@@FudoCesar I wondered about that too... I thought he was going to request us to save the Kingdom from Cornelia on his behalf so he could rest in peace.
That scene before the final battle was basically like Rhea: I have now told you everything Byleth: nice Flayn: yay! We can have peace now! Everyone: ... Seteth: why do I hear boss music? Rhea: *I’m about to do what’s called a pro gamer move*
Nemesis would have made much more sense to be the silver snow final boss , rhea being the silver snow final boss was such a ass pull , you should just side with edelgard and do all of fodlan justice LOl
Nemesis didnt appear, because you became the crest of flames army. He couldnt then become an army of crest of flames as well, cause copyright issues. Pretty sure Seteth is a lawyer, on top of many things.
@@XGame80 maybe because both byleth and claude *(and other members of the golden deer)* had blood/connections to nemesis n the 10 elites? Even then, that feels like a stretch
I still think the scene of Byleth killing Edelgard belongs in SS so much more than in GD, despite being the exact same scene. It makes more sense for her to lament and for Byleth to hesitate and almost feel pain in the final blow with their history in SS, whereas in GD shes more or less a stranger and tyrant
Maybe they should have reworked that scene dialogue wise for Golden Deer. Byleth may have been leading Claude, but when I played GD first, I especially saw he still cared for Dimitri and Edelgard too. He was really saddened when he thought Dimitri was "Dead" when you first start the timeskip, and him, Claude, and Golden Deer truly don't want to kill Edelgard and still see her as a classmate despite all she has done. Too bad El is just too stubborn. Claude even laments in the throne room "Stand down, we don't want to kill you!" and she is just like, "But I have to kill you. My righteous world won't come to light otherwise!" Even though she also acknowledges her and Claude's goals are quite similar save for the fact that she tells him, you don't know enough about Fodlan's history.
@@730Flare Well you can't really say which came first considering the jarring holes in Silver Snow as well. Like Judith still sending us help when she has no reason too since we aren't with Claude. Not to mention, basically half a cutscene is cut post dubstep city and the final boss is kind of an asspull tbh. It makes more sense for the transformation in Crimson Flower, but in Silver Snow, the player has to make assumptions that may not even be true especially considering Rhea was fine and dandy in the non-feral sense in GD even after taking on dubstep missiles. Those assumptions being that Those Who Slither in the Dark messed with her in Silver Snow. Considering the copy and paste nature of the 2 paths, it really doesn't make sense that Rhea goes Feral in SS and dies mostly because of that and not her previous missile wounds, but stays human in GD and eventually dies from her wounds after the battle with Nemesis.
@@hunnterh The only experiment Rhea did was the Sothis revival project. She was creating homonculii to put Seiros crest in them and trying to resurrect her mother. Byleth's mother was the last of them, in childbirth both were going to die (Byleth and his/her mom) so Rhea at the express request of Byleth's mother put Sothis' crest on Byleth to save him.
@@hunnterh Sharing her blood with people actually makes them stronger/live longer, she saved Jeralts life by giving him her blood. It gets shady with the Sothis Revival stuff because Sothis' contiousness would overwrite the hosts over time essentially killing them.
I was so pissed when I learned that silver snow misses the big clash between the three I was like what I miss the climax of the war and I get told in a dialogue cutscene there was a bloodbath
I was too, until the developer interview revealed that Silver Snow was the first route written, and the way they spoke of it implied it was written before the Kingdom, Alliance, Dimitri and Claude existed. At the time the route was just built around the concept of "wouldn't it be cool if there was an FE game where your Lord betrayed you halfway though?", they hadn't fleshed out the rest of the world yet. The battle at Gronder is still a weird moment to me. It's cool, but I feel like the only two routes where it'd make sense from a story standpoint are Verdant Wind and Crimson Flower and oh wait it isn't even on Crimson Flower. On Azure Moon, they have to make a lame excuse about a messenger and fog to justify why the Alliance are enemies. Sometimes I feel like the chapter only exists so they could do the timeskip trailer. (Which admittedly was amazing)
@@BigKlingy That is a major plot hole and I do agree it is very stupid that even claude says huh were fighting the same person oh well lolz guess ill kill you and everyone else and then they're like hey we gotta help claude out now I know we killed eachother but isnt friendship the important part :D but then I look at all the routes and CF seems like the most half assed route to me cause its so short I feel like AM was the one they put most of their apples into cause of how long it is
@@colbytabor4069 This opinion pisses off a lot of people but looking at developer interviews and the general rushed feel of the route (only one cutscene, least chapters, Jeritza needing to be added in a free patch), I feel like Crimson Flower was tacked-on just so people who agreed with Edelgard wouldn't be mad. Apparently it WAS planned from the start, but once the other factions and Lords were created it's clear they probably shifted most of their resources to fleshing out their world building and routes. The original developer apparently wanted Crimson Flower to be "three times as hard to unlock" as it ended up being in the final game, too.
I see a lot of Edelgard fans wishing Silver Snow didn't exist so they could've put more development time into CF. Heck, I'm one of the most anti-Edelgard people out that and even I wish her route was more fleshed-out and polished.
That makes me wonder... what if he did if you got the supports high enough with him? 🤔 most people don't bother to because he's not on your team in that route but it wouldn't surprise me if they snuck something like that in
Seteth: “What do you mean we should retreat? Ah of course, you want us to feign surrender, cause little battles, then conquer Enbarr when they least expect it!” Byleth: “Mhm! Yeah! Totally what my plan was, yup”
Playing Silver Snow made me dislike Verdant Wind (my first route) a bit since it really looks that Verdant Wind is (better) copied version of Silver Snow (and not the over way, I even think SS was made first as "Byleth's route", especially with the Black Eagles marketing-focus, since SS is the default BE-path), but with Claude, on-screen Gronder 2, a different endgame and a different revelation by Rhea. Looking back, I hate it how VW recycled Edelgard's death scene since Edelgard calling Byleth "my teacher" is only a Black Eagles-thing. Heck, it even looks that Byleth's obsession in Rhea in VW is a writing-left over from SS, because - unlike in GD - in BE, Byleth decided to turn against the house the leader (Edelgard) and to side with Rhea.
I hated how many of the dialogue options in Verdant Wind revolved around Rhea or Edelgard. I didn't care about Rhea, and I wanted to kill Edelgard. Why must I tell Claude that I feel differently?
2:16 makes me cry so much! Edit: It makes me cry because I was unable to side with Edelgard, and seeing Byleth hug one of his enemies is so heartwarming! Edit 2: I chose the Crimson Flower Route, and I finished it!
Golden Deer: Follow Claude and Fight the badass warlord Nemesis, as he comes back to massacre anyone in his line of sight. Blue Lions: Follow Dimitri and fight a wicked tortured woman, who’d do anything to get her own way. Black Eagles: Follow Edelgard into battle as you both try to slaughter Rhea, a woman corrupt and broken trying to selfishly get her mother back. Silver Snow: 2:36
Fun fact: Silver Snow was written by Intelligent Systems, while the other routes were written by Koei Tecmo, that would explain why the writing in SS is weirder than in the other routes :D
@@lordtullus9942 In this interview it is stated that SS was written by Kusakihara from IS while the routes of the house leaders (AM, CF and VW) were written by Koei Tecmo nintendoeverything.com/fire-emblem-three-houses-interview-part-2-byleth-dimitri-eyepatch/3/
Silver Snow made me dislike Verdant Wind quite a bit because I realized how generic both routes' story truly is. The fact that Claude could just be removed from the story with no repurcussions makes me think they truly did him dirty. You cannot replace Dimitri with Seteth in Azure Moon, same with Edelgard in Crimson Flower. For what's it worth I think Silver Snow's plot works and Verdant Wind would have been better with a different story. Maybe a story that actually deals with the Alliance Civil War or building bridges with Almyra
People usually say the opposite,with Verdant Wind be copied by SS, even i think like this because pretty much the entire route doesn't have a lot of sense(especially the final boss) They sure could have made VW better but SS is the worst for me
@@redd_1721 Edelgard's death does make more sense in SS though. And Nemesis feels really tacked on, too. I mean it's not really important who copied who, but it still feels like Verdant Wind is a story that can function completely fine without its main lord and I think Claude deserved better than that. I dislike Silver Snow for making your mute Avatar carry the story when he can't, but I think the generic story works well in this route. Verdant Wind should have been centered more around Claude and his goals. Almyra should have played a bigger role, so should the inner turmoil within the Alliance.
You gotta understand that Verdant Wind is basically Claude taking care of outsider issues. His only purpose is to serve as a third wheel into the drama that is Edelgard vs Dimitri, the guy that will be like: "Guys! We don't have to kill each other!" but nobody hears him.
@@kellyjohana516He is one of the 3 lords despite how detached he is from the main conflict. He already has a minor role in 3/4 paths, the least they could have done is give him a route that actually focuses on him. Verdant Wind not only completely sidesteps the actual Alliance Civil War, it also doesn't use Almyra beyond Nader dicking around for 2 chapters.
Silver snow was the weakest chapter but Seteth makes a great lord and it feels like the most legitimate path for Byleth to take Byleth has no real obligation to pick a side in the war but he does have an obligation to stop Edelgard his student as well as free Rhea and take down those who slither Silver snow just needed more polish and it could of been much better also the Knight of seiros should of had an actual role in that story Alois Catherine and Shamir do nothing
You're right. He doesn't. Even in VW, he kinda makes it clear he has no real interest in fighting. He just wants to save Rhea so he can learn who he truly is...but then again, he does care for his students. So if they're going to fight, he has to support them.
I think they could’ve made Silver Snow if they did two things: 1. Included the Blood of the Eagle and Lion, but instead of a three way battle between houses, you are sort of caught in the middle and have to navigate through the chaos. It would also help to give more time for Dimitri and Claude, who have no relevance to this route. 2. Have the final battle be against Nemesis, rather than Rhea. Especially since in Verdant Wind, you get the reveal of pretty much everything, that should’ve come in this route as well, but have Nemesis show up, kill Rhea in revenge, and you now have to avenge her. That would, in my opinion, be a far stronger ending.
Playing both VW and SS back to back definitely cheapens the experience way more than if you took a break between. (Which still cheapens the experience, mind you. At this point we're sick of doing Part 1) What we learn at the end of both routes are very important, but SS is missing a great chapter, with nothing to replace it. And there are still confusions over WHY these two similar timelines have different endings. It'd be a cop out otherwise to just say "so they have different final bosses". As far as we can tell, nothing that significant happens in the middle of the route, and the same amount of time has changed, so that's a big question mark as to why: Nemesis revives in VW and SS makes no allusion to this happening even offscreen. Rhea goes crazy in SS, but her revealing Byleth's mother's backstory is too abrupt and shouldn't be THAT traumatic to relive compared to what she reveals in VW.
I'm just playing this route and... -Poor Edelgard, she really came to the reunion to recruit everyone once again :'( -Damn it, Seteth. WHY DIDN'T YOU LET ME GO TO GROUNDER FIELD!? I COULD HAVE AVOIDED DIMITRI'S DEATH! -(I'm still on this route so I haven't get to chapter 22 yet I spoiled myself about Rhea before) T-This is not fair. I was gonna S-support her! GIVE ME MY OWL FEATHERS BACK! Edit: You forgot Gilbert in Blue Lions.
@Smash Boy Ah I see. I S ranked her on my playthrough and didn't even know she could potentially die until after I beaten the game so I just assumed the wiki was correct when it said you needed an S Support. Thanks for telling me.
@Smash Boy I see. When I married Rhea, there was no mention that she went to Zanado so I found weird that it said that Catherine followed her to Zanado.
Playing Azure Moon before SS, I cried really hard when Dimitri showed up and it turned out to be a dream. I was SO ready to join forces with him too when Gilbert asked...
I’m glad I’m not the only one who, after playing both the Silver Snow and Verdant Wind routes was like “Where the hell was Nemesis?!” That would’ve been a way better finale to this route than ‘Rhea got an owchie so now she’s crazy”.
No it wouldn't, because Rhea was always crazy. Silver Snow was just the straw that broke the camel's back. Besides, everyone knows the Church route is just bootleg Golden Deer.
This route is pretty much the Black Eagle route for those who don't like the Empire... but it's kinda just Verdant wind with a little bit of Azure moon thrown in until near the end. Unfortunately I played both of those first so I feel a lot of "been there, done that."
Something like 2:14 would have been perfect for CF's Protect Edelgard scene. They could have done it when Byleth turns around to stab Rhea. Then they could hug Edelgard and promise to stay by her side. But as they hug, Rhea gets up, rages and turns into a dragon.
It's left to interpretation. We had no idea what he looked like in that route. He may have died later after that event, but he was 100% alive when he was speaking with us.
I thought he might join in during the siege on Fort Merceus like that one guy in VW or maybe show up with Dedue in the Edelgard fight. But nah, he just shows up says some things and then leaves.
I wondered what happened to all those knights and clergy who transformed after the battle was over. Unless I'm mistaken the game literally doesn't tell you at all. I hope they lived...
Silver Snow is... strange. It's my 3rd favourite of the routes, but it feels the strangest still (Crimson Flower is the 4th, I have a lot of gripes with that route in particular). As it is, its a watered-down version of BL and GD, with some new story elements around Byleth. It's not really that interesting and playing through it was a bore. Especially if you don't like the cast of BE (and I don't like the majority of that cast so ehhhh). How would I improve it? Make it a more personal hero story. Have more scenes with Edelgard, really push that connection and crushing betrayal. Make Seteth and the Church gang the main cast of SS. Make sure the players know why it's important to stop Edelgard's tyranny, apart from saying "oh war is bad and Edelgard is bad" (I correlate this to why Edelgard is so hated, as almost all of the routes do this to some extent.) Save Rhea earlier through the route and slowly watch her descend into madness, which of course would cause the final fight.
@@eric_moore-6126 she's a victim and was manipulated and brainwashed but she still started a war, can't excuse those crimes. What I also hate is how arrogantly and know it all way she acts as if she is in control of everything. It makes sense given the torture she endured but it didn't make her behaviour any less annoying but the reunion with Edelgard in SS was super amazing and beautiful
As we know, SS was written before VW, but I feel like to take it further Nemesis was taken from SS to VW and they just made Rheas the final boss in SS, it would make more sense for Nemesis to return there since it’s the church’s route, but I think they wanted VW to have some kind of significance
Having only played the other paths (and not caring about Claudeless Verdant Wind, so I watched this video without playing it), that doesn't seem accurate.
Really? Damn then it was the terribly designed route. I mean not only does it fit more golden deer (because why judith assist the church? I mean aleast it made sense in golden deer.) But also when the letter about TWSITD location, why would hubert give it to their enemy? Aleast in golden deer, it made more sense as they weren't exactly "enemies" as claude and edelgard had their own ways to change fodlan, like what i mean is edelgard hated the church but not claude. The only thing that fits better on silver snow is edelgard death, everything else makes it look like a route for golden deer.
@@sonicthehedge Hubert: I know it must vile, to even consider working with them seeing what they did to your father. But as they say the enemy of my enemy is my....... *well...., I believe you understand the situation fully* (notice the pauses and not being able to finish one of those sentences) As much as don't condone their nonsense, edie and hubie still consider TWSITD to be foes as well. So if they couldn't kill them, settle for the next best thing.
Moral of the story? No matter how justified you think you are in teaming up with evil tech wizards and starting a war, DON'T DO THAT! Or you'll end up forever alone like Edgelord. -This PSA brought to you by Seteth from the Church of Serios.
KILL ALL THE NONBELIE- Wait... KILL ALL THE BELIEVERS! DOWN WITH THE CHURCH OF SEIROS! ALL HAIL THE FLAME EMPORER! And also like, down with those who slither in the dark? Maybe. Not sure. Yeah. Yeah I think so.
DemonicMonkey88 The sad truth is that like Lysithea, Edelgard doesn’t have a lot of time to change the corrupted system without starting a war. Edelgard is being selfless with her life while Rhea is sacrificing so many life’s to TRY to bring back Sothis. When the topic is between who is right Edelgard or Rhea? Edelgard is right. But all three house leaders have actually good reasons and just do some bad things for the better of the future. All of them think that only they are right. The only differences is that Edelgard struggles asking for help. Claude can be untrustworthy. And Dimitri is kinda insane. (At least for a while depending on the route) But what they all want is right. (But Edelgard does what Claude wanted to do in her route too so idk why they didn’t pair up in the golden deer route)
@@alvarosanjuan8709 She caused dozens of deaths and spread terror throughout Fodlan even before starting a war that killed hundreds more. She allied with genocidal maniacs, and allowed them to conduct experiments on her. She caused mass anarchy under the guise of ending anarchy, while it was plain to see there was none before. And she did all of this just because someone with slightly more authority than her MIGHT not have been telling the entire truth about something that didn't even affect her.
@@eric_moore-6126 First of all, she was FORCED to work with twsitd. Next, Rhea is a crazy dragon who controls all the continent. And she didn't want to rule, so telling that she took down Rhea because she had more power doesn't make sense.
@@alvarosanjuan8709 How was Edelgard forced to work with the Agarthans? And Rhea was only dangerous once she had people terrorizing her citizens, and guess whose fault that was.
[Chibi Edelgard is sad while Edge of Dawn Plays in the Background] is probably the best possible Summary. At least if you pick Claude or Dimitri you get Claude or Dimitri. They're not El but they're both deep and loveable characters. In this one you can't even save one of them, also you betray El-chan *after* winning her trust? It's like you're going out of your way to break her heart. Though I suppose the family dynamic with Flayn and Seteth is interesting as are the slightly different arcs for Ferdinand and Petra.
The sad truth of this route is that Edelgard trusted you and you betrayed her for Rhea’s coochie. Edelgard and Lysithea have a sad life and a sad ending. Unless you reach for Edelgard’s hand and ship Lysithea with Byleth or Hannmane or Lynhardt. Lysithea and Edelgard’s life’s were robbed from them..... But they are still selfless. Lysithea keeps working hard to better the future for her parents and Edelgard fights to end the people who cause so much harm to fòdlan and to put an end to the corrupted system.
Don't you basically murder two students if you didn't recruit them? Also, you let the Kingdom army and Alliance army be killed in Grounder 'cause reasons.
Andreu Ortín Borràs She would never do that. She loves Byleth. The song the edge of dawn is her feelings. She gave Dimitri the dagger back because she knew her path was over. Just like Lysithea her life expectancy was shortened. She knew she had to start the war because otherwise she would not have guaranteed a changed future. And Edelgard’s battle dialogues with Byleth are way less aggressive than with other people. And Byleth struggles to end her in every route. The story is a love story between them. It ends sad....... Unless you reach for her hand.
Merciless Freak You again? Listen up and look at the facts I’m bringing to the table instead of just being a headstrong jerk. Your denying Edelgard’s actual character traits just to hate her. I don’t like Lorenz but I’ll admit he is respectful to some people and has good intentions. Just like any well written character, Edelgard has good personality traits and is a nice person with good intentions who makes mistakes if Byleth isn’t there to guide her. Just like every other character.
I can understand MAYBE wanting to spare her after playing Verdant Wind. Azure Moon? A normal person would want to bring her back to life just to kill her again.
I actually like Silver Snow better than Golden Deer. Maybe that's because I played it first and it also made me feel sad. So to me Golden Deer feels like the copy.
@@Midna78 My least favorite the church route, if only because of the hypocrisy. DL and BE are pretty equal in my opinion. My favorite is Golden Deer though. Church route is still Bootleg Golden Deer.
I actually liked Silver Snow a lot, I'm just not the biggest fan of the Black Eagles kids overall, unfortunately. I generally used the Church Units and Ashen Wolves on this route when I played it.
Rhea final boss was so forced in this route. This is the route in which Nemesis would make the most sense to be the final boss of. As much as I loved Claude, I was very off-put with how the latter part got handled with Hubert pulling the random letter out of his ass, having a knowledge that he never had in Eagle or even Church route despite same events. I don't know. While multiple routes might feel nice, I would honestly prefer if it was just one with the actual solid plot because at this point every route is lacking in something, left as some sort of DLC bait, and I'm not a huge fan of it.
@@saint1515 it's so bizarre that black eagles was the most promoted house but both of its routes are the weakest in the game with one being incomplete and the other being a clone of another route then golden deer is jus5 church with Claude it's crazy how blue lions was the least popular choice at first but now is the best route in the game
@@thatoneblackdude3333 I agree that's sad on all fronts like what was the point of promoting them if you're not going to put that much effort into the black Eagles route like why Nintendo
I really wish they made the sence different like at least give byleth feeling towards edelgard before killing her like I don't like hug her or something I mean she is his student after all lol
Silver snow was my first route. The amount of emptiness and disappointment I felt after beating Rhea was irritating. When Byleth kills Edelgard I was like "Soooo...thats it? I don't get a say in this? Also Byleth wtf. At least let her finish speaking." I didn't even know about the Crimson Rose route until after we killed Edelgard.
@@bladeofevilsbane5808 After watching that scene 3 times, I actually think Edelgard said that last line in her head. There's a slight echoey/muted quality to her voice. From Byleth's perspective, she was done talking.
This route was probably the most disappointing of the 4 for me as it was basically a worse golden Deer Also you should do a animation on how it feels playing Maddening with just suffering
That’s pretty spot on, I was considering replacing Seteth with Claude wearing a Seteth mask to represent that, but I left it out because I didn’t know if that would translate well
@@jjjj4rd I heard that the Black Eagles don't really shine as much as well in that specific path. Golden Deer had "stage presence" if I were to describe it with a phrase. I hope the Black Eagles shine more in their true path of Crimson Flower. Golden Deer is definitely the most tight knit so far for me. Blue Lions is too but I would describe it differently. Whereas Claude and co were pretty much unified the whole time, the Blue Lions were doing their best to stay united and help Dimitri as best as they could so it sometimes came off like their screentime was odd per say. Of course us being the Professor (and also Rodrigue) did most of the "therapy" and enforcing a healthy mindset for coping. I mention mindset specifically because unfortunately he still hears voices for the rest of his life. He never gets magically "better" per say as some people think. Too bad this info is locked behind paired endings, but especially Female Byleth's S support... Anyways by the end, he still struggles with what I interpret as a combo of PTSD, Schizoprenia, and Depression, but he has now realized and stuck with the mindset that he has Byleth especially to lean on as well as his friends.
Michael Olegario I mean, if SS is the weakest, CF is the second weakest. Even there, to me at least, Edelgard didn’t do a great job of explaining her deeds, especially when we fight Dimitri, her counters to his statements were very very weak. Oh, and it’s 4 chapters shorter. And TWSITD are out there. Definitely least favourite route for me. Never felt complete at all.
TWISTD has another hideout and made Rhea rampage like the people in Remire village. Watch "The TRUTH Behind Those Who Slither In The Dark - Part 2" It's sad we need to watch a video to know more of the story
Out of all 4 routes these are my favorite to best to worst 1.Golden Deer 2.Blue Lion 3.Black Eagle 4.Silver snow Silver snow didnt have that great story Compare to Golden deer and blue lions does and Rhea hardly told u anything about what she did to u when ur a child.Golden deer is hands down the best route
Actually Silver Snow is where Rhea goes into the most detail about Byleth's birth. She says even less about it on Golden Deer, since the focus of her exposition dump on that route is the ancient past.
@@Ryodraco Still though its pretty much implied and you can piece at least a good portion of things together. I mean she still basically says I did "questionable" things several times, one of them being stuffing my mother's crest stone in you as a baby that was basically dead at birth. The only thing missing from GD that can be easily transferred over is her mentioning, "Oh yeah, the reason why you were compatible with my mom's rebirth because you had my blood through me saving your dad through a transfusion"
1:00 Silver Snow AKA let's take Edelgard's abandonment issues from 10 to 💯. Jokes aside, I'm gonna keep it a 1.50 with all of you: Silver Snow feels like a diluted Verdant Wind with a little bit of Crimson Flower sprinkled in there. This route felt weak even by traditional (pre-Awakening) FE standards. The least they could've done was at least TRY to flesh out the ⛪'s characters a little more, or at the very least give Alois, Shamir, and/or Catherine more spotlight, but no! Oh, and do NOT get me started on the final boss; I still don't understand why it had to be Rhea... AGAIN! To reiterate: Silver Snow is like a combination between VW and CF, just minus the best parts of those routes; it was so bland, that white 🍞 has more flavor than this route. I'm sure even the most traditional of FE fans would so this route is too bland for it's own good.
Jeremy Woodruff the issue with SS from my perspective is that their intention with SS was not executed very well. CF, AM, and VW were all centered around their respective lord characters. SS however has no lord so who was it about? Byleth, and that’s the issue. SS was a route centered around a silent protagonist which is already problematic. Most would think since it’s the so-called “church route” that the KoS would have more of a role, but not really. The thing is, a lot of what SS is about (which isn’t much) is Byleth and the remaining Black Eagles class dealing with Edelgard’s betrayal and I think this is cemented by Edelgard’s death cutscene, which I believe is more befitting of SS and is for some reason re-used in VW for whatever reason. The endgame however feels rather odd; the fight in Shambhala was fine but the final battle almost seems to be forced (though the fight feels far from it). I speculate that VW and SS were developed next to each other or that SS was supposed to be based on VW but never really took off as its own.
@@millrose6250 I'm gonna be honest with you; I don't think Byleth should have been a silent protagonist. Awakening and Fates never went this route, and they were great (Fates not as much, but still a good game). Fire Emblem is NOT a series for the silent protagonist trope; Nintendo can pull that with Mario and Zelda, but not FE.
1:24 THIS. FRIGGIN’ THIS RIGHT HERE. I HAAATE almost everything about Silver Snow. My biggest complaint is that it’s almost as if Byleth/the Church ACTIVELY avoids battles and forming alliances specifically so that they can kill-steal later. You literally sit out of partaking in this AMAZINGLY thematic fight between all three factions on the very same field they once fought on for a sparring match as students...SPECIFICALLY so that you can take out the Empire while they’re still weak and recovering from said fight. Don’t even get me STARTED on the execution scene. And the Rhea thing at the end is as out-of-left-field as the video. I only went that route because my friend who also played Eagles went the other route, so I wanted to see if the “big choice” ACTUALLY changed anything. I regret it. There are some specific moments I enjoyed as well as the subtext of why all the other BE characters decide to dip out of the Empire, but I absolutely loathed Silver Snow overall so much that it killed my motivation to play the other routes. I haven’t even touched the game since and I hate that. ...Still a 10/10 game for me.
Matt Rogan Because in this route you technically betray her after she trusted you and tried to give you her hand. AND you make all the rest of her friends betray her. And even after all of this she still cared for Byleth...... Only to be slaughtered.
You didn't make her friends betray her. She did. I don't know how they justified every single student sticking with Byleth in Crimson Flower, but they don't seem like they would, in the other routes.
Missed the part where Edelgard leaves with the only move ring in the game, because you thought she'd have the common decency to at least empty her inventory before becoming your mortal enemy. Really should have known better. El isn't known for her common decency.
@@Livestick42 regret or no regret she was selfish enough to commit to killing them. If someone commits to kill, then others shouldn't be distraught if they get killed in the process. She deserved it.
I know this is technically one of the Black Eagles routes, but I think that Claude should’ve joined you in Silver Snow. It would’ve been cool to see that Claude retreated from battle to go to the church and warn Byleth and the others about what’s going on. Maybe Claude could’ve at least been hanging out in the monastery with you since he’s hiding from the Empire, and he would only participate in battles in chapter 18 onwards.
2:01 THATS HOW SHOULD HAVE ENDED Insted of Killing Edelgard, just i wish to sapre her just like i did with recluted in part 1 studients on part 2 (like Ashe) But no... Do Byleth, the church and the rest mention edelgard after killing her of feel sorry about her... NO, JUST THE PLAYER/I THIS IS WHY SILVER SNOW SUCKS!!! I NEVER WANT TO PLAY IT AGAIN!!
Byleth: Guys, I think I saw Dimitri's ghost
Don't forget Ashe and Alois as well.
What is the purpose of Dimitri's ghost ? He just banished...
@@FudoCesar I wondered about that too... I thought he was going to request us to save the Kingdom from Cornelia on his behalf so he could rest in peace.
yeah idk either it’s just feels like seteth cockblocked us from whatever dimitri was going to tell byleth lmao
Ashe and Alois are also scared of ghosts
That scene before the final battle was basically like
Rhea: I have now told you everything
Byleth: nice
Flayn: yay! We can have peace now!
Everyone: ...
Seteth: why do I hear boss music?
Rhea: *I’m about to do what’s called a pro gamer move*
I wasn't going to use Cyril on the final boss... but then I noticed it was Rhea.
Imagining rhea saying "im about to do what's called a pro gamer move" in her voice made this 5x better.
Rhea : oh you need a final boss ? I can do that
Where is Nemesis?
Nemesis would have made much more sense to be the silver snow final boss , rhea being the silver snow final boss was such a ass pull , you should just side with edelgard and do all of fodlan justice LOl
@@lionandwolfboy8714 ikr
Marth teleporting behind rhea : no.
@@lionandwolfboy8714 Fuck the CF route! But I agree that Nemesis should've been the final boss for SS
Nemesis didnt appear, because you became the crest of flames army. He couldnt then become an army of crest of flames as well, cause copyright issues. Pretty sure Seteth is a lawyer, on top of many things.
Actually, in GD, you also become the Crest of Flames army (For some reason). We still don't know why did Nemesis revived in GD.
@@kellyjohana516 probably awakened when Thales self nuked Shambala
Col0rless_ he did the same thing in silver snow, though
@@XGame80 maybe because both byleth and claude *(and other members of the golden deer)* had blood/connections to nemesis n the 10 elites?
Even then, that feels like a stretch
@@worthywill9294 So did Dimitri, but you're still the Kingdom army in Azure Moon.
So basically in this route
Edelgard - dies
Dimitri - dies
Claude - UNKNOWN
Rhea - dies (unless you romance her)
Cure Ruby more like a kaze scenario, A support is enough to save her.
It depends when Byleth M/F support Rhea from c to s
Claude probably died as well. SPOILER: No way he could flee the way he did in BL and BE (if you spare him)
Claude von Riegan oh ok. Glad to see you’re doing well!
And all the other students you don't recruit. Also Manuela and the other professor
Dimitri in azure moon: I should have known that you would come to haunt me too.
Dimitri in silver snow: (actually haunts Byleth)
I still think the scene of Byleth killing Edelgard belongs in SS so much more than in GD, despite being the exact same scene. It makes more sense for her to lament and for Byleth to hesitate and almost feel pain in the final blow with their history in SS, whereas in GD shes more or less a stranger and tyrant
Maybe they should have reworked that scene dialogue wise for Golden Deer. Byleth may have been leading Claude, but when I played GD first, I especially saw he still cared for Dimitri and Edelgard too. He was really saddened when he thought Dimitri was "Dead" when you first start the timeskip, and him, Claude, and Golden Deer truly don't want to kill Edelgard and still see her as a classmate despite all she has done. Too bad El is just too stubborn. Claude even laments in the throne room "Stand down, we don't want to kill you!" and she is just like, "But I have to kill you. My righteous world won't come to light otherwise!" Even though she also acknowledges her and Claude's goals are quite similar save for the fact that she tells him, you don't know enough about Fodlan's history.
I thought the same thing. The dialogue didn't really fit (it made more sense that she'd want to 'walk' with her teacher). It was more impactful in SS.
Hence the belief that GD is the copy paste of SS and not the other way around.
@@730Flare Well you can't really say which came first considering the jarring holes in Silver Snow as well. Like Judith still sending us help when she has no reason too since we aren't with Claude. Not to mention, basically half a cutscene is cut post dubstep city and the final boss is kind of an asspull tbh. It makes more sense for the transformation in Crimson Flower, but in Silver Snow, the player has to make assumptions that may not even be true especially considering Rhea was fine and dandy in the non-feral sense in GD even after taking on dubstep missiles. Those assumptions being that Those Who Slither in the Dark messed with her in Silver Snow. Considering the copy and paste nature of the 2 paths, it really doesn't make sense that Rhea goes Feral in SS and dies mostly because of that and not her previous missile wounds, but stays human in GD and eventually dies from her wounds after the battle with Nemesis.
2:29 Im gonna assume that mentioning nemesis triggered rhea’s ptsd and made her a dragon
Jalen Harper nah Rhea was doin some nasty blood shit with people. Byleth included
The only experiment Rhea did was the Sothis revival project.
She was creating homonculii to put Seiros crest in them and trying to resurrect her mother.
Byleth's mother was the last of them, in childbirth both were going to die (Byleth and his/her mom) so Rhea at the express request of Byleth's mother put Sothis' crest on Byleth to save him.
Andreu Ortín Borràs dude I was talking about her sharing blood with other church officials and turning them into dragons
Sorry my bad.
I thought you meant she going crazy over Nemesis and thaaaat whole story about Sothis and all that
@@hunnterh Sharing her blood with people actually makes them stronger/live longer, she saved Jeralts life by giving him her blood. It gets shady with the Sothis Revival stuff because Sothis' contiousness would overwrite the hosts over time essentially killing them.
Oh I thought Byleth is just going to hug Edelgard... and then sneak in a neck snap while he's at it.
I was thinking the same... I was waiting for it actually lol
glad i'm not the only one
Yooo same
Eldegard: thanks teach, I love yo...!!!
Byleth snaps Eldegard’s neck
Everyone: well, that went dark
Yeah i thought the same thing
It surely would have been a lot funnier
The part when Dimitri haunted Byleth got my eyes wet
I was so pissed when I learned that silver snow misses the big clash between the three I was like what I miss the climax of the war and I get told in a dialogue cutscene there was a bloodbath
I was too, until the developer interview revealed that Silver Snow was the first route written, and the way they spoke of it implied it was written before the Kingdom, Alliance, Dimitri and Claude existed. At the time the route was just built around the concept of "wouldn't it be cool if there was an FE game where your Lord betrayed you halfway though?", they hadn't fleshed out the rest of the world yet.
The battle at Gronder is still a weird moment to me. It's cool, but I feel like the only two routes where it'd make sense from a story standpoint are Verdant Wind and Crimson Flower and oh wait it isn't even on Crimson Flower. On Azure Moon, they have to make a lame excuse about a messenger and fog to justify why the Alliance are enemies. Sometimes I feel like the chapter only exists so they could do the timeskip trailer. (Which admittedly was amazing)
@@BigKlingy That is a major plot hole and I do agree it is very stupid that even claude says huh were fighting the same person oh well lolz guess ill kill you and everyone else
and then they're like hey we gotta help claude out now I know we killed eachother but isnt friendship the important part :D but then I look at all the routes and CF seems like the most half assed route to me cause its so short I feel like AM was the one they put most of their apples into cause of how long it is
@@colbytabor4069 This opinion pisses off a lot of people but looking at developer interviews and the general rushed feel of the route (only one cutscene, least chapters, Jeritza needing to be added in a free patch), I feel like Crimson Flower was tacked-on just so people who agreed with Edelgard wouldn't be mad. Apparently it WAS planned from the start, but once the other factions and Lords were created it's clear they probably shifted most of their resources to fleshing out their world building and routes. The original developer apparently wanted Crimson Flower to be "three times as hard to unlock" as it ended up being in the final game, too.
BigKlingy wait people get mad about CF being rushed?
I see a lot of Edelgard fans wishing Silver Snow didn't exist so they could've put more development time into CF.
Heck, I'm one of the most anti-Edelgard people out that and even I wish her route was more fleshed-out and polished.
Damn it! For a moment I thought that Dimitri was actually alive and he would join you or something
Same here
Same 😢
That makes me wonder... what if he did if you got the supports high enough with him? 🤔 most people don't bother to because he's not on your team in that route but it wouldn't surprise me if they snuck something like that in
@@anniemouse3853 I don't think you can support with him in that route
Ethan Gonzalez
You could with NG+ I think
That whole scene with Dimitri is just like
Ummm what?
The silliest part of SS was Seteth reading Byleth mind.
When did he do that?
@@Lordhades1510 When they don't know how to invade Fort Merceus. It was a weird part.
Seteth: “What do you mean we should retreat? Ah of course, you want us to feign surrender, cause little battles, then conquer Enbarr when they least expect it!”
Byleth: “Mhm! Yeah! Totally what my plan was, yup”
Sasuga Ain.. eh Byleth!
0:28 Aw, cheer up, Edelgard. At least you still have Hubert
Edelgard: *Cries even harder*
That's even worse than having nobody. Hubert is a creep
You have Hubert, but all your friends want you dead :) Silver snow is sad if you think in Edelgard's feelings
SS is the worst route imo.
BeastMaster 64 you’re the worst route imo
curious and fun fact: in the archives of the abyss library in a section mention why binoculars or remote viewers were prohibited
Playing Silver Snow made me dislike Verdant Wind (my first route) a bit since it really looks that Verdant Wind is (better) copied version of Silver Snow (and not the over way, I even think SS was made first as "Byleth's route", especially with the Black Eagles marketing-focus, since SS is the default BE-path), but with Claude, on-screen Gronder 2, a different endgame and a different revelation by Rhea. Looking back, I hate it how VW recycled Edelgard's death scene since Edelgard calling Byleth "my teacher" is only a Black Eagles-thing. Heck, it even looks that Byleth's obsession in Rhea in VW is a writing-left over from SS, because - unlike in GD - in BE, Byleth decided to turn against the house the leader (Edelgard) and to side with Rhea.
I actually think that at the start cause Silver Snow was my first route and Verdant Wind the last that i played .
I hated how many of the dialogue options in Verdant Wind revolved around Rhea or Edelgard. I didn't care about Rhea, and I wanted to kill Edelgard. Why must I tell Claude that I feel differently?
1:29 poor Claude
2:16 makes me cry so much!
Edit: It makes me cry because I was unable to side with Edelgard, and seeing Byleth hug one of his enemies is so heartwarming!
Edit 2: I chose the Crimson Flower Route, and I finished it!
2:32 Rhea just went like "and i oop-"
Ayane Von Riegan
can toxic girls like you just please.
@@NotThatUser are you okay?
Michelle Mancham, they are.
Golden Deer: Follow Claude and Fight the badass warlord Nemesis, as he comes back to massacre anyone in his line of sight.
Blue Lions: Follow Dimitri and fight a wicked tortured woman, who’d do anything to get her own way.
Black Eagles: Follow Edelgard into battle as you both try to slaughter Rhea, a woman corrupt and broken trying to selfishly get her mother back.
Silver Snow: 2:36
@@kevinbach7148 dragon go brrr
Fun fact: Silver Snow was written by Intelligent Systems, while the other routes were written by Koei Tecmo, that would explain why the writing in SS is weirder than in the other routes :D
Where did you get this information?
@@lordtullus9942 In this interview it is stated that SS was written by Kusakihara from IS while the routes of the house leaders (AM, CF and VW) were written by Koei Tecmo nintendoeverything.com/fire-emblem-three-houses-interview-part-2-byleth-dimitri-eyepatch/3/
I wonder how much of this game is IS and how much is KT?
Storywise the characters and world feel more fleshed out than other FE games.
@@Frog_24_ thanks that was a fun read
I just watch these for the thinking Byleth animation.
Silver Snow made me dislike Verdant Wind quite a bit because I realized how generic both routes' story truly is. The fact that Claude could just be removed from the story with no repurcussions makes me think they truly did him dirty. You cannot replace Dimitri with Seteth in Azure Moon, same with Edelgard in Crimson Flower.
For what's it worth I think Silver Snow's plot works and Verdant Wind would have been better with a different story. Maybe a story that actually deals with the Alliance Civil War or building bridges with Almyra
People usually say the opposite,with Verdant Wind be copied by SS, even i think like this because pretty much the entire route doesn't have a lot of sense(especially the final boss)
They sure could have made VW better but SS is the worst for me
I felt the same way. When I played Golden Deer last, it only really felt 'new' in the very last battle. Nothing else at all.
Edelgard's death does make more sense in SS though. And Nemesis feels really tacked on, too.
I mean it's not really important who copied who, but it still feels like Verdant Wind is a story that can function completely fine without its main lord and I think Claude deserved better than that.
I dislike Silver Snow for making your mute Avatar carry the story when he can't, but I think the generic story works well in this route.
Verdant Wind should have been centered more around Claude and his goals. Almyra should have played a bigger role, so should the inner turmoil within the Alliance.
You gotta understand that Verdant Wind is basically Claude taking care of outsider issues. His only purpose is to serve as a third wheel into the drama that is Edelgard vs Dimitri, the guy that will be like: "Guys! We don't have to kill each other!" but nobody hears him.
@@kellyjohana516He is one of the 3 lords despite how detached he is from the main conflict. He already has a minor role in 3/4 paths, the least they could have done is give him a route that actually focuses on him. Verdant Wind not only completely sidesteps the actual Alliance Civil War, it also doesn't use Almyra beyond Nader dicking around for 2 chapters.
0:51 and that is when Edelgard went full on Mad Empress
She did that before the time skip. She was always dangerously insane
Silver snow was the weakest chapter but Seteth makes a great lord and it feels like the most legitimate path for Byleth to take
Byleth has no real obligation to pick a side in the war but he does have an obligation to stop Edelgard his student as well as free Rhea and take down those who slither
Silver snow just needed more polish and it could of been much better also the Knight of seiros should of had an actual role in that story Alois Catherine and Shamir do nothing
To be honest I feel like VW and SS were originally meant to be one route but then they got splitted.
You're right. He doesn't. Even in VW, he kinda makes it clear he has no real interest in fighting. He just wants to save Rhea so he can learn who he truly is...but then again, he does care for his students. So if they're going to fight, he has to support them.
I think they could’ve made Silver Snow if they did two things:
1. Included the Blood of the Eagle and Lion, but instead of a three way battle between houses, you are sort of caught in the middle and have to navigate through the chaos. It would also help to give more time for Dimitri and Claude, who have no relevance to this route.
2. Have the final battle be against Nemesis, rather than Rhea. Especially since in Verdant Wind, you get the reveal of pretty much everything, that should’ve come in this route as well, but have Nemesis show up, kill Rhea in revenge, and you now have to avenge her. That would, in my opinion, be a far stronger ending.
@@andrewdinse7658 To add to that, if you however have S-support with Rhea, you can save her.
Playing both VW and SS back to back definitely cheapens the experience way more than if you took a break between. (Which still cheapens the experience, mind you. At this point we're sick of doing Part 1) What we learn at the end of both routes are very important, but SS is missing a great chapter, with nothing to replace it. And there are still confusions over WHY these two similar timelines have different endings. It'd be a cop out otherwise to just say "so they have different final bosses". As far as we can tell, nothing that significant happens in the middle of the route, and the same amount of time has changed, so that's a big question mark as to why:
Nemesis revives in VW and SS makes no allusion to this happening even offscreen.
Rhea goes crazy in SS, but her revealing Byleth's mother's backstory is too abrupt and shouldn't be THAT traumatic to relive compared to what she reveals in VW.
2:34 When you find out they ran out of chicken tenders for the evening.
It’s Always fun to beat A route and come back to see how accurate video is
I'm just playing this route and...
-Poor Edelgard, she really came to the reunion to recruit everyone once again :'(
-(I'm still on this route so I haven't get to chapter 22 yet I spoiled myself about Rhea before) T-This is not fair. I was gonna S-support her! GIVE ME MY OWL FEATHERS BACK!
Edit: You forgot Gilbert in Blue Lions.
Actually, Silver Snow is the only route where you can S Support Rhea. If you do, then she survives the final battle.
@@CrazyCactuar42 Oh, thanks Sothis...
@Smash Boy Ah I see. I S ranked her on my playthrough and didn't even know she could potentially die until after I beaten the game so I just assumed the wiki was correct when it said you needed an S Support. Thanks for telling me.
@Smash Boy And if you read Catherine´s ending...You note an inconsistency.
@Smash Boy I see. When I married Rhea, there was no mention that she went to Zanado so I found weird that it said that Catherine followed her to Zanado.
Playing Azure Moon before SS, I cried really hard when Dimitri showed up and it turned out to be a dream. I was SO ready to join forces with him too when Gilbert asked...
I’m glad I’m not the only one who, after playing both the Silver Snow and Verdant Wind routes was like “Where the hell was Nemesis?!” That would’ve been a way better finale to this route than ‘Rhea got an owchie so now she’s crazy”.
No it wouldn't, because Rhea was always crazy. Silver Snow was just the straw that broke the camel's back.
Besides, everyone knows the Church route is just bootleg Golden Deer.
@Ironbay Knight G Claude. Claude is the answer.
This route is pretty much the Black Eagle route for those who don't like the Empire... but it's kinda just Verdant wind with a little bit of Azure moon thrown in until near the end. Unfortunately I played both of those first so I feel a lot of "been there, done that."
I need a gif of Byleth thinking
I find it really funny
Something like 2:14 would have been perfect for CF's Protect Edelgard scene. They could have done it when Byleth turns around to stab Rhea. Then they could hug Edelgard and promise to stay by her side. But as they hug, Rhea gets up, rages and turns into a dragon.
Now do how it feels to play maddening difficulty
I'm in the middle of playing it and it lives up to the name. I've reset so many battles.
It's stupid i have to reset between bad rng level up and also if enemy kill my unit in 1 turn , 2 hours only for 1 battle
I actually thought dimitri was still alive when he showed up to talk to byleth. Man, i’m pretty stupid😅
the camera man Wait a minute... he WAS actually dead?? I thought that animation was a joke??
It's left to interpretation. We had no idea what he looked like in that route. He may have died later after that event, but he was 100% alive when he was speaking with us.
I thought he might join in during the siege on Fort Merceus like that one guy in VW or maybe show up with Dedue in the Edelgard fight. But nah, he just shows up says some things and then leaves.
I wondered what happened to all those knights and clergy who transformed after the battle was over. Unless I'm mistaken the game literally doesn't tell you at all. I hope they lived...
Byleth:**mentions nemesis**
Rhea:**Vietnam flashbacks**
Silver Snow is... strange. It's my 3rd favourite of the routes, but it feels the strangest still (Crimson Flower is the 4th, I have a lot of gripes with that route in particular).
As it is, its a watered-down version of BL and GD, with some new story elements around Byleth. It's not really that interesting and playing through it was a bore. Especially if you don't like the cast of BE (and I don't like the majority of that cast so ehhhh).
How would I improve it? Make it a more personal hero story. Have more scenes with Edelgard, really push that connection and crushing betrayal. Make Seteth and the Church gang the main cast of SS. Make sure the players know why it's important to stop Edelgard's tyranny, apart from saying "oh war is bad and Edelgard is bad" (I correlate this to why Edelgard is so hated, as almost all of the routes do this to some extent.) Save Rhea earlier through the route and slowly watch her descend into madness, which of course would cause the final fight.
Her willingness to work with (really for) people like Solon and Kronya is certainly a bad thing.
@@eric_moore-6126 she's a victim and was manipulated and brainwashed but she still started a war, can't excuse those crimes. What I also hate is how arrogantly and know it all way she acts as if she is in control of everything. It makes sense given the torture she endured but it didn't make her behaviour any less annoying but the reunion with Edelgard in SS was super amazing and beautiful
To be fair I really love the silver snow route 😅
Playing the crimson route gave me nightmares 😅
I just really like Seteth as your lord, and it feels way better aiding against Edelgard and all her violence, but I still think BL and GD are better
Edelgard received the Dimitri treatment during Crimson flower in a nutshell
The Dimitri treatment?
Hey what about the Nemesis plotli-
As we know, SS was written before VW, but I feel like to take it further Nemesis was taken from SS to VW and they just made Rheas the final boss in SS, it would make more sense for Nemesis to return there since it’s the church’s route, but I think they wanted VW to have some kind of significance
Golden deer's and silver snow's final chapters definetelly should have been swaped, and Rhean should have worked as your "lord" in that rout as well
0:15 - 0:39 And that's why this is the best path in the game! Every student likes you!
That's different from the others?
@@eric_moore-6126 Yes, you make enemies with some of them on the other path.
Having only played the other paths (and not caring about Claudeless Verdant Wind, so I watched this video without playing it), that doesn't seem accurate.
My first playthrough was Silver Snow and I can confirm that it felt exactly like this
Silver Snow has been confirmed to be the first route made by the devs. Hell yeah, knew it from the beginning that VW was the rip off !!! :D
Yeah and sadly most people think the oposite 😔
Damn then it was the terribly designed route.
I mean not only does it fit more golden deer (because why judith assist the church? I mean aleast it made sense in golden deer.) But also when the letter about TWSITD location, why would hubert give it to their enemy? Aleast in golden deer, it made more sense as they weren't exactly "enemies" as claude and edelgard had their own ways to change fodlan, like what i mean is edelgard hated the church but not claude.
The only thing that fits better on silver snow is edelgard death, everything else makes it look like a route for golden deer.
Hubert: I know it must vile, to even consider working with them seeing what they did to your father. But as they say the enemy of my enemy is my.......
*well...., I believe you understand the situation fully* (notice the pauses and not being able to finish one of those sentences)
As much as don't condone their nonsense, edie and hubie still consider TWSITD to be foes as well. So if they couldn't kill them, settle for the next best thing.
Moral of the story? No matter how justified you think you are in teaming up with evil tech wizards and starting a war, DON'T DO THAT! Or you'll end up forever alone like Edgelord.
-This PSA brought to you by Seteth from the Church of Serios.
Teaming up is a strong word considering the fact that she never really had a choice.
Don't be afraid to ask for help, that's the real moral.
And also like, down with those who slither in the dark?
Not sure.
Yeah I think so.
The sad truth is that like Lysithea, Edelgard doesn’t have a lot of time to change the corrupted system without starting a war.
Edelgard is being selfless with her life while Rhea is sacrificing so many life’s to TRY to bring back Sothis.
When the topic is between who is right Edelgard or Rhea?
Edelgard is right. But all three house leaders have actually good reasons and just do some bad things for the better of the future.
All of them think that only they are right.
The only differences is that Edelgard struggles asking for help.
Claude can be untrustworthy.
And Dimitri is kinda insane. (At least for a while depending on the route)
But what they all want is right.
(But Edelgard does what Claude wanted to do in her route too so idk why they didn’t pair up in the golden deer route)
2:09 they legit should've added that as an option for this route
Why would anyone want to spare Edelgard?
@@eric_moore-6126 The question is why not
@@alvarosanjuan8709 She caused dozens of deaths and spread terror throughout Fodlan even before starting a war that killed hundreds more. She allied with genocidal maniacs, and allowed them to conduct experiments on her. She caused mass anarchy under the guise of ending anarchy, while it was plain to see there was none before.
And she did all of this just because someone with slightly more authority than her MIGHT not have been telling the entire truth about something that didn't even affect her.
@@eric_moore-6126 First of all, she was FORCED to work with twsitd. Next, Rhea is a crazy dragon who controls all the continent. And she didn't want to rule, so telling that she took down Rhea because she had more power doesn't make sense.
@@alvarosanjuan8709 How was Edelgard forced to work with the Agarthans? And Rhea was only dangerous once she had people terrorizing her citizens, and guess whose fault that was.
[Chibi Edelgard is sad while Edge of Dawn Plays in the Background] is probably the best possible Summary. At least if you pick Claude or Dimitri you get Claude or Dimitri. They're not El but they're both deep and loveable characters. In this one you can't even save one of them, also you betray El-chan *after* winning her trust? It's like you're going out of your way to break her heart.
Though I suppose the family dynamic with Flayn and Seteth is interesting as are the slightly different arcs for Ferdinand and Petra.
The sad truth of this route is that Edelgard trusted you and you betrayed her for Rhea’s coochie.
Edelgard and Lysithea have a sad life and a sad ending.
Unless you reach for Edelgard’s hand and ship Lysithea with Byleth or Hannmane or Lynhardt.
Lysithea and Edelgard’s life’s were robbed from them.....
But they are still selfless.
Lysithea keeps working hard to better the future for her parents and Edelgard fights to end the people who cause so much harm to fòdlan and to put an end to the corrupted system.
I didn't like this route that much but I will say it made me like Seteth a hell of a lot more.
Silver Snow only route when you don't have to murder potential allies due non-existent fog.
I mean you didn't HAVE to kill potential allies in Verdant Wind. Dimitri had just lost his mind so he and his followers attacked everyone in his way
Don't you basically murder two students if you didn't recruit them? Also, you let the Kingdom army and Alliance army be killed in Grounder 'cause reasons.
It is theoretically possible to not attack any Alliance soldiers except Claude.
I wish I could do 2:13...
Probably she would give you the Dimitri treatment and throw you or stab you with a knife.
So, as she says, our path is beyond her grave.
Andreu Ortín Borràs
She would never do that.
She loves Byleth.
The song the edge of dawn is her feelings.
She gave Dimitri the dagger back because she knew her path was over.
Just like Lysithea her life expectancy was shortened.
She knew she had to start the war because otherwise she would not have guaranteed a changed future.
And Edelgard’s battle dialogues with Byleth are way less aggressive than with other people.
And Byleth struggles to end her in every route.
The story is a love story between them. It ends sad.......
Unless you reach for her hand.
Merciless Freak
You again?
Listen up and look at the facts I’m bringing to the table instead of just being a headstrong jerk.
Your denying Edelgard’s actual character traits just to hate her. I don’t like Lorenz but I’ll admit he is respectful to some people and has good intentions. Just like any well written character, Edelgard has good personality traits and is a nice person with good intentions who makes mistakes if Byleth isn’t there to guide her. Just like every other character.
Really though... What does happen with Nemesis? Why doesn't he get resurrected in this route>
This explains my thoughts on Silver Snow PERFECTLY!
Pallardo : why do they always beat me up
I just realized this came out on the same day I finished this route lol
I honestly had trouble deciding whether Edelgard deserved to live, considering I had already done BL and GD
GD doesn't make you hate Edelgard. BL does.
I can understand MAYBE wanting to spare her after playing Verdant Wind. Azure Moon? A normal person would want to bring her back to life just to kill her again.
This felt like a route that was impossible to screw up in terms of story, and yet they did.
The intro of saying how it feels playing silver snow really hits because you left Edelgard alone in the dark. Really hurts when you think about it.
2:13 am i the only one who wanted this or not?
I wanted it as will
Oh boy, the war is finally over!
Say, why is there another month?
Prolly my favorite route tho :D
I actually like Silver Snow better than Golden Deer. Maybe that's because I played it first and it also made me feel sad. So to me Golden Deer feels like the copy.
Same and I really like seteth and flyan
@@Midna78 I honestly like them all. Except for Edelgard's route of course.
Golden Deer is much more developed, so I disagree with your statement.
But it is recommended that they aren't played back to back.
@@Midna78 My least favorite the church route, if only because of the hypocrisy. DL and BE are pretty equal in my opinion. My favorite is Golden Deer though.
Church route is still Bootleg Golden Deer.
Yeh it really sucks that in silver snow you dont get the gronder field battle
I actually liked Silver Snow a lot, I'm just not the biggest fan of the Black Eagles kids overall, unfortunately. I generally used the Church Units and Ashen Wolves on this route when I played it.
Rhea final boss was so forced in this route. This is the route in which Nemesis would make the most sense to be the final boss of. As much as I loved Claude, I was very off-put with how the latter part got handled with Hubert pulling the random letter out of his ass, having a knowledge that he never had in Eagle or even Church route despite same events.
I don't know. While multiple routes might feel nice, I would honestly prefer if it was just one with the actual solid plot because at this point every route is lacking in something, left as some sort of DLC bait, and I'm not a huge fan of it.
I full heartedly agree
Honestly both reha and nemesis felt last minute final bosses
@@thatoneblackdude3333 I agree as well specially nemesis
@@saint1515 it's so bizarre that black eagles was the most promoted house but both of its routes are the weakest in the game with one being incomplete and the other being a clone of another route then golden deer is jus5 church with Claude it's crazy how blue lions was the least popular choice at first but now is the best route in the game
@@thatoneblackdude3333 I agree that's sad on all fronts like what was the point of promoting them if you're not going to put that much effort into the black Eagles route like why Nintendo
Killing Edelgard in Silver Snow was really heartbreaking.
I really wish they made the sence different like at least give byleth feeling towards edelgard before killing her like I don't like hug her or something I mean she is his student after all lol
@@johnclopez96 yeah that would have made sense. Byleth was so frigid in the cutscene
Silver snow was my first route. The amount of emptiness and disappointment I felt after beating Rhea was irritating. When Byleth kills Edelgard I was like "Soooo...thats it? I don't get a say in this? Also Byleth wtf. At least let her finish speaking." I didn't even know about the Crimson Rose route until after we killed Edelgard.
After watching that scene 3 times, I actually think Edelgard said that last line in her head. There's a slight echoey/muted quality to her voice. From Byleth's perspective, she was done talking.
I love how the opening skit with Eide implys Hubert fukin died.
i love rhea she is my fav
jetairliner spartan a man of culture i see.
Well except for flayn.
And her dad.
And Claude.
I thought Byleth was gonna snap Edelgard's neck like he did with Fleche lol
He snapped Fleche's neck? I'm pretty sure he used the Sword of the Creator.
2:12 THAT'S WHAT SHOULD'VE HAPPENED IN THE GAME. He should've gave Edelgard his last hug before he killed her
This route was probably the most disappointing of the 4 for me as it was basically a worse golden Deer
Also you should do a animation on how it feels playing Maddening with just suffering
That’s pretty spot on, I was considering replacing Seteth with Claude wearing a Seteth mask to represent that, but I left it out because I didn’t know if that would translate well
@@jjjj4rd "please make animation about maddening" 😭
@@jjjj4rd I heard that the Black Eagles don't really shine as much as well in that specific path. Golden Deer had "stage presence" if I were to describe it with a phrase. I hope the Black Eagles shine more in their true path of Crimson Flower. Golden Deer is definitely the most tight knit so far for me. Blue Lions is too but I would describe it differently. Whereas Claude and co were pretty much unified the whole time, the Blue Lions were doing their best to stay united and help Dimitri as best as they could so it sometimes came off like their screentime was odd per say. Of course us being the Professor (and also Rodrigue) did most of the "therapy" and enforcing a healthy mindset for coping. I mention mindset specifically because unfortunately he still hears voices for the rest of his life. He never gets magically "better" per say as some people think. Too bad this info is locked behind paired endings, but especially Female Byleth's S support... Anyways by the end, he still struggles with what I interpret as a combo of PTSD, Schizoprenia, and Depression, but he has now realized and stuck with the mindset that he has Byleth especially to lean on as well as his friends.
Michael Olegario I mean, if SS is the weakest, CF is the second weakest. Even there, to me at least, Edelgard didn’t do a great job of explaining her deeds, especially when we fight Dimitri, her counters to his statements were very very weak.
Oh, and it’s 4 chapters shorter. And TWSITD are out there. Definitely least favourite route for me. Never felt complete at all.
@@finrodfel06 I heard "reconquer" going around and I thought to myself so am I gonna basically hear Edelgard say a weak "NO U!"?
I really love the intro i love the art and jokes
2:19 She asked for that!
I like the piano theme of the song Edge of Dawn!
This was my first run, then I did GD shortly thereafter. Needless to say, Golden Deer is now my favorite
As much I like the silver snow I really do enjoy the golden a lot in my opinion
BylETH LIKE WHERE HELL IS NEMESIS oh what it shot we forgot about him
Byleth just slapping his hands against a keyboard is too funny.
The Crimson route will always be the superior one to me for one valid reason: Bernadette is out of her room.
Hell yes
@@saint1515 That and Edelgard doesn't burn her and leave her to die in a field.
@@DemonicMonkey88 okay?
@@saint1515 If you don't recruit Bernadetta in GD or BL, and you make it to the center before killing her, Edelgard sets it on fire.
Get it now?
@@DemonicMonkey88 i get now thanks
2:32 When you forget to romance the archbishop . . .
It's honestly sad when you think about it. Edelgard lost her friends because of her actions. And in the route, she dies alone with regret and sorrow.
Bernie bear is adorable even when she's drawn like this.
My only bad thing with silver snow was how they justified the final boss it didn’t make any sense to me after having played the other road
"You chose rhea to save her? Too bad! Fuck you for choosing."
TWISTD has another hideout and made Rhea rampage like the people in Remire village. Watch "The TRUTH Behind Those Who Slither In The Dark - Part 2"
It's sad we need to watch a video to know more of the story
Out of all 4 routes these are my favorite to best to worst
1.Golden Deer
2.Blue Lion
3.Black Eagle
4.Silver snow
Silver snow didnt have that great story Compare to Golden deer and blue lions does and Rhea hardly told u anything about what she did to u when ur a child.Golden deer is hands down the best route
SS was pretty much a copy of GD with some BS differences.
Actually Silver Snow is where Rhea goes into the most detail about Byleth's birth. She says even less about it on Golden Deer, since the focus of her exposition dump on that route is the ancient past.
@@Ryodraco Still though its pretty much implied and you can piece at least a good portion of things together. I mean she still basically says I did "questionable" things several times, one of them being stuffing my mother's crest stone in you as a baby that was basically dead at birth. The only thing missing from GD that can be easily transferred over is her mentioning, "Oh yeah, the reason why you were compatible with my mom's rebirth because you had my blood through me saving your dad through a transfusion"
Funny, that's actually the same order I'm going through all of the routes in. Just finished BL.
Lol that was my play order too
1:00 Silver Snow AKA let's take Edelgard's abandonment issues from 10 to 💯.
Jokes aside, I'm gonna keep it a 1.50 with all of you: Silver Snow feels like a diluted Verdant Wind with a little bit of Crimson Flower sprinkled in there. This route felt weak even by traditional (pre-Awakening) FE standards. The least they could've done was at least TRY to flesh out the ⛪'s characters a little more, or at the very least give Alois, Shamir, and/or Catherine more spotlight, but no! Oh, and do NOT get me started on the final boss; I still don't understand why it had to be Rhea... AGAIN!
To reiterate: Silver Snow is like a combination between VW and CF, just minus the best parts of those routes; it was so bland, that white 🍞 has more flavor than this route. I'm sure even the most traditional of FE fans would so this route is too bland for it's own good.
At least they gave it two unique cinematics. Crimson Flower only got one.
@@Ryodraco Yeah, well I guess they had to give it SOMETHING.
Jeremy Woodruff the issue with SS from my perspective is that their intention with SS was not executed very well. CF, AM, and VW were all centered around their respective lord characters. SS however has no lord so who was it about? Byleth, and that’s the issue. SS was a route centered around a silent protagonist which is already problematic. Most would think since it’s the so-called “church route” that the KoS would have more of a role, but not really. The thing is, a lot of what SS is about (which isn’t much) is Byleth and the remaining Black Eagles class dealing with Edelgard’s betrayal and I think this is cemented by Edelgard’s death cutscene, which I believe is more befitting of SS and is for some reason re-used in VW for whatever reason. The endgame however feels rather odd; the fight in Shambhala was fine but the final battle almost seems to be forced (though the fight feels far from it). I speculate that VW and SS were developed next to each other or that SS was supposed to be based on VW but never really took off as its own.
@@millrose6250 I'm gonna be honest with you; I don't think Byleth should have been a silent protagonist. Awakening and Fates never went this route, and they were great (Fates not as much, but still a good game). Fire Emblem is NOT a series for the silent protagonist trope; Nintendo can pull that with Mario and Zelda, but not FE.
Jeremy Woodruff Byleth being mute was a weird choice because in reality, they never were a mute.
I HAAATE almost everything about Silver Snow. My biggest complaint is that it’s almost as if Byleth/the Church ACTIVELY avoids battles and forming alliances specifically so that they can kill-steal later.
You literally sit out of partaking in this AMAZINGLY thematic fight between all three factions on the very same field they once fought on for a sparring match as students...SPECIFICALLY so that you can take out the Empire while they’re still weak and recovering from said fight.
Don’t even get me STARTED on the execution scene. And the Rhea thing at the end is as out-of-left-field as the video.
I only went that route because my friend who also played Eagles went the other route, so I wanted to see if the “big choice” ACTUALLY changed anything. I regret it.
There are some specific moments I enjoyed as well as the subtext of why all the other BE characters decide to dip out of the Empire, but I absolutely loathed Silver Snow overall so much that it killed my motivation to play the other routes. I haven’t even touched the game since and I hate that.
...Still a 10/10 game for me.
0:50 why to make me feel bad for Edelgard
Matt Rogan
Because in this route you technically betray her after she trusted you and tried to give you her hand.
AND you make all the rest of her friends betray her.
And even after all of this she still cared for Byleth......
Only to be slaughtered.
You didn't make her friends betray her. She did. I don't know how they justified every single student sticking with Byleth in Crimson Flower, but they don't seem like they would, in the other routes.
Missed the part where Edelgard leaves with the only move ring in the game, because you thought she'd have the common decency to at least empty her inventory before becoming your mortal enemy.
Really should have known better. El isn't known for her common decency.
Really? She returned the Chalice of beginning in one LP I watched. I'll go recheck.
Edit: she gave back. Maybe you're reffering to the boost stat?
I mean BE is either Edelgard or Green Dad Seteth, of course I choose Seteth XD
That’s what Edelgard gets when she shows zero regret in trying to murder her friends. Seriously it hurt me.
Have you ever actually played SS? She's obviously full of regret when Byleth kills her.
@@Livestick42 regret or no regret she was selfish enough to commit to killing them. If someone commits to kill, then others shouldn't be distraught if they get killed in the process. She deserved it.
God I wish this was what happened
I like the cute little characters, reminds me of paper Mario
I know this is technically one of the Black Eagles routes, but I think that Claude should’ve joined you in Silver Snow. It would’ve been cool to see that Claude retreated from battle to go to the church and warn Byleth and the others about what’s going on. Maybe Claude could’ve at least been hanging out in the monastery with you since he’s hiding from the Empire, and he would only participate in battles in chapter 18 onwards.
Insted of Killing Edelgard, just i wish to sapre her just like i did with recluted in part 1 studients on part 2 (like Ashe)
But no...
Do Byleth, the church and the rest mention edelgard after killing her of feel sorry about her... NO, JUST THE PLAYER/I
Nah, just hug her and then snap her neck while you're at it
Recruiting all the BE members while playing the church route is possibly the greatest middle finger you can give to someone.
How? You're already losing your lord and arguably your besy magic user. Plus it's not like the BE students weren't originally yours before the "split"
@@worthywill9294 because Edelgard hates the church and now she's losing her comrades except Hubert.
It's hilarious irony.
Lol after replaying the game time and again, the edge of dawn at the beginning really hits me :'D