Bog oak frame drum by Zelazek Drums - solo by Yshai Afterman, 21 inch, low tuned

  • Опубліковано 29 лют 2020
  • 3600 - 4200 years old bog oak is extraordinery wood that I use for making frame drums. By such a long period of time the oak wood become naturaly brown-black color, very dense and heavy wood which gives special resonance properties influenced on sound of frame drum. The wood I use after taking from water is seasoning for 10 years to become fully dry and the best for instruments. I love working with material that has so long history and I love the atmosphere of sound that comes from drum made by it.
    The drum is 21 inch dim, 13 cm deep, goat skin.
    For more information about this and other drums made by Jacek Żelazek visit
    Thanks to Yshai Afterman for creating beautifull music, Daniel Kucharski and Marcin Piechowski from for making video, Filip 'Wieża" for recording and mastering, Radosław Więckowski for organized studio.