks! And dont stuff it under the bed either..that's where the monsters live. I'll check in an hour lol
That's how these shows make me feel too!
Good on you Jessica. I do as well.
Blessings to the kind human beings whi assist care and never give up on the hoarders!!
I really enjoyed how they filled the new clean houses with family and friends and laughter. 😍
I'm so happy they've got their lives back. I hope they can sustain it. Stelios is amazing how he helps people reclaim their lives and space. Plus he's gorgeous!!! ⚘
Love this series and will continue to watch! It’s inspired me to declutter as well ❤️
"Local cash converter"? Why don't we have those in America? Much easier than listing things for sale on Craig's List! I just donate everything because selling is such a hassle... Would love this option!
Wait. Is that a PAWN BROKER? We have those..............
We do many places have eBay lister, junk shops, pawn shops.
How beautiful her house is ! I'm so happy for her !
I think the most shocking thing to me is that the show is narrated by Olivia Colman!?!? I cannot believe how many episodes I've watched without realizing this...
These videos are fantastic and the people are so loving to the hoarders!
I liked so much Ursula. Very nice lady indeed. I hope with all my heart that she will finish declutering all the house (British architecture is amazing!) and be very very happy. I wonder if Stelios is Greek. I am almost certain that the name is Greek.
Yes, he´s Greek 😊
@@alexsilva-vn7jc 😊
That Edwardian villa is amazing.
Most Amazing, Wonderful video. Really enjoyed watching it
I would love to see updates of all these success stories.
This is such a wholesome program.
Shopping has become too easy with online available 24/7
Sadly what I noticed is they spend SO much on stuff..... And most times look like they neglect themselves
Imagine how many facials. Hair appts. Etc
Nice holidays. Nice furniture
I hope they can ALL be helped 💜
Bless both of your hearts. You're prescious & I'm soooo proud of you both!!!!
I am very happy for Ursula and Nigel. They dealt with their trauma and are happy again.
My hoarding started about 3 years after my sexual assault. I developed an eating disorder immediately after. I dont know why the hoarding started a few years later, but I felt life was overwhelming and stressful and I desperately sought control. SSRIs did not help.
I’m so sorry this happened to you!
what a great result, looks like she feels much better. I hope she can maintain it!
I understand how internet shopping is addictive. I have spare cash but seem to keep buying 'nice' stuff instead of 'needed' stuff. I need to watch this program before a spring clean. now I'm off to make more space for other purchases.
First step is to stop all that shopping.
Wast of money, time and space = depressing life , instant of buying travel. hope they get the help they need.
Six weeks? The hoarder TV shows in the US give people three days.
US show gives 3 days because the homeowner does little themselves. UK homeowners do it all by themselves after a suggestion offered by the counselor.
Giving away 3 gifts previously purchased jumpstarts a complete clean out.
And here I am, still blown away that they were able to make this amount of progress in six weeks. Six weeks is really not a long time at all, compared to decades of a severe life disrupting disorder.
I much prefer the UK version myself.
Just from watching what few interactions there were with the families, it seems they were filling their lives with what could not or would not be filled by the families . If I had been on the receiving end of that treatment, I think I would have withdrawn from them too. Instead of being judgmental, maybe learn to love a little more freely and with no strings attached. That is only if you are not prepared to have your own life under the microscope…. We are all woefully lacking.
"2010 - that's over 2 years ago"
Yeah, it's been quite some time
That's when this show was made.
I really respect these people for getting help!
As a shitbox collector, there's nothing wrong with hoarding cars and the parts you need for them. But it you don't own that particular model it goes too or aren't planning on buying another one, it's probably best to throw it up on Ebay. As there's very likely someone who does need it.
Watching again for inspiration. Making progress. I'm not so bad but a lot helps anyway😆
Awwwwwww im SO HAPPY for them both!! hugs
Good on both of them! Her home looks amazing!