It is not the same, the nerf that is requested is for their movements and passives, not for the damage of their skills, not everyone has access to +12 so not everyone will do that damage, relax a little, if so Sword fall already has time doing more damage than that without the possibility of being able to do MB or use the escape skill, just using Clock so Raven doesn't need Nerf
1:18 brooooo
1:18 you know it's something when someone changes language xD
2023 : Pls nerf TP CA...
2024 : Pls nerf RH BL
It is not the same, the nerf that is requested is for their movements and passives, not for the damage of their skills, not everyone has access to +12 so not everyone will do that damage, relax a little, if so Sword fall already has time doing more damage than that without the possibility of being able to do MB or use the escape skill, just using Clock so Raven doesn't need Nerf
레하.. 그동안 개사기캐들에게 묻혀 선타 따기가 힘들었던 케이스다 그나마 저정도 범위극딜기줘야 비빌만할듯
레하는 리뉴얼때마다 주력스킬이 바뀌는듯 합니다...
ㄹㅇ 그냥 ㅈㄴ웃김 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ~맨초창기에 맥다 였다가 갑자기 데버랑 첸가디언 채용하다 이젠 노첸 가디언도 채용하네
우리가 알던 가디언 스트라이크가 맞나..?
리메이크하면 스킬 개사기되구ㅡㅡ 운영자 너무해….