Teaching A Friend To Play WoT - Teaching Tanks EP1

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
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  • @jmc7034
    @jmc7034 6 років тому +127

    Loved it listening to the interaction between you to and to listen to your thought process as the battle progressed. More like this please

  • @Porselicious
    @Porselicious 6 років тому +75

    I like the concept and it is very informative when you explain it live to a “less” experienced player.

  • @silvrsentinel7671
    @silvrsentinel7671 6 років тому +28

    Really interesting lemming, watching him fight the urge to do what most players do....... fixate on what’s immediately in front instead of continually evaluate the battlefield in a ‘holistic’ fashion

    • @Videomikeh
      @Videomikeh 6 років тому +3

      Well said Silver. I know I find myself with that tunnel vision way too often.

    • @adamkwapis3539
      @adamkwapis3539 6 років тому +1

      Videomikeh tunnel vision gets you killed all the time. Try to keep an eye out for everything.

    • @lawrencekuhlman9405
      @lawrencekuhlman9405 6 років тому +2

      This is where im at in my game play. Ive just gotten down decent positioning for each vehicle type on each map but learning when to flex to another area or see right away like in the first video that the field was a fail is the hard part.
      Love this series, hope we see many more.

    • @figotlatenby588
      @figotlatenby588 6 років тому +1

      I have gotten to the decent positioning stage, and when to flex(except i spose when in a slow tank), but my problem is once you relocate to another flank where exactly is good position from there, maybe behind other players idk. I also notice lemming as i spose most good/unicum players know is which tanks he can practically tackle and which he cant, i still have problems with how to circle strafe, and i spose the only reason my win8 goes up is because i throw my hitpoints just to kill 2 but hopefully 3 people.

  • @josuastangl7140
    @josuastangl7140 6 років тому +130

    Very valuable, very helpful and interesting, thx!

    • @TheBattousai2004
      @TheBattousai2004 6 років тому +2

      second this comment lemming, would definitely want to see more. Thx.

  • @dankrauz1036
    @dankrauz1036 6 років тому +46

    I like this format. keep em coming

  • @ribolov-foto-video4652
    @ribolov-foto-video4652 6 років тому +80

    Great! More!!!

    • @doorstepmile
      @doorstepmile 6 років тому

      I´m sub'ing in the hope of more of these

  • @marcschreiber5054
    @marcschreiber5054 6 років тому +31

    This was a good vid... we need more of these tutor vids which are played different when the game is critical. liked the first battle more then the second. Perhaps also some vids which are of mistakes you made and why you should not make them.

  • @leonardomorandini1236
    @leonardomorandini1236 6 років тому +6

    Great content lemming. It is very useful as you explain your decisions in even more detail then usual (probably due to the questions of the player you are coaching). Give us more!

    • @zackzack9341
      @zackzack9341 6 років тому +1

      Leonardo Morandini yes, please

  • @gabrielhaggebrink6700
    @gabrielhaggebrink6700 6 років тому +29

    Great stuff. More. :)

  • @DariuszDenlock
    @DariuszDenlock 6 років тому +45

    Lemming we want more!! happy new Year bro!!!

  • @johandeleeuw1545
    @johandeleeuw1545 6 років тому +34

    We want more!

  • @Nokturnl4480
    @Nokturnl4480 6 років тому +1

    Thanks LemmingRush, such a great video, it's awesome to see your thought process explained to a 'less' experienced player while the game is happening. (I also liked to hear when PeteR said what he was going to do in that same situation, probably much the same as the majority of players in that situation) A great learning tool for the rest of us. More please!!!!!!

  • @zexalex
    @zexalex 6 років тому

    More! These videos are super informative and i enjoy every minute. All comments are real live comments regarding situational awareness and gameplay tactics, as live as you can get, and these are priceless.

  • @gsx-rwolf9143
    @gsx-rwolf9143 6 років тому +2

    I actually found this to be more helpful then your usual vids. It's a bit more explanatory then usual and you should do more like it. Should also do different tank types and tiers.

  • @Yusupo
    @Yusupo 6 років тому +6

    Yes this is a good method to teach other's how to improve their thinking in WOT. Whether you realize it or not, in this video you're using elements of a teaching method (as witnessed by your UA-cam viewers) similar to that used by chess Grandmaster Jeremy Silman with his students in his book "The Amateur's Mind." Silman takes his method a few steps further than what you've done to date, but this type of video is a good start. A description of his book and his teaching approach is found below and could be replicated in WOT by a good teacher:
    "This book takes the student on a journey through his own mind and returns him to the chess board with a wealth of new-found knowledge and the promise of a significant gain in strength. Most amateurs possess erroneous thinking processes that remain with them throughout their chess lives. These flaws in their mental armour result in stinging defeats and painful reversals. Books can be bought and studied, lessons can be taken -- but in the end, these elusive problems always prove to be extremely difficult to eradicate. Seeking a solution to this dilemma, the author wrote down the thoughts of his students while they played actual games, analyzed them, and catalogued the most common misconceptions that arose."
    One suggestion for any future mentoring sessions that you decide to post on UA-cam is to frequently ask your students during the game what they think they should be doing before you tell them what you suggest they do. That way it's very clear to viewers the difference between your student's thinking during the game and your own. This will help others identify their erroneous thinking processes versus more skilled players. No doubt hard to do at times while also playing the game, but worth the effort from a teaching perspective.
    Good luck with your mentoring and look forward to more videos.

  • @oslovan2284
    @oslovan2284 6 років тому

    These are just as good as your normal 'tutorials'. Hearing your thought process in given situations is what helps so much.

  • @justinmiersma360
    @justinmiersma360 6 років тому

    I agree Lemming...Us less experienced players love this kind of stuff. Entertaining and informative...I personally like how u explain what u are doing and why, depending on what tank u are driving. Keep em coming man! Appreciate it!

  • @NilsHePa
    @NilsHePa 6 років тому

    This is exactly what I’m hoping to find every time I see a video! Thanks and please produce more like this. The dynamic between you and less experienced player was very informative 👍🏻

  • @kuuhey
    @kuuhey 6 років тому

    I love the back and forth, especially as these aren't contrived situations these are real questions and thoughts from another tanker

  • @hazakdds7366
    @hazakdds7366 6 років тому

    Outstanding. I've heard that phrase before, "Please just leave right NOW." I think this will be the most useful format to date, as it illustrates the dynamic nature of the game and how you have to adapt to the information that is presented to you on a second to second basis. It's those little decisions: stay or go, that take you to the next level.

  • @njugunotsowildmonkey8338
    @njugunotsowildmonkey8338 6 років тому

    Hugely enjoyed this tutor to pupil style. Never seen it done by anyone else. Brilliant. It was good to hear the interaction between you both and not just an added narration over later. Thankyou!:)

  • @shaynebates912
    @shaynebates912 6 років тому +1

    That was great. I've been watching you for a while now and was starting to get bored with the same content, but this video kicked it up a notch.

  • @DanCloud724
    @DanCloud724 6 років тому

    I don't watch your videos nearly enough, but this was super helpful and made me want to watch more. I'm starting to love medium tanks because they're great at adapting to changes in the battle, and I loved watching how you guys turned that first game around

  • @jiichicago
    @jiichicago 6 років тому

    hearing you explain the thought processes and discussing the options available to you with your protegé is Super-useful and no one else does this - more of the same, please!

  • @billrowland8329
    @billrowland8329 6 років тому

    Really helpful. Getting the logic behind your decisions is much more impactful than the standard format. Thanks and please do more of these.

  • @claytonwhitman1608
    @claytonwhitman1608 6 років тому

    awesome. great video, and the commentary/in game chat was amazing. truly the biggest difference i got was just exactly how you see and think and evaluate. when you are teaching here it exposes more insight i think than some of your other videos because you have that interaction, and you need to get him to understand quickly and clearly. great job. more like this would be awesome!!!

  • @balexandre
    @balexandre 6 років тому

    Love when he "fights" you saying "I'll stay here" - meaning he didn't understand he could be easily pushed and killed if he stayed there... I think for beginners that's the most valuable lesson ... the one that "I can shoot once... and then lose all health for that 1 shot" - Please... more of this videos :)

  • @zahn0311
    @zahn0311 6 років тому

    This was great LR! Seeing the thought process driving your decision making contrasted against that of a typical player is very helpful. More videos like this would be appreciated.

  • @aaronwalker4533
    @aaronwalker4533 6 років тому

    I think this a great type a video to start, because not only are you teaching that one player, you're giving very helpful insight to those who really pay attention to your videos. I for one got some help tips from this, and would love to see more.

  • @johncacolice9696
    @johncacolice9696 6 років тому

    Good stuff! Love hearing you talk through the decision making process. It's one thing to watch you do, it's more better to hear WHY you do it. Hopefully all of us Pubz learn something.

  • @russemerson4872
    @russemerson4872 6 років тому

    Your explanation of the rationale for doing certain specific things is the most valuable part, by far.

  • @bluewolf5469
    @bluewolf5469 6 років тому

    I feel that this type of video is very informative, because you give live examples of different scenarios that can happen and how you respond to them. Would love to see more! You are awesome lemming keep doing what you are doing.

  • @thomaspettersson4921
    @thomaspettersson4921 6 років тому

    Do keep this up, great way to get more insight to how you think when taking on enemy tanks. Also, really like your balanced and non-salty commentary and interaction with chat.

  • @raifparker3990
    @raifparker3990 6 років тому

    It is good hearing what your mind is going througj during battles. I would lile some more of this please, considering my brother is getting into it and i am teaching him. Also i wanted to compliment on how polite you are! Firm, but still soft in the voice, great teacher!

  • @Efaill
    @Efaill 6 років тому

    Brilliant video. So good hearing the thought process in not going to the conventional positions and not holding a point till death.

  • @CrimsonChino
    @CrimsonChino 6 років тому

    I like this very much. I consider my self the same level or less than you're friend and listening to your thought process makes me go "oh yeah that is definitely better than what i would have done"

  • @matthbva
    @matthbva 6 років тому

    Great series idea! I look forward to more of this.
    Many great players say that this game is about positioning, not shooting. I buy that to an extent-positioningnis crucial-but I think it’s easy for people who shoot well to dismiss the importance of shooting because they assume it’s as easy for others as it is for them. My experience is often very much like Peter’s in these two games: even when I’m pretty sure I’m in the right position, I often struggle to do damage. I’m bad at hitting moving targets, bad at hitting weak spots (not because I don’t know weak spots), and bad at snap shotting. I’m also often slow to recognize that a shot has become available, because I’m so bad at shooting that I get sucked into the micro aspects of aiming, and lose SA. For example, in the first game, Lem, when you were back near the RR bridge farming people coming up the west and in the north, you switched from one target to the next to the next pretty seamlessly. You were quick to spot targets of opportunity as they were becoming available, and quick to hit them, even when they were not exposed for long. That’s all very difficult for me. In the exact same position it’s likely I would’ve done half the damage you did.

  • @vtsplinter8510
    @vtsplinter8510 6 років тому

    Nice change of pace and very helpful to hear you analyze the situation with your student I would vote for more!

  • @jayhorton7702
    @jayhorton7702 6 років тому

    Definitely a thumbs up from me. It's good to hear the interaction and how the thought processes differ between a unicum and a above average player. For instance, I definitely would of stayed where the Patton wanted to stay until you convinced him to pull back when you were getting pushed on Windstorm. Keep em coming! GG

  • @Ozziriq
    @Ozziriq 6 років тому

    Thumbs up on this vid Lemming, It's always great to see the thought and decision making in WoT. its such a huge thing!

  • @flea-kh7om
    @flea-kh7om 6 років тому

    Wow, I really liked this form of info lemming! You can actually see what your talking about in both your game play as well as his. I'd like to see a lot more of this style video. Thanks, flea

  • @niilo6476
    @niilo6476 6 років тому

    I think that was one of your best videos. That helps really to think and learn what to do. Make more of these kind of videos! Nice job! 👍

  • @rogerbogh3884
    @rogerbogh3884 6 років тому

    Yes, more please... Very helpful. I like the way you train. Others have a tendency to direct from the front and actually take the kill/damage shots. You did, but I could see that your instinct while training is to present for the student.

  • @Evys
    @Evys 6 років тому

    happy new year, and yes I'd like to see more like this. It's more valuable learning about the game when you also have the perspective of your friend who is making worse choices or not making choices at all at certain times but changing and adapting to your strategies.

  • @zulucalm7847
    @zulucalm7847 6 років тому

    Genius. A Masterclass in positioning and then in the second the tactical retreat. More of these would be great.

  • @7rubix710
    @7rubix710 6 років тому

    I really liked it, especially the tactical bit where you explained why and how to reposition.
    Keep it up!!

  • @lecsu131
    @lecsu131 6 років тому

    very very helpful!! the way he wanted to play is exactly the way I (as a medium tank player - Obj 140) would have played, and probably died in the first 3-4 minutes of the game. Every time you said "let's leave" I would've stayed. Very good way to illustrate how to and how not to play. Much much better than all the graphics, strategies, etc. types of videos on how to play wot because it illustrates an Average player and what he would do and a unicum by his side telling him "you think that's a good idea, but it's not". I really liked it! Keep them coming and keep your "student" voicing his opinions - when he said in the last gameplay "i need to hold this corner" that's exactly what I was thinking and I find myself in that situation all the time and lose sight of the minimap and the fact that I'll die there 100% if I don't leave.

    • @lecsu131
      @lecsu131 6 років тому +1

      And in the first game I would've gone up to their base from the city, I would have never returned! Or at least I would've wasted 2-3 minutes trying to spot from the city to their base thinking there might be TD's up there waiting for me to cross. When you said "Ok, we've won the city now we go back" I was like :"WTF?! Are you nuts?" :)

  • @lennartvdsluijs
    @lennartvdsluijs 6 років тому

    yes more of this please. it is helpful to recognize certain situations and act on that also on how to open a map and what more i can get out of it man.
    Happy new year Mr.

  • @PizzaBiereGaming
    @PizzaBiereGaming 6 років тому

    Omg Lemming, you are so much talkative when explaining stuff to someone directly ! Thank you so much for sharing this on youtube for me to be better as well.
    And Happy new year btw.

  • @johnleptien7870
    @johnleptien7870 6 років тому

    Excellent. Listening to to talk through your decisions in real time is invaluable.

  • @joelc6460
    @joelc6460 6 років тому

    Love these types of video's, always suggest your videos to my members that are learning or stuggle with positioning. Keep it up!

  • @zbigniewmalec3746
    @zbigniewmalec3746 6 років тому

    Those short, raw commentary game plays have value. I bet they take a lot less work than those with after game commentary and tactical overview, so certainly there is a place for them on an educational channel ;) I hope they don't replace those other, longer videos with more after game commentary.

  • @dropsboms6153
    @dropsboms6153 6 років тому

    most definitely more content like this. its akin to being personally tutored and no one else is doing this style
    keep up the good work

  • @roll2181
    @roll2181 6 років тому

    Hi lemming Im a pretty average player for the Asia server(45% winrate, 547 overall wn8 in 1600 games). Just wanted to thank you for all the great tips on how to play better! It has really helped me to improve! Thanks mate, have a great year ahead!

  • @AfterGlow369
    @AfterGlow369 6 років тому

    Cool LemmingRush.. you have a way of teaching.. that hits home.. always calm.. and gentle.. great video.. I'm learning tons from it just need a mate to team up with which would make things even easier.. Keep up the good world..

  • @jacklanam825
    @jacklanam825 6 років тому

    Love this! I've always played Heavy and TD, but I started trying to learn mediums recently. I just got my T20, so this was a great example of how I need to adjust for medium play as I get into higher tiers. More vids like this showing strats and good position please!

  • @davidparis8948
    @davidparis8948 6 років тому

    I enjoyed this video. I like hearing the kind of advice you are giving someone while they play.

  • @paulsillence3
    @paulsillence3 6 років тому

    Hey Lemming, yes def do more of these type of video's. Great help plus fun to watch. Cheers

  • @Earthy0
    @Earthy0 6 років тому

    Great video Lemming. It was very interesting listening to you explain where to move and why. I'd love to see more of these 'training' videos.

  • @moerki970
    @moerki970 6 років тому

    This video was defenitily a good idea. You can go on with this format. I really like it, please keep up the good work. Thanks Lemming :)

  • @elijah5523
    @elijah5523 6 років тому

    Yes please make more because I am a new player taking tips from you QB and Circon racing toward the M48 Patton. This video was very helpful!

  • @SpaceBaron
    @SpaceBaron 6 років тому

    More, more, more! We want more! :-D I am learning more on this channel than any other. Thank you so much!

  • @marko3275
    @marko3275 6 років тому +1

    Liked the video, should do more of these. Although I am not playing you are giving some pretty good play tips in situational awareness, odds of surviving a small engagement and using terrain to your advantage. Keep up the good work, cannot wait for the next one.

  • @7varm2
    @7varm2 6 років тому +4

    Like the vid. Please do more. I learned from these games. Also, if he was learning why did he have all of those tier 10s? Is that your second account or something?

  • @tomislav5689
    @tomislav5689 6 років тому

    This is great, we can see thought process of a student (e.g. us) and your teaching. You can do this more often, its very informative.

  • @allanmartin1216
    @allanmartin1216 6 років тому

    Excellent video, great to hear unfiltered evolving game thought process while watching your map and your tank position relative to the battle. Keep it coming if you can. Oh, and a Happy New Years!

  • @adriaandavel
    @adriaandavel 6 років тому

    Talking us through your thinking is awesome, otherwise it looks like you just happen to be in the right spot at the right time. great stuff

  • @Salty_Ritz
    @Salty_Ritz 6 років тому +1

    I like this. On top of you already speaking out about your thought process as the game developes, I do like to see how you deal with mentoring people who may or may not be asking the questions that I have.

  • @timwallace4548
    @timwallace4548 6 років тому

    I always enjoy your vids, but this one was especially valuable. I’m at a place where I know how to do things, but not always where to do things. This series will help fill that gap.

  • @johnyalexandru478
    @johnyalexandru478 6 років тому +8

    This was awesome! This also helps me explain to my friends how to play while platooning. Please do more!
    Any chance you'll do the same for heavies?

  • @ionut8954
    @ionut8954 6 років тому

    Super cool this type of actions. To share knoledge is very good. Want more ! Happy new year!

  • @ThePookss
    @ThePookss 6 років тому

    That was really interesting to watch, actually. Would love to see more. Cheers Lemming!

  • @silvergeny8252
    @silvergeny8252 6 років тому

    It really helps (me) when you explain your desicions in real time. Very insightful (great video).

  • @joebob6847
    @joebob6847 6 років тому

    Fantastic video, please continue making more as they are highly informative and entertaining to watch.

  • @Copratra
    @Copratra 6 років тому

    Love the way you show and explain. Much more useful info 'on the run' than in a normal watch-and-learn kind of video. Definitely interested to see more of this! Especially as I feel the same way as Peter on the damage done: how the f*ck do you better players do it?!

  • @KingOfCakes101
    @KingOfCakes101 6 років тому

    More vids like this please.... very informative and your friend is asking the questions I would be asking

  • @aethro4375
    @aethro4375 6 років тому

    Super Useful. I was trying to get my friends into WoT so we can play competitive matches, but i'm not good at the game myself so i wasn't able to teach them anything. Please get this series on the mass production line.

  • @paulnathanielsmith
    @paulnathanielsmith 6 років тому

    Like this idea! Explaining your thought process of when to run away or the match ups to plan out where to go. Next video Talk about Exploits in map If possible and when to push. Anyways Good Video

  • @dumfukyoyo
    @dumfukyoyo 6 років тому

    I really like this kind of video, it really helps out with the thought process that goes on when you're playing the game. I like how the message I sent you isn't even open lmao, but this type of video helps me understand how to turn games around and make plays. So thanks a lot for this video

  • @trojanwalrus2928
    @trojanwalrus2928 6 років тому +6

    Being a noob myself i find this interesting.

  • @noobiesnacks1636
    @noobiesnacks1636 6 років тому +12

    Loved this! Do more xD

  • @cammobox
    @cammobox 6 років тому

    I honestly think you should do lots of videos like this where you show the best positions to go to in meds and how to best play those.
    Also I liked that base defense location at the end. Info like that is awesome to find on a stream or video rather than have to figure out over the course of 2k battles on that map...

  • @mtbman2479
    @mtbman2479 6 років тому

    Great teaching tool for friendless scrubs like me. I turned chat off because it was too toxic to actually learn anything valuable. This gameplay is super helpful so I look forward to future videos💡

  • @metalmarc9542
    @metalmarc9542 6 років тому

    Helpful video lemming, good to see how you asses the startsituation and were to go. Than during the game asses again and go were you will be the most helpfull. More of that please!

  • @aerdrewery
    @aerdrewery 6 років тому

    You make em, and i'll keep watching em. I Love your content, and your tutorials. Happy New Year Lemmingrush.

  • @xn2deepx946
    @xn2deepx946 6 років тому

    Loved it. Every video you do I’m able to learn something new

  • @roqeyt3566
    @roqeyt3566 6 років тому

    I love seeing the different angles of engagement, keep it up ^^

  • @beanbagcommando
    @beanbagcommando 6 років тому

    Please do more, i liked watching the thought process. Well done

  • @Sean-LOTUS
    @Sean-LOTUS 6 років тому

    Absolutely would love to see more of these training videos.... They show what we tomies do normally and then they show what we should do.

  • @-Infamous-Gaming
    @-Infamous-Gaming 6 років тому

    This is the type of information that players need to know. I would deffinetlynlike to see more videos like this. Thank you

  • @markopetkovic9290
    @markopetkovic9290 6 років тому

    Hello. This video is probably the one that thought me the most about the game. I'm quite new player. This can bring you fame, keep it up! :)

  • @oblonghas
    @oblonghas 6 років тому

    always wanted to get live coaching on my games because im bad. this is a very good resource. good on you, man. thanks

  • @NeonSamurai72
    @NeonSamurai72 6 років тому

    Great vid. Can we have more like this please? Even if they're defeats it's good to see where you position yourself on the map and how you react to different situations.

  • @janmb
    @janmb 6 років тому +4

    Liked the format a lot - please do more :-)

  • @AZWings
    @AZWings 6 років тому

    Very useful. I think this is much better than after the fact reviews, in fact, because it shows your thinking as the battle progresses, without the benefit of hindsight. It also seems like your comments are more focused when you're talking to someone else instead of just yourself. Very informative.
    I have to say, though, the video title is a bit misleading. Your friend PeteR has 20k games played and a 55% win rate. He is clearly already an above average player and knows how to play the game. Maybe, "Taking a Friend to the Next Level" for a video title. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be a dick, and I think the video was great.
    Thanks Lemming.

  • @frankb389
    @frankb389 6 років тому

    as every one stated, you have a natural teaching ability. I find this useful for Me, and I am on Console. Thanks!

  • @sacristar
    @sacristar 6 років тому

    Agreed, more of this =) Might also be interesting to let the pupil explain their train of thought and you tell them if it's a bad or a good idea and why.

  • @fredcolthorpe3316
    @fredcolthorpe3316 6 років тому

    Please make more videos like this LemmingRush, I can feel myself improving just by watching :)

  • @MoneyShotSolo
    @MoneyShotSolo 6 років тому

    Really liked this one. Hope you have a wonderfully adequate and prosperous 2018.

  • @omarsaad5117
    @omarsaad5117 6 років тому

    Amazing,please do more of that,seeung how you think and assess situations really make others learn alot