Five Have Fallen, One Is (Rev 17)

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • Revelation speaks of seven kings, and the sixth one is in power at the time the book was written. Let's look at who this historic figure is.


  • @lonecar144
    @lonecar144 13 днів тому

    We do not have time for a millennial reign;
    Seven 1k yr days, the seals,
    seven headed dragon, Satan(a power and a principality) reared his ugly head seven times,
    5 loaves and 2 fishes, God gave his laws (unleavened bread) to 5k years of man and Jesus died to give us the New Testament 2k years ago (meat, 2 fish) to bind all scripture together,
    Rev 17:10 (KJV). In the time of John five kings had fallen, (five seals) and that makes the seal he is in the sixth seal, leaving only one seal (the seventh) left, the one we are in.
    We are at the end of our time on this earth, 13 … and in the earthquake were slain of men SEVEN THOUSAND: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven. Rev 11:13 (KJV).
    The 1k year reign was in heaven with those that were “caught up” with Jesus at the first resurrection, the thief on the cross being one of them, he did not “sleep in the lord”, he was in paradise that day.
    When you take paraples as literal you end up with fables.

  • @nathanlidgett5688
    @nathanlidgett5688 13 днів тому

    The seven kings are the seven feast days the last one is ( Booths), and the beast in Revelation 17 is the temple. and the woman is the controller of it all. == and the ten kings are the Commandments.=In Revelation 13 your 666, = The man is Solomon = the beast is the temple 1Chronicles 9:13 it's all the Gold in his temple and his house in just one year. Revelation is the things of the past retold. Shalom.

  • @markmoore3530
    @markmoore3530 13 днів тому

    Greetings, Revelation 17:9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. The 7 mountains/hills is Rome. Prophesied by Daniel 3 times in chapters 2, 7, & 9, same prophecy, which is the fact that Rome would be the world power when the kingdom would be established, specifically Daniel 2:44,7:14,9:26. The woman riding the beast is the apostate Jewish priesthood that had turned the temple into an abomination, Isaiah 1:21, 1 Peter 5:13. Verse 10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. Rome had 10 Caesars: Julius, Augustus, Tiberias, Gaius, Claudius, Nero, Galba, Otho, Vitellius, and lastly Vespasian. Five fallen: Julius, Augustus, Tiberias, Gaius, Claudius, one is, Nero, other is not yet come, Galba. Galba (12/3/68 A.D. - 1/15/69) Otho (1/15/69 - 4/16/69) Vitellius (4/16/69 - 12/22/69) these men were all assassinated, Vespasian was the 10th and finished the siege of Jerusalem, as prophesied by the law & prophets. your friend

  • @skywatcher7272
    @skywatcher7272 13 днів тому

    I called Him yeshua too until i heard an actual rabbi call yeshua ..metatron

  • @dieselgypsy1100
    @dieselgypsy1100 13 днів тому +2

    John didn't write Revelation until after he was released from Patmos by Domition after the death of Titus Caesar in AD81. So your whole hypothesis is wrong from the beginning. Stop misleading people!

    • @randyfleming3571
      @randyfleming3571 13 днів тому +2

      Nero was born Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus. Seven times Pliny refers to Nero as “Domitius Nero” in his Natural History: “For this reason it is that both King Demetrius, Caesar the Dictator [Julius], the prince Caius [Caligula], and Domitius Nero, have at different times made the attempt to cut through this neck by forming a navigable canal [Isthmus of Corinth];
      The Syriac translation has the title page... Syriac Revelation Title Page AD 550: “It is well known that the Peshito, the oldest Syriac version of the New Testament, does not contain the Apocalypse. But the title-page of a Syriac version of the Apocalypse in the sixth century declares that it was written by John in Patmos, whither he was banished by Nero.”

    • @dieselgypsy1100
      @dieselgypsy1100 13 днів тому +1

      @@randyfleming3571 After much fact checking, Here are the findings. John was banished to Patmos by Emperor Domition (born Titus Flavius Domitianus) in AD94. After the death of Domition in AD96, the Roman senate (under Emeror Marcus Cocceius Nerva) annulled all the sentences of the banished and so John returned to Ephesus. John clearly writes that it is after he left Patmos that he wrote of the Revelation he had while on Patmos, making this sometime in AD97 or 98 and at least 26+ years after the destruction of Jerusalem!

    • @randyfleming3571
      @randyfleming3571 13 днів тому

      @dieselgypsy1100 The Temple and the Revelation
      Rev 11:1 KJV And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.
      Revelation 11 'The reference to Jerusalem and the Temple in chapter 11 seems clearly to imply their existence at the time the Book was written; and this, together with the expectation of Christ’s speedy second coming, accords well with the early date. If this view be correct the Revelation was the first of John’s Writings, not the last, though its subject-matter naturally gives it its place as the conclusion of the New Testament and of all revelation.'
      - W Graham Scroggie, DD (Edin), Know Your Bible
      John was to measure the temple, the altar, and them that worshipped, which strongly implies the temple was still standing when he wrote the Revelation.
      A Quote from Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible
      Revelation 11:1 'And there was given me a reed - See Eze_40:3, etc. Measure the temple of God - This must refer to the temple of Jerusalem; and this is another presumptive evidence that it was yet standing. Revelation 11:2 ' But the court - is given unto the Gentiles - The measuring of the temple probably refers to its approaching destruction, and the termination of the whole Levitical service; and this we find was to be done by the Gentiles, (Romans), who were to tread it down forty-two months; i.e., just three years and a half, or twelve hundred and sixty days. This must be a symbolical period.'
      The measuring rod was a building term. The rod was for the demolition as well as the construction of a building. Metaphorically, the temple awaited its impending destruction.
      2Ki 21:13 KJV And I will stretch over Jerusalem the line of Samaria, and the plummet of the house of Ahab: and I will wipe Jerusalem as a man wipeth a dish, wiping it, and turning it upside down.
      2 King 21:10-13 is an example of building terms used in times of judgement and destruction.
      A Quote from John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible
      2 Kings 21:13 'And I will stretch over Jerusalem the line of Samaria,.... The Targum is, the line of destruction; and the sense is, that the same measure should be measured to Jerusalem as was to Samaria; that is, the same lot and portion should befall one as the other, that is, be utterly destroyed: and the plummet of the house of Ahab; the Targum is, the weight or plummet of tribulation; signifying, that the same calamities should come upon the families of Jerusalem, and especially on the family of Manasseh as came upon the family of Ahab. It is a metaphor from builders that take down as well as raise up buildings by rule and measure, see 2Sa_8:2.'
      Rev 11:2 KJV But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.
      A Quote from Easton's Bible Dictionary
      'Several remains of Herod's stately temple have by recent explorations been brought to light. It had two courts, one intended for the Israelites only, and the other, a large outer court, called "the court of the Gentiles," intended for the use of strangers of all nations. These two courts were separated by a low wall, as Josephus states, some 4 1/2 feet high, with thirteen openings. Along the top of this dividing wall, at regular intervals, were placed pillars bearing in Greek an inscription to the effect that no stranger was, on the pain of death, to pass from the court of the Gentiles into that of the Jews.'
      It has been suggested by those who promote the AD 95 date of the Revelation that the temple in John's vision was not Herod's temple, since it was destroyed in AD 70. Nevertheless, it is interesting to note John's reference to the Court of the Gentiles, which was an extravagant addition, commissioned by Herod. Therefore, it is likely John saw Herod's temple in the Revelation.
      Forty and Two Months and the Revelation
      Dan 12:7 KJV And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.
      'to scatter the power of the holy people’ Daniel prophesied a sign of the end Old Covenant Israel would be the dispersion of the nation. History records that catastrophe occurred in AD 70.
      'forty and two months' Daniel also prophesied it would be accomplished during ‘a time, times, and an half', which most commentators agree that in prophetic language a ‘time’ is one year, ‘times’ is two years, and ‘half’ is half a year, equivalent to forty-two months.
      Luk 21:24 KJV And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
      During the Olivet discourse, Jesus foretold the events leading to the destruction of the temple, Jerusalem, and the dispersion of the people in AD 70. He also taught this national calamity was the fulfillment of Daniel's prophecy in Daniel 12:7.
      Rev 11:2 KJV But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread underfoot forty and two months.
      Jesus affirmed in the Revelation the timeline of Daniel's prophecy, which was exactly the duration of the pre-AD 70 Jewish-Roman War. Therefore, the Revelation existed before the destruction of the temple. Albert Barnes made the following insightful observation:
      Mat 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
      A Quote from Albert Barnes' Notes on the Bible
      Matthew 24:15 ‘The abomination of desolation - This is a Hebrew expression, meaning an abominable or hateful destroyer. The Gentiles were all held in abomination by the Jews, Act_10:28. The abomination of desolation means the Roman army, and is so explained by Luk_21:20. The Roman army is further called the “abomination” on account of the images of the emperor, and the eagles, carried in front of the legions, and regarded by the Romans with divine honors.
      Spoken of by Daniel the prophet - Dan_9:26-27; Dan_11:31; Dan_12:11, see the notes at those passages.
      Standing in the holy place - Mark says, standing where it ought not,” meaning the same thing. All Jerusalem was esteemed “holy,” Mat_4:5. The meaning of this is, when you see the Roman armies standing in the holy city or encamped around the temple, or the Roman ensigns or standards in the temple. Josephus relates that when the city was taken, the Romans brought their idols into the temple, and placed them over the eastern gate, and sacrificed to them there, “Jewish Wars,” b. 6 chapter 6, section 1.
      Whoso readeth ... - This seems to be a remark made by the evangelist to direct the attention of the reader particularly to the meaning of the prophecy by Daniel.’
      The Imminent Factor and the Revelation
      The Revelation predicated the Lord's imminent return. So why do most Bible commentators ignore or misinterpret what is clearly in the Scriptures?
      The Lord made it transparently clear on four occasions in the first chapter and four times in the final chapter. In my opinion, it impugns the intelligence of believers to teach and adamantly maintain the Revelation applies to a generation in the far and distant future!
      It would have been cruel to say the least, if the Lord gave the Revelation to John for the encouragement of believers, during a time of great tribulation and persecution under the Emperor Nero, containing a message of His imminent glorious return, knowing the event would not transpire for thousands of years.

    • @michaelcarr8932
      @michaelcarr8932 3 дні тому

      ​@@dieselgypsy1100John would have been around 95 years old if he wrote that late. Jerusalem was still standing when he wrote. Rev.11.....Jewish persecution of Christians still in full flight. Not after 70ad.