Hi Majed, thanks for visiting my channel… noted… please help sharing my videos and channel with your friends, colleagues and other platforms and help grow if you like
Without doing this configuration. Have you ever tried adding custom tcode in a role with a folder created in menu? And check in launchpad if the tcode appears as tile? It worked for me version 1909.
Hi @shaiksharief2422, thank you… please consider subscribing and sharing my channel and videos with your friends and colleagues because that is only motivation I have to get more good content, hope you will find sometime to share on LinkedIn and different platforms
Superb.. Create more VDO like that.. really appreciated your work.
Hi Majed, thanks for visiting my channel… noted… please help sharing my videos and channel with your friends, colleagues and other platforms and help grow if you like
Without doing this configuration. Have you ever tried adding custom tcode in a role with a folder created in menu? And check in launchpad if the tcode appears as tile? It worked for me version 1909.
System alias is necessary to give??? If we are using tile from BTP? I mean tile expose to BTP
How to do this for a HuB gateway deployment and tcode is in connected ECC system ?
Did you find out how?
Love it
Hi @shaiksharief2422, thank you… please consider subscribing and sharing my channel and videos with your friends and colleagues because that is only motivation I have to get more good content, hope you will find sometime to share on LinkedIn and different platforms
Thank you…