  • Опубліковано 2 тра 2024
  • “…The Painted Desert stretches across 120 miles of northern Arizona. Its sedimentary rocks show bright orange, gold, white, and even purple layers.
    Amidst this desert lies Petrified Forest National Park, named after its famed stone tree trunks. Here, sands and muds covered both strange and common creatures.
    Fossils include armored reptiles like aetosaurs, agile dinosaurs like Revueltosaurus, and clams…”
    “…Much bigger volcanic blasts and tsunami waves that occurred during the “Mabbul”-Global Flood year help explain the Painted Desert’s petrified trees…today’s seasonal floods don’t result in fossils, so why should we believe they did so in the past? We would need massive sheets of water, not little rivers, to make the colorful layers that blanket such enormous regions…What force could have sheared trees at ground level, ripped off all their limbs, and buried the logs in sediment?
    When massive tsunami waves come onshore, they also shear off vegetation en masse. Much bigger volcanic blasts and tsunami waves that occurred during the Flood year help explain the Painted Desert’s petrified trees…The fossil trees got their color from quartz-rich ground water percolating through volcanic ash. This process replaced much of the original wood with quartz and agate. Impurities like iron, copper, and carbon made the beautiful mixtures of yellow, red, green, blue, and the black hues…Land and Sea Collide
    One also expects a worldwide watery catastrophe to mix land and sea creatures, and that’s what these rocks show. Dawn of the Dinosaurs says, “The Blue Mesa Member preserves a variety of aquatic and terrestrial creatures,”7 and the same words apply to other formation members. Fossil animals and plants from mixed environments in the Chinle Formation.
    Fossils include mammals; reptiles like turtles, lizards, dinosaurs, and crocodilians; frogs; and birds.8 Shark and coelacanth fossils show up too. Coelacanths live today at about 500 feet or more deep in the sea. Most sharks are also marine. It takes a cataclysm to slam ocean onto land…”