Very intering! Are you recommending what product to use for your clients, or are they telling you what they want and you provide? Also above a drone license, do you also have to have a 'dangerous chemicals' certificate of any sort?
It would be great if 2 TA E drones work on a field at the same time. DJI should bring such a system. If only we could do it without dividing the land, drones would spray one after another like tractors.
I enjoyed the great video.
Very intering! Are you recommending what product to use for your clients, or are they telling you what they want and you provide? Also above a drone license, do you also have to have a 'dangerous chemicals' certificate of any sort?
What is the time delay between the drones to ensure they not landing and taking off at the same time ?
How much do you charge per acre at 5 gal an acre?
It would be great if 2 TA E drones work on a field at the same time. DJI should bring such a system. If only we could do it without dividing the land, drones would spray one after another like tractors.
hi, i have a question, how do u record the camera of the drone, cause we check the red button for recording and it works for beging the spraying
Screen record on the remote.
Did you hear DJI have a new agras drone they call it: agras t100
And believe me it will not disappoint you just watch the video.
My trailer's better than yours. 😀