Food Chain Fishing Challenge - Tiny Fish to Giant Fish

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 2,9 тис.

  • @kyprossofroniou5312
    @kyprossofroniou5312 6 років тому +2124

    Hey man !!! Thanks for shearing your video !
    My son he is coming fishing with me because of this video !
    Big thanks to V ❤️❤️❤️

  • @bab916
    @bab916 4 роки тому +514

    In the wise words of Qui Gon Jinn, "There's always a bigger fish"

  • @habersetzer3430
    @habersetzer3430 6 років тому +661

    Dad: "We need more bait.."
    *Looks at kid*
    Son: "What kind?"

    • @mandarinigames8288
      @mandarinigames8288 5 років тому +6

      Hahhaaha i already tought about what would happen if the kid fell from the boat

    • @cosminthotan981
      @cosminthotan981 5 років тому


    • @istaffz9464
      @istaffz9464 4 роки тому +3

      I know those kind of species especially young can become great bait for sharks

    • @tanaka6691
      @tanaka6691 4 роки тому +1

      "I'm sorry son"

    • @tblox5264
      @tblox5264 3 роки тому

      *oh n o*

  • @mynameisainsley2207
    @mynameisainsley2207 5 років тому +654

    *catches a giant grouper*
    Kid: Are we do-
    *pulls out an even bigger hook to use the grouper as bait*

  • @FreeByRisk
    @FreeByRisk 5 років тому +17

    Those Sabiki Rigs are cheat codes for deep sea fishing! When I was fishing in the keys it was fish after fish, best setup for bait fish hands down.

    • @aceexplicit8254
      @aceexplicit8254 5 років тому +1

      Julian Viera we use those to catch bait all the time in the keys as well, they work very good

    • @FreeByRisk
      @FreeByRisk 5 років тому

      Potato Aim they are cheat codes!!

  • @36poppygun10
    @36poppygun10 5 років тому +8

    That's Amazing Watching A Little Kid Fishing Like That Brings Back Childhood Memories For Me

  • @utexpressgirl
    @utexpressgirl 6 років тому +174

    We are studying food chains/webs in my middle school science class right now. I will be showing this video to my students just for fun. Thanks for sharing this video!

    • @BlacktipH
      @BlacktipH  6 років тому +12

      Awesome! Hope they enjoy it 👍

    • @LilacRain_unbrokenchain
      @LilacRain_unbrokenchain 6 років тому +1

      public school or private?

    • @Vqcaden
      @Vqcaden 6 років тому

      Ive learned this already it was a fun lesson

    • @anthonycaminiti8734
      @anthonycaminiti8734 6 років тому

      utexpressgirl I’m doing this in my high school class!

    • @loganhockenberry5026
      @loganhockenberry5026 6 років тому +4

      Bro none of my classes are cool enough to show this video

  • @neopettersson3584
    @neopettersson3584 5 років тому +1678

    *reads title. ”Food chain challenge”
    *sees thumbnail ”child with a giant hook”
    *me ”ok”

  • @jameseastridge2273
    @jameseastridge2273 6 років тому +117

    I'm a dad of 6 children, I'm 56,and have never got to go fishing like you'll do, I dream still at my age, of the ocean ,and what it holds,,,do you guys know,how BLESSED you are,to do this reguallary,,,bo

    • @harveychriston4005
      @harveychriston4005 6 років тому

      James Eastridge of corse I bet you are about 12

    • @paratrix342
      @paratrix342 6 років тому

      Look on hes uploads

    • @harveychriston4005
      @harveychriston4005 6 років тому

      Fox of Creation sorry I’m not a perv who checks randomers profiles like u

    • @joshmartinez938
      @joshmartinez938 6 років тому +3

      Harvey christon how is he a perv tf

    • @kt9072
      @kt9072 6 років тому +1

      @@harveychriston4005 You can't even spell "You" or "Of Course".

  • @bighossoutlaw9395
    @bighossoutlaw9395 4 роки тому +7

    1:33 this is why I like Josh...he knows that the fish on is literally being chased by something else bigger just by experience and a little intuition judging by the way the fish moves...this dude I'm saving up for...I would love to go out with him and his crew on a deep sea fishing charter experience....amazing guy... Won't ever think otherwise..not to mention his enthusiasm...again brother...thanks so much for sharing your amazing content and change lives brother ..don't ever quit! 🇺🇸🐟🇺🇸🐟🇺🇸🐟

  • @babyyoda6587
    @babyyoda6587 5 років тому +18

    This little kid caught more fish then me on the first line ...

  • @itzyaboidom4010
    @itzyaboidom4010 5 років тому +175

    1. Stringer
    2. Bonita
    3. Grouper
    4. Megalodon

  • @BlacktipH
    @BlacktipH  6 років тому +503

    Was it a giant or a monster? 🤔

  • @stephenatkinson7516
    @stephenatkinson7516 5 років тому +244

    Now you need to use the giant as bait.

    • @alexandru7727
      @alexandru7727 5 років тому +7

      The fish or whale which can eat that giant one probably can eat the whole boat, idk

    • @louisedwards6681
      @louisedwards6681 5 років тому +5

      @@alexandru7727 whales can't eat anything that size, didn't you listen to the man the Gruper is the top of the food chain ☠️

    • @_____________2368
      @_____________2368 5 років тому +1

      Louis Edwards whale SHARKS CAN

    • @lieutenantwumbo5845
      @lieutenantwumbo5845 5 років тому +4

      [WEEB] whale sharks don’t eat anything bigger than plankton, they are filter feeders.

    • @fletcher4098
      @fletcher4098 5 років тому


  • @nicholas8476
    @nicholas8476 3 роки тому +26

    “There’s nothing in the world that’s gonna eat that Goliath grouper.” *Orca has entered chat*

  • @hollowmonarch9802
    @hollowmonarch9802 5 років тому +321

    The kid’s just watching the fish bleed out

    • @sixtenwinthergard5485
      @sixtenwinthergard5485 5 років тому +15

      KSP4Kids i whas feeling cinda bad when i saw that

    • @urmum9853
      @urmum9853 4 роки тому +2

      Sixten Winthergard i did too

    • @kingpuff4428
      @kingpuff4428 4 роки тому +5

      KSP4Kids it is what it is

    • @jemdu948
      @jemdu948 4 роки тому +1

      Landon Rock it is what it is

    • @carson9895
      @carson9895 4 роки тому +1

      KSP4Kids it is what it is

  • @swachill7274
    @swachill7274 6 років тому +86

    V was literally so scared during the Goliath battle XD

  • @chadlywanis
    @chadlywanis 6 років тому +19

    Thank you so much blacktiph for making these videos, you are the only reason that I got interested in fishing, so keep on making good videos. Edit: ( thank you for hearting this!)

  • @MrCl3an2345
    @MrCl3an2345 6 років тому +11

    Great to see kris on a episode he such a good guy

  • @keithmayhew2161
    @keithmayhew2161 5 років тому +3

    Priceless..Showing the young man how to fish.Great job..

  • @greyarea3804
    @greyarea3804 2 роки тому +2

    I love the little guy with helping and trying his damn hardest. I used to run a charter boat on Lake Ontario and had an 11 year old girl bring in a 22-pound rainbow trout all by herself. She wouldn't let anybody help her. It was the most amazing and gratifying thing I have ever seen

  • @blkhemi3925
    @blkhemi3925 6 років тому +507

    Give a boy a fish, he eats for a day... Teach a boy to fish he needs rods, reels, line, bait, tackle, rigs, medium duty gear, heavy duty gear, fish finder, chartplotter, coast guard radio, 125hp outboard motor, mercusier, inboard outboard, boat, cooler, ice, gas money and drinks!

    • @charliecanny8105
      @charliecanny8105 6 років тому +10

      michael lawton and food 😂

    • @benhess807
      @benhess807 6 років тому +23

      And then a car to tow the boat exotic places

    • @charliecanny8105
      @charliecanny8105 6 років тому +4

      icy thresher not without a stove, and butane to fuel it !

    • @blkhemi3925
      @blkhemi3925 6 років тому +1

      Just sit right back and you'll here a tale. A tale fateful trip

    • @m_dizzle9497
      @m_dizzle9497 6 років тому +3

      you could just say money that's all you really need.

  • @declanoneill9268
    @declanoneill9268 5 років тому +152

    3:53 the guy looks like the person version of hulk 🤪😂

    • @sir1179
      @sir1179 5 років тому +5

      GamingWithDeclan mark ruffalo....?

    • @cristiancool0001
      @cristiancool0001 5 років тому +3

      yes i am not the only one who noticed 😂😂😂

    • @wrickel0727
      @wrickel0727 5 років тому +3

      Hulk, the dog right?

    • 5 років тому +1

      Just LOST it!!!

    • @ricky6290
      @ricky6290 5 років тому

      @@sir1179 Yeah Professor hulk

  • @kobealvarez4667
    @kobealvarez4667 6 років тому +26

    This was the best blacktiph video ever

  • @julesmelgaard8139
    @julesmelgaard8139 4 роки тому +13

    I love the underwater cameras, would be great if we could have some more clips of those

  • @bobertocornillious2654
    @bobertocornillious2654 3 роки тому +10

    it's so heartwarming to see a dad and his son save some fish from drowning

    • @agenticeberg6140
      @agenticeberg6140 3 роки тому

      @RemedyForPain yes they drown if they are heavy but most fish just float

    • @agenticeberg6140
      @agenticeberg6140 3 роки тому +1

      @RemedyForPain there gills stop working because they are in so much shock after you caught them.

    • @agenticeberg6140
      @agenticeberg6140 3 роки тому +1

      @Death cool u changed ur name. But yeah it’s sometimes confusing when a fish drowns

    • @agenticeberg6140
      @agenticeberg6140 3 роки тому

      @Death np

    • @petterchetterfunnycheese1366
      @petterchetterfunnycheese1366 3 роки тому

      @@agenticeberg6140 um im pretty sure this person was making a joke

  • @glitchy44hy40
    @glitchy44hy40 5 років тому +968

    Clickbait! The fish are paid actors
    Edit: Wow thanks for 500 likes that’s the most I’ve ever had :O

    • @Aamendez
      @Aamendez 5 років тому +13

      No there not there chickens not fish idiot

    • @mayflowerfirstresponsesund6971
      @mayflowerfirstresponsesund6971 5 років тому +15

      No it not the patty mayo show lol

    • @glitchy44hy40
      @glitchy44hy40 5 років тому +3

      Legendary Random kid 😂

    • @LevityLL
      @LevityLL 5 років тому +2

      Savage night bot Chill our he was making a joke

    • @L00KE.13
      @L00KE.13 5 років тому

      Jklubz Journeys bruh he said they were chickens stupid

  • @patsal3307
    @patsal3307 5 років тому +45

    This is the most prepared guy ever, he brought an extra glove in case a fish ate his other one.

  • @asdfghjkldfghjhgcgyuigfyui9792
    @asdfghjkldfghjhgcgyuigfyui9792 5 років тому +12

    the kid looks so scared lol. he’ll remember this once he’s older

    • @kamithegod00
      @kamithegod00 3 місяці тому

      yeah in a therapist's office

  • @hudj8796
    @hudj8796 5 років тому +6

    BlackTipH: Food Chain Challenge!!!
    Blazendary: Hold my Yeezy

  • @evanjohnson875
    @evanjohnson875 5 років тому +29

    That kids face when he was pulling the line was priceless.😂

    • @dewarai8868
      @dewarai8868 5 років тому +1


    • @benjaminximeno4849
      @benjaminximeno4849 5 років тому

      @@tessab7859 viva elporno

    • @staceyclewis5391
      @staceyclewis5391 4 роки тому +1

      i went searching for this comment 😳😳

  • @LevityLL
    @LevityLL 5 років тому +1361

    I’ve edited my comment so that all of the replies make no sense. Good luck.

    • @jasonmaniscalco3826
      @jasonmaniscalco3826 5 років тому +28

      Jklubz Journeys he’s saying that nothing will eat the grouper bc it’s so big. A whale shark won’t eat that

    • @savage101.
      @savage101. 5 років тому +21

      @@LevityLL That's still not what he said.

    • @EHC-jh8xg
      @EHC-jh8xg 5 років тому +16

      Blue whale has joined the chat

    • @gr8xman7
      @gr8xman7 5 років тому +5

      He said there’s nothing bigger than the grouper that will eat it

    • @Jazzyo111
      @Jazzyo111 5 років тому +2


  • @briannakelly26
    @briannakelly26 5 років тому +12

    Did you hear those smacks?! That was crazy! The kids was looking like "I do NOT want to get pulled into the water with whatever is on the end of that."

  • @pikalop
    @pikalop 5 років тому +16

    Damn the kid isnt even fazed by all the blood.
    I jumped when they casually reveal a literal bloodbath lmao

    • @brooktrout8568
      @brooktrout8568 4 роки тому

      Pikalop has always had been that way I could have done ✅ the year was that a lot better and I didn’t see it until now but it’s not like a

  • @captraykelly
    @captraykelly 5 років тому +7

    That's what it is all about...taking kids fishing. Great job! In 1993, I printed right on our Adventures In Fishing t-shirts, coffee mugs and bumber stickers-"Let's get kids hooked on Fishing...NOT on drugs". This was a great show, Josh.

  • @theliuview7005
    @theliuview7005 6 років тому +126

    Put a life jacket on your boy, man!

    • @Alex-fe5wt
      @Alex-fe5wt 6 років тому +3

      He can swim

    • @DubZzFPS
      @DubZzFPS 6 років тому +25

      @@Alex-fe5wt doesent matter if he can swim or not it's just being safe

    • @banana3093
      @banana3093 6 років тому


    • @missbangles11
      @missbangles11 6 років тому +1

      He had one of those device things

    • @mairisberzins8677
      @mairisberzins8677 6 років тому +10

      Doesn't matter. As soon as the boy hits the water a groopy wil eat him

  • @Unclyreels
    @Unclyreels 6 років тому +683

    The kid doesnt look like he is having fun tbh

    • @tristan38T
      @tristan38T 6 років тому +139

      when he's older he'll probably realize how crazy this was. I wouldn't know if I was that young.

    • @heathschwab
      @heathschwab 6 років тому +43

      @@tristan38T uea he still young and being out there prob was overwhelming but yea in a few years keep him fishing. I take so many fishing by 10 to 12 he will be all smiles catching fish like that. Unless that's not his thing. Hill get the fish bug one day. When my daughter out fished me and got her first fish when I said you won't catch anything with that and she got the big fish that day she was into fishing she was 5 or 6. But I'm a single parent she's fished with me since she was 2. Now she's 17 yea she's into boys but atlest they like to fish kinda lol. But that kid will see that vidoe again one day and be like man why didn't I smile. Lol. Y'all have a great week and god bless

    • @johnnyjohnston48
      @johnnyjohnston48 6 років тому +1


    • @rosagrzonka5902
      @rosagrzonka5902 6 років тому +1

      The Kid habe Run!!!!!!

    • @rosagrzonka5902
      @rosagrzonka5902 6 років тому


  • @buckwagonandgiddyupp3024
    @buckwagonandgiddyupp3024 4 роки тому +3

    Giddy and I really enjoyed this vid. So good to see the kids gettin' into the sport. Good job buddy!

  • @aureliolucas
    @aureliolucas 4 роки тому +1

    Nice ! This kid is on the right way ! Hello from Brazil 🐟

  • @Pineflat22
    @Pineflat22 5 років тому +22

    It’s super cool that your passing on knowledge to the next generation! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Family brotha!

  • @adrianagarcia4786
    @adrianagarcia4786 6 років тому +4

    at first i did not want to see this youtube chanel but now i do and i love it🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡😀😀😀😀

  • @kentvaga8213
    @kentvaga8213 4 роки тому +4

    You’re such a great dad, im super jealous as i cant go out like you as my parents didnt like fishing at all except me

    • @mileshardin6906
      @mileshardin6906 3 роки тому

      same, my parents hate it, and say a half hour drive is "tOo lONg!!11" and it sucks because they dont have any perspective

  • @VivaFrei
    @VivaFrei 6 років тому +136

    Can you explain to the layperson why the bait fish eat a bare hook? I’ve never understood that...

    • @leecox3206
      @leecox3206 6 років тому +63

      It has colored beads and little piece of metallic plastic on It. Lots of fish just hit something shiny. Spanish mackerel will hit silver swivels and lead weights.

    • @knifed3452
      @knifed3452 6 років тому +12

      More aggressive fish will attack shiny things that look anything like their prey. Blue gills sometimes even attacking small shiny split shot weights, and younger peacock bass will attack a bare shiny hook.

    • @larrog8413
      @larrog8413 6 років тому +14

      It's not actually "bare hooks." They make a product called a sibiki rig. It has little shiny reflectors on it, that make each hook look like a tiny bait fish.

    • @BowmasterDdandflintersnumberon
      @BowmasterDdandflintersnumberon 6 років тому +1

      Viva Frei the hook was shinny

    • @fishingwithjace567
      @fishingwithjace567 6 років тому +2

      Some times bluegills will attack your line

  • @TogorFishing
    @TogorFishing 4 роки тому +1

    love from Bangladesh ❤❤🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🐟🐟🐟🐠🐠🐠

  • @daltonv5206
    @daltonv5206 4 роки тому +2

    The sound those grouper jaws make when they pop bait at the surface is amazing

  • @TomyTekOutdoors
    @TomyTekOutdoors 6 років тому +6

    Awesome! This is on my bucket list. Now you can just hook a glove to catch those giants 😆

  • @jacksonr5115
    @jacksonr5115 5 років тому +35

    I gave the video a like just cause the grouper ate his glove😂

  • @izzatzakwan3993
    @izzatzakwan3993 5 років тому +188

    He literally got fish without any bait while I've waited for hours and still got nothing. I'm using bait though

    • @renvill4989
      @renvill4989 5 років тому +1

      Depends on the fish your trying to catch

    • @midixerekt88
      @midixerekt88 4 роки тому +3

      That was sabiki rigs that imitate small bugs, Bunch of bait fish everywhere + imitation bugs on hook= bait fish on hook

    • @mrskitz338
      @mrskitz338 4 роки тому

      Neon Neon Yeah you’re right the ocean has more fish than an lake

    • @npc_rust
      @npc_rust 4 роки тому

      No there was little plastic that imitates plankton and stuff like yhat

    • @cj4x264
      @cj4x264 4 роки тому

      he was using sabiki

  • @BBOutdoorsTV
    @BBOutdoorsTV 4 роки тому +13

    Nothing like fishing with kids and sharing experiences with them. AWESOME vid - love the encouragement. Great stuff yall.

  • @danielzapata4249
    @danielzapata4249 4 роки тому +2

    love your vids your the reason why I started fishing

  • @calvin6609
    @calvin6609 6 років тому +252

    Wouldn't be a blacktiph video if Josh didn't say "ITSSS A GIAAAANT"

  • @jacksonmorgan4347
    @jacksonmorgan4347 6 років тому +34

    I just love his enthusiasm with fishing and the environment. Please keep up the amazing work. And if you do read this I would really love you to do a billfish specific video. But anyways nice job man

  • @Chr.1995
    @Chr.1995 6 років тому +14

    This channel was soo good when he was landbased sharkfishing
    Back in the day ya know

    • @hgfs6479
      @hgfs6479 6 років тому

      The battles with bonito never get old lol they always pull drag and make boat trips interesting in his vids

    • @onedeep160
      @onedeep160 6 років тому

      Was? His channel still good

    @VNNZTC 8 місяців тому

    I took my Twins fishing many times while they were growing up...For all of us, it was some of the best bonding experiences that we had...They will always remember the first fish they caught, while it was nowhere near the size of the Goliath, it was the experience...

  • @Seven-mu8pj
    @Seven-mu8pj 6 місяців тому

    I love how Josh uses his gentle voice to teach the kid how to fish

  • @maegankaley5981
    @maegankaley5981 5 років тому +8

    Good job little guy! I love watching that my boys love trout fishing but would love to do this deep sea fishing that you guys are doing!?

  • @MrFish-kg1cn
    @MrFish-kg1cn 5 років тому +48

    “He ate my glove”-BlacktipH

  • @toxic_wayyzz5482
    @toxic_wayyzz5482 5 років тому +4

    BlackTiph:Are You Ready I'll Back You Up
    I'm Dead😂😂😂😂

  • @kevinpelz6130
    @kevinpelz6130 4 роки тому

    i need to say i dont whatch videos with kids but how you show him how to catch this fishes is amazing :D

  • @johnmatthews817
    @johnmatthews817 4 роки тому +23

    Bro he broke one of his own rules “Don’t wrap your hand around the rope” 9:11

    • @Narc0YT
      @Narc0YT 4 роки тому +5

      He didn't feel any fish pulling back, I think already assuming he was snagged...

    • @beachbum4805
      @beachbum4805 4 роки тому +2

      That’s not what he means by wrapping it

    • @drdrew3
      @drdrew3 4 роки тому +1

      No. That’s not a wrap. Just overhand plus underhand. No loop to handcuff you that way

  • @jaren908
    @jaren908 6 років тому +225

    Fun fact the kids dad is extremely rich and is a car collector

  • @atleys6519
    @atleys6519 5 років тому +16

    3:51 Bruce Banner agrees to catch the grouper

  • @blooggleblogger8961
    @blooggleblogger8961 6 років тому +5

    Me: sees little fish
    That's impressive!
    Me:sees big fish and falls out of chair

  • @ttvryshx2792
    @ttvryshx2792 3 роки тому +1

    One of the best UA-cam videos!

    @PATRICKBATEMAN855 3 роки тому

    Its tradition to come back to this video every once in a while

  • @theprisonbottle3832
    @theprisonbottle3832 6 років тому +46

    me: *Fish don't need gloves*
    grouper: *hold my beer*

    • @Marsh-kl9bv
      @Marsh-kl9bv 5 років тому

      League Of Low IQ 😂😂😂

  • @spinkingsyd
    @spinkingsyd 5 років тому +6

    Such a sick video, super entertaining to watch and awesome you got the little dude involved. Memories he can hold onto forever

  • @RollaProductionsss
    @RollaProductionsss 5 років тому +4

    Dang man blacktip knows where to go and they don’t ever leave the ocean without a fish

  • @fortniteboy8518
    @fortniteboy8518 11 місяців тому +1

    Love your videos ❤

  • @mitchelljohnson3172
    @mitchelljohnson3172 5 років тому +13

    Nice fish and you are a good fisher
    That is a monster. I wish I could catch one of them

  • @lucassmith1625
    @lucassmith1625 5 років тому +108

    Is it just me or do Goliath's look like giant smallmouth bass?

    • @zebrafinch2955
      @zebrafinch2955 5 років тому +2

      Lucas Smith: Nope, me too. Always thought they looked like giant bass.

    • @Plyther
      @Plyther 5 років тому

      No it looks like a giant bluegill painted yellow and a bigger mouth

    • @legion8989
      @legion8989 5 років тому +2

      Yes finally my dad broke out laughing when I said that exact thing

    • @California_StateRpERLC
      @California_StateRpERLC 4 роки тому +1


    • @tblox5264
      @tblox5264 3 роки тому

      Me too! I never noticed that until now! :3

  • @getryan9333
    @getryan9333 5 років тому +6

    that kid is way better at fishing than me... so sad.

  • @snakietom5512
    @snakietom5512 4 роки тому +7

    Blown away by how quickly they get a fish on the hook! :O Surely this is editing magic

  • @colebellanger1671
    @colebellanger1671 3 роки тому +1

    this guy is the king of the ocean bro!

  • @jaxpettit547
    @jaxpettit547 5 років тому +41

    Why does the chris guy look like the Holk with Glasses form End Game?

  • @Brian-wv7ur
    @Brian-wv7ur 6 років тому +30

    These are some bi-polar fish
    They eat it, spit it out, eat it
    again like dang make up you mind

    • @rokljhui864
      @rokljhui864 5 років тому

      That's the great thing about psychological illness, it can't be measured by 'science'.

  • @evaneasley4982
    @evaneasley4982 6 років тому +15

    “Aww he ate my glove” I died

  • @surfdetective
    @surfdetective 6 років тому +5

    Thought you were going to hook up the grom from the thumbnail....I would be stoked just catching the Bonita

  • @navalaviator1955
    @navalaviator1955 3 роки тому

    My Son Really like this video, thanks for sharing Bro

  • @protvasiaprotv6011
    @protvasiaprotv6011 3 роки тому

    It's amazing. I enjoy watching the video. Be healthy and happy!

  • @FishingFresno
    @FishingFresno 6 років тому +5

    Nice video. Now you need to do a "Lets find my glove" challenge.

  • @shawnrohrer6722
    @shawnrohrer6722 5 років тому +6

    He got my glove! Now I gotta catch him again lol

  • @HankPretz
    @HankPretz 6 років тому +10

    What a big day for that little boy.👏👏👏

  • @fishing_with_harry1261
    @fishing_with_harry1261 4 роки тому +2

    I know rods are made of special material and the line but I'm really surprised they don't break or snap or stay permanently bent be cause the size of the fish. It's amazing.
    Btw you are an awesome youtuber I also love fishing 👍

  • @mattb7889
    @mattb7889 4 роки тому


  • @ethanbrouse9891
    @ethanbrouse9891 5 років тому +23

    almost makes you wonder if a goliath would eat a small child

  • @talandavis6779
    @talandavis6779 6 років тому +6

    Love you man keep making videos

  • @aidan8492
    @aidan8492 4 роки тому +5

    I love how they attach stringers under water and let v get them in

  • @crayfish7633
    @crayfish7633 5 років тому

    The small fish seems so inoffensif 🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟

  • @agenticeberg6140
    @agenticeberg6140 3 роки тому +1

    I love the kid. Reminds my of my first time fishing!

  • @FRDS18
    @FRDS18 5 років тому +7

    7:44 man you ate my glove

    • @spaz19
      @spaz19 4 роки тому +2

      Yeah do you think I'm deaf?

    • @FRDS18
      @FRDS18 4 роки тому +1


    • @jq815
      @jq815 2 місяці тому


  • @user-wq3hu2pq4e
    @user-wq3hu2pq4e 5 років тому +18

    Commentor: [generic comment]
    Commentor: *reaches 20 likes*
    Commentor: oh my god thank you this is the most likes I’ve ever had :O
    Edit: oh my g thank you this is the most likes I’ve ever had

  • @gabe5466
    @gabe5466 5 років тому +5

    The other guy in the blue shirt looks like Professor Hulk without the green skin

    @JUGGLERILLYA 5 років тому +2

    I love Fishing! 🤹🏻‍♂️

  • @bossladyrosettatheexperien7165
    @bossladyrosettatheexperien7165 4 роки тому +1

    Your teaching him so much you must be a nice dad

  • @mnwildhighlights4180
    @mnwildhighlights4180 5 років тому +5

    Looks super fun I wish we could do that together

  • @GhostInnervision
    @GhostInnervision 6 років тому +6

    great video man, really awesome
    sometime you must try to our place, a maritime country. Indonesia.

    • @DaftohOfficial
      @DaftohOfficial 5 років тому

      Hey just a grammar nazi passing by but you were supposed to say sometime you must try to fish in maritime country, Indonesia

  • @ssarahlopes
    @ssarahlopes 6 років тому +6


    • @caydenthompson1878
      @caydenthompson1878 6 років тому +2

      Yeah because itsbait its supposed to die

    • @Beersboysboats
      @Beersboysboats 6 років тому +2

      Sarah Lopes it’s called the food chain

    • @tannerparris6475
      @tannerparris6475 6 років тому

      I don't understand why you are freaking out fish get eaten and killed every day and just because that one was dying its supposed to matter?

    • @warnervlogs3305
      @warnervlogs3305 6 років тому

      @@tannerparris6475 fu

    • @devynvanhal1511
      @devynvanhal1511 6 років тому


  • @miurasingh7219
    @miurasingh7219 4 роки тому +2

    I like the part when the big grouper took Josh’s glove
    That was so funny

  • @aminathnaseema1205
    @aminathnaseema1205 4 роки тому

    this dude takes fishing to next level