The Talmidei Chachamim said the absolute truth 2,000 years ago that, this world that we live in is the world of LIES. Only through Torah and Tanach is absolute TRUTH, B'H
@Iyas kelu First of all, that's an English translation and highly inaccurate. But that does prove the point that Jewish people hate idolatry! We do not hate "non-jews" though; that word is not in the text. Not all non-Jews are idolators, like Muslims, etc.
As a former evangelical and currently very confused human... what about the lion man carving (estimated 40,000 yrs old) or other pieces of art drawn on caves that are beautiful that date much past 6,000 years? I personally appreciate your answers SO much! I’ve left Christianity largely because of you; but I still have many questions.
The Quranic word for "day" in the creation instance simply means a VERY.. VERY long period of time. Not a literal day. The Qur'an has never been in conflict with science. ❤😊. Also modern embryology as we know it was revealed in the Qur'an in great detail before we made the microscope. Hope you'll take some time to search my claims InshaAllah. I used to be a baptist myself.
Erin, tovia is extremely biased and will always find a reason to ignore or go against science, because he must believe his tanakh is true or it threatens his beliefs. U are more humble and have already broken some of your cognitive walls to get to where you are, which is why u are asking very good questions. This is very difficult for those who cannot get past their cognitive barriers. Takes lots of humility, courage, amd maturity to seriously challenge your deeply held beliefs. Never stop learning and asking questions. And always remember that credibility is the most important thing when we are looking to challenge beliefs for validity. You have discovered Christianity isn't credible. Very good👍 But what if the whole Bible isn't credible as well? If the bible has credibility problems, then so does Jesus and Yahweh. If Yahweh isn't credible, he's just as much fantasy as a fairy or any other false god. I hope u continue on your journey of seeking truth no matter where it may lead.
Below is the story of a Sumerian flood myth which was about King Ziusudra of Shuruppak from 2900bc. (archeological and geological evidence confirm a large local river flood at the area around 2900bc) Noah's flood is around 2450bc as dated from bible chronology. Jews wrote their flood story around 600bc while the Sumerians, Akkadians, and Babylonians wrote variants of the same Sumerian story at least 1000 years before the jews. The Flood Narrative From the Gilgamesh Epic Gilgamesh has made a long and difficult journey to learn how Utnapishtim acquired eternal life. In answer to his questions, Utnapishtim tells the following story. Once upon a time, the gods destroyed the ancient city of Shuruppak in a great flood. But Utnapishtim, forewarned by Ea (=Enki), managed to survive by building a great ship. His immortality was a gift bestowed by the repentant gods in recognition of his ingenuity and his faithfulness in reinstituting the sacrifice. Shurippak - a city which thou knowest, (And) which on Euphrates’ banks is set - That city was ancient, (as were) the gods within it, When their heart led the great gods to produce the flood. There were Anu, their father, Valiant Enlil, their counsellor, Ninurta, their herald, Ennuge, their irrigator. Ninigiku-Ea was also present with them; Their words he repeats to the reed-hut (home of Utnapishtim): ‘Reed-hut, reed-hut! Wall! Wall! Reed-hut, hearken! Wall, reflect! Man of Shuruppak (Utnapishtim), son of Ubar-Tutu, Tear down (this) house, build a ship! Give up possessions, seek thou life. Despise property and keep the soul alive. Aboard the ship take thou the seed of all living things. The ship that thou shalt build, Her dimensions shall be to measure. Equal shall be her width and her length. Like the Apsu (subterranean waters) thou shalt ceil her.’ I understood, and I said to Ea, my lord: ‘Behold, my lord, what thou has thus ordered, I shall be honoured to carry out. But what shall I answer the city, the people and elders?’ Ea opened his mouth to speak, Saying to me, his servant: ‘Thou shalt then thus speak unto them: I have learned that Enlil is hostile to me, So that I cannot reside in your city, Nor set my foot in Enlil’s territory. To the Deep I will therefore go down, To swell with my lord Ea. But upon you he will shower down abundance, The choicest birds, the rarest fishes. The land shall have its fill of harvest riches. He who at dusk orders the husk-greens,Will shower down upon you a rain of wheat ( deceive the residents of Shurrupak as to the real intent of the rain).’ With the first glow of dawn, The land was gathered about me. [too fragmentary for translation] The little ones carried bitumen, While the grown ones brought all else that was needful. On the fifth day I laid her framework. One (whole ) acre was her floor space, Ten dozen cubits the height of each of her walls, The dozen cubits each edge of the square deck. I laid out the shape of her sides and joined her together. I provided her with six decks, Dividing her (thus) into seven parts, Her floor plan I divided into nine parts. I hammered water-plugs into her. I saw to the punting-poles and laid in supplies. Six ‘sar’ (measures - about 8 gallons) of bitumen I poured into the furnace, Three sar of asphalt I also poured inside. Three sar of the basket-bearers transferred, Aside from the one sar of oil which the caulking consumed, And the two sar of oil which the boatman stowed away. Bullocks I slaughtered for the people, And I killed sheep every day. Must, red wine, oil, and white wine I gave the workmen to drink, as though river water, That they might feast as on New Year’s Day... On the seventh day the ship was completed. The launching was very difficult, So that they had to shift the floor planks above and below, Until two-thirds of the structure had gone into the water. Whatever I had I laded upon her; Whatever I had of silver I laded upon her; Whatever I had of gold I laded upon her; Whatever I had of all the living being I laded upon her. All my family and kin I made go aboard the ship. The beasts of the field, the wild creatures of the field, All the craftsmen I made go aboard. Shamash had set for me a stated time: ‘When he who orders unease at night Will shower down a rain of blight, Board thou the ship and batten up the gate!’ That stated time had arrived: ‘He who orders unease at night showers down a rain of blight.’ I watched the appearance of the weather. The weather was awesome of behold. I boarded the ship and battened up the gate. To batten up the (whole) ship, to Puzur-Amurri, the boatman, I handed over the structure together with its contents. With the flirst glow of dawn, A black cloud rose up from the horizon. Inside it Adad (god of storm and rain) thunders, While Shallat and Hanish (Heralds of Adad) go in front, Moving as heralds over hill and plain. Erragal (Nergal, the god of the netherworld) tears out the posts (out of the dam); Forth comes Ninurta and causes the dikes to follow. The Anunnaki lift up the torches, Setting the land ablaze with their glare. Consternation over Adad reaches to the heavens, Turning to blackness all that had been light. The wide land was shattered like a pot! For one day the south-storm blew, Gathering speed as it blew, submerging the mountains, Overtaking the people like a battle. No one can see his fellow, Nor can the people be recognized from heaven. The gods were frightened by the deluge, And, shrinking back, they ascended to the heaven of Anu. The gods cowered like dogs Crouched against the outer wall. Ishtar cried out like a woman in travail, The sweet-voiced mistress of the gods moans aloud: ‘The olden days are alas turned to clay, Because I bespoke evil in the Assembly of the gods, How could I bespeak evil in the Assembly of the gods, Ordering battle for the destruction of my people, When it is I myself who give birth to my people! Like the spawn of the fishes they fill the sea!’ The Anunnaki gods weep with her, Their lips drawn tight, and all. Six days and six nights Blows the flood wind, as the south-storm sweeps the land. When the seventh day arrived, The flood (-carrying) south-storm subsided in the battle, Which it had fought like an army. The sea grew quiet, the tempest was still, the flood ceased. I looked at the weather: stillness had set in, And all of mankind has returned to clay. The landscape was as level as a flat roof. I opened a hatch, and light fell on my face. Bowing low, I sat and wept, Tears running down my face. I looked about the coast lines in the expanse of the sea: In each of fourteen (regions) There emerged a region (-mountain). On Mount Nisir the ship came to a halt. Mount Nisir held the ship fast, Allowing no motion. (Indecipherable or missing) [For six days the ship is held fast by Mount Nisir.] When the seventh day arrived, I sent forth and set free a dove. The dove went forth, but came back; There was no resting place for it and she turned round. Then I sent forth and set free a swallow. The swallow went forth, but came back; There was no resting-place for it and she turned round. Then I sent forth and set free a raven. The raven went forth and, seeing that the waters had diminished, He eats, circles, caws, and turns not around. The I let out (all) to the four winds And offered a sacrifice. I poured out a libation on the top of the mountain. Seven and seven cult-vessels I set up Upon their plate-stands I heaped cane, cedarwood, and myrtle. The gods smelled the savour, The gods smelled the sweet savour, The gods crowded like flies about the sacrificer. As soon as the great goddess (Ishtar=Ninhurti) arrived, She lifted up the great jewels which Anu had fashioned to her liking: ‘Ye gods here, as surely as this lapis Upon my neck I shall not forget, I shall be mindful of these days, forgetting (them) never. Let the gods come and to the offering: (But) let not Enlil come to the offering, For he, unreasoning, brought on the deluge And my people consigned to destruction.’ As soon as Enlil arrived, And saw the ship, Enlil was wroth, He was filled the wrath against the Igigi gods (heavenly gods): ‘Has some living soul escaped? No man was to survive the destruction!’ Ninurta opened his mouth to speak, Saying to valiant Enlil: ‘Who other than Ea can devise plans? It is Ea alone who knows every matter.’ Ea opened his mouth to speak, Saying to valiant Enlil: ‘Thou wisest of the gods, thou hero, How couldst thou, unreasoning, bring on the deluge? On the sinner impose his sin, On the transgressor impose his transgression! (Yet) be lenient, lest he be cut off, Be patient, lest he be dislodged! Instead of they bringing on the deluge, Would that a lion had risen up to diminish mankind! Instead of thy bringing on the deluge, Would that a wolf had risen up to diminish mankind! Instead of thy bringing up the deluge, Would that pestilence had risen up to smite down mankind! It was not I who disclosed the secret of the great gods. I let Atrahasis ('Exceedingly wise,' an epithet of Utnapishtim) see a dream, And he perceived the secret of the gods. Now then take counsel in regard to him!’ Thereupon Enlil went aboard the ship. Holding me by the hand, he took me aboard. He took my wife aboard and made (her) kneel by my side. Standing between us, he touched our foreheads to bless us: ‘Hitherto Utnapishtim has been but human. Henceforth Utnapishtim and his wife shall be like unto us gods. Utnapishtim shall reside far away, at the mouth of the rivers!’ Thus they took me and made me reside far away, At the mouth of the rivers. Translation by E.A. Speiser, in Ancient Near Eastern Texts (Princeton, 1950), pp. 60-72, as reprinted in Isaac Mendelsohn (ed.), Religions of the Ancient Near East, Library of Religion paperbook series (New York, 1955), pp. 100-6; notes by Mendelsohn..
There are hunter-gatherer cultures today who live just like our ancestors did 10, 20, 100 thousand years ago - no kings, no great monuments, no metallurgy, no writing. But they do make fire, stone tools, art, and jewelry, and have burial rites just like our ancestors in deep pre-history did. And how do we know our ancestors did these things? Because archeologists have found the stuff. Asking why pre-historic humans didn’t more readily invent civilization - which itself is a cluster of inventions like writing and agriculture - is a little like asking why the Greeks didn’t invent calculus despite having mathematics or why the Mayans didn’t invent the wheel despite having roads.
15:53 - "I'm not kidding. I know 60 minutes had a show on elephants that can paint. I'm not talking about that". hahaha. That's awesome. The wittiness is just an added bonus to these videos. Baruch Hashem!
BTW, elephants can be trained to do all sorts of things if they're abused enough. Elephants do not paint what's in their own imagination, but "trained (very painfully)“ to go through a specific set of motions to avoid pain. Resulting in a painting that people think is cute. Research that training process at your own emotional risk, if you have a strong stomach.
@@morielrorschach8090 Interesting that you should say that. i saw that show online and sent it to my email list. One of sons-on-law is S. African and LOVES elephants...his favorite animal. He said EXACTLY the same thing you just said.
Quote "The earliest signs of a process leading to sedentary culture can be seen in the Levant to as early as 12,000 BC, when the Natufian culture became sedentary; it evolved into an agricultural society by 10,000 BC.[9] The importance of water to safeguard an abundant and stable food supply, due to favourable conditions for hunting, fishing and gathering resources including cereals, provided an initial wide spectrum economy that triggered the creation of permanent villages.[10] The earliest proto-urban settlements with several thousand inhabitants emerged in the Neolithic. The first cities to house several tens of thousands were Memphis and Uruk, by the 31st century BC (see Historical urban community sizes)."
I'm not an expert Wodi, just someone searching for truth, but I wonder if an answer to your comment, and some of the other comments below like Peter Vissers', can be that if the difference between the fossil record and the bible record is a few thousand years only, it's close enough. Meaning, the flood or some other variable can possibly be responsible for the disparity. If it's a 200,000 year disparity this suggestion would not be plausible, but once the dates of the bible and archaeology start getting within striking distance of each other, science is merely off by an acceptable margin, which happens in science all the time.
@@jaaykke Assuming that the 200,000 age of humanity wasn't true, and that science does date humanity's origins to 12,000ish years ago, that's still double the amount of time outlined in Genesis and is far beyond the margin of error. Scientists are very aware of the shortcomings of different dating methods. For example, Carbon 14 dating can't accurately date marine life; it can only be used on terrestrial life (like humans). As it stands, there are no plausible reasons to believe the dates we currently have are inaccurate (including a potential flood). In fact, there's a lot of evidence suggesting that the current dates we have are the correct ones. These dating methods have been tested by scientists all over the world for many years, and they've withstood all the scrutiny we have thrown at them. Now, I will admit, Tovia Singer is more knowledgeable than most when it comes to science, but scientists do have very good reason to think that humanity's true age is 100,000+ years. We don't see things like writing and permanent settlements until much later because farming hadn't been invented yet. For most of humanity's history, before the invention of agriculture, we foraged and hunted for survival. Because of that, the only reasonable way to survive was in small nomadic settlements. These types of settlements don't tend to leave a trace, except for remnants of tools (which scientists have also discovered). Writing wouldn't be present either since it'd be almost useless in such an environments and had no reason to be invented. I do appreciate Singer's willingness to engage on this topic. He does a far better job than any fundamentalist Christians that I've met, however, it's not a matter of faith that leads scientists to the conclusions they have on our origins; its the tried and true methods that they have spent many lifetimes developing.
@@hawkxlr I agree about carbon dating but there is also written timelines of king list and other timelines that all pre date the bible that go back 200000+ years along with dna chromosome showing 200000+ years. The bible is really the only book that contradicts most other histories. Even the tanak's books come from even older writings that have kings list that go back way farther than 4000bc
Was the number 13.7 Billion in existence back then, Would that have been comprehendible 5000 years ago. Torah is not a science textbook. The conflict between Torah and science is not worth applying any mental effort to. The time applied to useless questions like this could be put to better use refuting devious Christian missionaries.
There are like 500,000,000 Hindus? or is it 700,000,000 Hindus? With that much manpower you feel the need to seek a Jewish convert? Come on buddy, don't play those "Christian" games. Leave the seeking of Jewish converts to low life, devious, sleazy, Christian missionaries.
DS Shakespeare our God has always been a God of love ,most times when it seems like he's being evil is when the pharisees misinterpret him and make laws for themselves,the times God ordered the children of israel in the past(this had nothing to do with Christianity though) to kill or annihilate a people was 1- during a time of war and 2- because the evil of those people were too much Atheists always talk about the problem of evil, if there is a God and he is good, why is there evil well here is a case, the canaanites and the amalekites that my muslim brother was complaining of God saying they should be destroyed.....well they worshipped ba'al , the worship of ba'al required frequent festivals that carried out the sacrifice of babies in the most cruel fashion ( heating up the metal statue red hot and dropping the babies in its hand, these babies will sizzle to their deaths in pain,screaming),they would play their drums so loud so that the parents would not hear the screams of their children, this was done regularly, and many more other evil practices...... This is both backed up by christian and non-christain sources to be true Here is a case where God saw evil go on for 100's of years ,gave them time to repent and when they didnt he said enough and sent the children of Israel to kill them, How is such a God evil even by old testament standards, i dont know what you guys want from God, He doesnt interfere ,you say he is evil for letting evil reign and when he does interfere he is evil for killing the people causing the evil the God of the OT is still far more merciful than Allah, and that is also why Jesus came, to give the true direct message and example for all time,to speak the true mind of God, not just for an era but forever
The Torah is the history of The World, being repeated again for This Seven Days. that's, what happens when you mentally funk being here in The Torah Physical Dimension is to repeat the grade. and i, shall appear again, in the next Torah Hereafter. same time, same place, same person as all, the previous Torah Cycles. as this current Torah Cycle, is no different than before so far. the only progress this world, has made is backwards toward the flood again.
Rabbi with the utmost respect, this is just my opinion as I'm sure you're already aware I think the age of the calendar might be the age of monotheism, the amount of time that humans have known that there is only one God that for me is the essence the context of being Jewish Baruch hashem
Having grown up on traditional Jewish Rabbinical texts, I can tell you there is a lot of discussion about the meaning of "time" and the "days" of creation. There are some people who choose to take the days and count of years in a literal sense, but I think anyone who's studied a lot of this literature understands that many of the rabbis were trying to tell us that "time" was not how we perceive it during the creation period, and the 6 days mentioned are not to be taken as literal 24-hour days, but rather as much larger units of time. Part of how they interpret this is because the term "day/יום" was used prior to the creation of the sun and moon... indicating the "day" mentioned is not the same "day" we assume from our current perspective. Bottom line, Jewish tradition is very variegated on this issue and it's not a simple and monolithic "young earth" perspective, though many Jews do accept something like that today. Depends how much you study. 😉🙏💙🔯 Essentially, what the rabbi is saying here is correct: The Jewish count of years since creation etc, is based on counting the generations mentioned in the Torah, from Adam and Eve onward. So basically, it's a count of developed human civilization in a rough general way based on our tradition. Personally, I don't think the Torah was intended as a method of calculating time, but the rabbis did try and that's what they came up with. If anything, the text itself doesn't really clarify time periods or counts of years at all, outside of mentioning genealogies and ages of individuals, so the rabbis used those numbers for calculations. But I think most scholars would agree those type of simplistic calculations aren't expected to be accurate.
Gobekli Tepe displays stunning examples of architecture and artwork clearly qualifying as evidence of a “civilization” perhaps even more so than poetry, etc.; arguably “poetry” evidencing advanced cognitive skills in its own right.
@@zackmano I rote the following to someone else above: Rabbi Singer mentioned Dr. Gerald Schroeder who has a double PhD and explains this descrepancy of science and Torah with Einstein's theory and black holes. He's written several books on the subject and we've heard him lecture several times. Fascinating. BTW...Dr. Schroeder is a ba'al t'shuva...he was secular when he got his degrees and became Torah observant several years later. My family and I are also ba'alei t'shuva. Some of his books are "Genesis and the Big Bang Theory", "The Science of G-D", "The Face of G-D" and others.
6000 is about right, you can use scripture to date back to Adam. It simple anything older is false, Adam brought death by sin, nothing could have died before that
The Quranic word for "day" in the creation instance simply means a VERY.. VERY long period of time. Not a literal day. The Qur'an has never been in conflict with science.
Rabbi Tovia you are brilliant in so many ways, but we cannot argue against observation-based, slowly-progressing, peer-reviewed science. I live in South America. Our local natives have been around for at least 20-30 thousand yrs. I am sorry to break this to you, since you are a well-meaning believing learned man. However the Torah is a byproduct of the rather primitive scientific/geographic understanding of the bronze-age, even if penned by very talented and learned men of the time. At some point you have to have the courage to face the unthinkable. That the Torah is a human produced document and that we Jews have developed a cult around it. The torah is portable (good when you're on the run), develops young kids' minds, but in the end what is it? A document written and edited hundreds of time over centuries by many people.
Where are the other editions of the Torah? Jews all over the world have the same document to the LETTER. Who would have made up these stories and laws? Who would have a forced it upon the Jewish people who have done so much to keep it? If Jews were able to resist all others attempts to change their tradition against so many and variable odds then my would they blindly accept some nonsense written by people as divine?
This is exactly what I’ve thought. If humans, as we know them, took millions of years to evolve, and have been in their current biological state for 200,000 years (approx), why is there no written, or clearly documented, evidence of this vast history? ( I am NOT a young earth creationist, Jew, or Christian)
Well. Humans learned a lot of stuff from experience. Now you may disagree on how they got them. Humans who were civilised enough and who learned enough became the people that you are expecting (writing, speaking etc). Now to answer your question (why don't we find written records) just imagine how apes behave. Now let's say an ape has evolved after few generations in such a way that they most of the faculties that we have(vocal chord coordination, larynx muscles etc). Do you expect it to be able to use those faculties immediately? Now language and speaking by itself is much more complex than writing. And to have written records, you not only need them to have a organised language(a set of sounds that specifically represents something). But also an understanding of how to organise a set of drawings that represent each of these codes. There are more than two leaps that needs to take place. Now all those things are pretty hard to achieve, even once you have all the faculties in place. Now without any divine intervention, this process has to take painful long and countless remakes which is exactly what the data says. Now rabbi is right when he says the oldest language is about 5000years . But even then , this says nothing about how long the language was spoken. We have ancient Chinese proto writing go far back about 8600 years. Now in linguistics it is hard to find when a language originated for the first time in a certain area especially an area isolated from other groups . Because we need someone to write that down. Which makes the first language unknowable. All we can do is build models of how languages may arise and hope the archaeology supports it.
Addy F2p Thank you for your thorough and respectful reply. I believe that’s a logical answer. Have you formally studied history of languages or writing? I have not.
Why is there no written evidence....before writing was invented 5-6k years ago? As for "clearly documented" again that would require document. Otherwise we have to work with archaelogical finds of human creations/settlements. There are plenty of tools, pots, settlements, even some ancient cities which help document the rise of civilization. Cave paintings. The shigir idol. The schoningen spears. You can easily google all of this. It it as good as a history book? Hardly, we're working with leftovers from thousands of years ago.
@@shadebinder9969 I think the point is- if man has been alive on earth 100,000+ years, why did it take so long to invent writing? Surely it would have been invented way before 5-6k yrs ago! And then is it just coincidence that the 5-6k yrs coincides with the Bible's date for man's creation?
Shalom Rabbi Tovia! Is it possible that "age" is definition of "ages" more than a concept of measuring time in years? Like in the ancient vedic texts, yuga is an epoch or era within a four-AGE cycle? If I understand correctly from Kabbalistic writings, it conveys a similar thought. There has been much debating about the infinite nature of the cosmos; how can there be a Creator, if the universe has existed without a beginning? How can the Creator be omnipotent, if the universe already existed in its physical form for it would only be a case of manipulating something existant thus removing Creation? My path brings me to see the the cyclical nature (it its four phases) which the last one we are witnessing before the reset. These ages are with limits, beginning & end. The space where all is created might well be limitless in time, but not in the big-bang-hollywood sense of expansion. In my soul I sense the surrounding being a closed system, no USS-enterprise no Captain Kirk flying from an illuminary to another saving alien sweethearts. In fact the "outer space" in its common meaning has not much proof to me at all when dug deep enough. Physical space, planets, dark matter, black holes, gravity are all built on a belief-system that has its base heavily on relativism where nothing is tangible or observable when nullified, and to me it all sounds something you have to believe in for it to exist; much like some religions? Same reason much of this is still a theory. Like evolution. Space in the meaning of a 'place for creation' I understand as a different principle. Finite world created in its space to infinitely start and end in cycles. Good health!
SPIDAMAN JACKSON Moses is the law giver, and was there when God made a covenant with the children of Israel. Abraham, the father of our faith, was before Moses who came from Mesopotamia, whom spoke the Sumerian language of the land, and it was Abraham whom God told to leave his people and land to an undisclosed part of the world.
Scooter McScoots Correct sir. Exodus 24:12 "Then HA'SHEM said to Moses, "Come up to Me on the mountain and be there; and I will give you tablets of stone, and the law and commandments which I HAVE WRITTEN, that you may teach them." Indeed, you can't stump the Torah. Shalom
Scooter McScoots I'm also not Jewish. I have separated from the born into belief system in which I had inherited and began to seek truth in the Maker of all things. We, as Gentiles are not bound to the covenant in which God made with the children of Israel. As Gentiles, we are bound to the Seven laws of Noah. The Seven Noachide laws are what was known as the laws of God prior to God's covenant with the children of Israel 3,333 years ago. For we all are descendants of Noah and his family after the Great Flood. Again, a covenant is an agreement with God, and is unconditional and eternal. We as Gentiles can either convert to Judaism, or become Noachide in order to become righteous in God's eyes, through the knowledge of God, repentance, and charity. This is what needs to take place within the nations. And the time for that, is now.
The Creation stories in the Mediterranean area are likely referring to the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age 10,000 years ago and the beginning of farming, and about 5000 years ago was the rise of state level societies. Humans were around long before that. But the rabbi is right that the scriptures is not a science book.
Can you explain how genesis states God created all the vegetation on day three, yet the sun (without which there would be no vegetation), was not created until day four? This is not science. This is mythology.
@@room7594 The light that you use is generated ultimately because there is a sun. If one believes there is a god then he can do anything. He can also make it appear that something is true when it is not. All this speculation regarding genesis is wasted effort. It’s not unlike debating about the number of angels that can dance in the head of a pin or the transubstantiation of the Eucharist. If one asks a question to which there is no way to discern an answer, then the question was essential useless. It’s especially useless if one wants to entertain ideas of divine intervention.
The reason civilizations don't go further back than 5000 years is because that's about the time writing was invented. Writing came forth out of the first proto-kingdoms requiring a way to collect and account taxation of farmers (food, not currency). Agriculture was invented about 10.000 years ago. So it would shake the scientific community to its core if we found poetry from 50.000 years ago. Cave paintings of that age make a lot of sense, especially when they portray animals, and humans hunting them. That's exactly what life in pre-agricultural tribes would have revolved around. And remember, it's only with the advent of agriculture that man was finally able to produce enough food to allow its population to exponentially grow, thus leading to the first civilizations. Biology estimates that 100.000 years ago, humanity had dwindled back to just 20.000 individuals, all in East Africa.
Human beings, in our present biological form, have been on Earth far far longer than 6000 years. Tovia is completely off base on this. Six thousand years is the age of recorded history. it's when written language was created. Tovia mentions as evidence for a 6000-year-old humanity that the most ancient civilizations are less than 6000 years old. But this is circular reasoning. The Torah dates Adam and Eve to 6000 years ago because writing was invented 6000 years ago. He asks where's the poetry from before 6000 years ago. But there is no poetry from that time because writing hadn't been created yet. That does not mean human beings in their current biological form did not yet exist. Is Tovia referring to biology or culture? If we had poetry from 15,000 years ago then I guarantee you the Torah would have indicated a 15,000 year age for the creation of Adam. Tovia's faulty reasoning can be used to indicate human beings, in their present form, were created during the industrial evolution. How is it possible for human beings, in our present form, to have created technology only in the last 150 years but before that there is nothing. Is it plausible to believe that for thousands of years we didn't even know anything about electricity and were still using horses for travel, but suddenly about 150 years ago, technology appeared. This is not plausible. Clearly human beings, in our present form, are only about 150 years old.
Nice to hear this lecture. Thanks for posting because it clarifies a lot of data. My anthropology professor [who did not take Adam and Eve literally] was bothered by the fact that he and other anthropologists believe humans have been around for hundreds of thousands [or even millions] of years [they all believe in evolution and scorn people who believe in a literal Adam and Eve] and yet there is so little to show for this huge span of time except when it comes to the last 5 or 6 thousand years. As the rabbi says, written languages and other parts of culture all seem to begin around 6,000 years ago. There is no evidence of these things having pre-dated about 6,000 years. On the one hand, the professor did not want to abandon his "scientific" beliefs that reduce the Bible to a bunch of myths (academia's favorite four-letter word); on the other hand, he was mystified that evidence of all the elements of what we call civilization only seem to appear about 5 or 6 thousand years ago. The name of the class was "Technology and Culture". According to this professor, prior to about 6,000 years ago, all humans had and produced were sharpened stones and sticks. Then, after millions of years of this extreme primitiveness, all of a sudden, we have written languages, architecture, courts of law, etc.
"According to this professor, prior to about 6,000 years ago, all humans had and produced were sharpened stones and sticks. Then, after millions of years of this extreme primitiveness, all of a sudden, we have written languages, architecture, courts of law, etc." Because what advances causes our rapid advance out of this stage of primitiveness is writing itself, first in the form of incredibly early Chinese language if I'm not wrong (8400 years ago). Then the royalty got their hands on it...
Exodus 31:17 It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for 👉in six days the LORD made heaven and earth👈, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.
You are pointing to something like it is a definitive answer. "Day" is used as a "period of time" in several places throughout the Bible. Not a specific time period. I'm not sure what you were hoping to say by pointing to that passage.
The further development of our understanding of the creator, is continuing our interest, in knowing our creator, establishing, honing in on our proper relationship with the G-d of Israel. All glory goes to the creator.
Jerome Elster You actually believe that having a relationship with God is one dimensional? There are many ways to achieve a proper relationship with the God of Israel, once you gain the knowledge of HASHEM and repent, just as there are many ways that HASHEM COMMUNICATES with all that He has made. Because you lack knowledge of the God of Israel, only then would you make such a comment. When establishing a proper relationship with HASHEM, you begin to become more aware of His mighty presence, recognizing HASHEM and His ways even more so than ever before establishing a proper relationship with God. Because everyone has a relationship with God at some level, even when there are those who deny God. HASHEM is aware of everyone's heart and just because you have yet to gain access of the knowledge of God, He then will judge you based on your intentions. That's why it's important to seek God with all of your heart and with all of your soul, now whilst you are in the flesh, so that if you are a sinner, (we all have sinned) you have the chance to turn from your ways and live. And again, you will absolutely retain a proper relationship with God, which is important to establish before being judged in the heavenly court. Return to God all you ends of the earth! Shalom
@@timothya.olmeda7299 HOW does he communicate in this relationship?? "Fuzzy feelings" and our happening to find a pattern or some "meaning" in a "sign" we were already looking for??
@@timothya.olmeda7299 I agree that christianity was completely fabricated based on the new testament and it's many anonymous author's hijacking and rape of the Jewish I wish christians would just see for themselves, but they wont!! Which is the only way anyone who believes in such vile, absurd nonsense- by NOT BOTHERING TO LOOK INTO IT. Remaining wilfully ignorant of what they claim is sooo important to them- THE TRUTH!!! But they want TRUTH only if it agrees with what they already WANT to believe!!! The evidence to PROVE christianity a lie is right there in the tenak, and also EVERYWHERE in the bible itself, IF only they have the courage to look!! I'll say the same for muslim's misguided belief in islam, the quran, allah and their pedophile non-prophet, mohammad!! The SAME IS TRUE of the Jewish scriptures and a belief in hashem, the cruel, jealous, insecure, (and thankfully NON EXISTENT) god of Israel...
Jerome Elster Honestly, only you can apprehend what the Creator is conveying to you in your time of need. We all have, for the most part, our own timelines with respect to what we may need from God, which is absolutely in tune with the type of relationship you may have with God. At the moment, we all collectively, are in need of a wake up call, which is based on your relationship with God, such as truly achieved from gaining knowledge of God, repentance and from your charitable heart. These three things, which is important to God and eventually to us as well, opens the doors to the calling and instruction of God, depending on our loyalty and understanding of the word of God, which ultimately shapes us and molds us into what is pleasing to God. For instance, I can only speak for myself, in that, I have been preparing myself from gaining knowledge of God, the way God intended us to gain this knowledge, which is from ordained priests from God, whom which He has ordained Himself, and from the Jewish faithful, a remnant that has always existed, which retains the word of God faithfully. This is very important. And not many individuals know about this knowledge, or understanding. This is valuable information, that is key to unlocking the knowledge of God. And you will know it to be true because they do not have a deceitful tongue in their mouths. They are faithful to God. God writes His truth on our hearts, which is implanted in our souls forever, which in turn , intuitively is also connected to our mind, but the mind must be cleansed through gaining knowledge of God, through repentance, which allows us to be charitable without seeking gain from it, and ultimately starts the process of a proper relationship with God, which is not only whilst in the flesh, but also in the world to come, because it is eternal. Shalom
If you deal with biblical chronology, then the pyramids in Egypt were being build during the flood without impediment. I wish religious leaders would stick with faith and mythos and leave science alone. Faith and mythos have a place but it's not in the field of science
There is no conflict. The sefer yetzirah explains this perfectly. And also Gerald Schroeder has some decent books explaining the relationship between time andphysics with Torah and time.
Rabbi, you are off on the science here Tovia. it always sounds like how xtians sound when talking about talmud, when frum people talk about science. we do have cave paintings that are way way way older than what you are saying. do you not know this? can't you just say that G-d made the universe and we don't totally know how "scientifically" it happened, but the torah is not interested that. you are using evolution like it means we should not have this or that species, or that we should writings things of art, buildings, etc dating back from that time. rav we didn't have parlor music till a hundred years ago, come on! real talk, we don't know how long we've been here. it does not change how I feel about Hashem or the torah. you said it your self it's not a science or a history book. yes I believe that millions of years ago, we i.e. man left "the garden" and there is evidence of art and buildings and things that show a transition from being man the primate and man the person you look in the mirror at. why is this so hard for people?
jakob jess Rabbi did say that when you measure the material on which and with which early humans created art you get high numbers. But that doesn't prove the age of when those "prehistoric" arts were created.
In those 194.000 nothing happened because we were hunters. We hadn´t time to do something interesting apart music, clothes, arms and ships. After agriculture appeared we had time to build, count, write.
rey meza neanderthals were the hunters and genetically built for it and interbred with what you call modern humans they have neanderthal cave findings in iraq they faded away because they mated into some modern people
No mention of glaciation, the ice age. Most land was covered by thick ice sheets until about 12,000 years ago. The ice sheets had lasted for over 100,000 years. As soon as the ice melted, we get plenty of evidence of distinctively human activity. There are certainly poems and other writings in the period from 12,000 years ago to 6,000 years ago, in the time of the Sumerians. Incompatible with literal Torah.
There's human evidence and remains from hundreds of thousands of years ago and during the ice age too yknow. Also no the Sumerians invented writing about 5400 years ago. That's why there's no poems. Kind of need writing first to invent poems. Like how for thousands/hundreds of thousands of years people didn't make even the simplest video games. Kind of have some prerequisites to invent those.... Edit-actually this is wrong its believed that poetry predates written form. But the point still stands that we can't have written evidence before writing.
The flood story of Noah itself was of the Last Ice Age. Remember, Noah preached for almost 950 years, and the Ark he built took decades as he need to gather enough wood to make it. And was told to make the Ark long before the flood appeared. The flood didn't come out of nowhere, it was climate change and the retreat of the last age that affected the region where Noah was at that time. That's why the flood story all came from nothern hemisfera myth but not southern.
And, even today we can see how a day can be longer than 24 hours especially in the northern or southern most region, compared to the tropical regions. The concept of 24 hours as a day, and the calculation of 365 days a year is pretty much modern invention to synchronised world time and zones. Old civilization mostly use lunar calenders as they depend on location of moon and stars to determine the certain time of the month and for navigational purpose.
Given your preface with an admission of your not being an expert in quantum mechanics and other esoteric areas in physics - I think you did a very admiral job in addressing these sticky questions. (Though it seems to me that you know more about these matters than you claim...).
What is he Torah's position on vaccine shots? What is the Torah position on vaccine companies not being able to be held accountable for harming people?
@@bertzumoff7530 sorry but that's the dumbest explanation I've heard. The government fund is made up to tax dollars. So everyday citizens are paying for the liability of a private business? How is that ethical?
I am a scientifically oriented and educated person. This is the best explanation of the reason for the discrepancies between the accepted age of the universe and man between what science says and the Torah that Ive heard. I don’t think I am completely convinced that the Torah is correct even as far as Rabbi Singer says. But it’s not some religious mumbo jumbo. The Rabbi is an educated articulate man which is why I keep watching his videos.
Based on those six days we keep the sabbath today - therefore the time period must necessarily be a day - 24 hour period as we measure it. This is the teaching we know of one day that teaches us that six of these day periods are followed by the sabbath. But when the first man was created he was a grown adult. Yet he was only one day old -the trees,likewise, were completely developed decades or centuries old in physiological age - the earth, as well, was completely formed as a planet that had undergone perhaps millions of years of formation ,but, in actuality was only one day old - thus the universe was completed in actually just six days Via possibly an accelerated time . Time, according to the latest physics of relativity proposed by Einstein, is actually not a constant in the universe, but rather it speeds up or slows down depending on the speed of the object traveling . Therefore, from the perspective of a swiftly moving and expanding universe, during which 24 hours accomplished significant creative processes , was , from the perspective of an outside observer - who observed the results that had occurred, but out side of the fast moving action of creation , that observer could experience a much longer and more significant amount of time passing. - We must therefore keep the sabbath after six such 24 hour periods, and there would be no contradiction between the two time differences. One is a measurement of time during enormous speed which is slower and the other is the observation outside of that speed which his faster
Interesting answer - sounds logical! I seem to remember a teaching that Eve became pregnant and gave birth on the same day, so that would be another example of accelerated time. .
For this "great" teacher to say he doesn't know what the age of the world is kind of startling. Genesis 1 says "In the beginning , God created the heavens and the earth . The earth was without form and void , and darkness was over the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said , Let there be light ," and there was light . And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day , and the darkness he called Night . And there was evening and there was morning , the first day . " God created everything in six days , established time , and rested on the seventh day to give man times and seasons. Does he believe God or is he trying to believe men and the false creation view . How can he put men's thoughts above God's Sovereignty ? If he is so wrong on the subject of creation , which is a faith issue , how can people be so sure he is right on the issue of Jesus the true Messiah.
Yes but isn’t the answer to the question about why we don’t have anything written down before 5000 years ago just that writing hadn’t been invented yet?
I'm an evangelical and I study a lot of materiel from scientists who are Bible believing Christians and they show that the Torah is true! It's only been a few thousand years since Adam and Eve; scientists today get the long ages by using assumptions built into their mathematical calculations.
True. They work with assumptions that the rate of decay was always at a constant, something that actually theres plenty of reason to believe isnt true. Which throws that method of dating out the window bc it relies on unknowable assumptions and might give us numbers that are astronimcally off.
My understanding is that the Hebrew word used in Genesis, Yom, has several meanings (homonyms): a period of light, a 24 day, a season or a year, and one definition is 'a very long time'. If the latter is used to translate Genesis, then the earth can easily be 4+ billion years old (and the universe over 11 billion). Such an interpretation would then alter when man first appeared, pushing man's appearance from 6,000 years to 100K or more. Accordingly, this would imply that the Jewish calendar dating is quite a bit off; arbitrarily being based on a 24 hour translation of Yom, rather than the 'very long time' interpretation.
Rabbi Tovia; Can I ask you a simple question? According to scriptures, does the sun move around the earth, or does the earth move around the sun? Globe earth, or is their a hard dome over the earth??
I wonder what your opinion of the firmament Dome is? and do you believe from a Biblical standpoint that the Earth is flat? because it would seem kind of hard to put a dome over a sphere the way it is described in Genesis
The Zohar, clearly state's: The entire world and thouse upon it spin around in a circle like a big ball . So if you believe Ur own Torah. well it's flat, not round
Your puny finite mind can’t begin to grasp HaShem’s Infiniteness, Eternalness. He Made us less than Himself so that we Can Not comprehend Him. All of us puny humans are in the same boat. So how can Rabbi Singer explain the unexplainable? That was the problem with Gan Eden…He Warned Adam NOT to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil because we weren’t supposed to understand. He Wants us to have emuna/faith and bitachon/trust that what He Does is all good. Even if we don’t like it or comprehend it…if it’s painful or makes us very said…He Is Perfect and He Makes NO mistakes. It’s what our neshamas/souls need. Everything is tailor made for each one of us. So in your human finite brain it seems like the brilliant rabbi talked in circles and got tangled up…but that only your human perception.
Peace be upon you. Much respect to Rabbi Tovia Singer. If I may add...i believe in the Holy Qur'an where it says that the universe was created in 6 days, wherein a day is like 50,000 years by "Your reckoning" (actually meaning too long for us to comprehend, so it could be over a billion years). The Qur'an also says that the universe is ever expanding and it gives a description of the "big bang" where the gaseous masses came together and exploded.
I had a man on here tell me the earth was flat.I ask him the same question I think any person would.. I ask him how it changed his life? These people think about things that have no effect on their lives. It makes no matter to me at all about a flat planet,by him saying that statement to me had absolutely no effect at all on my life. I was in an earth quake in Puli Taiwan and it changed my life as far as causing a big mess and the fact that I had to clean it up.This wasn't the first earthquake I had been,so I think this has much to do with the way we perceive and assimilate information.Something that happened in my life that was a paradigm shift,that changed my world view is what The Rabbi is teaching,this is why his teaching in so important,as what he is teaching is "World Changing" information.
nathanyahu yisrael actually the flat circular and stationary earth changed everything for me because it showed that Genesis creation account was true. The earth is the motionless center of the universe; the dome above us is real and the sun moon and stars all revolve around us for signs and seasons. It’s all right in Genesis. We were led astray by NASA and scientists who couldn’t accept creation into thinking we live on a spinning rock flying through space. It’s all a deception. so the flat earth led me right to GOD! And it’s not about the shape it’s about realizing this place was created and we are the center of it all
@Tovia Singer, literally how would any DAYS pass on days 1-3 without a moon? It’s apparent that the authors were writing from common knowledge of “days.” So I’m not sure how any “days” could pass instead of just one long day. That’s definitely in my opinion a major conflict to the literal application of scripture.
Torah is for teaching and i have not based my life on science although i have found it interesting. Science has theories and that means an educated guess.Todah Rabbi.
Science has proven Laws. The Laws of Relativity are proven. This is where you have billions of years outside the universe for one day in this universe.
A Theory in Science is not an educated guess. A Theory is a model (whether physical, mathematical, or conceptual) of predictive capability. This is to say that if the model between A and B is accurate then we can predict C as a result. Cell theory is not just a guess, we can literally see the cells that make you up. Systems theory is not just a guess, you use it to write to others online and this video being seen by us both is evidence that systems theory is accurate. The germ theory of disease is not a guess, gravitational theory is not a guess, evolutionary theory is not a guess. These are models of predictive capability. A scientific theory provides a framework/model which explains all available data and laws about a given subject and must be able to make predictions.
Forget the universe, the Sun, & the Earth. Humanity is older than 6,000 years. Anyone scientifically literate can tell you that even giving a factor of ten to the religious creation beliefs barely helps at all. That would still only give one a 60,000 year timeframe. Humanity is even older than that. Most estimates are in hundreds of thousands of years.
@@SaraLuna1993 I have written a novel called Shards Of Divinities that addresses these questions. It starts with the life of Abraham. May Hashem bless you with wisdom..
I'm from NJ and science says the Native Americans have been in this area for 10K years and they crossed over land from Asia and worked their way south from present day Alaska south to present day South America. These people worshiped the sun and stars, and the great spirit that gace them the bounty from seeds and animals to eat, and fresh water to drink. The difference is they weren't the chosen people by God. The think the Torah is meant to describe human history as it relates to people and their relations to them worshiping God, the creator of our universe.
(Exodus 20:8-11) "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. {9} Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: {10} But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: {11} 👉For in six days 👈the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it."
Yeah.Those microfossils didnt leave very good records did they?!But just by being here they told us life started long long ago .6,000 years would be marked wrong on a test for the answer to that question.
Anatomically modern humans have been on Earth for about 200,000 years, with prehumans going back 4 million years. The book of Genesis is a fairly close reflection of the end of a different geological era, and the beginning of history and civilizations.
This is a suggestion for thought for everyone. Why 6 or so thousand years ago? Listening to the Rabbi, it occurred to be that the difference between the world before and the world after that time (or thereabouts) is the difference between the knowledge of good and evil, e.g. Adam and Eve, the apple and so on. Animals in their natural world often show behaviors that we think of as good and loving, especially for their young and “tribe” members, but also seem to have behaviors, especially toward others that are not of their “tribe” less so, or even sometimes of their own “tribe” who do not “fit in” and particularly others who were competing for scarce survival resources (e.g. food). Survival of the fittest appears to be the best explanation. But somewhere several thousand years ago, (well discussed in the video) something changed. It seems to me that concepts of “good” and “evil” that applied to all human actions appeared. For me, at least, this is the key difference of what went before what went before and what went after and allowed true humanity and human civilizations to arise.
there r some issues w ur interpretations. first, u say that humanbeings w the ability to do things like art and other creative abilities have been around for less then 6000 yrs. but there r cities under coastlines which have been submerged for +10000 yrs. the science community continues to ignore these but they r there.
bible and Torah have been ascribed again and again by different authors with slight modifications according to their understanding, 6 days is meant to be 6 periods of time it can be 5 billion years for each day, and the day of judgement will be after 5 billions years after Adam descendant to earth.
What about Rambam asserting that the universe is geocentric? My Lubavitcher friends insist that Rambam was right and the sun revolves around the earth?
Six days as in six periods or stages. Not six days as in the earth Rotation. You also did not mention that we don’t know the length of Adam life while he was in heavens.
Wow, this is the first video that I have heard Tovia attempting to square a circle in an attempt to make the age of the universe fit nicely with Genesis. The point is that it doesn't. It is clear that the author of Genesis was a human writer who had no concept of cosmology or physics. He doesn't name the Sun as a star, because the stars were created after the Sun, and yet we know that there are billions of stars, just within our own galaxy alone that are much older than our Sun. It's obvious that he didn't know what stars were and that our Sun is simply just another a star. He also talks about two sources of light that helps to illuminate our planet, the Sun and the Moon. The Moon isn't a source of light, it simply deflects the light that springs from the Sun. He describes days and nights as passages of time. The author of Genesis simply did believe that his God created the universe and everything in it literally in six (Earth) days. Tovia needs to make shit up if he wants to accept an old Earth rather than look silly by claiming a young Earth. It's a shame that he has to reinterpret what the author of Genesis says so he (Tovia) can avoid cognitive dissonance hitting him all the time. Homosapiens share a common ancestry with all other living organisms which Genesis never claims. And as for his free will comment, there is a debate going on that free will is an illusion, and even if we do have free will, how arrogant is it to claim we as a species are the only ones who have free will. Tovia just makes an assertion here with absolutely no evidence to back it up (now he is acting more like a Christian apologist) and this is simply a form of dishonesty. Isn't it weird how Tovia decided to focus an civilisations rather on earliest man to try to get the dates to fit his timescale so that it can go directly back to Adam and Eve. We know our ancestors came out of Africa possibly 200-250 thousand years ago. Does this mean that if Adam and Eve being the first humans created they go back to about 250,000 years ago? No, Tovia believes that his book of magic places them back only 6,000 years. So instead of acknowledging the age of our species he choose to focus on when we as a species started to read and write, began to build and sow. This is again dishonest behaviour.
@Phat Gurth A scientific theory is the best explanation for things observed in the natural world. Scientists start with a question, for example, why is the sky blue? A hypothesis is made and the hypothesis is vigorously tested and re-tested using the scientific method to see if it stands up to the data etc? If there is a flaw in the hypothesis, a new hypothesis is put forward and the process of testing begins all over again. Once a hypothesis fits all the data and all the other tests support the hypothesis, the hypothesis is published in a peer reviewed paper so that other scientists can test the outcomes. If the hypothesis is confirmed by other scientists who operate within the relevant fields, the hypothesis is evaluated to a theory within the scientific community. A scientific theory is not set in stone, for if new data comes in which shows an error, a new hypothesis is devised and the process starts all over again (this is a self-correcting mechanism) - So again, let me repeat what I said earlier: "A scientific theory is the best explanation for what is observed in nature". And a scientific theory isn't set in stone. When we, the general public talk about a theory, we are generally talking about an untested hypothesis or an unsupported opinion. Scientists will never guess a theory into existence, if it doesn't correspond to the data and observations etc, it simply doesn't get the title 'Theory'. If you still just want to dismiss a 'theory' as 'just a theory' then I suggest that you climb onto the roof of a five story building and then take one step off the roof and see if the 'theory of gravity' is 'just a theory'.
@Phat GurthSo please, go test it! See if gravity is just a theory! I bet you don't put it to the test! I bet you will simply spout out more anti-science drivel.
@Phat Gurth Haven't you stepped off that roof yet? I am very disappointed in you. If gravitational orbits don't exist please explain why celestial bodies such as planets, moons etc orbit larger mass objects (such as star)? Are you going to tell me that they don't and it's all an illusion? I suspect that you will even claim that the fairies that live at the bottom of my garden arn't real either!
Rabbi, you are brilliant when you defend the Tanakh against the Christian perversion. This was difficult to listen to. You may interpret the first words of Bereshit as hinting at billions of years before man was "created". That is a still a stretch of the imagination. However, to say that man arrived on earth 6000 years ago is indefensible. Also, it is the "written" history of the Chinese dynasty that goes back to 1600 BCE. No historian or archaeologist thinks that the Chinese people began to exist in 1600 BCE. And Rabbi, I am sure that you know that writing was not invented until hieroglyphics and cuneiform were invented around 3000 BCE. Prior to that there is no recorded or written history. Of course there are cave paintings that are dated to 15,000 to 17,000 years of age. Human beings have been around for 150,000 to 200,000 years. However, I understand. One must reject the consensus of the scientific and archaeological evidence if it does not agree with one's ideology. Shalom.
NOTHING is that old! As the Rabbi just said, the Earth is less than 6,000 years old! The Jews have been keeping track of time since the creation of Adam, and on the Hebrew calendar, we are only in the year 5784, NOT 2024, as the Gregorian calendar would have us believe. The Gregorian only keeps track of time since the birth of the "Jesus" character, and as we well know, there was time before he came along! THINK about that, VERY carefully! I realized this while I was still an Evangelical Baptist Christian, which, I think, was the beginning of the end of Christianity for me, and my family.
saying the bible isn't a history book seems like a slippery slope.. but I see your point. I think the earlier chapters in Genesis were written FOR the Jewish people. the whole lineages part there, just leads to Avraham, saying where he came from/ what was his lineage. so even if there was an ancient nation in the jungles of Peru 40,000 years ago, would they be mentioned? and unless you believe some people lived 900 years, the ages mentioned there are symbolic numbers, and wouldn't give you humankind's age. canonically, Genesis was not written by Moses, but collected from earlier texts. it was inspired/approved by G-d but not a direct prophecy like some parts of Exodus, etc. so whoever recorded this lineages was really into symbolism. the symbolism also affects the number of generations mentioned (10 from Noah to Avraham), so you can't use that either to calculate humanity's age. all it tells you is what notable people are in Avrahams lineage, and how he relates to Adam.
(Genesis 1:1-2:1) "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. {2} And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. {3} And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. {4} And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. {5} And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. {6} ¶ And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. {7} And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. {8} And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. {9} ¶ And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. {10} And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good. {11} And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. {12} And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good. {13} And the evening and the morning were the third day. {14} ¶ And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: {15} And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. {16} And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. {17} And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, {18} And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. {19} And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. {20} And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. {21} And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. {22} And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. {23} And the evening and the morning were the fifth day. {24} ¶ And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. {25} And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. {26} ¶ And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. {27} So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. {28} And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. {29} ¶ And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. {30} And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so. {31} And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. {2:1} Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them."
Listening to the house of JUDAH And ISRAEL Is like been given food to eat and water to drink LIKE FLOWING LIVING WATERS DECLARES THY LORD THOU ONE TRUE GOD
I’m sorry rabbi but it’s wrong it says “ in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth.” Then he says let there be light ( he turn on the sun ) and then directly after he says “now the earth was formless and covered in darkness and GOD’S SPIRIT WAS HOVERING OVER THE WATER” so he already created the universe but then he designed the earth in six days .... ( on the forth day god allowed the light to get to our planet ( through the atmosphere which was filled with dark clouds in the beginning ) ) simple !!
You are completely ignoring that the ice sheets didn't allow cultivation and civilisation until about 8000 BC.What the Torah means is :it's AS IF the world was created 6000 years ago. And for our purposes here in life , that's not a bad way to look at it.
Rabbi, thank you. You have helped understand what I always thought concerning christians. If you could acknowledge the ancient sumarian and babylonian influence on Abraham ( of blessed memory) and the area in which he grew up? Do stories like the enuma elish, gilgamesh, astrahasis have any impact on your theology and what do you think of this multi god system with similar stories to noah and the fall of the angles... Thank you again so much for your work and passion for the truth.
As a Christian fundamentalist, I leave open questions that the Bible does not definitively answer. Therefore, whether the first day includes what is said in verse 1, that God created the heaven and earth in the begining, which would mean that light being anywhere in the universe was brought into existence on what is called the first day, or if verse two begins a separate story about the making of the earth and sky after the heaven and earth had been created and many things had happened on the earth already. I might think one interpretation is better than another, but I won't insist the Bible says what it does not necessarily say at all. There is some evidence that much of the Bible is written for man and from the point of view of the earth. Even though the Bible indicates that there was a great light and a lesser light made on the fourth day, that may but does not necessarily mean that the sun and moon did not already exist. These heavenly bodies may have existed but we're not visible as distinct points of lights visible in the sky until the fourth day. Moreover, even though God's purpose in these heavenly bodies being visible in the sky from the point of view of earth would be used for signs and seasons and days and years in the future does not necessarily mean God would change what had been meant by days from what God meant for the first hour days. The idea that some of my fellow fundamentalists have zeroed in on, that all the days in the first chapter of Genesis are twenty-four hours days, is undercut by the fact that when the Greek language scriptures were written, the Romans used elastic hours to have 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night regardless if the season, although that meant the hours were sometimes longer and sometimes shorter depending on the time of the year. Also, the number 24 first appears in the Book of Revelation, and it is the number of elders before God:s throne, not anything to do with calculation of time. The calculation of time that I find most convincing is that the age of Adam is based not on the creation of man in Genesis chapter 1, but on the fall of man in Genesis chapter 2, at which time Adam became a mortal and his days were numbered. That would mean the days of Adam's life were numbered from the day he ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. I also accept the dating of the genealogy of Adam's descendants from the LXX as the authentic genealogy that was originally in the Hebrew Bible, but was altered in Josephus' lifetime, because Josephus in Antiquities uses the LXX and in a later writing uses the one from the current Hebrew text. Josephus was a priest in Jerusalem and obviously a man interested in history. It seems obvious that Josephus would be disinclined to use a Greek translation of the Torah in preference to the original if he knew the Greek translation was wrong. The most likely reason Josephus used the same gemology as the LXX is that was the same as the Hebrew and when a group of Torah scholars with authority who wanted to take a stand against the burgeoning Christian movement made some changes to the Hebrew text to eliminate or modify scriptures that were being used in Christian apologetics Josephus went along with the religious authorities and altered his genealogy from Adam. For discussion of age of the universe this is a blip in time, but the possibility that Adam lived for eons in not only the image but the likeness of God before Adam sinned could be a much bigger deal as far as time. We do not know what Adam looked like because he was in the likeness of God. In Psalm 17:15 we have promise that when David awakes he will be in the form of God's likeness. Romans 8:3 acknowledges that in his earthly life Jesus was in the form of sinful flesh, indicating a difference between his and our flesh and the flesh of Adam in his pre-sin state. We now have the form of a less hairy ape, but that does not mean that Adam started out that way. Seth was made in the likeness of Adam, but by then Adam was in the likeness of sinful Adam, not the likeness of the immortal God. Any speculation about the likeness of Adam before the fall is likely to be wrong because no man has seen God at any time as John tells us. All visions of God are less than fully seeing God as he is though those visions tend to have profound effect upon people and change the course of their lives. There is much we do not know about from reading Genesis but what we do learn are the things needed to learn that we should obey God and that there are serious consequences if we don't.
1 hour on the moon equals 7 years. So 6 million earth years would be 367,920,000 years calculated from the moon. So….how much further from the earth would time be measured…ie…from say the Orion belt?
You make inaccurate comments on carbon dating but avoid potassium argon dating. Your are not making a convincing arguments with many holes in your theories. Please note that writing was only invented 5000 years ago so no written poetry would be available 15k years ago. And so I can go on.
Why does Kim Kardashian have a billion views and this guy has only 1400?
The Talmidei Chachamim said the absolute truth 2,000 years ago that, this world that we live in is the world of LIES.
Only through Torah and Tanach is absolute TRUTH, B'H
The flood began awhile ago. Instead of water it's vanity.
He speaks an uncomfortable truth
because she is a symbol of fertility
I love this man like family. One of the GREAT teachers in our time
He's a Christian hater!!!!!
May Hashem keep you with us many years you are a source of light from hashem to wake us all up thank you.
@@ihsankamil6279 He's an idolatry hater. But granted...same thing.
@@hrgirl26 smart ass
@Iyas kelu First of all, that's an English translation and highly inaccurate. But that does prove the point that Jewish people hate idolatry! We do not hate "non-jews" though; that word is not in the text. Not all non-Jews are idolators, like Muslims, etc.
As a former evangelical and currently very confused human... what about the lion man carving (estimated 40,000 yrs old) or other pieces of art drawn on caves that are beautiful that date much past 6,000 years? I personally appreciate your answers SO much! I’ve left Christianity largely because of you; but I still have many questions.
The Quranic word for "day" in the creation instance simply means a VERY.. VERY long period of time. Not a literal day. The Qur'an has never been in conflict with science. ❤😊. Also modern embryology as we know it was revealed in the Qur'an in great detail before we made the microscope. Hope you'll take some time to search my claims InshaAllah. I used to be a baptist myself.
He says its the materials used being dated. Not when the person physically wrote it
@ExXtian Erin I recommend you to look into Islam 👍
Erin, tovia is extremely biased and will always find a reason to ignore or go against science, because he must believe his tanakh is true or it threatens his beliefs.
U are more humble and have already broken some of your cognitive walls to get to where you are, which is why u are asking very good questions.
This is very difficult for those who cannot get past their cognitive barriers.
Takes lots of humility, courage, amd maturity to seriously challenge your deeply held beliefs.
Never stop learning and asking questions.
And always remember that credibility is the most important thing when we are looking to challenge beliefs for validity.
You have discovered Christianity isn't credible. Very good👍 But what if the whole Bible isn't credible as well?
If the bible has credibility problems, then so does Jesus and Yahweh. If Yahweh isn't credible, he's just as much fantasy as a fairy or any other false god.
I hope u continue on your journey of seeking truth no matter where it may lead.
Below is the story of a Sumerian flood myth which was about King Ziusudra of Shuruppak from 2900bc. (archeological and geological evidence confirm a large local river flood at the area around 2900bc)
Noah's flood is around 2450bc as dated from bible chronology. Jews wrote their flood story around 600bc while the Sumerians, Akkadians, and Babylonians wrote variants of the same Sumerian story at least 1000 years before the jews.
The Flood Narrative From the Gilgamesh Epic
Gilgamesh has made a long and difficult journey to learn how Utnapishtim acquired eternal life. In answer to his questions, Utnapishtim tells the following story. Once upon a time, the gods destroyed the ancient city of Shuruppak in a great flood. But Utnapishtim, forewarned by Ea (=Enki), managed to survive by building a great ship. His immortality was a gift bestowed by the repentant gods in recognition of his ingenuity and his faithfulness in reinstituting the sacrifice.
Shurippak - a city which thou knowest,
(And) which on Euphrates’ banks is set -
That city was ancient, (as were) the gods within it,
When their heart led the great gods to produce the flood.
There were Anu, their father,
Valiant Enlil, their counsellor,
Ninurta, their herald,
Ennuge, their irrigator.
Ninigiku-Ea was also present with them;
Their words he repeats to the reed-hut (home of Utnapishtim):
‘Reed-hut, reed-hut! Wall! Wall!
Reed-hut, hearken! Wall, reflect!
Man of Shuruppak (Utnapishtim), son of Ubar-Tutu,
Tear down (this) house, build a ship!
Give up possessions, seek thou life.
Despise property and keep the soul alive.
Aboard the ship take thou the seed of all living things.
The ship that thou shalt build,
Her dimensions shall be to measure.
Equal shall be her width and her length.
Like the Apsu (subterranean waters) thou shalt ceil her.’
I understood, and I said to Ea, my lord:
‘Behold, my lord, what thou has thus ordered,
I shall be honoured to carry out.
But what shall I answer the city, the people and elders?’
Ea opened his mouth to speak,
Saying to me, his servant:
‘Thou shalt then thus speak unto them:
I have learned that Enlil is hostile to me,
So that I cannot reside in your city,
Nor set my foot in Enlil’s territory.
To the Deep I will therefore go down,
To swell with my lord Ea.
But upon you he will shower down abundance,
The choicest birds, the rarest fishes.
The land shall have its fill of harvest riches.
He who at dusk orders the husk-greens,Will shower down upon you a rain of wheat ( deceive the residents of Shurrupak as to the real intent of the rain).’
With the first glow of dawn,
The land was gathered about me.
[too fragmentary for translation]
The little ones carried bitumen,
While the grown ones brought all else that was needful.
On the fifth day I laid her framework.
One (whole ) acre was her floor space,
Ten dozen cubits the height of each of her walls,
The dozen cubits each edge of the square deck.
I laid out the shape of her sides and joined her together.
I provided her with six decks,
Dividing her (thus) into seven parts,
Her floor plan I divided into nine parts.
I hammered water-plugs into her.
I saw to the punting-poles and laid in supplies.
Six ‘sar’ (measures - about 8 gallons) of bitumen I poured into the furnace,
Three sar of asphalt I also poured inside.
Three sar of the basket-bearers transferred,
Aside from the one sar of oil which the caulking consumed,
And the two sar of oil which the boatman stowed away.
Bullocks I slaughtered for the people,
And I killed sheep every day.
Must, red wine, oil, and white wine
I gave the workmen to drink, as though river water,
That they might feast as on New Year’s Day...
On the seventh day the ship was completed.
The launching was very difficult,
So that they had to shift the floor planks above and below,
Until two-thirds of the structure had gone into the water.
Whatever I had I laded upon her;
Whatever I had of silver I laded upon her;
Whatever I had of gold I laded upon her;
Whatever I had of all the living being I laded upon her.
All my family and kin I made go aboard the ship.
The beasts of the field, the wild creatures of the field,
All the craftsmen I made go aboard.
Shamash had set for me a stated time:
‘When he who orders unease at night
Will shower down a rain of blight,
Board thou the ship and batten up the gate!’
That stated time had arrived:
‘He who orders unease at night showers down a rain of blight.’
I watched the appearance of the weather.
The weather was awesome of behold.
I boarded the ship and battened up the gate.
To batten up the (whole) ship, to Puzur-Amurri, the boatman,
I handed over the structure together with its contents.
With the flirst glow of dawn,
A black cloud rose up from the horizon.
Inside it Adad (god of storm and rain) thunders,
While Shallat and Hanish (Heralds of Adad) go in front,
Moving as heralds over hill and plain.
Erragal (Nergal, the god of the netherworld) tears out the posts (out of the dam);
Forth comes Ninurta and causes the dikes to follow.
The Anunnaki lift up the torches,
Setting the land ablaze with their glare.
Consternation over Adad reaches to the heavens,
Turning to blackness all that had been light.
The wide land was shattered like a pot!
For one day the south-storm blew,
Gathering speed as it blew, submerging the mountains,
Overtaking the people like a battle.
No one can see his fellow,
Nor can the people be recognized from heaven.
The gods were frightened by the deluge,
And, shrinking back, they ascended to the heaven of Anu.
The gods cowered like dogs
Crouched against the outer wall.
Ishtar cried out like a woman in travail,
The sweet-voiced mistress of the gods moans aloud:
‘The olden days are alas turned to clay,
Because I bespoke evil in the Assembly of the gods,
How could I bespeak evil in the Assembly of the gods,
Ordering battle for the destruction of my people,
When it is I myself who give birth to my people!
Like the spawn of the fishes they fill the sea!’
The Anunnaki gods weep with her,
Their lips drawn tight, and all.
Six days and six nights
Blows the flood wind, as the south-storm sweeps the land.
When the seventh day arrived,
The flood (-carrying) south-storm subsided in the battle,
Which it had fought like an army.
The sea grew quiet, the tempest was still, the flood ceased.
I looked at the weather: stillness had set in,
And all of mankind has returned to clay.
The landscape was as level as a flat roof.
I opened a hatch, and light fell on my face.
Bowing low, I sat and wept,
Tears running down my face.
I looked about the coast lines in the expanse of the sea:
In each of fourteen (regions)
There emerged a region (-mountain).
On Mount Nisir the ship came to a halt.
Mount Nisir held the ship fast,
Allowing no motion.
(Indecipherable or missing)
[For six days the ship is held fast by Mount Nisir.]
When the seventh day arrived,
I sent forth and set free a dove.
The dove went forth, but came back;
There was no resting place for it and she turned round.
Then I sent forth and set free a swallow.
The swallow went forth, but came back;
There was no resting-place for it and she turned round.
Then I sent forth and set free a raven.
The raven went forth and, seeing that the waters had diminished,
He eats, circles, caws, and turns not around.
The I let out (all) to the four winds
And offered a sacrifice.
I poured out a libation on the top of the mountain.
Seven and seven cult-vessels I set up
Upon their plate-stands I heaped cane, cedarwood, and myrtle.
The gods smelled the savour,
The gods smelled the sweet savour,
The gods crowded like flies about the sacrificer.
As soon as the great goddess (Ishtar=Ninhurti) arrived,
She lifted up the great jewels which Anu had fashioned to her liking:
‘Ye gods here, as surely as this lapis
Upon my neck I shall not forget,
I shall be mindful of these days, forgetting (them) never.
Let the gods come and to the offering:
(But) let not Enlil come to the offering,
For he, unreasoning, brought on the deluge
And my people consigned to destruction.’
As soon as Enlil arrived,
And saw the ship, Enlil was wroth,
He was filled the wrath against the Igigi gods (heavenly gods):
‘Has some living soul escaped?
No man was to survive the destruction!’
Ninurta opened his mouth to speak,
Saying to valiant Enlil:
‘Who other than Ea can devise plans?
It is Ea alone who knows every matter.’
Ea opened his mouth to speak,
Saying to valiant Enlil:
‘Thou wisest of the gods, thou hero,
How couldst thou, unreasoning, bring on the deluge?
On the sinner impose his sin,
On the transgressor impose his transgression!
(Yet) be lenient, lest he be cut off,
Be patient, lest he be dislodged!
Instead of they bringing on the deluge,
Would that a lion had risen up to diminish mankind!
Instead of thy bringing on the deluge,
Would that a wolf had risen up to diminish mankind!
Instead of thy bringing up the deluge,
Would that pestilence had risen up to smite down mankind!
It was not I who disclosed the secret of the great gods.
I let Atrahasis ('Exceedingly wise,' an epithet of Utnapishtim) see a dream,
And he perceived the secret of the gods.
Now then take counsel in regard to him!’
Thereupon Enlil went aboard the ship.
Holding me by the hand, he took me aboard.
He took my wife aboard and made (her) kneel by my side.
Standing between us, he touched our foreheads to bless us:
‘Hitherto Utnapishtim has been but human.
Henceforth Utnapishtim and his wife shall be like unto us gods.
Utnapishtim shall reside far away, at the mouth of the rivers!’
Thus they took me and made me reside far away,
At the mouth of the rivers.
Translation by E.A. Speiser, in Ancient Near Eastern Texts (Princeton, 1950), pp. 60-72, as reprinted in Isaac Mendelsohn (ed.), Religions of the Ancient Near East, Library of Religion paperbook series (New York, 1955), pp. 100-6; notes by Mendelsohn..
There are hunter-gatherer cultures today who live just like our ancestors did 10, 20, 100 thousand years ago - no kings, no great monuments, no metallurgy, no writing. But they do make fire, stone tools, art, and jewelry, and have burial rites just like our ancestors in deep pre-history did. And how do we know our ancestors did these things? Because archeologists have found the stuff.
Asking why pre-historic humans didn’t more readily invent civilization - which itself is a cluster of inventions like writing and agriculture - is a little like asking why the Greeks didn’t invent calculus despite having mathematics or why the Mayans didn’t invent the wheel despite having roads.
15:53 - "I'm not kidding. I know 60 minutes had a show on elephants that can paint. I'm not talking about that". hahaha. That's awesome. The wittiness is just an added bonus to these videos. Baruch Hashem!
BTW, elephants can be trained to do all sorts of things if they're abused enough. Elephants do not paint what's in their own imagination, but "trained (very painfully)“ to go through a specific set of motions to avoid pain. Resulting in a painting that people think is cute.
Research that training process at your own emotional risk, if you have a strong stomach.
@@morielrorschach8090 Interesting that you should say that. i saw that show online and sent it to my email list. One of sons-on-law is S. African and LOVES elephants...his favorite animal. He said EXACTLY the same thing you just said.
This give me a great knowledge and peace of mind, bless you rabbi
Amazing teaching! Thank you dear rabbi!!
Quote "The earliest signs of a process leading to sedentary culture can be seen in the Levant to as early as 12,000 BC, when the Natufian culture became sedentary; it evolved into an agricultural society by 10,000 BC.[9] The importance of water to safeguard an abundant and stable food supply, due to favourable conditions for hunting, fishing and gathering resources including cereals, provided an initial wide spectrum economy that triggered the creation of permanent villages.[10]
The earliest proto-urban settlements with several thousand inhabitants emerged in the Neolithic. The first cities to house several tens of thousands were Memphis and Uruk, by the 31st century BC (see Historical urban community sizes)."
I'm not an expert Wodi, just someone searching for truth, but I wonder if an answer to your comment, and some of the other comments below like Peter Vissers', can be that if the difference between the fossil record and the bible record is a few thousand years only, it's close enough. Meaning, the flood or some other variable can possibly be responsible for the disparity. If it's a 200,000 year disparity this suggestion would not be plausible, but once the dates of the bible and archaeology start getting within striking distance of each other, science is merely off by an acceptable margin, which happens in science all the time.
@@jaaykke Assuming that the 200,000 age of humanity wasn't true, and that science does date humanity's origins to 12,000ish years ago, that's still double the amount of time outlined in Genesis and is far beyond the margin of error.
Scientists are very aware of the shortcomings of different dating methods. For example, Carbon 14 dating can't accurately date marine life; it can only be used on terrestrial life (like humans). As it stands, there are no plausible reasons to believe the dates we currently have are inaccurate (including a potential flood). In fact, there's a lot of evidence suggesting that the current dates we have are the correct ones. These dating methods have been tested by scientists all over the world for many years, and they've withstood all the scrutiny we have thrown at them.
Now, I will admit, Tovia Singer is more knowledgeable than most when it comes to science, but scientists do have very good reason to think that humanity's true age is 100,000+ years. We don't see things like writing and permanent settlements until much later because farming hadn't been invented yet.
For most of humanity's history, before the invention of agriculture, we foraged and hunted for survival. Because of that, the only reasonable way to survive was in small nomadic settlements. These types of settlements don't tend to leave a trace, except for remnants of tools (which scientists have also discovered). Writing wouldn't be present either since it'd be almost useless in such an environments and had no reason to be invented.
I do appreciate Singer's willingness to engage on this topic. He does a far better job than any fundamentalist Christians that I've met, however, it's not a matter of faith that leads scientists to the conclusions they have on our origins; its the tried and true methods that they have spent many lifetimes developing.
@@hawkxlr Well said! I agree completely!
If you listen to what he said he refers to when civilization started with a common written word, language, culture, land.
@@hawkxlr I agree about carbon dating but there is also written timelines of king list and other timelines that all pre date the bible that go back 200000+ years along with dna chromosome showing 200000+ years. The bible is really the only book that contradicts most other histories. Even the tanak's books come from even older writings that have kings list that go back way farther than 4000bc
Was the number 13.7 Billion in existence back then, Would that have been comprehendible 5000 years ago. Torah is not a science textbook. The conflict between Torah and science is not worth applying any mental effort to. The time applied to useless questions like this could be put to better use refuting devious Christian missionaries.
There are like 500,000,000 Hindus? or is it 700,000,000 Hindus? With that much manpower you feel the need to seek a Jewish convert? Come on buddy, don't play those "Christian" games. Leave the seeking of Jewish converts to low life, devious, sleazy, Christian missionaries.
DS Shakespeare you need to believe in Yeshua then, if you need someone who is not plagarized, repent and be born again, Yeshua is the real deal
DS Shakespeare our God has always been a God of love ,most times when it seems like he's being evil is when the pharisees misinterpret him and make laws for themselves,the times God ordered the children of israel in the past(this had nothing to do with Christianity though) to kill or annihilate a people was
1- during a time of war and
2- because the evil of those people were too much
Atheists always talk about the problem of evil, if there is a God and he is good, why is there evil
well here is a case, the canaanites and the amalekites that my muslim brother was complaining of God saying they should be destroyed.....well they worshipped ba'al , the worship of ba'al required frequent festivals that carried out the sacrifice of babies in the most cruel fashion ( heating up the metal statue red hot and dropping the babies in its hand, these babies will sizzle to their deaths in pain,screaming),they would play their drums so loud so that the parents would not hear the screams of their children, this was done regularly, and many more other evil practices......
This is both backed up by christian and non-christain sources to be true
Here is a case where God saw evil go on for 100's of years ,gave them time to repent and when they didnt he said enough and sent the children of Israel to kill them,
How is such a God evil even by old testament standards, i dont know what you guys want from God,
He doesnt interfere ,you say he is evil for letting evil reign and when he does interfere he is evil for killing the people causing the evil
the God of the OT is still far more merciful than Allah,
and that is also why Jesus came, to give the true direct message and example for all time,to speak the true mind of God, not just for an era but forever
DS Shakespeare sorry for quoting the Muslim it was from another chat entirely
The Torah is the history of The World, being repeated again for This Seven Days. that's, what happens when you mentally funk being here in The Torah Physical Dimension is to repeat the grade. and i, shall appear again, in the next Torah Hereafter. same time, same place, same person as all, the previous Torah Cycles. as this current Torah Cycle, is no different than before so far. the only progress this world, has made is backwards toward the flood again.
Rabbi with the utmost respect, this is just my opinion as I'm sure you're already aware I think the age of the calendar might be the age of monotheism, the amount of time that humans have known that there is only one God that for me is the essence the context of being Jewish Baruch hashem
Never a dull moment when this Rabbi speaks, so interesting. Thanks very much
The ancient site of Gobekli Tepe is roughly 12,000 years old. There's actually numerous others that are older than 6,000 years.
again no poetry or written records. Sumeria is the only real deal first civilization. Everything before it is too primal.
Having grown up on traditional Jewish Rabbinical texts, I can tell you there is a lot of discussion about the meaning of "time" and the "days" of creation. There are some people who choose to take the days and count of years in a literal sense, but I think anyone who's studied a lot of this literature understands that many of the rabbis were trying to tell us that "time" was not how we perceive it during the creation period, and the 6 days mentioned are not to be taken as literal 24-hour days, but rather as much larger units of time. Part of how they interpret this is because the term "day/יום" was used prior to the creation of the sun and moon... indicating the "day" mentioned is not the same "day" we assume from our current perspective.
Bottom line, Jewish tradition is very variegated on this issue and it's not a simple and monolithic "young earth" perspective, though many Jews do accept something like that today. Depends how much you study. 😉🙏💙🔯
Essentially, what the rabbi is saying here is correct: The Jewish count of years since creation etc, is based on counting the generations mentioned in the Torah, from Adam and Eve onward. So basically, it's a count of developed human civilization in a rough general way based on our tradition. Personally, I don't think the Torah was intended as a method of calculating time, but the rabbis did try and that's what they came up with. If anything, the text itself doesn't really clarify time periods or counts of years at all, outside of mentioning genealogies and ages of individuals, so the rabbis used those numbers for calculations. But I think most scholars would agree those type of simplistic calculations aren't expected to be accurate.
Gobekli Tepe displays stunning examples of architecture and artwork clearly qualifying as evidence of a “civilization” perhaps even more so than poetry, etc.; arguably “poetry” evidencing advanced cognitive skills in its own right.
@@brazilianman92 Gobekli Tepe is a real deal in its own right.
@@zackmano I rote the following to someone else above: Rabbi Singer mentioned Dr. Gerald Schroeder who has a double PhD and explains this descrepancy of science and Torah with Einstein's theory and black holes. He's written several books on the subject and we've heard him lecture several times. Fascinating. BTW...Dr. Schroeder is a ba'al t'shuva...he was secular when he got his degrees and became Torah observant several years later. My family and I are also ba'alei t'shuva. Some of his books are "Genesis and the Big Bang Theory", "The Science of G-D", "The Face of G-D" and others.
As an atheist I truly enjoy listening to rabbi singer. But young earth? Come on rabbi!!
6000 is about right, you can use scripture to date back to Adam. It simple anything older is false, Adam brought death by sin, nothing could have died before that
The Quranic word for "day" in the creation instance simply means a VERY.. VERY long period of time. Not a literal day. The Qur'an has never been in conflict with science.
Very well explained and answer.
Rabbi Tovia you are brilliant in so many ways, but we cannot argue against observation-based, slowly-progressing, peer-reviewed science. I live in South America. Our local natives have been around for at least 20-30 thousand yrs.
I am sorry to break this to you, since you are a well-meaning believing learned man. However the Torah is a byproduct of the rather primitive scientific/geographic understanding of the bronze-age, even if penned by very talented and learned men of the time.
At some point you have to have the courage to face the unthinkable. That the Torah is a human produced document and that we Jews have developed a cult around it. The torah is portable (good when you're on the run), develops young kids' minds, but in the end what is it? A document written and edited hundreds of time over centuries by many people.
ancients said they were humans with tails
Did you oversee the writing of the Torah or something?
>HURR you weren't there!
Neither was the (human) writer of the Torah.
Where are the other editions of the Torah? Jews all over the world have the same document to the LETTER. Who would have made up these stories and laws? Who would have a forced it upon the Jewish people who have done so much to keep it? If Jews were able to resist all others attempts to change their tradition against so many and variable odds then my would they blindly accept some nonsense written by people as divine?
By the way you seem like an intelligent person so please respond. I would to have a chat with you about this subject.
All praises to the Father of light
This is exactly what I’ve thought. If humans, as we know them, took millions of years to evolve, and have been in their current biological state for 200,000 years (approx), why is there no written, or clearly documented, evidence of this vast history?
( I am NOT a young earth creationist, Jew, or Christian)
Well. Humans learned a lot of stuff from experience. Now you may disagree on how they got them. Humans who were civilised enough and who learned enough became the people that you are expecting (writing, speaking etc). Now to answer your question (why don't we find written records) just imagine how apes behave. Now let's say an ape has evolved after few generations in such a way that they most of the faculties that we have(vocal chord coordination, larynx muscles etc). Do you expect it to be able to use those faculties immediately? Now language and speaking by itself is much more complex than writing. And to have written records, you not only need them to have a organised language(a set of sounds that specifically represents something). But also an understanding of how to organise a set of drawings that represent each of these codes. There are more than two leaps that needs to take place. Now all those things are pretty hard to achieve, even once you have all the faculties in place. Now without any divine intervention, this process has to take painful long and countless remakes which is exactly what the data says. Now rabbi is right when he says the oldest language is about 5000years . But even then , this says nothing about how long the language was spoken. We have ancient Chinese proto writing go far back about 8600 years. Now in linguistics it is hard to find when a language originated for the first time in a certain area especially an area isolated from other groups . Because we need someone to write that down. Which makes the first language unknowable. All we can do is build models of how languages may arise and hope the archaeology supports it.
Addy F2p Thank you for your thorough and respectful reply. I believe that’s a logical answer. Have you formally studied history of languages or writing? I have not.
Why is there no written evidence....before writing was invented 5-6k years ago?
As for "clearly documented" again that would require document. Otherwise we have to work with archaelogical finds of human creations/settlements. There are plenty of tools, pots, settlements, even some ancient cities which help document the rise of civilization. Cave paintings. The shigir idol. The schoningen spears. You can easily google all of this. It it as good as a history book? Hardly, we're working with leftovers from thousands of years ago.
You are forgetting the Ice Ages
I think the point is- if man has been alive on earth 100,000+ years, why did it take so long to invent writing? Surely it would have been invented way before 5-6k yrs ago!
And then is it just coincidence that the 5-6k yrs coincides with the Bible's date for man's creation?
Very good explanation.
Excellent. This is exactly how I believe also
THANK YOU FOR THE LOVELY MUSIC!!...........................SO FULL OF JOY.
Shalom Rabbi Tovia!
Is it possible that "age" is definition of "ages" more than a concept of measuring time in years?
Like in the ancient vedic texts, yuga is an epoch or era within a four-AGE cycle?
If I understand correctly from Kabbalistic writings, it conveys a similar thought.
There has been much debating about the infinite nature of the cosmos; how can there be a Creator, if the universe has existed without a beginning? How can the Creator be omnipotent, if the universe already existed in its physical form for it would only be a case of manipulating something existant thus removing Creation?
My path brings me to see the the cyclical nature (it its four phases) which the last one we are witnessing before the reset. These ages are with limits, beginning & end. The space where all is created might well be limitless in time, but not in the big-bang-hollywood sense of expansion.
In my soul I sense the surrounding being a closed system, no USS-enterprise no Captain Kirk flying from an illuminary to another saving alien sweethearts. In fact the "outer space" in its common meaning has not much proof to me at all when dug deep enough.
Physical space, planets, dark matter, black holes, gravity are all built on a belief-system that has its base heavily on relativism where nothing is tangible or observable when nullified, and to me it all sounds something you have to believe in for it to exist; much like some religions? Same reason much of this is still a theory. Like evolution.
Space in the meaning of a 'place for creation' I understand as a different principle. Finite world created in its space to infinitely start and end in cycles.
Good health!
Very interesting! Many good points/views.
The first 11-12 chapters of Genesis were derived from ancient Sumerian Cuneiform tablets. They were NOT written by Moses or Abraham.
Moses is the law giver, and was there when God made a covenant with the children of Israel.
Abraham, the father of our faith, was before Moses who came from Mesopotamia, whom spoke the Sumerian language of the land, and it was Abraham whom God told to leave his people and land to an undisclosed part of the world.
Scooter McScoots
Correct sir.
Exodus 24:12
"Then HA'SHEM said to Moses, "Come up to Me on the mountain and be there; and I will give you tablets of stone, and the law and commandments which I HAVE WRITTEN, that you may teach them."
Indeed, you can't stump the Torah.
Scooter McScoots
I'm also not Jewish.
I have separated from the born into belief system in which I had inherited and began to seek truth in the Maker of all things.
We, as Gentiles are not bound to the covenant in which God made with the children of Israel.
As Gentiles, we are bound to the Seven laws of Noah. The Seven Noachide laws are what was known as the laws of God prior to God's covenant with the children of Israel 3,333 years ago. For we all are descendants of Noah and his family after the Great Flood.
Again, a covenant is an agreement with God, and is unconditional and eternal.
We as Gentiles can either convert to Judaism, or become Noachide in order to become righteous in God's eyes, through the knowledge of God, repentance, and charity.
This is what needs to take place within the nations.
And the time for that, is now.
The Creation stories in the Mediterranean area are likely referring to the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age 10,000 years ago and the beginning of farming, and about 5000 years ago was the rise of state level societies. Humans were around long before that. But the rabbi is right that the scriptures is not a science book.
Thank you for sharing this interesting comment!
Can you explain how genesis states God created all the vegetation on day three, yet the sun (without which there would be no vegetation), was not created until day four? This is not science. This is mythology.
Saturn was the sun in the ancient age. Do your research bud.
@@brazilianman92 hahaha no
I can grow vegetation in my basement with no sun. Light is needed not the sun. I’m not an expert but that seems obvious.
@@room7594 The light that you use is generated ultimately because there is a sun.
If one believes there is a god then he can do anything. He can also make it appear that something is true when it is not. All this speculation regarding genesis is wasted effort. It’s not unlike debating about the number of angels that can dance in the head of a pin or the transubstantiation of the Eucharist.
If one asks a question to which there is no way to discern an answer, then the question was essential useless. It’s especially useless if one wants to entertain ideas of divine intervention.
@@luigilacolla5239 Did you read Torah? Light was created before the sun.
The reason civilizations don't go further back than 5000 years is because that's about the time writing was invented. Writing came forth out of the first proto-kingdoms requiring a way to collect and account taxation of farmers (food, not currency). Agriculture was invented about 10.000 years ago. So it would shake the scientific community to its core if we found poetry from 50.000 years ago. Cave paintings of that age make a lot of sense, especially when they portray animals, and humans hunting them. That's exactly what life in pre-agricultural tribes would have revolved around. And remember, it's only with the advent of agriculture that man was finally able to produce enough food to allow its population to exponentially grow, thus leading to the first civilizations. Biology estimates that 100.000 years ago, humanity had dwindled back to just 20.000 individuals, all in East Africa.
Human beings, in our present biological form, have been on Earth far far longer than 6000 years. Tovia is completely off base on this. Six thousand years is the age of recorded history. it's when written language was created.
Tovia mentions as evidence for a 6000-year-old humanity that the most ancient civilizations are less than 6000 years old. But this is circular reasoning. The Torah dates Adam and Eve to 6000 years ago because writing was invented 6000 years ago. He asks where's the poetry from before 6000 years ago. But there is no poetry from that time because writing hadn't been created yet. That does not mean human beings in their current biological form did not yet exist. Is Tovia referring to biology or culture? If we had poetry from 15,000 years ago then I guarantee you the Torah would have indicated a 15,000 year age for the creation of Adam.
Tovia's faulty reasoning can be used to indicate human beings, in their present form, were created during the industrial evolution. How is it possible for human beings, in our present form, to have created technology only in the last 150 years but before that there is nothing. Is it plausible to believe that for thousands of years we didn't even know anything about electricity and were still using horses for travel, but suddenly about 150 years ago, technology appeared. This is not plausible. Clearly human beings, in our present form, are only about 150 years old.
Nice to hear this lecture. Thanks for posting because it clarifies a lot of data. My anthropology professor [who did not take Adam and Eve literally] was bothered by the fact that he and other anthropologists believe humans have been around for hundreds of thousands [or even millions] of years [they all believe in evolution and scorn people who believe in a literal Adam and Eve] and yet there is so little to show for this huge span of time except when it comes to the last 5 or 6 thousand years. As the rabbi says, written languages and other parts of culture all seem to begin around 6,000 years ago. There is no evidence of these things having pre-dated about 6,000 years. On the one hand, the professor did not want to abandon his "scientific" beliefs that reduce the Bible to a bunch of myths (academia's favorite four-letter word); on the other hand, he was mystified that evidence of all the elements of what we call civilization only seem to appear about 5 or 6 thousand years ago. The name of the class was "Technology and Culture". According to this professor, prior to about 6,000 years ago, all humans had and produced were sharpened stones and sticks. Then, after millions of years of this extreme primitiveness, all of a sudden, we have written languages, architecture, courts of law, etc.
"According to this professor, prior to about 6,000 years ago, all humans had and produced were sharpened stones and sticks. Then, after millions of years of this extreme primitiveness, all of a sudden, we have written languages, architecture, courts of law, etc."
Because what advances causes our rapid advance out of this stage of primitiveness is writing itself, first in the form of incredibly early Chinese language if I'm not wrong (8400 years ago). Then the royalty got their hands on it...
Exodus 31:17 It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for 👉in six days the LORD made heaven and earth👈, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.
You are pointing to something like it is a definitive answer. "Day" is used as a "period of time" in several places throughout the Bible. Not a specific time period. I'm not sure what you were hoping to say by pointing to that passage.
Why does God have to rest. He shouldn't get tired.
The further development of our understanding of the creator, is continuing our interest, in knowing our creator, establishing, honing in on our proper relationship with the G-d of Israel.
All glory goes to the creator.
Unless he talks back, it's not a dialogue, it's a MONOLOGUE...
NOT a relationship!!! Lol.
Jerome Elster
You actually believe that having a relationship with God is one dimensional?
There are many ways to achieve a proper relationship with the God of Israel, once you gain the knowledge of HASHEM and repent, just as there are many ways that HASHEM COMMUNICATES with all that He has made.
Because you lack knowledge of the God of Israel, only then would you make such a comment.
When establishing a proper relationship with HASHEM, you begin to become more aware of His mighty presence, recognizing HASHEM and His ways even more so than ever before establishing a proper relationship with God. Because everyone has a relationship with God at some level, even when there are those who deny God.
HASHEM is aware of everyone's heart and just because you have yet to gain access of the knowledge of God, He then will judge you based on your intentions.
That's why it's important to seek God with all of your heart and with all of your soul, now whilst you are in the flesh, so that if you are a sinner, (we all have sinned) you have the chance to turn from your ways and live. And again, you will absolutely retain a proper relationship with God, which is important to establish before being judged in the heavenly court.
Return to God all you ends of the earth!
HOW does he communicate in this relationship?? "Fuzzy feelings" and our happening to find a pattern or some "meaning" in a "sign" we were already looking for??
I agree that christianity was completely fabricated based on the new testament and it's many anonymous author's hijacking and rape of the Jewish I wish christians would just see for themselves, but they wont!! Which is the only way anyone who believes in such vile, absurd nonsense- by NOT BOTHERING TO LOOK INTO IT. Remaining wilfully ignorant of what they claim is sooo important to them- THE TRUTH!!! But they want TRUTH only if it agrees with what they already WANT to believe!!! The evidence to PROVE christianity a lie is right there in the tenak, and also EVERYWHERE in the bible itself, IF only they have the courage to look!!
I'll say the same for muslim's misguided belief in islam, the quran, allah and their pedophile non-prophet, mohammad!! The SAME IS TRUE of the Jewish scriptures and a belief in hashem, the cruel, jealous, insecure, (and thankfully NON EXISTENT) god of Israel...
Jerome Elster
Honestly, only you can apprehend what the Creator is conveying to you in your time of need. We all have, for the most part, our own timelines with respect to what we may need from God, which is absolutely in tune with the type of relationship you may have with God. At the moment, we all collectively, are in need of a wake up call, which is based on your relationship with God, such as truly achieved from gaining knowledge of God, repentance and from your charitable heart. These three things, which is important to God and eventually to us as well, opens the doors to the calling and instruction of God, depending on our loyalty and understanding of the word of God, which ultimately shapes us and molds us into what is pleasing to God.
For instance, I can only speak for myself, in that, I have been preparing myself from gaining knowledge of God, the way God intended us to gain this knowledge, which is from ordained priests from God, whom which He has ordained Himself, and from the Jewish faithful, a remnant that has always existed, which retains the word of God faithfully.
This is very important. And not many individuals know about this knowledge, or understanding.
This is valuable information, that is key to unlocking the knowledge of God. And you will know it to be true because they do not have a deceitful tongue in their mouths.
They are faithful to God.
God writes His truth on our hearts, which is implanted in our souls forever, which in turn , intuitively is also connected to our mind, but the mind must be cleansed through gaining knowledge of God, through repentance, which allows us to be charitable without seeking gain from it, and ultimately starts the process of a proper relationship with God, which is not only whilst in the flesh, but also in the world to come, because it is eternal.
I study with Dr Gerald Schroeder in Aish HaTorah in Jerusalem Old city! :)
If you deal with biblical chronology, then the pyramids in Egypt were being build during the flood without impediment. I wish religious leaders would stick with faith and mythos and leave science alone. Faith and mythos have a place but it's not in the field of science
Mind blowing , before the sun and stars could be created to give off light , light itself had to be created. Mind blowing.
any one who, has seen ELOHEEM or Angels knows what That Light is. even as unidentified flying, Angels or ANGELS.
Have you never read the first chapter of Genesis? Why is this mind blowing?
It was dark. Simple. Then light. You even do not need light to say a word.
Glory to The Most High and Almighty.
It's called the Big Bang.
There is no conflict. The sefer yetzirah explains this perfectly. And also Gerald Schroeder has some decent books explaining the relationship between time andphysics with Torah and time.
Isaiah 40:22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth ... Not round or a sphere. Rabbi is that a mis translation, sir??
Consistant with Lord Jonathan Sacks answer to Richard Dawkins when asked about Adam and Eve ,thank you Rabbi.
Rabbi, you are off on the science here Tovia. it always sounds like how xtians sound when talking about talmud, when frum people talk about science. we do have cave paintings that are way way way older than what you are saying. do you not know this? can't you just say that G-d made the universe and we don't totally know how "scientifically" it happened, but the torah is not interested that. you are using evolution like it means we should not have this or that species, or that we should writings things of art, buildings, etc dating back from that time. rav we didn't have parlor music till a hundred years ago, come on! real talk, we don't know how long we've been here. it does not change how I feel about Hashem or the torah. you said it your self it's not a science or a history book. yes I believe that millions of years ago, we i.e. man left "the garden" and there is evidence of art and buildings and things that show a transition from being man the primate and man the person you look in the mirror at. why is this so hard for people?
jakob jess Rabbi did say that when you measure the material on which and with which early humans created art you get high numbers. But that doesn't prove the age of when those "prehistoric" arts were created.
excellent, bro.!😃😎😬
Nah whatever was before sumeria was too primal to be seen as us.
🗿Gobekli Tepe contradicts the Torah timeline it seems to me.
In those 194.000 nothing happened because we were hunters. We hadn´t time to do something interesting apart music, clothes, arms and ships. After agriculture appeared we had time to build, count, write.
rey meza neanderthals were the hunters and genetically built for it and interbred with what you call modern humans they have neanderthal cave findings in iraq they faded away because they mated into some modern people
I only wish you could understand how ridiculous this statement is.
@@KISEwun not when you consider how unbelievably cold it was for tens of thousands of years.
That's why i say that the torah is a historical document , the torah is factual truth .
How does it square with the Australian indigenous people who have been estimated to have lived there in tribes for 50,000 years . ?
What does the Rabbi think of Gobekli Tepe or Karahan Tepe in Turkey and it's dating?
No mention of glaciation, the ice age. Most land was covered by thick ice sheets until about 12,000 years ago. The ice sheets had lasted for over 100,000 years. As soon as the ice melted, we get plenty of evidence of distinctively human activity. There are certainly poems and other writings in the period from 12,000 years ago to 6,000 years ago, in the time of the Sumerians. Incompatible with literal Torah.
There's human evidence and remains from hundreds of thousands of years ago and during the ice age too yknow.
Also no the Sumerians invented writing about 5400 years ago. That's why there's no poems. Kind of need writing first to invent poems. Like how for thousands/hundreds of thousands of years people didn't make even the simplest video games. Kind of have some prerequisites to invent those....
Edit-actually this is wrong its believed that poetry predates written form. But the point still stands that we can't have written evidence before writing.
The flood story of Noah itself was of the Last Ice Age. Remember, Noah preached for almost 950 years, and the Ark he built took decades as he need to gather enough wood to make it. And was told to make the Ark long before the flood appeared. The flood didn't come out of nowhere, it was climate change and the retreat of the last age that affected the region where Noah was at that time. That's why the flood story all came from nothern hemisfera myth but not southern.
And, even today we can see how a day can be longer than 24 hours especially in the northern or southern most region, compared to the tropical regions. The concept of 24 hours as a day, and the calculation of 365 days a year is pretty much modern invention to synchronised world time and zones. Old civilization mostly use lunar calenders as they depend on location of moon and stars to determine the certain time of the month and for navigational purpose.
Given your preface with an admission of your not being an expert in quantum mechanics and other esoteric areas in physics - I think you did a very admiral job in addressing these sticky questions. (Though it seems to me that you know more about these matters than you claim...).
Christians are often challenged by non-religious people concerning Methuselah. How do you rabbis respond to the Methuselah Argument?
What is he Torah's position on vaccine shots? What is the Torah position on vaccine companies not being able to be held accountable for harming people?
U.S. govt has a fund to compensate those injured by vaccine. If companies were liable, they would no longer be in the vaccine business.
@@bertzumoff7530 sorry but that's the dumbest explanation I've heard. The government fund is made up to tax dollars. So everyday citizens are paying for the liability of a private business? How is that ethical?
I am a scientifically oriented and educated person. This is the best explanation of the reason for the discrepancies between the accepted age of the universe and man between what science says and the Torah that Ive heard. I don’t think I am completely convinced that the Torah is correct even as far as Rabbi Singer says. But it’s not some religious mumbo jumbo. The Rabbi is an educated articulate man which is why I keep watching his videos.
Based on those six days we keep the sabbath today - therefore the time period must necessarily be a day - 24 hour period as we measure it. This is the teaching we know of one day that teaches us that six of these day periods are followed by the sabbath. But when the first man was created he was a grown adult. Yet he was only one day old -the trees,likewise, were completely developed decades or centuries old in physiological age - the earth, as well, was completely formed as a planet that had undergone perhaps millions of years of formation ,but, in actuality was only one day old - thus the universe was completed in actually just six days Via possibly an accelerated time . Time, according to the latest physics of relativity proposed by Einstein, is actually not a constant in the universe, but rather it speeds up or slows down depending on the speed of the object traveling . Therefore, from the perspective of a swiftly moving and expanding universe, during which 24 hours accomplished significant creative processes , was , from the perspective of an outside observer - who observed the results that had occurred, but out side of the fast moving action of creation , that observer could experience a much longer and more significant amount of time passing. - We must therefore keep the sabbath after six such 24 hour periods, and there would be no contradiction between the two time differences. One is a measurement of time during enormous speed which is slower and the other is the observation outside of that speed which his faster
Interesting answer - sounds logical! I seem to remember a teaching that Eve became pregnant and gave birth on the same day, so that would be another example of accelerated time. .
Great video.
He's a Christian hater!!!
@@ihsankamil6279 rightly so. Imagine believing that nonsense
For this "great" teacher to say he doesn't know what the age of the world is kind of startling. Genesis 1 says "In the beginning , God created the heavens and the earth . The earth was without form and void , and darkness was over the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
And God said , Let there be light ," and there was light . And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day , and the darkness he called Night . And there was evening and there was morning , the first day . "
God created everything in six days , established time , and rested on the seventh day to give man times and seasons. Does he believe God or is he trying to believe men and the false creation view . How can he put men's thoughts above God's Sovereignty ? If he is so wrong on the subject of creation , which is a faith issue , how can people be so sure he is right on the issue of Jesus the true Messiah.
Yes but isn’t the answer to the question about why we don’t have anything written down before 5000 years ago just that writing hadn’t been invented yet?
Hi, rabbi means all kind of culture signs should have appeared, if we were the same men
I'm an evangelical and I study a lot of materiel from scientists who are Bible believing Christians and they show that the Torah is true! It's only been a few thousand years since Adam and Eve; scientists today get the long ages by using assumptions built into their mathematical calculations.
True. They work with assumptions that the rate of decay was always at a constant, something that actually theres plenty of reason to believe isnt true. Which throws that method of dating out the window bc it relies on unknowable assumptions and might give us numbers that are astronimcally off.
My understanding is that the Hebrew word used in Genesis, Yom, has several meanings (homonyms): a period of light, a 24 day, a season or a year, and one definition is 'a very long time'.
If the latter is used to translate Genesis, then the earth can easily be 4+ billion years old (and the universe over 11 billion). Such an interpretation would then alter when man first appeared, pushing man's appearance from 6,000 years to 100K or more.
Accordingly, this would imply that the Jewish calendar dating is quite a bit off; arbitrarily being based on a 24 hour translation of Yom, rather than the 'very long time' interpretation.
Rabbi Tovia;
Can I ask you a simple question?
According to scriptures, does the sun move around the earth, or does the earth move around the sun? Globe earth, or is their a hard dome over the earth??
the earth spirals around the sun spiraling, the universe. all time, is based on a linear rotational spiral.
Will Scholten sun moves not the earth. And yes we are covered by a dome in which the sun moon and stars revolve around us!
@@JoshRosenImpressions Nope. Geocentrism could be true. But no way flat earth theory is true.
@@cowdyimammurrahtabari973 geocentrism can't be true either
What is your take on Adam created in the Garden of Eden located in Ophir now Philippines ?
I wonder what your opinion of the firmament Dome is? and do you believe from a Biblical standpoint that the Earth is flat? because it would seem kind of hard to put a dome over a sphere the way it is described in Genesis
The Zohar, clearly state's: The entire world and thouse upon it spin around in a circle like a big ball .
So if you believe Ur own Torah. well it's flat, not round
+nitpoon Do you know what "poetic language mean" ?
encyclopedia Hebraica, Entry Eratosthenes, page 801
+Anthony Glostas yeah but scripture also describes the pillars of the Earth being solid in the Earth does not move
+Pawel Huszcza my question is pretty obvious so that's the topic of this conversation if you care to bring anything of intellectual value to it
Love ya Tovia, but probably should have just said “i dont know, im not sure” to answer this one. Talked yourself in circles and got all tangled up 😂
Your puny finite mind can’t begin to grasp HaShem’s Infiniteness, Eternalness. He Made us less than Himself so that we Can Not comprehend Him. All of us puny humans are in the same boat. So how can Rabbi Singer explain the unexplainable?
That was the problem with Gan Eden…He Warned Adam NOT to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil because we weren’t supposed to understand. He Wants us to have emuna/faith and bitachon/trust that what He Does is all good. Even if we don’t like it or comprehend it…if it’s painful or makes us very said…He Is Perfect and He Makes NO mistakes. It’s what our neshamas/souls need. Everything is tailor made for each one of us.
So in your human finite brain it seems like the brilliant rabbi talked in circles and got tangled up…but that only your human perception.
Here is a playlist of Dr Schroeder on creation. It is fantastic if you understand physics.
+Johnny Pompadour
very nice, thank you a lot!
Australia has talent
Peace be upon you. Much respect to Rabbi Tovia Singer. If I may add...i believe in the Holy Qur'an where it says that the universe was created in 6 days, wherein a day is like 50,000 years by "Your reckoning" (actually meaning too long for us to comprehend, so it could be over a billion years). The Qur'an also says that the universe is ever expanding and it gives a description of the "big bang" where the gaseous masses came together and exploded.
I had a man on here tell me the earth was flat.I ask him the same question I think any person would.. I ask him how it changed his life? These people think about things that have no effect on their lives. It makes no matter to me at all about a flat planet,by him saying that statement to me had absolutely no effect at all on my life. I was in an earth quake in Puli Taiwan and it changed my life as far as causing a big mess and the fact that I had to clean it up.This wasn't the first earthquake I had been,so I think this has much to do with the way we perceive and assimilate information.Something that happened in my life that was a paradigm shift,that changed my world view is what The Rabbi is teaching,this is why his teaching in so important,as what he is teaching is "World Changing" information.
nathanyahu yisrael actually the flat circular and stationary earth changed everything for me because it showed that Genesis creation account was true. The earth is the motionless center of the universe; the dome above us is real and the sun moon and stars all revolve around us for signs and seasons. It’s all right in Genesis. We were led astray by NASA and scientists who couldn’t accept creation into thinking we live on a spinning rock flying through space. It’s all a deception. so the flat earth led me right to GOD! And it’s not about the shape it’s about realizing this place was created and we are the center of it all
It's NOT world changing to say he doesn't know how old the earth is and he ignores anything before standardized writings and cities.
@Tovia Singer, literally how would any DAYS pass on days 1-3 without a moon? It’s apparent that the authors were writing from common knowledge of “days.”
So I’m not sure how any “days” could pass instead of just one long day. That’s definitely in my opinion a major conflict to the literal application of scripture.
what is time anyhow
Torah is for teaching and i have not based my life on science although i have found it interesting. Science has theories and that means an educated guess.Todah Rabbi.
Science has proven Laws. The Laws of Relativity are proven. This is where you have billions of years outside the universe for one day in this universe.
A Theory in Science is not an educated guess. A Theory is a model (whether physical, mathematical, or conceptual) of predictive capability. This is to say that if the model between A and B is accurate then we can predict C as a result.
Cell theory is not just a guess, we can literally see the cells that make you up. Systems theory is not just a guess, you use it to write to others online and this video being seen by us both is evidence that systems theory is accurate. The germ theory of disease is not a guess, gravitational theory is not a guess, evolutionary theory is not a guess. These are models of predictive capability. A scientific theory provides a framework/model which explains all available data and laws about a given subject and must be able to make predictions.
He's on to something, but he needs to read Hugh Ross, astronomy professor, to understand what he's grasping for.
Forget the universe, the Sun, & the Earth. Humanity is older than 6,000 years. Anyone scientifically literate can tell you that even giving a factor of ten to the religious creation beliefs barely helps at all. That would still only give one a 60,000 year timeframe. Humanity is even older than that. Most estimates are in hundreds of thousands of years.
Read vedas. U can get answer
And its scientifically proved
More than 10000years old book
I am glad you answered this question. I struggled a lot with it. I became atheist because there were so many questions. Now this helps!
Are you still an atheist?
@@jamescobrien No. But I still have doubts and right now I struggle to have a connection with god. I guess it takes time.
@@SaraLuna1993 I have written a novel called Shards Of Divinities that addresses these questions. It starts with the life of Abraham.
May Hashem bless you with wisdom..
I'm from NJ and science says the Native Americans have been in this area for 10K years and they crossed over land from Asia and worked their way south from present day Alaska south to present day South America. These people worshiped the sun and stars, and the great spirit that gace them the bounty from seeds and animals to eat, and fresh water to drink. The difference is they weren't the chosen people by God. The think the Torah is meant to describe human history as it relates to people and their relations to them worshiping God, the creator of our universe.
(Exodus 20:8-11) "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. {9} Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: {10} But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: {11} 👉For in six days 👈the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it."
Gobekli Tepe blows this kind of nonsense right out of the water.
Need your opinion on these post and quotes I just posted on buildings and text and other antiques that date far before 6000 years ago
Yeah.Those microfossils didnt leave very good records did they?!But just by being here they told us life started long long ago .6,000 years would be marked wrong on a test for the answer to that question.
Now your getting it Tovia!!!
Anatomically modern humans have been on Earth for about 200,000 years, with prehumans going back 4 million years. The book of Genesis is a fairly close reflection of the end of a different geological era, and the beginning of history and civilizations.
This is a suggestion for thought for everyone. Why 6 or so thousand years ago? Listening to the Rabbi, it occurred to be that the difference between the world before and the world after that time (or thereabouts) is the difference between the knowledge of good and evil, e.g. Adam and Eve, the apple and so on. Animals in their natural world often show behaviors that we think of as good and loving, especially for their young and “tribe” members, but also seem to have behaviors, especially toward others that are not of their “tribe” less so, or even sometimes of their own “tribe” who do not “fit in” and particularly others who were competing for scarce survival resources (e.g. food). Survival of the fittest appears to be the best explanation. But somewhere several thousand years ago, (well discussed in the video) something changed. It seems to me that concepts of “good” and “evil” that applied to all human actions appeared. For me, at least, this is the key difference of what went before what went before and what went after and allowed true humanity and human civilizations to arise.
Excellent point about complete lack of written documentation for 1,000s of years of man's supposed history.
The most ancient civilization is Sumerian, which is dated back 7500 years ago.
there r some issues w ur interpretations.
first, u say that humanbeings w the ability to do things like art and other creative abilities have been around for less then 6000 yrs. but there r cities under coastlines which have been submerged for +10000 yrs. the science community continues to ignore these but they r there.
bible and Torah have been ascribed again and again by different authors with slight modifications according to their understanding, 6 days is meant to be 6 periods of time it can be 5 billion years for each day, and the day of judgement will be after 5 billions years after Adam descendant to earth.
I'm thankful for the jewish ✡ writing
Very helpful
I believe the geneololgies in genesis and chronicles
What about Rambam asserting that the universe is geocentric? My Lubavitcher friends insist that Rambam was right and the sun revolves around the earth?
I wonder what he thinks of young earth creation ministries. All the ones I am aware of are Christian ministries.
Six days as in six periods or stages. Not six days as in the earth Rotation.
You also did not mention that we don’t know the length of Adam life while he was in heavens.
Wow, this is the first video that I have heard Tovia attempting to square a circle in an attempt to make the age of the universe fit nicely with Genesis. The point is that it doesn't.
It is clear that the author of Genesis was a human writer who had no concept of cosmology or physics. He doesn't name the Sun as a star, because the stars were created after the Sun, and yet we know that there are billions of stars, just within our own galaxy alone that are much older than our Sun. It's obvious that he didn't know what stars were and that our Sun is simply just another a star. He also talks about two sources of light that helps to illuminate our planet, the Sun and the Moon. The Moon isn't a source of light, it simply deflects the light that springs from the Sun. He describes days and nights as passages of time. The author of Genesis simply did believe that his God created the universe and everything in it literally in six (Earth) days. Tovia needs to make shit up if he wants to accept an old Earth rather than look silly by claiming a young Earth. It's a shame that he has to reinterpret what the author of Genesis says so he (Tovia) can avoid cognitive dissonance hitting him all the time.
Homosapiens share a common ancestry with all other living organisms which Genesis never claims. And as for his free will comment, there is a debate going on that free will is an illusion, and even if we do have free will, how arrogant is it to claim we as a species are the only ones who have free will. Tovia just makes an assertion here with absolutely no evidence to back it up (now he is acting more like a Christian apologist) and this is simply a form of dishonesty.
Isn't it weird how Tovia decided to focus an civilisations rather on earliest man to try to get the dates to fit his timescale so that it can go directly back to Adam and Eve. We know our ancestors came out of Africa possibly 200-250 thousand years ago. Does this mean that if Adam and Eve being the first humans created they go back to about 250,000 years ago? No, Tovia believes that his book of magic places them back only 6,000 years. So instead of acknowledging the age of our species he choose to focus on when we as a species started to read and write, began to build and sow. This is again dishonest behaviour.
@Phat Gurth Your comment that Evolution is just a theory shows how scientifically illiterate you are!
@Phat Gurth Again, you really don't understand the difference between a theory used in science to its just a theory used by us non scientists.
@Phat Gurth A scientific theory is the best explanation for things observed in the natural world. Scientists start with a question, for example, why is the sky blue? A hypothesis is made and the hypothesis is vigorously tested and re-tested using the scientific method to see if it stands up to the data etc? If there is a flaw in the hypothesis, a new hypothesis is put forward and the process of testing begins all over again. Once a hypothesis fits all the data and all the other tests support the hypothesis, the hypothesis is published in a peer reviewed paper so that other scientists can test the outcomes. If the hypothesis is confirmed by other scientists who operate within the relevant fields, the hypothesis is evaluated to a theory within the scientific community. A scientific theory is not set in stone, for if new data comes in which shows an error, a new hypothesis is devised and the process starts all over again (this is a self-correcting mechanism) - So again, let me repeat what I said earlier: "A scientific theory is the best explanation for what is observed in nature". And a scientific theory isn't set in stone.
When we, the general public talk about a theory, we are generally talking about an untested hypothesis or an unsupported opinion. Scientists will never guess a theory into existence, if it doesn't correspond to the data and observations etc, it simply doesn't get the title 'Theory'.
If you still just want to dismiss a 'theory' as 'just a theory' then I suggest that you climb onto the roof of a five story building and then take one step off the roof and see if the 'theory of gravity' is 'just a theory'.
@Phat GurthSo please, go test it! See if gravity is just a theory! I bet you don't put it to the test! I bet you will simply spout out more anti-science drivel.
@Phat Gurth Haven't you stepped off that roof yet? I am very disappointed in you.
If gravitational orbits don't exist please explain why celestial bodies such as planets, moons etc orbit larger mass objects (such as star)? Are you going to tell me that they don't and it's all an illusion? I suspect that you will even claim that the fairies that live at the bottom of my garden arn't real either!
Rabbi, you are brilliant when you defend the Tanakh against the Christian perversion. This was difficult to listen to. You may interpret the first words of Bereshit as hinting at billions of years before man was "created". That is a still a stretch of the imagination. However, to say that man arrived on earth 6000 years ago is indefensible. Also, it is the "written" history of the Chinese dynasty that goes back to 1600 BCE. No historian or archaeologist thinks that the Chinese people began to exist in 1600 BCE. And Rabbi, I am sure that you know that writing was not invented until hieroglyphics and cuneiform were invented around 3000 BCE. Prior to that there is no recorded or written history. Of course there are cave paintings that are dated to 15,000 to 17,000 years of age. Human beings have been around for 150,000 to 200,000 years. However, I understand. One must reject the consensus of the scientific and archaeological evidence if it does not agree with one's ideology. Shalom.
what about gobekli tepi, it was buried 11 000 years ago, so it could be 20 000 years old. But even if its just 11 000 years old, what now?
NOTHING is that old! As the Rabbi just said, the Earth is less than 6,000 years old! The Jews have been keeping track of time since the creation of Adam, and on the Hebrew calendar, we are only in the year 5784, NOT 2024, as the Gregorian calendar would have us believe. The Gregorian only keeps track of time since the birth of the "Jesus" character, and as we well know, there was time before he came along! THINK about that, VERY carefully! I realized this while I was still an Evangelical Baptist Christian, which, I think, was the beginning of the end of Christianity for me, and my family.
Jericho? Mayans? Clovis? Göbekli Tepe?
" And it became evening then morning "= 15000000000 Years?
Humans have been around for hundreds of thousands of years.
saying the bible isn't a history book seems like a slippery slope.. but I see your point. I think the earlier chapters in Genesis were written FOR the Jewish people. the whole lineages part there, just leads to Avraham, saying where he came from/ what was his lineage. so even if there was an ancient nation in the jungles of Peru 40,000 years ago, would they be mentioned? and unless you believe some people lived 900 years, the ages mentioned there are symbolic numbers, and wouldn't give you humankind's age. canonically, Genesis was not written by Moses, but collected from earlier texts. it was inspired/approved by G-d but not a direct prophecy like some parts of Exodus, etc. so whoever recorded this lineages was really into symbolism. the symbolism also affects the number of generations mentioned (10 from Noah to Avraham), so you can't use that either to calculate humanity's age. all it tells you is what notable people are in Avrahams lineage, and how he relates to Adam.
(Genesis 1:1-2:1) "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. {2} And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. {3} And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. {4} And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. {5} And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. {6} ¶ And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. {7} And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. {8} And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. {9} ¶ And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. {10} And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good. {11} And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. {12} And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good. {13} And the evening and the morning were the third day. {14} ¶ And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: {15} And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. {16} And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. {17} And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, {18} And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. {19} And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. {20} And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. {21} And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. {22} And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. {23} And the evening and the morning were the fifth day. {24} ¶ And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. {25} And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. {26} ¶ And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. {27} So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. {28} And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. {29} ¶ And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. {30} And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so. {31} And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. {2:1} Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them."
Bro, you just quoted the Bible at us, you could have just told us to read Genesis 1 and 2 XD
Its mythology
Read vedas 10k years old books. Creation of earth written in that book. And its scientifically proved.
HAHAHAHA "How long this has been around, this mjmmm this"
-Tovia Singers
Listening to the house of JUDAH And ISRAEL
Is like been given food to eat and water to drink
I’m sorry rabbi but it’s wrong it says “ in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth.” Then he says let there be light ( he turn on the sun ) and then directly after he says “now the earth was formless and covered in darkness and GOD’S SPIRIT WAS HOVERING OVER THE WATER” so he already created the universe but then he designed the earth in six days .... ( on the forth day god allowed the light to get to our planet ( through the atmosphere which was filled with dark clouds in the beginning ) ) simple !!
You are completely ignoring that the ice sheets didn't allow cultivation and civilisation until about 8000 BC.What the Torah means is :it's AS IF the world was created 6000 years ago. And for our purposes here in life , that's not a bad way to look at it.
Rabbi, thank you. You have helped understand what I always thought concerning christians.
If you could acknowledge the ancient sumarian and babylonian influence on Abraham ( of blessed memory) and the area in which he grew up? Do stories like the enuma elish, gilgamesh, astrahasis have any impact on your theology and what do you think of this multi god system with similar stories to noah and the fall of the angles...
Thank you again so much for your work and passion for the truth.
As a Christian fundamentalist, I leave open questions that the Bible does not definitively answer. Therefore, whether the first day includes what is said in verse 1, that God created the heaven and earth in the begining, which would mean that light being anywhere in the universe was brought into existence on what is called the first day, or if verse two begins a separate story about the making of the earth and sky after the heaven and earth had been created and many things had happened on the earth already. I might think one interpretation is better than another, but I won't insist the Bible says what it does not necessarily say at all. There is some evidence that much of the Bible is written for man and from the point of view of the earth. Even though the Bible indicates that there was a great light and a lesser light made on the fourth day, that may but does not necessarily mean that the sun and moon did not already exist. These heavenly bodies may have existed but we're not visible as distinct points of lights visible in the sky until the fourth day. Moreover, even though God's purpose in these heavenly bodies being visible in the sky from the point of view of earth would be used for signs and seasons and days and years in the future does not necessarily mean God would change what had been meant by days from what God meant for the first hour days. The idea that some of my fellow fundamentalists have zeroed in on, that all the days in the first chapter of Genesis are twenty-four hours days, is undercut by the fact that when the Greek language scriptures were written, the Romans used elastic hours to have 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night regardless if the season, although that meant the hours were sometimes longer and sometimes shorter depending on the time of the year. Also, the number 24 first appears in the Book of Revelation, and it is the number of elders before God:s throne, not anything to do with calculation of time. The calculation of time that I find most convincing is that the age of Adam is based not on the creation of man in Genesis chapter 1, but on the fall of man in Genesis chapter 2, at which time Adam became a mortal and his days were numbered. That would mean the days of Adam's life were numbered from the day he ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. I also accept the dating of the genealogy of Adam's descendants from the LXX as the authentic genealogy that was originally in the Hebrew Bible, but was altered in Josephus' lifetime, because Josephus in Antiquities uses the LXX and in a later writing uses the one from the current Hebrew text. Josephus was a priest in Jerusalem and obviously a man interested in history. It seems obvious that Josephus would be disinclined to use a Greek translation of the Torah in preference to the original if he knew the Greek translation was wrong. The most likely reason Josephus used the same gemology as the LXX is that was the same as the Hebrew and when a group of Torah scholars with authority who wanted to take a stand against the burgeoning Christian movement made some changes to the Hebrew text to eliminate or modify scriptures that were being used in Christian apologetics Josephus went along with the religious authorities and altered his genealogy from Adam. For discussion of age of the universe this is a blip in time, but the possibility that Adam lived for eons in not only the image but the likeness of God before Adam sinned could be a much bigger deal as far as time. We do not know what Adam looked like because he was in the likeness of God. In Psalm 17:15 we have promise that when David awakes he will be in the form of God's likeness. Romans 8:3 acknowledges that in his earthly life Jesus was in the form of sinful flesh, indicating a difference between his and our flesh and the flesh of Adam in his pre-sin state. We now have the form of a less hairy ape, but that does not mean that Adam started out that way. Seth was made in the likeness of Adam, but by then Adam was in the likeness of sinful Adam, not the likeness of the immortal God. Any speculation about the likeness of Adam before the fall is likely to be wrong because no man has seen God at any time as John tells us. All visions of God are less than fully seeing God as he is though those visions tend to have profound effect upon people and change the course of their lives. There is much we do not know about from reading Genesis but what we do learn are the things needed to learn that we should obey God and that there are serious consequences if we don't.
1 hour on the moon equals 7 years. So 6 million earth years would be 367,920,000 years calculated from the moon. So….how much further from the earth would time be measured…ie…from say the Orion belt?
7 earth years
You make inaccurate comments on carbon dating but avoid potassium argon dating. Your are not making a convincing arguments with many holes in your theories. Please note that writing was only invented 5000 years ago so no written poetry would be available 15k years ago. And so I can go on.