I am HK born, but immigrated to US lots of years. England always a very historical place to visit and live. At most seeing HK people settling in gives an inspiration to keep an opened mindset adapting the British culture and other Asian communities, not just HK mentalities, but a broader vision of life. Appreciate your channel, keep it up
It is the most successful interview of all so far. All interviews were encouraging and I like the second one more as they showed the real spirit of Hongkongers. Keep up and thank you.
My favorite bit is the interview with Moss Side "Lee Yeuk-tung", who speaks her mind about the safety issues she experienced in Manchester, which offers great grasp of the pros and cons about life there. Superb infotainment. Well done!
I really like the interview videos about how new Hong Kong migrants are adjusting to their new lives. Being a new migrant is never easy but I have the faith in most Hong Kong people making the most out of it.
Family Life :其實住香港都可以有好好嘅 Family Life! 只係好多人選擇去行街、睇戲、打麻雀⋯唔花時間陪屋企人同小朋友。住外國因為無選擇所以先痴住屋企唯一陪到你嘅人。 Job:唔知Gordon 難唔難找工作呢? 離開香港:離開香港前應該了解什麼是 Racism! 比人歧視如何應對,自己又是否歧視別人!
It is great seeing HKers settle in the UK and making it their home. I'm impressed with Lammy's Chinese! She has been her the longest out of all the ones you interviewed but she incorporated the least English words in her conversation! I lived near Moss Side during my uni days, it is a very rough place indeed. Please stay safe!
Love Stevo cuz you are Bravo... you can speak Cantonese/ Chinese so fluently just as your native language, which is very impressive and that you are so brilliant and talented, not only in hosting such informative YT programme, but also being so entertaining by being just listening to and watching your performance... Your capability just shines my eyes!!! Love and support you all the way, Stevo!!! Add Oil!!!
Great video, happy to see you interviewed Fish Food Family! Btw, in the subtitle, you wrote they lived in Cheadle Heath, I thought they mentioned Cheadle HULME.
真係好多香港人去咗曼城,感謝 Faye, Stevo嘅介紹及訪問👍
多謝2位去到咁遠帶給港人詳盡資訊,辛苦了!好開心見到你哋訪問咗魚先魚太 FishFoodFamily, 我都係佢哋粉絲,不過佢哋最近好忙已經好耐冇出片,好 nice 的一個家庭 👍🏼
I am HK born, but immigrated to US lots of years. England always a very historical place to visit and live. At most seeing HK people settling in gives an inspiration to keep an opened mindset adapting the British culture and other Asian communities, not just HK mentalities, but a broader vision of life. Appreciate your channel, keep it up
Well said. Thank you 🙏💖
Well said Erica, text positive message, support u. 👍👍 By the way, England is a good place if you like football(my country we called it soccer).
非常對 ! 從來外國人都不會挑剔你的英文, 反而會就你或佩服你能掌握兩三種語言. 擔心只會庸人自擾.
@@py8554 當然總會有這種人, 不用介懐 😊
傻仔, 背後狂講你,你唔知姐, 選擇性失明, 英國佬係最鍾意偽善, 唔係真紳士而係扮紳士
Well done, Stevo and Faye. Look forward to more similar interviews.
我親人本身香港冇車牌, 今年係UK考車, 好好彩一TAKE OK, 因為佢朋友不斷借車比佢揸, 係考路試果日, 重係位新相識既香港人揸2個鍾頭車, 送佢去考車, 重等佢考完先一齊返來, 非常好人! 😊😊😊
It is the most successful interview of all so far. All interviews were encouraging and I like the second one more as they showed the real spirit of Hongkongers. Keep up and thank you.
Moss Side 和隔隣的Hulme曾是Manchester 最infamous的地方因全是council house. 而舊曼城主場Maine Road便在Moss Side 正中位置。 廿多年前兩地進行重建,而大部分人也被relocated 去Gordon 和Openshaw那邊。 所以現在環境已改善很多,尤其Hulme. 由於租金平和近多間大學,所以當年吸很多留學生,在那裡有很多難忘回憶。
謝謝分享,當年我也是住在Hulme 的學生. 早年回到曼城已經面目全非!唐人街仍然在那區,但亦擴大多了! 想當年是美好的回憶!
Moss side And Hulme, 以前聽到都驚!不過現在Hulme 好似变得好靚.
Moss Side 是曼城最複雜的地方!大約在很多年前!我不記得了!20一30年前!有一位香港女學生在那區被人姦殺!以前連警察也不敢去巡邏!
@@raymondlam1876 , 唐人街在市中心,不在Hulme.
@@janetchan5257 以前這兩區簡直生人匆近!!
加油呀 (廠友)
@@catherineyu4355 😵🤣
I'm very impressed with Stevo's extremely good command of near perfect Cantonese. 👏
My favorite bit is the interview with Moss Side "Lee Yeuk-tung", who speaks her mind about the safety issues she experienced in Manchester, which offers great grasp of the pros and cons about life there. Superb infotainment. Well done!
@@TC-gr3xy 可以找獸醫,一樣遮
@@bbbchan5382 😵
Thank you Faye & Stevo 訪問了咁多位移居曼城的 HongKonger 🙏🙏🙏💖💖💖
They are right, Hkers really don't need to worry about their language ability. Definitely need to visit Manchester in the future
I really like the interview videos about how new Hong Kong migrants are adjusting to their new lives. Being a new migrant is never easy but I have the faith in most Hong Kong people making the most out of it.
好有驚喜香港星期日都有片睇 通常你們的片都放在香港星期六黃昏 感謝👍👍
Family Life :其實住香港都可以有好好嘅 Family Life! 只係好多人選擇去行街、睇戲、打麻雀⋯唔花時間陪屋企人同小朋友。住外國因為無選擇所以先痴住屋企唯一陪到你嘅人。
Job:唔知Gordon 難唔難找工作呢?
離開香港:離開香港前應該了解什麼是 Racism! 比人歧視如何應對,自己又是否歧視別人!
It is great seeing HKers settle in the UK and making it their home. I'm impressed with Lammy's Chinese! She has been her the longest out of all the ones you interviewed but she incorporated the least English words in her conversation! I lived near Moss Side during my uni days, it is a very rough place indeed. Please stay safe!
Love Stevo’s very positive and informative clips of new UK arrivals and each family’s experiences whilst settling down.
好欣賞你哋走去做街頭訪問,好接地氣, good job
Love Stevo cuz you are Bravo... you can speak Cantonese/ Chinese so fluently just as your native language, which is very impressive and that you are so brilliant and talented, not only in hosting such informative YT programme, but also being so entertaining by being just listening to and watching your performance... Your capability just shines my eyes!!! Love and support you all the way, Stevo!!! Add Oil!!!
兒子好靚仔, 笑笑口有禮貌 👍
Good to know the HKers are good in UK! 😀
Great news from G and N GOD bless wish you al. Happy life
No worries. 榮業的燒賣 more than okay, 買貴那種亦比較好吃 !
Your presentations are always an absolute must to watch. Thank you very much and take care.
希望moving socks 可能多啲拍下香港人在英國的生活。。
Thank you for visiting us.
Really appreciate the interviews and questions are lively, to the point and informative! Amazing 👍👍👍
Thank you for your effort to interview these HKers. Next time suggest to ask more about their living cost in their places.
好開心Steve & Faye 訪問 fishing family Mr & Mrs Yu,希望fishing family 也多些出片😜😜
多謝分享,依家係warrington 的港人仲多過Manchester, 你地會不會有時間去下
Faye, Stevo 你地真係做得好好呀!👍🏻👍🏻
咁你地遲D會唔會去Milton Keynes 呢?聽講MK已經轉為一個城市city ,咁城市有同之前有咩分別? MK多香港人落腳嗎?
Milton Keynes不嬲有小香港之稱、係以前居英權精英集中地。但物業價錢非常貴拍住倫敦!!
Thanks for sharing 🇬🇧 ! From 🇨🇦
今集好好睇呀! 下次不如去其他英國城市訪問吓其他香港人
Stevo and Faye this is a GREAT video and interviews. Really fantastic and wonderful. Thanks a million
hope you could introduce Bristol as there are also many HKers, thank you 😊
唔使講嘢 Like咗先睇 😊😊😊內容一定精彩
好開心係曼城見到你地啊!再次打個招呼 我地係你地出發返London個晚,係餐廳到見到💪
We like your programme (program) very much !!
More interviews with new HK families in Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham ...
As long as you speak, communication starts. No need to worry about English in UK at all, esp when you have Google translate on hand.
哈哈,happy to see 魚生魚太 in this video 😊
好喜歡這次的訪問, 看到香港人在當地的真實生活, 也好同意去另一地方要跳出舒適圈才可以融入當地 (自己親身感受過) !
Many thanks for this interview!
Thanks Stevo & Faye😄🙏
I see kindness in your eyes, both in Stevo and the interviewees.
睇個片頭你架車上橋個時, 真係好似香港, 好多高樓大廈, 同埋好似香港的工廠大廈!! 只係條橋個重心好似高左些少, 就有D唔似香港!!!
因為香港一直都係跟英國標準(BS)做建築同道路基建, 如果你去到一定勁熟悉
It is great and appreciated for their video , it is helpful to know more abt the Manchester ,
我上星期六先至幫襯完佢哋買手機套,知道佢哋星期日會有市集,不過冇去,因為唔知有八檔香港人咁多!😅早知可以見到Stevo同阿Faye,又可以幫襯多啲香港人就去啦! 🥲下次你哋去曼城早啲通知網友,真係整定d煎釀三寶同燒賣俾你地食都得!💪
Thank you Stevo n 呀Faye😊
Moss Side ( 全歐洲都出曬名唔住得嘅地方, 黃賭毒軍火樣樣齊 ) .... 快啲搬啦! ...我都住過呢區嘅Student Dorm。
Great video, happy to see you interviewed Fish Food Family! Btw, in the subtitle, you wrote they lived in Cheadle Heath, I thought they mentioned Cheadle HULME.
今次Stevo忘記了食好嘢 環節呀!🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏😘😘😘
Thanks to Stevo and Faye for sharing
你地訪問左余生余太(第二對couple),佢哋都係我subscribe 左嘅UA-camr,不過佢哋近來小左出片了!
好鐘意睇moving socks嘅片,六月頭嚟咗英國一個月,去過唔同地方小住,體驗下生活……最開心係M&S 買到阿菲介紹嘅音樂盒餅餅,好小心咁帶返嚟香港,結果都係有少少凹咗😅
去過五六個地方,我哋比較鐘意Reading! 😄😄
原來香港馬莎都有得賣,但要$199 港幣🤣🤣
我都係 3 月尾到埗曼城,喺紅色球隊主場附近住緊。附近兩個球場是但一個有波踢或者開 Concert 就會好熱鬧。
其實呢頭生活都真係幾寫意,我本身鍾意書法同電繪,但香港太多誘惑,放假唔係成日想出去玩、行街食嘢同買嘢就係想追電影,然後咁就冇成日。但嚟度呢度,你一定會專心返自己嘅興趣,最少對我呢種人嚟講會專注返😂 至於 Sale 我之前都去過一次,嗰度啲人都幾 nice 同有教養,都算唔錯👍🏻👍🏻
其實我都係上個月先發現 Stevo & Faye 呢條 channel,睇咗幾條片覺得好好睇同啲資訊幾有用,再早啲發現你哋就好睇😂
@@TC-gr3xy 謝謝你鼓勵,我沒有小朋友,但看有孩子的朋友都沒有在乎向小孩教育自己的民族身份和文化,前往英國前和後都兩個樣子了,以前香港人三個字總掛嘴邊,現在算了吧,俗點說,過了海便是神仙,懶理你甚麼香港不香港⋯⋯或者是本身對香港也沒有太在乎吧,自己逃得掉極權魔掌就行了
@@debbietang632 不好意思,误会了🤭不过相信世界各地还有很多有心的真香港人,无论多艰难,都能把香港的文化精神面貌传承下去的🙏💪正如唐君毅先生说的“花果飘零”和”灵根自植“。让我们一起加油吧🙂
@@TC-gr3xy 不要緊,非常謝謝你鼓勵,一起加油😘
我住在Nottingham, 幾時過嚟逛逛?
喺sales既一對係我既客人。 祝你們成功愉快。
Such a good sharing ! Let us learn more what the life of moving to the UK would be ! BTW, pretty amazing : 8 stalls operated by HKers in one market !
Thank you for your video sharing and I really want to check in a Manchester is it suitable for settle down.
謝謝,Stevo &Faye
Thank you from San Francisco 🤗
Very interesting interview about Manchester
It's finally not Faye greeting in the video! Haha.
that just advertising from housing agents, you can found more in Stratford in London