Edmonton, Calgary 當然要揸車喇. 上 Rockies Banff, Lake Louise 時重要聽一首英文歌, John Denver 嘅, Take me Home, Country Road, 感受吓 John Denver 呢首歌嘅心情. 重可以聽埋佢嘅 Rocky Mountain High
Honestly, it's not that cold in Alberta. If one relies on public transportation, it will cause a lot of inconvenience in Winter. Don't miss the opportunity to pick up winter sports
Wait until you live in Calgary for winter and then talk about your experience in Calgary winter time. Don’t only thinking . Winter is cold in Calgary , really cold even sunny .
Right, that’s the only reason I moved out from Calgary in 2005 after experienced 15 winters over there. I am currently living in Richmond of BC, never thinking of moving back. We have a group of friends here, dining out every Saturdays since then, all moved out from Calgary as well. 卡城同鄉會 🤣🤣🥲 nobody wants to go back as we are getting older 😂
@@EddieTheKing369 It is very truth when are getting colder, we cannot handle shovels snows that much every year, plus we are stuck inside the house for few months when winter is coming, we cannot walk outside for fresh air, only drive and go inside every day, very sad.
Alberta: Edmonton is the provincial capital of Alberta and Calgary is the commercial centre of Alberta. Most provincial government jobs are in Edmonton. Ontario: Ottawa is the national capital of Canada -> most federal government jobs are in Ottawa. Toronto is the commercial centre of Ontario and it is also the provincial capital of Ontario -> most provincial government jobs are in Toronto. Of course, the total number of federal government jobs should be much more than any provincial government jobs in Canada ! Overall, Edmonton and Calgary apparently are competing for being the number one city in Alberta. So do Ottawa and Toronto in Ontario.
時嘅分別真係好大 分別就係 六、七吋雪嘅時候 阿省居民只當是冬天日常生活 Toronto Vancouver 就大大鑊了 冇預備十分狼狽 至於凍方面 在多倫多攝氏十度濕凍真係凍到心 反而我喺Alberta(住咗三十年)零下十度、八度真係未必需要着褸 最多都係整件風褸 至於居住方面 Alberta 真係affordable 好多
都係嗰句 移得民就多啲融入本地生活 除咗睇港產片同埋茶餐廳 將間屋整靚啲 打理好花花草草 過一啲腥港過唔到嘅生活啦! 唔好剩係移民去外國嘅唐人街吧😅
Edmonton, Calgary 當然要揸車喇. 上 Rockies Banff, Lake Louise 時重要聽一首英文歌, John Denver 嘅, Take me Home, Country Road, 感受吓 John Denver 呢首歌嘅心情. 重可以聽埋佢嘅 Rocky Mountain High
Sam 兄,聽到一個位:「因為有 Chinook 風,所以會凍」,其實係調番轉。Chinook 是熱風,是 Calgary 比較暖的原因,Chinook 是保護 Calgary 的風。或許因為有 Chinook 才有人聚居 Calgary 。講真,Calgary 會突然凍,但隔日無啦啦就暖好多,是因為 Chinook 打救。所以 Calgary 唔會連續好多日凍,但 Edmonton 會。
如果係衰野,又點解會有 Chinook mall ?
查維基,佢係咁講 :
在艾伯塔、蒙大拿以其他一些內陸地區流傳着一種錯誤的說法,說欽諾克風的意思是「吃雪者」(Snow Eater)。而事實上,欽諾克風這一名字來源於此處所居住的欽諾克人。最初,欽諾克風是指從海洋吹向太平洋西北地區內部地區的熱風(欽諾克人曾住在哥倫比亞河下游地區的海邊)。強烈的欽諾克風能夠導致10厘米左右的積雪在一天之內就幾乎消滅。這些雪一部分融化了,還有一部分則在乾燥的風中蒸發。欽諾克風會導致冬天溫度的升高,一般可以在幾小時或幾天時間內從零下20°C升高到10°C到20°C,之後溫度又會回落至初始的水平。歷史上有記載的24小時內最大溫差是於1972年1月15日由欽諾克風引起的,當時蒙大拿州洛馬(Loma)的氣溫從-48°C升高到9°C
Lethbridge 及 Red Deer 如何 ?
我80年代曾在 Red Deer College 就讀,現居多倫多,想移居 Alberta.
加一個好冷門啲住Calgary好處 就係Calgary有BWF羽毛球公開賽 今年仲升上500級(已經完咗) 有全球各國選手參加 中意睇羽毛球嘅可以入場支持下
Chinook 部份講反左, 呢個風係致暖而唔係致冷架!
多謝Sam, 打算一畢業就去周圍體驗一下
Honestly, it's not that cold in Alberta. If one relies on public transportation, it will cause a lot of inconvenience in Winter. Don't miss the opportunity to pick up winter sports
唔係喎,我聽係度住咗30幾年嘅人話俾我知calgary 油公司多啲,做嘢variety 少啲,edmonton 反而多工種喎
住家男人對於Edmonton 不太了解呀! 資料唔太updated,有D位,唔係以Apple 比Apple, 情況等於若果以Apple 比Samsung, Apple 技術永遠都落後Samsung 五年有多。 比較面積,其實Calgary同Edmonton差不多,要用Urban面積同Urban面積比, Land size 同Land size比,先至合理! 亞省大學(U of Alberta) 經已晉身世界百名之內,成為加拿大第四位。我唔認同Edmonton 市中心frozen 咗喺80/90年代,Sam兄有無行過Edmonton 個 downtown? Stantec Tower 係加拿大多倫多以外最高嘅skyscraper,Roger Place 係加拿大最新世界級冰球場館; Art Gallery of Alberta 相信係加拿大最靚嘅藝術館, 建築風格獨特及時尚。唔明點解Edmonton 個 downtown會被認為係停留在80/90年代?? 下次Sam兄再來Edmonton, 真係要搵我哋真係住喺Edmonton多年嘅香港人帶你行吓啦 ;)
請問老兄:Jasper Avenue 還有沒有麗聲戲院嗎?我在八十年代初移民到Edmonton祇住了九個月,之後到東岸settled down…
@@PeterWong-pb5es 我2004年嚟Edmonton時,麗聲已經不存在啦!七喜小食店依家仲健在 😁
Wait until you live in Calgary for winter and then talk about your experience in Calgary winter time. Don’t only thinking . Winter is cold in Calgary , really cold even sunny .
亞省-20 乾又大陽光好過lower mainland -5度,又濕又陰。我未住過Toronto不評論
Right, that’s the only reason I moved out from Calgary in 2005 after experienced 15 winters over there. I am currently living in Richmond of BC, never thinking of moving back. We have a group of friends here, dining out every Saturdays since then, all moved out from Calgary as well. 卡城同鄉會 🤣🤣🥲 nobody wants to go back as we are getting older 😂
It is very truth when are getting colder, we cannot handle shovels snows that much every year, plus we are stuck inside the house for few months when winter is coming, we cannot walk outside for fresh air, only drive and go inside every day, very sad.
Alberta生活質素高, 成本低
Edmonton 睇香港戲去 West Edmonton mall 睇。仲有日本印度同埋中國戲。 我感覺Edmonton真係有少啲香港人,但係好似多啲中國大陸移民。 我去體育中心通常聽到黃皮膚嘅人講嘅係國語多好多 。
Chinook warm current only in Calgary
Are there work other than healthcare and oil industries? Would love if you do an interview with a variety of professionals.
爭咩啊 兩個要曬 住中間 Red Deer咪得
Speeding 2.5 hrs obey the law 3.0 hrs 😂
got it
Two years ago, I moved from Toronto to Calgary
How do you compare these two cities?
Edmonton 西邊cineplex 都有唔少港產片
係咪west Edmonton mall?
@@vincentlok7971 yes!
如果想做針灸師, 應該揀邊個好?
你手工夫得就邊道都得啦。 針灸西人客都有㗎。
好多年冇去 Edmonton, 請問而家D華人餐廳, 野食係唔係仲係冇咩選擇? 以前得 chinatown 某2,3間食得 Calgary 多過 Edmonton 少少
租金1800蚊指每月cad 1800?
Edmonton is the provincial capital of Alberta and Calgary is the commercial centre of Alberta.
Most provincial government jobs are in Edmonton.
Ottawa is the national capital of Canada -> most federal government jobs are in Ottawa.
Toronto is the commercial centre of Ontario and it is also the provincial capital of Ontario -> most provincial government jobs are in Toronto.
Of course, the total number of federal government jobs should be much more than any provincial government jobs in Canada !
Overall, Edmonton and Calgary apparently are competing for being the number one city in Alberta.
So do Ottawa and Toronto in Ontario.
亞Sam. 你好. 你是真正FUCKING A SO.😂請不要昌好 Calgary😂😂😂.