It is funny how it has such a high rating on goodreads but literally no one who I follow on UA-cam has liked it. I think it is a fantasy not for fantasy readers but for people who normally read things in contemporary settings. AKA people who have no reference for what good world building is like.
I love fantasy and I loved this - I went into it thinking it would be crap but it’s got like crack in the pages I couldn’t stop reading it. I understand the world building is bad but it got me out a slump so my 5 stars was purely based off enjoyment 😂
@@candyflosskitten23 rating is based on comparing. So let's drop to you other books. Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive has less rating than this. Malazan Book of the Fallen too. First Law too. Just to drop some of the masterpieces of fantasy and about 5 stars. This book - based on goodreads - is the next best thing ever happened to fantasy. It is not. It has weak prose, plot holes, logic fails, bc of the prose the main character seems to be a child and thats why this smut feels sick. And what's with the h@rny dragons??? Why??? That's connected to humans makes the moral compass so bad... So no... It's very far from a 5 star quality book even in "smut book" type. I don't like Maas but she did better and even she didn't reform the fantasy genre. The 3 above did.
I HATED this book It read like a romance writer writing their first fantasy novel without doing any research The language was too modern There was no world building The characters were 2 dimensional and somehow also insufferable
That’s not true. The language was not modern, this prose was simply said: bad writing. That’s not how you write a book. It doesn’t matter if it’s fantasy or not. The dialogue was primitive. Nobody talks like that. Not because it’s modern. She literally discusses family history with the guy she just met at huf very second they started to talk?? That’s not talking it’s world building of some sort just the author doesn’t know how to do it. And “Nobody. Uses. This. In. Any. Book. Not. Just. In. Fantasy. Ever.” Because this is stupid. Here it’s used not once. Makes her feel like a child. I could go on. This book is a draft that never saw a beta reader let alone a professional editor to check and drop back for re-write for serious issues. There are logical mistakes, plot holes and that also not bc she never wrote a fantasy before and needs research. It’s simply not logical. Nonsense.
My problem was every review online told me “intense steaks! High risk! Fucking dragons!” And what I got was a thirsty woman who wants to kiss every fine man.
"It read like a romance writer writing their first fantasy novel"😅 yeah because that's how it is. Rebecca is a NA romance writer! But Im confident she'll get better with fantasy along the course of the book 😊
@@kenzashenna the quality issue has nothing to do with fantasy. It’s just simply don’t taking the time and effort. It’s obvious that she thought that moving to fantasy is easer and you can just do whatever you want… just like Twilight, where the author made a ridiculous vampire story and used it for an even more ridiculous love story. Here (if we want to guess) comes from an author who didn’t take time from reading some really good books, check how they do the world building, what are the tropes you NEVER do, but also there are romance tropes here that are so much overused that a 10 year old child could know what’s the outcome. “It’s always that guy” - from the moment when her sister says it. He will be. How stupid can it be? Avoid him! -> he is the guy. The guy is a family enemy? -> he is the love interest. You see? She is the main character? Her dragon will be special. How old the author is? 15? And : “You. Never. Use. This. In. Dialogue. Because. It’s. Dumb.” Not once but in every chapter. This is bad writing not the fantasy itself causes it.
We shouldn’t as a book community be calling someone brave to share an unpopular opinion on a book that is popular.. red flags everywhere. Reading is so subjective, something that is so universally loved can be disliked by many. I too dislike fourth wing
Tbh I find this being a unpopular opinion strange because actually so many BookTubers I’ve been watching lately have been saying this book was let down? Sometimes I feel like “hype” is just like idk made up is the best explanation I have😭
@@bethxnytxmlin definitely booktube always gives you the honest reviews no matter what the book is, tiktok I haven't seen one negative review on it yet. It's on this month's tbr so least I'm not going into it with both perspectives.
@@kathryn-yd7bh Booktok really has a different taste to BookTube (and frankly, not one I trust). I honestly think most of Booktok is people who are just starting to read and everything is new and fascinating. Not a bad thing but I hate that it makes mediocre to bad books popular.
Rachel Reads is currently going through the books scene by scene talking about it. She basically said she's reviewing it the way she would if she was Beta reading for the author. It's already a multipart series, so for sure three hours.
I DNFed it about 80 pages in. It is so poorly written. I couldn’t take it. I feel like this is the bookish version of the Emperor’s New Clothes. Like more people must have disliked this book than are willing to admit. I feel like readers are going - it must be me. I must just not get it. Because this book just really, really falls flat. The author is mainly a romance author - she’s got a pretty solid fan base and I can get why they hyped it - based on reader loyalty and hope - but what is up with everyone else? I am usually one that tries to stay objective about books and stress that my experience is only mine and if I didn’t enjoy something it doesn’t mean I’m right and everyone else is wrong but I’m also an English teacher and this book felt like reading the first draft of an 8th grader’s first try at NaNoWriMo. One can enjoy that. Sure. They can see potential. They can celebrate the achievement. That doesn’t mean it’s worthy of wild raving and adoration. It’s not. This book is just not finished. She needed a better editor. One that would tell her the truth - You have no plot. Your characters are flat and static. Your dialogue is not smooth or realistic. Your basic premise relies on the reader never asking why. You tell not show your world building. Why do these all powerful dragons obey these people that have no actual strength or power to enslave them? Nope. The hype is a lie. For whatever variety of mostly valid and genuine reasons…the hype is nevertheless a lie.
to be fair, i haven’t finished the book, but i agree with you. i’m reading it like “this is the stuff i used to write for fun when i was 11 and doing nanowrimo.” some parts of the plot and especially the dialogue had me like “this is exactly what 11 year old me would do😭😭😭” except this is a published author…
This is the best review I’ve read so far. It is so unbelievably poorly written. Her romance publisher decided to start doing fantasy, so my only guess is an editor with zero experience in the fantasy genre was put on this book - and it shows. But even then, so many other elements were terrible as well. Not to mention that it is seemingly a mash up/rip off from so many other books - Divergent, The Hunger Games, How to Train Your Dragon, the Dragon Riders of Pern, Temeraire, and Eragon for starters. In speaking to a few people who’ve liked this book and insisted they do read fantasy, they admitted they hadn’t read any of those series or perhaps read one.
Same. I went to page 100 before I absolutely could not take it anymore. I bought the book for hecking fantasy! Not some lovesick teenage girl who couldn't even make up her mind! Like cmon 😭 was not at all expecting so much romance and little worldbuilding with how it was portrayed. I think is especially didn't like it because it was a huge step down from the inheritance cycle which I had just read a week prior and was craving dragon fantasy 😂😢
also, almost no one i’ve talked to in the EDS community really really dislikes this book lol. there’s a few people who feel represented by it which i don’t want to take away from ! they deserve to feel seen ! but a lot of the community doesn’t seem to like this at all. you’re telling me this girl can have the type of sex that breaks furniture and doesn’t dislocate anything or have any EDS related issues??? i’m sorry but a good bit of us can’t even have regular sex with no furniture breaking without having any issues i am genuinely so confused
Yes, I'm so annoyed with the new trend of "cosmetic" illnesses that never impede the character, and certainly not in spicy scenes. It feels like a new wave of "love cures (insert problem here)" trope. Depression? Anxiety? Chronic pain? Chronic fatigue? ADHD? Auto-immune illness? No worries, the girl will be able to do acrobatic moves in intimate scenes and achieve multiple climaxes. All for the titillation of clearly able-bodied audiences who applaud how this is "diversity" and "representation". This is the equivalent of "diversity" when Black characters don't need special hair care for coily hair and where gay couples are written as husband and wife and then one of them gets gender-swapped.
I have EDS and I didn't even know it was represented in this book and there ain't no way someone like myself could fight, ride dragons and do everything she does lol realistically she would have been dead long ago. Making her a scribe would have been more believable.
LMAO yeah my girlfriend has eds and i almost dislocated her shoulders when i stood up while she was clinging to me, just her body weight and an unintentional amount of force was risky. She's not even got a particularly bad case but that's still totally out of the question. Minimal research ppl, also it's not THAT uncommon. Talk to some strangers and join a club or two and you'll definitely know someone you can ask
Wow this video was so validating LOL. You're the first person i've seen mention the info dump! Such a cop-out for world building!!!! I was so annoyed and my friend was like "i don't get it... it was fine" and im like WTH HOWWWWWW.
This is the best thing to happen since 50 Shades and After, because i LOVE watching youtube video after youtube video of booktoobers tearing apart the same book and that couldn't happen if we didn't have bad books go viral.
I have to assume that the reason this has such a high rating is bc all the ppl that would have rated it 1 or 2 stars already gave up on the book early on. Like I read some of the sample pages and realised very quickly that I would not enjoy it lol
the fact that the author is 42 and writes like that... yeeeeeeesh. I was genuinely so infuriated that this won anything in 2023. I've seen wattpad stories more consistent than that
I DNF’d after around 100 pages because I could not stand the writing and the world building. I love that you shared your honest opinion and I’m glad I’m not the only one who didn’t like it because everyone I follow on bookstagram is literally sooo obsessed with it.
I cant imagine even considering the idea of knownongly sleeping with someone, whos immediate family was responsible for my siblings 'death'. Like that alone is just. Nope. Goodbye
I literally saw this in a book store today, read the description and some pages, and the first thing I thought was "This is sh&t" and this is the first thing I find when I look it up, lol.
YES!! THANK YOU!! I felt like I was the only one who felt so perpetually bored and was missing the fact that there was essentially no plot, just a bunch of scenes where she's either doing dangerous stuff of talking about how hot Xaden is.
The interest in this book is baffling 😂😂 I was excited to nab the audiobook on Libby when it was first added to the library and noticed that, after a couple of days , 20+ people were cued behind me. I DNFed it after 30%. Definitely one of the most overhyped books I've seen in a while.
the clip at the beginning cracked me up 😂😂 I actually think I first came across fourth wing in that video and I also had never heard of it and then literally the next day i could not escape it 💀
i have no stakes in this because i haven't read forth wing nor do i have any interest in reading it, simply because it's not my type of fantasy. but this was entertaining to watch! i feel like with a lot of popular fantasy books there's always a surge of people who love it and then there is eventually a surge of people who dislike it 😅🐉
What made me hate this book was how the MC kept saying horny things about the guy she likes, despite knowing she is danger and in a VERY high risk situation. There are people trying to kill her and she is thinking about getting laid? Lady time and place!
i have not read fourth wing yet but this video just made me even more curious to read it since everyone always says that it's amazing - so i think even if i don't like it as well at least it will be entertaining haha😅 great content, i loved the video and will definitely rewatch it once i've read the book 🐉
I read this for a book club... and while it was NOT a great book, I enjoyed it. Was the language too modern? absolutely (it had that I'm trying to be a badass divergent quality to it, which I thought was so obnoxious).. Did she literally just open a Map of Europe and take names and places from Spain, Wales, and Ireland etc. ? Absolutely.. but simultaneously, it's a simple and reasonably entertaining read that IS foremost a romance novel. That's what it is.. it's like Bridgeton trying to be Jane Austen. but Hey, if you take it for what it is.. it's fine.
So much fiction these days is that awful, "guilty pleasure", published fanfic. I hate that I'm feeling like this, but I have started to think that if I have heard of a title before I personally go to buy my next read then its not for me.
It's objectively bad, but I kind of enjoyed my reading experience despite my numerous criticisms. (I have a plot summary on my channel in case anyone wants to know what happens without reading it).
Oh my gosh the info-dump at the start was horrible. I really thought Fourth Wing was a debut because the writing was so amateurish -- imagine when I found out Rebecca Yarros had written like 15 things
I saw the anecdotes about how good this book was and so I decided to dive in to see what was getting newer readers hyped these days. And oh boy... Legit didn't enjoy. Seemed pretty typical YA stuff aping the standard Sarah J Mass Cassandra claire stuff. Oh well!
Ok listen to enjoy this book you just have to turn off the critical part of your brain and just go along with the ride without thinking about it too hard. While I prefer fantasy books that are, to put it simply, better than this, I really just enjoyed listening to the audiobook. It was addicting and nostalgic and fun, despite the (many) issues with everything else
Am i the only one that disagrees with this type of philosophy? The point of a book isn't just to turn your brain off and ignore anything wrong with it, you can do that with pretty much any book and it would make everything at the worst, mediocre. If its a comedy, you don't take it as serious but to enjoy it you have to pay attention. If its a romance you can turn your brain off, but that would mean you might miss something wrong with the ship itself. If its action, fantasy or something like it, then you either pay attention to it, or you could miss out on something crucial to the world itself. Its like lightlark, if you turn your brain off then its meh, but there's so many things wrong with it that paying attention for even a little bit would expose the many plot holes, contrivances and overall all of the bad down to how a hundred year old man joined the army and fell in love with a 19 year old.
@@arkkon2740 I think it just depends on what you're trying to get out of reading, which can vary based on the person and the book! I definitely read Fourth Wing differently than I read, say, Wheel of Time. I also went into it with completely different expectations -- for Fourth Wing, I was expecting low-quality worldbuilding, plot, and writing. I knew it wasn't going to be on the same level as other fantasy books, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. I'm not saying I just turn my brain off and ignore everything, but I turn of the part and just follow the story. I'm still listening and paying attention -- so if there is genuinely something problematic (i.e. an inappropriate age gap or toxic relationship) I would notice. But I'm able to ignore plot holes and other issues if I'm having fun. Saying this as an English student who spends a lot of time reading and doing in-depth analysis and critique of books. Sometimes it's just nice to get immersed in a fun, nostalgic story, without trying to analyze things or worry about the plot and Fourth Wing did that for me. I agree with all of the criticisms that people have -- I'm just saying that for me (and obviously many others) it was still enjoyable :)
@@madeleinekobes7300 i get the low expectations, and maybe its just me, but if I have low expectations of a book yet I'm expected to pay money for it, either I'd read it and give it a due rating, or I wouldn't buy it at all, books get expensive out here. But this is the exact same reason why I hate modern dragon ball. You either turn your brain off and enjoy the ride for whats left of it, or you take it as a serious story like it wants you to and then get annoyed by all the stuff that could be done infinitely better. On the topic of problematic themes, it also puts into question why the author wrote certain things for me. Like giving the MC EDS, what was the point of it if it just has no impact on her when it would likely be a problem? As far as I'm aware, no one even bats an eye to that aspect of her until someone mentions it, as to how impactful it is, apparently it can be damn near debilitating and she's fighting on top of giant dragons
Haha i definitely would not pay for it, I got it through my library! And that's a good point -- I think disability rep is great and important, but it did feel a bit like it was only brought up at certain points when it was convenient (I'm no expert though so I don't know how good the rep actually was)
@@madeleinekobes7300 OOOOOH thank god! 20 dollars for this is like going to target for cereal, it is so not worth it 💀 At the same time, what type of library has this in stock? Makes me wanna go to my local library to see what type of stuff they have, maybe I can see how bad these new booktok items are
My wife was listening to the audio book of this and I couldn't even get past the description of the world. Your in some war, and your going to go to a military academy that rewards conscripts for killing each other and on top of it, you devise a system by which you have half of the recruits get killed because "reasons". How about instead of depleting your own military strength because of your own ineptitude, you, i dont know, send those recruits to a different mart of the military? Aside from that the world building was incredibly generic. and the characters fell flat really fast.
Okay I’m so glad you put the whole “info dump while walking to death” into words. Drove me nuts! I gave it 3.5 stars because I did find it to be addicting to read and will probably read the second but it was SO CRINGEY. I don’t know why people call this their favorite of the year or give it 5 stars lol. The romance is BAD and rushed and baffling too. 🐉
I am glad I didn’t waste my time with this one. I’m not typically a fantasy fan anyway but I’d love to branch out. Do you have any recommendations? Fantasy that you love?
Not op but I absolutely LOVED the shadow and bone trilogy! + I know people love the duology six of crows (yet to read). But then again, who am I to say, I gave Fourth Wing 5/5 stars haha
Tress of the Emerald Sea, and Yumi and the Nightmare Painter by Brandon Sanderson are both wonderful books for dipping your toes into the fantasy genre
Simply put, Yes fourth Wing is one of the worst books of all time, not just 2023. I never wrote a review on a book, didnt even have a goodreads account at the time, but when i started to read this, I knew I had to write a review. Like Im sorry, If you ask me, rebecca yarros shouldnt write again if this was the best she could conjure. Also people, dont trust goodreads or half these booktubers who were gassing the book before it released.
These bad Tik Tok books give me hope for my own writing. At least my science fantasy story about mechs and dragons is a bit unique (no, the mechs aren’t killing the dragons, the dragons are basically Ahamkara from Destiny but biomechanical).
I wish more people would give To Shape a Dragon's Breath a try. It also came out this year and it also is about a girl going to a dragon academy. But it is so much better. World building that makes so much more sense!
I read it too and it's so good!! The worldbuilding is interesting and the representations of minorities (LGBT+, POC, neurodivergent) in To Shape a Dragon's Breath is done really well and respectfully. Can't wait for the second book to come out.
I see where you are coming from personal as someone who struggles with reading I loved it so much and it was really interesting but I do see where you are coming from and I think it is really important to hear both sides
I personally love the book because it’s a world and kind of fantasy realm that I love and I don’t know why that is won the most highest rated books on Goodreads but yeah, anytime I talk to someone they say they don’t like it
I was an avid reader in MS and HS. So I’ve read a lot of YA fantasy and sci-fi. I read and enjoyed TOG, Divergent etc. But for me I can only read so much of it. Now I’m primarily reading adult sci fi/fantasy. I prefer to avoid books with YA undertones. I’m tired of the predictably of tropes, limited world-building and writing. However I’ll occasionally read novels like From Blood and Ash, Crescent City etc. They are guilty pleasures. I have plenty of problems with these novels. And I like them as pallet cleansers. There’s a good balance of romance/smut and plot happening. Would you recommend Fourth Wing to me?
Yes, I think so. If you can get through anything written by SJM you will be okay with this book. I read adult fantasy, as well as some YA fantasy, can't stand From Blood and Ash or anything by SJM, but I found this book entertaining with all its faults. It's by no means a well written book, every single criticism of it I've heard is valid. But the pacing is alright and something new is always going on, so it keeps you engaged throughout. As a quick read it's fine, but I would never recommend this to someone who reads exclusively fantasy.
My BIGGEST pet peeve with books (especially this one) is describing the love interest as 'hot' with not other real description of what they look like, it's so annoying. 'he'll get you into trouble and you like it hot'????? Wtf does that even mean????? (I'm paraphrasing the quote so if I got it wrong sorry lmao)
I like when UA-camrs give their honest review, so I greatly appreciate that you were honest. Also, I 100 have the same opinions as you! Especially at the end when you said that you could talk for 3 hours about all the scenes that are just cringe!! Also, this writing is horrible! There are too many run-on sentences and too many unnecessary words. I had to re-read sentences to understand what it is going on! On a shallow surface I can understand why people like it. But for readers who want depth in world building and character development and plot, then this book is not for them. This book really sits at the 2.5 mark instead of a 4.
I am here for the Fourth Wing slander 🤣 I DNFed the book at ~130 pages (before we even got to the dragons!) and the sheer amount of praise the book has been getting makes me grind my teeth lol🐉
That's exactly for SJM followers but even worse than her. SJM has a very BAD moral compass besides her weak prose and writing. (and too much smut) This? Plot holes, logical fails, the weak prose makes you feel that the main character is not an adult, so... that smut is sick. And wtf with the h@rny dragons? So no. This book is bad. More like 50 shade of madness with Twilight in quality.
I agree. I wanted to love this and it just fell so flat. The spice was great, but literally without the dragons you have the most meh collection of tropes and 1 dimensional characters in a world that doesn't make sense within its own parameters. It's a junk food read. You know it's bad, but you consume it and enjoy it while you're doing it but then rethink everything when you're done with it😅
Omg we had to book our tickets a week in advanced! And also omg I went to the same cinema idk if you went same day as me the cinema was so damn packed 😭
Couldn't make it to 100 pages. Everyone responsible for this book's publishing need to be held culpable. Everyone close to Yarros let her down but failing to tell her that she has no writing talent whatsoever
I feel like that info dump could have worked if it had been like, a poem they use to remember the facts or something rather than just the facts themselves. It would have been more work to write that way but a lot more believable to me
Late to the party but finally read it last week. I share a lot of your criticism ESPECIALLY the weird info dump world building in the beginning. The school makes no fucking sense. Like you are in active war, can’t you use all the bodies you can get??? Like your weeding out for this “elite” section is fine but maybe make it not fatal so you can move those folks to aid in other ways??? The romance didn’t bother me at all. I read a lot of KU trash and it was inline with that 😂. I did get annoyed by all the ogling during life/death situations. We get it, Xadens hot, can we move on from that and focus on the thing that could literally kill you??? Regardless of my logical criticisms, I still had a good time with the book. I gave it 3 stars- so average rating. I don’t really understand why THIS book blew up. It was … fine.
I tried to read it. The premise made no sense, the info dumping was intense. I couldn't stand the characters or the dialogue. The writing itself was like second draft and needed more editing. Dnf'd.
You’re so brave Megan… but honestly, I liked the vibes of this book and listened to the audiobook. I ended up skipping about 2 hours of it and I feel like I didn’t miss anything, so that tells you something about the plot haha. I liked it and I’ll read the next one, but I’m not committing to more than 3 books
i agree with everything here! regarding the chronic illness rep - i am chronically ill and connected with some of the descriptions of it, but i don't have EDS so i can't say anything specifically of how that was represented
It took me awhile to get in to the book but after the thrashing it moved faster so now I can't put it down just to get through it. Will I buy the 2nd one. Probably
I literally am finishing it while listening to the audiobook because I can’t stand it. The amount of curse words that make the conversation even more stupid. I got excited with the dragons but the rest is unbearable. The way in which she is protected by everyone but at the same time she is so skillful out of nowhere. I got the hard cover version so imagine how bad I wanted to like this book 🥹😂. Loved your video btw.
I gave it 3.5 stars and that was mostly the Dragons I also enjoy improving the story because it just had so many problems and plot holes. But I do not understand why so many peop!e are raving about it and saying this is the best book they have read this year
As somebody who typically reads computer science textbooks, I found it far more pleasant than what I usually read. Except the fact it was way too corny, I liked the story but not the romance part and the sex I literally skipped because it made me too uncomfortable. Jokes aside, starting to look for reason and logic in books ruins them, no matter how good they are. That's why I hate reading. I have to turn off my brain and simply enjoy it, when I start thinking almost any book seems ridiculous and stupid to me and I can find way too many plotholes to enjoy them.
This book was like the last 3 popular young adult fantasy novels combined - but with dragons. Girl joins Dauntless and meets the Darkling. She then spends the entire novel thirsting over him in every setting while her childhood friend won't stop whining. I don't know how you can subsist a society where you just kill 3/4 of the people in your most elite university. My thought from the first chapter was "this will never make it to film." You could see through it from the first scene. Why would you kill all your freshmen on a rampart on their first day of school - for no reason - allow blatant murder in the school, and then give an award for "your group survived with the most members"! I'm only halfway through the book, but even I can tell the dragons respect people even if they aren't physically strong, the war is a lie, and the main character gets everything she doesn't deserve because she's special.
It is funny how it has such a high rating on goodreads but literally no one who I follow on UA-cam has liked it. I think it is a fantasy not for fantasy readers but for people who normally read things in contemporary settings. AKA people who have no reference for what good world building is like.
I love fantasy and I loved this - I went into it thinking it would be crap but it’s got like crack in the pages I couldn’t stop reading it. I understand the world building is bad but it got me out a slump so my 5 stars was purely based off enjoyment 😂
i feel like this is for old dystopian, ao3 girlies, like it might be hot garbage but its fun hot garbage
I have the same feeling for a ton of popular books. 😂😂 I mean if every one of my GR friends hates it then who is giving it a 4.5 rating.??
Or decent characters, dialogue, or anything 😅
@@candyflosskitten23 rating is based on comparing. So let's drop to you other books. Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive has less rating than this. Malazan Book of the Fallen too. First Law too. Just to drop some of the masterpieces of fantasy and about 5 stars. This book - based on goodreads - is the next best thing ever happened to fantasy. It is not. It has weak prose, plot holes, logic fails, bc of the prose the main character seems to be a child and thats why this smut feels sick. And what's with the h@rny dragons??? Why??? That's connected to humans makes the moral compass so bad... So no... It's very far from a 5 star quality book even in "smut book" type. I don't like Maas but she did better and even she didn't reform the fantasy genre. The 3 above did.
I HATED this book
It read like a romance writer writing their first fantasy novel without doing any research
The language was too modern
There was no world building
The characters were 2 dimensional and somehow also insufferable
That’s not true. The language was not modern, this prose was simply said: bad writing. That’s not how you write a book. It doesn’t matter if it’s fantasy or not. The dialogue was primitive. Nobody talks like that. Not because it’s modern. She literally discusses family history with the guy she just met at huf very second they started to talk?? That’s not talking it’s world building of some sort just the author doesn’t know how to do it. And “Nobody. Uses. This. In. Any. Book. Not. Just. In. Fantasy. Ever.” Because this is stupid. Here it’s used not once. Makes her feel like a child. I could go on. This book is a draft that never saw a beta reader let alone a professional editor to check and drop back for re-write for serious issues. There are logical mistakes, plot holes and that also not bc she never wrote a fantasy before and needs research. It’s simply not logical. Nonsense.
My problem was every review online told me “intense steaks! High risk! Fucking dragons!” And what I got was a thirsty woman who wants to kiss every fine man.
"It read like a romance writer writing their first fantasy novel"😅 yeah because that's how it is. Rebecca is a NA romance writer! But Im confident she'll get better with fantasy along the course of the book 😊
@@kenzashenna the quality issue has nothing to do with fantasy. It’s just simply don’t taking the time and effort. It’s obvious that she thought that moving to fantasy is easer and you can just do whatever you want… just like Twilight, where the author made a ridiculous vampire story and used it for an even more ridiculous love story. Here (if we want to guess) comes from an author who didn’t take time from reading some really good books, check how they do the world building, what are the tropes you NEVER do, but also there are romance tropes here that are so much overused that a 10 year old child could know what’s the outcome. “It’s always that guy” - from the moment when her sister says it. He will be. How stupid can it be? Avoid him! -> he is the guy. The guy is a family enemy? -> he is the love interest. You see? She is the main character? Her dragon will be special. How old the author is? 15? And : “You. Never. Use. This. In. Dialogue. Because. It’s. Dumb.” Not once but in every chapter. This is bad writing not the fantasy itself causes it.
@@nazimelmardiBeautifully stated 👏👏
We shouldn’t as a book community be calling someone brave to share an unpopular opinion on a book that is popular.. red flags everywhere. Reading is so subjective, something that is so universally loved can be disliked by many. I too dislike fourth wing
Tbh I find this being a unpopular opinion strange because actually so many BookTubers I’ve been watching lately have been saying this book was let down? Sometimes I feel like “hype” is just like idk made up is the best explanation I have😭
@@bethxnytxmlin Oh I think we just watch different people
@@charliescozycorner it still makes me want to read it though tbh 🥲
@@bethxnytxmlin definitely booktube always gives you the honest reviews no matter what the book is, tiktok I haven't seen one negative review on it yet. It's on this month's tbr so least I'm not going into it with both perspectives.
@@kathryn-yd7bh Booktok really has a different taste to BookTube (and frankly, not one I trust). I honestly think most of Booktok is people who are just starting to read and everything is new and fascinating. Not a bad thing but I hate that it makes mediocre to bad books popular.
Rachel Reads is currently going through the books scene by scene talking about it. She basically said she's reviewing it the way she would if she was Beta reading for the author. It's already a multipart series, so for sure three hours.
Reads with Rachel? Yessssss her breakdown of this has been so good.
@@tungstensmum1491 Oh thanks for that correction, I follow two Rachels and my brain just smooshes everything together because it's useless.
I love Rachel she’s so intelligent I love how she critiques books
@@LimitlessMegan Is it Rachel Oates or are there more Rachels I need to follow?
@@Saphia_ Not Rachel Oates, and if you like her you'll probably really like Reads with Rachel (who I was referring to)!
This book completely destroyed my trust in goodreads
Oh Goodreads rating is never to be trusted fr lol
I DNFed it about 80 pages in. It is so poorly written. I couldn’t take it. I feel like this is the bookish version of the Emperor’s New Clothes. Like more people must have disliked this book than are willing to admit. I feel like readers are going - it must be me. I must just not get it. Because this book just really, really falls flat. The author is mainly a romance author - she’s got a pretty solid fan base and I can get why they hyped it - based on reader loyalty and hope - but what is up with everyone else? I am usually one that tries to stay objective about books and stress that my experience is only mine and if I didn’t enjoy something it doesn’t mean I’m right and everyone else is wrong but I’m also an English teacher and this book felt like reading the first draft of an 8th grader’s first try at NaNoWriMo. One can enjoy that. Sure. They can see potential. They can celebrate the achievement. That doesn’t mean it’s worthy of wild raving and adoration. It’s not. This book is just not finished. She needed a better editor. One that would tell her the truth - You have no plot. Your characters are flat and static. Your dialogue is not smooth or realistic. Your basic premise relies on the reader never asking why. You tell not show your world building. Why do these all powerful dragons obey these people that have no actual strength or power to enslave them? Nope. The hype is a lie. For whatever variety of mostly valid and genuine reasons…the hype is nevertheless a lie.
to be fair, i haven’t finished the book, but i agree with you. i’m reading it like “this is the stuff i used to write for fun when i was 11 and doing nanowrimo.” some parts of the plot and especially the dialogue had me like “this is exactly what 11 year old me would do😭😭😭” except this is a published author…
This is the best review I’ve read so far. It is so unbelievably poorly written. Her romance publisher decided to start doing fantasy, so my only guess is an editor with zero experience in the fantasy genre was put on this book - and it shows. But even then, so many other elements were terrible as well. Not to mention that it is seemingly a mash up/rip off from so many other books - Divergent, The Hunger Games, How to Train Your Dragon, the Dragon Riders of Pern, Temeraire, and Eragon for starters. In speaking to a few people who’ve liked this book and insisted they do read fantasy, they admitted they hadn’t read any of those series or perhaps read one.
@@MaryannCnAnd it's not even good romance! She sees this hot dude and instantly is lusting for him. 🙄
Same. I went to page 100 before I absolutely could not take it anymore. I bought the book for hecking fantasy! Not some lovesick teenage girl who couldn't even make up her mind! Like cmon 😭 was not at all expecting so much romance and little worldbuilding with how it was portrayed.
I think is especially didn't like it because it was a huge step down from the inheritance cycle which I had just read a week prior and was craving dragon fantasy 😂😢
Who cares about logic and writing-quality when you've got love-triangles and sex!
also, almost no one i’ve talked to in the EDS community really really dislikes this book lol. there’s a few people who feel represented by it which i don’t want to take away from ! they deserve to feel seen ! but a lot of the community doesn’t seem to like this at all. you’re telling me this girl can have the type of sex that breaks furniture and doesn’t dislocate anything or have any EDS related issues??? i’m sorry but a good bit of us can’t even have regular sex with no furniture breaking without having any issues i am genuinely so confused
Yes, I'm so annoyed with the new trend of "cosmetic" illnesses that never impede the character, and certainly not in spicy scenes. It feels like a new wave of "love cures (insert problem here)" trope. Depression? Anxiety? Chronic pain? Chronic fatigue? ADHD? Auto-immune illness? No worries, the girl will be able to do acrobatic moves in intimate scenes and achieve multiple climaxes. All for the titillation of clearly able-bodied audiences who applaud how this is "diversity" and "representation". This is the equivalent of "diversity" when Black characters don't need special hair care for coily hair and where gay couples are written as husband and wife and then one of them gets gender-swapped.
I have EDS and I didn't even know it was represented in this book and there ain't no way someone like myself could fight, ride dragons and do everything she does lol realistically she would have been dead long ago. Making her a scribe would have been more believable.
LMAO yeah my girlfriend has eds and i almost dislocated her shoulders when i stood up while she was clinging to me, just her body weight and an unintentional amount of force was risky. She's not even got a particularly bad case but that's still totally out of the question. Minimal research ppl, also it's not THAT uncommon. Talk to some strangers and join a club or two and you'll definitely know someone you can ask
Rebecca Yarros has EDS, she talked about her experience, and also how each EDS is different. So I guess she wrote from her own perspective.
Wow this video was so validating LOL. You're the first person i've seen mention the info dump! Such a cop-out for world building!!!! I was so annoyed and my friend was like "i don't get it... it was fine" and im like WTH HOWWWWWW.
Thank you for making this video I feel like I’ve been living in a bizarre alternate reality because I can’t see how this book is good 😭
Honestly same
Katie colson made a video and ripped the book apart with the plot and why it wasn't good
This is the best thing to happen since 50 Shades and After, because i LOVE watching youtube video after youtube video of booktoobers tearing apart the same book and that couldn't happen if we didn't have bad books go viral.
Megan: I'm not going to love it or hate it, its just meh.
Also Megan: Its stupid. Its just so stupid.
I have to assume that the reason this has such a high rating is bc all the ppl that would have rated it 1 or 2 stars already gave up on the book early on. Like I read some of the sample pages and realised very quickly that I would not enjoy it lol
the fact that the author is 42 and writes like that... yeeeeeeesh. I was genuinely so infuriated that this won anything in 2023. I've seen wattpad stories more consistent than that
I DNF’d after around 100 pages because I could not stand the writing and the world building. I love that you shared your honest opinion and I’m glad I’m not the only one who didn’t like it because everyone I follow on bookstagram is literally sooo obsessed with it.
This was the rant I've been looking for 😂
Finally confirmation I’m not insane
You’re not I promise you 😂 the book is not that good.
I cant imagine even considering the idea of knownongly sleeping with someone, whos immediate family was responsible for my siblings 'death'. Like that alone is just. Nope. Goodbye
I literally saw this in a book store today, read the description and some pages, and the first thing I thought was "This is sh&t" and this is the first thing I find when I look it up, lol.
You’re so kind. Too kind. This book is zero stars on a good day.
YES!! THANK YOU!! I felt like I was the only one who felt so perpetually bored and was missing the fact that there was essentially no plot, just a bunch of scenes where she's either doing dangerous stuff of talking about how hot Xaden is.
The interest in this book is baffling 😂😂 I was excited to nab the audiobook on Libby when it was first added to the library and noticed that, after a couple of days , 20+ people were cued behind me. I DNFed it after 30%. Definitely one of the most overhyped books I've seen in a while.
the clip at the beginning cracked me up 😂😂 I actually think I first came across fourth wing in that video and I also had never heard of it and then literally the next day i could not escape it 💀
i have no stakes in this because i haven't read forth wing nor do i have any interest in reading it, simply because it's not my type of fantasy. but this was entertaining to watch! i feel like with a lot of popular fantasy books there's always a surge of people who love it and then there is eventually a surge of people who dislike it 😅🐉
What made me hate this book was how the MC kept saying horny things about the guy she likes, despite knowing she is danger and in a VERY high risk situation.
There are people trying to kill her and she is thinking about getting laid? Lady time and place!
I actually really enjoyed it but I did just start getting into reading like a week ago. It’s definitely a Divergent with dragons.
thank you so much for saying literally every thought i had while reading this monstrosity
i have not read fourth wing yet but this video just made me even more curious to read it since everyone always says that it's amazing - so i think even if i don't like it as well at least it will be entertaining haha😅 great content, i loved the video and will definitely rewatch it once i've read the book 🐉
I read this for a book club... and while it was NOT a great book, I enjoyed it. Was the language too modern? absolutely (it had that I'm trying to be a badass divergent quality to it, which I thought was so obnoxious).. Did she literally just open a Map of Europe and take names and places from Spain, Wales, and Ireland etc. ? Absolutely.. but simultaneously, it's a simple and reasonably entertaining read that IS foremost a romance novel. That's what it is.. it's like Bridgeton trying to be Jane Austen. but Hey, if you take it for what it is.. it's fine.
So much fiction these days is that awful, "guilty pleasure", published fanfic. I hate that I'm feeling like this, but I have started to think that if I have heard of a title before I personally go to buy my next read then its not for me.
That thumbnail is one way to get some views - love it 😁😁
It's objectively bad, but I kind of enjoyed my reading experience despite my numerous criticisms. (I have a plot summary on my channel in case anyone wants to know what happens without reading it).
Oh my gosh the info-dump at the start was horrible. I really thought Fourth Wing was a debut because the writing was so amateurish -- imagine when I found out Rebecca Yarros had written like 15 things
I'm glad I am not the only one who was baffled by this girl reciting history textbooks when faced with death lol
This whole video made me feel so so validated!
I saw the anecdotes about how good this book was and so I decided to dive in to see what was getting newer readers hyped these days. And oh boy... Legit didn't enjoy. Seemed pretty typical YA stuff aping the standard Sarah J Mass Cassandra claire stuff. Oh well!
This week I feel like it’s you and Katie against the world now 🐉
Elliot Brooks also did an entire video on how much she hated it as well.
Was so annoyed with the book that I have started writing my own dragon series 😂
New Sub from me.
Different novel that did it for me, but welcome to the club.
basically a badly written high school drama desperate to please the fantasy crowd
I'm less than a minute in and I have to say omg that editing!!! this video is so good already!
Ok listen to enjoy this book you just have to turn off the critical part of your brain and just go along with the ride without thinking about it too hard. While I prefer fantasy books that are, to put it simply, better than this, I really just enjoyed listening to the audiobook. It was addicting and nostalgic and fun, despite the (many) issues with everything else
Am i the only one that disagrees with this type of philosophy? The point of a book isn't just to turn your brain off and ignore anything wrong with it, you can do that with pretty much any book and it would make everything at the worst, mediocre. If its a comedy, you don't take it as serious but to enjoy it you have to pay attention. If its a romance you can turn your brain off, but that would mean you might miss something wrong with the ship itself. If its action, fantasy or something like it, then you either pay attention to it, or you could miss out on something crucial to the world itself.
Its like lightlark, if you turn your brain off then its meh, but there's so many things wrong with it that paying attention for even a little bit would expose the many plot holes, contrivances and overall all of the bad down to how a hundred year old man joined the army and fell in love with a 19 year old.
@@arkkon2740 I think it just depends on what you're trying to get out of reading, which can vary based on the person and the book! I definitely read Fourth Wing differently than I read, say, Wheel of Time. I also went into it with completely different expectations -- for Fourth Wing, I was expecting low-quality worldbuilding, plot, and writing. I knew it wasn't going to be on the same level as other fantasy books, and that's not necessarily a bad thing.
I'm not saying I just turn my brain off and ignore everything, but I turn of the part and just follow the story. I'm still listening and paying attention -- so if there is genuinely something problematic (i.e. an inappropriate age gap or toxic relationship) I would notice. But I'm able to ignore plot holes and other issues if I'm having fun.
Saying this as an English student who spends a lot of time reading and doing in-depth analysis and critique of books. Sometimes it's just nice to get immersed in a fun, nostalgic story, without trying to analyze things or worry about the plot and Fourth Wing did that for me. I agree with all of the criticisms that people have -- I'm just saying that for me (and obviously many others) it was still enjoyable :)
@@madeleinekobes7300 i get the low expectations, and maybe its just me, but if I have low expectations of a book yet I'm expected to pay money for it, either I'd read it and give it a due rating, or I wouldn't buy it at all, books get expensive out here.
But this is the exact same reason why I hate modern dragon ball. You either turn your brain off and enjoy the ride for whats left of it, or you take it as a serious story like it wants you to and then get annoyed by all the stuff that could be done infinitely better.
On the topic of problematic themes, it also puts into question why the author wrote certain things for me. Like giving the MC EDS, what was the point of it if it just has no impact on her when it would likely be a problem? As far as I'm aware, no one even bats an eye to that aspect of her until someone mentions it, as to how impactful it is, apparently it can be damn near debilitating and she's fighting on top of giant dragons
Haha i definitely would not pay for it, I got it through my library!
And that's a good point -- I think disability rep is great and important, but it did feel a bit like it was only brought up at certain points when it was convenient (I'm no expert though so I don't know how good the rep actually was)
@@madeleinekobes7300 OOOOOH thank god! 20 dollars for this is like going to target for cereal, it is so not worth it 💀
At the same time, what type of library has this in stock? Makes me wanna go to my local library to see what type of stuff they have, maybe I can see how bad these new booktok items are
As a 35 year old male I was tricked into buying this book based off of the summary and good reviews. Completely terrible romance book for women.
37 here. Honestly went in thinking more dragons and fighting. Less crazy romance. Not done yet but not sure how I feel about it 😂
Yeah i was almost baited into buying it until i did some digging and i was like "yeah this is a chick flick"
I love the Book! Greets from Germany ❤
My wife was listening to the audio book of this and I couldn't even get past the description of the world. Your in some war, and your going to go to a military academy that rewards conscripts for killing each other and on top of it, you devise a system by which you have half of the recruits get killed because "reasons". How about instead of depleting your own military strength because of your own ineptitude, you, i dont know, send those recruits to a different mart of the military?
Aside from that the world building was incredibly generic. and the characters fell flat really fast.
I love how you said the thing about the world expanding! That's how I write my books, so it's good to know people like that!
Thank you omg cannot wait to watch this
Okay I’m so glad you put the whole “info dump while walking to death” into words. Drove me nuts! I gave it 3.5 stars because I did find it to be addicting to read and will probably read the second but it was SO CRINGEY. I don’t know why people call this their favorite of the year or give it 5 stars lol. The romance is BAD and rushed and baffling too. 🐉
I am glad I didn’t waste my time with this one. I’m not typically a fantasy fan anyway but I’d love to branch out. Do you have any recommendations? Fantasy that you love?
The Folk of the Air Series (The Cruel Prince, The Wicked King, The Queen of Nothing)
Or the Red Queen Series
Not op but I absolutely LOVED the shadow and bone trilogy! + I know people love the duology six of crows (yet to read). But then again, who am I to say, I gave Fourth Wing 5/5 stars haha
Tress of the Emerald Sea, and Yumi and the Nightmare Painter by Brandon Sanderson are both wonderful books for dipping your toes into the fantasy genre
I´m impressed you actually managed to finish the book.I read up to page 60-70 until I just couldn´t anymore.
A bit of a pointless comment perhaps, but I thought your pink makeup at the 300-pages part was really cute!
"No b*tch, you're going to be a dragon rider" 🤣🔥
Hello my people, I was searching for all of you. I'm so glad I found the "haters" of this "fantasy" book.
Simply put, Yes fourth Wing is one of the worst books of all time, not just 2023. I never wrote a review on a book, didnt even have a goodreads account at the time, but when i started to read this, I knew I had to write a review. Like Im sorry, If you ask me, rebecca yarros shouldnt write again if this was the best she could conjure. Also people, dont trust goodreads or half these booktubers who were gassing the book before it released.
I was feeling the same way. It took me 1 hour to read 38 pages and we were still stuck in the same setting.
These bad Tik Tok books give me hope for my own writing. At least my science fantasy story about mechs and dragons is a bit unique (no, the mechs aren’t killing the dragons, the dragons are basically Ahamkara from Destiny but biomechanical).
I wish more people would give To Shape a Dragon's Breath a try. It also came out this year and it also is about a girl going to a dragon academy. But it is so much better. World building that makes so much more sense!
You've convinced me!!!
thanks for this reccomendation!
Thanks for the recommendation
I read it too and it's so good!! The worldbuilding is interesting and the representations of minorities (LGBT+, POC, neurodivergent) in To Shape a Dragon's Breath is done really well and respectfully. Can't wait for the second book to come out.
Is it impossible for good books to be recommended on goodreads?
I see where you are coming from personal as someone who struggles with reading I loved it so much and it was really interesting but I do see where you are coming from and I think it is really important to hear both sides
I personally love the book because it’s a world and kind of fantasy realm that I love and I don’t know why that is won the most highest rated books on Goodreads but yeah, anytime I talk to someone they say they don’t like it
I was an avid reader in MS and HS. So I’ve read a lot of YA fantasy and sci-fi. I read and enjoyed TOG, Divergent etc. But for me I can only read so much of it. Now I’m primarily reading adult sci fi/fantasy. I prefer to avoid books with YA undertones. I’m tired of the predictably of tropes, limited world-building and writing.
However I’ll occasionally read novels like From Blood and Ash, Crescent City etc.
They are guilty pleasures. I have plenty of problems with these novels. And I like them as pallet cleansers. There’s a good balance of romance/smut and plot happening.
Would you recommend Fourth Wing to me?
Yes, I think so. If you can get through anything written by SJM you will be okay with this book. I read adult fantasy, as well as some YA fantasy, can't stand From Blood and Ash or anything by SJM, but I found this book entertaining with all its faults. It's by no means a well written book, every single criticism of it I've heard is valid. But the pacing is alright and something new is always going on, so it keeps you engaged throughout. As a quick read it's fine, but I would never recommend this to someone who reads exclusively fantasy.
Thank you I needed someone to confirm that it's not just me that hates this book
me trying to speed read now that I’ve finally gotten it from the library so I can finish watching this vlog lol
Lol. After Atlas Six I was not going to be fooled again.
More readers need to put the truth about this dumpster fire out in the universe!!!
It's done on discords
My BIGGEST pet peeve with books (especially this one) is describing the love interest as 'hot' with not other real description of what they look like, it's so annoying. 'he'll get you into trouble and you like it hot'????? Wtf does that even mean?????
(I'm paraphrasing the quote so if I got it wrong sorry lmao)
I like when UA-camrs give their honest review, so I greatly appreciate that you were honest. Also, I 100 have the same opinions as you! Especially at the end when you said that you could talk for 3 hours about all the scenes that are just cringe!! Also, this writing is horrible! There are too many run-on sentences and too many unnecessary words. I had to re-read sentences to understand what it is going on! On a shallow surface I can understand why people like it. But for readers who want depth in world building and character development and plot, then this book is not for them. This book really sits at the 2.5 mark instead of a 4.
I couldn’t even finish the book - had to DNF.
i feel like you'd enjoy Reads with Rachel tear this book apart 😂
Unresolved Textual Tension also tore it apart. XD;
I am here for the Fourth Wing slander 🤣 I DNFed the book at ~130 pages (before we even got to the dragons!) and the sheer amount of praise the book has been getting makes me grind my teeth lol🐉
This one seems to appeal to those readers that love SJM so I have avoided it. This just confirms my assumption that I would hate it.
Yes! I don’t like SJM but having read it months ago, I can see why the booktok girlies hyped it up so much
That's exactly for SJM followers but even worse than her. SJM has a very BAD moral compass besides her weak prose and writing. (and too much smut) This? Plot holes, logical fails, the weak prose makes you feel that the main character is not an adult, so... that smut is sick. And wtf with the h@rny dragons? So no. This book is bad. More like 50 shade of madness with Twilight in quality.
I agree. I wanted to love this and it just fell so flat. The spice was great, but literally without the dragons you have the most meh collection of tropes and 1 dimensional characters in a world that doesn't make sense within its own parameters. It's a junk food read. You know it's bad, but you consume it and enjoy it while you're doing it but then rethink everything when you're done with it😅
Girl I fancied at work recommended this book to me....
I feel embarrassed for her.
Thank you for confirming my suspicions that this book is absolute shit
I'm also one of the many people who say it was bad to meh, "but I liked the dragons, they were cool"
Omg we had to book our tickets a week in advanced! And also omg I went to the same cinema idk if you went same day as me the cinema was so damn packed 😭
I got scammed by the looks of the book and the "background of the author", literally im a few pages to end it but cant find the energy to do so
Couldn't make it to 100 pages. Everyone responsible for this book's publishing need to be held culpable. Everyone close to Yarros let her down but failing to tell her that she has no writing talent whatsoever
I loved it! Lol
I don't know why but I enjoy watching bad reviews of my favorite books I really enjoyed everything you had to say T-T
They said on Audible that the narrator sounded sick when she read it, too.
I feel like that info dump could have worked if it had been like, a poem they use to remember the facts or something rather than just the facts themselves. It would have been more work to write that way but a lot more believable to me
The rating you gave is generous!
"I don't like Sarah J Maas, I don't like "From Blood and Ash", d'you know?" - I SUBSCRIBED SO FAST
Legit you nailed my feelings 100%. Only reason I keep reading is for the cute baby dragon.
Late to the party but finally read it last week. I share a lot of your criticism ESPECIALLY the weird info dump world building in the beginning. The school makes no fucking sense. Like you are in active war, can’t you use all the bodies you can get??? Like your weeding out for this “elite” section is fine but maybe make it not fatal so you can move those folks to aid in other ways???
The romance didn’t bother me at all. I read a lot of KU trash and it was inline with that 😂. I did get annoyed by all the ogling during life/death situations. We get it, Xadens hot, can we move on from that and focus on the thing that could literally kill you???
Regardless of my logical criticisms, I still had a good time with the book. I gave it 3 stars- so average rating. I don’t really understand why THIS book blew up. It was … fine.
I tried to read it. The premise made no sense, the info dumping was intense. I couldn't stand the characters or the dialogue. The writing itself was like second draft and needed more editing. Dnf'd.
You’re so brave Megan… but honestly, I liked the vibes of this book and listened to the audiobook. I ended up skipping about 2 hours of it and I feel like I didn’t miss anything, so that tells you something about the plot haha. I liked it and I’ll read the next one, but I’m not committing to more than 3 books
The pic of you getting eaten by the shark is EVERYTHING 😂😍
Yes. It looks bad. I don't trust most recommendations anymore.
i agree with everything here! regarding the chronic illness rep - i am chronically ill and connected with some of the descriptions of it, but i don't have EDS so i can't say anything specifically of how that was represented
I'm currently reading it. I'm enjoying it. I genuinely dont understand the hate. But I will agree with you on Dain.
The fact that some people have said this is better than ACOTAR is completely baffling to me
There's a timeline where Dylan gets his happy end.
I been eyeing this book for a while but my gut has stopped me from buying it and I don't think I will now. 😅
It took me awhile to get in to the book but after the thrashing it moved faster so now I can't put it down just to get through it. Will I buy the 2nd one. Probably
I literally am finishing it while listening to the audiobook because I can’t stand it. The amount of curse words that make the conversation even more stupid. I got excited with the dragons but the rest is unbearable. The way in which she is protected by everyone but at the same time she is so skillful out of nowhere. I got the hard cover version so imagine how bad I wanted to like this book 🥹😂. Loved your video btw.
I'm trying to get through the audio and even having a hard time finishing. I feel like it's taking too long.
I had the same exact reading experience as you!
I gave it 3.5 stars and that was mostly the Dragons I also enjoy improving the story because it just had so many problems and plot holes. But I do not understand why so many peop!e are raving about it and saying this is the best book they have read this year
Have you see Elliot Brooke’s video ripping it apart? 😂 she said the same thing about describing the world while in a life and death situation
As somebody who typically reads computer science textbooks, I found it far more pleasant than what I usually read. Except the fact it was way too corny, I liked the story but not the romance part and the sex I literally skipped because it made me too uncomfortable. Jokes aside, starting to look for reason and logic in books ruins them, no matter how good they are. That's why I hate reading. I have to turn off my brain and simply enjoy it, when I start thinking almost any book seems ridiculous and stupid to me and I can find way too many plotholes to enjoy them.
Fourth Wing has definitely been one of the worst reads of 2024 for me lol
This book was like the last 3 popular young adult fantasy novels combined - but with dragons. Girl joins Dauntless and meets the Darkling. She then spends the entire novel thirsting over him in every setting while her childhood friend won't stop whining. I don't know how you can subsist a society where you just kill 3/4 of the people in your most elite university. My thought from the first chapter was "this will never make it to film." You could see through it from the first scene. Why would you kill all your freshmen on a rampart on their first day of school - for no reason - allow blatant murder in the school, and then give an award for "your group survived with the most members"!
I'm only halfway through the book, but even I can tell the dragons respect people even if they aren't physically strong, the war is a lie, and the main character gets everything she doesn't deserve because she's special.