Tea with Turmeric and Black Pepper: Benefits and Essential Recipe

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
    Did you know that turmeric is a ginger family?
    Turmeric is a highly prized spice in cooking and is also used in traditional medicine due to its numerous health benefits. Here is a list of some of the most notable benefits of turmeric:
    * Anti-inflammatory properties: Turmeric contains compounds with anti-inflammatory properties, such as turmeric, which can help reduce inflammation in the body and relieve symptoms of chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritis.
    * Powerful Antioxidant: Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant that can help fight damage caused by free radicals in the body, which can reduce the risk of chronic diseases and delay cellular aging.
    * Improves brain function: Turmeric has been shown to have positive effects on the brain by increasing levels of brain growth hormone, which can improve cognitive function, memory, and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.*Support cardiovascular health: Turmeric may help maintain heart health by improving endothelial function, reducing LDL ("bad") cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as reducing inflammation and oxidative stress in the cardiovascular system.
    * Relief of digestive symptoms: Turmeric has traditionally been used to relieve digestive problems such as indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Turmeric is believed to help stimulate bile production, which improves the digestion of fats and soothes an upset stomach.
    * Antimicrobial properties: Curcumin has antimicrobial and antifungal properties that can help fight bacterial and fungal infections in the body, thereby promoting overall health and the immune system.
    * Supporting skin health: Turmeric has been shown to have skin health benefits, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties that may help treat conditions such as acne, dermatitis, and burns.
    * Anti-cancer potential: Although more studies are needed, some preliminary studies suggest that turmeric may have anti-cancer properties by inhibiting the growth of cancer cells and reducing tumor formation.
    It is important to note that many of these benefits are based on preliminary scientific studies and that more research is needed to fully confirm its effectiveness. However, adding turmeric to your diet as part of a balanced diet can be a healthy way to take advantage of these potential health benefits. It is always advisable to speak with a health professional before incorporating supplements or major dietary changes, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions.Propiedades
    Potente antioxidante
    Mejora la función cerebral
    Apoyo a la salud cardiovascular
    Alivio de los síntomas digestivos
    Propiedades antimicrobianas
    Apoyo a la salud de la piel
    Potencial anticancerígeno
    Ayuda a bajar de peso y potencia su poder antioxidante
    Mejora con el dolor de los pies, en especial a las personas
    que están mucho tiempo paradas
    * Alivia el dolor en los huesos como
    la artritis
    * Mejora las glándulas del sistema reproductivo tanto de hombres como de mujeres en la Inflamación de la próstata, vejiga, y ovarios.
    * Ayuda a la circulación
    * Las personas con presión alta pueden tomarla, pero reduciendo la cantidad de pimienta
    * Mejora la memoria y el rendimiento cognitivo
    La cúrcuma es rica en fibra, proteínas, niacina, vitaminas C, E y K, La cúrcumina es soluble en grasa, por lo que es esencial activarla con aceite de coco, aceites de omega 3 o como en nuestro caso con pimienta negra para aprovechar al máximo sus beneficios.
    Se recomienda que las personas tomen entre 1 y 2 gramos por día de cúrcuma con pimienta negra, ya sea en té en las mañanas o en los alimentos.
    El té de cúrcuma con pimienta negra se recomienda tomarlo en las mañanas y no en la noche, ya que es un liberador natural de cortisol, con lo cual, el organismo tardará más tiempo en entrar en reposo por su estado de alerta.
    La forma de tomar el té de cúrcuma con pimienta negra es muy sencilla. Para un pocillo de té, se usa una cucharita de té de cúrcuma al ras y un cuarto de esa cucharita con pimienta negra.
    Para mayor efecto de la cúrcuma en tu salud, se sugiere mezclarla con un poco de aceite de coco o miel. Se mezcla y se toma cada día por tres semanas. Siempre recuerda consultar con tu médico.
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