Well, what an entertaining and interesting, fun afternoon I’ve had. Having sorted out the problems I had getting FileBot to run correctly on any dwm installation on my test machine and thanks to Drew kindly advising me the correct way to change the Date and Time settings on the slstatus bar, I’ve now been able to confidently install Drew’s customised dwm to my main machine. I’ve spent a happy afternoon configuring parts of it to my preference. THANK YOU DREW for sharing your knowledge and giving me a deeper understanding of how dwm functions.
Huge thank you for this! I'm new to Linux and never used a windows manager. So cool to have all these WMs in one set up with the extra options. Never used someones github to do something like this before. I've been on Debian 12 (first disro I've ever tried) with the KDE DE for about 6 months and my windows 11 M.2 drive hardly gets used at all.
Thanks. I have almost a plain fluxbox in my desktop and for sure this video will help me to improve it while learning a thing or two. You and J@L are my favorites youtubers!
@@JustAGuyLinux Hmm so what are the 3 different picom confs in .config/picom/ ? theres .conf .conf.bak and .conf.good ? which of these can i edit to add new animations and adjust shadows etc? and will theses changes carry over to the other window managers or is there some behind the scenes symlinking going on? Thanks in advance!
@@Wolves9001 .bak and .good are extras that I will remove. The .conf is the configuration that is being utilized. However, I don't think I am controlling the animations with that conf file. I think it is built into the picom fork being utilized. Good luck.
Great vid, Drew! And a cool script of course, nice to walk through those options. And the styling (even qtile) doeas appeal. Installed that picom straight away for dwm ;-) Cool one, thanks!
@@JustAGuyLinux Your scripts allow me to learn more about bash scripting, but also, have inspired me to write my own for my i3 setup. Which enables me to setup i3 on different machines I that I have. Also, using your script, I am working on a script to set up tmux on remote Linux servers I work with. I really appreciate your efforts, content and the channel.
Thank you so much for your hard work and making this available for us to learn from. Currently experimenting with DWM. Trying to determine how to change the date format to 24-hr as tends to be preferred by us Europeans.
If you are using my customized dwm, you need to edit the config.def.h in the ~/.config/suckless/slstatus directory. Change the line: { datetime, "^c#FFFFFF^ %s", "%l:%M %p " }, to { datetime, "^c#FFFFFF^ %s", "%H:%M " }, then run these commands in terminal: cd ~/.config/suckless/slstatus rm config.h make sudo make clean install pkill slstatus super + shift + r (to restart dwm)
@@JustAGuyLinux Many thanks Drew, very helpful and saved me a lot of time looking (I had started a process of elimination). Thanks again! BTW worked perfectly.
I've been around long enough to have had an arpanet ID before it was shuttered (NTS). I've shied away from Linux as I had a nasty taste of SunOS. But I really need a Linux laptop in my home shop. I followed your debian install with timeshift and couldn't be happier. That was an awesome process with an even better result! I struggled a bit (on my own) to get a cinnamon look to my desktop to something usable... for me. Now you've come out with a very useful product that can standardize key-bindings...which may make me use timeshift hard the next couple of weeks..... damn you! ;-)
Thank you very much! Unfortunately, polybar or some other thing keeps me from opening apps full-screen. I changed the screen resolution to 1920x1080 but windows go just as much as the polybar length.
Hey man I searched in your dwm config for your super+v to open alsamixer and couldnt find it, can you either share where it is in the config or how to also implement this feature?
super + v is a scratchpad for pulsemixer and it is located: ~/.config/suckless/dwm/config.def.h Because it is a scratchpad it is defined: const char *spcmd1[] = {"st", "-n", "spterm1", "-g", "100x34", "-e", "pulsemixer", NULL }; static Sp scratchpads[] = { /* name cmd */ {"spterm1", spcmd1}, Keybinding: { MODKEY, XK_v, togglescratch, {.ui = 0 } },
I honestly say I truly appreciate the time you put into doing this. I have been trying to set up bspwm and i3 wm for the last couple weeks. I've been using bspwm for awhile (couple of years) but I can't seem to get 2 windows horizontal top/bottom like in i3. So I have been working on both to see which I like more. Anyway, I installed all the wms you had at the end of the video tonight. They installed find and seem to work good, except for openbox. I get an error when I try to right click on the desktop. It says it can't find a file or folder obmenu-generator. I did try to install in on virtualbox so that might be part of the problem. Again thanks for all of your time. :} Oh yeah I have been using Super-Shift-Q to quit the desktop but linked it to the power script you have to choose exit/reboot/shutdown. thanks
With regard to you bspwm, if you want vertical windows, uncomment the line # bspc rule -a "*" split_dir=east located in the ~/.config/bspwmrc. Then restart bspwm: super + shift + r This will give you vertical tiles. Also, these tiles will not be equally sized when there are 3 or more tiles on 1 workspace. If you want this functionality, you must manually resize. However, I have a keybind: super + equal that resizes everything equally. Hope this helps.
@@JustAGuyLinux OMG Thanks so much. Previous to using Debian the last 2 years I had been using Arcolinux for over 5 years. I loved using Arco but Arch was updating too much. I don't need to be on the latest of anything. I learned a lot but obviously enough to get into trouble not enough to get out of it all the time. I thought I was able to do it before but couldn't figure it or find the answer on the web. I always thought it was my key bindings, never thought about the bspwmrc. It got to be a mental thing. But now I think I will use your script on metal and try figure out how they are customized. Once again..Thanks
This can save a lot of time when you build a new machine.. Run the script and your system is all setup.. Try that in Windows _any version. I enjoy linux, but just getting into the WM tilers.. My VIM is setup, so anytime I install a new system I just install vim and copy the .vimrc over and I'm set.
Here’s an interesting quandary. I use an application called FileBot. I installed it in the DWM variant and it ran but presented a blank application screen with no dialogue whatsoever. Tried Google, checked the jdk versions and others but after three hours couldn’t solve the issue. Rebooted, no difference. Rebooted again and selected the i3 variant on your option menu. Filebot works absolutely fine and dandy in i3 but will not function correctly in DWM. Confused.
Slamming. Looks like you removed sway, I got inspiration from your sway script and started my own fork from your repo that has been growing into a dozen mini scripts 🙏
The amount of time and effort you put into this, Drew, is very impressive. Great job!
Thanks Matt!
Well, what an entertaining and interesting, fun afternoon I’ve had. Having sorted out the problems I had getting FileBot to run correctly on any dwm installation on my test machine and thanks to Drew kindly advising me the correct way to change the Date and Time settings on the slstatus bar, I’ve now been able to confidently install Drew’s customised dwm to my main machine. I’ve spent a happy afternoon configuring parts of it to my preference. THANK YOU DREW for sharing your knowledge and giving me a deeper understanding of how dwm functions.
Huge thank you for this! I'm new to Linux and never used a windows manager. So cool to have all these WMs in one set up with the extra options. Never used someones github to do something like this before. I've been on Debian 12 (first disro I've ever tried) with the KDE DE for about 6 months and my windows 11 M.2 drive hardly gets used at all.
This was a fascinatiing series. I appreciate all the time you put into it.
Your scripts are amazing! Thank you so much for sharing this; I'm finding your scripts to be a great learning tool. Thanks again.
You're very welcome!
Great Video and nice scripts - many thanks Drew
Very welcome
This looks super cool! Is this distro agnostic? Like does it work in arch based distros?
Nope. Sorry.
@@JustAGuyLinux :( i guess i can still use your dotfiles just fine.
This is fantastic, thanks for sharing these.
My pleasure!
Thanks. I have almost a plain fluxbox in my desktop and for sure this video will help me to improve it while learning a thing or two. You and J@L are my favorites youtubers!
You're welcome! J@L is damn good!
Nice script. I already using it! Thank you for your work!
Awesome. Great work !! 🔥
Thank you very much!
Hi, so this automatically installs that cool picom fork? Or do we need to invoke another script for that? Also this is some amazing stuff WOW!
No. The cool picom fork gets installed with any of the custom window managers.
@@JustAGuyLinux Hmm so what are the 3 different picom confs in .config/picom/ ? theres .conf .conf.bak and .conf.good ? which of these can i edit to add new animations and adjust shadows etc? and will theses changes carry over to the other window managers or is there some behind the scenes symlinking going on? Thanks in advance!
@@Wolves9001 .bak and .good are extras that I will remove. The .conf is the configuration that is being utilized. However, I don't think I am controlling the animations with that conf file. I think it is built into the picom fork being utilized. Good luck.
@@JustAGuyLinux ah ok time to put on my tinkering hat! Thanks!
Great vid, Drew! And a cool script of course, nice to walk through those options. And the styling (even qtile) doeas appeal. Installed that picom straight away for dwm ;-) Cool one, thanks!
FT-Labs picom = unbelievably good.
That was a lot of work. Thanks!
You ain't lyin' 😉
Your content is enlightening, easy to follow and it's really awesome to learn from the content you post.
@@JustAGuyLinux Your scripts allow me to learn more about bash scripting, but also, have inspired me to write my own for my i3 setup. Which enables me to setup i3 on different machines I that I have.
Also, using your script, I am working on a script to set up tmux on remote Linux servers I work with.
I really appreciate your efforts, content and the channel.
Thank you so much for your hard work and making this available for us to learn from. Currently experimenting with DWM. Trying to determine how to change the date format to 24-hr as tends to be preferred by us Europeans.
If you are using my customized dwm, you need to edit the config.def.h in the ~/.config/suckless/slstatus directory.
Change the line:
{ datetime, "^c#FFFFFF^ %s", "%l:%M %p " },
{ datetime, "^c#FFFFFF^ %s", "%H:%M " },
then run these commands in terminal:
cd ~/.config/suckless/slstatus
rm config.h
sudo make clean install
pkill slstatus
super + shift + r (to restart dwm)
@@JustAGuyLinux Many thanks Drew, very helpful and saved me a lot of time looking (I had started a process of elimination). Thanks again! BTW worked perfectly.
Incredible Video ! Thanks a lot. Greetings from Switzerland
Thanks Drew for your effort and work.
Very welcome
I've been around long enough to have had an arpanet ID before it was shuttered (NTS). I've shied away from Linux as I had a nasty taste of SunOS. But I really need a Linux laptop in my home shop. I followed your debian install with timeshift and couldn't be happier. That was an awesome process with an even better result! I struggled a bit (on my own) to get a cinnamon look to my desktop to something usable... for me. Now you've come out with a very useful product that can standardize key-bindings...which may make me use timeshift hard the next couple of weeks..... damn you! ;-)
My bad! 😝
I’m not on Debian but some of your customisations appealed to me, so gonna grab some inspiration from that to make changes to my own dwm.
The dwm configs should work independent of the distro. But, good to tinker and get a deeper understanding.
Cool. A guy could learn a lot from these scripts. Thanks.
Can you make a video on how to use github and set up your own page or point me in the right video to watch.
The sheer effort is immaculate. I have to ask why you didn’t just use nix-shell or NixOS
Sadly menumaker doesn't install in Openbox
obmenu-generator was the intended install for ob. github.com/trizen/obmenu-generator
Thank you very much! Unfortunately, polybar or some other thing keeps me from opening apps full-screen. I changed the screen resolution to 1920x1080 but windows go just as much as the polybar length.
Hey man I searched in your dwm config for your super+v to open alsamixer and couldnt find it, can you either share where it is in the config or how to also implement this feature?
super + v is a scratchpad for pulsemixer and it is located:
Because it is a scratchpad it is defined:
const char *spcmd1[] = {"st", "-n", "spterm1", "-g", "100x34", "-e", "pulsemixer", NULL };
static Sp scratchpads[] = {
/* name cmd */
{"spterm1", spcmd1},
{ MODKEY, XK_v, togglescratch, {.ui = 0 } },
you did a great JOB
Hey Drew, how you doing. Very cool
Doing well and thank you 🙏
Love your videos Drew awesome and hard work. I was hoping you can maybe explain why do we rename @rootfs to @ during the install? Thanks so much
Timeshift doesn't like @rootfs
@@JustAGuyLinux ahhh ok duh to me
As much as I love these WM's I think Wayland is the way to go, xorg is quaint. Better configure and learn them. I am looking at you sway and hyprland.
Don’t mind either. I’ve just vaped my Arch Hyprland installation to give Drew’s dwm a go on my main machine
I honestly say I truly appreciate the time you put into doing this. I have been trying to set up bspwm and i3 wm for the last couple weeks.
I've been using bspwm for awhile (couple of years) but I can't seem to get 2 windows horizontal top/bottom like in i3. So I have been working on both to see which I like more. Anyway, I installed all the wms you had at the end of the video tonight. They installed find and seem to work good, except for openbox. I get an error when I try to right click on the desktop. It says it can't find a file or folder obmenu-generator.
I did try to install in on virtualbox so that might be part of the problem. Again thanks for all of your time. :}
Oh yeah I have been using Super-Shift-Q to quit the desktop but linked it to the power script you have to choose exit/reboot/shutdown. thanks
With regard to you bspwm, if you want vertical windows, uncomment the line
# bspc rule -a "*" split_dir=east
located in the ~/.config/bspwmrc.
Then restart bspwm: super + shift + r
This will give you vertical tiles.
Also, these tiles will not be equally sized when there are 3 or more tiles on 1 workspace. If you want this functionality, you must manually resize.
However, I have a keybind: super + equal that resizes everything equally.
Hope this helps.
@@JustAGuyLinux OMG Thanks so much. Previous to using Debian the last 2 years I had been using Arcolinux for over 5 years.
I loved using Arco but Arch was updating too much. I don't need to be on the latest of anything. I learned a lot but obviously enough to get into trouble not enough to get out of it all the time.
I thought I was able to do it before but couldn't figure it or find the answer on the web.
I always thought it was my key bindings, never thought about the bspwmrc.
It got to be a mental thing. But now I think I will use your script on metal and try figure out how they are customized. Once again..Thanks
this is an awesome script
despite selecting option 2 (custom install) it seems to default to the standalone install for all of these wms
taking a look at the i3 config for example, it seems to just be default settings
i think it may have been because i ran the script with sudo...
captains log, stardate: 2024
the scripts have been successful
@@Agraxian Thanks for continuing to work at it. Love it.
Why Firefox ESR and not the tarball? Firefox ESR is slow and not meant for the average user🤔
Thank you.
You're welcome!
You’re welcome
Hi, can this script work for Ubuntu 22.04?
I am guessing "yes" but have never tried it.
This can save a lot of time when you build a new machine.. Run the script and your system is all setup.. Try that in Windows _any version. I enjoy linux, but just getting into the WM tilers.. My VIM is setup, so anytime I install a new system I just install vim and copy the .vimrc over and I'm set.
I am using Ubuntu 22.04 , can I use this install script to install ( dwm, awesome and icewm )
I would think so, but I personally have never given it a shot.
Here’s an interesting quandary. I use an application called FileBot. I installed it in the DWM variant and it ran but presented a blank application screen with no dialogue whatsoever. Tried Google, checked the jdk versions and others but after three hours couldn’t solve the issue. Rebooted, no difference. Rebooted again and selected the i3 variant on your option menu. Filebot works absolutely fine and dandy in i3 but will not function correctly in DWM. Confused.
Now sorted - REDNOAH on the Filebot forum has kindly provided a working solution
very nice thank you for your work - 🙏✌👍
I’ve never heard of the term “stacking window managers”. Did you mean floating window managers? Please explain.
The term "stacking" and "floating" window managers can be used interchangeably. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stacking_window_manager
Slamming. Looks like you removed sway, I got inspiration from your sway script and started my own fork from your repo that has been growing into a dozen mini scripts 🙏
I moved moved sway to github.com/drewgrif/sway. Made more sense... at least to me.
Thanks brotha. I might show you my version, since I used yours as a template when I'm done. @@JustAGuyLinux
Drew, didnt use your script to install a display manager, but otherwise everything i did worked just fine in Devuan....
Cool. startx?
@@JustAGuyLinux Devuan installs with Slim, I installed your DWM, and it was selectable at login
@@edbeckerich3737 Thanks. Glad it worked.
Thank You
You're welcome
Great script!
thank you so much for all the hard work - i will test and tell the masses