Life After Death Series: Part 4 - Difficult Verses - 119 Ministries

  • Опубліковано 4 жов 2024
  • There are so many questions that get asked about Scripture, but one of the oldest and most common has to do with life after death. But we’ve found that in order to answer that, we must investigate some of the more difficult verses and passages surrounding this topic. In teaching we’ll take an in-depth look at 2 such passages, The thief on the cross in Luke 23 and the parables of Messiah including that of Lazarus and the Rich Man in Luke 16.
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  • @carolyncrawford379
    @carolyncrawford379 2 роки тому +2

    Our tiny 200 yr. old church had 5 people get baptized because of the Rich Man & Lazarus sermon and 5 left as soon as they got over being scared. Thanks for your wonderful website that has answered a lifetime of questions....and I continue to recommend and ask Yahweh to bless you ALL unmeasureably.
    I am an old farm lady of 80

    • @sarahdenicolo8546
      @sarahdenicolo8546 Рік тому

      Hello.......the teaching on Lasarus and the rich man helped me greatly. I hate it when the bible is misused to teach something to support a wrong belief. I still have questions about the soul and eternal , unending suffering in hell. Yeshua existed after bodily death.

  • @deannasellinger8430
    @deannasellinger8430 4 роки тому +13

    As hard as this is to hear, about there being no Paradise when we die. It's only hard, because most of us desire heaven.. to be in that promised land where there is no more tears or suffering. I have found myself several times having to stop the teaching for a few days, go back to scripture, and pray. And in the end, I would rather know the truth then believe the lie. Thank you so much for this teaching 😊

    • @5MinuteChristian
      @5MinuteChristian 3 роки тому +4

      Effectively to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Because you close your eyes in death - then, whether 1 minute or 1000 years go by instantly to you - and then you are resurrected someday and you are very quickly with The Lord. So from our perspective it’s instant.

    • @eblanco2176
      @eblanco2176 2 місяці тому +1

      the promises are still true, the promise land will be like heaven on earth, God's kingdom is a heavenly kingdom and Christ will reign. there will be no more tears or suffering when the earth is made new.

    @BENJAMINTHOMAS-gt4yp 4 місяці тому

    this is such a detailed teaching, by far the best ive ever heard. And you really helped me understand the parables so much better. Shalom, and God bless.

  • @eugenegarcia9415
    @eugenegarcia9415 Рік тому

    Blessings keep preaching the truth.

  • @monllamoso
    @monllamoso 4 роки тому +8

    This Video is so very enlightening to me. Thank you so much 119 Ministries,

  • @portiantlati3747
    @portiantlati3747 4 роки тому +3

    Makes total sense, thank you 119 ministries

  • @andyavila5463
    @andyavila5463 4 роки тому +6

    Thank you 119 for your faithful way of teaching through the Word of YAH

  • @truthstillmatters59
    @truthstillmatters59 Рік тому +1

    Went to a funeral the other day and the minister said, "She is in heaven now with Jesus". It surprises me how many pastors teach this without Biblical scripture backing it up.

  • @rebeccamathison5068
    @rebeccamathison5068 4 роки тому +15

    Thank you guys for this series. I never believe anyone goes to heaven when they die, or at any time at all; the scriptures is very clear about that. The heavens belong to Yahweh but the earth he has given to the children of men. We shall inherit the earth. Psa 115:16, Matt.5:5. I love your ministry. May Yahweh bless you abundantly!

    • @FollowerofChrist1234
      @FollowerofChrist1234 4 роки тому +1

      Revelation 19:14 And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses.

    • @TimothyChapman
      @TimothyChapman 4 роки тому +2

      @@FollowerofChrist1234 That's referring to the angels of God, not human beings.

    • @vmstefie9990
      @vmstefie9990 4 роки тому +5

      Revelation 6:9-11
      When the Lamb broke the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God, and because of the testimony which they had maintained; and they cried out with a loud voice, saying, "How long, O Lord, holy and true, will You refrain from judging and avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth?" And there was given to each of them a white robe; and they were told that they should rest for a little while longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brethren who were to be killed even as they had been, would be completed also.

    • @vmstefie9990
      @vmstefie9990 4 роки тому +6

      Matthew 8:11
      I tell you, many will come from east and west and recline at table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven,
      Why are they in the kingdom of heaven?
      Philippians 3:20-21
      But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.
      So I cannot live where my citizenship is?
      Matthew 7:21-23
      “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
      So I can enter the kingdom of heaven if I do the will of our Heavenly Father...
      Luke 23:42-43
      And he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”
      Revelation 7:13-17
      Then one of the elders addressed me, saying, “Who are these, clothed in white robes, and from where have they come?” I said to him, “Sir, you know.” And he said to me, “These are the ones coming out of the great tribulation. They have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. “Therefore they are before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will shelter them with his presence. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any scorching heat. For the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of living water, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”
      Revelation 21:1-27
      Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.”
      “Behold, to the Lord your God belong heaven and the heaven of heavens, the earth with all that is in it.”(Deuteronomy 10:14)
      1 Corinthians 6:9-11
      Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
      So since we are righteous we do inherit the Kingdom of God
      Revelation 5:10
      And you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth.”
      Will everyone reign?
      I am not completely sure who will go to Heaven or earth, but here it shows we can both be in heaven and earth (after resurrection)
      And other verses shows us how after death we go to heaven to wait until resurrection, like the scripture of the fifth seal in which the dead in Christ by tribulation were talking to God, wanting revenge and God told them to rest some more until the others who will also be slain for their testimony join them... yes, we will be in heavy tribulation
      God bless you and your loved ones ☺️💚✨

    • @FollowerofChrist1234
      @FollowerofChrist1234 4 роки тому

      @@TimothyChapman Those armies, which are in heaven, are clothed in fine linen, white and clean. These are the bride of Christ, which is redeemed humans, not angels. Just before this verse:
      Revelation 19:7-8 7 Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and HIS BRIDE has made herself ready.” 8 It was given to her to clothe herself in FINE LINEN, BRIGHT and CLEAN; for the FINE LINEN is the righteous acts of the saints.
      You are reading this to make it say what you want it to. If you read this as it is, it is clear that saints, humans, will be coming from heaven with Christ. I pray you will be part of the Bride when we come with Christ from heaven.

  • @carolindalancaster7334
    @carolindalancaster7334 3 роки тому +1

    Excellent! Todah rabah for all this scriptural clarification!

  • @bramhazelhorst2551
    @bramhazelhorst2551 4 роки тому +4

    I love god

  • @MikeDuttera
    @MikeDuttera 4 роки тому +2

    I've just told people the Lazarus parable was just a parable and not literally a description of the afterlife. I enjoyed your explanation of it immensely and it seems to be a true one to me. It's just too involved to sway many folks though because it requires too much background knowledge and patience to understand for too many, though I don't know myself how you could make it simpler. I myself appreciated the extra detailed knowledge. Thanks for this.

  • @2aA2aA2a
    @2aA2aA2a 4 роки тому +3

    Great teaching

  • @victoriahhigman9611
    @victoriahhigman9611 Рік тому


  • @torahfoundation
    @torahfoundation 3 роки тому

    Another absolute GREAT teaching, thank you Brothers

  • @georgebalderrama32
    @georgebalderrama32 3 роки тому +1

    I love you guys!!! Shalom

  • @riazmichaelshafi9713
    @riazmichaelshafi9713 4 роки тому +1

    Very Good video God bless you and your family and your church and your ministry amen MOG Riaz Michael Rajoo from church of jesus christ pakistan

  • @masongarman4830
    @masongarman4830 4 роки тому +4

    Love you guys you are doing amazing things ❤️✝️

  • @mattalan5025
    @mattalan5025 2 місяці тому

    Excellent teaching again. Your gift to find historical evidence to align with what Yeshua and Paul, Peter and the others are speaking to is a great gift! Todah Rabah Yeshua Messiah! About death and being cut off, are you suggesting through your research that death for unbelievers, is to be put back to sleep. Unconsciousness, no longer a part of anything. Perhaps a similar state to where we were before being conceived in the womb, which I don't really recall either. Hahaha

  • @Cecyhj
    @Cecyhj 4 роки тому

    Great teaching! Love you guys!

  • @Mikha335
    @Mikha335 4 роки тому +2

    Great video!
    Thought I might add that according to the "Oxford companion to the Bible " by Metzger and Coogan, during the Hellenization period, controversy among Jews raged over whether the dead are conscious or not.

  • @danasalomon3721
    @danasalomon3721 2 роки тому

    There is not soul sleep, but body sleep as the souls wait for the resurrection to be rejoined to a perfect resurrected body.

  • @clarencegraham4075
    @clarencegraham4075 4 роки тому +3

    This is very accurate! Love it!

    • @Cherub72
      @Cherub72 4 роки тому

      no its not. they say Yeshuas kingdom is here on Earth during the millennium only but Yeshua told Pilate that his kingdom is not of this world. "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest" They also think God and Heaven are the same thing as they demonstrate at 5:38. 119 can't seem to fathom that Yeshua can be in paradise after his death. I stopped watching after seeing how inaccurate they are and here you say they are very accurate. craziness. I'm afraid to watch the rest because how annoyed I might become. please be careful, they don't do this to be malicious but you yourself must test these things too.

    • @clarencegraham4075
      @clarencegraham4075 4 роки тому

      Cherub, you believe we’ll be in heaven during the millennium??

    • @Cherub72
      @Cherub72 4 роки тому +1

      @@clarencegraham4075 I believe Yeshua, not men. If he tells us his kingdom is not of this world then why argue? It's his kingdom to declare.

    • @clarencegraham4075
      @clarencegraham4075 4 роки тому +1

      Cherub you should hear the whole matter brother.

    • @Cherub72
      @Cherub72 4 роки тому

      @@clarencegraham4075 the beauty of discernment is you can use it to reject untruths. You have to be brave enough to look away. What do you say about Paul?

  • @pennyherndon2407
    @pennyherndon2407 2 роки тому


  • @davidharrison6934
    @davidharrison6934 Місяць тому

    In peter when christ was in the grave, he went and preached to the captives, and many were set free, I was under the impression it were those who died under the law YAH is always fair especially for those who died before christ. And in revelation, all the pics of people in hevan seem to be before the eternity.

  • @Richfreerunner2
    @Richfreerunner2 4 роки тому +3

    Yes! I was waiting for this one! I was like how are they going to answer these Verses?! Frustrating I got to wait 3 days 😭

  • @truthseeker7005
    @truthseeker7005 4 роки тому

    About time!

  • @slipstream4572
    @slipstream4572 4 роки тому +4

    There are a few things that you don’t get:
    It may be a parable about Lazarus, but don’t you think it is interesting the one guy Yeshua raised from the dead is also named Lazarus? He might not have needed to fill in the blanks of the rich man and the character of the poor man?
    Yeshua didn’t say today you will be with me in heaven but “paradise”, he did descend to Sheol and preach, and He led a train out...
    and actually it DOES tie nicely with the other parable
    There could be a difference between Israel who will be physically resurrected along with many to everlasting life and others to eternal damnation, who rest... and the Christian who died to self, and where the Christian’s soul goes immediately when they die... “to be away from the body is to be with Yehovah” this may very well be new covenant, and only new covenant... believers in Yeshua messiah
    There were men of renown, the dead, seen walking the streets of Jerusalem between Passover and Firstfruits... something got shaken up...
    I’m not saying I disagree with you, just that I’m not convinced either way...
    I believe for a reason, God leaves wonder in the scriptures...
    it leaves tension
    For example, the tension in our salvation, like do we respond, can we choose God back (Acts17:26) of course God being all knowing, knows the end from the beginning so He knows who will... but does God also chose who is saved and who is not (Calvinist)... the tension in scripture is on purpose, again for the wonder... there are blessings in trying to figure it out
    (Bless you for trying to give a 1+2=3 video anyway brother, bless you, shalom)

    • @SeekingHisWill77
      @SeekingHisWill77 3 роки тому +1

      there are many things that we all don't get, but our faith allows us to endure until the Father's plans are accomplished and He reveals all Truths to us:) At that time we will be fully aligned with His will.

  • @emanuilboyanov417
    @emanuilboyanov417 4 роки тому +1

    1st. One coma can make such a huge difference. Shoked!
    2nd. which is the song, playing in the begining of the video started @0:46
    Thanks. God bless you all.

  • @davidharrison6934
    @davidharrison6934 Місяць тому

    Also, as a bible student,that's all I'm a student of. How can simpler people be expected to read a series of historians to know the truth about a small subject or what Jewish fables were, or even what some of the first century churches even believed? Studying the Greek and hebrew words and the bible itself is a all day every day work in itself.

  • @geriallen7443
    @geriallen7443 4 роки тому

    This is such a great teaching! Such a great topic sparking really great conversation. Seeing the High priest as the rich man is mind blowing. And so like just Jesus. But it's just science. the body sleeps while the mind find something else to do although it does rest. Also you have to take all those people who believe in astral projection and have experienced this phenomenon and call them bold faced liars. And people who claim to have gone to heaven after death you make them out to be just bold-faced liars as well. If you say they're just deceived, now you've proven yourself to be wrong because they're sleeping how can they be deceived If they're not conscious on some level. We simply must refer to the Word of God on everything. Just because we find something distasteful does not mean it's not true. We know God as a loving God who sent his son to pay for the sin that we committed. This is truly what's most difficult for the unbeliever to grasp. Ironically, it's the same reason that we cannot grasp an eternal punishment. They find it distasteful that any father would place sins on anybody but the one who committed them. Nevertheless, we believe that wholeheartedly.

    • @FollowerofChrist1234
      @FollowerofChrist1234 4 роки тому

      Do you pray? Does your flesh give you access to God in prayer? How then can your flesh being in decay stop your access to God?

    • @geriallen7443
      @geriallen7443 4 роки тому

      @@FollowerofChrist1234 amen! Jesus said they're not dead they sleep. We are so much more than breath and bodies. We are created in the image and likeness of a living loving terrible God! Amen my friend! I appreciate the conversation.

    • @awatchwoman
      @awatchwoman 2 роки тому +1

      @@geriallen7443 We are in image of fallen Adam.

    • @geriallen7443
      @geriallen7443 2 роки тому

      @@awatchwoman yeah...that's a good point.

  • @paulhightower1022
    @paulhightower1022 3 роки тому +1

    what about the bible's disscussion of so great a cloud of whitnesses?

  • @awatchwoman
    @awatchwoman 2 роки тому +1

    You need Jesus Christ - God manifest in the flesh !

  • @basedmathh
    @basedmathh Рік тому

    "The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and[a] went into the holy city and appeared to many people." How do you square this round peg?

  • @sureshkannan1414
    @sureshkannan1414 3 роки тому

    It will be worthwhile if you post a separate video teaching in UA-cam

    • @119Ministries
      @119Ministries  3 роки тому +1

      Shalom Suresh,
      We don't understand what you are suggesting. Separate from what?
      Blessings to you and yours...

  • @eugenegarcia9415
    @eugenegarcia9415 Рік тому

    There is a sign or prophecy in Matthew when the apostles asked Jesus to tell them when is his second coming . He told them that Elijah was to come first and restore all things. We know Jesus was not referring to Elijah but some one with the spirit of Elijah. But He said we would not recognize or ignore him. In another verse referring to this same sign he said this individual would come after the 5 Roman ‘empire , during the six Roman Empire before the final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire. Many don’t seem to pay attention to the signs. What your ministry 119 has been preaching is exactly what this individual came to restore in the 1930-1986 he wrote 18 books which were fought in the Supreme Court to be kept out of the public. For example he wrote a book which is the key to understanding the identity of Israel, the USA and Great Britain in prophecy. Another was the true gospel that Jesus preached but many today don’t preached what Jesus preached but preached who Jesus is . The true gospel is the hope of this world which is the coming kingdom of God. Also about the law and grace ect…. His name was Herbert W. Armstrong.

  • @granolamomie
    @granolamomie 4 роки тому

    I am so glad you made this. So I wonder if the just will be judging the unjust they knew. So we may be testifying against our family members and friends who were unbelievers and how we tried to show them the gospel. It will be interesting to see how it all works out

  • @robertquist7549
    @robertquist7549 4 роки тому +4

    At death, time stops. At 1st resurrection the thief will be born again into paradise on the same day.

    • @nathanshaw77
      @nathanshaw77 4 роки тому

      That's how I see it as well. They are yet to be in paradise/heaven in our time dimension.. but Yah is outside of time. In fact all things without matter are outside of time. This being the case a soul whose body has died will instantly be in the day of judgment which has not yet happened in our time dimension. Sorry about my long explanation.. but is that what you are thinking/saying?

  • @REALTALK150
    @REALTALK150 4 роки тому +1

    Also what about when Saul summoned Samuel and spoke with him and he still prophesied about Saul's destruction

    • @119Ministries
      @119Ministries  4 роки тому

      Shalom! That is addressed in part 5.

    • @REALTALK150
      @REALTALK150 4 роки тому

      @@119Ministries to Sheol-
      לִשְׁא֑וֹלָה (liš·’ō·w·lāh)
      Preposition-l | Noun - common singular | third person feminine singular
      Strong's Hebrew 7585: Underworld (place to which people descend at death)

    • @REALTALK150
      @REALTALK150 4 роки тому

      @@119Ministries Revelation 20:13 English Standard Version (ESV)
      13 And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and they were judged, each one of them, according to what they had done.
      ᾅδης (hadēs)
      Noun - Nominative Masculine Singular
      Strong's Greek 86: Hades, the unseen world. Properly, unseen, i.e. 'Hades' or the place of departed souls.

  • @steevs7912
    @steevs7912 2 роки тому

    Thats amazing to think about. It's like the tortoise and the hare. We know it didn't happen. Even if they did race why would the rabbit take a nap? Would the nap really be long enough depending on the distance for the rabbit to even lose? The whole story is about being patient and not being prideful. Rabbits and turtles are real, but the race never happened, nor did the nap.

  • @daleblack3229
    @daleblack3229 2 роки тому

    Just for thought in Leviticus Israel has commanded to take care of the poor the rich man did not help provide anything for Lazarus therefore he broke Torah

  • @eblanco2176
    @eblanco2176 2 місяці тому

    I have one observation. How is Lazarus the same as Simon the Leper? In John 12:2 says "Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him" Matt 26:6 & Mark 14:3 says Jesus was "in the house of Simon the Leper" and in Luke 7:36, says that he "went to the Pharisee's house" and in verses 40 and 43 we learn this Pharisee is Simon. Per John's account the supper was after the resurrection of Lazarus. If Simon and Lazarus are the same person, Lazarus behaved like an ungrateful unbeliever by his treatment of Jesus and doubts as recorded in Luke 7: 39, 44, 45. Also, if the house belonged to Lazarus, then it would have been expected for him to be at the table. There would be no need for John to point out Lazarus was present. Lazarus and Simon cannot be the same person. I do see the truth of the state of the dead.

  • @eblanco2176
    @eblanco2176 2 місяці тому

    While I do believe we die and do not go to heaven. it is a bit hard to reconcile no one has gone up - the Bible speaks of Enoch - Hebrews 11:5.

  • @5MinuteChristian
    @5MinuteChristian 3 роки тому

    Very nice. However one could argue that Jesus’ crucifixion was indeed torture - though clearly not eternal.

  • @raulabundis5001
    @raulabundis5001 4 роки тому +3

    John Doe unbeliever be like, “what I was just there!” 😂😂. YAH keep using you brother! Lol. Love it!

    • @FollowerofChrist1234
      @FollowerofChrist1234 4 роки тому

      If this organizations teachings were correct then Sodom unbeliever be like "what I was just destroyed by fire and unconscious, now I'm going to be destroyed by fire and unconscious!"

    • @raulabundis5001
      @raulabundis5001 4 роки тому

      Jw Questions 😂😂😂. I pray they get a chance though😳

    • @raulabundis5001
      @raulabundis5001 4 роки тому

      119 Im about to email you something new and fresh I believe YAH showed me.

    • @FollowerofChrist1234
      @FollowerofChrist1234 4 роки тому

      @@raulabundis5001 Those in Sodom will not have another chance to accept. They are being held in torment until their final judgement. At which point they will receive new bodies fit for their eternal punishment. (Mark 9:48). They will, however, not receive as harsh a torment for eternity as those who have the full knowledge of Jesus Christ and walk reject it. (Matthew 11:24)

    • @nickidennis8958
      @nickidennis8958 4 роки тому

      I enjoyed that as well lol

  • @ernestojr.cmartinez3578
    @ernestojr.cmartinez3578 Рік тому

    Maliwanag kapatid...

  • @marshapple
    @marshapple 4 роки тому +3

    I still cannot understand why Lazarus and the rich man is seen as a parable. Every explanation for the "parable" doesn't explain why Yeshua is adding certain detail of hell and the suffering the rich man was enduring. Moreover, although all the other parables are similar, this one is very different. This is why I somewhat disagree with your argument.

    • @jaiminor
      @jaiminor 4 роки тому +1

      This parable was different from the others because Yeshua was simply using the Pharisees "false" understanding of heaven and hell to prove to them that they lacked understanding of the truth. As he said, this was the Messiah's mockery of their beliefs.

    • @vmstefie9990
      @vmstefie9990 4 роки тому +2

      Jai Slick if that is so then Jesus would be Lying, which is IMPOSSIBLE. While speaking parables the Lord always used situations that can easily happen and add deep meaning to it, if this parable was not true but a mockery, what makes a lie, a lie?
      An untrue word be it for mockery reasons or even sarcasm...
      I do not believe Yeshua ever lied, He is Lord! Hallelujah!
      God bless you and your loved ones

    • @jaiminor
      @jaiminor 4 роки тому +1

      @@vmstefie9990 Parables are not to be taken literally. They are to be understood by those whom the message is due. Which is why the Messiah addressed it to a certain group. It is not a lie. He was addressing their lie. It is a parable. It's simply a story to bring forth understanding. When Yeshua called the Pharisees vipers, surely you didn't take that literally, but you surely understood what he meant. There is a gang of poetic language throughout the bible. Don't be so sensitive.

    • @mshazard4931
      @mshazard4931 4 роки тому +2

      There are some connections to the parables not made in this video, but an understanding that makes far more sense on a video by The Way biblical Fellowship called “Butchered Doctrine- Life after Death” on UA-cam. They have many other teachings on topics the church has incorrectly taught over the years. It’s quite fascinating and really clears up a lot of questions I had. I love 119 ministries too! But I do disagree with them on some topics, but still love them and their work! ❤️

    • @marshapple
      @marshapple 4 роки тому

      @@mshazard4931 that's the name of the video? I will check it out.

  • @davidharrison6934
    @davidharrison6934 Місяць тому

    The transfiguration and where are elijah and Enoch

  • @frankybrown4722
    @frankybrown4722 2 роки тому

    Yeshua spoke in Parables using real situations to bring understanding. So, if all the actors in the parable represent real people, then also the stage must be a real place. Not, a fairly tale/made up stage.
    Enoch also speaks of a holding place for the souls of men.
    Also, mankind is body, soul and spirit. The Bible is very clear that the three are separate/different, while at the same time one. Comparative to YHVH, Yeshua and the Holy Spirit being all separate but one. I believe, this is one of the ways mankind is made in the image of the Creator.

  • @vmstefie9990
    @vmstefie9990 4 роки тому +1

    Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
    Matthew 10:28
    Body and “soul” or “spirit, is written here as a separate thing from the body, they have to coexist because that’s the law God created in this physical realm... we are spirits but in order to live in this physical realm we need flesh, otherwise we cannot enter the physical realm at all, we may be in the spiritual realm but not the physical, that means that our bodies can die and yet our souls can still be alive... wether if we die unsaved or in sin we shall expect both our body and soul to be destroyed...
    2 Corinthians 5:8
    we are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord.
    Ecclesiastes 12:7
    then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it.
    Revelation 6:9-11
    When the Lamb broke the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God, and because of the testimony which they had maintained; and they cried out with a loud voice, saying, "How long, O Lord, holy and true, will You refrain from judging and avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth?" And there was given to each of them a white robe; and they were told that they should rest for a little while longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brethren who were to be killed even as they had been, would be completed also.
    Matthew 25:46
    "These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."

  • @JosephEReedMusic
    @JosephEReedMusic 4 роки тому +3

    Could Lazarus be alluding to Eleazar, Abraham's servant?

  • @REALTALK150
    @REALTALK150 4 роки тому +2

    He later gave explanations for the meanings of His parables, why not the same for Lazarus and the rich man?

    • @torahfoundation
      @torahfoundation 3 роки тому +1

      Messiah only gave meanings to some of the parables, the majority were just left for the hearer to understand. It is not accurate to think that every parable had an explanation.

    • @REALTALK150
      @REALTALK150 3 роки тому

      @@torahfoundation Or, Messiah did not just say things to hear Himself talk and all of His parables had a meaning
      plural noun: parables
      a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, as told by Jesus in the Gospels.

    • @torahfoundation
      @torahfoundation 3 роки тому

      @@REALTALK150 Okay, not too sure what the point of your last reply was BUT my point remains that not all parables had a written explanation in the scriptures SO there is nothing wrong in asserting that this particular passage can be taken figuratively not literally.

    • @REALTALK150
      @REALTALK150 3 роки тому

      @@torahfoundation I'm curious, if this is not a literal representation then what's the figurative message/lesson?

    • @torahfoundation
      @torahfoundation 3 роки тому

      @@REALTALK150 Watch the video, another great teaching provided by 119 Ministries. Perhaps you should have watched it before commenting! I think that is all I have to say as I feel anymore would be a complete waste of my time... over & out!

  • @davidharrison6934
    @davidharrison6934 Місяць тому

    Who are these 24 elders and not angels?

  • @essieaku9462
    @essieaku9462 4 роки тому

    Totally agree with the fact that Sheol and Hades refer to a state of total inactivity. I also know that Jesus said that God could destroy both body ( basar/soma ) and soul( nephesh) in Gehenna which support the idea that Gehenna is simply a state of eternal annihilation. However, the question mark still remaining for me is : what does the verse in revelation that says that those thrown in the lake of fire / gehenna after the final judgement will be tormented forever mean ( revelation 20:10)? The word used there for " tormented" comes from the Greek" basanizo " that refers to a jail or a jailer and to the idea of LITTERAL " physical or mental torture ". In the bible, all the verses where " basanizo" is used are always used in a context of mental or physical torture. How come it would all of a sudden become symbolic in the context of the book of revelation? If the Lake of fire just represents eternal destruction why would the idea of mental or physical torture ( basanizo) even be mentionned? ... 😕😞😓. Moreover, the concept of a jail in the time where Revelation was written wasn't really a place where people slept forever. Living conditions were very bad in there and prisonners suffered a lot! Will there be new laws when the new scrolls will be opened after the 1rst resurrection that will amend certain laws of the Torah just as Messiah 's death amended the laws about animal sacrifices? Can the spirit psyche
    Thank you for your research anyways and Shabbat shalom!

    • @Shield_Labs
      @Shield_Labs 7 місяців тому

      Remember that the Lake of Fire was originally constructed for Satan and his Angels (Matt 25:41) not for man. And the heavenly host (Elohim Lower-Case “G”ods in many cases) are not like us. They are Clothed with Immortality (Not eternal/without begging or end, but the don’t die of old age it seems) As the angels bound in Tartarus are Still there, Still awaiting their Appointed time of Judgment. So where a resurrected Mortal (rev. 19-20) brought back to life…. If they have accepted Christ as the Messiah are made LIKE the Angels and given access to the Tree of Life (Immortality), and those at the end of the millennium resurrected to be judged according to their works, and an Everlasting Punishment cast into the lake of fire. Where we see Rev19-20 the False Prophet, Beast, Antichrist are Also All sent… I believe for normal mortals they will burn up like a normal mortal would(And Being Absolutely Destroyed Body & Soul…is Everlasting, as it is never undone. No More chances or resurrection for them. Ezek18:4, Isaiah13:9, Matthew10:28), but things “Satan and his Angels” Matthew 25:41, and the Watcher Angels mentioned in Jude1:6.
      John 3:16 ”For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.“
      Only those who have the Son, have everlasting Life. All others will Perish, Not have Everlasting Life in the Lake of Fire. Otherwise why do we need access to the fruit of the tree of life, and what would be the point of Rev 19-20 and the Great White Thrown of Judgment if people are immediately judged the moment they die. Just my thoughts on it!! Shalom!! YAH Bless Ya!!! Have a Blessed day!!

  • @thedisciple5115
    @thedisciple5115 4 роки тому +1

    Maybe address the millions of people, that claim good and bad experiences after they have flatlined. Still thank you for this video 119 Ministries.

    • @jaiminor
      @jaiminor 4 роки тому +2

      In unconsciousness the brain still functions. Those "claims" are simply the last thoughts remembered by those individuals or are attention seeking tactics.

    • @thedisciple5115
      @thedisciple5115 4 роки тому

      @@jaiminor watching science documentary right now " life after death" starts off with the statistic numbers. Literally millions of reports in each country, far too much for your Simple Theory.

    • @QuestionThingsUseLogic
      @QuestionThingsUseLogic 4 роки тому +2

      @@thedisciple5115 the deception is real! It's easy to fool the masses who are entering the broad way thinking they are going to heaven.

    • @thedisciple5115
      @thedisciple5115 4 роки тому

      @@QuestionThingsUseLogic you have a piont,but where talkin millions of reports.of course we want to feel we are the only ones right,and everybody else is wrong. The more research, the more we learn what's out there.cant be stuck and think we know it all.

    • @QuestionThingsUseLogic
      @QuestionThingsUseLogic 4 роки тому +4

      @@thedisciple5115 I understand and I don't profess to know it all but from my years of research (and I believe I am older than you), I know it is important to KNOW what Scripture teaches as opposed to church doctrine. The two are diametrically opposed, sadly. The fact that millions claim the same thing does not make it true or even real. There is something Scripture calls signs and wonders that will fool many. To know your Scriptures, in context and studying the Hebrew/Greek words (not the English) is essential to any serious believer. I have personally discovered many false doctrines doing this just with word studies! We are told to test all things and also to study to rightly divide the word of truth. Shalom

  • @daleknight7433
    @daleknight7433 4 роки тому

    Ha lomead ha tov meod❣️

  • @FollowerofChrist1234
    @FollowerofChrist1234 4 роки тому +2

    For those who believe, based on the rest of scripture, that believers will be with their Savior at death, the position of the comma is of no importance. "I tell you, today you will be with Me" or "I tell you, today you will be with Me" does not change a thing. Christ could be saying He was making His statement "today" and the thief still be in the presence of Christ at death. The comma is meaningless to our view. However, if you DEMAND that the comma be placed after "today" you are giving scripture a meaning that COULD be incorrect. That is a very dangerous thing to do. I say, place the comma in either place and look to the rest of scripture for an accurate interpretation of the meaning and not the place of an interpreted comma for the meaning.

    • @divoryy
      @divoryy 2 роки тому

      Read Hebrews 11, Paul is speaking after Jesus resurrected and he says that all old testament prophets have not been rewarded yet waiting for the resurrection, if they are in the prescence of the lord why would Paul say such a thing? also Peter in the book of acts says that David is still in his grave and has not ascended to heaven ! you will not find a single verse after Jesus' resurrection that clearly says that anyone goes to Jesus upon death, even when Paul was comforting those who had lost people to death, he comforts them with the resurrection of the last day ! (First Thessalonians 4), people blind their eyes intentionally from the truth of death and the actual meaning of "Spirit" written from Genesis to Revelations only to prove their Gnostic doctrine of immortal human spirit through a couple of verses

    • @FollowerofChrist1234
      @FollowerofChrist1234 2 роки тому

      @@divoryy Where is Jesus now and what is He doing?
      Hebrews 1:3 When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high
      When being killed what did Stephen see:
      Acts 7:55 But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, looked intently into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God;
      Why did Jesus go from sitting to standing at the death of a believer?

  • @marktester5799
    @marktester5799 4 роки тому +1

    This video: Why would someone die, go to Hell as punishment, only to be raised later for judgement, and then be sent back to Hell as punishment?
    Also this video: The unrighteous will die, only to be raised later for judgement, and then be killed again as punishment.

    • @awatchwoman
      @awatchwoman 2 роки тому

      Hell is the holding place for the unbelieving dead awaiting the Great White Throne Judgement that is held at the end of the Millennium, after which they are sent into the Lake of Fire for eternity - the 2nd death.

  • @mountainseeker2844
    @mountainseeker2844 2 роки тому

    Wait...People in Sheol are asleep and not suffering on the unrighteous side?

    • @ygkr6437
      @ygkr6437 Рік тому

      No, they're conscious and in their right mind. The body is asleep and in the grave. The soul does not sleep.

  • @clellaadams
    @clellaadams 4 роки тому

    Lepers were not allowed to be at a rich man's gate.

  • @psalm1tree466
    @psalm1tree466 3 роки тому

    See CBN’s Video featuring a Dean Braxton. You will see his emergency care doctor, rated as one of the top doctors in his state, declaring that Braxton is a miracle.
    Why? Because he had no respiration and no heart rate for an hour and 45 minutes. He was so dead that his toes had turned black and after he came back to life they were planning to clip them off. But, like the rest of his body, there was complete healing instead. He left the hospital after a brief stay, with no brain damage, or any health issues at all.
    CBN Investigated this story, interviewing the involved doctors and other hospital staff, for six months before airing it.
    Who am I going to listen to? People like Braxton who have been declared totally dead for long periods of time, and tell about their experiences in heaven (or sometimes in hell) or some people who are giving their theories on the Bible?
    The Bible clearly shows people, in the book of Revelation before the throne, speaking to the Lord and asking when their deaths will be avenged. What could be more clear? There are people in heaven who are way not asleep.
    They can say that the story of Lazarus in the bosom of Abraham is allegorical. Baloney. Their humble opinions.
    If these presenters ever come back from the dead and are declared miracles by their doctors, I’ll be curious what they have to say.
    Everything that Braxton says about heaven he supports with Bible verses. For just one little example, he says there are animals in heaven and that they talk, including former pets. (Other people revived from the dead, including children, have reported this also.)
    In the book of revelation we see an eagle flying around making a verbal proclamation in heaven.
    We are told they are “creatures”worshiping at the throne room in heaven. The original word, in Hebrew, is zoon. That word means animals.
    Usually I think this ministry is right on target. Here they use all kinds of convoluted reasoning to try to explain away what they have never experienced themselves, and they don’t believe the experiences of others who have actually died and been revived after long periods.
    There are other scholars who say that before the resurrection people were in a kind of limbo, in the bosom of Abraham. But, After the resurrection people could go to heaven. Don’t we see people being raised from the dead at the time of the Lord’s death? They were walking around talking to people, not in soul sleep.

  • @islandlifehawaii1720
    @islandlifehawaii1720 4 роки тому

    Abraham’s bosom kills this false doctrine

    • @islandlifehawaii1720
      @islandlifehawaii1720 4 роки тому

      Yea Abraham bosom wasn’t the parable
      He simply used the concept of Abraham bosom in a parable because it was a concept they all understood why would he use a concept that nobody was familiar with to teach that makes no sense

  • @RoshuWater
    @RoshuWater 4 роки тому

    Unrelated comment here, but checking UA-camr SSundee's channel, he left you as a subscription. He supports you.

  • @clellaadams
    @clellaadams 4 роки тому

    sad that people will be deceived by this slick teaching.

  • @sureshkannan1414
    @sureshkannan1414 3 роки тому

    Can you explain about enoch in this context

    • @119Ministries
      @119Ministries  3 роки тому +1

      Shalom Suresh,
      Genesis 5:24 simply tells us that YHWH took Enoch so let's look at Hebrews 11
      5 By faith Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death, and he was not found, because God had taken him. Now before he was taken, he was commended as having pleased God.
      So here we see that he was taken and did not see death. Let's now look a bit further down at Hebrews 11:13
      13 These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth.
      Verse 13 tells us that all had died. So here we know that Enoch died.
      The greek word for died in verse 5 is from the process of disease but the died in verse 13 means a physical death. So, this tells us that Enoch did die, but he did not experience the death process.
      We hope this helps

    • @awatchwoman
      @awatchwoman 2 роки тому

      @@119Ministries Enoch is a fore-shadow of those raptured alive in Christ before the Tribulation.

    • @Mr.Fotingo-qf9hk
      @Mr.Fotingo-qf9hk 2 місяці тому

      @@119Ministries So far this is the only thing I disagree with you. Your logic here implies that those who die in their sleep, also do not experience death...which is erroneous. When your physical body dies, it dies not matter the cause of death.

  • @njabulolushaba8491
    @njabulolushaba8491 4 роки тому +1

    I have to disagree with you that in death there is unconscience sleep because In Mathew 17:2 Jesus is transfigured on the mountain and his face shines and Moses and Elijah appear and he literally begins talking with them in front of the 3 disciples who also witnessed this event and Peter even chimes in while Jesus is speaking to Moses and Elijah

    • @divoryy
      @divoryy 2 роки тому

      Elijah never died we was transferred bodily to heaven, and Moses was resurrected as narrated by Jude, another way to look at it is that it was a just a vision 'And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the *vision* to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead. ', There are so many teachings in the bible about soul sleep, we cannot just use a couple of odd stories to prove otherwise, we explain those few verses in their context and how can they be interpreted from the whole bible

  • @dominicwalker9947
    @dominicwalker9947 4 роки тому

    Off key, but do you have a teaching on 2 Esdras?

  • @BouncySlim1
    @BouncySlim1 4 роки тому +1

    Why are the comments turned off on the debunking Hebrew Israelite video???? You have to expect some backlash....with colorful language. But to cut off the comments is like you are running scared????

    • @raisethepraise5812
      @raisethepraise5812 4 роки тому

      It could have something to do with UA-cam policys.

    • @QuestionThingsUseLogic
      @QuestionThingsUseLogic 4 роки тому +2

      It doesn't matter, we know the True Hebrews are not the jews in Israel. Very easy to research once you can see white people don't have chiefs, tribes, clans, communities, etc that Scripture mentions. Plus they suffered the curses of Deut 28.

    • @BouncySlim1
      @BouncySlim1 4 роки тому +1

      @@QuestionThingsUseLogic His assertion in the video I referenced is that those who occupy the territory of Israel are the jews. It would have been enlightening to read other viewpoints in the comments.
      I have eyes to see...and ears to hear. I'm with you 😉😉

    • @brokengirl8619
      @brokengirl8619 2 роки тому

      Backlash with colorful language is not what the holy spirit would do.

  • @billyjackthestrong1604
    @billyjackthestrong1604 4 роки тому

    Question, I keep hearing the phrase and they lived and reign with him a thousand years on Earth. Why do you keep saying on Earth I know where it says that they lived in reign with him a thousand years however I can't seem to find where it says on Earth can you please point me to that scripture please?

    • @libertyfarmsiowa
      @libertyfarmsiowa 4 роки тому +4

      You're probably not going to find any version/translation of the Bible that has "...on earth" at the end of the sentence in Revelation 20:4, but its implied by the rest of chapter 20, as well as other scriptures throughout the Bible, especially Revelation 21. Why would the Father create a new heaven and new earth (Rev.21:1) for His holy nation and bring down a new Jerusalem from out of heaven (Rev.21:2) if the 1000 year reign is taking place in heaven? In fact, where does the Scripture say that the 1000 year reign (the 7th day) of Messiah definitely occurs in heaven and not on earth? Besides isn't a "year" an earthly measure of time? Does a "year" even happen in "heaven"? Does heaven revolve around a star/sun in order to measure a unit of time? I don't think that linear time even exists in heaven (some place beyond our physical universe where the Father's Throne is). So if there is a 1000 year reign doesn't it make logical and scientific sense that it would occur on earth, where a "year" is referenced to linear time, rather than in heaven where there is no linear time or any need for any unit of time at all?
      When Yahushua was on this current earth after His resurrection, having been transfigured, after He'd been to the Father as the "first fruits" wave sheaf, when He entered into the upper room, seemingly by passing through the shut door in a transfigured body and Thomas touched Him by poked his fingers into Yahushua's wounds wouldn't we then say that even in a resurrected transfigured state, that new body still had physical characteristics we are familiar with now? Did Messiah also eat and drink in His new transfigured body after His resurrection?
      My point being in the resurrection at the end of this age (6th Day, Rev. 20:4) once the saints are raised from the grave (hell/sheol/hades, their sleep) or the living changed in an instant, both being transfigured, will they be able to dwell on the physical earth, eat and drink just as we do now in these rotting meat sack bodies that die?
      And once transfigured will our new bodies be able to "live"(survive) through the total destruction of the old heaven and old earth at the end of the 1000 year reign, and somehow "live" while we await the Father creating a new heaven and new earth (the 8th day/eternity/the Garden) and the new Jerusalem to descend from heaven where the immortal transfigured saints will live with The Father and Son forever? It seems the answer is yes.
      If heaven was the place we go after death, what's the point of the Father creating a new heaven and new earth after the 1000 year reign if that 1000 years is in heaven and we are already in heaven/paradise?
      The only conclusion I can draw from the whole Scriptures regarding this point is that the 1000 year reign takes place on this earth, even though earth may look very different due to all "stuff" that occurs on, and to, earth during the Tribulation period. And even after that, because God creates a new heaven, new earth and new Jerusalem, it would seem that we never dwell in heaven in death or life. But in the new "Garden" He creates where He will dwell with "man", as He intended from the beginning, forever.

    • @m-a-t8-iam407
      @m-a-t8-iam407 3 роки тому

      It says in Rev. 5:10 And have made us kings and priest to our God; and we shall reign on the earth.
      I would like to also add another explanation to who Lazarus was. The Pharisees had this perception or assumption that they were the elite because of their heritage. They didn't have to repent because of who they were - of the offspring of Abraham (Luke 3:8). The Hebrew origin of Lazarus is Elazar or Eliezar. I don't think that it is any coincidence that Jesus made these two comparisons knowing that Abraham's servant in Genesis 15:2 was Eliezar (Lazarus). He was making the same point John was making that don't just believe you have Abraham as your father, for God will raise his servant before he would them. Jesus brings out three things that the Pharisees needed to see. That's it's not about your heritage. You have a responsibility of what is laid at your gate. In other words, what goes on in your house. Your spiritual house. There are going to be
      those who are poor, who are destitute, who are hungry, naked, sick and needy. Are we using the Law of Moses and the Prophets to allow Him to write it upon our hearts by seeing and then doing. Christ rose from the dead and they still don't do what He says.

  • @JP11
    @JP11 4 роки тому +6

    DO NOT BE DECEIVED! When your body dies, it falls into a deep sleep and rests in the dust of the earth till the last trump. Your spirit immediately returns to God Almighty, our Creator. Our soul goes into an immediate eternal existence, based on our standing with The Almighty God.

    • @ygkr6437
      @ygkr6437 Рік тому

      Humans are a three part being: spirit, soul, flesh. The body is a house for the spirit and soul. Without these two, the body is dead. When a person dies, the spirit which is God's breath, returns to him. The soul which is the eternal conscious part, the real you, goes to either heaven or hell. It does not sleep. Spirits do not sleep. The body which is just a shell/vessel, goes back into the ground where it came from. God told Adam and Eve after their disobedience, 'dust you are, dust you came, dust you shall return'.

    • @zouksesanet
      @zouksesanet 4 місяці тому

      Spirit (breath) from God plus body (dirt) equals a living soul. Also, Body (dust) minus the breath of life (spirit)=dead soul (non existence aka sleep in the grave)
      Ezekiel 18:20
      King James Version
      20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die.
      Man is a living soul or a living being or a living breathing creature or a person.
      Genesis 2:7
      King James Version
      7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
      Man doesn't have an immortal soul. Only God does.
      1 Timothy 6:15-16
      King James Version
      15 Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords;
      16 Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.
      The spirit or the breath of life from God returns to God at death both for the believers and unbelievers.
      Ecclesiastes 12:7
      King James Version
      7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
      When the spirit leaves the body, (not the spirit and the soul), the body and soul die.
      James 2:26
      King James Version
      26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.
      Noone goes to heaven or hell until the resurrection. Jesus is the only one who ascended to heaven.
      John 3:13
      King James Version
      13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.
      Acts 2:34
      King James Version
      34 For David is not ascended into the heavens:
      There is no consciousness of the soul at death. The soul dies.

    • @cryptojihadi265
      @cryptojihadi265 Місяць тому

      Lol. So you're literally telling us NOT to believe what the Bible ACTUALLY says, and instead believe what YOU want it to say?

  • @scottheath8302
    @scottheath8302 4 роки тому +1

    Sorry 119 misses the mark on this one but still love the series

    • @scottheath8302
      @scottheath8302 4 роки тому

      Karen Soo sorry for the late reply...... from the beginning they assume that thief on the cross has know idea what it where paradise is .. they plant the idea that the only option is Heaven..... But Yeshua knew where paradise was... and then the only option for Lazurus is Hyperboly or a nice story ..... but the story of Lazarus is there for a reason and Jews understood if they believed in afterlife what it was.... Apostle Paul did long to be out of his body which he stated means being present with the Lord.. not 2500 years of soul sleep

    • @scottheath8302
      @scottheath8302 4 роки тому

      WildwoodCastle that’s why I like Paul and study all his verses ... it’s easy to say that people just pluck versus and construe but in this case Paul seems confident and excited, and I supposed to read into the text he is excited to go to sleep for 3000 years or more.... or is he knowingly going to be seated at the right hand

    • @scottheath8302
      @scottheath8302 4 роки тому

      And I have read the “ the truth about death” article you copied and pasted many times it lays out what we all have .... theories.... and I don’t prefer the KJV when reading Paul....

    • @scottheath8302
      @scottheath8302 4 роки тому

      WildwoodCastle that’s what I meant sorry...

    • @scottheath8302
      @scottheath8302 4 роки тому

      WildwoodCastle I would say listening to the teaching John is leading leaves much of the table ... he equates Sheol torment with hell, though they are not the same which he does note a different word set is used...if we are spirit at first creation created in his image and God is not dust then what we were to be would remain and not vanish....

  • @abba2me
    @abba2me 4 роки тому +3

    Have you even read the book of Revelation and John’s participation in the activities in Heaven? The 24 elders, the multitudes, the martyrs, all very much alive in spirit and active. “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.” Were Enoch and Elijah asleep as they ascended to heaven? Did Yeshua descend and preach to the souls in Sheol while asleep? And who would Yeshua have preached to in Sheol if the departed were unconscious? And scripture tells us Yeshua entered the tabernacle in heaven with his blood after his death. Your teaching is false and unscriptural. I’ve followed you for many years but your recent teachings have gone too far from scriptural truth.

    • @FollowerofChrist1234
      @FollowerofChrist1234 4 роки тому +2

      Which is why many followers of this organization are leaving the Messiah.
      James 3:1 Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment.
      They are trying too hard to appeal to those leaving the church. So, they take as many commonly held Christian teachings they can and twist things to make people believe they have been lied to. They try so hard, the only way to do it is to stray from scriptural truth. Instead of helping those who are questioning biblical teachings they are feeding them false teachings that is leading them to hell.

  • @colprincess8579
    @colprincess8579 4 роки тому

    1000 year reign on earth?

    • @Cherub72
      @Cherub72 4 роки тому

      it's in revelation

    • @colprincess8579
      @colprincess8579 4 роки тому

      @@Cherub72 Not on earth though.

    • @Cherub72
      @Cherub72 4 роки тому

      @@colprincess8579 Well I guess it doesn't say exactly where but your assumption is equal to those who say it is on Earth. It can be anywhere I suppose.

    • @colprincess8579
      @colprincess8579 4 роки тому

      @@Cherub72 It is not on earth, hence the earth will be destroyed with his second coming and Satan bound on it for that one thousand year period.

    • @Cherub72
      @Cherub72 4 роки тому

      @@colprincess8579 no, thats you assuming some more

  • @vmstefie9990
    @vmstefie9990 4 роки тому

    By researching, a lot of scriptures support that we all have eternal spirits, when we die our spirit form has two destinations: Heaven or hell, until resurrection and the second death and all of that. Our bodies will sleep and not know anything, they are our carcass to say it so, they will sleep and will not be before the presence of God until it is transformed to a glorified body. Our spirits are with the Lord once we die since spirits can be before God’s presence, in Revelations shows us how in the 5th or somewhat seal there is a crowd of martyrs before the throne asking for revenge, they are told to rest some more... is our rest not in the Lord’s presence? Unless we are not saved and filled with the knowledge of God, how can we be spiritually asleep?
    Anyway God bless you all, just read about death scriptures and you shall be blessed with knowledge!

    • @TimothyChapman
      @TimothyChapman 4 роки тому

      Sounds like you're relying on the English translations of Scripture, which are very inaccurate concerning this issue. This is why we study the Hebrew and Greek that Scripture was translated from.

    • @vmstefie9990
      @vmstefie9990 4 роки тому

      Timothy Chapman I rely on Holy Spirit translations, He reveals all that is needed to know... for the letter kills but the Spirit gives life, we can go for letter but if we do not have the guidance of the Holy Spirit we can go and create many doctrines, as long as we have the Holy Spirit guiding us, not just being there, then we can understand more about what God meant to say and the mysteries that hide in plain words...
      God bless you and your loved ones! 🤗💚✨

    • @divoryy
      @divoryy 2 роки тому

      @@vmstefie9990 by the way when Paul said "the letter kills but the Spirit gives life" he was not talking about the letter of the scripture vs the spirit of the scripture, do more research, you are using revelation which is a visions book, and you take it literally, then you say the letter kills!

  • @Cherub72
    @Cherub72 4 роки тому

    why are you adding to the word? why are you talking about an earthly kingdom when he himself said his kingdom is not of this world? it's like you don't know what you're talking about and in the first three minutes? give me a break... then at 5:38 you say he has not been to heaven because he has not ascended to his father but heaven is a place and God is in a part of it, Abba is in a part of the Shamayim, he isn't the Shamayim. Yeshua could have been to paradise and not seen Abba yet. I've avoided your life after death videos because i knew you would have a rigid view but here you are actually adding to the word to make it fit your view. Most people come here for truth, not to be coddled.

    • @divoryy
      @divoryy 2 роки тому

      Why are you removing from the word ? this series is 7 parts which cover all the bible and you avoided it because you want to prove your doctrine from one verse ?

    • @Cherub72
      @Cherub72 2 роки тому

      @@divoryy maybe you'll reply with something relevant to say as you reply to a 2 year old comment. This first comment of yours is a waste of time and says nothing but your judgement.

  • @FollowerofChrist1234
    @FollowerofChrist1234 4 роки тому

    "Why would an unbeliever be sent to Hell in everlasting torturous punishment just to be resurrected to
    face judgment, just to be told at judgment, he is going back to hell?"
    Why would one in Sodom be destroyed by fire and sent into unconsciousness just to be resurrected and told at judgement he is going to be destroyed by fire and sent into unconsciousness? No one is in the final hell yet. Just as no one is in the final heaven yet. Special bodies will be needed for each of those places. They will be given to each at the resurrection. Those bodies make us fit for the place we will dwell for eternity. They will not give us life. Our life does not come through our earthly flesh. Therefore, our lives will not end at the physical destruction of our earthly flesh.

    • @FollowerofChrist1234
      @FollowerofChrist1234 4 роки тому

      ​@Aidan Kendall Revelation 20:10 And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the LAKE OF FIRE and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be TORMENTED day and night FOREVER and ever.

    • @divoryy
      @divoryy 2 роки тому

      @@FollowerofChrist1234 People of Sodom will not rise again, the bible says that they were an example for the death of eternal fire, from which there is not resurrection, the remaining wicked will face the same fate in the lake of fire which is the second death, the word "Forever" in revelation is the greek word "aions" which does not mean eternally through the ages, it simply means indefinitely until their death or until the end of this age, because after that a new age starts where God will create everything new and there will be no more sorrow or death !, the word "aion" is used twice in revelation 20:10 because the devil and the false prophet deserve the longest torment before their death ! notice it does not mention the rest of the wicked here !

  • @kalabalakrishnan1484
    @kalabalakrishnan1484 4 роки тому

    Shalom, please don't twist Yeshua's words. Luke 23:42, even without the comma is clear. Yeshua who has more knowledge than the thief or you n I knows what he is talking about.