Yeah I thought that😂 every time he gave an example it was that the black belts were rolling their hardest and the blue belts were ‘messing around’ but whose to say the black belts aren’t just having a fun roll together and the blue belts are actually developing.
I agree! You could argue the mat time for the white/blue belts is the most important. They're still at the stage where EVERY roll is valuable and teaches them something new, because they should be a sponge. Telling them to stop and get out of the way, whenever a black belt gets close, could slow down that growth.
Yeah wtf was with that, some definite 'good cop/bad cop' happening there ! My coach's take is treat it like road rules. You pull up to roundabout and you give way to the traffic coming from right (in Aus), not because their more important than you, but because it's a predetermined rule that everyone has agreed upon and and when everybody abides it minimizes the potential for accidents.
Totally agree. And If the black belts are working on new techniques, maybe they should meet up when there aren't any white belts/blue belts on the mat and work on their rocket science in private
Regarding the lower belt who has to move any time a higher belt rolls close to them, I’d hope they have to pay a lower membership fee or something. I like the way Danaher put it: “if you roll into someone else’s space, YOU’RE the asshole. YOU move.”
And one could argue that the biggest improvements are made from white to blue. So to discount the importance or value of the white belt getting experience in trying what he’s learned against live resistance is lame. It’s literally the most important part of his training.
😂😂😂Agreed. Everyone needs to watch what they’re doing and learn what “control” is in the BJJ environment. Just like learning how long your arm is so you’re not always popping your training partners in the face in striking arts.
Expecting other people who pay the same mat fee as you to move just because you're a higher belt is straight-up entitlement. Everybody should be respectful of other people who are also training. If space is tight it's probably not safe to have high energy wars, and it should be a easy for higher belts to adjust their game to safely roll in a smaller area.
Do you expect a higher belt to help teach lower belts? Point out and help correct mistakes made during rolling? Then maybe move out of their way when they’re rolling. It’s less obligation and more etiquette imo.
When there's 30 plus people on the mat on a busy night we don't start standing or go to the feet at all. Just keeps everyone safe because space is tight and everyone is focused on their rolls, not waiting around for two spaz dudes treating a 5 minute roll like ADCC gold
I’m with Joe on this one. In a regular gym, an elite lifter doesn’t get first pick of whatever equipment they want over someone who’s in the gym for the first time. Yes it took the elite lifter lots of time and effort to get to that point. But it still doesn’t mean they get preferential treatment. Elite lifters should be respectful of the newbies just as newbies should be respectful of the elite lifters
I see your point and it makes a lot of sense but I look at BJJ a little differently. If I come close to a black belt we just reset and if a lower belt comes in contact with me they move . I just look at it more like a family and mom and dad have priority
I thought about it i. that way too. If a dude is using the squat rack for 135, and you're going to squat 405, you don't get to walk up to him and ask him to move because your set of squats is more important.
@@star_fossil I think some black belts will have that opinion not so much out of ego but more so out of respect or more accurate disrespect. I don't think he has a lot of ego I just think he lacks respect for lower belts training and he thinks black belts earned the right to have priority on the mat. I get the argument but a more powerful argument is that people who are weaker need the training more and that's a fact. To prioritize black belts training because they went the distance blood sweat and tears is a reward and an achievement but the lower belts are still striving to get there and having to yield to someone on top is not so much his ego but more so like adding to their struggle because theirs is mostly done. That to me is a bit disrespectful. Imo
Yeah I get that the bb earned it with his work to get there, but who's to say those blue belts or any other lower belt is less dedicated just because they're just starting out
JT’s point is silly. Whoever is in the easiest position to reset should move regardless of belt level. If two black belts are rolling and are in closed guard for example and have edged over to two lower belts who are in a complex guard or scramble it’s easier for the black belts to move.
I wouldn't say it's silly but it didn't emphasize the point. The point being that the attitude of everyone below a black belt should be a willingness to learn from them so if two black belts are having a crazy role then that means there's a battle of technique going on and it it's probably a great learning experience for those who would be willing to seek out knowledge
@@TheTruthIsAbsolutethat is actually a good point. The points JT made weren’t and in fact, the point he made was the opposite because he said “you’re not doing this for a white belt.” If your child is walking in the house, then you - as a parent - spend a lot of time making space for them to learn.
@@TheTruthIsAbsolutewhile true holistically speaking what you are describing only truly applies to anyone observing the black belts rolling and not another pair of lower belts rolling and trying to improve their own ability. The ones involved in the role won’t learn anything from the black belts rolling into them unless the gym they’re at records all rolls and uploads them for VOD review. Then I would accept this argument for making space for belt rank seniority. In reality people would be more safe if when in a neutral or settled position you concede to anyone in transition as it is simply easier for you to be more aware of your surroundings and to reset in the same position than the rest pair in a scramble or in between positions. Just give right of way to the unsettled and try your best to stay in your area, belt shouldn’t be of consideration unless that’s the gym culture/rule.
I think generally everyone should be aware of mat space, but if you're lower belts rolling and the higher belts notice you too & you're close to colliding, its a sign of respect to move for them. Not because they're more important than you though, we're all equals
If we are equals they have to do the same, if lowers have to show respect but no highers There's no respect or equals, the thing that It's the same It's the price for go and practice, I don't spend an Euro in a place to be a member of a sect.
On the other hand, if mat space is tight why are two dudes going ham like they have the mat to themselves, not everyone is watching for spaz dudes going crazy have a little courtesy
@@SINdaBlock411would you respect and entertain someone’s opinion on how to run a million £ business successfully, who’s never owned a business and always been an employee?
@@Jdac333 I would respect a janitor as much as a CEO, does that answer your question lol way to hyperbole your comparison abilities buddy, apples and oranges as usual :) also, someone who feels superior towards others due to higher status has no real business conducting business and is unworthy of respect, I'd have more respect for a white belt who treats people right than an arrogant entitled black belt getting ahead in life at the expense of others with zero morals or empathy towards those he steps over to get where he wants to be
One good piece of advice that I got from a manager: "treat everyone like they'll be your manager one day." And this fits with anything cuz you never know what the future holds
Respect is earned by individuals. For instance, if my coach is going hard with someone I will probably make room out of my own volition. Its quite a different story if someone expects and demands respect because of mat time.
If a dude is on a squat rack lifting 135, and you need to use the rack to squat 405; you don't get to just walk up to him and tell him to leave because your sets are more important 😂
JT's strongest argument was black belts should be given the right of way because that way everyone will benefit. On this I have questions. Would this apply if the black belt didn't share much of their knowledge? Should a helpful purple belt have to move out of the way of a less helpful black belt? If these black belts are doing complex things, then how long till it filters down? If there's a fire should we make sure the black belt is safe first?
Regarding bumping into each other rolling: I agree that it’s a good way to have a standard protocol in that situation, but I disagree on the “more important” point. I would argue that the training time of a lower belt is actually more important than someone who has already acquired black belt skills.
Why not just have common decency and watch out for training partners on the mat? If you start rolling into each other whoever notices just pause for a sec and move? Then restart from the last position. Its not driving theres no right of way.
I don't respect people who bring up politics in the dojo, UNLESS they're trying to get to know you one-on-one. But anyone that tries preaching something in front of a group that is obviously going to be controversial is completely disrespectful to the environment and purpose of the dojo, creates tension, and just isn't the place for it. If you want to make social political gestures, do so somewhere else where people come to partake in those discussions, and not somewhere where you can preach awkwardly just to show people how morally superior you are...
I’m a purple belt and I don’t care if people don’t move out of my way. On the flip side, I will certainly move out of the way for any higher belts. It’s a show of respect in my opinion. But I will not feel disrespected if it’s not done for me.
So guy comes in, 3 months training, and a black belt has to move out of the way whilst they are “training” ridiculous comments here. There is a hierarchy for a reason
Gotta disagree with JT here. We're all equal. If anything, the black belts should have better awareness and be able to see the surrounds better. Being able to move out the way to mind everyone. Also, they should be setting the example in terms of etiquette, manners etc Regarding who's work matters more... neither. Its a hobby. If the blackbelts were any good they wouldn't be sharing a mat with white belts, they'd be in a high level gym, getting paid to do it, where there are no white belts. Same mat, same rules. Also, they were white belts once. They should be nurturing up and comers.
The complexity of the black belts rolling does not mean that lower belts have to get out of the way. That’s just ignorant. If two black belts happen to roll into two lower belts, and the black belts say oh sorry and move, that displays a great personality and lack of ego on the part of the black belts. If they demand that lower belts move simply because ”what we do is more valuable than what you’re doing”, that shows that maybe they shouldn’t be black belts, in my opinion. If everyone just looks after each other and say sorry, my bad and move regardless of belt color, I think that’s better.
I’ve had a lot of close people die and have close people currently dying, I’m still not an asshole to my training partners. There’s no excuse for that.
When I see my black belt coach rolling with someone (black belt or any other) I get out of the way for sure just to give respect to what he might be teaching or practicing. He’s there for us so I believe giving him space to practice is just as important.
Saying the black belts rolling are more important is like saying a marathon runner should get a treadmill before a fat guy. Really terrible take. Hopefully when it’s time for you to train at your gym the lower belts don’t lose the ability to get better because they have to get out of their “superiors” way
I think everyone’s training is equally important with the exception of competitors training for a competition being more important than someone training twice a week. But than again my gym has many classes for those competitors. I think when your in that intermediate class black belts (at least in my gym) are very conscious about where are and not rolling everywhere just expecting everyone else to move. Everyone tries to stick to their space but if we do end up getting close usually the people able to move do so. For example, if 2 black belts are in a scramble and bump into 2 white belts who are in the middle of a guillotine or arm bar the black belts move bc they’re able to do so. Also I would argue that the white belts training is just as important bc every time they roll they are learning something that’s like an “ah ha” moment. I can’t speak for black belts bc I’m still a white belt myself but I can’t imagine those “ah ha” moments happen as often when your a black belt. #whitebeltsmatter 😂😂😂😂
I'm so shocked I was at a gym where you were expected to move if higher belts were rolling and i never saw anything wrong with it I still don't. If i'm doing a basic math problem and using a room, and all the other rooms are occupied, and 2 high level mathmeticians walk in and ask for the room, I'm going to leave because they are better than me in that aspect.
Even if you completing your math work might be the difference with you staying in school and graduating the class or grade, and maybe you only get two chances this week for one hour to get the work in, while those mathematicians are just joking around having fun and they’ve literally been doing it all day / all week and they aren’t doing their hardest work at the moment. Is it still fair that you are expected to drop what you’re doing and move?
@@FearlessFH you don’t need a board to do that. You have resources at home to theorize and study without taking up the room. Same thing with instructional videos
People want to be treated equally on the mat. Whatever that means. There is a hierarchy. Turns up 1x a week for 3 months and the black belt with 17 years total consistent training has to move out of the way? Ridiculous
Loved the debate. I'm a few weeks in. I pay to roll. I'm working at the highest level I can and it's confusing and complex for me in that moment. I'd be courteous to anyone on the mat, but I'm not stopping mid roll for anyone.
Seriously, that black belt has the right of way is utter nonsense.... black belts should have more spacial awarness and movement control to prevent accidents than a white belt.. as such they have the responsebility to keep the gym safe for lower belts... that more important work argument is such entitled nonsense...
These days, if you're a BB in places like Los Angeles, San Diego or New York, there are just SOOOO many black belts, it's really not that big a deal. If you're in a smaller town without as many BBs, perhaps you can still sorta delude yourself that you're special, at least for a little while longer. When I started in the mid-90s, I remember seeing one of the first American black belts and I was just blown away. Black belts then were ALL rare and elite. Today, they're just mostly regular joes who may or may not be particularly good at jiu jitsu. Today, it's much closer to Judo in terms of the diversity of skill & knowledge; all kinds of people are black belts. The level of BJJ black belt skills has never been higher, nor lower.
A big part of martial arts is respect and respect for higher ranks that have paid their dues. No different than any other organization or fraternity. Respect the higher ranks but on the flip higher ranks should be respectable persons and humble!
When you don't have proper international standards/curriculum and instead fratboy clubs you get BJJ blackbelts. "Throw someone through the floor" in a BJJ class? 😂 Tks for that I needed a good laugh tough guy.
I disagree on the black belt being more important. You're in the gym, Jon Jones or another high level mma guy, is training bjj and 2 black belts are also training.. who do think is more important in that moment? Answer none, everyone's training is just as important because training only matters to THAT person. I would think you would seperate classes based on the trainees level and need. So if a white belt is rolling with a black belt, it's because that white belt has more need. Otherwise they would be in a beginner class
When i breifly done BJJ i got to roll with black belts and they were probably the best rolls, tapped my coach because he let me work and gave me pointers during the roll, they had nothong to prove to me and were extremely encouraging, the blue belts however... 😅
The moving for two blackbelts argument… i treat this the same as letting a woman on the bus before you jump on. Why do we do it? It’s not so deep. Just do it. I’m happy to move for any higher belt and always have been. I’m now a 3 stripe purple and I still move for other purples. I do find people not having special awareness really annoying and dangerous. At the end of the day, you step into one persons gym, you obey their rules. You wouldn’t come to my house and wear your shoes on my carpet if I said don’t.
Lower belts should yield to higher belts on the mat, not because their training is more or less important, but because the level of control that lower belts have is usually far lower than the level of control that a higher belt has. Lower belts are more likely to injure others on the mat. Therefore, lower belts should yield to higher belts
Its like the apprentice/journeyman relationship you can hold someone in high regard while also still having them treat you respectfully that doesnt mean their wont be hazing or jokes all that is part of the fun of being a new guy but dont just let people belittle you or make you feel less than
And a lot of this goes back to finding a gym that fits your personality if you want a traditional experience where belt ranks do hold a social status you can find it if you don't then you can find a more relaxed gym
What do you think about a blue belt teaching and coaching in jiu-jitsu. In south Africa there are only 25 black belts in the country. So it's very difficult to find a black belt.
If I can get out of the way of some higher belts rolling into me, I will… but I don’t have eyes in the back of my head, and I don’t necessarily always have the wherewithal to know who everyone is around me especially if Im giving my full efforts and attention to the situation I am dealing with.
I can easily make the case that two black belts rolling is not more important than the white/blues. 1) There are just as many black belts rolling for fun (not solving sh*t) as there are white belts just chillin or blasting each other inefficiently. 2) A white or blue belt that's staying in THEIR SPACE and doing THEIR JOB might just be on the verge of pulling off a technique they've been trying to get down in sparring for months, and because two UNCONTROLLED black belts can't reset themselves, they are now interrupting the learning of these younger students who are relying on those sessions to even get good at fundamental BJJ in the first place, which will motivate them to actually stay in BJJ and make it through the attrition cycle. I personally don't think it's a big deal, and I always move out of the way of people coming into my space regardless (safety), but NOT because I think what they're doing is "more important" than what I'm doing. Also, if you're run out of bounds you're 99.9999999% not figuring out something new, you're losing complete control lol. Not to mention, you're going to need workshop that new variation with the black belt in a more controlled environment anyways. What a ridiculous argument.
I dont understand the complexity? If two black belts are rolling around with no control maybe they should work on their control better. Surely the complexity is ,grip play and subtle moves rather than flaying around? Watch Rickson move on the mat
On the lower belts move for the 2 BB I would say I understand as far as seniority goes (and respect for the upper belts). But, as an upper belt, I would also say that they should have more spacial awareness, and being aware of the surroundings, they should work to not push into others space.
I'm personally with JT on this one, mainly because what higher belts are doing is a lot harder to replicate after they move. White and blue belts don't care as much about the details, whereas in a black belt roll, every single inch matters. Anyway, I absolutely LOVED the discussion! Finally, some disagreement! Very entertaining to listen to.
@@jameswilsonmusic7749 nah, sorry man but that's just not possible, if you would care about every mm you would not be a white belt. And it's not your fault, people who are at the beginning of Jiu-jitsu journey are simply unable to notice as many details as someone who is more expirienced than them. That's how it works in every sport or discipline
The black belt after I ask to roll, got a little upset Question Could you clarify why a white or blue belt can’t ask a black belt to roll ? I just got my blue belt In my case Definitely Jiu-Jitsu works in live Thanks to both
I had a black belt instructor dodge me in the late 1990s and I was a blue belt. I asked him every class for six months and the rest of the class were beginners so I had no challenge. Finally I told Batata (black belt) stop dodging me. Next class he beat the crap out of me without strikes.
I dont think its a big deal to move out of the way if i notice lower belts having a go at it. I would agree it depends on the gym, if its a ridgid traditional gym, follow tradition. Depends on the culture of the gym, but whos say whos training is more important. Its a group class. So who moves out of the way if everyone is a blackbelt? Do we have to look at their stripes too?
A black belt in Jujitsu is like just like a PhD. Having it means you're an expert of an extemely small subset of a subset of a topic, in this case, ground fighting. MMA has shown that a black belt in BJJ doesn't mean shit when the other human is smashing you in the face with their elbows. Having a black belt in BJJ does not dictate how you are as a human.
Well a phd is always a lefty/liberal and makes everyone call them dr. Like Ross on friends. Also many PhD people assume they have a working knowledge of everything. So they are nothing alike.
I think you need to differentiate between the different types of black belt. For example, are they the coach/instructor, a normal hobbyist, a hobbyist that started at that gym very early on, a high level competitor etc. In general show some respect and they may teach you something.
You guys really highlight a lot of hypocrisy in how you both think in this video. One guys says he doesn't like other people's entitlement and has his own sense of entitlement in regard to his expectations of how he is treated. The other guy seems more level headed but then voices his own bigotry when people dont agree with him about homosexual rights. Closed mindedness from people who believe themselves to be virtuous. I applaud the open dialogue but people need to be more open to trying to understand others if we are all going to get along well and share the world in peace.
You move out of the way for higher ranked practitioners because someone has to move and it's the easiest way to decide who moves. JT sounds like a bit of an entitled BB with his position on a BB's training being more important than the rest of the group. It's just logistics.
There are many activities that people specialize in which are challenging to master; Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is just one of them. When I'm in a BJJ context, I offer the appropriate respect for that very difficult achievement. However, my recognition doesn't extend beyond that. Consider, for instance, a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) for complex businesses. To achieve that certification, they likely spent as much time studying their field as you did training in BJJ. Bjj is your lifestyle in the same way people make other careers their life. A black belt isn’t more special to most people than a master degree in Accounting. If the mat is shared between belts, black belts should not get priority. That’s silly.
We had a black belt (gym owner and head instructor) get out of line with a blue belt over an argument about the black belt crashing into the two blue belts while they were rolling. He slapped the blue belt and took him down and then 4 other guys intervened and tuned the black belt up…bad. (I grew up in a ROUGH town) That blue belt was affiliated with a local motorcycle club and the next Friday at a local bar, they found the black belt and he hasn’t been able to do jiu jitsu since that day due to leg injuries. Mind your p’s and q’s. being able to fight at a high level won’t save you if you disrespect the wrong people.
JT's take more accurately reflects the practical reality of the world imo. The world needs some order of hierarchy and implicit rules for a group of humans to function within a given context.
Meh hard topic. Brown/blackbelts worked there ass off to get where there at. If you roll into me as a lower belt, ya ive earned my right on the mats to just look at you toive out.of the way. If i roll into you,.ill say sorry and move. Respect goes noth ways. But i do agree higer belts get the upper hand for the most part
This is the first time I seriously disagree with JT sounds like a douche here. Lower belts should be being watched and told how to improve unless you are rolling with a lower belt. Two blacks if they want their own space can just roll after the class in their spare time.
I do watch your content and i think that white belts are developing their skills while black bets have done it…they can move if they wish to but it’s not a rule since they pay a membership fee…black belts can show they superiority by their behaviour and when they’re rolling with lower belts ( if that’s a ego thing)…
I understand, for the sake of argument, using 2 extremes allows you to get your point across better but 2 world champion purple belts preparing for worlds would still be expected to move for 2 casual black belts that they could easily smash.
Wow, what a knob that guy on the right is. As a higher level kickboxer I have no superiority complex when we're all sparring. Everyone is equal. Was thinking of subscribing as well, not now.
Your gym might need an upgrade and bigger mat space if you're running into people all the time like the old daisy fresh. Everyone needs to look out for one another. White belts will look up to higher belts for how to act. If someone has a big fight coming up and they're training intensely yeah stay away give them space regardless of belt.
Call it seniority, all people training are important but you can say the black belts have earned the right to have the lower belts move for them, and the lower belts in a couple years will have earned the right to remain while future lower belts will move for them. They’re not more important but a hierarchy can be used in order to maintain rule and things working more smoothly.
Black belts are not related to skill. So, yes, blackbelts are crap. There is no etiquette in learning to fight. Just like there is no standard to get rank.
It really depends on the personality. A 34 year white belt army vet will who has seen combat, can scare away a 22 year old who is still living at home with purple belt, just by the killer eye contact and tone of voice.
JTs take on 2 black belts is similar to what my professor says. Basically, those two black belts have to fight really hard to get any kind of positional advantage and having them move and restart is a significant disadvantage compared to lower belts where they can get back to their position advantage easier after moving
you want people to respect you for getting your bjj black belt, but you yourself refuse to share that respect with people who earn their black belt in aikido, taekwondo, karate, ninjutsu/taijutsu/jutaijutsu ... whatever traditional martial art or style or school or whatever you wanna call it that isn't bjj ... I'm sorry but that's not how things work, and even if your by default go-to argument would be something one-dimensional and ignorant as "all that matters is that it works in mma (which to people like you might as well be a real fight, even though it's clearly not on so many levels)", that still doesn't mean you should disrespect a black belt in aikido or taekwondo or karate or ninjutsu or whatever because 100% guaranteed Bujinkan budo taijutsu is NOT for everyone, if you're not interested in ninja stuff and history/culture of the feudal Japanese warrior class, you will not go far in that art, it takes deep study and even the simplest of basics take years to master, it's a calling, it's not just some random martial art that you take casually if you want to excell in it at a high level, same with aikido: this actually also takes years (more than karate and judo anyway) to earn your shodan, they don't just hand it to you, the average aikidoka will train for AT LEAST 7-10 years before a shodan is even considered ... and as for karate and taekwondo, yes, there may be tons of Mcdojo and Mcdojang out there but it's your reponsability to find a good school and once you do, it will take you about 7 years of consistent training and additional practice (same as judo) to be good enough to be considered worthy of getting your black belt ... also, if we're talking purely combat effectiveness, that's all MARTIAL, a Rear Naked Choke is highly effective, but literally anybody can learn this in a very short timeframe, and in general most things that are easy and quick to learn tend to be more effective in the short run, anybody can train for 2 years and get their Gracie Combatives bjj blue belt and if you wish to continue wasting your time in bjj beyond that, that's on you, but good luck trying to perfect a 360 spinning tornado kick or wielding a Japanese chainsickle/Kusarigama in just a few weeks, months, maybe even years ... I feel like the reason most people in bjj, grappling or mma claim that traditional martial arts are useless is because A) they're dealing with actual frauds and simply assume all tma guys by default are like that, B) they want quick and easy results and therefore only care about what works in the short term, which is essentially MMA, boxing, muay thai, bjj, wrestling etc. ... they don't have time or discipline or even interest for kenpo, naginata or jutaijutsu for example ... they only care about the MARTIAL, not about the ART (hence martial ART, a 2 WORD label, not one) or history or culture or tradition or whatever, they only care about the physical, not the mental or spiritual ... and even if you spend your entire life doing bjj or mma and claim you're training 6 days a week for decades, that still doesn't make you a real martial artist because all you're doing is the same thing all over again, and again, and again, ... instead of learning about the culture, the tradition, the art, the spirituality, the mental factor, the history and the overall martial arts mindset (like Masaaki Hatsumi Sensei for example), all you're concerned with is a new way to armlock someone, relabel it your own and kick ass some more (like Mikey Musumeci for example) ... I think that's sad ... mma and bjj guys always claim tma guys are wasting their time ... I feel the opposite is true, there's only so much "martial" you can apply in every situation or against any attacker ... once you're past that, you should broaden your mind and educate yourself until you die ... and besides, by that logic, are you not wasting your time right now making and posting this video, am I not wasting my time responding to it or you wasting your time reading it, never mind responding to it ... you could be doing jiu jitsu instead right ... was Michael Jordan wasting his time all these years or even decades ... could've done bjj instead of basketball, how is basketball going to defend him beyond throwing a ball to his attacker's face ... were magnificent painters such as Leonardo Da Vinci wasting their time ... how is painting going to protect you in self defense scenarios beyond jamming paint or your brush down someone's eyesocket ... are firemen wasting their time ... how is extinguishing someone else's burning house going to matter if they could simply get mugged after working hours, they could've let the house burn down and train bjj or mma instead ... are you starting to see the picture ... your "wasting your time" argument is flawed at best ... you're probably eating or sleeping right now ... waste of time, how is eating or sleeping going to defend you when someone attacks you while you're eating or sleeping ... should be training bjj or mma instead ... annoying, isn't it, well that's what YOU PEOPLE sound like to us all the time ... not everything in life, or even in martial arts is all about fighting or kicking someone's ass ... just because mma or muay thai or bjj is mainstream, doesn't mean you should ignore, lowball or even flat out deny everything else out there, remember, if it weren't for jutaijutsu, there would be no judo, much less bjj ... respect those who died on the battle field centuries ago to pass on their knowledge and tradition and history ... respect your elders ... respect your heritage ... don't insult them instead by watching garbage like the Gracie Challenges, the early UFCs or the Pedro Sauer vs Lance Bachelor match, because countless of people who died long ago would turn their head in shame, frustration and sadness, knowing what has become of their once proud heritage ... learning how to fight takes a few years at most, becoming a martial artist however is a lifetime of commitment ... and finally C) they lack the insight, intelligence or even mindset to see past the superficial ... I've never met any UFC or BJJ or Submission Grappling contender who ever visited a Bujinkan school, other than to disrespect and humiliate/physically submit them on camera for their own personal agenda or gain ... something to think about, OSS!!!
Man, the point is that being a BJJ black belt requires at least 9 years of constant practice, they dont just give them away. My 11 years old cousin can be a Karate black belt and honestly it just doesnt mean the same.
@@sazukegu "They don't just give them away" lol now I know you're trolling, Joe Rogan does nothing BUT give black belts away as a bjj promotion stunt every time a UFC wrestler becomes a champion. This has happened multiple times. Same with Ashton Kutcher's brown belt from Rigan machado, the entire community agrees he would get destroyed by a legit blue belt and he didn't deserve it, Kutcher himself clearly felt uncomfortable having to accept it. ... " My 11 years old cousin can be a Karate black belt and honestly it just doesnt mean the same." I told you to stop being disrespectful, in no legit Karate school can anyone THAT YOUNG become a black belt, IDK what dunghill you're from buddy but where I live the age restriction is 16 at least ... and if you think they just HAND THEM over just like that you're in for a rude awakening. Same with judo pal, they don't just HAND THEM over ... you clearly either never trained in any of these styles or you're delusional or you're trolling or you're just being a douche or you entered Mcdojo material and got the wrong idea from the get-go, in any case it doens't even really matter because what you're doing here is completely unacceptable, disrespectful and unworthy of the martial arts spirit. If all you care about is "can I kick this guy's ass in a fight" you have learnt NOTHING. Hell, you guys love hating on say aikido for example so much, if you think aikido black belts are just HANDED OVER, you don't know anything, and yes I get it it's not exactly the most effective martial art from a self defence POV but that doesn't mean they just HAND YOU their black belt just like that, it takes YEARS of commitment before they even consider you, ... combat efficiency is all you seem to care about, to people like you tma styles might as well be dances well guess what bozo I hate to burst your bubble but even "petty dances" like ballet or whatever take YEARS to master and if you think that they will simply allow you a certain title or certificate or piece of evidence of any kind that officially claims you're at a high level JUST LIKE THAT simply because it has little or nothing to do with actual fighting, well my friend you're not thinking AT ALL!!! RESPECT THE ARTS!!! BJJ IS NOT SPECIAL!!! ANYTHING ELSE IS NOT INFERIOR JUST BECAUSE YOU DICKRIDE BJJ AND OTHERS DO NOT!!!
Lower belts should move to develop awareness for mat space, thats my take on it. A lot of times they need more space than everyone else and not being aware puts all training partners in danger.
I think to say it’s more important is a bit of a slap in the face. Sure they deserve more respect and out of respect you should move but saying they’re more important is kind of crazy. Training is training.
JT's take on 2 black belts rolling is the definition of ego/entitlement/elitism.
Yeah I thought that😂 every time he gave an example it was that the black belts were rolling their hardest and the blue belts were ‘messing around’ but whose to say the black belts aren’t just having a fun roll together and the blue belts are actually developing.
I agree! You could argue the mat time for the white/blue belts is the most important. They're still at the stage where EVERY roll is valuable and teaches them something new, because they should be a sponge. Telling them to stop and get out of the way, whenever a black belt gets close, could slow down that growth.
Yeah wtf was with that, some definite 'good cop/bad cop' happening there !
My coach's take is treat it like road rules. You pull up to roundabout and you give way to the traffic coming from right (in Aus), not because their more important than you, but because it's a predetermined rule that everyone has agreed upon and and when everybody abides it minimizes the potential for accidents.
Totally agree. And If the black belts are working on new techniques, maybe they should meet up when there aren't any white belts/blue belts on the mat and work on their rocket science in private
So true
Regarding the lower belt who has to move any time a higher belt rolls close to them, I’d hope they have to pay a lower membership fee or something. I like the way Danaher put it: “if you roll into someone else’s space, YOU’RE the asshole. YOU move.”
And one could argue that the biggest improvements are made from white to blue. So to discount the importance or value of the white belt getting experience in trying what he’s learned against live resistance is lame. It’s literally the most important part of his training.
😂😂😂Agreed. Everyone needs to watch what they’re doing and learn what “control” is in the BJJ environment. Just like learning how long your arm is so you’re not always popping your training partners in the face in striking arts.
Expecting other people who pay the same mat fee as you to move just because you're a higher belt is straight-up entitlement.
Everybody should be respectful of other people who are also training. If space is tight it's probably not safe to have high energy wars, and it should be a easy for higher belts to adjust their game to safely roll in a smaller area.
Do you expect a higher belt to help teach lower belts? Point out and help correct mistakes made during rolling? Then maybe move out of their way when they’re rolling. It’s less obligation and more etiquette imo.
Lol its just a easy way to stop squabbles, why would you be offended
When there's 30 plus people on the mat on a busy night we don't start standing or go to the feet at all. Just keeps everyone safe because space is tight and everyone is focused on their rolls, not waiting around for two spaz dudes treating a 5 minute roll like ADCC gold
So if 2 white belts and 2 black belts are rolling and roll into each other who moves? How do you pick?
I’m with Joe on this one. In a regular gym, an elite lifter doesn’t get first pick of whatever equipment they want over someone who’s in the gym for the first time. Yes it took the elite lifter lots of time and effort to get to that point. But it still doesn’t mean they get preferential treatment. Elite lifters should be respectful of the newbies just as newbies should be respectful of the elite lifters
I see your point and it makes a lot of sense but I look at BJJ a little differently. If I come close to a black belt we just reset and if a lower belt comes in contact with me they move . I just look at it more like a family and mom and dad have priority
I thought about it i. that way too. If a dude is using the squat rack for 135, and you're going to squat 405, you don't get to walk up to him and ask him to move because your set of squats is more important.
Wow, that is arrogant, JT. Joey is right, black belts training don't deserve more mat space than any other colour belt.
Yea he shocked me with that one I think his opinion was quite ugly and arrogant to hear to be fair. His argument was so weak too
@@jaredcoleman9313 proper black belts, in my experience, have had that ego choked out of them long ago.
@@star_fossil I think some black belts will have that opinion not so much out of ego but more so out of respect or more accurate disrespect. I don't think he has a lot of ego I just think he lacks respect for lower belts training and he thinks black belts earned the right to have priority on the mat. I get the argument but a more powerful argument is that people who are weaker need the training more and that's a fact. To prioritize black belts training because they went the distance blood sweat and tears is a reward and an achievement but the lower belts are still striving to get there and having to yield to someone on top is not so much his ego but more so like adding to their struggle because theirs is mostly done. That to me is a bit disrespectful. Imo
@@jaredcoleman9313 Could not agree more. Constant interrupting, unwillingness to listen, very unbecoming
Yeah I get that the bb earned it with his work to get there, but who's to say those blue belts or any other lower belt is less dedicated just because they're just starting out
JT’s point is silly. Whoever is in the easiest position to reset should move regardless of belt level. If two black belts are rolling and are in closed guard for example and have edged over to two lower belts who are in a complex guard or scramble it’s easier for the black belts to move.
I wouldn't say it's silly but it didn't emphasize the point. The point being that the attitude of everyone below a black belt should be a willingness to learn from them so if two black belts are having a crazy role then that means there's a battle of technique going on and it it's probably a great learning experience for those who would be willing to seek out knowledge
@@TheTruthIsAbsolutethat is actually a good point. The points JT made weren’t and in fact, the point he made was the opposite because he said “you’re not doing this for a white belt.”
If your child is walking in the house, then you - as a parent - spend a lot of time making space for them to learn.
@@TheTruthIsAbsolutewhile true holistically speaking what you are describing only truly applies to anyone observing the black belts rolling and not another pair of lower belts rolling and trying to improve their own ability. The ones involved in the role won’t learn anything from the black belts rolling into them unless the gym they’re at records all rolls and uploads them for VOD review. Then I would accept this argument for making space for belt rank seniority.
In reality people would be more safe if when in a neutral or settled position you concede to anyone in transition as it is simply easier for you to be more aware of your surroundings and to reset in the same position than the rest pair in a scramble or in between positions. Just give right of way to the unsettled and try your best to stay in your area, belt shouldn’t be of consideration unless that’s the gym culture/rule.
I think generally everyone should be aware of mat space, but if you're lower belts rolling and the higher belts notice you too & you're close to colliding, its a sign of respect to move for them. Not because they're more important than you though, we're all equals
If we are equals they have to do the same, if lowers have to show respect but no highers There's no respect or equals, the thing that It's the same It's the price for go and practice, I don't spend an Euro in a place to be a member of a sect.
On the other hand, if mat space is tight why are two dudes going ham like they have the mat to themselves, not everyone is watching for spaz dudes going crazy have a little courtesy
All belts deserve equal level of respect. We’re all humans here. Respect the human, full stop.
Yes, but also, sorry white belt... You're cleaning the mats at the end of class. Coming from a white belt
Are you a white belt ?
@@Jdac333 what if he is
@@SINdaBlock411would you respect and entertain someone’s opinion on how to run a million £ business successfully, who’s never owned a business and always been an employee?
@@Jdac333 I would respect a janitor as much as a CEO, does that answer your question lol way to hyperbole your comparison abilities buddy, apples and oranges as usual :) also, someone who feels superior towards others due to higher status has no real business conducting business and is unworthy of respect, I'd have more respect for a white belt who treats people right than an arrogant entitled black belt getting ahead in life at the expense of others with zero morals or empathy towards those he steps over to get where he wants to be
This reminded me of discussions around localism in surfing.
Im 100% with Joey BTW. No one is more important on the mat because of belt.
One good piece of advice that I got from a manager: "treat everyone like they'll be your manager one day." And this fits with anything cuz you never know what the future holds
I’m with Joey on this one.
I move away for free trial, no belts. Those MFs are dangerous.
Joey is the man of the people 😂
Is Joey the one in blue hoodie?
Moving out of the way of higher belts rolling is just a tiny show of respect for the amount of time they’ve put in on those mats.
Respect is earned by individuals. For instance, if my coach is going hard with someone I will probably make room out of my own volition.
Its quite a different story if someone expects and demands respect because of mat time.
If a dude is on a squat rack lifting 135, and you need to use the rack to squat 405; you don't get to just walk up to him and tell him to leave because your sets are more important 😂
ngl, you got me
JT's strongest argument was black belts should be given the right of way because that way everyone will benefit.
On this I have questions.
Would this apply if the black belt didn't share much of their knowledge?
Should a helpful purple belt have to move out of the way of a less helpful black belt?
If these black belts are doing complex things, then how long till it filters down?
If there's a fire should we make sure the black belt is safe first?
Regarding bumping into each other rolling:
I agree that it’s a good way to have a standard protocol in that situation, but I disagree on the “more important” point. I would argue that the training time of a lower belt is actually more important than someone who has already acquired black belt skills.
Why not just have common decency and watch out for training partners on the mat? If you start rolling into each other whoever notices just pause for a sec and move? Then restart from the last position. Its not driving theres no right of way.
Mikey Musumeci is the gold standard of what a black belt should be and act like
The irony of the black belt entitlement coming out in real time. 😳
I don't respect people who bring up politics in the dojo, UNLESS they're trying to get to know you one-on-one. But anyone that tries preaching something in front of a group that is obviously going to be controversial is completely disrespectful to the environment and purpose of the dojo, creates tension, and just isn't the place for it. If you want to make social political gestures, do so somewhere else where people come to partake in those discussions, and not somewhere where you can preach awkwardly just to show people how morally superior you are...
Moving out the way of a higher belt just gives everybody a sensible guideline to stop arguments why would you get emotional over such a rule
I’m a purple belt and I don’t care if people don’t move out of my way. On the flip side, I will certainly move out of the way for any higher belts. It’s a show of respect in my opinion. But I will not feel disrespected if it’s not done for me.
respect doesn't exist in bjj
"Ive been kicked in the head plenty of times by guys rolling into me" well no wonder, you dont respect anyone else's space.
“Black belts rolling are more important than white belt/blue belt rolling.” I disagree as well! Everyone’s training are equally important.
So guy comes in, 3 months training, and a black belt has to move out of the way whilst they are “training” ridiculous comments here. There is a hierarchy for a reason
Gotta disagree with JT here. We're all equal. If anything, the black belts should have better awareness and be able to see the surrounds better. Being able to move out the way to mind everyone.
Also, they should be setting the example in terms of etiquette, manners etc
Regarding who's work matters more... neither. Its a hobby. If the blackbelts were any good they wouldn't be sharing a mat with white belts, they'd be in a high level gym, getting paid to do it, where there are no white belts. Same mat, same rules.
Also, they were white belts once. They should be nurturing up and comers.
The complexity of the black belts rolling does not mean that lower belts have to get out of the way.
That’s just ignorant.
If two black belts happen to roll into two lower belts, and the black belts say oh sorry and move, that displays a great personality and lack of ego on the part of the black belts.
If they demand that lower belts move simply because ”what we do is more valuable than what you’re doing”, that shows that maybe they shouldn’t be black belts, in my opinion.
If everyone just looks after each other and say sorry, my bad and move regardless of belt color, I think that’s better.
I’ve had a lot of close people die and have close people currently dying, I’m still not an asshole to my training partners. There’s no excuse for that.
In the midst of that debate, JT throwing out the casual use of the word "edifice" was pretty gangster. Using it figuratively and everything. Props.
When I see my black belt coach rolling with someone (black belt or any other) I get out of the way for sure just to give respect to what he might be teaching or practicing. He’s there for us so I believe giving him space to practice is just as important.
Saying the black belts rolling are more important is like saying a marathon runner should get a treadmill before a fat guy. Really terrible take. Hopefully when it’s time for you to train at your gym the lower belts don’t lose the ability to get better because they have to get out of their “superiors” way
Somebody showed they ass on this episode😅
I think everyone’s training is equally important with the exception of competitors training for a competition being more important than someone training twice a week. But than again my gym has many classes for those competitors. I think when your in that intermediate class black belts (at least in my gym) are very conscious about where are and not rolling everywhere just expecting everyone else to move. Everyone tries to stick to their space but if we do end up getting close usually the people able to move do so. For example, if 2 black belts are in a scramble and bump into 2 white belts who are in the middle of a guillotine or arm bar the black belts move bc they’re able to do so. Also I would argue that the white belts training is just as important bc every time they roll they are learning something that’s like an “ah ha” moment. I can’t speak for black belts bc I’m still a white belt myself but I can’t imagine those “ah ha” moments happen as often when your a black belt. #whitebeltsmatter 😂😂😂😂
Can we get some no-gi rolling footage of you two?
I'm so shocked I was at a gym where you were expected to move if higher belts were rolling and i never saw anything wrong with it I still don't. If i'm doing a basic math problem and using a room, and all the other rooms are occupied, and 2 high level mathmeticians walk in and ask for the room, I'm going to leave because they are better than me in that aspect.
Even if you completing your math work might be the difference with you staying in school and graduating the class or grade, and maybe you only get two chances this week for one hour to get the work in, while those mathematicians are just joking around having fun and they’ve literally been doing it all day / all week and they aren’t doing their hardest work at the moment. Is it still fair that you are expected to drop what you’re doing and move?
@@FearlessFH you don’t need a board to do that. You have resources at home to theorize and study without taking up the room. Same thing with instructional videos
People want to be treated equally on the mat. Whatever that means. There is a hierarchy. Turns up 1x a week for 3 months and the black belt with 17 years total consistent training has to move out of the way? Ridiculous
Loved the debate.
I'm a few weeks in. I pay to roll. I'm working at the highest level I can and it's confusing and complex for me in that moment.
I'd be courteous to anyone on the mat, but I'm not stopping mid roll for anyone.
"My roll is more important than your roll" -Least Egotistical Black Belt of All Time
Seriously, that black belt has the right of way is utter nonsense.... black belts should have more spacial awarness and movement control to prevent accidents than a white belt.. as such they have the responsebility to keep the gym safe for lower belts... that more important work argument is such entitled nonsense...
These days, if you're a BB in places like Los Angeles, San Diego or New York, there are just SOOOO many black belts, it's really not that big a deal. If you're in a smaller town without as many BBs, perhaps you can still sorta delude yourself that you're special, at least for a little while longer.
When I started in the mid-90s, I remember seeing one of the first American black belts and I was just blown away. Black belts then were ALL rare and elite. Today, they're just mostly regular joes who may or may not be particularly good at jiu jitsu. Today, it's much closer to Judo in terms of the diversity of skill & knowledge; all kinds of people are black belts. The level of BJJ black belt skills has never been higher, nor lower.
It’s a great point you make. The mystique is slowly disappearing
A big part of martial arts is respect and respect for higher ranks that have paid their dues. No different than any other organization or fraternity. Respect the higher ranks but on the flip higher ranks should be respectable persons and humble!
When you don't have proper international standards/curriculum and instead fratboy clubs you get BJJ blackbelts.
"Throw someone through the floor" in a BJJ class? 😂 Tks for that I needed a good laugh tough guy.
"I'm a BJJ black belt, I deserve respect" ... starts disrespecting Taekwondo black belt ...
they never learn, do they ... always a 1-way street with those hypocrite clowns
I understand the idea that blackbelts have right of way in rolling, but aren't more advanced guys also more likely to notice the oncoming collision?
I’m with Joey
Shout out from South Africa. Great podcast cast!🤙
I disagree on the black belt being more important. You're in the gym, Jon Jones or another high level mma guy, is training bjj and 2 black belts are also training.. who do think is more important in that moment? Answer none, everyone's training is just as important because training only matters to THAT person. I would think you would seperate classes based on the trainees level and need. So if a white belt is rolling with a black belt, it's because that white belt has more need. Otherwise they would be in a beginner class
Not for nothing but these black belts aren’t solving anything bro someone else has solved it already and it’s on UA-cam.
When i breifly done BJJ i got to roll with black belts and they were probably the best rolls, tapped my coach because he let me work and gave me pointers during the roll, they had nothong to prove to me and were extremely encouraging, the blue belts however... 😅
The moving for two blackbelts argument… i treat this the same as letting a woman on the bus before you jump on. Why do we do it? It’s not so deep. Just do it. I’m happy to move for any higher belt and always have been. I’m now a 3 stripe purple and I still move for other purples. I do find people not having special awareness really annoying and dangerous. At the end of the day, you step into one persons gym, you obey their rules. You wouldn’t come to my house and wear your shoes on my carpet if I said don’t.
Using your blackbelt to get ahead of the line for the toilet - real powerplay
Lower belts should yield to higher belts on the mat, not because their training is more or less important, but because the level of control that lower belts have is usually far lower than the level of control that a higher belt has. Lower belts are more likely to injure others on the mat. Therefore, lower belts should yield to higher belts
My gym says for no other reason other than it makes it easy to know who moves. Lower grades move.
Its like the apprentice/journeyman relationship you can hold someone in high regard while also still having them treat you respectfully that doesnt mean their wont be hazing or jokes all that is part of the fun of being a new guy but dont just let people belittle you or make you feel less than
And a lot of this goes back to finding a gym that fits your personality if you want a traditional experience where belt ranks do hold a social status you can find it if you don't then you can find a more relaxed gym
What do you think about a blue belt teaching and coaching in jiu-jitsu. In south Africa there are only 25 black belts in the country. So it's very difficult to find a black belt.
If you are new and its an experienced blue belt, you can certainly learn alot from him or her
A lower belt can absolutely deny a black belt to roll.
If I can get out of the way of some higher belts rolling into me, I will… but I don’t have eyes in the back of my head, and I don’t necessarily always have the wherewithal to know who everyone is around me especially if Im giving my full efforts and attention to the situation I am dealing with.
I can easily make the case that two black belts rolling is not more important than the white/blues. 1) There are just as many black belts rolling for fun (not solving sh*t) as there are white belts just chillin or blasting each other inefficiently. 2) A white or blue belt that's staying in THEIR SPACE and doing THEIR JOB might just be on the verge of pulling off a technique they've been trying to get down in sparring for months, and because two UNCONTROLLED black belts can't reset themselves, they are now interrupting the learning of these younger students who are relying on those sessions to even get good at fundamental BJJ in the first place, which will motivate them to actually stay in BJJ and make it through the attrition cycle.
I personally don't think it's a big deal, and I always move out of the way of people coming into my space regardless (safety), but NOT because I think what they're doing is "more important" than what I'm doing. Also, if you're run out of bounds you're 99.9999999% not figuring out something new, you're losing complete control lol. Not to mention, you're going to need workshop that new variation with the black belt in a more controlled environment anyways.
What a ridiculous argument.
I dont understand the complexity? If two black belts are rolling around with no control maybe they should work on their control better. Surely the complexity is ,grip play and subtle moves rather than flaying around? Watch Rickson move on the mat
In far future, some BJJ schools will remove belt systems and only go for ADCC like Grappling matches.
On the lower belts move for the 2 BB I would say I understand as far as seniority goes (and respect for the upper belts). But, as an upper belt, I would also say that they should have more spacial awareness, and being aware of the surroundings, they should work to not push into others space.
Black belts should be the whole package. If they can't lend you a ladder or a leaf blower should they really wear a black belt?
I'm personally with JT on this one, mainly because what higher belts are doing is a lot harder to replicate after they move. White and blue belts don't care as much about the details, whereas in a black belt roll, every single inch matters. Anyway, I absolutely LOVED the discussion! Finally, some disagreement! Very entertaining to listen to.
Speak for yourself. I'm a white belt and care about every mm
@@jameswilsonmusic7749 nah, sorry man but that's just not possible, if you would care about every mm you would not be a white belt. And it's not your fault, people who are at the beginning of Jiu-jitsu journey are simply unable to notice as many details as someone who is more expirienced than them. That's how it works in every sport or discipline
Maybe make mat space even with limited people rolling and if it's at capacity the next bunch roll and others take a round off.
The black belt after I ask to roll, got a little upset
Could you clarify why a white or blue belt can’t ask a black belt to roll ?
I just got my blue belt In my case
Definitely Jiu-Jitsu works in live
Thanks to both
I had a black belt instructor dodge me in the late 1990s and I was a blue belt. I asked him every class for six months and the rest of the class were beginners so I had no challenge. Finally I told Batata (black belt) stop dodging me. Next class he beat the crap out of me without strikes.
I dont think its a big deal to move out of the way if i notice lower belts having a go at it. I would agree it depends on the gym, if its a ridgid traditional gym, follow tradition. Depends on the culture of the gym, but whos say whos training is more important. Its a group class. So who moves out of the way if everyone is a blackbelt? Do we have to look at their stripes too?
A black belt in Jujitsu is like just like a PhD. Having it means you're an expert of an extemely small subset of a subset of a topic, in this case, ground fighting. MMA has shown that a black belt in BJJ doesn't mean shit when the other human is smashing you in the face with their elbows. Having a black belt in BJJ does not dictate how you are as a human.
Well a phd is always a lefty/liberal and makes everyone call them dr. Like Ross on friends. Also many PhD people assume they have a working knowledge of everything. So they are nothing alike.
I think you need to differentiate between the different types of black belt. For example, are they the coach/instructor, a normal hobbyist, a hobbyist that started at that gym very early on, a high level competitor etc. In general show some respect and they may teach you something.
You guys really highlight a lot of hypocrisy in how you both think in this video. One guys says he doesn't like other people's entitlement and has his own sense of entitlement in regard to his expectations of how he is treated. The other guy seems more level headed but then voices his own bigotry when people dont agree with him about homosexual rights.
Closed mindedness from people who believe themselves to be virtuous. I applaud the open dialogue but people need to be more open to trying to understand others if we are all going to get along well and share the world in peace.
Being wrist locked is usually seen as a slap to the face. But, I do not really care. A tap is a tap at the end of the day.
What brand is the sweater
JT is wrong on this one. White belts are JUST as important as the black belts. We all have to start somewhere mate.
You move out of the way for higher ranked practitioners because someone has to move and it's the easiest way to decide who moves. JT sounds like a bit of an entitled BB with his position on a BB's training being more important than the rest of the group. It's just logistics.
Kron DisGracie
There are many activities that people specialize in which are challenging to master; Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is just one of them. When I'm in a BJJ context, I offer the appropriate respect for that very difficult achievement. However, my recognition doesn't extend beyond that. Consider, for instance, a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) for complex businesses. To achieve that certification, they likely spent as much time studying their field as you did training in BJJ. Bjj is your lifestyle in the same way people make other careers their life. A black belt isn’t more special to most people than a master degree in Accounting. If the mat is shared between belts, black belts should not get priority. That’s silly.
I disagree, it’s not a physical endeavor so it’s not equal. You can be a fat boring cpa. The first thing in life is taking care of your body.
We had a black belt (gym owner and head instructor) get out of line with a blue belt over an argument about the black belt crashing into the two blue belts while they were rolling.
He slapped the blue belt and took him down and then 4 other guys intervened and tuned the black belt up…bad. (I grew up in a ROUGH town)
That blue belt was affiliated with a local motorcycle club and the next Friday at a local bar, they found the black belt and he hasn’t been able to do jiu jitsu since that day due to leg injuries.
Mind your p’s and q’s. being able to fight at a high level won’t save you if you disrespect the wrong people.
2:14 Nobody agrees with JT except people that speak Portuguese.
the real meat and putatoes start at 13:02
though there's something endearing about seeing grown men in pajamas build sandcastles
JT's take more accurately reflects the practical reality of the world imo. The world needs some order of hierarchy and implicit rules for a group of humans to function within a given context.
Meh hard topic. Brown/blackbelts worked there ass off to get where there at. If you roll into me as a lower belt, ya ive earned my right on the mats to just look at you toive out.of the way. If i roll into you,.ill say sorry and move. Respect goes noth ways. But i do agree higer belts get the upper hand for the most part
This is the first time I seriously disagree with JT sounds like a douche here. Lower belts should be being watched and told how to improve unless you are rolling with a lower belt. Two blacks if they want their own space can just roll after the class in their spare time.
Entitlement? No way, they earned the respect (at least some did anyways)
I do watch your content and i think that white belts are developing their skills while black bets have done it…they can move if they wish to but it’s not a rule since they pay a membership fee…black belts can show they superiority by their behaviour and when they’re rolling with lower belts ( if that’s a ego thing)…
I understand, for the sake of argument, using 2 extremes allows you to get your point across better but 2 world champion purple belts preparing for worlds would still be expected to move for 2 casual black belts that they could easily smash.
Wow, what a knob that guy on the right is. As a higher level kickboxer I have no superiority complex when we're all sparring. Everyone is equal. Was thinking of subscribing as well, not now.
Your gym might need an upgrade and bigger mat space if you're running into people all the time like the old daisy fresh. Everyone needs to look out for one another. White belts will look up to higher belts for how to act. If someone has a big fight coming up and they're training intensely yeah stay away give them space regardless of belt.
Call it seniority, all people training are important but you can say the black belts have earned the right to have the lower belts move for them, and the lower belts in a couple years will have earned the right to remain while future lower belts will move for them.
They’re not more important but a hierarchy can be used in order to maintain rule and things working more smoothly.
That dude in the brown seems like a complete tool…with respect…lol
Black belts are not related to skill. So, yes, blackbelts are crap. There is no etiquette in learning to fight. Just like there is no standard to get rank.
Some black belts are wankers. If you want respect be respectable
It really depends on the personality. A 34 year white belt army vet will who has seen combat, can scare away a 22 year old who is still living at home with purple belt, just by the killer eye contact and tone of voice.
Jt entitled af Joey is the man’s people
That was cringe
JTs take on 2 black belts is similar to what my professor says. Basically, those two black belts have to fight really hard to get any kind of positional advantage and having them move and restart is a significant disadvantage compared to lower belts where they can get back to their position advantage easier after moving
Then just roll in private if that's such an issue
you want people to respect you for getting your bjj black belt, but you yourself refuse to share that respect with people who earn their black belt in aikido, taekwondo, karate, ninjutsu/taijutsu/jutaijutsu ... whatever traditional martial art or style or school or whatever you wanna call it that isn't bjj ... I'm sorry but that's not how things work, and even if your by default go-to argument would be something one-dimensional and ignorant as "all that matters is that it works in mma (which to people like you might as well be a real fight, even though it's clearly not on so many levels)", that still doesn't mean you should disrespect a black belt in aikido or taekwondo or karate or ninjutsu or whatever because 100% guaranteed Bujinkan budo taijutsu is NOT for everyone, if you're not interested in ninja stuff and history/culture of the feudal Japanese warrior class, you will not go far in that art, it takes deep study and even the simplest of basics take years to master, it's a calling, it's not just some random martial art that you take casually if you want to excell in it at a high level, same with aikido: this actually also takes years (more than karate and judo anyway) to earn your shodan, they don't just hand it to you, the average aikidoka will train for AT LEAST 7-10 years before a shodan is even considered ... and as for karate and taekwondo, yes, there may be tons of Mcdojo and Mcdojang out there but it's your reponsability to find a good school and once you do, it will take you about 7 years of consistent training and additional practice (same as judo) to be good enough to be considered worthy of getting your black belt ... also, if we're talking purely combat effectiveness, that's all MARTIAL, a Rear Naked Choke is highly effective, but literally anybody can learn this in a very short timeframe, and in general most things that are easy and quick to learn tend to be more effective in the short run, anybody can train for 2 years and get their Gracie Combatives bjj blue belt and if you wish to continue wasting your time in bjj beyond that, that's on you, but good luck trying to perfect a 360 spinning tornado kick or wielding a Japanese chainsickle/Kusarigama in just a few weeks, months, maybe even years ... I feel like the reason most people in bjj, grappling or mma claim that traditional martial arts are useless is because A) they're dealing with actual frauds and simply assume all tma guys by default are like that, B) they want quick and easy results and therefore only care about what works in the short term, which is essentially MMA, boxing, muay thai, bjj, wrestling etc. ... they don't have time or discipline or even interest for kenpo, naginata or jutaijutsu for example ... they only care about the MARTIAL, not about the ART (hence martial ART, a 2 WORD label, not one) or history or culture or tradition or whatever, they only care about the physical, not the mental or spiritual ... and even if you spend your entire life doing bjj or mma and claim you're training 6 days a week for decades, that still doesn't make you a real martial artist because all you're doing is the same thing all over again, and again, and again, ... instead of learning about the culture, the tradition, the art, the spirituality, the mental factor, the history and the overall martial arts mindset (like Masaaki Hatsumi Sensei for example), all you're concerned with is a new way to armlock someone, relabel it your own and kick ass some more (like Mikey Musumeci for example) ... I think that's sad ... mma and bjj guys always claim tma guys are wasting their time ... I feel the opposite is true, there's only so much "martial" you can apply in every situation or against any attacker ... once you're past that, you should broaden your mind and educate yourself until you die ... and besides, by that logic, are you not wasting your time right now making and posting this video, am I not wasting my time responding to it or you wasting your time reading it, never mind responding to it ... you could be doing jiu jitsu instead right ... was Michael Jordan wasting his time all these years or even decades ... could've done bjj instead of basketball, how is basketball going to defend him beyond throwing a ball to his attacker's face ... were magnificent painters such as Leonardo Da Vinci wasting their time ... how is painting going to protect you in self defense scenarios beyond jamming paint or your brush down someone's eyesocket ... are firemen wasting their time ... how is extinguishing someone else's burning house going to matter if they could simply get mugged after working hours, they could've let the house burn down and train bjj or mma instead ... are you starting to see the picture ... your "wasting your time" argument is flawed at best ... you're probably eating or sleeping right now ... waste of time, how is eating or sleeping going to defend you when someone attacks you while you're eating or sleeping ... should be training bjj or mma instead ... annoying, isn't it, well that's what YOU PEOPLE sound like to us all the time ... not everything in life, or even in martial arts is all about fighting or kicking someone's ass ... just because mma or muay thai or bjj is mainstream, doesn't mean you should ignore, lowball or even flat out deny everything else out there, remember, if it weren't for jutaijutsu, there would be no judo, much less bjj ... respect those who died on the battle field centuries ago to pass on their knowledge and tradition and history ... respect your elders ... respect your heritage ... don't insult them instead by watching garbage like the Gracie Challenges, the early UFCs or the Pedro Sauer vs Lance Bachelor match, because countless of people who died long ago would turn their head in shame, frustration and sadness, knowing what has become of their once proud heritage ... learning how to fight takes a few years at most, becoming a martial artist however is a lifetime of commitment ... and finally C) they lack the insight, intelligence or even mindset to see past the superficial ... I've never met any UFC or BJJ or Submission Grappling contender who ever visited a Bujinkan school, other than to disrespect and humiliate/physically submit them on camera for their own personal agenda or gain ... something to think about, OSS!!!
Man, the point is that being a BJJ black belt requires at least 9 years of constant practice, they dont just give them away.
My 11 years old cousin can be a Karate black belt and honestly it just doesnt mean the same.
@@sazukegu "They don't just give them away" lol now I know you're trolling, Joe Rogan does nothing BUT give black belts away as a bjj promotion stunt every time a UFC wrestler becomes a champion. This has happened multiple times. Same with Ashton Kutcher's brown belt from Rigan machado, the entire community agrees he would get destroyed by a legit blue belt and he didn't deserve it, Kutcher himself clearly felt uncomfortable having to accept it. ...
" My 11 years old cousin can be a Karate black belt and honestly it just doesnt mean the same." I told you to stop being disrespectful, in no legit Karate school can anyone THAT YOUNG become a black belt, IDK what dunghill you're from buddy but where I live the age restriction is 16 at least ... and if you think they just HAND THEM over just like that you're in for a rude awakening. Same with judo pal, they don't just HAND THEM over ... you clearly either never trained in any of these styles or you're delusional or you're trolling or you're just being a douche or you entered Mcdojo material and got the wrong idea from the get-go,
in any case it doens't even really matter because what you're doing here is completely unacceptable, disrespectful and unworthy of the martial arts spirit. If all you care about is "can I kick this guy's ass in a fight" you have learnt NOTHING. Hell, you guys love hating on say aikido for example so much, if you think aikido black belts are just HANDED OVER, you don't know anything, and yes I get it it's not exactly the most effective martial art from a self defence POV but that doesn't mean they just HAND YOU their black belt just like that, it takes YEARS of commitment before they even consider you, ... combat efficiency is all you seem to care about, to people like you tma styles might as well be dances well guess what bozo I hate to burst your bubble but even "petty dances" like ballet or whatever take YEARS to master and if you think that they will simply allow you a certain title or certificate or piece of evidence of any kind that officially claims you're at a high level JUST LIKE THAT simply because it has little or nothing to do with actual fighting, well my friend you're not thinking AT ALL!!!
Lower belts should move to develop awareness for mat space, thats my take on it. A lot of times they need more space than everyone else and not being aware puts all training partners in danger.
I think to say it’s more important is a bit of a slap in the face. Sure they deserve more respect and out of respect you should move but saying they’re more important is kind of crazy. Training is training.
Comparing black belts practising to solving world hunger was hard to listen to 🫣
Dude it was painful indeed. Those are the Black belts who get to sleep and get his arm broken by a 14 yo Green belt from Manaus.