The Law of Torts: Trespass to the Person (Lecture 8, LAWS11069)

  • Опубліковано 2 лют 2023
  • The previous lectures introduced the law of torts generally. This lecture is the first of our discussions on torts of intentional interference with a focus on trespass to the person. As Richards, Ludlow and Gibson note, ‘intentional interference with the person or property of the plaintiff will either be trespassory or non-trespassory’ [Bernadette Richards, Karinne Ludlow and Andy Gibson, Tort Law in Principle (Lawbook Co, 5th ed, 2009) 45] with the former taking three forms: trespass to the person, trespass to goods and trespass to land. This lecture provides an explanation of the three torts comprising direct and intentional interference with the person (battery, assault and false imprisonment); the elements of each tort; and some common interpretations of these elements.