AH HA HA YES! PART 3! Part 4 should be up in the next 24 hours... need sleep... my computer takes 9 hours a piece to upload these parts.... it's 3:30am... sleep... need... now...
Well, that settles it, the people who decided on the American voice actors for Hetalia actually got somebody who is phsyco.... Parents gone for four days, I need to use that for a prank call one day.... -.-
Akira Sasanuma is so cute bless his soul
"I will make history by diving into Niagara Falls today"
Austria and France is now cannon.
"Yea she does prank though. She comes to your house, rearranges your furniture and leave ice cream with my name on it."
If I was there I would have asked Michel to try and impersonate America :3
Is it just me or is the video and audio out of sinc. randomly at times on the video?
Anyways; I love their pranking stories XD
If I was there, I would've asked Michael how he felt that his character used to be in control of Canada, since they're in Canada.
I would LOVE to get prank called my Micheal, or Brina, or ANY voice act for that matter (as long as I know what voice they come from XD)
Monica: ""Wait, where are your parents?" "Oh, I don't know! They left four days ago!"" xDDD
AH HA HA YES! PART 3! Part 4 should be up in the next 24 hours... need sleep... my computer takes 9 hours a piece to upload these parts.... it's 3:30am... sleep... need... now...
Well, that settles it, the people who decided on the American voice actors for Hetalia actually got somebody who is phsyco.... Parents gone for four days, I need to use that for a prank call one day.... -.-
bwahahahahahh!!!! xDDDD @ 07:47:
Michael: yea~ thats my boyfriend~ *laughs* we'll be playing doctor later~
Waaaaait... Micheal and Akira are dating??? KYAAAAAAA