Morgan Philpot- March 16, 2024 Jefferson, GA Part 3 Second Coming & Signs of the Time

  • Опубліковано 11 жов 2024


  • @SaraCLebaron24
    @SaraCLebaron24 6 місяців тому +19

    Yes I would love part 4 too!

  • @susannaholdfield7499
    @susannaholdfield7499 6 місяців тому +13

    Looking forward to seeing Morgan in Australia in May! We love his presentations and they just get better and better!

    • @brianbacon3106
      @brianbacon3106 6 місяців тому +1

      Where is he presenting in Australia please?

  • @zachmoss8896
    @zachmoss8896 6 місяців тому +24

    I really loved this presentation so far. I want to say one thing while I agree many Utah Saints are prideful the VAST majority are still the heart of the gospel, strong, faithful, courageous, dedicated to truth

    • @gwapower
      @gwapower 6 місяців тому +4

      Not sure how you can say this.. the VAST majority do not have temple recommends. Ask your local leaders what percentage have recommends, how many declare they are full tithe payers, how many live within their means… your loyalty is admirable - albeit incorrect….

    • @janfelshaw8217
      @janfelshaw8217 6 місяців тому +1

      Our ward has over 400 members and maybe (on a good day) we have 150 members attending sacrament.

    • @BadAsss_patriot
      @BadAsss_patriot 6 місяців тому +2

      @@gwapower are you saying this is the measuring stick for pride? This is very pharisaical

    • @lunchplateboy
      @lunchplateboy 6 місяців тому +1

      The data doesn’t support this opinion. The majority do not keep their covenants and seek after riches over everything else. Wards are having a terrible time just finding people to take callings. The mirage is because there’s enough concentration of members in small geographic areas that you’ll find enough members in a ward that will take the necessary callings. If you dig into the data though you’ll find that it’s merely a handful of members that are taking the callings and keeping things running. Everyone else is just going through the motions.

    • @jasontucker3295
      @jasontucker3295 5 місяців тому

      Out of those 150 they virtually all back the blue and drink gadianton kool aid. Helaman 6:38

  • @pfoxworth7
    @pfoxworth7 6 місяців тому +9

    I am thrilled Morgan went to Georgia. I am a Georgia boy currently living in Utah.
    The presentations are so fascinating. Thank you Morgan for sharing your talent so freely.
    Whoever said "Uoo tah" was awesome. That was funny.

  • @BazSupport
    @BazSupport 6 місяців тому +15

    0:00 - The symbolism of the Salt Lake Temple earthquake and Moroni's trumpet falling
    1:11 - President Nelson's proclamation on the Restoration as a metaphorical blowing of Moroni's trumpet
    2:40 - Utah as the Lord's modern observatory and a parallel to biblical Judah
    3:35 - The linguistic and geographical similarities between Utah and Judah
    4:48 - Jeremiah's role as a prophet to the Gentiles and the relevance of his prophecies to modern Utah
    5:45 - Utah's idolatry and turning away from the Lord
    7:09 - The parallels between ancient Judah and modern Utah in Jeremiah's prophecies
    8:09 - The symbolism of water monopoly in Utah and the Lord's warning about forsaking Him
    9:08 - Utah's servitude to the government during the COVID-19 pandemic
    10:22 - The role of the Church as a check and balance against unfettered patriarchal power
    11:44 - The duty of men to foster an environment in which the Church can safely practice religion
    12:44 - The gradual concession to government oppression and the difficulty of restoring freedom
    14:02 - Utah's inability to protect against political indoctrination in classrooms
    15:09 - The Lord's potential silencing of His prophets when the people are unworthy to receive His messages
    16:15 - Jeremiah's prophecies as a justification for the consequences that will befall the people
    17:40 - The specific warning in Jeremiah 4 about the imminent invasion and destruction
    18:31 - The parallels between Jeremiah's prophecies and recent events in Utah
    20:26 - The unprecedented global unity during the COVID-19 pandemic and its potential significance
    21:32 - The disturbing nature of church and school closures during the pandemic
    23:15 - Putting Christ first and questioning the role of politics in solving problems
    24:16 - Grappling with personal beliefs and the Church's actions during the pandemic
    25:28 - The absence of Christ in political party agendas
    26:19 - The speaker's shift towards a more Christ-centered perspective post-COVID
    27:35 - The assignment of tribes in patriarchal blessings as a designation of responsibility, not superiority
    28:44 - The concept of "observatories" and their role in studying and sharing spiritual knowledge
    29:44 - The symbolism of the Salt Lake Temple earthquake and the trumpet falling, marking the beginning of a significant period
    30:00 - The Vatican Observatory's article about the rare astronomical alignment in 2017 and its connection to Joseph Smith receiving the gold plates in 1827
    31:11 - The organization of the kingdom of God (Council of 50) by Joseph Smith in 1844
    31:37 - The rise of a "great red dragon" (communism) in response to the restoration of the Gospel
    32:58 - The Dragon's tail drawing a third of the stars (apostles) from the Church
    33:24 - The Dragon's desire for the kingdom of God rather than the Church itself
    33:52 - The flight of the Church to Utah and the 1,260 days of nourishment
    34:14 - John's prophecy of the Devil coming down and persecuting the Church's child (the kingdom)
    34:51 - The United States government (represented by an eagle) facilitating the Church's establishment in Utah
    35:19 - The duration of the Church's nourishment in Utah (1847-2022) based on Jubilee cycles
    36:38 - The end of the Church's nourishment period and the beginning of attacks from the Beast (government) in 2022
    37:56 - Moroni's description of secret combinations administering oaths to the people through the government
    38:43 - The corrupt and oppressive nature of modern government institutions
    40:26 - The rise of artificial intelligence and its potential to deceive and control people
    42:09 - The speaker's experience testing AI's knowledge of significant religious events and its tendency to deceive
    44:26 - The precise fulfillment of biblical prophecies about the last days in our current time
    44:49 - The importance of following the prophetic narrative from Moses through all the prophets to understand the signs of the Second Coming
    46:16 - The difference between the primary meaning of "follow the prophet" and the deeper meaning of understanding the entire prophetic narrative
    46:51 - The "secret" of Christ's first and second comings as revealed through the prophets
    47:54 - Ezra's eagle and its connection to the United States as the fourth beast of Daniel's vision
    50:34 - The critical importance of the Apocrypha (particularly 2 Esdras) in understanding latter-day prophecy
    53:21 - The removal of the Apocrypha from the Bible in the 1820s by American Christians
    55:21 - The detailed description of the eagle (the United States) rising from the sea in 2 Esdras
    57:51 - The eagle's power, contrary feathers, and heads as described in 2 Esdras

    • @BazSupport
      @BazSupport 6 місяців тому +7

      1:00:08 - The deceptive nature of the eagle's voice coming from the body (representing democracy) rather than the heads
      1:04:05 - The amazing accuracy of 2 Esdras in predicting the order and timing of American presidents
      1:05:24 - The rise of the CFR and other globalist organizations seeking to undermine national sovereignty and promote regionalism
      1:10:59 - The influence of the World Economic Forum and its "Great Reset" agenda on governments worldwide
      1:11:56 - The biblical prophecies foretelling the rise of a "beast" (a union of nations) in the last days
      1:16:04 - The parallels between modern political leaders and the biblical figures of Ahab, Jezebel, and Jehu
      1:18:22 - The coming division and conflict in America, potentially leading to civil war
      1:19:22 - Utah's similarity to the southern kingdom of Judah, while the United States parallels the northern kingdom of Israel
      1:20:35 - The biblical prophecy of the Assyrian (a powerful, polarizing leader) who will conquer the hypocritical nation
      1:24:46 - The possibility that Donald Trump could be a type of the Assyrian
      1:26:55 - The ancient conflict between the king of Assyria, Damascus, and Israel as a parallel to modern geopolitical events
      1:30:45 - The importance of recognizing the current conflicts and preparing accordingly, even if not viewed as a direct biblical parallel
      1:32:51 - The potential consequences of the BRICS nations surpassing the G7 in economic power
      1:34:41 - A summary of the message: studying the prophets from Moses onward reveals a consistent narrative pointing to the Second Coming
      1:36:40 - The need for spiritual preparation to avoid being caught off guard like the foolish virgins
      1:37:11 - The shaking and upheaval currently happening within the Church as a sign of the times
      1:38:03 - The tribulation, desolation, and wrath of God as described in the scriptures
      1:39:15 - Statements by modern prophets confirming the biblical signs of the times
      1:40:20 - The missing sign: the desolation of abomination and the invasion of Judah by Babylon
      1:41:05 - The inevitability of death and destruction preceding the Second Coming
      1:41:59 - The unfulfilled calamities foretold in the proclamation on the family
      1:42:14 - Current issues causing contention in the Church (LGBTQ+, government overreach)
      1:43:46 - The need to recognize the true enemy: the Beast (government) and its use of force to coerce behavior
      1:44:58 - The importance of interpreting modern events through the lens of the scriptures
      1:45:52 - Comparing President Nelson's actions during the pandemic to Moses holding up the brazen serpent
      1:46:21 - The church in the wilderness (pioneers) and the idolization of the church today
      1:47:07 - The concept of strategy and deception in the Book of Mormon (Captain Moroni)
      1:48:03 - Analyzing the First Presidency's letter about masks and vaccines as a form of strategy
      1:49:30 - The true meaning of "immunization" as "freedom or exemption from obligation"
      1:50:03 - The abandonment of the church by men who have given government over to secret combinations
      1:50:43 - Moroni's definition of secret combinations administering oaths to the people through government
      1:52:01 - The decay and corruption of the system due to generational acquiescence
      1:52:49 - The role of parents in governing and the loss of parental control
      1:53:50 - The weeding out of those with a Judeo-Christian ethic from the military
      1:54:06 - The pervasiveness of secret combinations in local government and planning
      1:55:05 - The influence of international policy makers (e.g., WEF) on local building codes
      1:55:25 - The need to pray for Christ's return as the solution to the corrupt system
      1:56:07 - Peter's advice about the Lord's timing (2 Peter 3)
      1:56:40 - The significance of the year 2034 based on scriptural patterns
      1:57:23 - The dedication of the Palmyra temple in 2000 and the rare astronomical alignment
      1:59:27 - The symbolism of the planetary alignment and constellations in relation to the Lord's coming
      2:00:09 - The importance of correcting our calendar based on the signs
      2:00:37 - The sign of the coming of the bridegroom and the expectation of Babylon's destruction
      2:01:10 - The significance of the solar eclipse in 1994 and the destruction of the Twin Towers in 2001
      2:03:14 - The parallel between the destruction of the ancient tower and the fall of the Twin Towers
      2:04:20 - The "bricks have fallen" prophecy in Isaiah 9 and its fulfillment in the U.S. government's response to 9/11
      2:06:00 - The 2017 and 2024 eclipses marking the United States for destruction
      2:07:04 - The fulfillment of Revelation 18 in the fall of the Twin Towers and the global financial impact
      2:08:25 - The role of sorcery (pharmakeia) in the deception of nations
      2:10:22 - The precise fulfillment of prophetic patterns in our day
      2:10:45 - The significance of the corrected calendar for prophetic timing
      2:11:05 - The unique LDS understanding of the return of Adam/Michael (Adam-ondi-Ahman)
      2:12:09 - Identifying the Adam-ondi-Ahman narrative in 3 Nephi
      2:13:22 - Calculating the timing of Christ's appearance in the 34th year (2034)
      2:14:20 - The Gadianton robbers' siege in the 21st year (2020) and the cutting off from privileges
      2:15:05 - The false philosophies of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the latter days
      2:16:10 - The technological advancements and worldwide connectivity prophesied in the Book of Mormon
      2:17:10 - The breakup of the church in the 30th year (2029) and the loss of 501(c)(3) status
      2:18:40 - The Great Reset planned by the World Economic Forum for 2029
      2:19:19 - The three and a half years of anarchy, tribalism, and chaos following the Great Reset
      2:20:05 - The great storm and the need to prepare temporally and spiritually
      2:21:18 - The role of translation and the three Nephites during the time of chaos
      2:22:36 - The scriptural keys to translation (JST Genesis 14:18-20)
      2:24:34 - The power of the Melchizedek priesthood to defy armies and subdue principalities
      2:25:33 - Possible instances of translation during Christ's visit in 3 Nephi
      2:27:05 - The importance of recognizing individual agency and the true nature of government
      2:28:25 - The stages of seeding one's will to form larger systems of government
      2:29:27 - The patriarchal order and the man's role in presiding and protecting
      2:30:31 - The Founding Fathers' establishment of a nation to allow the church to rise
      2:31:23 - The formation of a "brotherhood" of righteous men to protect families, religion, and land
      2:32:23 - Scriptural examples of righteous captains chosen by the people (Gideon, Captain Moroni)
      2:33:11 - The importance of living in a community with at least 10 righteous individuals
      2:34:05 - The gathering of the saints in "stakes of Zion" and the role of personal revelation
      2:35:08 - President Nelson's acknowledgment of the saints being scattered in small numbers
      2:36:08 - The keys of gathering still held by the brethren despite potential disruptions to the church
      2:36:45 - The folds of Israel and the Hebrew word "naveh" meaning "habitation"
      2:37:16 - The brethren's role in ultimately gathering the saints to Zion/New Jerusalem
      2:38:03 - The relatively small number of people who initially gather in the Book of Mormon narrative
      2:39:08 - The role of the "watchmen" in escorting the church to the wedding feast
      2:40:54 - President Nelson's vivid dream and the missing element of the woman (church)

    • @lessthanthedust
      @lessthanthedust 6 місяців тому +1

      Thanks for that outline, Baz!

    • @tamarabarnett7506
      @tamarabarnett7506  6 місяців тому +2

      @BazSupport you rock my friend!!!! Thank you so much!!!! Elevating my rudimentary video capture 🙌

    • @BazSupport
      @BazSupport 6 місяців тому +2

      @@tamarabarnett7506 haha no problem! I like his videos, but they are hard to come back to for specific info. Hopefully this helps others as well!

    • @brianbacon3106
      @brianbacon3106 5 місяців тому

      @@BazSupportthe missing piece has finally been posted if your interested

  • @peterman3594
    @peterman3594 6 місяців тому +13

    Thanks for recording this, Tamara!

  • @larrymadsen8799
    @larrymadsen8799 6 місяців тому +4

    A huge shout-out and thank you for recording and posting this presentation. I loved it!

  • @kdeltatube
    @kdeltatube 6 місяців тому +6

    Another great presentation. Thank you!

  • @jkawpiper
    @jkawpiper 6 місяців тому +9

    ❤ thank you for posting this video series

  • @Johanna-qs2es
    @Johanna-qs2es 4 місяці тому +1

    The Church is going to have an unprecedented future, unparalleled,” President Russell M. Nelson

  • @keithfullmer1058
    @keithfullmer1058 6 місяців тому +4

    I would appreciate Morgan talking about "being born again". That is something that we are to do in this life. I assume it would be a prerequisite for translation. I may be confusing it with baptism of fire, but it's real and life changing.
    Thank you

  • @jenniferkoplin13
    @jenniferkoplin13 6 місяців тому +4

    Thanks for providing this. It is so good to hear so many great people of the church at his presentation. I feel like I could live in Georgia based on what I heard!

    • @tamarabarnett7506
      @tamarabarnett7506  6 місяців тому +1

      Come and hang out with us!!! Many strong and hard working disciples of Christ here trying to prepare ourselves and our neighbors for the Saviors return❤️❤️

    • @eveonnechristensen5334
      @eveonnechristensen5334 5 місяців тому

      AL & TN are great as well-where else will you find out about a stranger’s family history, politics, and how much they love Jesus in a grocery store line?! My new husband gladly left Centerville last year to be in AL with me, and he loves it, too.❤

  • @gracegiven8875
    @gracegiven8875 6 місяців тому +15

    4 trumpets have fallen off four temples if you map them out it’s on four corners of the map.
    The four corners of the world

  • @janfelshaw8217
    @janfelshaw8217 6 місяців тому +1

    Best one yet! Less scattered and more on point. Thanks

  • @staciedye5433
    @staciedye5433 6 місяців тому +6

    Thank you for recording and posting this!

    • @tamarabarnett7506
      @tamarabarnett7506  6 місяців тому +3

      Sorry for the poor quality, but definitely wanted to capture it

    • @staciedye5433
      @staciedye5433 6 місяців тому

      @@tamarabarnett7506 I very much appreciated it! 🙏🏻 💕

    • @marlenebowers7181
      @marlenebowers7181 6 місяців тому

      @@tamarabarnett7506it was actually really good!

  • @leiland12
    @leiland12 6 місяців тому +7

    At about 31:20 - remember also President Nelson is the 17th President of the Latter-Day Church - a heart doctor to turn the hearts of Israel

    • @tanyarobinson1146
      @tanyarobinson1146 Місяць тому

      I also find him very positive, not negative. He is always saying look for the good things, along with the warnings.

  • @rkdesrochers
    @rkdesrochers 5 місяців тому +1

    So good!! Thank you for recording and sharing this!!! ❤❤❤

  • @jenme7926
    @jenme7926 6 місяців тому +3

    This is amazing! Thanks for sharing ❤

  • @joepro66
    @joepro66 6 місяців тому +5

    Made me so mad when they changed Utah's flag.

  • @pangy8905
    @pangy8905 6 місяців тому +7

    Love the video, didn't care though to look at a half eaten plate of food the whole time 🙃

  • @BestMuzick
    @BestMuzick 6 місяців тому +8

    Thank for posting this. I don’t believe he’s posted his own podcasts. I was hoping someone from each location would post. Again thank you so much. I’m from California and don’t know how to get ahold of him to come here and give a fireside. There have been a group of people here that would be interested.

    • @tamarabarnett7506
      @tamarabarnett7506  6 місяців тому +1

      I could possibly help you... are you on Facebook?

  • @lornaphillips7888
    @lornaphillips7888 6 місяців тому +1

    The podcast shut off while Morgan was still talking. I would have loved to have heard the end. It shut off at the 2:42 mark. Loved listening to him. He is truly amazing. He has put together such a great presentation! Thank you!

    @BIGDWH 6 місяців тому +1

    Great presentation. Truth! Thank you!

  • @Freeman3692
    @Freeman3692 5 місяців тому +2

    The CIA started out as the DIA or the Defense Intelligence Agency. A military coupe looks exactly like what is happening today

  • @jcbrailsford
    @jcbrailsford 6 місяців тому +6

    Camera tips: 1. Film horizontally. 2. Set the camera up on a tripod closer to the speaker. Thanks!

    • @michaeljhuntsman
      @michaeljhuntsman Місяць тому

      There's not a perfect way to set AV up... too close, too far, the speaker moves around too much, I can't hear the speaker, I can't see the slide, I can't see what the speaker is pointing too...

  • @lukeslc-xd8ds
    @lukeslc-xd8ds Місяць тому

    A lot of podcasts about this topic nowadays. I don't know how many of them I believe if any at all.

  • @valariedixon6048
    @valariedixon6048 6 місяців тому +8

    I'm curious if there is a part 4? Part 3 got cut off and I would love to see the end of the presentation.

    • @tamarabarnett7506
      @tamarabarnett7506  6 місяців тому +5

      Unfortunately my phone died😭

    • @brianbacon3106
      @brianbacon3106 6 місяців тому +2

      @@tamarabarnett7506it’s not as good as a recording as Tamara’s but Jennifer Kartchners channels should have it all He did ask to have recording turned off as he shared things he didn’t want publicly broadcasted. But they were not germane to the presentation you should have access to the full presentation

  • @brendamartin3444
    @brendamartin3444 6 місяців тому +2

    Revealed education by Jack Monnett should be read by every LDS parent
    I highly recommend it

  • @CaseyPaulsen
    @CaseyPaulsen 6 місяців тому +4

    I would like Bro Philpot's data or search criteria for the graphic he used at the beginning showing the trumpet drop being the initial quake that "spawned" several earthquakes emanating over the next two weeks. That graphic is likely just the sensors across the country feeling the Magna quake (indicated by the seismographic line below) as the P or S waves move outward.
    Also, later when you look at the word aquila from the Latin Volgate, that translates to eagle.

    • @tamibarber
      @tamibarber 6 місяців тому +2

      That is exactly what he is saying about the earthquake. Those points of activity spreading out are not earthquakes, but what you referred to-the ripple affect, spreading throughout the continent.

  • @michaeljhuntsman
    @michaeljhuntsman Місяць тому

    Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me. 23 And when he heard this, he was very sorrowful: for he was very rich

  • @jilltobler8742
    @jilltobler8742 5 місяців тому +2

    Does Morgan have this presentation in a print out form?

  • @juliemathis5196
    @juliemathis5196 6 місяців тому +3

    I love to hear Brother Philpot’s presentations, but the background noise and comments are frustrating and distracting. Some poor sister was sitting too close to the microphone and there were moments in this presentation that all I could hear was her and I couldn’t hear Morgan. Please ask Brother Philpot to make a recording in a studio or private room with a good microphone and lighting and post it on UA-cam so we can enjoy his presentation without background noise and talking. If he needs to talk to a crowd, perhaps they could be instructed not to make comments. A professional video presentation would be very much appreciated, but whoever posted this, thank you. Something is better than nothing..

    • @iloveamerica53
      @iloveamerica53 6 місяців тому

      I found the comments distracting as well. The interrupted the flow of his presentation 😒

    • @CarolKarl-l5k
      @CarolKarl-l5k 15 днів тому

      The children should never be brought to these kind of preservations.

  • @ClintK.
    @ClintK. 6 місяців тому +2

    anyone have the full version especially of the last bit?

  • @herculepoirot1530
    @herculepoirot1530 4 місяці тому

    It is fascinating the way that he compares the timeline in the Book of Mormon first coming of Jesus to the second coming but there is so much that has to happen before he comes it does not seem possible to be by 2034. One thing that has to happen is that the 3rd temple has to be built on the temple mount and so much has to happen before that can even start. Another is that the New Jerusalem has to be built in America before Jesus comes. This may not even happen in my lifetime, although we will need to be prepared to handle the hardships that are soon going to ramp up.

    • @kimmarieburt1313
      @kimmarieburt1313 Місяць тому

      The third temple has been built in pieces and only needs to be assembled when the space is cleared.

  • @RebeccaGroendyke
    @RebeccaGroendyke 6 місяців тому +4

    The Prophet and leaders of the church are in Utah??? The Salt Lake Temple is being renovated. Why would we then be encouraged to leave Utah? Please explain.

    • @iloveamerica53
      @iloveamerica53 6 місяців тому

      I agree. Many will need to stay back. I look at all the temples that are being built in all parts of the world

    • @tokentonyg
      @tokentonyg 5 місяців тому +1

      @@littlecountrykitchenwhen did the church tell him that? The Lord sent me to Utah 🤷 not my favorite place…
      I’m just curious when/ where he was told that

    • @littlecountrykitchen
      @littlecountrykitchen 5 місяців тому

      @@tokentonyg I don't know, maybe not true, heard it 3rd person

    • @brianbacon3106
      @brianbacon3106 5 місяців тому +1

      @@littlecountrykitchenfrom what I know of the man and I have been a guest in his home. If he was told to stop presenting he would stop. He has a humble heart toward leadership and the church.

  • @Freeman3692
    @Freeman3692 5 місяців тому

    OK. Not to be contrary here but the tail feathers of an eagle or any other bird are for stabilization in flight. Often when a raptor is soaring and making a turn the tail will be rolled "contrary" to the turn.
    Orville and Wilbur Wright studied birds in the design phase of their first airplane. Wing warping is the earliest version of ailerons (roll control) and is executed at the wingtips of the main wing- just like an eagle.
    Just for reference:
    I am a pilot and i have a degree in aviation maintenance (airplane mechanic).

  • @julieannecottam
    @julieannecottam 6 місяців тому +2

    There lots of different theories out there and I love that they all point to Christ coming soon. But I think maybe comparing Book of Mormon years to last days years may be off a few years. Like some other people’s theory is 2034? Is when Christ visits and splits the mount in Jerusalem and 2031 is Adam meeting. And others think he may come even earlier than that.

  • @LearningDavid
    @LearningDavid 6 місяців тому

    Thank you for posting this. Is there a party 4? It just seems to end without a closing

  • @PhoenixTide69
    @PhoenixTide69 6 місяців тому

    Thank you for posting Tamara.
    Did he share more than what you posted?
    Meaning, stuff that won't likely be posted on UA-cam?

  • @jbrockhausen4761
    @jbrockhausen4761 5 місяців тому

    yes! And 1335 days added to March 25 2020 = Nov 20 2023
    3 yr anniv of prophet video released nov 20 25 2020
    We know the prophet was awakened in the middle of the night on Sept 17 2020 telling him what date and time to post the video
    3 years later Sept 17 2023 3 temples were dedicated the same day which hadn't happened before
    2 hours apart
    Last one was MOSES temple and wason Rosh Hoshana

  • @abramhatch9554
    @abramhatch9554 6 місяців тому +2

    Morgan correctly states that Jeremiah is prophesying about the latter-days, however, shows his own idolatry of the brethren when he quotes Jer 2: 8 "The priests said not, Where is the Lord? and they that handle the law knew me not: the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit." and then says it is not the brethren when it is clearly talking about priests, pastors and prophets. What other people claim to have prophets? Then he conveniently states he doesn't have time to explain that. smh

  • @melaniestill305
    @melaniestill305 6 місяців тому +1

    There is a part 4?

  • @EphraimFootball
    @EphraimFootball 6 місяців тому +1

    Just curious what the base sound in the background is?

    • @brianbacon3106
      @brianbacon3106 5 місяців тому +1

      Sweet 16 party across the hall

  • @peachesncream67
    @peachesncream67 5 місяців тому

    what trumpet call??? Who heard it? Or what is the trumpet call?

  • @genereck7418
    @genereck7418 2 місяці тому

    What are we looking at - Dish of food or Morgan?

  • @micahstubblefield
    @micahstubblefield 6 місяців тому

    ChatGPT is limited to data up to 2021 so it wasn't programmed to hide anything it just was built prior to the date in question with data it had access to.

    • @brianbacon3106
      @brianbacon3106 5 місяців тому

      You haven’t spoken to it about religion. And the creator has made no qualms about it he has programmed it to lie. You can look it up it is why Elon Musk is fighting with him. Musk thinks it highly unethical to have it lying

  • @redrockdesign966
    @redrockdesign966 6 місяців тому

    Is there a link to something talking about President Nelson blowing Moroni’s Trumpet?

    • @brianbacon3106
      @brianbacon3106 6 місяців тому

      That was Morgan’s allegory in reference to the conference presentation from the sacred grove. You won’t find a Liahona article. But you to can do the math

  • @HOGGZ18
    @HOGGZ18 6 місяців тому +1

    Love listening to Morgan! However when he said the first presidency didn’t tell us to get vaccinated, this caused some confusion. Did the church not release a statement that said “To provide personal protection from such severe infections, we urge individuals to be vaccinated. Available vaccines have proven to be both safe and effective”. Let me know your thoughts

    • @dianebash9402
      @dianebash9402 6 місяців тому +3

      He also said to follow the Spirit to know what to do. I think he did what he had to do.

    • @rjreilly007
      @rjreilly007 6 місяців тому

      Just in my family the covid shot caused head trimmers in my wife her two daughters my wife still persist because she’s older her son-in-law systemic heart failure my sister‘s husband cancer and died within a few years of the shot and I had seen enough video of people taking the shot and passing out, falling over that I did not dare take it believe the profit said to immunize ourselves, we must have our free agency. I did not pray about taking the shot. It never entered my mind. I also didn’t warn my family not to take it because of their free agency and they suffered. Can’t wait for the Lord to come.

    • @tanyarobinson1146
      @tanyarobinson1146 Місяць тому

      He said, prayerfully consider, talk to your doctor and make the best choice for you.

  • @jamesalexander1120
    @jamesalexander1120 6 місяців тому

    Morgan has opened many eyes. Check out Jonathan Cahns books. Prophetic fiction based on scriptures.

  • @SuHwak
    @SuHwak 6 місяців тому +2

    Nooo!!! Where's part 4?!

  • @jbrockhausen4761
    @jbrockhausen4761 5 місяців тому

    Only place u will be safe is in the temple spirirual battle
    You must #Hear him

  • @melaniestill305
    @melaniestill305 6 місяців тому +1

    The Twin Towers was the fulfilment of Joel.

  • @timrice-lb6kn
    @timrice-lb6kn 6 місяців тому

    Has anyone been able to find record of President Hinkley visiting Donald Trump Prior to the Bush administration or during the first term of Bush administration of 2000 2004

  • @tinacarvalhoBodyandHealth
    @tinacarvalhoBodyandHealth 6 місяців тому +1

    Pls:send the rest of this meeting

  • @juansantacruz9278
    @juansantacruz9278 6 місяців тому +1

    The lady beside the microphone is too noise.

  • @RebeccaGroendyke
    @RebeccaGroendyke 6 місяців тому

    Are you still in Utah?

  • @Ryanhelpmeunderstand
    @Ryanhelpmeunderstand 6 місяців тому +2

    I disagree that people should move out of Utah. I trust in God, not in the arm of flesh. If God tells me to move, and through His prophets also, then I would.

  • @Freeman3692
    @Freeman3692 5 місяців тому

    So, is New York City Babylon? Many nations (the UN) are there.
    That would make Washington D.C. Damascus.
    And Salt Lake City Jerusalem.

  • @nancyd2758
    @nancyd2758 6 місяців тому +1

    I love your connections with the scriptures but we need to remember that even Jesus was subjected to the government. He didn’t fight against them at any time. We are to be like him. The government is a worldly prospect and we are to think eternally. These are the signs of the last days, we know that we won’t be subject to worldly government forever but for now that is our lot. Just as the savior, he knew he didn’t need to bow down to the government but he did (not literally of course) but his job was to set up the kingdom of God so the gospel can be spread worldwide. Our job is to continue what he started. Also, we didn’t need our church buildings to worship the Lord that was the most sacred time of my life having the sacrament in my own home. It pushed my husband and I to be more worthy to call upon the Lord for His power and to be able to do those ordinances in our home.

    • @tanyarobinson1146
      @tanyarobinson1146 Місяць тому

      Think of how much priesthood power was being used at that time with sacrament being in homes. Then to think of our homes being dedicated in a conference sessions.

  • @alisadunn5443
    @alisadunn5443 6 місяців тому +1

    Is this literally him 4 days ago speaking?

  • @carmalecheminant9848
    @carmalecheminant9848 6 місяців тому +4

    The person too close to the microphone is annoying with rustling of papers and comments. She is louder than even Morgan's voice. Sorry.

    • @tamarabarnett7506
      @tamarabarnett7506  6 місяців тому +6

      It's a rudimentary recording from my cell phone. It's all I had and I apologize. My purpose in recording this was for the few friends that had hoped to attend in person and couldn't make it to be able to listen. Sorry to be so annoying 🤷‍♀️

    • @naomigillam2354
      @naomigillam2354 6 місяців тому +6

      Thank you for recording this!

    • @KF7P
      @KF7P 6 місяців тому

      Feel free to travel to the next one, do a professional recording with your infinite knowledge of such things, and then post for all to see so we can criticize you. Until then, sit down and shut up!

    • @robbiecan
      @robbiecan 6 місяців тому +5

      I’m grateful for this. The little noise you made wasn’t half as distracting as the music from the other room😂. It is a good practice of filtering out the noise of the world. I’m very glad you posted this. It has inspired me to dig further into my scripture study. THANK YOU!

    • @Hgwells159
      @Hgwells159 6 місяців тому +6

      ​@@tamarabarnett7506you did great with what you had. Thank you for your time and effort to share this.❤

  • @joepro66
    @joepro66 6 місяців тому

    With that imagery now I think the Trump falling is what cased the earthquake...

  • @Hgwells159
    @Hgwells159 6 місяців тому

    I thought 50 + 50 + 25 = 125. Did I misunderstand this?

    • @MommaCrissa
      @MommaCrissa 6 місяців тому +1

      He's saying, Time= 50 + Times = 100 + Half a Time = 25.

    • @Hgwells159
      @Hgwells159 6 місяців тому +1

      @@MommaCrissa ok thanks. I couldn't quite catch what he was saying.

  • @ginnybaker4188
    @ginnybaker4188 6 місяців тому

    The brethren took away the common consent. And say listen to us which restricts the faith of the members.
    You are out of the way thinking the church is not the corrupted one.

  • @freethinker1056
    @freethinker1056 6 місяців тому

    You need to watch Jack Hibbs and John McArthur and hear what true Biblical Scholars are saying about sin! It is in the hands of church leaders. And they didn’t close their churches and have grown while the LDS has flatlined

    • @Hgwells159
      @Hgwells159 6 місяців тому

      According to the National Council of Churches, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the second-fastest-growing church in the United States with three-quarters attending church services at least once a week.

    • @Hgwells159
      @Hgwells159 6 місяців тому

      According to the National Council of Churches, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the second-fastest-growing church in the United States with three-quarters attending church services at least once a week

    • @Hgwells159
      @Hgwells159 6 місяців тому

      According to the National Council of Churches, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the second-fastest-growing church in the United States with three-quarters attending church services at least once a week

  • @markdvorak9972
    @markdvorak9972 5 місяців тому +1

    Not listenable due to a lady making comments, laughing, and not taking the content seriously

  • @trevorwilkerson8769
    @trevorwilkerson8769 6 місяців тому

    2:29:35 government as described by the LORD.

  • @cathyskelton5958
    @cathyskelton5958 6 місяців тому +1

    This is NOT Funny 😢why are you laughing 😮