Hmm, you seemed to have left out A/C three phase current to D/C conversion via diodes and being put through a regulator to supply power to the electrical system and how it charges but doesn't cook the battery. All you just said was "spinny magnet thing in a copper windy thing is good". People are dumber now than before they watched the video.
Nice tutorial sir,,i learned a lot to your videos,now i used and apply to my videos too..thank you.keep it up.
nice explanation sir, thank you
Looks like a beautiful cb750F engine 🧐🤩
Super demonstration
How the power from battery is given to rotating rotor to make it an electro magnet
Power apply to the stationery field winding, it then make the rotor into magnet. Same as wire(field winding) wrap around a nail(rotor).
i need an alt for my e motorcycle
Hmm, you seemed to have left out A/C three phase current to D/C conversion via diodes and being put through a regulator to supply power to the electrical system and how it charges but doesn't cook the battery. All you just said was "spinny magnet thing in a copper windy thing is good". People are dumber now than before they watched the video.