I have built a few of the silicon circuit Fuzzrites and also found them to be a bit thin without mods. Later I tried building some Germanium Fuzzrites and found those to have extra tone/mojo in the lowest gain settings that I was not expecting! Worth a try if you have any Ge transistors in stock.
Part of the issue is the 2.2nf coupling caps between the stages. I am trying some different values on my breadboard to see what works best, but I am thinking something like 15nf will improve it.
Very cool to find and original! Definitely has that Stooges/Iron Butterfly sound!
In a mix nobody will notice the thinner sound. But solos will cut right through.
Ohh it will definitely cut through. Pretty sure it could cut glasss.
I have built a few of the silicon circuit Fuzzrites and also found them to be a bit thin without mods. Later I tried building some Germanium Fuzzrites and found those to have extra tone/mojo in the lowest gain settings that I was not expecting! Worth a try if you have any Ge transistors in stock.
Part of the issue is the 2.2nf coupling caps between the stages. I am trying some different values on my breadboard to see what works best, but I am thinking something like 15nf will improve it.