Underrated video. Thank you for helping me understand the usefulness of kickback practically with an analogy instead of diving into complicated math in an intro video.
Yup. To run the circuit on the quantum computer, you have to rewrite it to be reversible. This muddles the distinction between input and output, since all the bits that come in also go out. But then kickback comes along and *really* breaks the distinction.
@@CraigGidney at least this is the case with Grover's and Shor's algs and with other similarly implementable quantum algs. Don't know how it applies to QAOA that remains a mistery to me...
perspectives like this is pure gold. worth 20 hrs of reading quantum information textbooks. please keep making them!
Underrated video. Thank you for helping me understand the usefulness of kickback practically with an analogy instead of diving into complicated math in an intro video.
Beautiful, thanks.
Again watching after 2 years, feels like I have graduated and understood this thing completely whereas first time I only understood half of it.
Really good intuition for kickback👌
Thank you, Craig :-)
Still wasn't sure why the input was also chosen as an output. But I guess that was to see fro.a timing perspective
good question, im also wondering
Thank you for that clarity... there is too much fuzzy woo woo in quantum explanations, and you cut through some of that.
Another surprising effect of this "kickback" is that the solution is given by THE INPUT REGISTER :-)
Yup. To run the circuit on the quantum computer, you have to rewrite it to be reversible. This muddles the distinction between input and output, since all the bits that come in also go out. But then kickback comes along and *really* breaks the distinction.
@@CraigGidney at least this is the case with Grover's and Shor's algs and with other similarly implementable quantum algs. Don't know how it applies to QAOA that remains a mistery to me...