It took me many years of listening to let Mahler "in". I was put off by decibles, loud clanging out of no where without warning and non-stop crescendos. Then COVD came, and I sought refuge emotionally, psychologically and spiritually any where I could. I was already a fan of the 5th Symphony addagio (Death in Venice) and I "enjoyed" Mahler's 3rd Symphony---but it wasn't until the long, lonely, terrifying days of isolation, that Mahler---came to me. What a gift. It was then that I was vulnerable enough embrace his genius. Ironically, Death in Venice is about a plague, and here I was right in the middle of a bona fide plague of my own era. Mahler, and his symphonies, spoke to me like nothing else. My conventions about what music should be like (and say) shattered. I didn't have to read Mahler's biography to know suffering (and release from suffering) when I heard it. I found a new voice for these times that speaks to me and gives me strength. Mahler speaks truth; Mahler speaks suffering; Mahler speaks transcending suffering, if only for a short time.
O mare de emoții, iubirea scunsă, care vrea să iasă la suprafață, temeri si speranțe, nostalgie și încântare, agonie si extaz, contrarii care se împletesc în același sentiment. O frângere continuă a sufletului. Crescendo continuu, delicatețe și strigăt disperat, totul încheindu-se cu un catharsis total, o eliberare, o mărturisire înflăcărată a iubirii.
🎧 말러 교향곡 5번 4악장 아다지에토
Mahler - Symphony No. 5 In C Sharp Minor, 4. Adagietto
곡 설명은 더보기란을 참고해주세요!
즐거운 감상 되시길 바랍니다😊
음악이 마음에 드셨다면 구독과 좋아요 꾹_!
원하시는 주제나 곡이 있으시다면 댓글로 알려주세요 :-D
It took me many years of listening to let Mahler "in". I was put off by decibles, loud clanging out of no where without warning and non-stop crescendos. Then COVD came, and I sought refuge emotionally, psychologically and spiritually any where I could. I was already a fan of the 5th Symphony addagio (Death in Venice) and I "enjoyed" Mahler's 3rd Symphony---but it wasn't until the long, lonely, terrifying days of isolation, that Mahler---came to me. What a gift. It was then that I was vulnerable enough embrace his genius. Ironically, Death in Venice is about a plague, and here I was right in the middle of a bona fide plague of my own era. Mahler, and his symphonies, spoke to me like nothing else. My conventions about what music should be like (and say) shattered. I didn't have to read Mahler's biography to know suffering (and release from suffering) when I heard it. I found a new voice for these times that speaks to me and gives me strength. Mahler speaks truth; Mahler speaks suffering; Mahler speaks transcending suffering, if only for a short time.
It means a lot to you, and I hope to take a break through this piece. Thank U for visiting the channel. Good luck :)
This is the music I want played at my funeral
나는 이 곡을 좋아합니다.
자극이 없는 선율 때문에
잠 잘때 많이 듣습니다.
수면에 좋은 음악이지요 ㅎㅎㅎ
탁 트인 바다도 그렇고 글쓰면서 듣기 너무 좋아요👏🏻감사합니다💜
들어주셔서 감사합니다😊 글 쓰시는데 도움이 되었다면 좋겠네요ㅎㅎ
나도 들으면서 글쓰야겠네요 ㅋㅋ역사책쓰는줌중국역사 언제끝날지 모르지만
ㅠㅠ 너무 아름다워서 눈물이 난다는 게 이런 거구나
The Magic of Mahler breaks the heart....
나는이 곡을 좋아합니다.
자극이 없는 음악.이어서.
헤어질결심에 나오던 노래가 이거였군요.. 말러의 사랑 얘기를 들으니까 더 과몰입하게되네요,,,
그쵸ㅎㅎㅎ들으면 들을수록 좋은곡이에요..! 오늘 하루도 편안한 하루 보내시고, 자주 들려주세요:) 감사합니다!
O mare de emoții, iubirea scunsă, care vrea să iasă la suprafață, temeri si speranțe, nostalgie și încântare, agonie si extaz, contrarii care se împletesc în același sentiment. O frângere continuă a sufletului. Crescendo continuu, delicatețe și strigăt disperat, totul încheindu-se cu un catharsis total, o eliberare, o mărturisire înflăcărată a iubirii.
헤어질결심 이제야 봤는데 여운이 가시질 않네요ㅠ 음악들으면서 좀 더 음미해야겠어요...!
헤어질결심 정말 꼭 한번은 봐야하는 영화에요ㅎㅎㅎ 두세번 보면 느낌이 더 다르니 음악도 들으시구 여러번 보는것도 추천드립니당ㅎㅎ
늘 잘 듣고 있어요!!!
괜찮으시다면 첼로 협주곡 플리 괜찮으실까요??!!
꼭 첼로 아니더라도 다른 협주곡들도 좋구요!
추천 감사합니다! 참고해서 플리 만들어 보도록 하겠습니다😘
이곡은 영화에서 아주 잠깐 나옵니다
마지막 장면에서도 나오지 않아요 😂
Maravilloso y gratificante...