With debt up to over their heads. Vacations on Credit Cards. 1000.00 a month car payments, Insurance payments through the roof. The Government now wants real homeowners to tap equity and take on debt. All for Wall Street and un capitalized banisters. Get out of debt however you can.
Unfortunately, the people forget everything soon as a good govt comes in and gets the country's economy back on the right track. The first term of Trump's administration brought prosperity to the country. The same people that turned around and voted Biden are crying wolves now becuase they get what they voted for.
Stop the Foreign Aid...billions going to Countries that only want our checks and the 150 Billion spent on Illegals every year...every one of thise dollars are funded by the clueless Lemmings...a.k.a. American Taxpayers.
Definitely bring manufacturing back and put high tarrifs on goods coming into the US. i think we should still help other nations but not as much as we have and also only if we have our own debts and expensive in line.
@@kasheem1747 I call that Devastating. I call that Biden Shitonomics. It's a shame. Biden claims he created millions of jobs. Of course, shit jobs that pay nothing. Even shit jobs like Walmart , Mc Donald's are going out of business in case you haven't heard that news. I wish you well and always think highly of yourself. Be positive when looking for a job and hang with good people that can possibly open a door for you. I imagine you have plenty of friends but damn , if they can't do nothing for you .....then it's worthless for you. Meet good intelligent people. Yea, I was part of many crowds in my time just to be friends. But no friends were there when I needed to get my shit together. Meet good people.Even if it's a neighbor of your parents that's works for some good firm that might help you if your a likeable person. Meet with the good people. I was a rock drummer and left many friends behind as I got known.True friends were happy for me and others snubbed me but I did what I had to do. Best Wishes to you and remember......the way to a decent future ,is the one you create. 👍
I was in Washington state a month ago delivering a truck. I stopped at Jack In The box. I got myself and my wife a meal. That's two burgers. Two fries and two Cokes no milkshakes. No add-ons. Just two simple meals. The price with tax $34. I can literally go down to Safeway. Which is highly overpriced buy two t-bone steaks. Throw them on the grill for the same cost.....
Fine dining isn’t pleasant when you have no skin or boundaries and you’re waving around cutlery. Seems pretty clear to me. It’s a wonder that the concept took off in the first instance when people are like Venn diagrams 🤷🏻♀️ People are strange…
Yep their is not many left! That work with a big pension saved to never lose it! You have to be a business man to be in the new middle class, today! That years ago it was made up of all workers! People don't have the money to buy food~! It can never end well! Having the beginning of the end~ The lazy Silver Spooner Stockmarket slave owners are the reasons for all of it! They need to be not greedy, but take their money and open new business like more small business~!!!!!!
Maybe, but you still need an income of $240,000 to buy a home in the median price range. The federal government wants to include more people; they're being "nice".
Maybe thay don't "know",makes me wonder about this man's "facts",Lotta click bait/stretching of truth for/or media hype,(double speak/bullshit)going on these days...just saying,not saying.
@mikepalmer2219 - I had the same thought. Why are they keeping track of "rich people" spending money in their stores? What do they care? (Rhetorical questions)
Or maybe they are finally getting some brain cells and realize that Walmart stuff is just as good as expensive stuff. I have a good income and lots of money in the bank with 3 houses and I shop at Walmart and Dollarama and facebook marketplace. I know how to get quality stuff for next to nothing. Maybe the stupid baby boomers are finally dying off and the scroungers generation are starting to be the major players.
The scariest part is watching all your costs increase every year ! My house insurance went up $500 this year, and it's been rising every year, but this was the biggest increase ! Property taxes go up every year, as well as all costs of living ! It's only a matter of time before you're priced out of your home ! AND THEY HAVE A NERVE TO TALK ABOUT ENDING HOMELESSNESS ! THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AS LONG AS THIS COUNTRY KEEPS CAUSING IT !
I have been in biz over 30 years, own a lawn fertilization /pest control company. You don’t need a weed free or mosquito free yard. Customers l credit card declines are up with us, people cutting back on service. My avg home I service is over a million just outside Boston. Days on market increased with real estate price drops. We are on the verge of a crash.
New England states get hit hard when the economy is bad. But it doesn’t occur to the citizens of those states to do the unthinkable and VOTE REPUBLICAN. Citizens there are living in the past. They think it’s still the party of John F.Kennedy. Today’s Democrats are loyal to a fault ( TO FELLOW DEMOCRATS ) The future wellbeing of our country NEVER Enters the mind of a DEMOCRAT. LOOK HOW FAR WE’VE FALLEN IN 3 YEARS !!!
People flooding over the boarders, taxpayers money leaving the country, the "rich" taking out massive loans with no penalties and of course not paying taxes. I think this event might be something more than a simple repeat of a depression
I've had to go to the service desk to challenge the listed price against the register ring up. Basically, some of the listed prices on the shelves are not making it to the point of sale. Especially, the bulk items like fruit and veggies. It's your money...watch every dime...don't give it away.
I agree too! Walmart does not have the lowest prices here in South Central Florida. We are brainwashed to believe they have the lowest prices, but if you really compare them to local markets they often are higher. I only shop there now for things like paper towels and cleaning/hygiene products. Food? Forget it...they are much higher
@@SuperUAPmy life is line. My net worth has increased under Biden.. No complaints from me but I don't rely on any president to make my life better. Nobody will save you but you.
It's amazing to me how people won't acknowledge it until the media says it's one. I bet if trump wins they will announce it immediately and try to blame him.
@@dissident112should throw out the stock market its just a ponzi scheme along with to big to fail and housing prices are fucked because of county regulations making it cost a fortune to get anything done thus houses go threw the roof
The Walton family, already billionaires, made 10x profits since the 2020, but as soon as they were getting close to paying out more in benefits and pay, now all of a sudden they're crying poverty! please!, no .....what's a "good sign for the economy" is when a massive amount of people work for the most hours to make the least possible amount of pay and the CEOs can off shore their profits to avoid taxes!
Yep been that way ever since the great foreclosure crisis of 2008! Nothing got better only worse the people that lost everything never got any of it back, I know I was one of them! Homeless for five years! Then all you get is bad credit to keep us down to never get back up again! Having just more homeless, & broke, people! The dollar bill is trashed~! Because, of our wrong way energy usage, with '''burn away, all waste. no return''' Gas & Oil~^. GONE TO NEVER GET IT BACK That destroys the value of the Dollar all by itself~! Because gas pries reflect on everything we buy! Like nothing else can!~ No opinions just the facts!
Depression is no growth for a protracted period, usually years. Recession is negative growth after three months of same, for as long as it remains negative
Steven ... the U.S. has been in a Recession for more than two years, we are on the edge of a Depression, far worse than 1929 to 1939. 😢 Get ready ! It's coming ! ! ! 😮
Yep they the corporations are all out too take the money & run mode~ LIKE in china the investment bankers are building massive way over priced rental'$$$$$$$, That They will never fill with renters~! To be more of them than what they have now~! That they don't even rent out just to keep rent high!
So did the recession of 1981-2, the recession of 2001-3, and the 2008 economic debacle . . . prepared me . . . but it didn't teach a thing to the criminal banksters and capitalists.
Largest employer? Walmart only has part time staff. Why? Because those part time staff qualify for food stamps that get spent right back in Walmart. Taxpayers are the largest employers in America. Walmart get their workers for free!
How in the hell could walmart be broke, Corporate america is pimping again , Somebody. Tell this son of a bitch Is corporate prompts or sky rocketing , Stores like walmart gouge With their prices And as soon as they think their profit margin might shrink It's bad news for us little guys Somebody killed this doom and gloom God you shut the fuck up
@CraftEccentricity my wife made over 170k this year with her 70 k bonus..walmart is one of the best wage payers around for the regular folk..ur clearly uninformed of the truth..Lowes also is paying high like walmart..management makes livable wage happy life wage..store mangers can get 150 k bonuses at wally world so don't hate its better wages then all these so called America first companies
Walmart lost me with their illegal, unconstitutional random DUI check point style receipt checks when leaving store. Twice I've taken my entire cart directly to customer service and just returned it all, included frozen goods, rather than be subjected to that. When asked if I wanted to say why I was returning it, I just said "there's apparently some confusion about who it belongs to." In any case, now shop at Aldi, Costco, and Kroger, and do not miss Walmart.
Greedy inflation creators are the problem ToO dumb to do the math that is if you pay out peanuts in wages, with them expecting thousands back! Buy back stocks is like robing the bank~The over priced worthless housing by investment bankers will put us into the great depression! Because all of the homeless they create! Both parties are to blame One creates all the damage'$ being the ones that take your money! The other party ignores it all because of MAGA morons distraction games to keep dark money to run the gov... Listen to what the guy is saying in the video before you comment Robbie~^~ BIDEN HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT~!
@@rosaflorist8308I highly doubt that these days! There's a Damm camera and only God knows what else spying on every corner and in every stupid smart home. If you have a TV and WI Fi you are a victim too! They hi-jack your conversations and your private moments. Beware especially if you have a Siri or an Alexa bc they have been made for exactly this purpose!
I just went to a college graduation last week and it was heartbreaking to see all those kids about $100,000 in debt a piece on average most likely won't even get a chance at a good job with AI
You are optimistic. Only the subsidized minorities owe $100K. The non subsidized privileged SOB's ( that are actually poor white trash finally making a breakthrough) do not get any benefits.....They and their parents owe $175K. DIE Equity.
I'm tired of hearing about the poor kids with student debt. They took out loans and just like a house loan or a car loan or any loan, it has to be paid back. I don't hear of anyone forgiving house or car loans. What did they expect? What would have been wrong with working a couple of jobs and going to school part time?
My son of 20 just gradueted university on law. Has NO study debat because; Here in the nethetlands anual studycost are around 2000 box. During his time at high school hé worked in his freetome at a MC Donald as manager ( already at 17) now hé has his own bankaccount at 25K Now two offices want him 😊 Not bad to start a career... Proud father No j a b 's Esther!
@@only1joy I totally get what your saying. But there definitely is the real problem that many of the kids don't realize exactly what they're getting themselves into. It's not a high priority to teach kids about finance etc in public schools. And that is by design.
The cost of living went up because Joe Biden increased regulations and limitations on drilling on the oil industry to cripple production. That’s what caused inflation. Nothing to do with Capitalism.
Many ppl are buying house ranges from $200k to $350k and unfortunately they will be trapped in that 30 Yr mortgage with high property taxes, high insurance cost, high repair bills on the older homes. Ppl are buying these older homes like gold and expecting to make a profit. They will be bag holding these over price home as soon as the price goes down by 50%.
When they went to self checking, customers who did large shopping for groceries went to stores that still had cashiers. Now, customers go to Walmart for a few items.
As long as the idiots at the top continue to thrive and shore up everything it will always look OK but when they stop sending money overseas and for pet projects and no longer get their cut then it will crash down.
And another company called Placer. The apps we all use on our phones feed huge amounts of location and demographic data to data aggregation companies like Placer. It's not personally identifiable data, but Walmart still knows where their shoppers are coming from, where they go after shopping, where they live, where they work, income estimates, family demographic estimates, etc, etc because of companies like Placer.
We won't shop at wally world at all anymore. Nothing. We hv a local butcher- beef, & local Amish store store for chicken & pork. No hormones no antibiotics ect. Kansas here 😊😅 FJB & FWALLY- WORLD!
This is actually a good thing , because thousands of privately owned and family businesses went broke and had to close down because of Walmart , so they are getting a taste of their own medicine . It is no secret that we are in an Economic Depression and this will continue for awhile . Historically when Inflation happens it is slow and easy , it drives Cost of Living up but it is slow and easy , Wages also rise slowly to balance out the economy , BUT this time , over the last 3 years we have seen Inflation rise very fast and hard , Cost of Living is up in some areas more than 50% over the last three years ! The reason we will not see an end to this for some time is that Wages are not going to go up as fast as they are needed and that is going to hurt the Middle Class just as much as it does people who are at or below Poverty Level . The best thing for the Working Class at any level to do is start talking to your Senators and let them know you want Wage Increases across the board for your state , start with higher Minimum Wage and work from there . What is Inflation ? it is when The US Dollar is loosing value (that means it takes more Dollars to buy the same products and services ) , Your time as a worker is worth the same amount today as it was one year ago but in reality you are being paid less for the service you provide to your employer because The Dollar is worth less now then it was a year ago .
@@mike-indiana6643 That is not how it works , will prices go up ? yes , but that will happen either way and truthfully most Big Businesses plan for wage hikes when inflation happens and they figure it in to there futures . That's why all these companies have jacked their prices up already talking about labor costs , but most wage hikes have not even happened yet .
We shop ONLY at Walmart. Live in a small No. California town - Walmart is the best and almost only consumer goods source in town (pop. 30k+) We're old: retirement income and S.S. and we're grateful for their store.
@@Redpawdave They close down the smaller cheaper stores in Rural and poor white and black people they will probably aim at the Jewish people's as well now given the chance Democrats don't like losing
You're on it now Steve!! People burn through their credit as a last resort. So we're almost there. Once we get into job loss season (August through January), millions more will be maxing out credit and defaulting.
What next is, people are going to start breaking into homes. It has already started with the stores. People are desperate, especially when people can’t eat.
I went to Walmart yesterday to buy a printer cartridge. The sales woman had an attitude about unlocking the cage to get one for me. I told her it was not my fault that people shoplifted.
When I ask someone at Walmart to unlock 🔑 the cabinet for me, they always tell me they can't and to ask the next person. And of course, the person they refer me to says the same thing. They all work in the area, but none of them can help me.
@@lion_of_zion1442you are out of your effing gourd! It's your generation that sucks! Its the self entitled millennials first and now Gens XY and Z that have really done U.S. in! We used to work for everything we got! Now they lay back and expect for their life to be handed to them on a crystal platter! If you even know what that is! Get a job! Repulsive!
What China do to you? Lucky China don’t wake up and think about you or AMERICA. They got 1.4 billion people to worry about. Meanwhile our government can’t even govern a chicken coop 😂😂😂😂😂 you stupid
Walmart going broke..thats what happens when people dont have money to spend..also maybe their lavish lifestyle and giving away money thats just a tax writeoff...oh well going to miss walmart.. naaaaw ..just by my foriegn imports elsewhere.. not much made in america in their stores...
Recession started in ‘08. QE and continued stimulus has kept everything propped up. Those using the stock market as an indicator are being misled. We , the taxpayers are paying the economy forward and the inflation is making it unsustainable by restricting M2 money supply. We have now lost over 92% of the dollars buying power.
Stopped shopping at Publix and started shopping at walmart a few months ago. It is a big savings, 25 to 35 percent lower. Walmart is dirty, the people are dirty, and it appears dangerous. I don't wear my watch or good shoes.
@@lynnbaker2336central Florida. It used to be basically white people. now multicultural. I work in South Florida, it is worse down there people being shipped in.
How is it that wealthy people struggle Economically, explain that to me. They get bailed out every time, get tax breaks, they have monopolies... No simpathy from me.
Look no further than 2008 and all the bankers that ran scams and imploded the system.They got huge bonuses and not one went to prison.He who has the gold makes the rules.
How does Walmart know if their customers are wealthy or not? Is it from increased sales in wealthier neighborhoods? Or do they do surveys? Do they monitor the type of cars in the parking lots?
Well, he encouraged people to storm the capital, suggested drinking bleach during Covid and put classified documents in his bathroom in Florida, made 40% of people feel unwelcome here, mandated auto manufacturers to retool factories to make gasoline engines LESS fuel efficient............I could go on. Jared got billions from the Saudi's, not crooked enough for you?????
This country has become a nation of depressed , stressed out unhappy people.
With debt up to over their heads.
Vacations on Credit Cards. 1000.00 a month car payments, Insurance payments through the roof. The Government now wants real homeowners to tap equity and take on debt. All for Wall Street and un capitalized banisters.
Get out of debt however you can.
It’s much worse than that.
@@theyareherewithus2944 yes ma'am it has.
@BlueSkiesDay lol right
"Build Back Better" in ACTION! Allowing criminals to run your government will NEVER turn out well!!!
Walmart, if you want to loose stop playing there games!
Unfortunately, the people forget everything soon as a good govt comes in and gets the country's economy back on the right track. The first term of Trump's administration brought prosperity to the country. The same people that turned around and voted Biden are crying wolves now becuase they get what they voted for.
@@israelolupelumi8208Then how do you explain Walmarts capital gains under Biden? Are you suggesting the feds should ramp up antitrust enforcement?
You imply Trump is NOT a criminal? Tribal idiots are the real problem.
Republicans are the criminals
Bring the factory jobs back and stop spending tax dollars on other countries
Stop the Foreign Aid...billions going to Countries that only want our checks and the 150 Billion spent on Illegals every year...every one of thise dollars are funded by the clueless Lemmings...a.k.a. American Taxpayers.
Definitely bring manufacturing back and put high tarrifs on goods coming into the US. i think we should still help other nations but not as much as we have and also only if we have our own debts and expensive in line.
They won't it's how the rich get richer
We are not smart. ( as a country )
also we need to defund and break up BlackRock, Vanguard & State Street as they plan to move investment capital from the USA to rebuild China.
WalMart is not broke, customers are. If we do not have the money to spend, we do not.
Rich. people living conditions and lifestyle, can't be affected
exactly..money has to circulate
Recession is when your friend loses his job.
Depression is when you lose your job.
Recovery is when LGB loses his job.
@@kasheem1747 I call that Devastating. I call that Biden Shitonomics. It's a shame. Biden claims he created millions of jobs. Of course, shit jobs that pay nothing. Even shit jobs like Walmart , Mc Donald's are going out of business in case you haven't heard that news. I wish you well and always think highly of yourself. Be positive when looking for a job and hang with good people that can possibly open a door for you. I imagine you have plenty of friends but damn , if they can't do nothing for you .....then it's worthless for you. Meet good intelligent people.
Yea, I was part of many crowds in my time just to be friends. But no friends were there when I needed to get my shit together. Meet good people.Even if it's a neighbor of your parents that's works for some good firm that might help you if your a likeable person. Meet with the good people. I was a rock drummer and left many friends behind as I got known.True friends were happy for me and others snubbed me but I did what I had to do.
Best Wishes to you and remember......the way to a decent future ,is the one you create. 👍
Do you look both ways before crossing too??? GENUIS!!!
My grandfather used to say that
Look at the entire restaurant industry. High end restaurants are all going out of business. The restaurant market tells everything all the time .
who the hell would pay 18.00 for a McDonald's happy meal
A lot of former restaurant employees care.
I was in Washington state a month ago delivering a truck. I stopped at Jack In The box. I got myself and my wife a meal. That's two burgers. Two fries and two Cokes no milkshakes. No add-ons. Just two simple meals. The price with tax $34. I can literally go down to Safeway. Which is highly overpriced buy two t-bone steaks. Throw them on the grill for the same cost.....
yes shit quality and high prices won't get far as a business model
Fine dining isn’t pleasant when you have no skin or boundaries and you’re waving around cutlery. Seems pretty clear to me. It’s a wonder that the concept took off in the first instance when people are like Venn diagrams 🤷🏻♀️ People are strange…
I have news for you. The middle class has become poor. They are saying to be middle class in today's world you have to make 160,000 a year.
Yep their is not many left! That work with a big pension saved to never lose it! You have to be a business man to be in the new middle class, today!
That years ago it was made up of all workers! People don't have the money to buy food~! It can never end well! Having the beginning of the end~
The lazy Silver Spooner Stockmarket slave owners are the reasons for all of it! They need to be not greedy, but take their money and open new business like more small business~!!!!!!
Maybe, but you still need an income of $240,000 to buy a home in the median price range.
The federal government wants to include more people; they're being "nice".
I say 160k is the line these days but 200k is more like it
let alone be educated, cultured, refined and a snobby git.
for the first time in 50 years, I have been classified by both the state and federal government as "low income".
What is even more disturbing is that they know which people are shopping there.
Maybe thay don't "know",makes me wonder about this man's "facts",Lotta click bait/stretching of truth for/or media hype,(double speak/bullshit)going on these days...just saying,not saying.
I mean it's not rocket science
@mikepalmer2219 - I had the same thought. Why are they keeping track of "rich people" spending money in their stores? What do they care? (Rhetorical questions)
It is not that hard to find out, market research of high end outlets and middle end outlets, to see what is happening with their sales.
When rich ppl start hitting Walmart it's sign of an impending depression.
Whatre you talking about, i see people driving luxury sedans hop out and walk into goodwills all the time. Frugal is as frugal does
Or maybe they are finally getting some brain cells and realize that Walmart stuff is just as good as expensive stuff.
I have a good income and lots of money in the bank with 3 houses and I shop at Walmart and Dollarama and facebook marketplace. I know how to get quality stuff for next to nothing. Maybe the stupid baby boomers are finally dying off and the scroungers generation are starting to be the major players.
Those are insane old people. Not suburban soccer moms spending hubbie's money.@@Wahinies
Dadee Dadee Dadee. Walmart bought into being the surveillance center. Hope they make it.
When rich people go to buy where the poor buy, prices go up.
The scariest part is watching all your costs increase every year ! My house insurance went up $500 this year, and it's been rising every year, but this was the biggest increase !
Property taxes go up every year, as well as all costs of living ! It's only a matter of time before you're priced out of your home !
Mine home insurance went up $400 a month.
We've been in a depression since 2008.... No one has the courage to say so or can't see the forest for the trees.
Best evidence YT channel shows huge Injections into the economy since then and other tomfoolery. We can't complain of a boring era!
Even in New Zealand we're still paying for that scam
Recession definitely.
you get it.
QE was always kicking the can down the road...and we just never stopped...
People do not like self-service when they’re buying a lot of groceries
I have been in biz over 30 years, own a lawn fertilization /pest control company. You don’t need a weed free or mosquito free yard. Customers l credit card declines are up with us, people cutting back on service. My avg home I service is over a million just outside Boston. Days on market increased with real estate price drops. We are on the verge of a crash.
Spreading 2-4D and glyphosates should be illegal. Let me guess, you have no education for a real job.
pretty much.
We need a real estate crash.
Prices are completely out of whack with incomes.
Yep...you also see people letting their yards go....cutting gardeners
New England states get hit hard when the economy is bad. But it doesn’t occur to the citizens of those states to do the unthinkable and VOTE REPUBLICAN. Citizens there are living in the past. They think it’s still the party of John F.Kennedy. Today’s Democrats are loyal to a fault ( TO FELLOW DEMOCRATS ) The future wellbeing of our country NEVER Enters the mind of a DEMOCRAT.
If you think inflation is down you must not be buying anything.
Or you're a cess pool democratic party controlled indoctrinated " Bozo " biden😈 surrogate-???🤔.
I don't see any rich/wealthy people when I go to Walmart. As a matter of fact, I don't see a whole lot of people, period
I see South America 😒
Your Walmart must be under performing, you can't walk through the Walmarts in our city.
People flooding over the boarders, taxpayers money leaving the country, the "rich" taking out massive loans with no penalties and of course not paying taxes.
I think this event might be something more than a simple repeat of a depression
I disagree, Walmart doesn’t have lowest prices and they have a tendency to ring up higher prices at the register.
Amen I totally agree. I am glad I am not the only one that noticed that.
I've had to go to the service desk to challenge the listed price against the register ring up. Basically, some of the listed prices on the shelves are not making it to the point of sale. Especially, the bulk items like fruit and veggies. It's your money...watch every dime...don't give it away.
I agree too! Walmart does not have the lowest prices here in South Central Florida. We are brainwashed to believe they have the lowest prices, but if you really compare them to local markets they often are higher. I only shop there now for things like paper towels and cleaning/hygiene products. Food? Forget it...they are much higher
Aldi's beats WalMart's ass for pricing, especially fruits and vegetables and meats.
Yep...I don't shop there...I use Family Dollar
Yet there are people still voting for that fool.
Yes Trump is a fool 👍🏼
@@thinkforyourself9334ignorant. This would never happen under his leadership. Sit back down at the kids table where your intelligence level belongs.
@@thinkforyourself9334Biden is the one doing this, are you daft?
"my names Joe Biden and I'm Joe biden's husband" - biden
@@SuperUAPmy life is line. My net worth has increased under Biden.. No complaints from me but I don't rely on any president to make my life better. Nobody will save you but you.
We have been in a recession, we are headed for a depression!
It's amazing to me how people won't acknowledge it until the media says it's one. I bet if trump wins they will announce it immediately and try to blame him.
This is not 2024 it's really 1960 with an inverted curve as the recession and then depression will probably start.
@@dissident112should throw out the stock market its just a ponzi scheme along with to big to fail and housing prices are fucked because of county regulations making it cost a fortune to get anything done thus houses go threw the roof
Why would you hope for a depression? @@dissident112
I've been praying for one. It's time the entitled get a dosage of reality.
The Walton family, already billionaires, made 10x profits since the 2020, but as soon as they were getting close to paying out more in benefits and pay, now all of a sudden they're crying poverty! please!, no .....what's a "good sign for the economy" is when a massive amount of people work for the most hours to make the least possible amount of pay and the CEOs can off shore their profits to avoid taxes!
We are so broke that the presidents chef shops at Walmart. He just doesn’t tell him.
Yup, pandemic times they were paying $17.00 an hour and now $14.00 in my area.
@@mightywind7595why is it that when people say my area they never say where that is so we can have an idea of something to compare it to
. . . Things have really gone downhill at "Walton's Mountain." John-Boy will have to take on a second job!
It's a DEPRESSION >not a recession
Yep been that way ever since the great foreclosure crisis of 2008! Nothing got better only worse the people that lost everything never got any of it back, I know I was one of them!
Homeless for five years! Then all you get is bad credit to keep us down to never get back up again! Having just more homeless, & broke, people! The dollar bill is trashed~!
Because, of our wrong way energy usage, with '''burn away, all waste. no return''' Gas & Oil~^. GONE TO NEVER GET IT BACK That destroys the value of the Dollar all by itself~!
Because gas pries reflect on everything we buy! Like nothing else can!~ No opinions just the facts!
Been saying DEPRESSION for years now even though our gvt experts refuse to use the word.
Depression is no growth for a protracted period, usually years. Recession is negative growth after three months of same, for as long as it remains negative
Its a total collapse. Fiet is worthless. The Government is going to prove it to the sleeping population.
I hope yall have taken the last 15 years to stack silver and Gold.
Bullhock walmart should be ashamed of themselves their actions speak louder than words.
Steven ... the U.S. has been in a Recession for more than two years, we are on the edge of a Depression, far worse than 1929 to 1939. 😢 Get ready ! It's coming ! ! ! 😮
Yup, this one is gonna make 1929 look like a kids game.
Yep they the corporations are all out too take the money & run mode~ LIKE in china the investment bankers are building massive way over priced rental'$$$$$$$,
That They will never fill with renters~! To be more of them than what they have now~! That they don't even rent out just to keep rent high!
I'm scared
@@juliemanarin4127 I’m scared also.
The entire Walton family dumped over 400 million dollars in Walmart stock....
This happened a few months ago
--I know, John-Boy told me about his losses.
The only good thing about 2008 is it prepared me for this economy
Thats a good point
So did the recession of 1981-2, the recession of 2001-3, and the 2008 economic debacle . . . prepared me . . . but it didn't teach a thing to the criminal banksters and capitalists.
Our country is about to go through the scariest time we have EVER SEEN! Stock up on essentials & protection!
Largest employer of Americans....this is going to get ugly.
Digital wealth transfer
Largest employer? Walmart only has part time staff. Why? Because those part time staff qualify for food stamps that get spent right back in Walmart. Taxpayers are the largest employers in America. Walmart get their workers for free!
@@CraftEccentricity More Americans work at Walmart than any other company.
How in the hell could walmart be broke, Corporate america is pimping again , Somebody.
Tell this son of a bitch Is corporate prompts or sky rocketing , Stores like walmart gouge With their prices And as soon as they think their profit margin might shrink It's bad news for us little guys Somebody killed this doom and gloom God you shut the fuck up
@CraftEccentricity my wife made over 170k this year with her 70 k bonus..walmart is one of the best wage payers around for the regular folk..ur clearly uninformed of the truth..Lowes also is paying high like walmart..management makes livable wage happy life wage..store mangers can get 150 k bonuses at wally world so don't hate its better wages then all these so called America first companies
Walmart lost me with their illegal, unconstitutional random DUI check point style receipt checks when leaving store. Twice I've taken my entire cart directly to customer service and just returned it all, included frozen goods, rather than be subjected to that. When asked if I wanted to say why I was returning it, I just said "there's apparently some confusion about who it belongs to." In any case, now shop at Aldi, Costco, and Kroger, and do not miss Walmart.
Costco stops every customer and verifies every receipt....
Boo hoo!
@@tomasc4875I love costco
As a paying member to shop there you have consented tp receipt verification. Walmart doesn't have that consent.
I just tell them no thank you and keep walking if I'm shopping for regular stuff. I will show them my receipt voluntarily on large purchases.
I prefer not to shop at walmart. I’d rather use a better class store like dollar general.
?? Invite you to research what goes on behind the Dollar General doors....
Dollar General???🤯 How about HEB
Dollar General is more expensive than Safeway...
Dollar tree better
Walmart is a monopoly. They have just about driven most retail out of existence
Tell that forgetful old man in the White House. He thinks the economy is great.
Greedy inflation creators are the problem ToO dumb to do the math that is if you pay out peanuts in wages, with them expecting thousands back! Buy back stocks is like robing the bank~The over priced worthless housing by investment bankers will put us into the great depression! Because all of the homeless they create!
Both parties are to blame One creates all the damage'$ being the ones that take your money! The other party ignores it all because of MAGA morons distraction games to keep dark money to run the gov... Listen to what the guy is saying in the video before you comment Robbie~^~ BIDEN HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT~!
It is... you just buy into the PROPAGANDA 😮👀👂👂✨
@paige8991 it is still My Post 😘👀👂👂✨😘
Keep the masses living from paycheck to paycheck to control them.
The masses did it to themselves starting in high school.
@deker0954 sounds like you never finished school.
A minimum wage worker at the poverty level during the Great Depression made around $70k in today's money.
Shocking! I never realized how poor people were back then.
@@ReeseL4DI dont think that's what its saying lol
@@woundeddove power of the dollar in the past was lot better, now it's become a dying fiat.
How can a company be broke that owns everything including the distributors that's been ripping everyone off for decades be broke?
A great example of surveillance of all Americans!
How else would they know?
The UK is worse for surveillance.
@@rosaflorist8308I highly doubt that these days! There's a Damm camera and only God knows what else spying on every corner and in every stupid smart home. If you have a TV and WI Fi you are a victim too! They hi-jack your conversations and your private moments. Beware especially if you have a Siri or an Alexa bc they have been made for exactly this purpose!
Walmart has become a major facial recognition data source, for sale. Think about it. How many people don't go to Walmart? Just guessing.
I don't know why so many people go to walmart when it's not that cheap and the cameras everywhere make you feel like a criminal just for being there.
Market research!
WalMarts prices are crazy , they are just to greedy !!!
More like the big depression.
Isn't it?
The value of the dollar is going down the drain.
Money Vs Currency:
Zero accurate price discovery
Zero currency escape velocity
-BTU's Vs +ROI, generational sustainability critical...
I would love Walmart to go under. I think that it is time to put an end to the monopolies
America's largest employer you want to go broke. Your a idiot .
I just went to a college graduation last week and it was heartbreaking to see all those kids about $100,000 in debt a piece on average most likely won't even get a chance at a good job with AI
You are optimistic. Only the subsidized minorities owe $100K. The non subsidized privileged SOB's ( that are actually poor white trash finally making a breakthrough) do not get any benefits.....They and their parents owe $175K. DIE Equity.
I'm tired of hearing about the poor kids with student debt. They took out loans and just like a house loan or a car loan or any loan, it has to be paid back. I don't hear of anyone forgiving house or car loans. What did they expect? What would have been wrong with working a couple of jobs and going to school part time?
Yeah we need that money for bombs and government employees pensions. You gotsta keep the priorities straight.
My son of 20 just gradueted university on law. Has NO study debat because;
Here in the nethetlands anual studycost are around 2000 box. During his time at high school hé worked in his freetome at a MC Donald as manager ( already at 17) now hé has his own bankaccount at 25K
Now two offices want him 😊
Not bad to start a career...
Proud father
No j a b 's Esther!
I totally get what your saying. But there definitely is the real problem that many of the kids don't realize exactly what they're getting themselves into. It's not a high priority to teach kids about finance etc in public schools. And that is by design.
Ignoring the damages greed does to capitalism is the problem. Greed destroys economies and countries.
The cost of living went up because Joe Biden increased regulations and limitations on drilling on the oil industry to cripple production. That’s what caused inflation. Nothing to do with Capitalism.
Many ppl are buying house ranges from $200k to $350k and unfortunately they will be trapped in that 30 Yr mortgage with high property taxes, high insurance cost, high repair bills on the older homes. Ppl are buying these older homes like gold and expecting to make a profit. They will be bag holding these over price home as soon as the price goes down by 50%.
C'mon man!
When they went to self checking, customers who did large shopping for groceries went to stores that still had cashiers. Now, customers go to Walmart for a few items.
This all shouldve tumbled down 2 years ago
It's going to tumble down as soon as the election season is over. They won't have anymore reasons to prop up the markets by then.
As long as the idiots at the top continue to thrive and shore up everything it will always look OK but when they stop sending money overseas and for pet projects and no longer get their cut then it will crash down.
How about 1971 when the gold standard was removed
Same old Lie
too big too Fail... B.S.
yep but they wanted to keep rolling that snowball
Well, The Bigger they are , The Harder they Fall!!!
Please tell me how Wal-Mart knows which
Customers are wealthy.?
A company called Finicity
And another company called Placer. The apps we all use on our phones feed huge amounts of location and demographic data to data aggregation companies like Placer. It's not personally identifiable data, but Walmart still knows where their shoppers are coming from, where they go after shopping, where they live, where they work, income estimates, family demographic estimates, etc, etc because of companies like Placer.
I have Never been a social-climbing status seeker... thank God. I can shop anywhere without pride or embarrassment! It's all good! Lol...
The monopoly guy was spotted there.
We stopped eating out as much about a year ago. It is crazy expensive now!
We won't shop at wally world at all anymore. Nothing. We hv a local butcher- beef, & local Amish store store for chicken & pork. No hormones no antibiotics ect. Kansas here 😊😅 FJB & FWALLY- WORLD!
I wish I could click my heels and be in Kansas. Sounds nice
I’ve had Walmart on boycott status for a couple of months now, I can’t be alone.
You're not.
The whole country is broke 🤣🤣🤣
They've made excessive donations to their fave so-called candidate
So no one is gonna blame for corporate greed
Bottom up (more poor people), top down (wealthier spending less), middle out (the end of the middle class).
How are we having this problems with money, we are helping migrants. Make it make sense.
This is actually a good thing , because thousands of privately owned and family businesses went broke and had to close down because of Walmart , so they are getting a taste of their own medicine . It is no secret that we are in an Economic Depression and this will continue for awhile . Historically when Inflation happens it is slow and easy , it drives Cost of Living up but it is slow and easy , Wages also rise slowly to balance out the economy , BUT this time , over the last 3 years we have seen Inflation rise very fast and hard , Cost of Living is up in some areas more than 50% over the last three years ! The reason we will not see an end to this for some time is that Wages are not going to go up as fast as they are needed and that is going to hurt the Middle Class just as much as it does people who are at or below Poverty Level . The best thing for the Working Class at any level to do is start talking to your Senators and let them know you want Wage Increases across the board for your state , start with higher Minimum Wage and work from there . What is Inflation ? it is when The US Dollar is loosing value (that means it takes more Dollars to buy the same products and services ) , Your time as a worker is worth the same amount today as it was one year ago but in reality you are being paid less for the service you provide to your employer because The Dollar is worth less now then it was a year ago .
@@mike-indiana6643 That is not how it works , will prices go up ? yes , but that will happen either way and truthfully most Big Businesses plan for wage hikes when inflation happens and they figure it in to there futures . That's why all these companies have jacked their prices up already talking about labor costs , but most wage hikes have not even happened yet .
$100000 3 yrs ago is $84000 now. $ 26000 just disappeared in thin air. The magic money machine caused it according to Peter S.
Walmart treats business partners horribly
Will not go to Walmart for anything. Terrible place to buy anything. All crappy products. Do not stand behind warranties.
I've not shopped in Walmart in over 20 years. Maybe others are getting to the realization that Walmart sells mostly crap.
I shop at 89cent store in immigrant hoods.
We shop ONLY at Walmart. Live in a small No. California town - Walmart is the best and almost only consumer goods source in town (pop. 30k+) We're old: retirement income and S.S. and we're grateful for their store.
@@Redpawdave They close down the smaller cheaper stores in Rural and poor white and black people they will probably aim at the Jewish people's as well now given the chance Democrats don't like losing
Walmart free cash is up 2nd year in a row. Walmart revenues up 3rd year in a row. It doesn't sound bad to be a WMT$ investor.
when you see Bill Gates at Aldi , you know that shtf
I don’t know, they have some interesting cheeses… and such… 🙃
You're on it now Steve!! People burn through their credit as a last resort. So we're almost there. Once we get into job loss season (August through January), millions more will be maxing out credit and defaulting.
We is doomed... it's all gunna crash like a mofo.
For realskie, broskie..
Couldn't have said it better myself.... well maybe I could?
Black ☠️ Friday
We is doomed, where the fuck did you go to school?
The US has become a consumer. Other than for agricultural food products, we produce almost nothing in the US.
The way walmart treats their employees. I would never shop there.
The way the customers treat the customers too and they don’t even work there…
What were you an employee?
What next is, people are going to start breaking into homes. It has already started with the stores. People are desperate, especially when people can’t eat.
We will start seeing kidnappings
That's already happening
They can try,
Once upon a time America was starting to roll.
It takes a certain type of leader to slingshot this disaster.
I said 5 years ago that Walmart will end up like Walmart if they don't change, well here you go
Thank God i have no redit card debt and my house is paid for. Of course im 64 years old.
We are living in a cesspool mis-managed by political, economic and social criminals of every stripe for the last few decades.
Consumer debt has skyrocketed, that's more important than anything!!
And dont forget about the constant store closures in so many other chains.
First they treated employees badly . Screw them !!!
The cost of cars and gas have reached a breaking point everybody’s buying motorcycles.
I think that we're already in a silent depression.
No it's a WORLDWIDE RECESSION AND banks will continue to close, ppl out of work, long food lines!! Get your bills paid and don't go into debt!!!
They waisted money on those stupid self check out and locks on their machines !
I went to Walmart yesterday to buy a printer cartridge. The sales woman had an attitude about unlocking the cage to get one for me. I told her it was not my fault that people shoplifted.
When I get that attitude from someone I ask them"who are you mad at" and they pretty much always immediately change their attitude.
When I ask someone at Walmart to unlock 🔑 the cabinet for me, they always tell me they can't and to ask the next person. And of course, the person they refer me to says the same thing. They all work in the area, but none of them can help me.
Yes, not only me .But my coworkers are struggling from pay check to pay check to survive.
screw chinamart
It's your selfish generations fault
@@lion_of_zion1442you are out of your effing gourd! It's your generation that sucks! Its the self entitled millennials first and now Gens XY and Z that have really done U.S. in! We used to work for everything we got! Now they lay back and expect for their life to be handed to them on a crystal platter! If you even know what that is! Get a job! Repulsive!
This video is about Walmart, not Amazon.
What China do to you? Lucky China don’t wake up and think about you or AMERICA. They got 1.4 billion people to worry about. Meanwhile our government can’t even govern a chicken coop 😂😂😂😂😂 you stupid
Ok boomer 😂
Stock Market at all time highs. Economy is booming. Build Back Better is working
Meats and Potatoes nation people lining up for soups like in 1929
They were called,,,Soupers....
Lines at food pantries are already incredible
And no one is exempt from it! Fjb!
Politicians eat from "Iron Rice Bowl"
Walmart going broke..thats what happens when people dont have money to spend..also maybe their lavish lifestyle and giving away money thats just a tax writeoff...oh well going to miss walmart.. naaaaw ..just by my foriegn imports elsewhere.. not much made in america in their stores...
Recession started in ‘08. QE and continued stimulus has kept everything propped up.
Those using the stock market as an indicator are being misled.
We , the taxpayers are paying the economy forward and the inflation is making it unsustainable by restricting M2 money supply.
We have now lost over 92% of the dollars buying power.
Sam would be ok with Wal Mart going belly up, they have earned it.
Stopped shopping at Publix and started shopping at walmart a few months ago. It is a big savings, 25 to 35 percent lower. Walmart is dirty, the people are dirty, and it appears dangerous. I don't wear my watch or good shoes.
I shop at Publix I won't give that witch who owns Walmart another dime
Where do you live?
Dangerous don't wear your watch or good shoes ? Where the hell do you live?
@@Andy-t5eStraight Outta Compton
@@lynnbaker2336central Florida. It used to be basically white people. now multicultural. I work in South Florida, it is worse down there people being shipped in.
They charge high prices and don’t pay much to their employees.
I can’t afford Walmart.
We need to keep that Riff Raff out of our store ! They stink like fear!
I love doom and gloom. I can’t sleep at night anyway so this just helps me stay awake thank you.
I don't know how Steven is able to think of all these unthinkables. He must have some special super powers 😁
This began at the voting machine.
Epic crash coming
This is important Intel. No way MSM will tell the citizenry about this.
I agree ☝️
How is it that wealthy people struggle Economically, explain that to me.
They get bailed out every time, get tax breaks, they have monopolies...
No simpathy from me.
Look no further than 2008 and all the bankers that ran scams and imploded the system.They got huge bonuses and not one went to prison.He who has the gold makes the rules.
The economy has got me squeezed so tight that all the buffalo on my nickels are pooping
Excellent!! Everything is going according to plan.😂🎉😂
I just imagined you said this as Monty Burns. Which is probably what is in fact happening here…
We used to shop at Target, we now shop Walmart......had nothing to do with the rescission..
Target is nothing but a high priced W-M.
The US has been in recession since 11/23. Black friday sales still going 6 months later. Inflation in double digits and salary has grown 3% at best
Maybe Black Friday sales were off because no one needs a sixth flat screen TV.
Highly doubt WalMart is broke…it’s us that’s broke
Go woke go broke!
Wal-Mart is doing better on their internet sales
How does Walmart know if their customers are wealthy or not? Is it from increased sales in wealthier neighborhoods? Or do they do surveys? Do they monitor the type of cars in the parking lots?
Anyone in retail knows what's coming. I can tell you that things are getting dire. I haven't seen anything like it since 2008.
We used to do postal code surveys when i worked there years ago. I would assume that US stores did the same.
Lol I am betting from all those tiny scanners and trackers they put in everything.
from delivery addresses of their online sales, which were up 22%.
Its because i stand at the door of every walmart and ask people if they are wealthy or not.
Walmart are rude in general.
OMG!! We need Trump now!! He hasn't done anything but help us recover from these crooked politicians.
Well, he encouraged people to storm the capital, suggested drinking bleach during Covid and put classified documents in his bathroom in Florida, made 40% of people feel unwelcome here, mandated auto manufacturers to retool factories to make gasoline engines LESS fuel efficient............I could go on. Jared got billions from the Saudi's, not crooked enough for you?????