theres another wickid track that samples this track using the backing vocals with some great tones/chords i loveddddddd the track so much but i lost the tape i had it on.. if anyone knows the name of the track please email me or respond to my comment here id love to hear it again its from 94 or 95 i think.. the tape i had it on was from 95 anyway.. so its from between 90 + 95
theres another wickid track that samples this track using the backing vocals with some great tones/chords i loveddddddd the track so much but i lost the tape i had it on.. if anyone knows the name of the track please email me or respond to my comment here id love to hear it again its from 94 or 95 i think.. the tape i had it on was from 95 anyway.. so its from between 90 + 95