09-22-24 (#1 of __) The True Christian Faith - Introduction part 1

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • I’m starting a new series of sermons based on God’s Word and which will undoubtedly demonstrate what true Christian faith is.
    Because there are such plenteous amounts of false teachings and doctrines regarding this topic, we’ll be doing a "deep dive" into the 3 ingredients, aspects, and properties of true, biblical Christian faith.
    God Almighty, Father, son and Holy Spirit, created mankind with the ability:
    (1) To acquire knowledge of facts/science - con-science = with/having knowledge;
    (2) To believe in what has been learned through different methods of studious acquisition; and, (3) to live life based on the acceptance or rejection of that knowledge as being true. Faith is the belief, confidence, reliance, and firm trust (with certainty, conviction, credence) in the
    WORK (i.e. a chair; Calvary’s cross),
    PERSON (i.e. the chair's carpenter; Jesus Christ - Carpenter Supreme) and/or
    PROMISE (i.e. the chair will support your weight; I can save you and get you into my eternal Heaven) of another person (i.e. not oneself but of God.)
    Heb. 11:1,6 (1) “Now (true Christian)
    FAITH is (defined as) the SUBSTANCE (the base, foundation of physical or spiritual matter of which a person or thing consists - God, Heaven, eternal life) of
    THINGS HOPED for (the confident expectation of what God has promised - forgiveness, redemption, regeneration, sanctification, eternal life - and the strength/power of that hope is in God’s faithfulness), the
    EVIDENCE (testimony of 2 or more witnesses - Trinity, I Am; personal testimony - 13 apostles (Mathias replaced Judas Iscariot), Paul; fulfilled prophesy - the Nativity, etc.; supernatural testimony - of angels) of
    THINGS NOT SEEN (yet; the Rapture of the saints; the marriage of the Lamb; the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ; those saved during the Great Tribulation; the new Earth and 1st Heaven; the New Jerusalem)."
    (6) "But without (true Christian) faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please (pleasure, satisfy) him (God): for he (the repentant sinner) that cometh (moves) to God must believe that he is (exists as whom He says He is), and that he is a rewarder (recompenses) of them (sinners) that diligently (zealously, full-heartedly, hard-working, attentive, busy, constant, and persistent in one's devotion) seek him.” ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... Enjoy great hymns and easy-to-understand, Bible-centered sermons of the true Christian faith. Pastor Sam Domínguez of Seniors for Christ Church - "Where 'Traditional' Worship Thrives" (all ages welcome) 1135 E. Alluvial Ave., Fresno, CA (between Millbrook and Cedar Avenues) Sunday Worship Service at 10:00 a.m.