m = leafmap.Map(center=[-100, 40], zoom=3) m.add_basemap("Google Hybrid", opacity=1 , visible=False) m.add_basemap("OpenTopoMap") m.add_layer_control() m I tried this script in Colab and it shows a layer option on the map but when click on the layer option the map just disappears and shows "localhost refused to connect." Other steps were running very nicely.
can we extract this 3d model and process it in blender?
Hola, este código se puede usar en Q-GIS ?
Not for QGIS
m = leafmap.Map(center=[-100, 40], zoom=3)
m.add_basemap("Google Hybrid", opacity=1 , visible=False)
I tried this script in Colab and it shows a layer option on the map but when click on the layer option the map just disappears and shows "localhost refused to connect." Other steps were running very nicely.
Very difficult in Colab...