The female species of the Bipedalus Cyklus probably went extinct when women never wore dresses 24/7 like they're going to a ballroom with an ugly rich guy named Duke Pedoro Childe Fiddelro The 22nd because if they don't then they wouldn't get married and the female would get disowned by her parents
fun fact: this would be called a ‘transit bike’ in the netherlands - everyone uses this because it’s way easier to get on without having to raise your leg so much like on a straight-bar bike. Bikers also have an upright posture when riding this bike so your back won’t be killed on longer rides
I always known ever since i was a kid why womens bike are slanted, im a guy but becoming old and less flexible its easier for me to mount on this female bikes
Facts. I ride 2 plus hours a day and my ass gets numb for like 1 hiur after getting up. My butt Crack is like a pocket fir my seat, I'm bit even that big. Wtf
It's pretty common. Most city and comfort bikes use this design. It's mostly branded as a "step through" frame design today, for making it easier for someone to get on and off the bike, especially if they suffer from decreased mobility.
Well Actually as man we would probably choose the slanted one because we have balls to protect and you "WOMAN" don't need slanted because you don't have balls to protect
I remember someone telling me when I was a child that men's bikes have that straight rod design so that they could carry other ppl by letting the person sit on that there's that.
@@circumcizednun1814 many of them are americans.. and there are clear reason for why they dont know it because 90% americans cannot even ride a bicycle...
It's not a woman's bike, it's a Dutch style bike and it's made with comfort in mind and not speed, as it positions you more up right and generally requires little maintenance. It's just practical, doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman.
It's considered and sold as woman's bike in my home country. All this time I thought it was because most women are shorter than men (and as South East Asian, our average is already shorter than others) so the slanted design make it easier, or possible, for us to comfortably put our foot down. I'm slightly taller than average and when I tried my dad's man bike once (both his and mine had same height, same brand, same model. Just the man and woman version), I hit my lady part on the steel when stopping cause I'm too short 😢
That's a little too Reddit-y coming from you @@sanjamkapoor9843 Anyhow, this is the real reason the bikes were manufactured that way, and that is why it began being looked as "un-lady-like" , not the other way around as the video suggests
@violet6123I like how you just assumed who's on the other side of the screen without ever seeing or talking to them in person and just desperately trying to disprove what they said like a robot. 😂
Yeah, I used my grandma's bike when I was a kid, this kind of bar is actually easier to get on when the bike's a bit too big for you. Getting on the grandpa's bike was a trick, I had to stand on the pedal to be able to swing the leg over
I am a cyclist. I mean, I knew that my bike was a ‘mens bike’, as in I bought it in the section with all of the other ‘mens bikes’. But I didn’t think there was a difference between the genders, and assumed that it was just a difference in frame shapes and was a coincidence. Actually my preferred bike frame shape has the bar there.
I work in the bike industry and men’s and referring to bike frame styles as “men’s” or “woman’s” is actually antiquated. They are now called “step through” “low step” or “step over” frames. I’ve sold a lot of men “women’s” bikes and a lot of women “men’s bikes” so you are right.
@@rykerschmidt6211there are 8 genders nowadays so I doubt people care either way. Structurally the triangular frame of a men’s frame is stronger than a woman’s frame because generally men are heavier, stronger and harder on the bike than the women.
Bought one for commuting in spain, very comfy indeed, and getting into and out of the saddle is very easy. And then I have my old mountain bike for craking my nuts open when I hit a rock lol
Great explanation. I always thought that men's bike should have that straight bar removed so we wouldn't rupture our knutz if we slipped forward off of the bicycle seat.
When I used to live in India. Some people used the straight bar of the men's bike to ride small children. Some people used the gap between the straight bar and the pedals to hold a LPG cylinder.
Dude, this is called a Dutch bike. Easier to get on and off and is perfect for commuting. Road and mountain bikes have that straight bar frame and hard to get off quick.
I am a girl but never used a "women's" bike. I would always use a normal straight one, I sometimes wore small dresses riding on them but I never felt feeling 'unlady like'...
The "women's" bike is actually more comfortable to hop on and off and safer. If you happen to come to an abrupt stop, you don't end up with your balls on the bar
One time i was biking and a car passed so near me that it sended me to a Wooden pole Luckily i didnt fully hit it, just the right handle of the bike and i felt to the sidewalk and no to street
Dang what a fool I was to think that it was done out of consideration. But now that I am aware of this... It does help a bit considering I love wearing long skirts.
damn i don't know which one gonna be hurt lot more because when you accidentally trip at that mid bars like man vers bicycle u just gonna hit your nut only if woman bicycle u just gonna let your feet shredded like a cheese lmao also i noticed people has some problem reading my comment sorry bout that i still learning lol
Translation: I dont know which hurts more when you slip off the seat, the male one because you hit your balls, or the female one because you shred your toes and legs
I'm shocked so many people didn't know there was a difference!! It took 1 time hitting my lady bits on that bar to never ride another boy bike. That bar left my business bruised for weeks 😂
I'm 61 and thought it was common knowledge. My first bike was a girls bike. The bar being lower and girls wearing dresses must have just made sense to me.
@@korbenjrae9250 KORBEN J RAE Een ieder heeft aanspraak op alle rechten en vrijheden, in deze Verklaring opgesomd, zonder enig onderscheid van welke aard ook, zoals ras, kleur, geslacht, taal, godsdienst, politieke of andere overtuiging, nationale of maatschappelijke afkomst, eigendom, geboorte of andere status. Verder zal geen onderscheid worden gemaakt naar de politieke, juridische of internationale status van het land of gebied, waartoe iemand behoort, onverschillig of het een onafhankelijk, trust-, of niet-zelfbesturend gebied betreft, dan wel of er een andere beperking van de soevereiniteit bestaat. Artikel 3 - Een ieder heeft het recht op leven, vrijheid en onschendbaarheid van zijn persoon. Artikel 4 - Niemand zal in slavernij of horigheid gehouden worden. Slavernij en slavenhandel in iedere vorm zijn verboden. Artikel 5 - Niemand zal onderworpen worden aan folteringen, noch aan een wrede, onmenselijke of onterende behandeling of bestraffing. Artikel 6 - Een ieder heeft, waar hij zich ook bevindt, het recht als persoon erkend te worden voor de wet. Artikel 7 - Allen zijn gelijk voor de wet en hebben zonder onderscheid aanspraak op gelijke bescherming door de wet. Allen hebben aanspraak op gelijke bescherming tegen iedere achterstelling in strijd met deze Verklaring en tegen iedere ophitsing tot een dergelijke achterstelling. Artikel 8 - Een ieder heeft recht op daadwerkelijke rechtshulp van bevoegde nationale rechterlijke instanties tegen handelingen, welke in strijd zijn met de grondrechten hem toegekend bij Grondwet of wet. Artikel 9 - Niemand zal onderworpen worden aan willekeurige arrestatie, detentie of verbanning. Artikel 10 - Een ieder heeft, in volle gelijkheid, recht op een eerlijke en openbare behandeling van zijn zaak door een onafhankelijke en onpartijdige rechterlijke instantie bij het vaststellen van zijn rechten en verplichtingen en bij het bepalen van de gegrondheid van een tegen hem ingestelde strafvervolging. Artikel 11 - Een ieder, die wegens een strafbaar feit wordt vervolgd, heeft er recht op voor onschuldig gehouden te worden, totdat zijn schuld krachtens de wet bewezen wordt in een openbare rechtszitting, waarbij hem alle waarborgen, nodig voor zijn verdediging, zijn toegekend. Niemand zal voor schuldig gehouden worden aan enig strafrechtelijk vergrijp op grond van enige handeling of enig verzuim, welke naar nationaal of internationaal recht geen strafrechtelijk vergrijp betekenden op het tijdstip, waarop de handeling of het verzuim begaan werd. Evenmin zal een zwaardere straf worden opgelegd dan die, welke ten tijde van het begaan van het strafbare feit van toepassing was. Artikel 12 - Niemand zal onderworpen worden aan willekeurige inmenging in zijn persoonlijke aangelegenheden, in zijn gezin, zijn tehuis of zijn briefwisseling, noch aan enige aantasting van zijn eer of goede naam. Tegen een dergelijke inmenging of aantasting heeft een ieder recht op bescherming door de wet. Artikel 13 - Een ieder heeft het recht zich vrijelijk te verplaatsen en te vertoeven binnen de grenzen van elke Staat. Een ieder heeft het recht welk land ook, met inbegrip van het zijne, te verlaten en naar zijn land terug te keren. Artikel 14 - Een ieder heeft het recht om in andere landen asiel te zoeken en te genieten tegen vervolging. Op dit recht kan geen beroep worden gedaan ingeval van strafvervolgingen wegens misdrijven van niet-politieke aard of handelingen in strijd met de doeleinden en beginselen van de Verenigde Naties. Artikel 15 - Een ieder heeft het recht op een nationaliteit. Aan niemand mag willekeurig zijn nationaliteit worden ontnomen, noch het recht worden ontzegd om van nationaliteit te veranderen. Artikel 16 - Zonder enige beperking op grond van ras, nationaliteit of godsdienst, hebben mannen en vrouwen van huwbare leeftijd het recht om te huwen en een gezin te stichten. Zij hebben gelijke rechten wat het huwelijk betreft, tijdens het huwelijk en bij de ontbinding ervan. Een huwelijk kan slechts worden gesloten met de vrije en volledige toestemming van de aanstaande echtgenoten. Het gezin is de natuurlijke en fundamentele groepseenheid van de maatschappij en heeft recht op bescherming door de maatschappij en de Staat. Artikel 17 - Een ieder heeft recht op eigendom, hetzij alleen, hetzij tezamen met anderen. Niemand mag willekeurig van zijn eigendom worden beroofd. Artikel 18 - Een ieder heeft recht op vrijheid van gedachte, geweten en godsdienst; dit recht omvat tevens de vrijheid om van godsdienst of overtuiging te veranderen, alsmede de vrijheid hetzij alleen, hetzij met anderen zowel in het openbaar als in zijn particuliere leven zijn godsdienst of Alle mensen worden vrij en gelijk in waardigheid en rechten geboren. Zij zijn begiftigd met verstand en geweten, en behoren zich jegens elkander in een geest van broederschap te gedragen.
It's not really gender "assigned," just like gender isn't "assigned" when a baby is born. It was just more considerate or ladylike to ride those bikes, anyone can ride either.
This is my first time seeing a woman's bike and at first I thought that when they get pregnant they can still ride comfortably instead of that straight metal bar hitting the belly and damaging the baby.
I mean, you're partially correct on that matter. but it was mainly because these bikes were much easier to handle and were built with comfort in mind. but yes, it was somewhat partially built to avoid us flashing others or accidentally hitting ourselves by sliding into the bar by accident.
Hah well honestly kind of yeah. I can't lift my leg up due to a chronic illness so I like the slanted bar bikes. Easier to get on and easier to get off. Even slightly slanted is better than the straight ones. I think it's a good design for people with little mobility because it allows easier access.
@@brutus3631 long dresses and skirts often restrict movement. The straight bikes are intended to be mounted like a horse: by moving the leg up and over the back. This wouldn't be doable in a dress/skirt. The slanted bikes also often allow for a more upright posture, which would be useful when wearing large/heavy hats.
Oh, I thought bikes just had a straight bar so that you really have to try and not fall forward or else your no no area is gonna get hurt. So, for torture reasons
As Someone Who's Under 5Ft., Asian, And Hate Swinging The Foot Around Bike, While Sleeping Upside Down On The Gas Tank, JUST To Sit On A Bike, I Approve Of This, And The Moped Concept.
In the beginning i was reminded of that time where i noticed in a store when i was getting myself skates (like regular roller skates not in lines) that the ones designed for women seemed to use plastic for the thing mounting the wheels to the boot kinda part (i have no idea wtf it's called) whereas the ones designed for men used metal nd i still have no idea why
Maybe it weren't really just men vs women, it could be city bike (always low bar) vs sports bike (always high bar). Maybe city ones didn't need so much reinfoecement and light weight was preferred instead.
lord am i thankful for the bikes with slanted bars. ive only ever owned those my whole life. i dont even wear dresses, its just that its impossible to get my legs over those incredibly high straight bars and then get off after too. i wish all bikes had the slanted bar.
@@gibs1919 i never used one, and maybe will take some time to use one since i use it for sport mostly, but damb now i wanna try one, everyone saying theyre so comfortable
@@user-tp7zb7ej2s yeah i could kinda imagine that, i just didnt know it even existed since here even casual riders mostly use the sportive one, its way more common
@@user-tp7zb7ej2s In my country, middle Europe, that is exactly what is the name of those 2 types: Man's bike and woman's bike. Using your logic anything that can be used by the other sex can't be calssified as man's or women's. For example: There is no women's parfume or clothes.
So you’re telling me all these years I had a “men’s” bike and never knew lol
@@DesiredGalahad yeah what he said
@@Dr_Castle if they don't exist does that mean females are just males with big breasts and hips ????
Congrats your now a man here's your beer and mustache now go be a lumberjack
@@tellg0t090 also some weights to biuild muscle
The female species of the Bipedalus Cyklus probably went extinct when women never wore dresses 24/7 like they're going to a ballroom with an ugly rich guy named Duke Pedoro Childe Fiddelro The 22nd because if they don't then they wouldn't get married and the female would get disowned by her parents
*"Have you ever wondered why a woman's bike have a slanted bar?"*
_There's a bike for women??_
@@dhairyasingh9783 i dont mean it in a mysoginistic way🥲
I didn't even know that too
@@blueramen ignore that guy be commenting "???" under every single comment lol
Yes there are two types of cycles - ladies and gents
Bro that bike had *STRAIGHT BARS* 🔥🔥🔥🥵
Underrated comment
Bro your name 😂😂😂
Women: gay bars
Men: straight bars
@@Axpected not gay, slanted
@@William_15_ Reminds me of Dig bick, and Nate higgers.
fun fact: this would be called a ‘transit bike’ in the netherlands - everyone uses this because it’s way easier to get on without having to raise your leg so much like on a straight-bar bike. Bikers also have an upright posture when riding this bike so your back won’t be killed on longer rides
I don't really think that's true, look up: heren fiets and then vrouwen fiets and you'll see what people call these types of bike
@@rypsterhc8673 Ah I see. I just went along with a NotJustBikes video about this type of bike
Can confirm, I've been using a ladies road bike for a while now and it's so much easier and more comfortable to use.
They're called "step through" bicycles and as you've correctly stated, they're so that the user can more easily get on the bicycle.
I always known ever since i was a kid why womens bike are slanted, im a guy but becoming old and less flexible its easier for me to mount on this female bikes
"Well, the answer is actually pretty simple."
They get the better seats.
Facts. I ride 2 plus hours a day and my ass gets numb for like 1 hiur after getting up. My butt Crack is like a pocket fir my seat, I'm bit even that big. Wtf
You can buy new seats and install them on your bikes
It's because of population, we get straight bar to get our balls wrecked its nothing else
@@dflaming1371 i think ima get some
i have a woman's bike any my ass and coochie hurt too 😭😭
"have u ever wondered why there is this curve on women's bikes?"
It's pretty common. Most city and comfort bikes use this design. It's mostly branded as a "step through" frame design today, for making it easier for someone to get on and off the bike, especially if they suffer from decreased mobility.
@@dhairyasingh9783 bro why do u keep saying that
@@dhairyasingh9783were yall expecting women to raise their legs above their skirts flashing all over every time they need a ride?!😅
Ah yes, the straight bar, for whenever you just want to hurt your balls when trying to get on the bike.
No need for that when the seat does it already.
my balls are that big 🤷🏾
@@Pumpkinheimer you have big balls
@@p_stainsnah bro i swerved once to not crash into a car and crashing into pavement make yo balls hurt like a mf
Cuz men have straight bars
Edit: mommy I’m famous
As a woman I would rather ride the bike with slanted bar than die with pain when I suddenly apply brake and stand up on the straight bar one.
Well Actually as man we would probably choose the slanted one because we have balls to protect and you "WOMAN" don't need slanted because you don't have balls to protect
And now you know that the straight bar bike was designed by a woman.....for men.
@@PhilJonesIII oh... Well... that explains it 🤯
@@AGoogleUser-e7v but it still hurts so...even without balls.
@@AGoogleUser-e7v apart from people looking at their crotches. I would much rather have a solid bike instead of a slanted bar
I remember someone telling me when I was a child that men's bikes have that straight rod design so that they could carry other ppl by letting the person sit on that there's that.
I mean.....good for you if you can sit on that thing lol
Yeah if they didn't have something in their crotch
That comes at the cost of never having children again
I am not sure your balls are gonna be ok after that
You'll be siting side way so it don't hurt you as much :D
I didn’t know there were “woman’s” and “men’s” bikes 😂 aren’t they just… bikes?
@@Ojas97 fr
@@Ojas97 haha I'm actually baffled that so many people didn't actually know lol
I'm amazed how so many people don't know this
They also have different seats
@@circumcizednun1814 many of them are americans.. and there are clear reason for why they dont know it because 90% americans cannot even ride a bicycle...
It's not a woman's bike, it's a Dutch style bike and it's made with comfort in mind and not speed, as it positions you more up right and generally requires little maintenance. It's just practical, doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman.
Finnaly someone said it
It's considered and sold as woman's bike in my home country.
All this time I thought it was because most women are shorter than men (and as South East Asian, our average is already shorter than others) so the slanted design make it easier, or possible, for us to comfortably put our foot down.
I'm slightly taller than average and when I tried my dad's man bike once (both his and mine had same height, same brand, same model. Just the man and woman version), I hit my lady part on the steel when stopping cause I'm too short 😢
they are sold under men/female bikes
Yes that first one is, but it's also true that womens/girls bikes do have a curved bar while men/boys ones have a straight one.
I wish your comment was the top comment.
At least they cared about their female clientele instead of telling them they couldn’t use it at all.
@@constantinos6532 States?
Thought so, it is ONLY for rich people, it's made specially for rich women and normal ppl can't get it
This information was on my booklet in grade 7
@@KnightTamila what is a book?
@@MOUNTAIN-098 greek states?
"have you ever wondered-"
*nope, i didnt.*
bro refuses to think, respect tbh
Nope, I didn't
Have you ever wondered why shopping trollies are low ?
well the answer is pretty simple....
"Have you ever.."
That straight bar is gonna lift The dress up 💀💀💀
this us the reason i thought before OP told me
That's a little too Reddit-y coming from you @@sanjamkapoor9843
Anyhow, this is the real reason the bikes were manufactured that way, and that is why it began being looked as "un-lady-like" , not the other way around as the video suggests
That's the reason why there's a slanted bar
Sucks they made it into a thing bro
500th like
I always thought that one with the basket are womens bicycle
“A little unladylike”
2022: city girl era is definitely unladylike
2022: Putting more clothes on than a thong and bra is unladylike
Wearing anything more then lingerie is unladylike nowadays lol
@@beautyqxee1539 no it’s good to be ladylike
@violet6123I like how you just assumed who's on the other side of the screen without ever seeing or talking to them in person and just desperately trying to disprove what they said like a robot. 😂
Yeah, I used my grandma's bike when I was a kid, this kind of bar is actually easier to get on when the bike's a bit too big for you. Getting on the grandpa's bike was a trick, I had to stand on the pedal to be able to swing the leg over
In North Korea all bicycles are manufactured with low bar I asked my guide why he said that is because they're easier to get on
@@Svea_LifeGuards North Korea.........
Yeahh my bike was a bit to big for me too so I did the same thing I also had to jump when I was getting off cause my fit wouldn't touch the ground
@@Svea_LifeGuards In the Netherlands too
“If there’s a hole there’s a go- oh wait wrong place
there is never a wrong place for Master Oogway's teachings
@@budgettechandgaming6956 yepp his words are the way, the truth and the life 🔥🔥🔥
This comment so underrated
It's when you remove the seat
I always called those leisure bikes. You definitely aren't going to use them for anything other than leisure.
I am a cyclist. I mean, I knew that my bike was a ‘mens bike’, as in I bought it in the section with all of the other ‘mens bikes’. But I didn’t think there was a difference between the genders, and assumed that it was just a difference in frame shapes and was a coincidence. Actually my preferred bike frame shape has the bar there.
I work in the bike industry and men’s and referring to bike frame styles as “men’s” or “woman’s” is actually antiquated. They are now called “step through” “low step” or “step over” frames. I’ve sold a lot of men “women’s” bikes and a lot of women “men’s bikes” so you are right.
Dumb af
@@rykerschmidt6211there are 8 genders nowadays so I doubt people care either way. Structurally the triangular frame of a men’s frame is stronger than a woman’s frame because generally men are heavier, stronger and harder on the bike than the women.
That destroy Tran topic😂
In the Netherlands basically all bikes are designed like this, atleast non-sport bikes by my knowledge
Because its more comfortable for commuting. Bikes with that bar are good for sport.
Not all the bikes. Most mountainbikes are 'men' bikes. Als there are a lot of men who use women bikes, cause they are just much more comfertable
Bought one for commuting in spain, very comfy indeed, and getting into and out of the saddle is very easy.
And then I have my old mountain bike for craking my nuts open when I hit a rock lol
Because in Netherlands it's either women or femboys
@@SpeedKing.. Children should be banned from youtube.
In Taiwan, most women got bikes with a slanted bar because it's so much easier to hop the foot over!
Yeah I always do it. I fear falling on the straight bar one.
Same here! But I'm European haha
Nowadays we call it step thru bike. This frame is good as a commuter bike
At that point, just make all bikes gender-neutral and slanted
lol I thought it was so we don’t hurt our bits
That straight bar broke my Balls several times 😢😢
Same lol
Seperated nut sak
how may ballls do you have to break them several times??
@@sarkasticcthey recover , maybe he recovered fast because the pain was fairly distributed between all bikers
@@lastbruh62 wtf
"women ran into a problem"
guess you can say they biked into one lmao
This is the comedy police the jokes are TOO funny
Hahaha this joke is sooooo funny I am laughing my head off right now😐
@@30000beesinatrenchcoat you got the whole squad caring bro
@@30000beesinatrenchcoat you didn’t have to reply
"Have you ever wondered why woman's bikes have slanted bars?"
Dutch People: I'm sorry but that's just a normal bike.
The Dutch are all woman confirmed
Beide zijn gewone fietsen...
Our favorite bike don't have bar.
Us Dutchman still use these terms to divide bike types. I was actually surprised to hear that it was not a Dutch-only thing
@@j.harbers ja, ik zie niemand die zegt o ja dit is een mannelijke fiets of o ja dit is een vrouwelijke fiets 💀
0:12 the way it jiggles🔥
Great explanation. I always thought that men's bike should have that straight bar removed so we wouldn't rupture our knutz if we slipped forward off of the bicycle seat.
thats why i used a woman bike when i was growing and needed to get out of the seat while stoping
I gave a bike that's slightly too big for me as I'll be growing up in the future but still I hate when I stop too quickly and potential hit my (...)
Lol that happened to me once I was writhing on the floor and incredibly nauseous
As I woman I always thought that it should've been the opposite
When I used to live in India. Some people used the straight bar of the men's bike to ride small children.
Some people used the gap between the straight bar and the pedals to hold a LPG cylinder.
Dude, this is called a Dutch bike. Easier to get on and off and is perfect for commuting. Road and mountain bikes have that straight bar frame and hard to get off quick.
I live in the netherlands and dont even know its just called a dutch bike. Every one around me just calls it a male/female bike.
It’s called a step through.
It's so hard I never noticed
also you cant hit your balls on it
"Virtually all women wore dresses at that time..."
@Shaolin Style 2021 has that problem too
@Shaolin Style i really dont understand why women like giving themselves a front wedgie then showing it off.
@@ZenakeMoonshine at least in 2010 they didn't have smelly camel toes, now that shit stank up the whole room when they come in
Getting their dress jammed in the gear 💀
'Have you ever wondered why women's bikes have a slanted bar?' Buddy, I wasn't even aware that women's bikes were a thing until right now.
That’s actually quite considerable 😊
i literally had no idea there were gendered bikes 💀
Yes not all bikes are males, some are females and even the other 48 genders
same bruh💀💀
So i assume you ve never touched the grass?
@@mateuszkrytyk5711 I can’t, I’m allergic to grass ☠️
I am a girl but never used a "women's" bike. I would always use a normal straight one, I sometimes wore small dresses riding on them but I never felt feeling 'unlady like'...
Me at the end: oh.
@@nik_senpai no because at first it seemed like a anti women, sexism. saying that women are weaker blah blah blah .....
dirty mándame
@@Jaunty_jules this is why you should pay attention
Beginning: God here we go...
At the end: OH pHeww!
It should be reversed because to save the mens balls🗿
I thought the same
You're not supposed to sit on the bar dude
@@flibbityjibbity accidents happen bro and if your a dumb teenager that's a definite moment in you life
@@flibbityjibbitywhat happens when you slide forward by accident? 💀
@@venombutld174 Crap, you're right
"Not lady like"
And that's how marketing works.
And that's how it should be, the world ain't ur America, there are still well dressed women exist except America
Just like how perfume is somehow for women 😂
The "women's" bike is actually more comfortable to hop on and off and safer. If you happen to come to an abrupt stop, you don't end up with your balls on the bar
And then when you hit a pole or a wall…there goes your stick.
How the fuck do you drive into a pole or a wall...
@@GLITCHED1 Someone doesn't bike a lot and it shows
@@GLITCHED1 and how the fuck do you drive a car into a pole or a wall...
@@ultimatesheep nice answer
One time i was biking and a car passed so near me that it sended me to a Wooden pole
Luckily i didnt fully hit it, just the right handle of the bike and i felt to the sidewalk and no to street
That loop was smooth btw
I'm Dutch, and reading these comments is the funniest shit ever
So, you have so much Omafietsen, and they are good for posture
Men should get the slanted bar so if you fall forward you don’t hit your dongle on the bar.
Dang what a fool I was to think that it was done out of consideration. But now that I am aware of this... It does help a bit considering I love wearing long skirts.
damn i don't know which one gonna be hurt lot more because when you accidentally trip at that mid bars like man vers bicycle u just gonna hit your nut only if woman bicycle u just gonna let your feet shredded like a cheese lmao
also i noticed people has some problem reading my comment sorry bout that i still learning lol
What in the heck did you just say
I had a stroke reading this
Godzila had a fucking stroke trying to read this
I dont know which hurts more when you slip off the seat, the male one because you hit your balls, or the female one because you shred your toes and legs
@𝐻𝒶𝒷𝓊𝓈𝒽 not having english as your first language doesnt make you a bot💀💀
Him: have you ever wondered...
Me: no
Thank you for all the likes
A good comment:🙂
Edit: thanks for the likes:😡
Never knew there were men's and women's bikes 😭
The straight one is so hard for me because I always hit my knees on the bars
How tf you riding the bike?
You fuckin sitting criss-cross applesauce spoons in the bowl or something?!?
@@Maximiliousjohnsonjrtherd I ride it normal? LMAO
Is the chair part too high or something?
You have it up too high.
Bro i had the wrong idea why women's bike have a curved bar😂☠️
And what is the idea 😂💀
They should sell it as mens bike so your family jewels don't get destroged
Me "women bike??"
Me cheking my bike that i got for my bday
Me "ohh my god "
Its a boy bike
Some mens bike are step thru and some womens bikes are step over.
It doesn’t work that way, all bikes are for women while all bikes are not for men
It's not a completely rule, it's just usually like that for cheaper or leisure bikes.
Genderless bike. Don't have a bar, still works.
@@Mastervan86 lol
A man applies brakes and just gets pushed ahead of the seat 💀🗣️💥
i thought it was for pregnant woman 💀💀💀💀💀
I'm shocked so many people didn't know there was a difference!! It took 1 time hitting my lady bits on that bar to never ride another boy bike. That bar left my business bruised for weeks 😂
I'm 61 and thought it was common knowledge. My first bike was a girls bike. The bar being lower and girls wearing dresses must have just made sense to me.
This is my first time hearing there was actually a Men/Woman's bike. Thought it was just a bike.
because men's got balls that's why straight bar
ive never heard of gender specific bikes😂😂
It's because people are stupid and try to divide everything into genders. Nouns, dresses, bikes, shoes etc lmao
"Have you ever wondered why woman's bike have a slanted bar"
Me who never knew that there was a difference and never payed attention
Steve Harrington stranger things
@@korbenjrae9250 KORBEN J RAE Een ieder heeft aanspraak op alle rechten en vrijheden, in deze Verklaring opgesomd, zonder enig onderscheid van welke aard ook, zoals ras, kleur, geslacht, taal, godsdienst, politieke of andere overtuiging, nationale of maatschappelijke afkomst, eigendom, geboorte of andere status.
Verder zal geen onderscheid worden gemaakt naar de politieke, juridische of internationale status van het land of gebied, waartoe iemand behoort, onverschillig of het een onafhankelijk, trust-, of niet-zelfbesturend gebied betreft, dan wel of er een andere beperking van de soevereiniteit bestaat.
Artikel 3 - Een ieder heeft het recht op leven, vrijheid en onschendbaarheid van zijn persoon.
Artikel 4 - Niemand zal in slavernij of horigheid gehouden worden. Slavernij en slavenhandel in iedere vorm zijn verboden.
Artikel 5 - Niemand zal onderworpen worden aan folteringen, noch aan een wrede, onmenselijke of onterende behandeling of bestraffing.
Artikel 6 - Een ieder heeft, waar hij zich ook bevindt, het recht als persoon erkend te worden voor de wet.
Artikel 7 - Allen zijn gelijk voor de wet en hebben zonder onderscheid aanspraak op gelijke bescherming door de wet. Allen hebben aanspraak op gelijke bescherming tegen iedere achterstelling in strijd met deze Verklaring en tegen iedere ophitsing tot een dergelijke achterstelling.
Artikel 8 - Een ieder heeft recht op daadwerkelijke rechtshulp van bevoegde nationale rechterlijke instanties tegen handelingen, welke in strijd zijn met de grondrechten hem toegekend bij Grondwet of wet.
Artikel 9 - Niemand zal onderworpen worden aan willekeurige arrestatie, detentie of verbanning.
Artikel 10 - Een ieder heeft, in volle gelijkheid, recht op een eerlijke en openbare behandeling van zijn zaak door een onafhankelijke en onpartijdige rechterlijke instantie bij het vaststellen van zijn rechten en verplichtingen en bij het bepalen van de gegrondheid van een tegen hem ingestelde strafvervolging.
Artikel 11 - Een ieder, die wegens een strafbaar feit wordt vervolgd, heeft er recht op voor onschuldig gehouden te worden, totdat zijn schuld krachtens de wet bewezen wordt in een openbare rechtszitting, waarbij hem alle waarborgen, nodig voor zijn verdediging, zijn toegekend.
Niemand zal voor schuldig gehouden worden aan enig strafrechtelijk vergrijp
op grond van enige handeling of enig verzuim, welke naar nationaal of internationaal recht geen strafrechtelijk vergrijp betekenden op het tijdstip, waarop de handeling of het verzuim begaan werd. Evenmin zal een zwaardere straf worden opgelegd dan die, welke ten tijde van het begaan van het strafbare feit van toepassing was.
Artikel 12 - Niemand zal onderworpen worden aan willekeurige inmenging in zijn persoonlijke aangelegenheden, in zijn gezin, zijn tehuis of zijn briefwisseling, noch aan enige aantasting van zijn eer of goede naam. Tegen een dergelijke inmenging of aantasting heeft een ieder recht op bescherming door de wet.
Artikel 13 - Een ieder heeft het recht zich vrijelijk te verplaatsen en te vertoeven binnen de grenzen van elke Staat. Een ieder heeft het recht welk land ook, met inbegrip van het zijne, te verlaten en naar zijn land terug te keren.
Artikel 14 - Een ieder heeft het recht om in andere landen asiel te zoeken en te genieten tegen vervolging.
Op dit recht kan geen beroep worden gedaan ingeval van strafvervolgingen wegens misdrijven van niet-politieke aard of handelingen in strijd met de doeleinden en beginselen van de Verenigde Naties.
Artikel 15 - Een ieder heeft het recht op een nationaliteit. Aan niemand mag willekeurig zijn nationaliteit worden ontnomen, noch het recht worden ontzegd om van nationaliteit te veranderen.
Artikel 16 - Zonder enige beperking op grond van ras, nationaliteit of godsdienst, hebben mannen en vrouwen van huwbare leeftijd het recht om te huwen en een gezin te stichten. Zij hebben gelijke rechten wat het huwelijk betreft, tijdens het huwelijk en bij de ontbinding ervan.
Een huwelijk kan slechts worden gesloten met de vrije en volledige toestemming van de aanstaande echtgenoten.
Het gezin is de natuurlijke en fundamentele groepseenheid van de maatschappij en heeft recht op bescherming door de maatschappij en de Staat.
Artikel 17 - Een ieder heeft recht op eigendom, hetzij alleen, hetzij tezamen met anderen.
Niemand mag willekeurig van zijn eigendom worden beroofd.
Artikel 18 - Een ieder heeft recht op vrijheid van gedachte, geweten en godsdienst; dit recht omvat tevens de vrijheid om van godsdienst of overtuiging te veranderen, alsmede de vrijheid hetzij alleen, hetzij met anderen zowel in het openbaar als in zijn particuliere leven zijn godsdienst of
Alle mensen worden vrij en gelijk in waardigheid en rechten geboren. Zij zijn begiftigd met verstand en geweten, en behoren zich jegens elkander in een geest van broederschap te gedragen.
I didn't even know there were gender assigned bikes, so the whole question of this video was a new thing for me.😄
It's not really gender "assigned," just like gender isn't "assigned" when a baby is born. It was just more considerate or ladylike to ride those bikes, anyone can ride either.
@@brendanr1525 no you can't ride men's bike I have tried and it's hard it's more comfortable with women's bike and we can wear dresses u 🤡
@@brendanr1525 yeah, yknow what I mean though
@@brendanr1525 well a baby’s gender is assigned though?
17 bucks for a bike 😮💨
I'm figuring out that alot of people didn't knew the reason for that
Western equality culture 😂 women trying to act like men's 🤣
@@Abdalmuqsit like fr, shocking that no one knew reason
This is my first time seeing a woman's bike and at first I thought that when they get pregnant they can still ride comfortably instead of that straight metal bar hitting the belly and damaging the baby.
If a pregnant woman’s stomach went down below their legs I think there’s a problem
@@ValidT well, yeah.
This is your first time seeing a bike like that? Here in the Netherlands everyone uses those, they're much more convenient if you bike daily
@@simianto9957 never been to netherlands
That’s ridiculous
Wait what i tought this was common knowledge. I learned this when i was like 5 years old
for me as a man i always thought that we should have had the curved bar, for ya know OUR TESTICALS!
Today is the day I learned that there are gendered bikes
ME:"Is it for there pu-"
"Getting on a bike was considered unlady like so manufactures came up with a different design"
Yyeah yeah thatd what i taught too.. I mean-
I mean, you're partially correct on that matter. but it was mainly because these bikes were much easier to handle and were built with comfort in mind. but yes, it was somewhat partially built to avoid us flashing others or accidentally hitting ourselves by sliding into the bar by accident.
Straight bars 🗿🗿🗿🍸🍸
So these are called BIKES 😅 , We call these as "BYCYCLE" in our country .
BIKE = bycycle with engine (motorcycle)
"Why my Bike Won't go straight?"
" Virtually, all women wore dresses at that time "
And now men pretending to be women only wear dresses.
Before that.... You know what i mean....
"Why woman bikes is with slanted bar?"
Their legs..
I’m a woman and I can ride a mens bike just fine with no problem. So it’s probably not the legs.
Men have legs?
It’s because you can see up the dress.
Hah well honestly kind of yeah. I can't lift my leg up due to a chronic illness so I like the slanted bar bikes. Easier to get on and easier to get off. Even slightly slanted is better than the straight ones. I think it's a good design for people with little mobility because it allows easier access.
@@SomeGuyOnYT No? Do you live under a rock?
Wow this channel is really useful for getting answers for the questions we never bothered to ask
Wait there’s a difference between the two
This dude is speaking straight bars 🗣️🔥🔥🔥
"All women wore dresses" bro destroying current design industry.
Back then when onlyfans wasn't a thing.
I have literally never seen a “womans” bike before
Also it's easier for them to get on and off. I thought people knew this already 💀
contrary to popular opinion women can move their legs just as well as men. your comment makes no sense lmao
@@brutus3631 your comments makes no sense too 🤡
@@brutus3631 as a girl with big hips it's not the same. You should put a man and a woman walk next yo eachother and note the difference
@@brutus3631 long dresses and skirts often restrict movement. The straight bikes are intended to be mounted like a horse: by moving the leg up and over the back. This wouldn't be doable in a dress/skirt. The slanted bikes also often allow for a more upright posture, which would be useful when wearing large/heavy hats.
Thank you for sharing. Have a great day. 😊
$17,95 for the bike is insane 😮
I legit thought he would say “back in the day, bicycles used to be sexist “😭
Oh, I thought bikes just had a straight bar so that you really have to try and not fall forward or else your no no area is gonna get hurt. So, for torture reasons
Straight top tubes are stronger easier to make
To torture men
@@jamiemeidinger7700wow females love getting hurt there.
@@jamiemeidinger7700totally enjoy it 🙃
"have you ever wondered why woman's bike have slanted bar"
Me: there are woman bikes 👁️👄👁️
I honestly thought curved bikes were just for aesthetics. I never realized i characterized it as female, i used to want one cause it just looks cooler
There's no shame in using one. they are generally unisex. so you can use the one that's your preferred choice.
Mens bikes built with a straight bar
Me: because we're straight?
But... gay men exist
@@simianto9957 does that count as a man?
@@PC_Nooby Yes, otherwise you have a paradox
No i never wondered. I always knew
The man's that wear smth that is like a dress but different:I believe I need to get the women's bike😩
I'm almost 16 and never knew that there where different bikes for both genders 😅
I am today's old when I find out that, that designed meant for ladies.
Finally I know what bike to get so I can wear my skirt and ride my bike and still look manly
Or mam?
@@bt-7justclowning ok dude
How come nobody knows this?
As Someone Who's Under 5Ft., Asian, And Hate Swinging The Foot Around Bike, While Sleeping Upside Down On The Gas Tank, JUST To Sit On A Bike, I Approve Of This, And The Moped Concept.
Wow, I always wondered this now I know why!! Thank you!!
In the beginning i was reminded of that time where i noticed in a store when i was getting myself skates (like regular roller skates not in lines) that the ones designed for women seemed to use plastic for the thing mounting the wheels to the boot kinda part (i have no idea wtf it's called) whereas the ones designed for men used metal nd i still have no idea why
Maybe it weren't really just men vs women, it could be city bike (always low bar) vs sports bike (always high bar). Maybe city ones didn't need so much reinfoecement and light weight was preferred instead.
@@a.w.4708 i was talking about roller skates in this comment not bikes-
no one :
game freak : hehe nice ideas bro for next Object 'mon
Your profile pic lol make me laughing 🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣
lord am i thankful for the bikes with slanted bars. ive only ever owned those my whole life. i dont even wear dresses, its just that its impossible to get my legs over those incredibly high straight bars and then get off after too. i wish all bikes had the slanted bar.
Biologically what we call women's bike today should be men's bike.
I just realized recently that theres a 'womans' bike and a 'mans'
Ive just been using the 'mans' bikes as well as pretty much anyone else i know
I usually Think of them as; comfy bikes, or sporty bikes
Because wow womens bikes seats are so much nicer
@@gibs1919 i never used one, and maybe will take some time to use one since i use it for sport mostly, but damb now i wanna try one, everyone saying theyre so comfortable
@@user-tp7zb7ej2s yeah i could kinda imagine that, i just didnt know it even existed since here even casual riders mostly use the sportive one, its way more common
@@user-tp7zb7ej2s In my country, middle Europe, that is exactly what is the name of those 2 types: Man's bike and woman's bike.
Using your logic anything that can be used by the other sex can't be calssified as man's or women's.
For example: There is no women's parfume or clothes.
It's a actually a population control method for men😂
virtually back in the day all wome wore dresses💀💀