Lucid Dying: Understanding the Near Death Experience

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • Dr. Bruce Greyson has consulted with the National Institutes of Health and addressed symposia on consciousness at the United Nations and at the Dalai Lama’s compound in Dharamsala, India. Dr. Greyson’s interest in near-death experiences began just a few months after graduating from medical school, when he treated an unconscious patient in the emergency room who stunned him the next morning with an account of leaving her body. That event challenged his beliefs about the mind and the brain, and ultimately led him on a journey to study near-death experiences scientifically, leading to more than a hundred publications in medical journals. He co-founded the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), an organization to support and promote research into these experiences.
    3:20 Does it takes longer to die than we thought?
    6:49 Why would somebody be upset at the prospect of our consciousness continuing after death?
    9:21 Why are people threatened by the idea of spiritual dimensions but not the concept of other dimensions in physics?
    12:57 Why does time seem to slow down near death?
    16:31 How do we explain that some religions describe what researchers have discovered through NDE's?
    19:54 How can we account for reports of an individual’s consciousness entering another's body?
    26:19 Is there a distinction between a drug-induced experience and a near-death experience?
    33:02 Is the brain blocking access to the “higher dimensions?"
    38:04 As various deities are sometimes identified, how can competing religious systems all be correct?
    40:23 Is deity the right word to describe religious figures identified by NDE's?
    42:45 In near-death experiences, could people's experience of music be reminiscent of music in the higher world?
    44:11 What should we ultimately take away from NDE's?
    Explore more at and
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  • @greenthumb8266
    @greenthumb8266 Рік тому +25

    When I was 27 years old, almost thirty years ago,I was working two jobs and I had just gotten home from my morning job in the early afternoon with not much time before I would have to leave to get to my next job. I got a few things done and laid on my couch to just rest my body, I didn’t fall asleep, I had just a few minutes to spare before I would have to leave. Suddenly, and soundlessly, a vortex ( for lack of a better word) opened up in the living room wall across the room from me, I could see the walls of the tunnel were spinning with every color imaginable and more, like opalescent, there was an attractive young man in the distance, he seemed very kind and calm, and he said (but I didn’t see his lips move), “everything is going to be okay”. And then just as quickly and quietly as it had opened the vortex was gone and my wall looked the same as before. I know this sounds strange, but I didn’t feel alarm, I didn’t question it at all, like looking back over the years I wonder why I wasn’t like , what the heck was that?!? , but I just sort of filed it away and left for work. Two days later I was contacted by a person my family had sent to notify me of my father’s passing, he was 82 years old but had been healthy and I wasn’t expecting him to have died. He was 55 when I was born so I had never known/seen him as a young man. When I gathered back with my family for the wake/funeral I inquired as to the time and cause of his death, I was told he had a reaction to a flu shot and had passed at exactly the time I had had the “vortex” experience. I know I’ll see him again when it’s my time to cross on to the next adventure.

    • @Gr88tful
      @Gr88tful 7 місяців тому +5

      Beautiful story. Thank you for sharing that!!

  • @adriancano3991
    @adriancano3991 Рік тому +10

    I was surprised after my NDE.. Surprised no Doctor asked me what I experienced.. It’s a ride impossible to explain in our 3D dimension. The awareness of being more alive then I ever been. The ridiculous speed your traveling.. The downloading speed, faster than any computer on earth.. The life review started in my mothers womb.. Stuff I didn’t even remember before my NDE was downloaded Most of all the love and calmness I never felt on earth. The worship there is love not religion.

  • @mikey6214
    @mikey6214 Рік тому +25

    A paradox is a phenomenon in time, when there is no measure of time there is no time paradox. The NDE happens all at once, but when someone relays their story to you, they have to relay it as a sequence, because this is the only reference we share. Mainly because most of us don’t have a concept of existing outside of time. When two NDE experiencers speak to each other, they both have a common reference of non-time.

    • @skepticalgenious
      @skepticalgenious 11 місяців тому +1

      Not in my experience. Time worked differently there. And no I don't know how to explain this. Simply time was different but still existent in that experience.

    • @skepticalgenious
      @skepticalgenious 4 місяці тому

      @user-kp9fz1jp9i I like your confidence. I have no idea about absolutes regarding this Phenomenon.

  • @timakey4678
    @timakey4678 10 місяців тому +7

    My recent NDE was near the exact opposite of the stories one normally hears. The “time” issue was part of the experience. What those around me measured in minutes were like an eternity to me. But there was nothing pleasant about it, no feeling of peace, no white light, no welcoming group. The Doctors involved later shared with my wife that they had no idea how I fought my way back to life, let alone how I had done so more than once. But “fight” was certainly part of my experience. The only analogy I can come up with is one of a back alley street fight with a foe I couldn’t see and didn’t understand. Other parts were excruciating pain, chaos, and being completely isolated from the world I “know”. Oddly enough the experience has not left any residual fear though I know the experience of death is inevitable.
    I had little use for religion before this event and have no use for it now. Institutionalized religion has proven to be a major cause of evil in our world. All we know is that we don’t know very much, and that how we treat each other determines the quality of our collective lives. I did my best to live a worthy life before the NDE. I live the same way now. None of human kind’s imaginations of “gods” are of much use.

    • @mboogie1
      @mboogie1 9 місяців тому

      Sounds like you went to hell bro…you may want to reconsider faith lol

    • @rickprivara4513
      @rickprivara4513 7 місяців тому +1

      Interesting for sure!

    • @timakey4678
      @timakey4678 7 місяців тому

      @@rickprivara4513 I've read many stories of NDEs, none seem much like what I experienced. It's a puzzle. A friend of mine (no more a person of faith than I am) laughed a little when he heard the story. His explanation for my return was that neither heaven nor hell knew what to do with me, so I got tossed back into the fray. I can't make any sense of it other than suspecting that my brain, starved for oxygen and inundated with sensory inputs it didn't know how to interpret, just went haywire. How and why I survived is just as much a mystery to me as it is to the doctors involved. It would have been interesting to have had some etherial encounter that shed some light on our existence, but that simply wasn't the case.

  • @doronron7323
    @doronron7323 Рік тому +7

    This topic highlights the fact that relatively few people aren't as articulate or as perceptive in their daily lives as they would wish, when confronted with some unfamiliar experience .
    Often, such people, when exposed to, or encounter those with a wider perspective are either drawn towards percieved expansion of their lives, or just as likely to reject and resent that which conflicts with what they have grown to accept as real or normal.

  • @LuisHernandez-fl3pc
    @LuisHernandez-fl3pc Рік тому +13

    I’m an NDE
    I was also a none believer or atheist if you will for my entire life before my NDE about three years ago
    Religion and God and Jesus and heaven was nothing more than a joke to me until that night when I stopped breathing and died
    My experience was an amazing surprise to say the least when I was taking to the presence of the one people call Jesus
    Of course I still not a religious person nor I will ever become one, religion is of man and not of God I was told
    But the experience itself couldn’t stand alone in my view because I was an atheist and I needed more prove and then more prove until I couldn’t fight the reality that was put in front of me day after day and at all times and everywhere
    You see!? Is not only about the experiences, but is the aftermath of the experiences that we can’t deny
    I had a number of OBEs after that and many visions and I couldn’t deny what I was seeing or experiencing, this would happened anywhere and at anytime without warnings or any particular reason
    I definitely understand how difficult this things must be for some people to understand and how easy it is to dismiss them, and truly I tell you that before my NDE anyone would have come to me with this crazy things? No no no my friends! I would be lagging and making fun of them for sure and without any doubt
    But is funny how things work, today I’m one of this crazy people and there’s absolutely nothing I can do about it, because is the only thing that’s real
    So I wish you all well on whatever path you are on because all paths will take as to the same place after all
    So be Love my friends, and you should be blessed
    Be well

    • @sajanaryal6932
      @sajanaryal6932 3 місяці тому

      How do you know that this phenomena has anything to do with Jesus or God? Just because consciousness continues after death of physical body shouldn't be viewed as proof of God.

    • @LuisHernandez-fl3pc
      @LuisHernandez-fl3pc 3 місяці тому +1

      Good comment
      But before I can answer your question I must ask, What or whom is God to you?
      The word God itself is full of religious beliefs and the only reason why I would use that word is for communication purposes but this word God is so small earthly that it doesn’t mean much or explains what God is
      So what does it mean to you?

  • @LuisHernandez-fl3pc
    @LuisHernandez-fl3pc Рік тому +9

    And I want to thank you Dr and IANDS
    Without your lecture and videos I would had probably ended up in a crazy house
    I wish you well and many blessings

    • @LuisHernandez-fl3pc
      @LuisHernandez-fl3pc 4 місяці тому +1

      Man!, I appreciate your intellectual response, but I stopped halfway because I’ve heard this so many times is boring as hell, all this had been debunked over and over again but for some reason people still repeating this without actually knowing what they’re talking about
      I know this because for 54 years I used to be one of you as a lifelong none believer, I m not religious and I will never be a religious person but at some point you people need to start paying more attention and stop repeating what what “scientists” says and do your own research for your own understanding and fee yourself for this dumb scientific theories
      But that’s fine my friend, it doesn’t even matter after all because you will see this for yourself at some point
      So thank you and I wish you well

  • @cryptocurrent8106
    @cryptocurrent8106 Рік тому +4

    "But no man can truly know himself unless first he knows what he is rather then who he is..." Gerhard Dorn, Belgian philosopher alchemist, physician .... 16th century

  • @Kosmophilos
    @Kosmophilos 3 місяці тому +2

    Why would some people not want consciousness surviving after death? I think you underestimate how depressed and mentally broken some people are. They rather experience nothing than pure bliss.

  • @recyclednew
    @recyclednew Рік тому +5

    I have had a few NDEs and each one was different in terms of what I saw but similar in the aspect of how I saw it. Just like we experience things here, there’s a congruency to how things are perceived. My last experience was the most intense and that was a few years ago and it still lingers. Life has been profoundly altered for me. At the beginning of this experience after coming back, I couldn’t get a grip on time. My mind was time traveling through my memories in such a way that it felt like I was stepping back into brief moments of my past experiences. I had not experienced such a intensity profound experience in my past NDEs. For a while I was very overwhelmed by it and I really wanted it to stop. The world felt very fluid. Not like liquid but nothing seemed quite as solid as we are used to. I described the experience as being in a big glob of jello and when it got shook I would shift inside it and see things from a different perspective. It was beyond words and way more intense than that but this is the closest I could think of to kinda explain the experience. And now I feel out of phase with my life. Like imagine your life and everyone in it as a big puzzle and then the puzzle gets changed and your piece no longer fits in it. So you are sitting outside the puzzle trying to figure out how to get the pieces back the way they were. But you and everyone in your life have been profoundly changed by your experience and nobody including you knows how to make sense of it all and get the puzzle back in order. Hopefully my analogies are helpful to someone struggling to find ways to explain their experience. And hopefully others will be able to get a sense of what it might be like for some people. Reading about DMT and thinking about religious and cultural beliefs I think it’s plausible that at the moment of these experiences our pineal gland releases a chemical that is a powerful hallucinogenic and our beliefs and important factors in our life at that time influence our experience. Not to diminish the impact of the experience because I do believe that we have a mystical connection to something beyond ourselves and the chemical opens a doorway to something our brain cannot fully comprehend.

    • @beekneed
      @beekneed 3 місяці тому

      Truly fascinating

  • @sort_to_see_hidden_comments
    @sort_to_see_hidden_comments Рік тому +2

    When I fainted as a child from a car accident, I also remembered the time was slow down, and as expected from what we know of waves frequency and pitch, the voices of the people around this scene were sound very low pitch to my ears\mind.

  • @TheGarrymoore
    @TheGarrymoore Рік тому +6

    Electrical activity was intermittent. Most of the time it was a flat line. Only two persons out of 9 with NDE had EEG recordings. This refers to these 2 cases.

    • @michaeldecarli5243
      @michaeldecarli5243 Рік тому

      We’re the other 7 NDE reports also hooked up to EEG or was it just that they weren’t having their brain waves measured?

    • @narutouzamaki1199
      @narutouzamaki1199 Рік тому +1

      So, do we not associate those brain waves with consciousness after clinical death? Even if they are measured after things such as cardiac arrest?

    • @TheGarrymoore
      @TheGarrymoore Рік тому +2

      @@narutouzamaki1199 Even if we associate them, association does not mean causation.

    • @michaeldecarli5243
      @michaeldecarli5243 Рік тому +2

      @@narutouzamaki1199 the problem is the brain waves recorded we’re very fleeting. It takes huge amounts of coordination between multiple brain areas to maintain consciousness in the human brain.
      To illustrate, drinking to excess will cause you to black out. No memories formed whatsoever. And that’s a minor disruption in brain activity.
      During cardiac arrest there is a complete disruption of brain activity. With the potential explanation of brief gamma waves readings during cardiac arrest.
      It is a stretch to think that brief gamma wave readings would create the vivid, life changing, and well formed experiences reported in near death experiences.
      By saying that brief gamma wave spikes can account for the creation such intense experiences is discounting the rest of neuroscience understanding.
      TO MAKE THINGS MORE CONFUSING, research conducted in the last ten years (and repeated over and over again at Johns Hopkins and Imperial College London) on psychedelic drugs show that the more intense spiritual experience, the LESS brain activity is recorded.
      What we are just beginning to uncover is that the brain plays a role in MEDIATING consciousness as opposed to creating it.
      It is my belief (and Dr. Parnia’s, the doctor who conducted the AWARE II study) that these gamma waves during cardiac arrest could begin to show a MEDIATING mechanism between the brain and consciousness at large.

    • @beekneed
      @beekneed 3 місяці тому

      So interesting!

  • @vayasaberlo8
    @vayasaberlo8 Рік тому +6

    And no references to the deaths of other animals?, Especially those abused for " food"😮

    • @vayasaberlo8
      @vayasaberlo8 4 місяці тому

      I am not dead yet ( I think) & have had many OBEs, verifying matters I had no prior knowledge of....

  • @mikeking7351
    @mikeking7351 Рік тому +53

    This is made complicated. It is simple. The brain is an interface to the soul in control of the body. Memories are not stored in the brain. They are stored in the soul.

    • @polaris7314
      @polaris7314 Рік тому +9

      By my intuition, the soul is also an interface for an even wider self, and memories are actually notes on the non-linear level of the existence of somebodies highest essence. This essence, by the way, is always individual, because absolutely everything that exists in a dimensional-energetic sense has the attributes of individuality.
      Memories are the way a non-linear individual being enacts/lives the myriad images of its individual, linear existence. ⚛An atom, flower, man, soul, logos 🕉... all these are memories in the spirit of an individual eternal being.🌞

    • @benji-5796
      @benji-5796 Рік тому +3

      There is no soul. Thitch nhat the famous Buddha says this openly.

    • @polaris7314
      @polaris7314 Рік тому +8

      @@benji-5796 Soul is just a word. It does not take extraordinary intelligence to understand that information in the world is hierarchically organized in terms of complexity. This was true of both the physical world and the cosmos as a whole. The soul or higher self is only a mental attempt to name some intelligent informational units hierarchically higher than what in an informational sense represents a physical human being.
      By the way, I am surprised at your assumption that anyone knows what the Buddha actually said thousands of years ago, when we see these days that we cannot fully believe even what someone did or did not say a few days ago.

    • @benji-5796
      @benji-5796 Рік тому +1

      @@polaris7314 I’m stating the Buddha Thich Nhat Hanh who had openly said there is no existence beyond death. I find it incredible how mediums can channel spirits yet these high profound Buddhas cannot.

    • @polaris7314
      @polaris7314 Рік тому +4

      @@benji-5796 Only someone who is highly profound himself can accurately estimate how highly profound someone else is because otherwise, he can only guess and believe. Among the thousands of high-profile people who claim this or that, you found someone who supposedly (do you have any link?) asserts something that is in line with your materialistic agenda. Enjoy yourself.

  • @Darrelpark
    @Darrelpark Рік тому +6

    time does not exist in the spirit. I died and I was given life again, along with the gift of experiencing the peace that passes all understanding that lasted 2.5 months then the human emotion of fear showed up. God answered all my questions with full understanding humans can comprehend. My experience was also repeated by a local business owner. We have been given a wonderful gift of life with a level of understanding few people will ever have. Fearing God is the beginning of wisdom. When the demons who were in the man before Jesus knowing him, asked has the time come? The demons knew who Jesus is, why do humans have a hard time believing, knowing Jesus. What does the life cycle of a raindrop teach us? List the many lessons we learn from studying a tree that lives in one location for hundreds of years. God Loves us. He doesn't want any of us (our spirit) to spend existence apart from him. We learn faith in ourselves thru trial and error. Believe in God and Jesus Christ and the Holy spirit. You can't see the wind yet you see its effect on you. God works in strange and mysterious ways his wonders he performs.

  • @mikey6214
    @mikey6214 Рік тому +7

    Empathic telepathy. If we all had this ability, even at 10% the world would be a much nicer place....maybe the next great tech gadget.

    • @rileyhoffman6629
      @rileyhoffman6629 Рік тому

      ore the next biological evolutionary step... homo humilis

  • @carolinebielby5924
    @carolinebielby5924 11 місяців тому +1

    I think its fascinating the guy who did this study i think i read somewhere that the person could know they passed on cause the brain kept carrying on 😮

  • @sort_to_see_hidden_comments
    @sort_to_see_hidden_comments Рік тому +2

    Why we are able to see and hear when we leave our body, but losing our ability to be hungry or to feel sexual urges?
    And how can we be certain that the outer body experience is not autoscapy?

  • @theophany150
    @theophany150 8 місяців тому

    If you haven't already read Julian Jaynes';' Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, it is relevant to this.

  • @ginaiosef
    @ginaiosef Рік тому +3

    Thank you both ! ❤ ❤ ❤

  • @Xztjhyb7
    @Xztjhyb7 4 місяці тому +1

    So one has to die to experirnce gods love. Seems crazy.. We live in a material world and many suffer badly daily but this God doesnt help them. Some end the pain themselves in suicide what does that say about god.

  • @Serenoj69
    @Serenoj69 Рік тому

    The awareness an hour after "death" does mean (??) that we experience something IN our brain, not outside of it.

  • @kursk124
    @kursk124 Рік тому


  • @nayanmipun6784
    @nayanmipun6784 Рік тому +1

    Are waves material phenomenon?

  • @rileyhoffman6629
    @rileyhoffman6629 Рік тому +2

    With apologies I cannot recall the source, but I read that about 24 hours after the heart stops, a part of the brain lights up an MRI. Any information on this?

    • @PaperBagMan884
      @PaperBagMan884 Рік тому +1

      24 hours? Wouldn't the brain be completely dead due to total lack of oxygen for a whole day?

    • @rileyhoffman6629
      @rileyhoffman6629 Рік тому +1

      @@PaperBagMan884 One would think so...

    • @gradaloo
      @gradaloo Рік тому

      @@PaperBagMan884 No. There is now solid evidence, acquired during the last ten years, that when oxygen supply is cut off the brain enters a quiescent state and it takes many hours, possibly up to 48 hrs, for neurons to die. In a slightly gruesome experiment done at Yale, heads of pigs decapitated at the slaughterhouse were brought back to the lab many hours later. They were perfused with oxygen and nutrients plus drugs to suppress excitotoxic effects of reperfusion. The brains soon showed 'normal' metabolic activity throughout using functional MRI. Were the pigs conscious? A dreadful question, but an important one.

  • @mosaicmind88
    @mosaicmind88 Рік тому +2

    I think consciousness/soul is the "observer" in quantum physics.

    • @user-yv7ub9tq6v
      @user-yv7ub9tq6v 7 місяців тому

      The ability to measure is the observer.

  • @viralroom1001
    @viralroom1001 Рік тому +10

    yall are sick if yall are telling people its “lucid dreaming” when they actually was clinically dead and was brought back to life….

    • @nikkic83
      @nikkic83 Рік тому

      Growth is still needed. I wish you well in your journey.

    • @johnyannelli2480
      @johnyannelli2480 11 місяців тому

      Grow up!

    • @viralroom1001
      @viralroom1001 11 місяців тому

      @@johnyannelli2480 you first

  • @mikey6214
    @mikey6214 Рік тому +2

    These aren’t the droids your looking for...move along...move along.

  • @zaidiziohh
    @zaidiziohh Місяць тому

    You can understand the mind of the Creator by observing its Creation: a newborn who is neither Jewish, nor Muslim , nor Christian or any other religion. Hence it is logical to conclude that religions are not created by the Divine but the human mind. That is exactly what these NDEr are telling us: On the other side, there are no religions.

  • @detdet3871
    @detdet3871 8 місяців тому

    I have never had an NDE but I can attest to the beautiful music, but it was not an NDE.

    • @darrylschultz9395
      @darrylschultz9395 8 місяців тому +1

      The beautiful music in a non-NDE(i.e.,a normal everyday) experience happens to people all the time, just by them pressing the ON button on their stereo, or attending a concert etc. But how's that relevant to this discussion?

    • @detdet3871
      @detdet3871 8 місяців тому

      @@darrylschultz9395 well the discussion is also about the music NDE'rs experience, so the music that I heard that once, I can't ascribe it to radio music or anything that I have heard before, and it's not a sound I can easily explain also it was only ever once, so I know that it was not a product of a radio or something artificial. I should also put some context to it. It was upon awakening and "" flouting"" back into my body that I heard this music. I was convinced astro travel was a real thing as it happened to me a fair amount, but I have come to realize it's just a product of brain doing a particular thing. Non the less it was not an NDE but it was real for me and EXTREMELY Beautiful.

    • @darrylschultz9395
      @darrylschultz9395 8 місяців тому +1

      @@detdet3871 So music you heard wasn't because of an NDE(because you haven't had an NDE), and you know it wasn't from any of the different ways that music is produced in the normal everyday world, so that only leaves-what? Maybe extraterrestrials were lurking in the bushes nearby? That no doubt seems silly to suggest, but when NDEs and normal life are excluded, that's the only other possibility I can come up with. But I just remembered, there is the fact that some people hear stuff in their head that isn't heard by anyone else, so perhaps that's the answer to the mystery. That's the entire list of possibilities so take your pick.

    • @darrylschultz9395
      @darrylschultz9395 8 місяців тому

      @@detdet3871 Ah ha-The flouting? Or was it the fluting?😉

    • @detdet3871
      @detdet3871 8 місяців тому

      @@darrylschultz9395 well yes it was a production in my head that only I could have experienced, what ever factors contribute to the making of that *music*, I cannot know, my limited knowledge would say that it's an over production of cortisol and/or serotonin released at the same time I was awakening. The floating (astro-traveling) sensation I felt was probably lack of good circulation of blood to the the brain, but there was never an experience of the associated descriptions that NDE"rs go through before I heard the music.

  • @dmcarden
    @dmcarden Рік тому +3

    Seems to me that the first question, based on Sam Parnia's studies, shows the brain is still active far after cardiac death, so... these NDEs could either be the brain comforting the person as part of the dying experience, or, perhaps there are different abilities as part of dying (e.g. looking at our body) but still doesn't confirm that we actually exist truly when our body is completely dead.

    • @insomevitya
      @insomevitya Рік тому +6

      Might be. Unclear what is the purpose of it tho, like evolution does not like unneeded stuff right

    • @dmcarden
      @dmcarden Рік тому

      @@insomevitya agreed

    • @carlaarebekahroberts7107
      @carlaarebekahroberts7107 Рік тому +2

      @@insomevitya May well be just an ‘ultra’ survival mechanism when confronted with the most extreme such as death: brain chemicals calming the consciousness enough so that it becomes lucid, focused and in ‘thinking’ and problem solving mode, in order to make sense of, and to comprehend the reality of what is happening, rather than in confusion and panic. It’s similar to fight or flight but since in such state we can no longer fight nor flight but rather only find peace in acceptance, thus leading to states of clarity/problem solving/purpose and understanding. In those terms it is kind of evolutionary but only applied in most extreme cases such as facing one’s own death.

    • @insomevitya
      @insomevitya Рік тому

      @@carlaarebekahroberts7107 good idea. I guess brain just decides to give us some cool stuff to see for the very last time haha

    • @RheemQ
      @RheemQ Рік тому

      ​@@dmcardenDude, stop trying to use science to explain consciousness because they still can't figure it out. Also, let's say the brain is comforting them. How do you explain the situations where you have doctors who back that people who have NDE's were able to read their thoughts in another room? How is that the brain comforting the patient? This is why I said stop trying to use science because science itself still can't figure out how the brain works. When will you people understand that science is nothing more than theories and hypothesis being tested? It doesn't mean 100% true but you treat it like it is.

  • @puppydog10gs
    @puppydog10gs Рік тому +4

    Hi armchair philosopher here. When someone has an incorrect internal model that they’re identifying with and reality comes along and breaks it it’s going to sting a bit. When they attack the other position they’re trying to patch up the incorrect broken model that they’re attached to. Just an observation from an amateur

  • @bitofwizdomb7266
    @bitofwizdomb7266 3 місяці тому

    Just take ayahuasca/dmt. you’ll get similar mystical experience

  • @Postoasted
    @Postoasted 5 місяців тому

    When you die for keeps, the "real" you the soul either ends up in Hell or Heaven. If you want to end up in Heaven and partake of the many blessings God has in store for those who believe Him, then you must pray the following with conviction:
    "Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness.
    I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.
    You said in the bible that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved.
    Right now I confess Jesus as my Lord. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Amen."

  • @forrestiwaszewski4970
    @forrestiwaszewski4970 8 місяців тому

    Why do people have such a hard time understanding that we're all part of a supernatural world
    You can not measure how we popped out with bodies so perfect in terms of its makeup. People are ignorant and want to believe they have everything explained in terms of the physical world.
    No one can explain dark matter or where consciousness comes from..
    We are more than physical
    Unfortunately, it takes NDE experiences by the greatest scientists who are atheist to understand how wrong they were.
    Carl Sagan moment after death must of felt like a deep sht lol

  • @dfkuz
    @dfkuz Рік тому

    I see you have me shadow banned.

    • @dfkuz
      @dfkuz 4 місяці тому

      @user-kp9fz1jp9i I remember you, James! I notice that you are making more sense with your explanations and appearing a bit less frenetic, so I'll give you a normal answer and that is, that I'd believe your explanation more readily if I had not telepathically heard the voices of my own demons back in the early 1990's, and fortunately I realized their identity and did the only thing to exorcise them from myself, and that was to place my faith in Jesus Christ completely for my salvation to eternal life. Even if you haven't heard disembodied voices, it's still a good idea for everyone to do it!

  • @mikey6214
    @mikey6214 Рік тому +2

    The brain once believed the earth is flat, todays brain knows it’s a sphere....the brain is evolving.....someday the brain will know what god is.

    • @SwedishDoomGoblin
      @SwedishDoomGoblin Рік тому

      Fish eye lenses in cameras and same with planes of NASA the real view is warped. Since learning of this I now have my doubts about earth being round. That and a live video feed I was watching NASA guys glove wasn't fully strapped and everyone could see bare skin on his hand. Yet he didn't notice until the chat box started to mention it and the live feed shut off basically 2 minutes after that. Live feed went offline. This world is full of scams

  • @Xztjhyb7
    @Xztjhyb7 4 місяці тому

    Not convincing at all.

  • @inedex
    @inedex 11 місяців тому

    The interviewer should have kept his stupid thoughts inside. Mathematics of quantum physics is complete and the evolving part is pure field of physics and physicists - people who make connections between the formula and physical world and find sense in the mathematical results. It is not philosophers. And there go many more stupid remarks and questions. Thanks to Dr. Greyson for patience and his work of life.

  • @joplaygames666
    @joplaygames666 Рік тому

    Once you are dead you are dead, wormfood

    • @dgaydos
      @dgaydos 10 місяців тому +1

      Won't you be surprised! You won't be worm-food, but your body certainly will be :)

  • @blackhorse8427
    @blackhorse8427 Рік тому +1

    It's just N,N-Dimethyltryptamine in your brain not god, nde or other bs.

    • @Macceee
      @Macceee Рік тому +1

      This "DMT" myth is a persistent one and bas been debunked over and over. The experiment wasn't even performed on a human brain, but in rats. Besides, the level of DMT wasn't even high enough (converted in to human conditions) to create a drug-trip. Also, an overwhelming majority of people who both had an NDE and also tried DMT say they are not the same thing, not even close.

    • @sorayacroton1399
      @sorayacroton1399 Рік тому

      How come there are mediums . And they talk to our loved ones . They tell us things that no one would know about .. 😮

    • @joplaygames666
      @joplaygames666 Рік тому

      @@sorayacroton1399there are things callwd IG, Facebook, youtube

    • @MamaRestInPeace1424
      @MamaRestInPeace1424 5 місяців тому

      @blackhorse8427 You have no way to explain how a person in dying phase was able to walk down the hall and listen to Doctors and family talking. How they can reference every detail watching above the body as they are dying or dead on the operating table. There is no Brain chemical that does that. You have a hard time accepting there is something beyond this life, if there wasn’t, then explain how people hover above their body, hear the Doctors, and walk down the halls, watching and listening to their families. I say again, no Brain chemical allows this to happen, not one, and you know it. There is something there after the last breath, you can’t accept it, but the current medical research proves it.