When good preachers get it wrong

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • Voddie Baucham is wrong?
    Is John MacArthur wrong?
    Tony Evans is wrong?
    John MacArthur's Mark of the Beast


  • @paulgemme6056
    @paulgemme6056 2 роки тому +22

    Good message - I am an old man ( 61 ). God revealed his love for me and I received his free gift of eternal life by grace through faith ( got saved ) on Nov. 17, 1977. The older I get and the more I grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ the more I realize that I am just a stupid man when it comes to knowing it all, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. AMAZING GRACE !!!

    • @paulgemme6056
      @paulgemme6056 2 роки тому +2

      @@skippy675 Hebrews 9:27
      And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
      Saved from the penalty of sin; outer darkness, total isolation for all eternity. Separated from our creator who is the truth, the light, unconditional love, unfailing love, everlasting love, perfect love.
      We are not sinners because we sin, we sin because we are sinners. Born that way but we do not have to die that way ( in our sin ). Jesus Christ died to set us free from the penalty of sin. Believers will be saved, unbelievers will die in their sinful condition and suffer for all eternity.

    • @paulgemme6056
      @paulgemme6056 2 роки тому +1

      @@skippy675 Man is not basically good. You do not have to teach a child how to lie and say; "no I did not steal a cookie from the cookie jar". Instead we have to teach the child how to tell the truth. Lying is a sin and it comes naturally. Have you ever lied ? If you say you have never lied your a liar. Everyone has lied. Everyone has sinned.
      That's why Jesus Christ went to the cross and died so that we might live ( be forgiven ).
      John 11:25
      Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:

    • @paulgemme6056
      @paulgemme6056 2 роки тому

      The message that man is vile, evil, sinful was drilled into my head but not with words, instead with actions along with words. Because this message was constantly being pumped into my brain as I was growing up when I got older began to question if there was a place in existence that was not vile, evil, sinful.
      You see where I'm going with this ?
      Look around you and tell me that this world we live in is not vile, evil, and sinful.
      The world is the way it is because of the heart of man. Vile, evil, and sinful.
      There is only one man ( God/man ) who has been born into this world who does not have a vile, evil, sinful nature. Christ Jesus, who died to set us free because there is a place where there is no evil, no sin.
      Jesus Christ is the only way to get there.
      John 14:6
      Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
      Hebrews 11:1
      Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

    • @paulgemme6056
      @paulgemme6056 2 роки тому

      @@skippy675 Just a dumb sheep with Jesus as my Shepherd. The Good Shepherd. Satan is the god of this world, that's why there are so many false religions, false teachers, wolves in sheep clothing. Knowing and loving Jesus Christ is not a religion it's way of life ( Eternal Life ).
      2 Corinthians 4:4
      In whom the god of this world ( satan ) hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
      I pray that the light of Christ shines in your heart today and opens your mind to the truth. Those who refuse to believe have their minds blinded by the father of lies ( satan ). God our creator says so.
      2 Corinthians 4:4
      John 8:44
      Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

    • @paulgemme6056
      @paulgemme6056 2 роки тому

      @@skippy675 The difference is Jesus Christ is not dead. Jesus Lives !! That's the difference between religion and relationship. Relationship with our creator ( God/Jesus/Holy Spirit ) only comes by being born of the Spirit.
      That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
      Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
      Ask God/Jesus to reveal himself ( truth ) to you and mean it. God's Grace is Amazing. Anyone who comes to him and is willing to repent ( change one's way of thinking ) can be saved.
      Eternity is a long time. Some people desire to be in a place of peace and joy. Jesus already paid for your ticket all you have to do is believe and yes Lord, I believe.
      For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
      Not of works, lest any man should boast.

  • @flowersnpearls8179
    @flowersnpearls8179 3 роки тому +66

    Thank you for this, Brother. It is an honest, no nonsense attitude toward preachers and teachers, especially well respected and recognized men of God. It is our duty to remember that they are fallible men, susceptible to error. As I read and study the bible, delighting in His Word, the Spirit gives me discernment so that alarm bells go off when these men say something that doesn’t mesh with scripture. We should not be afraid to say, “That’s not right” and then to go back to the Word to check it out. Thank you again for this encouraging message.

    • @Jonnycuttcorners
      @Jonnycuttcorners 3 роки тому

      Well said.

    • @neilhorsley343
      @neilhorsley343 3 роки тому

      Whether it's right or wrong we still need to check these things are so, or we be foolish believers accepting everything, the example of the boreans is thus mentioned possible with this in mind

    • @robinriley1136
      @robinriley1136 3 роки тому

      We have to do it in love and not bust them out, do it secretly not openly to cause harm

    • @neilhorsley343
      @neilhorsley343 3 роки тому +1

      Those showing biblically they deserve it may be respected an trusted as true men of God.
      Others pretending to be men of God but only seek to deceive many or gain finance from those who have non, do not deserve any respect and need to be dealt with by a congregation elder overseers qualified in scriptural things to encourage them to put any wicked ways aside or be disfellowshipped and thrown out into the cold damp dark outside if not genuinely being repentant.

    • @godschild8113
      @godschild8113 3 роки тому

      When I saw the thumbnail and Justin Peters, McArthur, and Vodie Bachman ( I don't know much about Tony Evans)were on there, I thought YES!!! Someone is finally going to address this OTHER (Satanic) GOSPEL (GALATIANS 1:8-9) that these men preach called CALVINISM. And the video just fell flat. Now I don't know "SMART CHRISTIAN CHANNEL", so I don't know if he's also a Calvinist, but when these things pointed out in the video is what bothers someone about these FALSE PREACHERS, then we have a problem. Why people cannot see the dangers of CALVINISM, is beyond me, because since I've come to know that there even is such a gospel, I have been so troubled by it, that I ask myself, how and why did these men become so admired?
      This is really troubling!

  • @2wheelz3504
    @2wheelz3504 3 роки тому +25

    This man thinks biblically. I like his approach to Scripture. It is balanced.

  • @kathysmith9526
    @kathysmith9526 3 роки тому +20


  • @jeromedabney7158
    @jeromedabney7158 3 роки тому +22

    Not even the best of preachers are right 100%

    • @matthew4177
      @matthew4177 2 роки тому +2

      We’re always learning

    • @aliciamcdonald7105
      @aliciamcdonald7105 2 роки тому

      AMEN, AMEN and AMEN!

    • @starboysmith9142
      @starboysmith9142 Рік тому

      Amen, we are not Jesus to be 100% but we are striving for perfection

    • @pameladavid2887
      @pameladavid2887 Рік тому

      Why do the Teachers want to answer questions, when there's no Biblical proof.

  • @Kelly_Silverman
    @Kelly_Silverman 3 роки тому +34

    With so many different views on the end times, it's going to be interesting to see how it all goes down! 😀

    • @neilhorsley343
      @neilhorsley343 3 роки тому +2

      It's also going to be scary and dangerous

    • @SpotterVideo
      @SpotterVideo 3 роки тому +2

      Once a person comes to understand the New Covenant promised to Israel and Judah in Jeremiah 31:31-34, which is found fulfilled by Christ during the first century in Hebrews 8:6-13, and Hebrews 10:16-18, and specifically applied to the Church in 2 Corinthians 3:6-8, and Hebrews 12:22-24, modern Dispensational Theology falls apart, and the pretrib removal of the Church falls with it.

    • @susanabbott5643
      @susanabbott5643 3 роки тому

      @@neilhorsley343 p

    • @neilhorsley343
      @neilhorsley343 3 роки тому

      @@susanabbott5643 whats that mean😃

    • @song4night
      @song4night 3 роки тому

      Tony Evans asks a lot for donations.

  • @brendawilliams3197
    @brendawilliams3197 2 роки тому +6

    Thank you so much for this video. It has cleared up a lot for me. No one is perfect and I was beginning to think these men were infallible, however I still believe they are anointed teachers. However it is not what 'they' say it's about what God's Word says.🙏🏾
    Thank you again.

  • @hudsonbartley2493
    @hudsonbartley2493 3 роки тому +10

    "The best of men are men at best". It has been said, and it is a true saying.

    • @randystevens1690
      @randystevens1690 3 роки тому

      So, is that Scripture, or just worldly sayings

    • @aliciamcdonald7105
      @aliciamcdonald7105 2 роки тому

      @@randystevens1690 Doesn't make it less true

    • @randystevens1690
      @randystevens1690 2 роки тому

      @@aliciamcdonald7105 God's Holy Word, makes a big difference

    • @aliciamcdonald7105
      @aliciamcdonald7105 2 роки тому

      @@randystevens1690 Indeed but AGAIN that does not make the above statement less true. In fact I can say that when the bible says that there is NONE RIGHTEOUS NO NOT ONE and all our righteousness are as filthy rags that they support what the commenter said.

    • @randystevens1690
      @randystevens1690 2 роки тому

      @@aliciamcdonald7105 I don't want to be a discouragement to you, but an encouragement. Please read 1 Corinthians 1: 17-31, I can understand the meaning of the comment we are talking about, but please, understand where my heart is. You are very precious, I love you, and want the best in life for you. I loss my oldest daughter to suicide, and then my oldest son to drug overdose just within a couple months apart, and I have a hard time with people who just gives worldly quotes, and not dealing with what a struggling man is really going through life is, and it's just off the top of his head. God bless you and your family and friends Amen.

  • @beehive9851
    @beehive9851 3 роки тому +6

    God bless you brother. This was an excellent critique and commentary done in a very loving and humble way, yet communicated correction and truth that I believe is biblical and sound. Thank you!

  • @doriskame3425
    @doriskame3425 2 роки тому +2

    The only one who never made a mistake was Jesus our Lord. I admire you for explaining everything in a humble but straight forward way. God bless your ministry.!!!!!

  • @thomasthepromise8430
    @thomasthepromise8430 3 роки тому +45

    There are times when I'm searching through my past sermon notes and come across something with which I don't agree. Talk about humbling, but that's part of growing and evolving in our faith. I just pray that God sends someone behind me to clean up any messes I've made. Good video.

    • @ministeraddison2521
      @ministeraddison2521 2 роки тому +2

      I do sometimes go through my sermons and be like, whoa

    • @woofbark4475
      @woofbark4475 2 роки тому +4

      And not many should desire to be teachers

    • @randywalker2564
      @randywalker2564 2 роки тому +1

      Paul the Apostle was the champion of all Christians. I don't think he got anything wrong because he said he got the Gospel directly from The Lord.

    • @DeDon201
      @DeDon201 2 роки тому +1

      @@randywalker2564 Do you think Paul sometimes spoke of himself when he would say "I, not the Lord"?

    • @J_a_s_o_n
      @J_a_s_o_n 2 роки тому +1

      You should be humble enough to clean up your own mess.

  • @jamiebadour6555
    @jamiebadour6555 3 роки тому +4

    Thank you my brother-in-Christ Jesus! You are so right and I thank God for you giving this encouraging teaching! May God bless you and keep you in His power and give you His grace and wisdom to continue to be bold in being a witness for Christ and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ!

  • @sperez103
    @sperez103 3 роки тому +3

    It’s ironic, are they wrong or is it just that you don’t agree with their interpretations? “When preachers get it wrong” is an absolute statement. So what you are saying is that these men are absolutely wrong and you are absolutely right. It’s one thing to say “These four men are wrong “ as opposed to “I think these four men err in these areas.” You may not agree with Voddie’s eschatology but is “he wrong” and you right. (Remember there is no absolute statement concerning this matter by the church.) I believe that you meant to say that you did not agree with the teachings of these men (and you gave your reasons why). But sometimes in the video it sounds like you are saying that they are wrong and you are right. Which seems like a petty boastful claim since the church is still debating some of these areas, and has been for years.

    • @TheMistysFavs
      @TheMistysFavs 3 роки тому

      MacArthur says you CAN take the Mark - The bible (GOD) says you will drink the FULL of His WRATH if you do.. WHO is RIGHT??

  • @lincomgeng5007
    @lincomgeng5007 3 роки тому +13

    May God bless your heart for your biblically-based words and full of Christian wisdom!

  • @Jonnycuttcorners
    @Jonnycuttcorners 3 роки тому +4

    Appreciate this! I think where MacArthur was coming from was the “and” in revelation. A person who does this AND does that AND etc. Not that I’m suggesting anyone take the mark but… if the mark condemns u to hell then the non believers can send anyone to hell that they please. Hold someone down and give them mark and voila…hypothetically speaking. I don’t think he would recommend or condone it but we have no idea what the mark is yet or if someone can force it on a person. Stay strong brothers and sisters. We certainly seem to be close.

  • @PreacherJimC
    @PreacherJimC 3 роки тому +6

    I understand the premiss of your channel and your zeal for trying to convey the Bible. But I have one complaint. As a Biblical academic myself you seem to be choosing these men because of their reformed theological hermeneutic. At least 2 of the 4 are scholars of high regard. You may disagree theologically but that doesn't make their hermeneutic wrong. May I ask where you received your formal theological education? When I disagreed with a theological concept of one of my professors I at least understood that they know more than me and maybe I could be wrong, or I need to spend more time dissecting every word of the text provided hermeneutically, grammatically, and studying the original language. Your premiss of "even the best preachers get it wrong" implies that these learned men do not spend hours dissecting the Word of God making sure when they speak it is hermeneutically correct. We need to stop criticizing Preachers on issues that are secondary issues that people can disagree on (and calling it wrong) and bring to light the heretical teachings of others that are contrary to theological orthodoxy.

    • @robynhefferan9561
      @robynhefferan9561 2 роки тому +1

      It’s a little difficult to cover this topic with the correct words. He did say I may be wrong. His topic is a narrow issue, we should be careful not to take it as blanket criticism of their expertise.

    • @robynhefferan9561
      @robynhefferan9561 2 роки тому +1

      Also, would you explain -you may disagree theologically but that doesn’t make their heumenetics wrong -please

  • @genesis6422
    @genesis6422 3 роки тому +4

    It's all about discernment. 🙏💙🙏

  • @auh2o148
    @auh2o148 3 роки тому +3

    Nice video. This is why it is so important to study to show yourself approved. It is also why we aren't to lean fully on another human. This walk is not about being comfortable and hitting cruise control, it's about walking every step out to our own salvation. In the debate over which bible version to use, I suggest everyone begin with an Interlinear so you can at least see what the scriptures say in their original text (or as original as we can get anyway). Many misunderstandings can be cleared up by looking at the hebrew, aramaic or greek.

  • @thecosmicprime
    @thecosmicprime 3 роки тому +1

    Everyone thinks that the other view than theirs is wrong, humility is the key. Good message.

  • @yvonnerobert-carr8809
    @yvonnerobert-carr8809 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you for sharing this! This video is the balance that is sometimes missing among us who believe on our Lord.

  • @paulbaran4796
    @paulbaran4796 3 роки тому +2

    Brother, I agree. God’s ways and thoughts are higher. When it comes to salvation and living the Christian life, I believe the Holy Spirit through the scriptures, leads us in the right direction. We get caught up in things we cannot fully understand. We are finite, aren’t we?!

  • @ericamulondo210
    @ericamulondo210 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you for your courage. These amazing men of God are still fallible and its Christ we follow not man. I respect your views

  • @riacalitz14
    @riacalitz14 3 роки тому +1

    Pastor,thank you for being real,rational and honest,it is really appreciated. I can absolutely relate to your reasoning.You say everything in love and not in condemnation.You calm spirit brings peace of mind in a chaotic world where everyone thinks that they're right.There is always room for error, but we should be willing to stand corrected ánd be teachable because that is the Christian way.Much love from South Africa.

  • @jasminesmith5447
    @jasminesmith5447 2 роки тому +1

    Jonah thinking he can run away from God is one of the funniest things in the Bible, lol. I laugh when I think about it because God is literally everywhere, so you can't run away from God! I know that had nothing to do with your video but you did mention Jonah earlier and that was what came to mind.

  • @johnahearn3931
    @johnahearn3931 2 роки тому

    Brother just want to let you know I appreciate you and the podcast

  • @sheilasmith7779
    @sheilasmith7779 3 роки тому +1

    1. There are a few things we do not know and scripture does not answer.
    2. We should know what errors or differences between pastors are SIGNIFICANT with respect to our salvation and what isn't. Everything is not significant.
    3. Why are some Christians obsessed with the end times. Just be right with God each day then when and how end times appear youll be okay.
    4. God will bring truth to all who seek it. Trust that and leave it to God to decide on the issue of those who do not know.
    5. I agree, we do not know everything but should know and will know what we NEED to know as those who seek the truth of God's Word.

  • @eddiesblacksmithingkjv9185
    @eddiesblacksmithingkjv9185 3 роки тому +2

    I agree with Justin Peter's. Hebrews says how God speaks to man. He does it through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Word. He speaks to us through his Word. The bible is the word.

    • @elmerfriessen1462
      @elmerfriessen1462 3 роки тому

      Me to.
      I mean really , how do you know when God talks to you ,I like how Justin put it in one of his sermons “was it God , or was it me , or was it the pizza I ate at supper”.

    • @smartchristians
      @smartchristians  3 роки тому +1

      Be sure not to conflate the two “Words”. Jesus being the Word in John is not the same as the written Word of God. Altogether different words. One is the γραφή which is the scriptures whereas John refers to λόγος an utterance or message. The writer of Hebrews does not say that God has spoken to us through his γραφή (scriptures) since at the time of the writing, there was no completed canon and the scriptures that were written were few and not many had access to them.

  • @cyntheamiller8624
    @cyntheamiller8624 2 роки тому +1

    You are so right. I believe that to about once a person takes the mark is totally lost

  • @davidjp7197
    @davidjp7197 3 роки тому +1

    One thing no preacher should get WRONG but many do, is how people are saved under this dispensation of Grace. Ephesians 2:8-9; 1Corinthians 15:1-4

  • @aaron8229
    @aaron8229 2 роки тому

    I’m so glad that I found your channel! Thank you for your sound and unbiased insights. Appreciate you! God bless 🙏

  • @dreday7204
    @dreday7204 2 роки тому +1

    Corey you kind of touched on the issue. However I would like your take on if and how people who are born mentally challenged receive faith for salvation... 🤔🙏🏼

  • @contendforthefaithbysamuel4546
    @contendforthefaithbysamuel4546 3 роки тому +1

    This is a very balanced approach to addressing, when we as ministers, pastor's, teachers, sometimes have a belief or position, about certain things taught in scripture, that are not clearly stated or supported by scripture. John MacArthurs belief that person who receives the mark of the beast, can still be saved is a classic example of this, since Revelation. 20: 9-11 clearly state this is not the case!
    Voddie Baucham sounds more like he disagrees with the Rapture doctrine, scripture is very clear however, that there will be a literal thousand year reign of Christ on earth! Revelation. 20:4-6
    These examples are decidedly different from a person that consistently teaches doctrines, that deny one or more essentials of the historic christian world view, that is the mark of a false teacher!
    Great biblical observation!

  • @RPM11111
    @RPM11111 3 роки тому +1

    Fair play. The reformation took us out from under the erroneous despotism of the Popes. Sadly, however, due to the propensity in human nature to follow after men, many have elected their own private Popes in believing everything that comes out of the mouth of these men as infallible, when none of them are...by nature or in practice.

  • @springflowerblosomnorris9721
    @springflowerblosomnorris9721 3 роки тому +8

    To know the bible, and to understand the bible, are two different things.
    Are you sure you have them both?

    • @aliciamcdonald7105
      @aliciamcdonald7105 2 роки тому

      THIS is the problem though. We have a lot of people who KNOW a lot of scriptures but I would question if the really KNOW GOD!

    • @springflowerblosomnorris9721
      @springflowerblosomnorris9721 2 роки тому

      An easy way to tell them apart is to talk about the scriptures.
      People who know Lord God will aline themselves to the scriptures when they notice a discrepancy between what they said and the scriptures.
      But people who don't know Lord God will always twist the scriptures to fit the statements they made. Even ewen you expose them, usually they find a reason why they are right and blame you for not being able to understand the scriptures.
      Try it and pay attention how they separate themselves into those 2 groups.
      All glory to Lord God Almighty and Jesus Christ my savior.

    • @aliciamcdonald7105
      @aliciamcdonald7105 2 роки тому

      @@springflowerblosomnorris9721 KNOWING SCRIPTURES says squat because EVERY PASTOR knows the scripture. What is evident is that EVERYONE OF THEM interpret them differently at times. Does that make them FALSE not necessarily but if you KNOWINGLY teach falsehood or is preaching and teaching for any other reason than to bring others to Christ and build God's kingdom then you are indeed FALSE.

    • @springflowerblosomnorris9721
      @springflowerblosomnorris9721 2 роки тому

      Right, and for some weird reason those pastors are not thinking what damage they are doing to God's kingdom because they will find any excuse to protect their own interests instead.
      I noticed many people find an excuse why Lord God will understand the circumstances instead of looking at the situation and request wisdom from Lord God how to fulfill Lord's will.
      Much love and blessings to you, keep up the good work.
      All glory to Lord God Almighty and Jesus Christ my savior.

    • @aliciamcdonald7105
      @aliciamcdonald7105 2 роки тому

      @@springflowerblosomnorris9721 At the end of the day it is EACH INDIVIDUAL BELIEVER's responsibility to know and understand God for themselves and to allow HIS SPIRIT to be their PRIMARY teacher. If we TRULY come to know our God, many of the divisive and controversial topics and points of 'doctrine' will not be so. Let us among those who are striving to know God and understand his character that we may walk worthy of his FAVOR.

  • @fantasybouthour6679
    @fantasybouthour6679 2 роки тому +1

    Even with the best intentions and a genuine heart, we’re all capable of error sometimes.

  • @GodsManKasey
    @GodsManKasey 3 роки тому +6

    Absolutely makes sense, they are preachers, fallible just like any human. Only GOD is perfect!

  • @brunacavalcante4549
    @brunacavalcante4549 Рік тому +1

    U right ...only Jesus is perfect

  • @carolynbohannon4602
    @carolynbohannon4602 3 роки тому +6

    Tony evans???? I dont even consider him a sound doctrinal preacher. More like a motivatioal speaker.

  • @4ucarla885
    @4ucarla885 3 роки тому +8

    Thank you Min. Cory for sage advice and godly counsel. Sometimes good preachers get it wrong because they are human and not divine. They are not infallible. I agree, it doesn't make them false teachers. God knows that we aren't perfect, but we are striving for perfection--to do what is holy and pleasing to God. I trust the Scriptures above all, along with the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit.

    • @smartchristians
      @smartchristians  3 роки тому +1


    • @rauldelarosa2768
      @rauldelarosa2768 3 роки тому

      Does anyone know if John MacArthur Jr ever recanted his saying you can take the mark of the beast and go to heaven?
      I ask people I know and they get defensive and question who's asking about John macarthur jr, it's as bad the Roman Catholic church with the pope at times .

    • @karenwarner7688
      @karenwarner7688 3 роки тому +1

      That is why we should study, rightly divide, and memorize the scripture as we are advised to do by Paul in 2Tim2:15

    • @TB-li6zu
      @TB-li6zu 2 роки тому

      It start when a man heart is lifted against God by teaching what he think not what he is led to preach. It's easy to have the mouth of your own because the is no Head over you and Lord.

  • @joanneaming7922
    @joanneaming7922 3 роки тому +1

    Love your heart and where you are coming from. We are to check the script for ourselves.

  • @paulakapablo1749
    @paulakapablo1749 3 роки тому +1

    I just stumbled across your channel. I loved your analysis, subscribed and look forward to hearing more. Keep fighting the good fight.

  • @lincomgeng5007
    @lincomgeng5007 3 роки тому

    You’re wiser and more balanced than the preachers you’re talking about.

  • @Makeitmakesensejo
    @Makeitmakesensejo 2 роки тому

    Thank you...I once asked a question and the pastor got a attitude because he didn't know the answer. In the 20+ yrs of organized religion I've not seen many pastors humble for real.
    And...some of the tongue talking people have a very superior attitude ... Yahshua brought me out 2 yrs ago. I have no church affiliation been blessed ever since. Thanks again for bringing some clarity

  • @fullofgraceandtruth85
    @fullofgraceandtruth85 2 роки тому

    This was a great illustration of God’s wisdom displayed in your favor. I remember when I was incarcerated and I had time to study the word 7 to 8 hours A-day and even all night and I would listen to some of my favorite pastors and I realize that they maybe sincere but sometimes when it comes to scripture they may be a little bit off but I do agree we all get Somethings wrong at some time. When I was a babe in Christ I believed certain things until I grew in the word and begin to understand more and it changed my thoughts about what I believed and challenged me through scripture. I've been listening to you for about 90 days or so and I really like your videos and I respect your points on the scripture. Continue to be blessed and allow God to use you in a mighty way....! Blessings!

  • @garybarry7058
    @garybarry7058 2 роки тому +1

    Excellent my brother I love your honesty God bless you keep the good work for christ

  • @beverlysheppard3147
    @beverlysheppard3147 3 роки тому +1

    Good video I really enjoyed how you brought out mistakes without condemning them. It really helped me, like Moses made mistakes, and it was YAH that corrected him.

  • @GuyHigginbotham-et1tx
    @GuyHigginbotham-et1tx 10 місяців тому

    God is in control I trust and have faith that he's got this handled. I think we try to understand things that God only truly knows. Just pray and trust in Jesus Christ grace

  • @brianmcdowell9870
    @brianmcdowell9870 3 роки тому

    Do not forbid the gifts. God gave them God uses them. Let God be God. And let us preach Christ we preachers need to answer our call. Amen

  • @user-ru2bf2ob1h
    @user-ru2bf2ob1h 2 роки тому

    Brother thank you so much for this.I am brought to heart that we as God’s children and Christ followers should except Jesus as Lord. We should also give our Heavenly Father the absolute authority to do, to speak, to touch, to feel in whatever way he deems necessary to move in our lives. As the scripture say we exist for Him. With merciful grace we should always approach each other as the living temple of God with sincere humility in gratitude that we get to speak of His goodness. I am conscious to believe “everything will be laid bare before the eyes of Him whom we must give an account and we as Christians are to work out our own salvation with trembling and fear being hard-pressed on all sides to become those diamonds that shine through eternity

  • @tonylewis509
    @tonylewis509 Рік тому

    Very informative!!!..Thank you bro. Corey 👍🏾

  • @tomy8339
    @tomy8339 Рік тому

    I'm with Tony Evans, I've been thinking the same thing for years. Paul states something similar, when he says those not under the law will be judged by their consciences. Christ is still needed for salvation, somehow the person with no knowledge of Christ will still have a way of accepting or rejecting. We literally have only a couple of lines of scripture that briefly touches upon this topic. We cannot make blank statements of judgement of those who have never heard.

  • @rokjbombshells5969
    @rokjbombshells5969 3 роки тому +1

    If The Apostle to the Gentiles was wrong ( as you say ) in Acts 15 because of Mark's actions in Acts 13, why is Barnabus never heard of again in scripture? Why is Paul the leader and given privilege to direct who and what should be done? Why is Paul given ( by God ) the office of Apostles to the Gentiles) ?
    Hey My Man, you might out to check yourself and why you have the desire to scrutinize these ( on your own admission " Men of God" )? Are you looking to be categorized with or better than them? In short, STOP.

  • @thembamaselane5885
    @thembamaselane5885 2 роки тому +1

    I come and was raised spiritually was brought to the Lord's saving grace about the same time as you. Grew up in strong premallinial dispasensional teaching still no one could explain the whole 1000yrs in world that has ressurected saints and unrepentant sinners and that is just one concern so I opted to distance myself from the escatology drama which had become about the idolatry of a position than about esteeming the Word whose infinite depth we can not reach.It was Voddie who together with his fellow elders teaching through Daniel and later the book of Revelation re ignited my interest in Eschatology.It was not that he persuaded me at first which he did, it was the humility with which they presented their case with biblical Fidelity.
    On the issue of reconciling The OLD Testament prophets may I suggest you Listen to Martyn Loyd Jones Great Doctrines of the Faith series the section on escatology also Dr Riddleburger who has an informative series of lectures than go Listen to GFBC teaching series I believe from these resources this dicotomatic understand of God's kingdom that is Jews and the Christian Church is addressed.

  • @leonardemiletaylor6229
    @leonardemiletaylor6229 2 роки тому

    True. I had to be humble when listening to critics if Mathew Stevenson- who I thought could "teach" no wrong. With time and discernment, I realized that my zeal blinded me too. The Bible is the last authority and even with the freedom we have in Christ, all is not acceptable to HIM. Glory produces growth and transformation and many feel that a defensive posture is a sign that one is called. I believe that Grace warms your demeanor but affirms you secondarily. We don't have to be feared or hated to appear powerful in GOD.

  • @woofbark4475
    @woofbark4475 2 роки тому

    Hi brother! Thanks for sharing...In Revelation 13:15 I see various translations that add 'might' and others that do not. This is considerably important as one denotes the fact that the image can kill and the other simply that suggest it as a possibilty. Revelation 13:15 🤔 Any thoughts regarding this matter?

  • @OkayMaybeImDoneNow...
    @OkayMaybeImDoneNow... 2 роки тому

    When you said, in the beginning "And then you go to the New Testament" it was a bit funny😅man, I love how you are passionate about the Gospel. I think I heard you say once that you were once in prison. I thank God that He has been in your life to lead you to help so many people find Him and the truth. May God bless your ministry and may you continue to be about the business about the truth in Yahshua.

  • @racheli1492
    @racheli1492 2 роки тому


  • @garybarry7058
    @garybarry7058 2 роки тому +1

    Big up .thank you very wise assessment

  • @mandyc498
    @mandyc498 3 роки тому +1

    I love this video, I agree with this!!
    I love all of these teachers and listen to them all every day, but I also disagree with these points of Peters, Voddie, MacArthur. Im not sure if I agree or disagree with Evans. I like the thought of both views on that point. Great video sir, I completely agree with everything you said.

  • @sheliabrowley5821
    @sheliabrowley5821 3 роки тому

    Brother, I am not seminary trained, neither was the apostles. One thing I have learned in study of God's Word is to be hot or cold. Not caring if the truth of God's Word offends, not tip-toeing around the holy Word of GOD. To say there's no hearing from the Lord today is not truth. The Holy Spirit speaks to my spirit, I have had times in prayer where all I could do was listen. I've seen visions of lights. To say HE hasn't gifted us with spiritual gifts yet pastors give themselves spiritual titles. Signed the least of his children. I make no boast or proclaim to be wiser than anyone of the Way. And the Way you know.

  • @solomonabraham0521
    @solomonabraham0521 3 роки тому +5

    Great video brother. Thanks for this. As evident in the video most of the errors you highlighted in these lovely preachers are eschatological aside Justin, whom I greatly love. I think I tilt more to your view about hearing from God while I can also understand Justin’s point. These hyper charismatic guys have caused so much abuse on the issue of God speaking. I rightly believe we shouldn’t fall to the other extreme because of that. It honors God when we simply say “I don’t know or I’m not sure” when we truly don’t know.
    The best of us would always get certain things wrong. Thanks for your approach
    God’s blessings on the rest of your week
    I am

  • @Fernando-qs7bl
    @Fernando-qs7bl 2 роки тому

    No, many things the writers did not understand when God used them. And also God gives us the way to look for truth,(hermeneutic). Compare verses, here a little, there a little, line upon line, and so on. But the difference is the needle that is woven through these verses, is stitching together information that comes to fruition, in one's minds eye when it is God's will to open. This is progressive Revelation, this is being guided into truth.

  • @eclipsesonic
    @eclipsesonic 2 роки тому

    26:32 - That's what happened to me when it comes to the pre-tribulation rapture viewpoint. I used to believe in it and while I haven't rejected it per se, I'm now on the fence when it comes to the issue, as I'm inclined to think that the pre-wrath view may be correct, after looking at a different view to what I was taught. I love what Proverbs 18:17 says about this issue: "The first to plead his case seems right, until another comes and examines him."
    That's why it's always important to look at other views when it comes to non-essential doctrines.

  • @burkholdst.rudderberg3574
    @burkholdst.rudderberg3574 2 роки тому

    One of the benefits of death is that one never gets anything wrong again.

  • @RobbyRadford
    @RobbyRadford 2 роки тому

    Found your channel and am thankful for it. Question. What was it that you disagreed with on tithing from Tony Evans. Just curious, and I too love the story of Joseph and your testimony. God bless what you’re doing here

  • @2Corinth5.21
    @2Corinth5.21 2 роки тому

    I have a friend who became a modalist. Can someone be saved and be a modalist?

  • @Miknificynt1
    @Miknificynt1 2 роки тому

    Sir, what is a good study Bible for a beginner ?

  • @george10R11
    @george10R11 3 роки тому

    JEREMIAH 29:13
    13 And ye shall seek me, and find [me], when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

  • @siggasmizz2114
    @siggasmizz2114 3 роки тому

    @Smart Christian Channel, I Have a Question To Ask You
    Just Because of Your Channels Name.
    Did you Ever go To a Seminary School ?

  • @johnnurse7662
    @johnnurse7662 2 роки тому

    1 Corinthians 13 states faith, hope and love superceded the gifts

  • @jcw4101
    @jcw4101 3 роки тому +1

    Good video. I agree with your assessment of transdispensationalism. God knows if someone would reject the truth, so placing them in a time and place (Acts 17:26) where they would not receive what they would not accept makes sense.
    Voddie Baucham, one other point about the reason he believes in amillennialism is that he also believes in replacement theology which helps align this stance. Which I think would also indicate he does not agree with dispensationalism, but I have never heard him comment on this. God chose the Israelites (Deuteronomy 7:6), he would not change his mind. The same way he chose Moses and Jonah and brought them into submission, he will also bring Israel into submission in the end.
    John MacArthur's statement, you had it on the screen but didn't read it. Revelations 14:11 "And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name." For ever and ever sounds like no room for redemption if you accept the mark.
    Justin Peters says there is nothing in the Bible about prayer being a two way street. Literally, prayer being a two way conversation as in talking to another person, if that is what he means then he is correct. Are prayers answered, yes, that is all through the Bible. Has God and does God speak, yes in various ways. He is God, He is sovereign. He can communicate whenever and however it pleases Him.
    All of these men I think are truly called of God to preach, and they do it as well as any man could. That being said, they are men and as men are susceptible to sin and being wrong. People tend to put men such as these on a pedestal and expect perfection from them. They are men, they will stumble and fall at times, we all do.

    • @SpotterVideo
      @SpotterVideo 3 роки тому

      Who is really teaching “Replacement Theology” ?
      (Did God fulfill His promises to the Jewish people at Calvary? Matthew 26:28, John 19:30)
      The advocates of modern Dispensational Theology often accuse others of promoting “Replacement Theology”, or some may even say “Antisemitism”. What does the Bible say about their accusations?
      1. Who is replacing Christ as the seed of Abraham through which all the families of the Earth would be blessed in Genesis 12:3, with Abraham’s modern descendants? (See Galatians 3:8)
      2. Who is replacing the one people of God in John 10:16, with two peoples of God ?
      3. Who is replacing the one seed (Christ) in Galatians 3:16, with the many seeds?
      4. Who is replacing the children of the promise in Romans 9:8, with the children of the flesh?
      5. Who is replacing the faithful “remnant” of Israelites in Romans 11:1-5, with the Baal worshipers?
      6. Who is replacing the word "so" in Romans 11:26, with the word "then"?
      7. Who is attempting to replace the Church made up of all races of people, with one made up only of Gentiles? Why did Peter address the crowd as “all the house of Israel” in Acts 2:36, when about 3,000 Israelites accepted Christ on the Day of Pentecost?
      8. Based on Hebrews 9:15, the New Covenant cannot be separated from the Messiah’s death. Is the covenant in Daniel 9:27 connected to the Messiah’s death in Daniel 9:26. Is the covenant with the “many” in Daniel 9:27 the same covenant with the “many” in Matthew 26:28? If it is, some have replaced the New Covenant in Daniel 9:27 with a future covenant made by an antichrist not found in Daniel chapter 9. (See the 1599 Geneva Bible used by the Pilgrims.)
      9. Those promoting the Two Peoples of God doctrine of Dispensational Theology often accuse others of teaching “Replacement Theology”, but are they the masters of it? Are they promoting a form of Dual Covenant Theology based on race? (See “genealogies” in Titus 3:9)
      10. Watch the UA-cam video “Genesis of Dispensational Theology” to see the origin of this man-made doctrine, which is less than 200 years old. It was brought to the United States about the time of the Civil War by John Nelson Darby. The doctrine was later incorporated into the notes of the Scofield Reference Bible, and then spread through much of the modern Church.
      Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas Texas was created in part to promote John Darby’s Two Peoples of God doctrine of Dispensational Theology.
      Lewis Sperry Chafer, the first president of Dallas Theological, had the following to say about the difference between Israel and the Church:

      “The dispensationalist believes that throughout the ages God is pursuing two distinct purposes: one related to the earth with earthly people and earthly objectives involved which is Judaism; while the other is related to heaven with heavenly people and heavenly objectives involved, which is Christianity.”
      Lewis Sperry Chafer, Dispensationalism (Dallas, Seminary Press, 1936), p. 107.
      Chafer states that, ‘Israel is an eternal nation, heir to an eternal land, with an eternal kingdom, on which David rules from an eternal throne,’ that is, on earth and distinct from the church who will be in heaven.”
      Lewis Sperry Chafer. Systematic Theology. 1975. Vol. IV. pp. 315-323.
      John Walvoord, another prominent voice of Dallas Theological stated…
      "...it is an article of normative dispensational belief that the boundaries of the land promised to Abraham and his descendants from the Nile to the Euphrates will be literally instituted and that Jesus Christ will return to a literal and theocratic Jewish kingdom centred on a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. In such a scheme the Church on earth is relegated to the status of a parenthesis.”
      John F. Walvoord, The Rapture Question.1979, p. 25
      Are there two peoples of God in John 10:16? (See also 1 John 2:22-23, 2 John 1:7-11.)
      What is the land promise to the Old Testament Saints in Hebrews 11:15-16?
      Based on 2 Peter 3:10-13, is this earth “eternal”? Will it be replaced by a new earth?
      Based on Acts 2:36, and Romans 9:6-8, and Romans 11:1-5, and Hebrews 12:22-24, and James 1:1-3, can faithful Israel and the Church be separated into two different groups?
      Who is the New Covenant promised to in Jeremiah 31:31-34, and Hebrews 8:6-13?
      Will modern Orthodox Jews ever be saved outside of the New Covenant Church?

  • @36summers
    @36summers 3 роки тому +1

    Hi, seems a little odd that JP says that God doesn't speak to us via prayer? How did JP get into a ministry, if The Holy Spirit who is God, convict him to minister in the first place??
    He, JP would have to admit then, based on his reasoning, that his sinful flesh directed his calling not The Holy Spirit via God speaking. Gods voice might not be audible by sound today, that's scripturally correct, but conviction is still a voice.

  • @docdee770
    @docdee770 2 роки тому

    Turn of the 21st century, explorers discovered a tribe of people deep within the South American Amazon Jungle, who, believe it not, are direct decindants of some of the indigenous peoples who traveled across the Bering Strait some 1600 years ago. This made astounding news. Spain had invaded and conquered South America, between 1513, and 1540; the transatantic slave trade had begun about this time, with 90% of the black slaves being taken to South America, for aroximately 366 years. The conquered peoples of South America were eventually freed, and converted to Christianity by Spain. The Gospel has been taught for some 500 years here in the Americas, and we discovered natives deep in the Amazon who had never heard the message of Salvation. What's the likely fate of their ancestors who were here unbeknownst to us the pass 500 years?

  • @papax4815
    @papax4815 3 роки тому +1

    1st Corinthians 13: 8 prophecies will pass away, tongues will cease

  • @maranatha6730
    @maranatha6730 3 роки тому

    The Bible clearly says we should not go beyond what is written...and also that "we (all) know in part"...
    Yes it is true Paul confronted Peter's Hypocrisy...but we must be sure that we are not guilty one way or another of sin or error before we go public to do an exposé on another brother, when we may have addressed same issue privately, with prayer and godly brotherly love, compelling us, honouring Christ in that brother who may be weak in that area.
    I realise that when these preachers (in same clique) criticise those they deem or declare false preachers, some of their own false teachings are somehow also exposed too, but they do not see it too.... Just fact-check their teachings with what is written in scripture and the errors jump out. This is why we should genuinely care for one another and pray for one another, even if we don't know one another in person. It grieves me to see brothers publicly throwing mud at one another, what with the social media providing the "free boxing ring" for the entertainment of the unbelieving public gallery, the willing & captive audience - everybody playing a role - titled or untitled, as some act superior to others.
    The same Paul, seemingly rebuking, said of a brother " to his Master, he stands ..."
    Let us be careful how we treat one another yet without condoning any wrongdoings, lawlessness, habitual & besetting sins, false teaching, lukewarmness, worldliness, godlessness, legalistic righteousness, conceit, false humility, hypocrisy, deception etc, in the Body of CHRIST.
    I think if they put in much prayerful efforts in private fellowships with these brothers they call false teachers, persisting in prayer and calling them to order, and bringing the matter to The Lord in prayer, God is able to restore the derailing preacher & open their eyes to see the errors of their teachings, and bring about true repentance, through godly sorrow.
    The doctrine on divorce by pastor John McArthur, (who I love so much) is not scriptural. There is also the damning false teaching of "once saved always saved" which is unscriptural. Also the pre-trib rapture of the church (before the big tribulation (anti-Christ rule), is unscriptural, misleading and causes many to be cavalier or complacent & even lukewarm, unprepared for suffering & erodes the fear of God in many lives.
    Another false teaching is the licence to re-marry after a divorce which Jesus called adultery. I realise this sin is justifiably rampant in these kinds of circles...citing Christ's claim in Matthew, which is often quoted partially to justify re-marriage after a divorce. This scripture has been misrepresented to encourage so many to get into the sin of adultery - consecutive or simultaneous polygamy.
    While i believe scripture does not support some of the teachings of pastor John McArthur, I have been blessed by many of his teachings, especially his old messages. I appreciate John MacArthur's strong stance & teaching on male leadership. I also love his teachings AGAINST female pastors/leaders. This is scriptural.
    I personally feel sorry for Joel Olsten because he has become the "poster pastor" for false teaching by so many professing evangelicals. I wonder if the same energy & clout against him is invested in private fervent prayers for him with constant private fellowships, to draw him or snatch him from the errors of his conviction, bathing these efforts in fervent prayer to God to intervene...what better result there may be today! NOT the increasing public social media smear campaign against him by so many from different angles, which seems to be the norm today ...it's so sad.
    While sin should not be condoned, one needs to examine the whole counsel of God's Word on how to address such matters NOT posting videos to shame these men, without taking the necessary steps to restore those brothers as Jesus & the apostles taught in the Bible.
    There is the secessionist position taken by these "super teachers" that spiritual gifts have ceased, which again is unscriptural.
    Their claims that God does not speak through dreams etc today as God did in the Bible is also unscriptural.
    On the other far extreme hand are the charismatic or Pentecostals, often criticised by the John MacArthur's clique. These Pentecostal teachers appropriate the spiritual gifts unscripturally, against the commands of Holy Scriptures. They teach mixtures which adulterates their teachings, promotes licence, or legalism, godlessness, etc.
    Some preachers, in bid to point out errors, form or grow a cult-like following that turns around to enslave those they claimed to have drawn out of the false assemblies.
    They wear uniforms, they justify women "SPEAKING" in their assemblies (against the scriptural command that women are not permitted to SPEAK (preach, teach, prophesy, speak in tongues, lead prayer, speak or pronounce word of knowledge or wisdom, lead or usurp authority over a man, etc) when the saints are gathered in the assemblies or fellowships. They cite Philip's daughters as reason to justify disobeying that command but fail to see that while a woman may be gifted, it is where this gift is excercised that matters. A woman must remain silent in the churches. She must learn in silence...her role is at her home under her own husband , which is a beautiful thing they fail to appreciate. That's God's high calling for women. Only pastor John McArthur speaks out loud, this particular truth.
    I bet there are some nice & godly things Joel Olsten does but is not mentioned.
    May the Lord help all of us and deliver us from everyway that seems right to us but lead to destruction. Amen.
    May the Lord be merciful to us all.

  • @TDeMarcoHarris
    @TDeMarcoHarris 2 роки тому +1

    Would be safe to say that God speaks to us through the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit reminds us of the Scriptures. For how does the Holy Spirit teaches us unless He speaks to our spirits. Just a thought. Great teaching as always.

  • @teacherliliane896
    @teacherliliane896 2 роки тому

    Baby and people with desability is up-to God as He is the Righteous judge.

  • @MountCarmel007
    @MountCarmel007 2 роки тому

    Brothers and Sisters,
    Please watch "Enforced Sunday Worship Laws" by Pastor COX

  • @ethelch
    @ethelch 3 роки тому +2

    I would not compare Paul and Barnabas who are in the bible to present day preachers. Paul is an apostle sent to the Gentiles by God . That which is in the bible is God breathed. The preachers the Voddies etal ,on the other hand are in this dispensation and both them and I are waiting for the Lord Jesus .
    The Holy Spirit teaches us all to rightly divide the word of truth.

    • @smartchristians
      @smartchristians  3 роки тому

      The point is, if Paul who was set aside specifically by God, erred and had failings, then surely we will to, including any preacher or teacher

  • @garybarry7058
    @garybarry7058 2 роки тому

    Love your judgment on scripture

  • @judithirizarry9952
    @judithirizarry9952 3 роки тому

    "For we (all) are sinners and come short of the glory of God..." Of course everyone at one time or another do things that are wrong or regret...that is why we come to Jesus with repentance and ask for Holy spirit power to grow and alienate from sin!!

  • @36summers
    @36summers 3 роки тому +1

    Hi, Unfortunately John Mcs Eschatology isn't always that sharp in context. Once one receives the mark/name it's a point of no return. Scripture is emphatic on this.

  • @psharelater172
    @psharelater172 3 роки тому

    One element of a good hermeneutic and simple meaning is asking good questions. Arguing over the right answer to a bad question yields both bad answers and distraction

    • @psharelater172
      @psharelater172 3 роки тому

      This would be a corollary to your point about not knowing. One bad assumption with some questions is that we are supposed to have an answer. This is mostly a faith walk where we see dimly.

  • @loriwilkins3233
    @loriwilkins3233 Рік тому

    Brother I commend this video . Well done. Man fallible. Wisdom is key. We can call out one another in love. When in doubt check it out ( with God's Word). God bless you & your ministry

  • @FOMC6780
    @FOMC6780 2 роки тому +1

    I agree that they do get it wrong sometimes when they preach about the Scriptures, but the irony of it all they will not admit it and become like little Pope's. And they boast in their own ministry saying I've been doing this for so many years and use that against you as a guilt trip.

  • @bobreese4807
    @bobreese4807 2 роки тому

    99% of preachers don't even support all 10 commandments. CRIME & CLERGY CONNECTION = TRICKLE DOWN IMMORALITY

  • @GMNGChristian
    @GMNGChristian 3 роки тому

    Is it saying those who worship the beast and his image and get the mark of the beast, or is it saying those who worship the beast and his image _as_ _well_ _as_ those who merely get only the mark of the beast? Is it possible to not be a worshipper of the beast and get the mark to be able to buy groceries? Or is it saying even merely getting the mark, whether you worship the beast or not...?

    • @smartchristians
      @smartchristians  3 роки тому

      That's actually a really good question. It appears that (at least by a quick view of the Greek syntax) that it is saying that this is a "chain" and that those who take the mark ARE those who also worship the beast. Not that the worship that is referred to is the way a person would worship a god, though it could be. Hope that helps.

  • @mrdclark2003
    @mrdclark2003 2 роки тому

    In order to know if your beliefs are Orthodox Christianity - it needs to come from the Church founded and upheld by Christ and no one else. Also, it is helpful to look and see if the message has been preached from the beginning and not just the last hundred years. That said, it's good to search out the truth. God bless brother.

    • @brishawnsanders5873
      @brishawnsanders5873 2 роки тому

      Individuals who spoke out against such doctrines as the Trinity, infant baptism, denying the authority of the Pope and using the wrong baptismal formula in early centuries were burned alive or tortured.
      So, it’s kind of difficult to preach something that has not been established prior to a few hundred years ago when it meant death.
      So out of fear, not inspiration from God, individuals remained silent regarding their beliefs to preserve their own lives. But those who did not remain silent were tortured or killed.
      So these teachings that are emerging now may very well not be new or recent.

  • @johnburke2134
    @johnburke2134 3 роки тому

    I agree with you brother God bless you in Jesus name

  • @orangeandslinky
    @orangeandslinky Рік тому

    Really enjoyed this.

  • @MrJoeWildwood
    @MrJoeWildwood 2 роки тому

    Something you mentioned - so you recognize that the tithe goes all the way back to Abraham and then continues through Moses but now it doesn't apply? Hmmm.

  • @DeDon201
    @DeDon201 2 роки тому

    Because no one has truth absolute and sometimes what the Bible is silent on, or when we dont fully understand a subject, we tend to inject our own thoughts and finite wisdom.

  • @vandykeebbin4762
    @vandykeebbin4762 3 роки тому

    This was hood because I sometimes look at a pastor as if everything he says is right and it has gotten me to the point that if I do hear a pastor speak something that is contrary to Gods word, I tend to leave that church or never listen to that pastor… this video helped me to understand that every pastor gets it wrong sometimes or like the video said at least one time… now my spiritual discernment does allow me to not listen to some because some are clearly speaking there own sermon that does not follow the Bible at all… but like the video said, show them grace as God shows me grace…

  • @christopherweston116
    @christopherweston116 3 роки тому

    In Matthew 23:23 and Luke 11:42 Jesus referred to tithing as something that should not be neglected…
    And the first tithe was given to Michizedec by Abram before the law was given.
    What are your thoughts? It’s not a commandment but should we neglect it?

  • @christinaheaney4442
    @christinaheaney4442 2 роки тому

    Too funny Brother
    I just recently learned Voddie was Not a pre but an A Millenium!!
    The Next Sunday at worship service I brought up the subject re: Voddie belief’s to another brother in Christ ( we both listen to Voddie) however he said …”only one who gets his theology 100% right is guy we are here to worship!”
    AMEN & I love 💕 Big Mac Smack it out John McArthur (nickname I gave him)
    I never heard of Tony Evans but other three
    I am well aware of !
    1st & foremost I LOVE our LORD!
    Can’t wait to meet him
    Please pray for alll non believers!
    Thank You & God Bless you all!❤️

  • @karinkarger8726
    @karinkarger8726 2 роки тому

    All is measured by the Word of scripture. If the question or action is presented in scripture it is true and right, if not, there is too broad a margin to accept or reject it.

  • @robinwade8141
    @robinwade8141 2 роки тому

    Luke 19:40; But He answered and said to them, “I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out.” God can make anything speak so if ppl are in an area where they cannot hear the gospel God, can send anyone at any time. I love John MacArthur but I believe he’s wrong on this one. I agree with you! I also know if we were in the millennial, Jesus would have already taken us up. There is a Christian organization in Israel called “One for Israel,” they have a lot of information on their website about the end of time and the Jews coming to Christ. I just love all of the information they post about scriptures in the Old Testament that are occurring right now with Israel. Much has to occur with Israel before Jesus will come back. I just found your station through a cousin and I have been binge watching so I’m responding late but your msg are hitting hard. You corrected me in something I watched today and I had to correct myself with the person I shared it with. It was the scripture on “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.” I appreciate your candor and know that what you are doing is blessing many.
    Thank you!

  • @thomaslewis7496
    @thomaslewis7496 Рік тому

    I don't know if I disagree with Tony Evans either. The Bible says before the law there could be no transgression of the law. So before Moses how was God to judge man would have had to been by his own conscious. You said you asked God to show you but what if you didn't know who to ask God ways are not our ways

  • @LadyPhoenix24
    @LadyPhoenix24 3 роки тому

    The truth is that everybody have to know if God's Holy Spirit is there no matter who is preaching and sharing the good Word of God. For example, if a person is just reading the bible and don't apply it spiritually...it doesn't do anything to the person's physical form. Then the Holy Bible is just a regular book. However, if a person knows spiritually that God is there when reading the Holy Bible...its not just words but also spiritually food for our souls and spirits. It also activates what is needing in the physical. I believed God speaks in spiritually in different forms of communication to get through us...the truth will prevail. Just remember it was written in the Holy scriptures ... 1 John 4:1
    Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.

  • @monike9782
    @monike9782 3 роки тому

    I love everyone of these men, some more then others. Pastor MacArthur is my absolute favorite on this list. I agree with your video 100%, and I love the purpose of this video. I have grown so much over the years through Bible study, study of the Greek and Hebrew, and listening to sound teachers. It is a mistake to believe that anyone apart from Christ is perfect. Thank you for your video. I'm subscribing for more.